The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 29, 1910, Image 1

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    Kb. Stat Hluon
'Hlattamoutb , Soumal.
NO 3
Secures First Prize at Tabor Tournament by Defeating Tabor
in Hotly Fought Contest by Score of 4 to 3.
From Friday's Dally.
Last night was sure a "hot time'
in the old town," there being more
enthusiasm and genuine merriment J
displayed upon the streets than has '
been noticed by the oldest citizens
for a greaf many moons. This gen
uine good feeling began to fill the
hearts of each and every citizen of
Plattsmouth immediately after the
close of the ball game at Tabor, la.,
yesterday, when Manager Crantner
telephoned the good news to the
people at home that the big game was
over and the score was four to three
in favor of the home team. From
this moment a spirit of proudness
began to fill every Plattsmouth citi
zen's heart and long before the train
was scheduled to arrive there was
fully BOO people upon the streets
awaiting the arrival of the Johnson
special from the east. They were ac
companied by the M. W. A. band and
formed a procession at the upper end
of Main street and marched to the
depot about the time the train wa3
expected to arrive. For some reason
Yardmaster Reynolds train was de
layed in the yards, and did not make
the trip to the Junction till about
eleven o'clock, and arriving here
about half past eleven. The larger
portion of the people had grown tir
ed of waiting and gone home, but
there being plenty left to let the
people of the town know there was
something going on when the train
pulled In.
Manager Brantner and the entire
home team were no doubt about the
happiest set of fellows in western
Iowa at the close of the big game
yesterday afternoon, but we venture
the assertion their Joy at that hour
was in no comparison with the feel
ing that filled their hearts when they
landed on old Nebraska soil, and
even at that late hour to see so
many glad hands to welcome them
back, and if possible, to share a
large portion of the well earned vic
tory. When you are told that Tabor had
a good base ball team, this we are
told, only half expresses it, for they
have a good team at home, and then
we are told they had several better
ones that were not at home only for
the time being, but when it came
, to playing ball they were all at home
all the time. The Red Sox were
booked Immediately for the big
game with Tabor on Thursday after
noon as everybody knew that Ran
dolph and Sidney had no chance for
the first place. So all you could
hear on the diamond or in the town
or miles around was wait till Thurs
day, (Plattsmouth and Tabor) that's
the big game of the tournament. This
being the situation it was expected
that the Tabor team would hold their
best for the last, for they well knew
the other two teams were easy vic
tims, and the Plattsmouth game was
the one they wanted, and every ef
fort would be exerted to get It.
Plattsmouth immediately got in
the same boat with Tabor, simply
winning the first two games with
ease, taking good care of themselves
and being In good trim for the fin
ish. This fact was certainly demon
strated in the finish game the way
they played ball. They are credited
with having played the game with
out a single error, making sufficient
hits to pass four men around the
bases and holding Tabor down to
three. This gave the people of Ta
bor one of the best games ever
played on their diamond, one that
pleased the people in every parti
cular, and closed one of the most
successful tournaments ever held In
southwst Iowa.
Dardwen p.tched the first four
Innings of the game when Peterson
was placed In the box for the remain
ing five, bi t after two outs in the
ninth inning, with two men on bases,
a left handed batter eiinio in and
Petterson, owing to his eyesight be
ing bad, ho knew he was unable to
deliver the ball for the left handed
batter, ami Manager Brantner at the
request of Mr. I'etterson, put Harney
in the box for the Inst third of the
Inning. The first man up walked to
first base, filling the bases. The
left handed man came to the bnt, and
made the out, retiring the side with
the score of four to three.
The Tabor people were well pleas
ed with the excelent manner in
which the Red Sox conducted them
selves, both In the game on and off
the diamond, and the Red Sox are
unanimous in pronouncing Tabor
one of the best little cities they have
ever visited. They are In the highest
praise for the officials of the tour
nament for their kind and courteous
treatment to them, and were extend
ed a most cordial Invitation to return
at a very near date for an exhibition
game, as they believe a return game
between Tabor and Plattsmouth will
draw the largest crowd Into -their
little town that they have seen to a
ball game or most any other occa
A.B. R. II.P.O. A. E.
Peal, cf 5 0 1 2 0 0
Droege, 3b 4 0 1 1 4 0
Fitzgerald, 2d . .3 0 1 3 2 0
MeCauley, lb . ..4 1 1 10 0 0
Mason, If 4 0 0 4 1 0
Herald, c 4 114 10
Larson, ss 2 1 0 2 1 0
Peterson, rf 3 0 1 1 1 0
Dardwell, p 4 1 1 1 2 0
Total 31 4 7 28 12 0
Plattsmouth made three earned
runs and one on an overthrow ;one
two-base hit. Peterson struck out
three men and Dardwell one; dou
ble plays one, Petterson to MeCau
ley. Time of game 1 hour, 40 min
utes. TABOR.
A.B. R. II.P.O. A. E.
Johnson, cf 3 1 0 0 0 0
Shuffler, 2b 5 0 2 1 2 1
Burbaugh, lb. .3 1' 2 12 0 2
Laird, 3b 4 0 2 2 3 0
Hall, e 4 0 Oil 2 0
Hall, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Kennedy, If 4 2 1 10 0
Broadback, p.... 4 0 0 2 5 0
Hume, ss 3 0 0 0 2 0
Total 36 3 8 27 14 3
Notes of the Rig ftame.
Quite a number of Plattsmouth
people were in attendance during
the three days.
The Red Sox played a much stron
ger game than they have at any
game of the season. They had to in
order to win.
The game seemed to be one for
the fielders and both the out and
Infield for the Red Sox were in the
game from start to finish.
The $400 purse or prizes was quar
tered as follows: Plattsmouth first,
$150; Tabor second, $100; Sidney
third, $S0; and Randolph fourth,
The base running was good with
Beal, Droege, Fitzgerald and Larson
In the lead, but all the players were
up to their usual high standard In
this line.
The score shows only one two
base hit made by the Red Sox, but
two clean two-baggers were made,
MeCauley making one and Peterson
the other.
The Red Sox evidently played the
best game of ball of the season, and
without a doubt the best organized
and playing team the city has ever
had and we should all be proud of
Both teams seemed to have on
their batting rags as they hit the
f I
Finder .Hilin High One.
ball hard and often, but the fielding
was simply the best ever, and the
ball was kept on the move all the
time, seldom f!nd!r,g a resting place
on the ground.
Both Bardviil and Peterson did
good work in tbe box, and the hits
were kept down to eight, while Pete
Herold, the boss back stop, was there
for every occasion, and played the
game all the time.
The double play made by Peterson
to MeCauley at first was a dandy.
Peterson nailed the straight line
drive, coming from the bat hit by a
heavy batter and the umpire hardly
seen the ball before it landed in
Mc's hands, stopping the batter and
the man running from first to sec
ond. The infield was exceptionally good,
Larson and Fitzgerald making good
plays In cutting off what in most
all cases would have proven safe
hits, but the runners were nailed at
first. Droege played a fine third,
and MeCauley was far above his aver
age at first.
That Finder boy Is sure coming
to the front, and If he continues his
present rapid strides he will be on
the top round before the season ends,
lie is climbing mighty fast, and is
playing good ball at every round.
He made some strong plays In the
Tabor games.
The first score was made by Lar
son on a hit made by Bardwell, the
second Bardwell scored on the hit
made by Beal, and the third man
around was Beal, going to third by
a hit made by Droege, and Beal
scored on hit made by Fitzgerald, and
Droege scored on passed ball.
The play in left field by Mason
was the senatlonal one of the game.
The ball was batted to the extreme
out field far beyond him, but was
run down In time to drive It back
to the home plate in time to nail
the base runned by Ilerold as the
man attempted to slide in. This was
conceded by all to be one of the pret
tiest plays made during the tourna
ment. When an umpire can give general
satisfaction to about for'y players,
thousands of spectators, draw his
salary and go home greatly admired
for his squareness by all, he Is sure
ly up to the game and believes
In dealing fair. This Is the record
of the umpire during the Tabor tour
nament, ills name is Charles Faber
who played here some time ago with
the Townsend Gun club of Omaha.
Finds His Father Better.
J. A. Russell of Branden, McPher
son county, Neb., arrived this morn
ing to visit his father, S. S. Russell
who resides on the other side of the
Missouri, and who suffered a stroke
of apoplexy a short time ago. Mr.
Russell finds that his father is bet
ter and that some of the children
have returned home, believing that
their father is on the way to recov
ery. Mr. S. S. Russell Is about 87
years of age and has been In quite
poor health for a few weeks.
Misses Mary and Thelma Carlyle
of Omaha who have been guests of
Mrs. Charles Carlson for a few days
returned to their home this after
noon. They were accompanied home
by Miss Jessie Whalen who will vis
It the Omaha friends for a time.
Miss Fannie Hefflln of Marysville,
Mo., who has been the guest of her
sister, Mrs. A. R. Osborn for two
weeks, returned to her home this af
ternoon. Mrs. Osborn accompanied
her slsted to Maryville and will vis
It her parents and other relatives for
a time.
Interview Officials.
From Friday'B Dally.
F. P. Sheldon, J. M. Palmer and
R. C. Pollard, representing the Ne
hawka Commercial club, motored to
the hub today and Interviewed the
county attorney and other officials
concerning the grading of seven miles
of country street, commencing on the
"O Btreet" road a mile south of
Nehawka and extending west seven
miles. This is the main thorough
fare leading In to Nehawka from the
west and the stipulation of the con
tractor was to elevate the road in
the center 18 Inches with a 24 foot
surface at the top of the road. On
measurement in nineteen hit and
miss places along the seven miles
stretch the commercial club contends
that the average was only 9 Inches,
or one half the stipulated elevation.
It is the purpose of the gentlemen
from Nehawka to have the road
brought up to the required elevation
before the money is paid ovr
Ed. Tutt who has been spending
a couple of weeks in Texas, arrived
last evening on the Missouri I'ad-fl.
Similar to That Held Annually
at Tabor, Iowa.
Those who attended the ball tour
nament at Tabor, la., this week from
Plattsmouth, return home filled with
enthusiasm for a similar meeting In
our own town, and organized in the
same manner. Stock is taken by
those who favor the proposition thus
ly: Each stockholder pays five dol
lars to insure the payment of rurses
offered. Each subscriber is entitled
to admission to all games, and in
the wind up the surplus Is divided
amorg the stockholders. The tourna
ment membersat Tabor each receiv
ed $12 for the $3 Invested, which
demonstrates that the investment
was d paying one. tor next year
Tabor could have fifty more stock
holders than was needed, but all
they want is enough to guarantee
the payment of purses offered.
It Is proposed to hold the tourna
ment in Plattsmouth some time the
latter part of September, if the ne
cessary number of tickets are sold
and we can't see why we have not
one hundred citizens who will come
right to the front and show they
have as much enterprise as the peop
ple of the village of Tabor with Ha
1,500 Inhabitants. Start the ball to
rolling right now, as the Journal
'believes the necessary number of
tickets can be sold in less than no
time. Every subscriber is assured
the return of his subscription with at
least a small per cent on his Invest
ment, and maybe a larger per cent
than he could possibly expect. Such
an enterprise will bring many stran
gers to Plattsmouth, and In a way,
be a big advertisement for the town.
Already the Red Sox have proved a
big advertisement for Plattsmouth,
and the record they made at Tabor
Is one that every citizen should be
proud of. Boost the ball tourna
ment for there is etaosihrdluetaol
ment for all their is In it.
iTh.ore.will be a representative of
the tournament call on you tomorrow
or Monday to Bee how you feel in
regard to the matter, and how many
shares of $3.00 each that they can
secure. You are sure of at least a
part of your money back, and per
haps all of it. This depends on the
attendance for the gate receipts will
be returned to the stockholders. It
will probably require $600 to defray
all expenses. $400 offered In prizes,
about $200 for band and other ex
penses. This Is a proposition where
you cannot loose but very little if
any, so give it a glad hand and sub
scribe for as many shares as you
feel able.
Build Bridge on Ferry Road.
Commissioner M. L. Frledrich and
the Lincoln Construction company's
bridge gang went to the place where
the bridge over the outlet to Happy
Holow is to be constructed today,
and started the structure. The pile
driver with two teams and men to
operate the plant assembled at the
place. The material for the bridge
has been on the ground for several
days. The bridge will be about twen
ty feet long and will complete the
work commenced by the Plattsmouth
Commercial club in opening the bot
tom road at least as far as the
ferry. This will make the road good
for the Iowa trade so long as the
ferry can operate. The scheme to
construct a road by the river side
for a few miles below the ferry is a
good one and has tbe backing of the
commercial club and will no doubt
be completed in time. This will
make a good road free from hills to
11 the territory adjacent to Rock
Bluffs, bo that farmers can bring
their produce to the Flattsmouth
market with little trouble.
Sprains Ankle.
Julius Nellson, engineer in the
Burlington yards, had the misfortune
to sprain his ankle last Monday bo
badly that ho has been laying off
slnco that time. Mr. Nellson got his
Injury by vaulting over a fanco to
witness bis neighbor hive a swarm of
bees. He did not care to take the
time to go to the gate but sprang
over the fence as ho had done many
times before but on this occasion
ho lighted on uneven ground and
the ankle turned. Mr. Nellson has
been under the doctor's care since
but will soon be around again.
Bob Propst of Mynard was a visi
tor today in the city looking after
some business items.
Does llusiuesM Out of Town.
John Bauer returned last evening
from a trip to Union and Nehawka
and Ay oca where he has figured on
putting in heating plants. This en
terprising firm has placed some out
of town business during the year
Just past which speaks well for
Plattsmouth Industry and help to
keep the old town on the map. As
a result of their skill and close fig
ures heating plants have placed as
follows: Three at Avoca, two at
Louisvillo, three at Nebraska City,
and one at each of the following:
South Bend, Cedar Creek, Union and
South Omaha.
Two Hundred and Twenty-five
Members of Family Present
The annual reunion of the Wiles
family was held yesterday on the
Iowa side of the river. Last year It
will be remembered that the reunion
was held at the homo of Thomas
Wiles, Jr., near this city.
On this occasion all of the relation
ship were Invited to the home of
Mr. C. L. Wiles which Is the old
M Ills county homestead of Grand
father Thomas Wiles.
Three automobiles and several
carriages of the Nebraska branch of
the family kept Ferryman Jim Ault
going for some time yesterday morn
ing. There were 122 descendants of
Thomas Wiles, Sr., deceased, present
at the old homestead yesterday.
Forty-six of these were from Cass
county, A. L. Wiles from Richardson
county, Neb., and Paul Eglle from
Onawa, la., the remaining seventy
four guests were of the Mills county
Next year It Is planned to hold the
reunion on this side of the Missouri.
One member of the family here Is
near the age of eighty-five years of
age and the family will probably
meet at her home next year, If not
with her, then with some other of
the Wiles family on this 8ldo. The
dinner was a feature of the occasion
and was nicely cooked and well
served In a manner the Iowa house
wife so well knows how to do.
Returns From Weeping Water.
From Friday's Pully.
L. A. Moor and wife, II. A. Sch
neider, C. H. Taylor, K. II. Wescott
and C. D. Qulnton who went to the
fraternal picnic at Weeping Water
yesterday returned last evening with
the exception of C. H. Taylor, who
tarried at his home in Union till this
morning when he also returned to
Plattsmouth. The entire party were
pleased with the trip and the enter
tainment furnished by the Weeping
Water people. The placo for hold
ing the picnic Is an Ideal one, nmpe
theater made by nature and covered
by a canopy of green leaves also
contributed by nature has been Im
proved by laying concrete stringers
up the hill slope with proper angles
on which the plank for the seats are
laid. The park there Is fine and
nonvenicnt to the business part of
the city and but a Bhort distance
from the ball park. The Nebraska
City band furnished the music, the
program covering about two hours
In the afternoon. A speaker on fra-
ternalism was present from Lincoln
William Hayward of Nebraska City
was billed for a speech but did not
show up.
Telephone In Court.
A special from Lincoln under date
of August 25, says: "The Nebras
ka Telephone company today applied
to the supreme court for an order
modifying the Injunction restraining
It from taking over the Plattsmouth,
Papilllon and Nebraska City Tele
phone companies which It bought re
cently. Arguments were made by
Byron Clark and E. M. Morscman,
Jr. Tho suit Is to prohibit the Ne
braska from taking over any lines on
the plea that It is forming a tele
phono combination. It was alleged
In tbe argument that these lines are
non-competitive ami do not come
within the purview of the plaintiff's
petition. It was said that Judge
Rceso twenty-flvo years ago In lay
Ing down the state law held physical
connection between telephones, when
demanded, could bo legally demand
ed as a subscriber's right when it was
Mrs. Fred Sdwnoek and babe of
Dundeo who havo been visiting Mrs.
Sch mock's mother, Mrs. Seagravo for
two months, returned to their homo
tills afternoon.
Ten Millions Being Used in Track
By January 1, 1911, the Missouri
Pacific railroad will have spent $10,-,
000,000 In improvements In less than
one year. Reports of work already
done show that 900 miles of track
have been ballasted heavily, 65,000
of new rails laid and h.000 tons of
heavy bridge construction have been
plnced in position.
The Improvements have not been
confined to any one locality, but
have been general. In Kansas the
road hns been particularly aetlvo in
betterments. The main line between
Kansas City and Pueblo has been
ballasted and In many places new
steel has been laid. Two years ago
this line was in bad shape and late
trains were frequent, but with a lib
eral expenditure of money It has
been put In good condition.
Another line in Kansas that has ro
reived a similar course of treatment
Is the Central branch. Over tho
greater part of the line, new and
heavier rails have replaced the old
ones, and new ties have been laid.
The line Is Is much better condition
than ever before. It always has been
a good paying line, but profits have
not always gone back Into the prop
erty. The work now Is Incomplete
but Is being pushed, and will be push
ed as long as the weather permits,
and then work will be resumed again
In warmer weather. The work has
been included In the budget of dis
bursements and material has been or
dered for the entire branch.
The Improvement Isn't expected to
come all at once. In a recent mort
gage of $175,000,000, which pro
vides for refunding existing obliga
tions, $82,000,000 has been reserv
ed for extensions, Improvements and
qulpment on the Missouri Pacific
and Iron Mountain sections of tho
system. This Is intended to be dis-
turbuted at the rate of $10,000,000
a year.
Tho Missouri Pacific dining the
past year has laid 190 miles of sec
ond main track In Illinois, Missouri,
Arkansas and Kansas. A new yard
and terminal, containing several
miles of tracks, at llolslngton, Kas.,
will be completed this year. A now
Intermediate terminal at Falls City,.
Neb., containing ten miles of track
now Is ready for service.
Next year much of the expense
undergone this year will be unneces
sary and officials of the company
hope to put more of tho 1911 budget
Into actual track Improvements.
Prof. (I'aiiilile and Wife Return,
Prof. J. W. (iamblo returned last
evening from a two months vacation
at the lakes In Minnesota. The pro
fessor Is looking the picture of health
and returns no doubt with renewed
energy to wrcHtle with the Intrlcnte
educational problems which will pre
sent themselves for solution. Mrs.
(lamble who returned from Minneso
ta about a month ago and who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Her
man Thomas at Fort Crook, Neb., and
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Dungan at Grand Island, Neb., met
Mr. Gamble at Omaha and accom
panied him to their home In this city
Mrs. Dungan of Grand Island accom
panied Mrs. Gamblo to this city tftr
a visit at the Gamble home.
W. V. T. U. Convention.
In the recent convention held at
Weeping Water, the following offi
cers were elected: President, Mrs.
Belle Miles, Louisville; Vice Presi
dent, Mrs. Oella Klrkpatrick, Ne
hawka; Secretary, Miss Fenn, Weep
ing Water; Treasurer, Mrs. Olive
Moore, Plattsmouth. In the oratori
cal contest, Miss Mildred Cummins
w on the gold medal, and In the musi
cal contest, Miss Mlna Thlerolf won
tho silver medal. Notwithstanding
tho terrible, heat the convention was
ono of tho best held In the county.
Speeches, enthusiastic, papers, fine,
music of the best order, and tho
hospitality of the Weeping Water
homes beyond praise. Most of tho
delegates remained for tho fraternal
picnic, and thus brought to a close
in a most enjoyable manner tho W.
C. T. U. convention of 1910.
Mrs. J). R. Coiiey and sou, Ray
mond, arrived from Omaha this
morning and will visit Mrs. Corley'a
parents, M. Archer and wife for a
time. They wero accompanied by
Mrs. Corley's little niece, Alice Sch-walenherg.