The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1910, Image 1

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    Ksb. Stat Hilton Sao.
titoittb Journal.
NO 5
.If A A
Action Taken by Council at the Special Session Last Night Ad
dress Made by Representative of the Contractor.
From Thursday'! Daily
At the call of the mayor and all
members, a special meeting of the
council to be held last evening at the
council chamber which was signed
by every councilman In the city, a
meeting was held according to the
call. Every member was present
when the maycr rapped for order.
Three subjects for consideration
were specified In the call: That of
considering the report of the streets,
alleys and bridges committee on the
bids for the contract of doing the
paving of district No. three, and the
matter of passing the ordinance auth
orizing the bonds to the amount of
$12,000 for the paving, and the mat
ter entering the assessment of a spec
ial tax against lots 1 and 2 in block
11, being the M. Whelan property
for the amount of the cost of the
concrete walk constructed there in
1907, the amount being $47, the ex
pense of which has never been paid
to the contractor, II. C. McMaken.
The ordinance authorizing the is
suance of the bonds was called up
first, and on motion of Mr. Dwyer,
Clerk Elster read the ordinance, af
ter which Mr. Dwyer moved to sus
pend the rules and place the ordi
nance cu lea second and third read
ing by title, for final passage. The
motion carried by a full vote of the
council, the ordinance was then read
twice more by title, and the ayes and
nays were called, the vote being un
animous for the passage of the ordi
nance. The report of the streets, alleys
and bridges committee on the matter
of bids for the contract for paving
district number three was then call
ed for and handed In by Chairman
Weber of the committee. The report
recommended the acceptance of the
bid of M. Ford, on specifications of
class A paving and Class A curb for
all the district except Vine street
between Sixth and Seventh streets
where class B paving will be called
It was then moved by Mr. Dwyer
that the report be accepted and the
contract be let to M. Ford. At that
moment Councilman Bookmeyer
arose and stated that he thought
there was a better block than the
one furnished by the Ford people;
he did not proceed further, as Mayor
Sattler called him to order, and wait
ed a few seconds for a second to Mr.
Dwyer's motion. The motion was
then seconded by Councilman Dovey,
and on calling the roll, every council
man voted aye except Bookmeyer who
refused to vote.
As soon as the vote was recorded
and announced, Mr. Decker, repre
senting the bid of J. A. Beebe, stated
that he would like to address coun
cil. This was objected to until the
other business was disposed of.
Mr. Dovey, then, as chairman of
the claims committee, brought in a
report and resolution on the claim
of H. C. McMaken & Son for $47 for
the concrete walk laid adjacent to
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Svoboda held
a family reunion at their daughter's
home, Mrs. John Kopla, west of the
city last Sunday. The four daughters
were all present on this occasion and
enjoyed getting together once more.
The daughters present were: Mrs.
Morarle of Racine, Wis.; Miss Julia
Svoboda, of Omaha; Mrs. J. Koukal
and Miss Elblna Svoboda. Twelve
grandchildren were present. The
nieces and nephews of Mr. and Mrs.
Svoboda came out to the farm In the
afternoon, and all had a very pleas
ant time. Those were Mr. and Mrs.
F. Slavicek, Mr. and Mrs. W. Book
meyer, Mr and Mrs. J. Svoboda, Mrs.
Jim Skounial and Miss R. Haines
and Mrs. Wooster.
John Whitman of Nehawka and
Mrs. William Ketch were In the city
today looking after the estate of Mrs.
Ketch's deceased husband. Mr. Ketch
is the man who died suddenly in the
harvest field near Nehawka some
weeks ago.
the Whalen property in Thompson's
addition. Mr. Weber moved the
adoption of the resolution and the
receiving of the report of the com
mittee. The resolution prepared by
the city attorney perported to levy a
special assessment against the prop
erty of Mr. Whalen for the amount
of $47 and make it a lien on the
property. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Dovey. When the mayor call
ed for remarks on the motion, Coun
cilman Dwyer raised an earnest pro
test against the adoption of the reso
lution on the ground that the city
had never made any contract to have
the work done, and that a similar
bill had been disallowed by the coun
cil and there was no appeal from this
disallowance which was the only rem
edy, and that if the council allowed
the assessment and Mr. Whalen want
ed to sell his property, and this side
walk lien prevented the sale, then the
city would be in for a law suit.
Mr. Weber replied to this by say
ing that he was guided by the ad
vice of the city attorney whom the
city paid a salary to look into such
matters as this and after careful in
vestigation, had advised the adoption
of the special assessment. And for
this reason Mr. Weber was for the
assessment. On calling for the ayes
and nays, all voted in the affirmative
except Councilman Dwyer and Coun
cilman Shea, who voted in the neg
ative. The bond of the new clerk, B. G.
Wurl for $500 was read with sure
ties, Fred Egenberger and H. M.
Soennlchsen, and Mr. Wurl was
sworn In. The matter of approving
the bond being put off to the reg
ular meeting as was the consideration
of the allowance of the claim of H.
C. McMaken & Son for their claira
of $47 for the Whalen walk.
A motion to adjourn was then call
ed for when Councilman Schulhof
stated he would like to hear what
Mr. Decker had to say. The council
then consented to listen to Mr. Deck
er who arose and stated that when
it was decided to take one block of
class B paving that the M. Ford bid
was not the lowest bid, and also that
there was not any record that the
man who placed the bid for M. Ford
had any authority to bid for Mr.
Mr. Dwyer then asked If Mr. Ford
had any one present to speak for
him when J. R. McKinzle of Omaha
arose and stated that he was Mr.
Ford's representative here tonight,
and that the council had a discretion
In the matter of letting the bids, and
that he did not figure the bids out
himself, that as to the authority or
validity of the Ford bid, the council
had his certified check for $j00,
which was the amount required as a
forfeit, if the bid was not complied
with according to stipulations. It
was then ordered, on motion of Mr.
Weber, that the checks in the hand3
of the treasurer be returned to the
men who had been denied the con
tract, and the council then adjourned.
Fund Ih Exhausted.
From Thursday's Dally
Fred Clugey who has been in the
employ of the M. P., with three teams
shouldering and ditching the road
bed, left this morning for Vllllsca,
la., to look up a situation there for
his men and teams. Mr. Clugey has
been in the employ of the company
for some time, but the road master
Informed him a day or two ago that
the funds appropriated for this work
had been exhausted, and that thero
would be nothing doing for a month
or two, so Mr. Clugey will seek em
ployment elsewhere. There Is no
doubt but the road needs the- work
If one merely takes a casual glance
at the condition of rotten ties ami
narrow bed on which the track is
stretched, there is small wonder that
more serious accidents do not hap
pen. William Coddlngton and bride of
Ottawa, 111., arrived today to bo the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Cummins for
a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Cod
dlngton aro en routo to Spokane,
Washington, having lately been mar
ried and stopped on their wedding
trip to visit Mrs. Dr. Cummins who Is
a cousin of Mr. Coddlngton.
Iowa Corn (iooO.
From Thursday's Pally
Ben Whitaker and wife of Fair
field, la., who have been the guests
of his brother and family in this city
over Sunday, departed for their home
this afternoon. Mr. Whitaker form
erly railroaded, but for the past three
years has farmed his father's home
stead. The crop prospect Is fine in
his locality, the corn crop will be
heavier than for several years past.
Mike Gano, a Laborer in Stone
Quarry Assaulted While
Returning From Cedar
From Friday's Dally.
Last night between the hours of
9:'0 and 10 o'clock, as ike Gano, a
laborer at Newell & Atwood's quarry
at Cedar Creek, wi'h two companions
were going to the camp from Cedar
Creek, they were set upon by two
highwaymen, and slugged and Mike
and one companion robbed. The third
man escaped without being robbed.
Mike Gane received wounds in the
head from which he died this morn
ing. The three men had been at Cedar
Creek to attend to some business
affairs, and when about half way be
tween John Gauer's residence and the
quarry, their assailants attacked
them with clubs. Two months time
check was taken from Ganeo's person
and a time check for about $25 was
taken from the pocket of one of his
companions. The time checks were
on Newell & Atwood's Stone com
pany. The coroner and county at
torney were notified and with W.
WIngarten, stenographer, went to
the village of Cedar Creek this after
noon to hold an inquest.
There are two suspicious looking
men who are being held at Cedar
Creek to await developments. The
murdered man was a stranger In the
vicinity and little is known of his rel
atives. He had been at the quarry
but a short time.
From Friday's Dally.
Miss Etna Crablll returned last
evening from Sac City, la., where she
was in attendance at the wedding
of Mr. R. B. Hayes of this city, and
Miss Genevieve Howard of Sac City,
formerly one of our high school
The wedding occurred at high
noon, the ceremony being perform
ed by Rev. Andrews of the First
ethodlst church of Sac City, and was
very impressive. The contracting
parties were attended by the nephew
and niece of the bride, six and four
years of age, respectively.
The bride wore a silk tan, covered
with heavy lace, and carried a show
er boquet of white roses, the groom
wore the conventional black. The
drawing rooms were tastefully dec
orated with golden rod, asters and
smilax. The wedding march was
played by Miss Faith Woodford of
Sargent Bluffs, la.
There was an elegant four course
luncheon served to the fifty invited
guests on the lawn. After the din
ner was served, the bride's cake was
cut by herself, and each guest tied
bis or her own piece of cake with
white tissue paper and yellow narrow
ribbon. The happy couple and the
out of town guests were taken to
the train in automobiles. The bride
and groom departed for Seattle, on
the afternoon train and will visit
Portland, San Francisco, Los An
geles, Denver, arriving In 1'latts-
mouth about October first.
I'.ctiiniH From the Spring.
A. L. Thacker who has been at
the Burlington Junction mineral
springs taking treatment for rheu
matism, returned today much Im
proved in his condition. When Mr
Thacker went to the springs three
weeks ago he could walk with diffl
culty with two crutches. Now lie
uses only one crutch and can get
around quite wefi. Ho says Charles
Frees was ablo to sit up yesterday
and could bo moved about In the
wheel chair. Charles is Improving
Good to the last pufT "Acorns" niHde
by',Ptak& Dajeck.
Itiit it r niiiTii
int hi, t. M,i in
Working All the Force they Can
Possibly Procure and Want
More Help.
From Friday's Dally.
Carl Smith, the gentlemanly cus
todian of the M. E. Smith shirt fac
tory, yesterday afternoon kindly
showed a representative of the Jour
nal the machinery of the plant in
action, and the efficient nianer In
which the 27 or more operators skill
fully make the wheels go round. The
making of the modern shirt or shirt
waist is a most Interesting process
to observe. Each particular part as
collar, wristband, Bleeve, button-hole
and button is made or attached by
an operator who makes or attaches
the spesiflc part. Every part except
the making of the pearl buttons and
the thread used in running the seams
Is made at the factory. There is a
special mac hine and operator to make
the collar, another for. tho sleeve
and so on. There are single needle
machines for one kind of stitching
and double needle machines for run
ning up the sleeves. - Machines which
will sew on a two-hole button and
one which sews on a four-hole but
ton. The butvon hole machine is a
complicated affair which first stit
ches the button-hole in the garment;,
then cuts the hole for the button.
The plant Is kept busy and could use
more operators than they have now.
This week has wound up the winter
orders and the plant is now turning
out about 250 dozen summer gar
ments per week. An order of 500
dozen has been disposed of here
within the past two weeks.
Everything about the factory goes
like clock work. Twice a day, at
10 and 3 o'clock, the machines are
oiled, each girl caring for the ma
chine she operates, and each
week the machine Is cleaned. There
is one make of machine, the "Stan
dard," which Is used by all of the
girls, there being but two Singer
machines, one of the button-hole
machine and one which sews on the
buttons. These are the only excep
tions to the single make the Stan
dard. The thread with which the stitch
ing is done comes on large Bpools,
there being six miles of thread on
each spool. The work done at the
Plattsmouth plant la superior to that
done at any of the Smith factories
and the management is well pleased
with the progress this branch of the
concern has made. There are now
very few departments indeed that do
not pass the Inspector, unless there
is a piece of damaged goods, or, in
some Instances, one shows up with a
spot of oil, when such a garment gets
the "Dennis" mark.
M. K. Conference Meets.
From Saturday's Dully.
District Superintendent Wright of
Nebraska City convened the confer
ence for the quarter at the M. K.
church last evening at 8 o'clock.
This being the last appearance of Rev
Wright in this part of the district,
he having served the limit of time
allowed superintendents which Is six
years. The reports from the differ
ent branches of the work of tho
church was very satisfactory to the
officials of tho church. The year
just closing having been one of tho
prosperous ones. The conference
recommended the return of Rev. W.
L. Austin to tho Plattsmouth church
which anouncement will be received
with much satisfaction to tho work
ing membership of the local church.
The trustees of the church are mak
ing some needed Improvements In
the way of raising the area wall on
the wast of tho building. Tho heavy
rain of Sunday night carried a very
Inrge quantity of loose clay, and fill
ed the furnace pit and did some dam
age. For Sale.
201 acre farm, 4 miles west of
Plattsmouth one and half miles from
grain elevator, well improved, and
known as tho Jacob Horn farm. For
further particulars see Mrs. W. llass
ler, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dr. Cummins delivered to Charles
Schultz the first of tho week, a fine
touring car of the Ford mako for the
firm of Crablll & Cummins. , This Is
one of tho best machines tho Ford
company makes, mid will no doubt
afford the purchaser and family much
pleasure- as it takes them over the
country roads.
John Ruby, One Member of the
ously, and at Yet Has
From Friday's Daily
Some few days ago a party of Cass
county people accompanied T. M.
Patterson on a Kansas land seeking
Journey, their destination being Ness,
the county seat of Ness county. The
party was composed of George Ber
ger, Charles N. Jleveridge, John
Ruby, John Ferris, William Schmldt
mann and T. M. Patterson. The trip
out was made with safety and was a
most pleasant journey, and every
thing was well until they arrived with
in a few miles of home when one
of their party was missing, and In a
most mysterious manner. The party
all boarded the Missouri Pacific train
at Kansas City and were soon com
fortably settled for tho night, there
being sufficient room for each one
to get two seats, and with the aid
of a pillow for a head rest, all were
soon fast asleep. The party were
awakened at Everett, Kansas, from
a disturbance made by an excursion
party who Were leaving the train,
and here a count was taken of the
home party and all were present.
When tho train arrived at Nebraska
City one member, in the person of
John Ruby, who resides near Mynard,
was missing. The entire train was
immediately searched, but could not
be found anywhere. There was no
great alarm at this time qver his dis
appearance as the supposition by all
was that ho had probably left the
train at one of the stations and the
train pulled out. and left him, and
would return on the next train. Two
trains have arrived from the south
and Mr. Ruby has not returned, so
at the present there is considerable
alarm as to his safety and where
aboutsf as to whether or not he has
met foul play or whether he, In his
sleep, walked from the moving train
and has been dashed to pieces or
ground under the wheels.
The conductor of the train was
John Hall and he has been Interview
ed in regard to the man and he says
he never seen him leave the train at
any of the stops which greatly aids
in the supposition that he has fallen
from the train or met with foul play.
School will open on Tuesday, Sep
tember 6, and all who contemplate
attending should make an effort to
enter on that date.
All non-resident students should
bring their free attendance certifi
cates and file them In the superin
tendent's office.
Teachers' meeting will bo held on
Saturday, September 3, at 2 p. m., In
room 4, high school building.
No child under five years of age
will bo received as a student. No
exceptions whatever will bo made to
this rule. The census records on file
In the office will be taken as auth
ority In any questionable cases.
We have several boys who wish
places where they may work for
their board. We will recommend
only boys who are worthy, and will
be responsible for the conduct of
any boys we recommend. Anyone
wishing a student on these conditions
should please notify the superintend
ent. All parties wno keep non-resident
students will confer a favor by keep
ing us In touch with their conduct,
study, habits, etc., of such students
in order that we may cooperate with
you In making their year profitable
and pleasant.
All grade students should bring re
port cards on entering school. Stu
dents who have lost or destroyed
their cards should see. tho superin
tendent before the opening of school.
All high school students will please
observe- tho following schedule for
registration and assignment of les
sons for Tuesday, September C.
Classes will meet at tho hour desig
nated. High school students will
not congregato before the hour men
tioned, and not loiter on tho campus
after dismissal. In case a student is
Iregular In their course they will
meet with the class with which they
do tho most work;
Senior clnss will meet In assembly
Party Disappears Very Mysteri
Not Returned Home.
It is believed that Mr. Ruby had but
very little money with him, some
where between $20 and $30, which is
have been Instructed by the com
pany to make a thorough search
along their respective sections and
report such findings to Plattsmouth
at once. So in a short time we will
learn whether or not ho has fallen or
been thrown from the train. Deputy
Sheriff Manspeaker will Immediately
press the telephones Into service w ith
the hope of finding the missing man,
and that he may bo found alive.
Members of the party claim that
Mr. Ruby was In an exceptionally
quiet mood during the entire trip
out and back, and they fear that his
seriousness might have gained con
trol of him for the time being, and
in a half steeping condition walked
from the train while moving, and In
tho end will bo found along the road
side killed from the fa.l. It Is hoped
that this may not prove true.
Wo will glvo a slight description
of Mr. Ruby for the benefit of those
who might find him, simply with a
view of giving it publicity In other
counties, where ho Is not so well
known. He Is about 40 years of age,
6 foot In helghth, smooth shaven, ex
cept a very small mustache; he wore
a rather dark brown suit of clothes,
et slouch hat, and no necktie.
Mr. Ruby has resided In Cass coun
ty most all of his life, and Is well
known, has a host of friends who
sincerely hope that ho may bo found
under more favorable conditions than
Is at present feared. He now lives
one mile west and ona mile south of
what Is known as the old Eight Mile
Grove postoff Ice.
Mr. Patterson and the balance of
the party returned home yesterday
morning and reported a most pleas
ant trip with the one exception, and
it Is certainly hoped by all that
nothing serious may result In the
disappearance of Mr. Ruby,
hardly sufficient for the foul play
All the section men along the line
between Everett and Nebraska City
room at 9 a. m.
Junior class will meet in assembly
room at 10:30 a. m.
Sophomore class will meet at 1:UJ
p. m.
Freshman class will meet nt 3
p. m. J. W. dam b In,
In Honor of Mrs. LKler.
Frntn TliiirHcluy's Dully
Mrs. Judge, A. J. Jleeson delightful
ly entertained a number of lady
friends at her pleasant home on north
Fifth street Tuesday evening at a 5
o'clock luncheon In honor of Mrs.
W. B. Elster, who Is removing from
this city to Omaha where the Elster
family will reside- In tho future. Tho
early part of tho afternoon was very
pleasantly Brent In various amuse
ments and at the appointed hour tho
guests were invited to the dining
room where a delicious luncheon was
served. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Bee
son's hospitality on this occasion were
Mesdames J. W. damble, and her
guest, Mrs. E. S. Dungan of Grand
Island, Neb., 0. L. Farley, Ralph
Towio of South Omaha, Harriet Beck
er, Misses Gladys Sullivan and Ger
trude Beeson.
Frank Wheeler Injures Hand.
From Thursday's Dnlly
""Yesterday while working on an
automobile at August Gordcr's Imple
ment store, Mr. Frank Wheeler had
the misfortune to get a hand badly
cut. He was using a wrench tighten
ing up a bur when tho wrench slip
ped off tho nut, bringing Mr, Wheel
er's hand In contact with a sharp
piece of steel, severing an artery and
causing the blood to flow profusely.
He went to a surgeon and several
stitches were required to relieve tho
Injury. It will bo several days bo
fore ho ran uso tho Injured hand.
A. F. llcdengren, tho Burlington
brldgo superintendent, was in tho
city this morning looking after busi
ness matters for tho company. Mr.
Hcdcngrcn soys tho flood nt Lincoln
was not so high by threo feet as tho
ono threo years ngo.