The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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    State HJitor:,
Large Crowd of Sorrowing Friends Gather to Pay Last Tribute
to the Murdered Lady.
Fn m Monday's Pally
The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Shera,
the lady who was so foully and mys
teriously murdered last Thursday
morning In her home at Rock Bluffs,
occurred yesterday afternoon at the
residence at 2:30, the service being
conducted by Canon Burgesa . of
Plattsmouth. The funeral was one of
the largest ever seen in the locality,
which evidenced the high esteem in
which this estimable woman was held
by the citizens of Rock Bluffs and
vicinity. Interment was made at the
Rock Bluffs cemetery in the family
lot where her husband and two chil
dren are burled.
Mrs. Shera, formerly Miss Annette
Brown, was born in Ireland in or
near Dublin, and while quite young,
in Dublin, in 1858, was married to
Joseph Shera. Six years later in
1964, Immigrated to Nebraska with
her husband and located at Rock
Bluffs where Mr. Shera went into the
mercantile business. A short time
after arriving here their oldest son,
an Invalid lad of seven years died.
Her husband died several years ago
and about twelve years ago, Charles
Shera, her son, was killed by acci
dent while railroading in Wyoming.
Mrs. Shera leaves surviving two
daughter and one son, the daughters
being Mrs. James W. Holmes of
Murray, and Mrs. Adda Keenan,
6E1IG 8 GO.
Ed. Rynot, an Old Plattsmouth
Boy, the New Owner.
From Monday's Dally.
For the past few days there has
been a deal pending but not com
pleted or made known until jester
day whereby Ed. Rynot becomes the
new owner and proprietor of the Ger
Ing & Co. drug store in this city.
Ed. Rynot Is well known to most
of the people of this city, having liv
ed here for many years, and has al
ways been a steady, industrious and
saving young man, with many good
business qualifications which have de
veloped very rapidly during the past
few years. He first entered the drug
business a couple of years by taking
charge of the rural wagon for the
firm which he Is now the owner and
proprietor. After resigning his po
sition with Gering & Co., and steps
were taken to accept a position with
the Goodrich Drug company and mov
ed to Omaha, with which firm he is
still employed. His resignation takes
effect the first of the month, after
which time he and his family will
remove to Plattsmouth.
The rapid growth of the Henry R.
Gering Co., in Omaha is the only rea
son for Mr. Cering wishing to dis
pose of his stock here, he simply has
not the time that is required to de
vote to the business, and at times
one or the other had to be neglected.
He also realized that the business
here was in most competent hands,
but it required more or less of his
time at any rate. We are informed
that the same men will be kept in
the employ of the new firm. The
Journal welcomes Mr. Rynot back to
Plattsmouth and bespeaks for him a
share of the public patronage.
Making Plenty of Hay.
Oliver Edmunds who Is at present
employed on the Tlckett farm near
Glenwood was in the city over Satur
day evening and Sunday, visiting with
friends. In conversation with Mr.
Edmunds he tells us that he Is into
the hay business tip to his eyes; he'll
hale about 170 tons In all. Up to
the present time he has baled and
shipped one car and Is working on
the second one. The farm which is
exclusive hay land, belongs to Mr
W. L. Pickett of this city and is lo
cated abot five miles south of Glen
W. J. O'Brien, of Gretna was in
the city today and registered at the
Riley, having come to the Burlington
shops to take the special fish car to
the hatcheries.
2963 Pacific street, South Omaha.
The son, Will, resides at Rock Bluffs
and at the time of his mother's death
was away from home. He having
gone on a fishlngexeursion, leaving
here the 16th of August and return
ing on Thursday evening, the 25th.
There have been no new develop
ments ,up to the hour of going to
press today that would fasten the
crime on any one in the community.
The track of the muderer was pe
culiar, in that one shoe was minus
the heel. The track was followed
through the corr.fleld and west to the
road and down the road south to a
spot where a horse had been tied.
The horse was followed some dist
ance south until it got into the main
traveled road leading south and the
track lost in the dust.
Rumors in the vicinity are thick
but nothing tangible Is uncovered.
The mystery now is what became of
the horse? Beside the hand satchel
which contained her money, a watch
and other articles of jewelry were
taken. The clews mentioned are be
ing followed up and search being
made by the proper authorities which
may culminate in arrests very soon.
The following friends and neigh
bors of the murdered lady acted as
pall bearers: Ivan White, D. J. Pit
man, Wesley Burnett, William Tay
lor, William Gilmour and W. D.
The Press has just received an in
teresting communication from P. A.
Barrows, one time editor of the
Plattsmouth News, a circular letter
requestiong us to give publicity to the
candidacy of E. J. Burkett for United
States senator. With candor which
is admirable, to say the latest, Mr.
Barrows expresses the opinion that
he would rather work for Mr. Bur
kett than see Gilbert M. Hitchcock of
Omaha win the coveted prize. He
thinks he can spend his vacation
whoever heard of n newspaper man
getting a vacation? to no greater
advantage than working for the re
turn of Mr. Burkett to the United
States senate, and he further adds
that he will willingly send newspa
pers all the "dope" they want on the
Burkett situation, all of which is com
mendable and enlightening.
The Press believes that Mr. Bar
rows has a pretty little Job cut out
for him and we wish him all the suc
cess in the world in his vacation
stunt. In the meantime we shall
probably have a few things to say on
the senatorial situation ourselves
opinions' of our own which may not
suit some of the postoffice-editors
who feel that every newspaper In the
state should bow down before the of
ficeholders and give them all the
space they need for the fulfillment of
their ambitions. Newspapers, are not
conducted any more for the free ad
vertisement of political candidates
than they are for the gratuitous ag
grandlzement of mercantile establish'
ments. If Mr. Barrows wants to do a
real service to the newspapers, and
hi circular seems to bear that 1m
print, he should start a campaign for
a square-deal for the publisher inso
far as campaign documents are con
cerned. Nebraska City Press.
Doing Mcely.
From Monday's Dally.
Adam Stoehr was operated on Sat
urday at St. Joseph's hospital In Om
aha and stood the operation very
well. He came out from under the
Influence of the anesthetic very nice
ly. When the friends left the hospi
tal he was feeling as well as could
be expected after the ordeal through
which he passed. His many friends
hope now for his speedy recovery.
Mis. James Speck Very
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. James Speck of west of My-
nard Is reported very sick today and
her recovery is dispalred of and she
was not thought able to survive
through the day. Mrs. Speck has
been troubled with dropsy and heart
Lill IE
Musical Given at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Todd.
From Monday's Dally.
A musical program or excellence,
consisting of piano and violin selec
tions and vocal numbers was given
yesterday afternoon at the country
home of A. L. Todd and wife, four
miles west of this city. The musi
cians were noted artists and members
of Cox's orchestra of Omaha. A com
pany , of about seventy-five persons
listened to the fine music,
The musicians present and the in-'
strurnents so skillfully played were
as follows: Mr. E. M. Clark and
two sons, Edwin and Richard. Mr.
Clark plays artistically on violin,
banjo or viola; his son Edwin Is a
remarkable palnist for his years,
while Richard plays either violin,
piano or cello with skill. Mr. Jean
Jones, a master on the piano, played
some difficult selections to the satis
faction of the audience. Three other
violinists of note Miss Hansen, Miss
Richards and Mr. Robert Smllley, as
sisted in making the concert a suc
cess. The program was relieved or
any monotony by the vocal selections
furnished by Mr. John Jameson who
is a baritone singer of much merit,
having a strong melodious voice well
fitted for solo work.
The musicians were Invited from
Omaha to spend Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Todd, and the kind hearted
host and hostess did not let any of
the sweet musical strains be wasted
on the desert air, neither did they
feel that they could selfishly enjoy
the lovely music all themselves, so
they invited In a few neighbors, rela
tlves and friends to Join them In
a picnic dinner, or rather feast of
fried chicken and music.
The musicians arrived Saturday
evening and spent the night with
Mr. and Mrs. Todd, and were out
for a lark as well as fried chicken
While the baritone slumbered peace
fully, dreaming of Omaha and heav
en, one of the violinists, or may be
the pianist stole his clothes, and when
he awoke In the early morning he
was minus his apparal. A skirt was
borrowed from Mrs. Todd, which the
singer donned and sallied forth to
find his clothing. The baritone was
not the only one short on clothing
that morning, the pianist had lost a
"gallus" and a violinist a "sock" and
lerry war prevailed for a time among
the musicians. These little dlfficul
ties were soon straightened out and
before the time to appear at the
noon day meal everyone was In their
own proper garments.
The picnic dinner was served on
a long table which stretched for
forty fret or more across the lawn;
overhead was stretched a tent in the
nature of a canopy and this furnished
shade for the guests. These to the
number of sixty-five or seventy sat
at the table covered with snow white
linen, and laden with viands cooked
in the most tempting manner. The
English language is a poor vehicle
with which to describe the dinner; it
was a sumptuous repast, and they
did say that Lawyer Dwyer and Mr.
Jones each ate not less than seven
pieces of chicken, and side dishes In
During the afternoon the orchestra
of four violins and the piano dls
coursed Bweetest music, while the
audience listened with deepest In
terest. The soIob by Mr. Jameson
were much appreciated and furnish-
ed variety to tne program
so that
not the least weariness was felt by
the company. Several readings were
given by Marie Douglass which won
applause from the assembled guests.
The youngest member of the com
pany was the little son of Cecil Thom
as and wife, Cecil Larue Thomas, and
the little fellow seemed at times un
happy, because his great grandfath
er, Senator S. L. Thomas of Long
Beach, could not be present to hear
the music and enjoy the social fea
tures of the occasion.
Those present were: TS. M. Clark,
wife and sons, Edwin and Richard;
Mr. Jean Jones, Mr. Robert Smiley,
Miss Hanson, Miss Minnie Richard,
Mr. John Jameson, all of Omaha;
Cecil Thomas, wife and son, John
Shultz, Mrs. Kate Stohlman and two
sons, C. It. Todd, wife and son and
daughter, Arthur Simpson, D. O.
Dwyer and wife and two sons, Dr. T.
J. Todd, wife and son of Wahoo,
Miss May Will of Mynard, L. C. Todd
and wife and four daughters, J. W.
Thomas and wife and daughter, Miss
Jessie Toad of Union. Mrs. K. K.
Todd, A. E. Todd and wife and two
sons and daughter, T. E. Todd and
wile, Fred Kehne and wife and three
sons and daughter, X. H. Isbell and
wife, Louis, Willie and Eddie Melsin
ger, J. E. Douglass, wife and son and
two daughters, Ccorge W. Thomas
and two sons.
From Monday's Dally.
The storm which began about 7
o'clock last evening was one of the
most severe In many years, and was
pretty general through the west. The
electrical part continued virtually
throughout the entire night, but at
intervals the downpour ceased, and
about half past six this morning the
rain ceased entirely, leaving Main
and Sixth streets much cleaner than
If it had been flushed. Everything
Indicated another flood, but thanks to
the lowering of Main street, the ex
cellent condition of the sewerage and
the subway under the Burlington
tracks the water was carried off as
fast as It came.
Farmers who came In this morn
ing from various sections of the coun
ty report the corn pretty much dow n
and the Four Mile creek away out of
Its banks. Hall In some sections is
reported. Passenger trains coming
down the short line from Ashland via
Oreapolls, had many lights broken
out of the cars from hall.
Some of the tiling recently placed
on Chicago avenue is washout, and
some of the grading work disar
ranged, but the damage Is not great.
The same may be said in other parts
of the city where such work has been
John P. Trltsch, a young farmer
living west of town was in the city
this morning and called on the Jour
nal. He Bays his corn is all down, and
that the most of it along the road
which he traveled was also down. Mr
Trltsci. lives five miles out.
To say the least It was a very se
rious storm, and nearly six inches of
water fell all over Cass county. The
morning Denver express was about
five hours late in consequence of
washouts in the west. The M. P,
trains have been nearer on time since
the storm than they were before. In
consequence of washouts the Rock
Island have been running their trains
from Omaha over the Burlington to
South Bend. The report is to effect
that Haveloek Is entirely under wa
ter, and the country surrounding the
town is one vast sheet of water.
Picnickers Get a Honking.
From Monday's Dally.
A jolly party of picnickers chart
ered a hand-car yesterday morning,
and chaperoned by Mr. H. Howerter
and wife and I. C. Lylo and wife,
spent the day picnicking at Swallow
11111. The hand-car did not get back
for the picnickers until a little late,
and the downpour had already begun
and the party were peppered with
hall and beat a hasty retreat to the
Fitzgerald house occupied by Mr.
Boetal and Mr. Klldow. The party
found that a small stream ran be
tween them and the shelter which
they waded, the water being about
knee-deep. The entire party, Includ
ing the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
were thoroughly soaked. Dry cloth
ing was procured for the babe and
the party returned to the city having
had a good outing, as well as a good
From Monday's Dally,
As Attorney D. O. Dwyer was mo
toring into town last evening with
his family, coming home from the
Todd muslcale, on the big hill near
tho cemetery he met a young man
and young lady out driving with a
single horso. Mr. Dwyer turned out
as far as possible 83 the horso seem
ed to shy Bllghtly. Tho horse and
buggy were drawn up by the side of
the steep bank where It was stopped.
After tho machine had passed tho
animal got a paryoxlmn of fright and
went over the bank, tipping the bug
gy over and precipitating the occu
pants to tho ground several feet be
low. Mr. Dwyer xvcr.? to Iheir as
sistance and helped to get tho horse
and buggy righted and tho young
people started on their way. Fortun
ately neither of them was Injured,
and the horse and rig escaped with
out a scratch.
4 Boosters' Get Badly Beaten by
Plattsmouth Red Sox.
From Monday's Dally.
Once more the Nebraska City
Boosters go down to defeat before
the Plattsmouth powerful Red Sox,
and this time by a little more pound
ing than two weeks ago. Three runs
seem to be about all the Boosters are
able to make during a nine Inning
game with the home team. The score
yesterday was 10 to 3 in favor of the
Red Sox, and two weeks ago the sin
gle 0 appeared Just as often for the
Boosters and the total was the same
while the Red Sox only made 8 runs.
The game at the Chicago avenue
diamond yesterday afternoon started
out with much vim, and both teams
played good ball but made a few cost
ly errors, in fact, the larger portion
of the runs were made on errors. The
visiting team made their three runs
at times when the home team was
fumbling the ball, or dropping
straight line drives from the playerB
to the basemen. Both teams seemed
to pound the ball bard and often
with very few safe hits. Mason, Deal
and Mann were in the field for the
Red Sox, and only one fly ball was
permitted to bit the ground, conse
quently the errors were made by the
basemen who were playing far below
their usual average. About the same
thing only a little worse, can be said
of the Boosters, and their fielding
was not up to the high standard of
the Red Sox. They seemed to hit
the ball often, but the safe ones
were as scarce as snow balls on a
summer day. The long ones were
nailed In the field and the short ones
beat the runner to first.
The lineup was about as usual,
only one exception, Tete Peterson,
the red headed versatile player, was
placed behind the bat for the larger
portion of the game. This change
being made owing to the injured
finger of Peter Herold, who usually
does that heavy stunt for Manager
Brantner'a players, and it might be
added here that he plays the part,
too, Just a little better than the most
of them. That purloining act from
first down to second base is not quite
so evident when Pete plays this role,
McCauley-was at first, Fitzgerald at
second, Droego at short and Herold
on third, and played their usual good
Mann played In the field for the
larger portion of the game, when he
came In to relieve Peterson behind
the bat, and the hitler player went
to rieht Held to the finish of the
Tim double ulny niado between
Peterson and Fitzgerald was one rare
ly, If ever made, and seldom under
taken. A base runner was on rust
and third base. Tho first ball up
from the pitcher, the first base run
ner dashed off for second, and the
third bnso runner was playing for
homo. Little did they think that
Pete would make an effort to stop
tho first man, for fear tne tniru
would score. Tho hall hardly lit in
Pete's hands before it was drove
down to second, Fitzgerald putting
the runner out, and was back home
In time to stop the third base runner
from scoring one of the fastes plays
ever seen on the homo diamond.
The Boosters played good ball for
the' first half of the game, and it
bid fair for a low score on both sides
with the winner In doubt, but com
blned with a few costly errors and
the Red Sox pounding the ball al
most at will, It was an easy task for
the home team to run away from
them, and close the game with a very
much one-sided score.
Remember tho three good ones on
the home grounds next Saturday
Sunday and Monday the Storz Trl
umphs for three fast games. You
will see some great ball tossing, so
try and see them all.
Fangcr'a Ntoio lliiigliiil.ctl.
Miss Hermle Spies and Matt Jirrou
sek, who are clerking for M. Fang
In Omaha, came down to spend Sun
day with home folks. They report
that M. Fanger's store was robbed
last Thursday night of goods amount
Ing to two or three hundred dollars
Several other storcB Including a Jew
dry Btore right across tho street, was
also broken into and burglarized.
William and John Kaufman wore
Omaha visitors yesterday, going u
In the afternoon and returning on
the night train.
Applies Mad Stone.
roin M.Mnliiy's dully.
C. Stern of South Omaha brought
Is little son to Plattsmouth this
mornlug'to have applied to his arm
he mad stone owned by Colonel Mc-
Maken. The little fellow was nlav-
ng with a largo dog at his father's
tore yesterday morning when the
og attacked the little boy, biting his
rm severely, making an ugly looking
ound. The stone adhered to the
ound for a long time. And the
little boy expressed himself as feel
ing considerable relieved from pain
fter the stone had been applied.
Ball Lodges in Neck and i Very
Seriously Wounded.
A special from Louisville under
date of Monday, gives the following
account of the serious wounding of
rank Houck, an employe of the stone
quarry while out hunting: Frank
Houck, a crane man on the steam
shoved at the stone quarry, was acci
dentally shot and dangerously injur
ed here this afternoon while hunting
with Lon Kllgore, head steam shovel
man at the same works. Kllgore, to
gether with Houck had gone hunting
with 22 caliber rifles. While trying to
push out an ampty catridge in Kll
gore s gun, the ramroa became lasi
ened in the gun, and it was while
assisting Kllgore in drawing out this
ramrod that Houck was shot. He was
holding his own gun loaded between
his knees, and as he drew the ram
rod from Kllgore's gun he discharged
his own weapon.
The bullet entered Houck's left
breast and passed upward over his
collar bone and lodged in the back
of the neck. Houck was able to walk
to the doctor's office In town. Dr.
Worthman, who remved the bullott,
said "that there Ih danger of tho
wound resulting seriously, because
of the peculiar course taken by the
Houck's tome Is In Ohio. lie la
known among steam shovel men as
Smiley, because of his cheerful dis
Carl Smith and John Falter who
left for Denver and Cheyenne two
weeks ago Sunday returned on No.
yesterday afternoon. Tho train
was five hours late owing to a wash
out ten miles west of Lincoln and had
o lay there until the track wan ro
mlred sufficiently to let them over.
West Lincoln was under water and
uen, women aijd children had been
lrlven from their home), and were
ined up on the railway grado and
other elevated positions, waiting for
tho water to subside from their
Carl and John visited relatives and
riends in Denver, also went over to
'heyenne to witness the Frontier day
performances. They saw some real
bronco busting," also, wild buffalo
riding. The camera men were in evl-
ence to get Bnap shots of the buffalo.
One bull chased three photographers.
out of the ring, much to the delight
the spectators. At Denver tho
young men had a ride over the Moffet
ne, and to the top of the divide,
high up in the snow-shed, read the
names of James Rlshel and Charles
kult of Plattsmouth, Neb., U. S. A.
lessrs. Smith and Falter enjoyed
their trip Immensely. They were pres
ent to welcome the Burlington shop
boys under the big arch on the 20th
Inst., at Denver.
Gives SU O'clock Dinner.
l'l-oin TiK'iday'n Pally
Miss Vlrglo McDaniel yesterday af
ternoon gave a delightful bIx o'clock
dinner party in honor of her friend,
Miss Zimmerman of Lincoln. Tho
dinner was served In four courses In
the large dining room at the cosy
home of J. K. McDaniel on west Main
street. Following the dinner tho com
pany wore most agreeably entertain
ed by a "lino party" at the Majestic,
which was enjoyed by all. Tho In
vited guests were Miss Margaret Zim
merman, Miss Alice Tuey, Miss Nora
Martin, Miss Clara Austin, Miss Nora
Batton, Miss Bess Edwards and Miss
Lillian Thompson.
Charles Lelghty of Omaha tran
sacted business In tho city today.