The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 25, 1910, Image 6

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WW iLnl lulllUU III UU U III
Murray Department
I Ulll
If uni) of tlteremhrs of the Jnurnul k)iO(B (f a n'K'i'il e.tnt (rr an ikm of intercut
We K'lnt all iluux of Editor Journal.
What would be the easiest method
of paying a man you owed this
amount? Could you gather up a
ten-dollar bill, a five, four ones, a
half, a quarter, two dimes and four
coppers? There Is a much better
way for the man with a cheeking
account. Ho writes J 19.99 on a
blank check, signs his name and
hands It to the other party. Carry
a check book with you always.
There Is no safer or more convenient
Murray State Bank
Geo. Cook, Murray for fine busies.
II. L. Oldham was a Plattsmouth
vinltor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gllmorc were Omaha
visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Adda Stokes was a Platts
niouth visitor Wednesday.
Hoy Cox of Nebraska City Is vis
iting the Jenkins boys this week.
Ir, 11. F, Urendel Is expected home
Friday from his sojourn In Indiana.
Mrs. James Walker returned homo
Wednesday after a week's visit In
You want a new bue;gp? If you want
the best for the least money call on
Georpe Cook.
Robert Mln ford of Florence, Col.,
Is the guest of his uncle, (i. M. Min
ford this week.
Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mrs. J.
W. Rergcr were Pluttsmouth visitors
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. p. lirendol Is In Weeping
Water this week visiting her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Jamison.
Quito a largo number of Murray
ite .spent Sunday at the river. Home
great fish stories have been afloat
evcr since,
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds and grand
child, Grace Long, are visiting Mrs.
.Edmunds' brother, Robert Ferguson
Vt Wyoiillllg. .,;.
Mrs. Wade rol ler returned to her
home at Plalnvlcw, Neb., Monday,
('.race Porter went with her for an
extended visit.
The finest line of Buggies" in Cass
couny at George Cook's. Call and ex
amine our buggies and see how low we
are sellinir them .
Miss Emma Elkenbark of Platts
mouth was the guest of Lena Young
over Sunday, coming down to spend
Saturday at the old settlers picnic.
Russel Davis and wife of Lincoln
rame Saturday evening for a short
visit with Mr. Davis' parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Davis west of town.
Mrs. Anna White and Bon Francis
of California arrived Friday evening
for an extended visit with Mrs.
White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Jesse Lewis and his sister, Zula,
departed for their home at Vllllsca,
la., after a week's visit with their
uncles, F. M. Young and Jeff Lewis
and families.
Mrs. Charles Tracey and daughter,
Verna, of South Omaha were the
guests of Frank Moore and family
over Sunday, coming down for tho
old settlers picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Drown, Miss
Pauline Oldham. Miss Margie Walk
er and Albert Young attended tho
dancing party given by Miss Applo
gato Saturday evening at Union
Mrs. Robert Corhett and son of
Jameston, Ta., wero visiting friends
In and around Murray Monday and
Tuesday. Mrs. Corbctt taught In
this vicinity a number of years ago.
Miss Enlala Brooks of Kansas
City, Mo., left on the Thursday morn
ing train for a visit with her uncle,
J. Lewis and family at Vllllsca, la.
Miss Isabella Young accompanied
her as far as riattstnouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Country
man drove over to Murray from their
liomn west of town one day this
It : " 1 'J
week. This is the first time Mrs.
Countryman has been In Murray
slnco her serious Illness.
Mrs. Nix has been quite sick this
Tom Ruby's little son has been
very sick.
Ed. WuiTs son has been III for the
past week.
The little son of Matthew Slgman
has been finite sick.
(irandma Fleming has been
low for the past week.
Allen Land's son has been
Jously 111 for the post week.
Mrs. William Splitt is very
bordering on typhoid fever.
Mrs. J. F. Brendel Is visiting In
Weeping Water this week.
Hnrve Vanllorn, from near Union
has been on the sick list for the
past week.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Carter Al-
bln, a 11 pound girl on August 20th.
Mother and daughter doing nicely.
Dr. D. F. Uremic! who has been
visiting In the east for the past three
weeks expects to return homo Fri
Miss Iilanche Mougey, near Union,
has been seriously 111 for the past
week. She Is some better at this
(Irandma Gruber has been very
sick for the past week and on ac
count of her age it Is very doubt
ful as to her recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young,
Mrs. White ot California, Miss Eulala
Iirooks of Kansas, Mo., Jesse and
Zula Lewis of Vllllsca, la., and Isa
bella Young at dinner Tuesday.
J. W. Holmes departed today,
(Thursday) for Plattsmouth where
he will take the Burlington for Chi
cago, Elgin and other Illinois points
for a week's outing and to visit with
friends. We hope Jim will have a
pleasant visit.
Grandly Entertained.
Miss Annabel Moore entertained a
number of her friends at uer beauti
ful home south of Murray Wednes
day afternoon. Although the day was
rainy, yet all iuvlted were present.
The guests were asked to bring a
picture of themselves taken when
they wore a baby, and theso were
arranged about the rooms and the
guests requested to guess who they
were. Tho guessing contest lasted
most of the afternoon. Margie Walk
er was the lucky one, guessing the
lorgest number ot tho photos and
was presented with a handsome doll.
I,cna Young was voted tho prettiest
baby. Refreshments were served at
5:. 10. It will he an afternoon long
remembered by those present. Those
present were: Misses Margie Walk
er, Lena Young, Bertha Nlckles, Ger
trude Long, Paulino and Fay Old
ham, Mcsdames J. P. Brendcl, G. II.
Gllmore 0. A. Davis, S. O. Pitman,
W. C. Brown and W. E. Mellinger.
Dunce at Murray August U".
The Murray Donco club will give an
other dnnco at Jenkins' hall in Mur
ray Saturday evening, August 27.
Jacob's orchestra of Omaha will fur
nish splendid music so come out, and
have a good time. These dames nave
become very popular and this one
will be up to the usual standard.
in this vicinity tu,d will iwul same to this
Ray, Hie twelve year old "son ' of
Mr. and Mrs. James Delesdernier,
living two miles south of Murray,
was severely bitten by a vicious dog
on Thursday evening. Ray was in
the barn playing with his brother
and sister when he was suddenly
attacked by the dog. The dog did
not snap him but getting the boy
down lacerated his arms, back and
face. One ear was badly torn that
it was necessary to have the wound
sewed up. Surgical assistance was
called and the boy properly taken
care of, and his speedy recovery is
The Murray Band will meet next
Tuesday evening at 8:15 sharp. We
would like to see every member pre
sent. Take an Interest In this and
let us have a band.
Notice. ,
I will give no more dances at my
place. Thanks to the public for
your attendance. Fred Dawson.
Mis. Neuinun Improving.
Miss Ella Neuman and her brother,
Rudolph, went to St. Joseph hospital
this afternoon to visit their mother
who has been at the hospital for
several days. Last Wednesday Mrs.
Neuman was operated on for gall
stones and. stood the operation very1
well and Is doing nicely ever since.
The numerous friends of Councilman
Neuman will be pleased to know that
Mrs. Neuman Is on the road to re
covery. C.ond Work,
Workmen are now engaged in do
ing some good work on Marble street
west from Chicago avenue. This has
been one of the worst thoroughfares
In the city to travel over and when
they get through with grading and
leveling It up it will add much to
Its appearance, and make It much
more pleasant for those who live on
that street. Already the appearance
Is very perceptible for the better.
Tiles New Collar.
Roy Thompson has on his Adams
Express delivery nag one of the col
lars Invented by Dr. Todd of Omaha
which Is a model of convenience and
workmanship. The hane and collar
are combined so that the hostler
needs only to buckle the one strap to
fasten both articles of the harness.
D. O. Dwyer and wife, A. J. Bee-
son and wife and D. C. Morgan went
to Taor today to witness the game,
going In Mr. Dwyer's auto, which
left this city at noon today. There
will be a large party of rooters for
the Plattsmouth boys and it is to
be hoped the rooting will stiffen
them up sufficiently to bring home
first money.
Have you ever used the celebrated
"Forest Rose" flour? Try It when
you buy the next sack. At all lead
ing dealers.
Public Sale!
I will sell at public auction, on 0. M.
Dawson's farm, 4 miles east and 2 miles
north of Weeping Water, on
Monday, August 29
commencing at 1 p. m., the following
described property:
1 bay gelding, 6-year-old, weight 1250
pounds; 1 bay mare, 4-year-old, weight
1050 pounds; 1 brown mare, 7-year-old,
weight 1050, (single driver); 1 Wilks
colt, 3-year old, weight 900 pounds; 1
gray mare, 12-year-old, weight 1300
pounds; 1 grey gelding, 6-year-old,
weight 1350 pounds; 1 grey gelding, 6-year-old,
weight 1100 pounds; 1 bay
marc, 3-year-old, weight 1203 pounds.
3 had of cattle-will be fresh soon;
13 heud of hegs; 5 dozen chickens.
1 new Western Rell riding lister; 1
new Badger riding cultivator; 1 new top
buggy; 1 10-foot broad cast seeder; 1
tank neater; 1 new Imperial press drill;
1 hsy rack; 1 U. S. creom separator; 1
Newton wngon; 1 Deerinir binder and
many o'.her articles too numerous to
TCPMQ! Sums of $10 and under cash
I kiimui Over $10 six months to one
year's time, on good bankable notes
bearing 8 per cent Interest.
W. M. DUNN, Auctioneer.
office it will aur uihr this lunJiwj
Alex Skile3 went to Murdock on
Warren Bird returned Sunday ev
ening from a visit in Jowa.
J. H. Stroemer was a passenger
to Omaha Tuesday noon.
Art Klyner went to Lincoln last
Wednesday, returning Thursday.
T. W.- Barr and son, Emll, left
Sunday evening for La Mars, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer left
Sunday morning for St. Joseph, Mo.
Harry Parsell went to Lincoln on
Wednesday, remaining until Friday.
M'ia Violet Ough and brother,
Chester, returned from South Bend
Mrs. Sam Cashner visited Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. Fred
Bert KItzel came home Saturday
from St. Joe to visit his mother a
few days.
George Bucknell who ha3 been
working at Lincoln, returned Mon
day to remain.
Miss Grace Bailey came In Sunday
from Lincoln where she had been
since Friday.
Mrs. John Robotham of Lincoln
visited from Friday till Monday noon
with relatives.
Miss Orpha Mullen left Sunday for
University Place visiting, en route
to Prairie Home.
Miss Stella Shaw of Omaha visited
at the home of S. C. Boyles from Fri
day till Monday.
P. J. Llnch and family spent last
Sunday afternoon ' at the Chautau
qua at Elmwood.
Mrs. Belle Bennett went to Lin-
cola Friday evening to visit relatives
until Monday noon.
H. S. Ough and children, Chester
and Violet, were passengers for Om
aha Wednesday evening!
Arthur Bird and family visited at
Mrs. Bird's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Penn near Waverly, Sunday.
Harry Appleman moved to Lincoln
last Tuesday to give his daughter the
benefit of the Lincoln schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marry and
daughter came in Tuesday evening
from Texas to visit relatives.
Mrs. Clyde Boyles of Lincoln came
Thursday to visit relatives and re
turned home Sunday on No. 17.
Mrs. Etta Mower and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Curtlss of Lincoln spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer.
Miss Gertrude Gullion came down
from Lincoln Sunday to visit her
brother, Carlton and family between
Alvo school will open September
12, 1910. with Miss Grace Wilson
as principal and Miss Mae Prouty
Mrs. E. M. Stone and son La Verna
spent last week with relatives at
University Place and Elmwood, re
turning Monday.
Miss Marie Stroemer drove to Elm
wood Sunday. Her cousin, Mrs. Hat
tie Rogge returned with her for a
few days visit.
The Misses OHIe and Hazel Fore
man went to.Davey Saturday even
ing to visit a couple of weeks with
their brother Ed and wife.
Mrs. Nellie Beck and daughter of
Hlghmore, South Dakota, came in
Sunday evening to visit Mrs. Beck's
parents, ilr. and Mrs. Henry Thom
as. Dr. Mulr and family, Mrs. Eliza
Craig and son, Henry, and daughter
Mrs. Dewey, of Lincoln, left Satur
day morning for a week's camping
at Ashland.
Word was received here announc
ing the marriage of Arthur Lee Mun
ger, Jr., to Miss Frida Mathilda Haus
wirth which occurred August 7, 1910
at the home of the bride's parents,
M. M. Houswith. The young couple
will be at home after June, 1911,
at Berlin, Germany. Mr. Munger's
many friends here wish him a happy
Scalded Willi CoKec.
Mrs. Seagrave went to Glen wood
on the morning train today to visit
her daughter, Miss Sarah, who Is suf
fering from a badly scalded arm and
neck. The accident occurred Inst
Sunday, when the cook nt the Insti
tution tripped and emptied the con
tents of a large coffee urn filled with
boiling coffee over the person of
Miss Seagrave. A doctor was call
ed and dressed tho young lady
burns and she Is now on the way to
Mr. J. E. Wiles has just purchased
a fine new rubber tired buggy. H
Is something swell too. They drove
to the old settlers picnic near Union
Saturday to try its worth.
Arthur Lee Munger and Miss Frida Matilda Hauswirlh Wedded
By New Religious Order The Temple.
Glen Rawls. the gial clerk at
C. E. Wescott's Sons clothing em
porium, received this week a mark
ed copy of the Palo Altan, a news
paper published at Palo Alto, Cal.,
containing an account of the mar
riage of Arthur Lee Munger, a form
er Plattsmouth boy, to Miss Frida
Matilda Hauswtrth, the bride and
groom both being residents of Palo
Alto. The ceremony was celebrated
with Temple rites. The Temple Is
an organization along accult and
humanitarian lines, dealing with
mystical, as well as practical side of
religion, ethics and social science.
The local branch at Polo Alto is call
ed the Temple Square. On Sunday,
August 7th, the wedding of Mr. Mun
ger and Miss Hauswirth occurred,
and was a complete surprise to ev
eryone but the, wedding party and
the groom's mother. At the conclu
sion of the morning service, there
stepped forward Arthur Lee Munger
and Miss Frida Matilda Hauswirth to
be married, according to the ritual
and rites of the Temple. The cere-
mony was performed by the official
heads, Dr. W. H. Dower and Mrs. F.
L. A. La Due, the two chief officials
of the Temple, garbed in snow white
robes. The ritual is most impres
sive and is quite unlike that of any
other church, in that it minimizes
New ('bail's Are In.
R. M. Schlaes, the moving picture
man, has completed the placing of
his 250 new opera chairs in the Ma
jestic theater. The room will now
present quite a different and pleas
ing appearance. The rows of chairs
are two Inches farther apart than in
any theater In Omaha, thus Mr.
Schlae3 looks out for the comfort
of his patrons. There Is quite a dif
ference In sitting In a comfortable
opera seat not cramped for room,
and not have the rim of the lid of
the lady in front strike you in the
face. The seats are arranged with
hat racks and foot rests convenien
ces that will be appreciated by the
patrons of the house. The raised
stage will be fitted up in the most
modern fashion with foot lights and
other accessories.
, Peaches Weie Fine.
The peaches shipped to us by Mr.
John Murray from Alva, Okla., were
received yesterday and we immedi
ately opened the basket and sampled
them. They are the finest peaches
we ever saw, there not being a sin
gle blemish on them, and still they
laid in the Pacific Express office
here for two or three days before
we knew they had arrived. They had
the rarest of flavor and indeed they
were the finest we have ever tasted.
We certainly appreciated your kind
rememberance Mr. Murray, and we
certainly did ample justice to them.
Again Quite 111.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson departed for
the bedside of her little grandson,
Frank Walker Johnson this morn
ing. The little one was on the way
to recovery until last Saturday when
he got worse again and the grand
parents are considerably worried
about the babe's condition.
Andy Snyder register of deeds, was
a Tabor visitor today where he went
to root for the home boys.
Lowney's an dies
. '
Just received a fresh supply from the factory of
this justly celebrated candy in bulk and in fancy pack
ages. Fresh and wholesome. Come in and try them.
This is a good time to do that painting and
paper hanging. Many good bargains in up-to-date
wall paper. Come and see them.
the religious and accentuates the
philosophic and social side of mar
riage. The ancient heirlooms smack
ing of the inferiority and submis
sion on the part of the bride are
omitted. The Temple has the same
sanction to solemnize marriages as
that of other church under the law
of California.
The bride and groom were la
street attire and unattended. Each
placed a ring on the fourth finger of
the other in token of marriage, re
peating the nuptial vows in unison,
after which the officials speaking In
unison pronounced them man and
wife. The consecration hymn was
sung by the audience with deep
solemnity and feeling. The high
contracting parties stood upon a silk
Persian rug which has performed
the same part In weddings of the
Munger family for many years. The
groom's father had been called east
on business and so was not present.
This is the second Temple marriage,
the first being performed on last
Thanksgiving. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Munger are prominent graduates of
the Stanford university. Mr. Mun
ger Is the son of former deputy coun- .
ty treasurer, A. L. Munger of this
county, and Is well known to the
Plattsmouth young people where
the family resided for some time.
Otr for South Dakota.
E. Austin and C. Albln, accom
panied by M. Lynde from Union,
were In the city this morning, the .
former two gentlemen being en
route for South Dakota while Mr.
Lynde had some business matters
here to look after. It will be re
membered that Mr. Austin and Mr.
Albln drew farms in the Standing
Rock and Cheyenne drawing, and it
was in the interest of their new pos
sessions that they were making this
trip. They departed on their north
ern journey over the Burlington this
The drawing is to commence Sep
tember 1st, on which date Mr. Al
bin's number will be called. His
number being 8014, while Mr. Austin
drew 11,192 or thereabouts. These
gentlemen are going to look at the
land before the date of drawing. Af
ter the drawing they will have ten
days to decide whether they will ac
cept the allotment.
Corn Crop About Prague Good.
Mr. G. M. Fleming, a farmer re
siding near Prague, In Saunders
county, Neb., stopped a few hours
In Plattsmouth this morning while
en route to Murray to visit relatives.
Mr. Fleming thinks the corn on hia
farm will make twothirds of a crop
this season. The prospect for a crop
now is more favorable than last year.
Small grain was a splendid crop,
while hay will be very short. Farm
ers who had alfalfa are in luck, as
they have cut two or more crops ot
the hay and will get one or two more.
Use "Forest Rose" Flour if you
want the best results in making good
bread. Try a sack and you will buy no
other. For sale by all leading dealers.
W. A. Schutz left for Plalnview
this afternoon wHere he will visit
with friends for a short time.
L" V ... ; '
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& CO.,