The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 25, 1910, Image 2

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For these two days and for cash only, we will sell
a pure all-wool blue ser,re men's suit for
This price does not represent the suit. These
are clean tips from line.- that sold at $12, $15 and $18
and are first-class hih-rade suits. We cannot
duplicate them at the price and we cannot guarantee
that you will find your size in these unless you come
on Friday. See them in our corner window. In our
west window you will see genuine Shawknit sox at
18c. You should takeadvantage of these bonafide
price reductions. There's no easier way for you
to make money.
8. i. UosGott's . Sons
Now Fall Goods are Arriving Daily.
1116 1 HAS
Discharge of Powder Nearly
Ruins Both His Eyes.
Hoy Lamphear, the twelve year old
son of Ccorgo Ijunphear and wife of
this city, met with an accident Sat
urday while visiting his cousins at
Elmwood which alnioHt had a fatal
ending for the unfortunate lad. Tho
little boy with his brother and two
cousins, one of them about fifteen
years af age, were playing on the
premises of Roy's undo and had somo
gunpowder which they were testing.
About a half of a smoking tobacco
sack of powder was emptied out on
a board, and Hoy applied a match
when the entire charge flashed in
his face, horribly burning his faco.
.The accident occurred about eleven
o'clock In the forenoon, and the boys
boarded the flrnt train for IMntta.
' mouth where Dr. Cook was seen and
i dressed tho Injured boy's burns. It
was feared that both of Hoy's eyes
. rare Injured. ho that the sight would
be entirely destroyed, as his eyes
wero both swollen shut when he ar
rived at tho doctor's office, but Dr.
f'rir.l nvn mlniil Vw..t. .1 9 t
i .in limit M mi mi mm lUIUIll Hie
eye, except tho lids, were not in
jured. Tho little boy was on the
Street yesterday en route from tho
doctor's office and his entire facet and
vhead was covered with whlto ban
dages with no part of the face visible.
The doctor hopes to bring blm
, through but It was a very narrow
escape that the little boy had from
death and he Is fortunate that the
ac Idouf. did licit .result. niore seiious
' Constipation causes headache, nau
sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita
tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken,
weaken the bowels and don't cure.
Doan's Reguleta act gently and cure
constipation. 23 cents. Ask your
Facts for Weak
Nilic-teiilhs of nil li e i i kncmi et women is duo to inme arrangement or din
i Bsc cd the orjjunri distinctly fuminiuc. Sucii bakncbs can bo cured ii cured
tiry duy by
Br, Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Mal es Vcsi: Women Jtrar,jt
Sici; Women Well.
It Si-Is diixclly on t'io or;;,
live tonic fur tin v.iwk ..
i i Iniinc. It riuUu uii.icc
I ntl trcitiivnt .. imt.
I"' ( ! ci i.'
every imi'.io,t vu"
V. tf ,!,., II i i . ..; ,,
t'lot.e pc-iil r . i i, . , ,
v n ! ' .i V ., . . ..
I .ens el jU, i, ," . i .. , .
una Si mi- s i:,'', ' ... ,. ,
i.nd up-to-ilule i : ::!Vi
i ent htiiirps to i t t . i ;
binding for 31 ,i:nu, s.
Addrcj.i I).: It. V
Had HuhIiicns In (ho City.
C. H. Harris and J. II. Ferris from
southeast of Murray accompanied by
E. L. Daniel, of Tuttle, Oklahoma,
were In the city this morning looking
after some business matters. Mr.
Harris was returning home from a
business trip to Omaha. Mr. Daniel
Is a brother-in-law of Mr. Harris,
and an old resident of Cass county
up to a few years ago, when he pur
chased a farm and moved to Okla
homa. Ho reports everything In that
locality in pretty fair condition. Mr.
Harris paid the Journal office a brief
call and In conversation with him
we learn that he Is still in love with
Cass county land, and to demonstrate
this fact he has purchased another
eighty acres, the James Harrow place,
mostly timber land. The Darrow
farm is located about three miles
from Mr. Harris' fine farm home
place. The conveyance was made today.
August time, tells on the nerves.
Cut that spiritless, no ambition feel
ing can be easily and quickly altered
by taking what is known to drug
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Re
storative. Within 49 hours after
beginning to use the Restorative, im
provement will be noticed Of course,
full health will not immediately re
turn. The gain, however, will surely
follow. And best of all, you will rea
lize and feel your strength and am
bition as It Is returning. Outside
Influence depress first the "Inside
nerves," then the Stomach. Heart,
and Kidneys will usually fall. To
strengthen these falling nerves with
Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how
quickly health will be yours aRalu.
Sold by all dealers.
Ice ("renin Social.
The Ladles Aid at Mynaid will
:lve an ice cream social at S. 0. Cole's
building Friday evening,' Aug'usC'2(T',
1910. A short program Is being ar
ranged. ' ; , t
l'nt.iiici'N, Attention. "
We want your cream, - Itrlng it
any day, at any time. See It tested
and get highest price In cash at our
store. Try us on cream and pro
duce. Zuckweller & Lutz.
". ..ilck' J i.. 1 1 is in (V t i;n; time n !rnernl rectorn-c-:i.
I' c i-ci ici, ..- c.'i.irliiint ri;,l.t ill t!ie privacy
n!, cvimiiiiiitions and
ii id m Udiorrcnt to
UK 0
Havelock Shops to Be Dedicated
With Festivities.
The general committee in charge
of the ceremonies and festivities to
be held at the celebration of the open
ing of the new Burlington shops at
Havelock September 3, met last even
ing. The committees In charge of
the arrangements all reported but,
with the exception of the advertising,
the arrangements are still indefinite.
A number of prominent Burlington
officials will probably speak although
the committee had not completed the
arrangements. They also hope to se
cure Governor Shallenberger for an
address in the afternoon. The ad
dresses will be held in the new ma
chine shop which Is COO feet long and
over 200 feet wide.
Over 300 invitations have been sent
out to Hurlington officials and the
committee hopes to have a lare
crowd present from Lincoln and oth
er neighboring towns. The commit
tee decided last night to use buttons
for advertising together with large
banners on the street cars.
The program will begin at 2 p. m.,
and dose with a dance in the even
ing. In addition to the addresses the
program will consist of a concert by
the Havelock band, quartet singing
and possibly boiiio recitations by an
elocutionist. Refreshments will be
served by the ladles of Havelock.
The business men of Havelock are
planning to decorate their places of
business for the occasBlon. The people
of the city are taking a great deal of
Interest in the celebration whic h they
Intend to make a big affair. It is
expected that a large number of Lin
coln people will be present at the
dedication. Lincoln Journal.
Served as coffee, the new coffee
substitute known to grocers every
where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee,
will trick even a coffee expert. Not a
grain of real coffee In it either, Pure
healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts,
etc., have been so cleverely blended
as to give a wonderfully satisfying
coffee taste and flavor. And it Is
"made in a minute." too. No tedious
20 to 30 minutes boiling. F. S.
Gets on the Wrong Train.
William Chunda of Omaha wa3 In
the city this morning for a few min
utes between trains. Mr. Chunda
boarded the train at Omaha with
some friends expecting to get out at
the Illuffs and did not discover his
mistake until he was rounding the
curve toward Gibson. He tried to
bribe the conductor to stop at Belle
vue but not so. The train makes no
stops between Omaha and. Flatts-
motuh so the young man came to
liattsmouth without further protest.
He thought his friends had the laugh
on him.
Joseph Warga and Itiide Serenaded.
Joe Warga and bride departed for
Nebraska City, last evening where
they will spend two clays with rela
tives, after which they will depart for
their home at Denver. Mr. Warga
and his wife spoke warm words of
praise for the excellont music given
by the M. W. A. band on the lawn of
Mr. Warga's father, in honor of the
young married couple Monday even
ing. The entire neighborhood are
under obligations to the band for the
fine serenade given at the time.
Find Corn Crop Favorable.
A. A. and F. H. Rullman, travel
ing salesman for tho Rullman elec
tric and hand power washer, arrived
In liattsmouth this morning,, having
left Hiawatha, Kas., clay before yes
terday, making the trip by auto. They
made as hiRhJas'ten towns a day en
roittp, lahilvmade close, vobse-rvation
o the cornfields and wero surprised
to, flud,uop conditions much better
than tuoj". had -expected. The corn
from". Hiawatha to Flnttsmouth on
the route taken by the travellers
which zigzaged back and forth to the
Missouri river to a line north of Hia
watha, is in pretty fair condition and
will make much more corn than a
great many of the farmers claim. At
one place on the Nebraska side near
the south line they observed that the
stock had been turned in to the corn
field, while tho field Just across the
road looked as if It would yield forty
or fifty bushels of corn per a e.
Fain anywhere stopped In 20 min
utes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's
Ping Fain Tablets. The formula is
I on the 2-cent box. Ask your doc
tor or druggist about this formula!
Stops womanly pains, headache, pains
anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis., for freo trial to prove value,
of his Headache, or Fink Fain Tab
lets. Sold by all dealers.
C. I). (Julnton went to Weeping
Water on legal business today, and
Iik ldc;ital! . take in the fraternal
Oops Good at Fekln, III.
Gearge sr. Adam Friedrich who
have been the guests of their cousin,
Commissioner M. L. Friedrich for a
short time, departed this morning
for Pierce county, Nebraska. Adam
Friedrich resides at Pekln, 111., and
Is engaged In farming there. Mr.
Friedrich says the corn crop there
is in a fair condition and will yield
more per acre than corn in this lo
cality. Cut in case the rains are not
suffffkient from this time on the
yield will be considerably reduced.
Well Known Among Burlington
Employes In This City and
At Pacific Junction.
The following account of the death
of a former well known character of
Pacific Junction, and well known
among tlfe Hurlington employes in
this city, was taken from a special
from San Rernardino to a Los An
geles, California paper:
C. W. Lackey, a Sante Fe railroad
man from Winslow, Ariz., was found
dead In his bed at the Commercial
hotel this morning. Upon his face
was a handkerchief saturated with
chloroform, and covered with a pil
low. Death was evidently accidental.
The deceased had been troubled for
many weeks with insomnia. AH ef
fort to secure sleep failed, except
by the use of chloroform.
Two days ago he was last seen
alive. As he failed to appear this
morning an investigation was start
ed, with the result of finding him
dead. Among his effects were nu
merous bottles of chloroform.
Lackey was a lay preacher, and
frequently held services among the
railroad men far out on the desert,
when his train found itself removed
from civilization on Sunday. He was
popular, and regarded by all his fel
low railroad men as sincere in his
religious professions.
He leaves a sister, Mrs. H. B.
Wire, residing at Long Beach, and a
son, Charles Lackey, a resident of
Sioux Falls, S. D. The remains will
be taken to Grinnell, Iowa, by a
delegation of Brotherhood of Hail
road Trainmen. R. L. Holmes, Santa
Fe station agent there, has charge of
When the Stomach, Heart or Kid
ney nerves get weak, then these or
gans always fail. Don't drug the
Stomach nor stimulate the Heart
or Kidneys. That Is simply a make
shift. Get a prescription known to
druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. The Restoralve is pre
pared expressly for these weak inside
nerves. Strelghten these nerves,
build them up with Dr. Shoop's Re
storative tablets or Hquir and se
how quickly help will come to you.
Sold by all dealers.
Used Good Bait.
William DelesDernler of Elmwood
was In the city today looking after
business at the court house. W'illlam
had some large fish stories on the
reel today as he was returning from
Union, where he and W. n. Banning
had been fishing on the Missouri
liver last evening and the fish they
caught were whoppers. - .
. Statement of the Condition
of riattsmonth, Nebraska, on the :50th
day of June, HUG.
Klist nioritrntro loans i MAK IU
siock I. in i t-i i;.;ii;i mi
lii-ivl estate contracts;i m
Tush h.ltti T(i
I ii'lliuiiicnt Interest, premiums, lines
Hiul dues .. 3.4i'4 n
Other assets. Insurance and taxes
Mild and advanced Hi I 00
Total SKII.Olfl 10
Cmiltal Stock paid ui) I W.liM 00
Ueserve fund .4 IN
Dividends declared .:U8 1-'
Total I3I,VW3 10
ESIUNO JUN .10, 11110.
Ilnlance on hand July I, IMHt t 1.HM .VI
Din s ;."i,:t.'i oc
Interest, fti.MW 0;iand lines i:i;..'ki i..n-j; :
I. oniis repaid 111,1:.''.' INI
Mcinln'i-sliln fees ill tin
Transfer fees II (HI
Iveul estate contracts 277 44
Total i M,h2S 3S
Loans $ ltWStt net
KM.ises 1. (HI
Slin k redeemed li.liis ;,
Cash on Inind s.iol 70
Insurance and taxes paid and ad
vanced :M 4."i
Total S-J.y.'S Ik!
I. Henry It. (ieilnif. secret ary of Itio nliove
limned nvsociat Ion. do solemnly swear I lull t lie
foivtotiii: si in.. in.. in of t he I'oiidli Ion of said ns
socmi Ion. Is 1 1 ue and correct to ilie licsl of my
know lriii-v and Udlef.
liEXKY ii. i;ei:ixu.
Approved: Secretary.
I. 11 SMITH.
II. M. MiENMaisEX, lilltvtois.
v. A M.l;siAl.i..
Siiliscrllx d and sworn to I store nie llils litli
dii) of Aiikiisl, I llit.
sKU..I Notary PuMlc
New Comforts
Have Arrived
We are now showing a big assortment
of the famous Maish Comforts in all sizes
from "bassinette baby comforts" to extra
long and extra large.
These are the comforts that are so
famous for their
Warmth Without Weight
give you all the much-sought qualities of
;r cnuiue eiderdown at a fraction of the cost.
The new patterns in silkolene, sateen
and silk are more beautiful than ever
have to be seen to be appreciated.
Don't buy or make a comfort until you
see this display; No other comfort can so
fully satisfy you in quality and appearance.
Kntei tains Jolly Klght Card Club.
Miss Rose Mumm entertained the
members of the "Jolly Eight Card
Club" at her cozy home on Fourth
and Vine streets yesterday afternoon
in a very charming manner. The
time was very pleasantly spent In
playing a rather unique game. As
only six of the regular members of
the dub were present, six-handed
high five was played and this creat
ed much merriment. The score
cards were kept until the next meet
ing as the prizes are only given at
the second meeting of the month.
There was a delicious luncheon con
sisting of cake, Ice cream, coffee and
fruit served at 4:30, which the ladies
found delightfully appetizing and
pleasant, and which, took some time
to consume. The members of the
club present to enjoy Miss Mumm's
hospitality were: jUesdames Lutz,
Croscary, Waddick, Burdick, Hen
rlchsen, Misses Rose Mumm and Nel
lie Julian. The next meeting is to
be held with Mrs. John Lutz Wed
nesday, August 31st. All members
must be there as there is to be im
portant business transacted. By re
qeust of the president.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn
or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thom
as' Eclectic Oil instantly relieves the
pain quickly cures the wound.
Stylish Serviceable
Patent Lether,
Kid and Box Calf,
Lace and Button!
The Best School Shoe We Know of at the
Price. From
35 ,
i m ITM H HUM n A
I & Iwef 1 Sea
imwWW fcWWPM 111 HMIHIlW l II Hi! II .r
u U lTULi n
Weak women should read "Book
No. 4 for Women." It tells of Dr.
Shoop's Night Cure. Tells how these
soothing, healing, antiseptic supposi
tories, bring quick and certain help.
The Book free. Address Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. All dealers.
Vo Can Give You
that will be of value to your next bak
ing day. It is: Be sure that the fleur is
Forest Rose Brand
if you would have the very best results
in your baking.
This Flour Has Earned
for itself a great- reputation, because
of its uniformity in quality. Take our
advice and later you will thank us.
Made by