The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1910, Image 7

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The Avoca Oepartmemit
Short Locals
News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Seml Weekly Journa
Nicholas Trook was at Union Tues-! day.
George trurfcam was at Omaha Fri-
day. , .- :
William Toney and family have
moved to Berlin.
A J. Nutzman of Eertrand is visit
ing Avoca friends.
Miss essie Brendel was over from
Murray picnic day.
William Maseman Is attending bus
iness college at Omaha.
Henry Kropp was over from Ne
hawka Monday evening.
J. C. Zimmerer and J. H. Schmidt
were at Nehawka Sunday.
Miss Clara Fate of Weeping Water
was visiting here last week.
Samuel Avery of Auburn was a
business visitor ( here Tuesday.
Sheriff Qulnton and family were
over from Plattsmouth plenjcday.
One of the heaviest rains of the
season fell here Tuesday night.
The Avoca ball team played at
Elmwood Thursday and at Union Friday.
George Brazea'e and wife enter
tained relatives from Talmage Sun-
Misses Mabel and Mary Stothler
were over from Nebraska City last
Fred Ruhge, head clerk at Zimmer
er & Glllin's, Is enjoying a vacation
this week.
Mrs. Joseph Malcolm and daughter
of Talmage, were fisitlng Avoca rel
atives last week.
Edward Morley and family are at
Langdon, Mo., this week fishing and
visiting relatives.
Miss Sophia' Llnderman returned
last week from Lincoln to attend
the picnic and to visit friends.
J. II. Smalley, brakenian on the
Fremont-Hastings line, was accident-
ly kiled at Linwood this week. He
leaves a wife. Smalley was at one
time a resident of Avoca.
Colonel M. A. Dates was over from
Plattsmouth on August 11th, shaking
hands with his many friends and at
tending one of the best picnics held
in Cass county this season.
John Ruhge who has been con
ducting a general merchandise busi
ness Et Murdock for several years
has disposed of his stock and with
his family have moved on his father's
farm southeast of town. . j k ; ;
The .Am a Hale (Ball ' tenon! will
hold a tournament here on August
31, September 1, 2, 3. Some of the
best teams in the county have been
booked. Watch for large bills an
nouncing prog'f.r.:.
The l.all Games.
The ball games were the main at
traction on picnic day. Both games
were hotly contested. The first game
was between Elmwood and Manley,
the latter winning by a score of
8 to 5. Batteries Dales and Kuehn,
Keckler and O'Brien.
The second game was a beauty and
no one's game until the last man was
out. Both teams put up a fast game,
Manley had Klepse'r who has been
pitching' in the Mink league in the
box, but he did not have anything on
Gruber who was on the slab for Av
oca. The score resulted 2 to 1 in
Manley's favor. Batteries Manley,
Klesper and O'Brien; Avoca, Gruber
and Gruber.
The Attendance Larger Than Ever Before and Attractions More
Numerous and Much Better.
A representative of the Journal
had the pleasure of attending the
annual picnic of the Odd Fellows at
Avoca last Thursday, arriving at Av
oca the evening before. Everything
was a hustle and bustle with the
managers to got things In shape for
the morrow. After being safely
quartered at the Oxford hotel, run
by that genial host, GIp Brazelle, we
felt content that our welfare would
be looked after during our stay.
Wednesday evening the clouds
overhead denoted rain and the good
people of the little city retired, pray
ing that at least enough water would
descent to lay the dust, but when
they awoke the next morning from
their peaceful slumbers they were
greatly disappointed, as every ap
pearance of rain had gone and Old
Sol's countenance beaming up in the
eastern horizon as bright and sassy
as ever. About 9 o'clock the farm
ers for mlels in every direction came
pouring Into town with their families
to enjoy the pleasures of the occa
sion. As early as half past nine
o'clock the people began wending
their way to the beautiful grove, sit
uated about a half mile from town,
and by the noon hour the merry-go-round
of Tulene Bros., was doing a
land-office business, and the shows,
kicking mule, lemonade Btands, knife
and whip stands were raking in the
The program did not begin at the
stand until after the first ball game
which was called for at one o'clock.
The first game was between Elm
wood and Manley, and was witness
ed by quite a large crowd on the
grounds adjoining the grove. It was
a fast and furious content, resulting
In a victory for Manley by a score of
8 to 5. The arrangements were that
the Avoca team would play the win
ners, after the program at the plat
form was over with. Some very fine
vocal and instrumental music inter
ested the crowd previous to the ad
dress of Judge Hayward, Republican
candidate for congress. Mr. Hay
ward was in very fair shape, consid
ering the strenuous campaign he has
been making. He spoke at the
Eagle celebration the same day at
11 o'clock and then came direct to
Avoca. The address of Judge Hay-
ward . was well received. He is a
young man of considerable ability
and pleasing address and from what
we could observe will have but pre
cious little opposition, if any, to his
nomination In the vicinity of Avoca.
After the conclusion of the pro
gram at the stand, a large crowd
again repaired to the ball grounds to
witness the second contest between
Manley and Avoca. Then occurred
the hottest game of the two, and the
Avoca team fought hard and furious
to retrieve the honors that Manley
had captured from Elmwood, and
for a while It looked that they were
goiny to do It. But it seemed an
Impossibility, and. the brave fellows
went down in defeat by the very slim
margin of 2 to 1 in favor of Manley.
The latter team Is a good one, and
so are the other two teams, and the
Avoca boys deserve great credit for
their good ball playing. This closed
the program, but. the dancing plat
form kept up a lively gait until the
time Old Sol warned them of the re
turn of another day. The band mus
ic was furnished by Avoca's own
band and we cannot close this ar
ticle without saying a few words in
their behalf. It is strictly a home
organization, made up of the young
men of the town and vicinity, and
was only organized last winter. The
boys have no uniforms yet, but we
understand they have been promised
them by one of Avoca's enterprising
citizens. The boys made excellent
music, Indeed far better than many
bands we know of that has been
playing for two or three years. The
band Is a great credit to the town,
and they, should be encouraged to
keep right onward and upward In
their good work.
Nothing occurred during the day
to mar the pleasure of the occasion,
except the dust, which was intense.
There were about 30 to 4 0 automo
biles on the grounds, and strange to
say, not an accident of any conse
quent orrured and peahe seemed
to be the order of the day. It was
a grand gala day for Avoca and a
great credit to the managers and all
who took part.
Oil io Clops Iooi
Abraham Klmberly of Stockton,
Ohto, spent a few hours In the city
this morning, tn route to Greenwood,
where he will vis:t relatives for a
short time. Mr. Klmberly has been
away from home a month, when he
left, there was never a better pros
pect for a corn crop than the farm
ers had at that time. In the mean
time no rain has fallen there, and
hot winds have cooked the tassels
of the corn until there will be very
little corn raised in the vicinity this
When the Stomach, Heart or Kid
ney nerves get weak, then these or
gans always fall. Don't drug the
Stomach nor stimulate the Heart
or Kidneys. That Is simply a make
shift. Get a prescription known to
druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop'
Restorative. The Restoraive is pre
pared expressly for these weak inside
nerves. Strelghten these nerves
build them up with Dr. Shoop's Re
storattve tablets or liqulr and see
how quickly help will come to you
Sold by all dealers.
A 9i Window.
Remember every article In my win
dow goes at $1.00. Articles as high
as $4.50 will go for $1.00. Sale will
continue the balance of this month.
It will save you money to buy at this
sale. Better take advantage of thin
sale and get your articles In the
chinaware while they last.
Mrs. M. Ilowland.
The Main Thing.
If you wish to preserve your own
health you must not forget that the
main thing in the human body Is the
blood. Take care of the blood, keep
it pure, healthy and strong and your
whole body will be In perfect condi
tion. If your blood is of a poor qual
ity, the whole system will Buffer.
You will notice a constant loss of
strength, unability to eat enough and
to digest. In such a condition Trln
er's American Elixir of Bitter Wine
will be of the greatest benefit. It
will stimulate the digestive organs
to work, will clean out the system
thoroughly and will assist in the for
mation of new, rich and healthy
blood. This remedy Is a wonderful
help In many diseases of the stom
ach, the Intestines, the blood and
the nerves. At drug stores. Jos.
Trlner, 1333-1339 So Ashland ave.,
Chicago, 111. Thyslclan's advice by
mall, gratis.
Mrs. Fred Guenther Is visiting rel
atives in Ashland for a few days.
Undergoes Operation.
John Meislnger, Jr., went to St.
Joseph hospital In Omaha this morn
lng where his little four year old
daughter Margaret, will undergo an
operation today for appendicitis. Mrs
Meislnger and the little girl went to
the hospital yesterday, and Mrs. Geo
Goodwin went up this morning to be
present with Mrs. Meislnger through
the trying ordeal. The doctor en
courages the little girl's parents by
stating that the operation at her a?e
Is not dangerous as it may be later
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
very valuable medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
cures painful breathing and a dan
gerously sounding cough which In
dlcates congested lungs. Sold by all
Ben Bcckman and son Willie of
near Murray were in the city today
looklrg after the week's shopping.
Sokol Meet at Itavenna.
The annual state tournament
the Sokol society meets this week at
Ravenna. Emil Ptak goes from the
local society as a Judge, and Louis
Jiran as captain. Mr. Jlram and
Mr. Ptak departed this morning for
the place of meeting and will be on
hand early. They expect to attend
every session of the meet and there
Is no question but the local society
will be well represented by these
capable gentlemen.
From Wednesday' Tally.
Herman Smith of Murdock was
n the city today and brought in the
returns from the primaries for Elm
wood precinct.
Mike Meislnger of Cedar Creek
as a Plattsmouth visitor today.
where he discussed election returns
1th the party leaders. ' . '
William Spangler of Weeping Wa
ter came over last evening and spent
the night with relatives, returning
to his home this afternoon via Om
Frank Creamer of South Bend pre
cinct was in the city today bringing
n the primary vote from yester
day's poll. There was a light vote
In that bailiwick. J
R. D. McNurlln, the ls&epresslble
Democrat of the Republican strong
hold of Weeping Water was a Platts
mouth visit over night. Dick called
at the Journal office during his stay.
W. H. Puis and Alf. Gansemier
came in from Mt. Pleasant precinct
this morning, bringing in the returns
from the precinct. Only 27 Demo
cratic and JO Republican votes were
cast in Mt. Pleasant prednct yester
Weak women should read "Book
No. 4 for Women." It tells of Dr.
Shoop's Night Cure. Tells how these
soothing, healing, antiseptic supposi
tories, bring quick and certain help.
The Book free. Address Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. All dealers.
Served rs coffee, the new coffee
substitute known to grocers every
where as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee,
will trick even a coffee expert. Not a
grain of real coffee In It either. Pure
healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts,
etc., have been so cleverely blended
as to give a wonderfully satisfying
coffee taste and flavor. And it is
"made in a minute." too. No tedious
20 to 30 minutes boiling. F. S.
Moving the 1 iit.
The First National bank and Fal
ter and Thlerolf are having the north
end of their lots raised several feet.
McMaken &. Son are hauling in the
day, taking It from J. E. McDaniel's
lots west of the M. E. church. Ma
terial for filling in the low places
will soon be an object, as many of
the more convenient banks of dirt
are rapidly disappearing.
MarVln Root, a former Plattsmouth
boy, is in the city the guest of friends.
Do your feet presplre, smart, burn
and blister, these hot days. Per
haps you never heard of A. D. S.
Peroxide Foot Powder or you would
not suffer in this way.
promptly affords suffering feet relief,
It Is remarkably cooling and sooth
ing. Reduces inflamatlon, keeps the
feet from ehafilng and overcomes all
disagreeable odor that may result
from excessive presplratlon. Just a
little In your shoes In the morning
comfort all day.
From Thursday's Pnlly
Dr. Hadley of Cedar Bluffs, la., ar
rived in the city today to be the
guest of friends for a few days.
Miss Lillian Bookmeyer departed
for Iowa City this morning where she
will visit with friends for a few days.
, Mrs. George Bruhl and babe de
parted for Lincoln on the morning
train where they will make their
future home.
, II. M. Searl returned from Omaha
this morning where he went yester
day to look after some real estate
C. J. Kunsman of the brass foun
dry, departed for Plalnvlew this
morning where he will spend his vac
ation visiting friends.
Mrs. J. E. Jones and daughter Miss
Ethel and son Glen, departed for
Havelock today where they will visit
friends for a few days.
Mrs. Dr. T. J. Todd and little son
departed for their home at Wahoo
this afternoon after visiting her fath
er and brother Jn this city for a
L. D. Swltzer, county commissioner
from the Second district, arrived last
evening and met with the board In
the consideration of buslnets of the
county today.
W. A. Alton of Elmwood was In
the city today looking after business
In the probate court. Mr. Alton Is
administrator de bonus men with will
annexed of the Samuel Johnson es
tate, and made a final settlement of
the estate before Judge Eceson today.
A. Jenkins of Manley wns In the
city today, bringing In the vote of
Center precinct, where Mr. Jenkins
was one of the officers of the pri
mary. The vote In the precinct was a
light one. Mr. Dahlman receiving
five and Mr. Shnllenberger fifteen
Mrs. Matt Schoeman and son Louis
and daughter Myrtle who have been
viHltlng friends at Louisville, Mur
dock and Plattsmouth, departed for
Louisville this afternoon. Mrs. Schoe
man and children reside In Wakomas,
M. M. Straub of Avoca came In
last evening with the primary returns
of that precinct. While in the city
Max paid his respects to the Jour
nal, where be Is always a welcome
visitor. He reports a good rain in
his neighborhood and everybody Is
feeling much better in consequence
The crossings on Chicago avenue
have been In a deplorable shape since
the rain. The walk was taken up
two weeks ago and have never been
rtlald to the people's disgust of that
part of town. Why It Is necessary
to tear up crossings and leave them
that way for so long, we don't un
The Red Men will have their reg
ular meeting tonight at which time
arrangements will t3 made for at
tending the Old Settlers picnic at
Union tomorrow. The boys are down
for two days as one of the attractions
and will go down with war paint and
other decoration necessary to make
the meet a sucless.
Roy Howard of near Murray was
in the city today looking after busi
ness. II. R. Cering of Omaha arrived to
day to look after bu.iiie4 matters
in Plattsmouth.
Miss Florence Odenheimer of Clar
lnda, is in the city the guest of Miss
Catherine Dovey.
Judge Jesse L. Root who was In
the cjy ysterday-on bugle, return'
ed tJncoln this mornig.
Mrs. Judge Travis and daughter
Miss Helen returned last evening
from Lincoln and Omaha.
George Shoeman and wife went to
Louisville on the afternoon trau.ip
visit relatives for a few days.
Miss Fern Stamp of North Platte
arrived today to be the guest of the
C. W. Baylor home for a few days.
Miss Catheryn Windham went to
Omaha on the afternoon train where
she tpent a few hours with friends.
Emmons Rlchey returned from
Sioux City this morning where he
was called on business a few days
WE. Rosrncrans returned from
Omaha this afternoon where he was
called yesterday on important busi
J. D. McQuestlon departed for
Minneapolis this afternoon, having
visited with his mother for a few
W. R. Specry of Weeping Water
arrived in the city lost evening and
transacted business with the county
commissioners this morning.
Elbert T. Duke, a former Plntts
mouth citizen was In the city today
to see his brother John who is quite
Have you ever used the celebrated
"Forest Rose" flour? Try It when
you buy the next sack. At all lead
ing dealers.
Mrs. Jennie Donnelley was a pas
senger to Omaha this afternoon
where she will visit with friends for a
short time.
Mrs. A. Alfred and son William
returned from Bellevue this morning
where they attended the camp meet
for a few days.
Mr. W. G. Meislnger of near Ce
dar Creek and wife and little son
were in the city today looking after
the week's shopping.
Frank Mick of Virdlgrls who has
been visiting Anton Kanka In this
city for a few days, returned to his
home this afternoon.
Statement of the Condition
of riattsinouth, Nebraska, on the 30th
day of June, 1D10.
I'lrsi nunjrat:i loan ,..$ ),: pi
snvw I. 'in is J.v:ii3 ni
Krul estate contracts ,.mi3 so
Cash :ti
IvIliHitiom Interest, premlam,flnes '
and due 3.4tSl
Other assets. Insurance and taxes
paid and advanced 1 00
Total Ii.-U.IHQ 10
Capital Stork paid up f W.lrt9 00
Kewrvti fluid 4,4n6 ls
Dividends declared M.:MN l
Total IUU.9U3 10
Kkckiit anp Exi'snihtithbr n)B thi Yab
Unlanee on hand July 1, WW f ,io4 ,-
I "i.X'l HI
Inteiest, JOXWlUand linen t'.M M.lf.7 :
I.oiiiin repaid. ItU:" 111
Mellllierslilll fccN . til til
1 ransfer dwi I) ixt
K ul ( sunt) contracts 277 U
Total $ m,ss 3d
I onus $ lit. .Till CO
Kxiienses .;Ci.'i IK)
Sliiek redeemed 20.PW .
Casli on liiinil d.vM Tii
Insurance and taifs puld anil ad-
vuneed .TtMr
.1 5-;
T. Henry It. CJoclinr. secretary of Hih bIhiv
named assoelat Ion, do solemnly swear I hid the,
foreirolnir statement of Hie eondll lonof suid as
MM'lalliui. Is line and eonvcl, to Hie ln'stof my
knowledi:ii mid licllc f.
Approved: Nvietury.
II. M. si il' MCHSFN, VlMnvlnw. ,.
I'. A. MA KM I AM., 1
Huliscrllied and sworn lo before ni? llils IStli
(lay vf AukusI, MHO.
Tmom Wai.i.inu.
(sKAi.,1 Notary l'lilille.
Italph Merrltt of Glenwood spent
a few hours In tho city last evening.
Bert Anderson and Henry liosel
larles of Clarksun hospital, Omaha,
were In the city today and spent tho
day with Henry White.
Mrs. J. G. Hanks who has been
visiting two niices at Spokane, and
her sister at Garfield, Wash., return
ed last evening after several weeks
Misses Edna Morrison and Mattle
Larson were passengers for Union
this morning where they will upend
a week or ten days visiting relatives
and friends.
Miss Fern I,ony returned from
Harlan, la., this week where she had
been visiting relatives fof a few days.
The outlook for a corn crop In the
vicinity of Harlan, Miss Long says, Is
very good.
Mm V R llou'ott nnil ilnnirlitnra
Stops Itching instantly. Cures the Uinrn',.. "nd f..r.iiiin. r in town
piles, ecezema, salt rheum, tetter,
Itch, hives, herpes, scabies Doan's
Ointment. At any drug store. ;
Misses Margaret and L utile I'our-
pelop of Sterling, Neb., arrived last
evening and will be the guests of
Mrs. William Balrd for a week.
Use "Forest Rose" Flour if yon
want the best results in making good
bread. Try a sack and you will buy no
other. For sale by all leading dealers.
J. W. Reasoner, V. E. Sewers
and C. W. DHss of Greenwood and
vicinity were In Plattsmouth today
looking after business matters at the
court house ,
J. T. Rlnge of the Masonic home,
who has been at Thermopolls, Wyo.,
for treatment returned to Platts
mouth a few days since not much Im
proved In health.
"Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil Is the
best remedy for that often fatal dis
ease croup. Has been used with
success in our family for eight
years. ' Mrs. u wniteacre, uurraio,
N. Y.
The M. W. A. orchestra went to
Louhvllle today to open the ball for
the street carnival. Tomorrow the
M. W. A. band will go to Union for
two days to play for tho Old Settlers
Miss Esther Larson was a passen
ger for Elmwood this morning where
she will spenu a couple of days visit
ing friends and attending the Chau
tauqua which Is being held at that
place this week,
Charley Savory and wire of Wood
bine, la., with their two children,
were In the city this morning to wit
ness the marriage of Mr. Savery's
brother, which occurred at Judge
Decson's office this morning.
C. R. Jordan, commissioner from
Alvo, came In last evening and met
with the board today. Mr. Jordan's
candidacy for re-election Is coming
on very nicely and he Is not worry
ing about the scrap In the opposition
Joe Vetersnek and wife and Bons
Robert and Michael, who have been
the guest of Mr. Vetensnek's parents
and other relatives In Plattsmouth
for three weeks, departel for their
home this afternoon on the fast mall
Pain anywhere stopped In 20 min
utes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's
Ping Pain Tablets. The formula is
on the 25-ccnt box. Ask your doc
tor or druggist about this formula!
Stops womanly pains, headache, pains
anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis., for free trial to prove value,
of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tab
lets. Sold by all dealers.
from Oskaloosa, la., and will visit
relatives and friends for a time be
fore returning to their home at
Tulsa, Okla.
Heavy, Impure blood makes a
muddy, pimply complexion, hoad
aches, nausea, Indigestion. Thin
blood makes you weak, pale, sickly,
llurdock Blood Bitters makes the
blood rich, red, pure restores per
fect health.
Bert Mills and wife who have been
farming the present season near
Shenandoah, spent a few hours last
evening In the city en route to Un
ion, where Mr. Mills will probably
farm next year. The corn crop In
the vicinity of Shenandoah will be
very poor this season.
.John Duke Very Hick.
John Duke of the Masonic homo
and an old resident of Plattsmouth,
Is very sick and has been tinder tho
doctor's care for some time. His
many friends In the city will bo sorry
to learn that Mr. Duke's condition is
so serious.
horse, on truck, new
One Regal 2Vj horse, second
hand, but overhauled and In ex
cellent condition.
Just the think to pump water
when tho wind mill breaks or
there Is no wind, run the cream
separator, churn butter, saw
wood and a hundred other things
there Is to be done on the farm.
Come In and see us as they are
a rare bargain.
Remember, we sell gasoline, dry
batteries, and the best oil you
can buy, MONARCH." Guaran
teed not to fowl your engine
for a year. All automobile sup
plies. We vulcanlpe your tires
and guarantee them.
Automobiles and Repairing.
& T