The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1910, Image 6
0 Murray- Department c rt tfl JZ i t- . PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. item of interest in this vicinity ami will mad tame to this office it mil appear unler this heading If any of the readers of the Journal know of a scial ettnt or on Wt wunt all items of interest. Editor Journal o . o sr c o c INI 0 0 o e c .x 3 u ca r3-2&j a u o 3 U J H c--3"" I S rj oto . o 9 c i 7 "J lJ . W 11 1 DC DC Celine What would be the easiest method f paying a man you owed this amount? Could you gather up a ten-dollar bill, a five, four ones, a half, a quarter, two dlme3 and four coppers? There Is a much better way for the man with a checking account. He writes $19.99 on a blank check, signs his name and hands It to the other party. Carry a check book with you always. There Is no safer or more convenient method. Murray State Bank n MURRAY, NEBRASKA CZZD n lj " ' " J Geo. Cook, Murray for fine buggies. T. J. Brendel and wife were Platts mouth visitors lust Saturday. W. S. Smith was a brief caller In the county seat Wednesday morning. Colonel Seyboldt was a Platts mouth visitor Thursday morning. You want a new buggp? If you want the best for the least money call on George Cook. Walt Vallery was In Plattamouth Wednesday morning taking In the election returns. John Wllllver of Holt county Is vlHltlng with his uncle, D. A. Young and family this week. Miss Rouse of Lincoln Is the guest of M. G. Churchill and family and Mrs. Gregg went of Murray. Dr. A. E. Walker spent a few days In Grand Island the latter part of last week, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Capon, Jess and Julia tawla of Vlllsca, la., were gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young Sunday. Thore la a new Bteel bridge being placed over the branch between Mur ray and the Walker farm, south of town. Miss Annabel Moore entertained a number of her friends at her beau tiful home, three miles southeast of Murray on Wednesday of this week. Tom Smith was In Plattsmouth on Wednesday morning looking after some business matters. Tom thinks of changing his location for the com ing year and he was In Plattsmouth to see Dennett Chriswlssor regarding to renting his farm west of Murray, Miss Lena Young returned home laKt Saturday from a vacation trip up In Montana. MIkb Young loft for the west early In tho summer, and Joining a party of friends on a camp ing trip. She returns homo rested from her pleasure trip and ready for her School di-tlcs this fall. Tom Inner, one of the boss carpen ters from'plattf-mouth, Is building a new farm houso on Georgo Drink Iow'b farm enst of Murray where Harry Manspiaker now lives. Tho new structure will be small but good and well built. It will be 18x30 and contain threo rooms. It la unneces sary for us to say that tho carpenter work will be first class In every par ticular ns Mr, Isner's work Is too well known In this locality. He has built a number of new houses In this locality, and they have been first class In every way. Lee Oldham, our good old friend, who serves pretty regular on the election board. Is carrying a black or rather bruised eye and forehead as a result of tho recent primary election, but It was not rocelved as the usual election knockout blows are In a pu gllstlc encounter by any means. Par ing totalled tho result of Tuesday's election, the Judges and clerks start ed for homo, passing down tho rear steps of the polling room over the Loughrldge blacksmith shop, and the night being very dark. Mr. Oldham stepped Into the wheel trench which the blacksmith uses for setting tires. Ho fell to tho ground with consider able force, striking on his forehead, and as the result he carries quite an ugly bruise. Otherwise he was not Injured. William Sporer and wife were In Omaha last Saturday. Mrs. Gus Mlnnear has been quite sick for the past few days. Joseph Burton and wife were coun ty seat visitors last Saturday. The Dinwiddle Bale was pretty well attended Wednesday afternoon. Grandma Fleming who has been quite 111 for some time la not Im proving very rapidly. Mrs. F. M. Young who has been numbered with the sick for the past few weeks Is Improving. Dorn, August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mead, a son. The mother and little one are doing nicely. Matthew Mldklff, the little son of Ed. Mldklff who has been quite sick, Is bo me better at this time. George Farley, the real estate man of I'lattsmouth, was here looking af ter business matters Wednesday. Fredle, the Bon of Tom Ruby, res iding north of town has been on the sick list for the past few days. Mrs. J. A. Walker departed Wed nesday evening for Indlanola, la., where she goes for a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Ross. John Campbell and wife who were called to Dloomfleld, owing to the sickness of Frankle Carroll, return ed home last Monday evening. Forest Shrader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader, has been quite sick for the past few days. Homer has also been confined to his bed. Mrs. Charles Carroll returned home from Plalnvlew last week at which place she has been visiting with her son Ern and wife. Jesse and Zula Lewis of Villlsca, la., are guests at the homo of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. M Young. They arrived In Murray last Sunday. Ern Young has been on the slik list for the past few days, being poisoned from eating canned goods of some kind. At this time he Is some bettor. O. V. Virgin was a Plattsmouth vis-1 I..- .T-l I . ' nor iuunuj. Mrs. Adda Stokes was a Platts mouth visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Davis has been number ed with the sick this week. Frank Moore was looking after some business matters In Platts mouth last Saturday. Miss Effle Kelly of Omaha Is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hatchett this week. J. C. Nlday from near Union was looking after some business matters In the county seat Wednesday. The finest line of Buggies in Cass couny at George Cook's. Call and ex amine our buggies and see how low we are selling them. Eulalla Brooks of Kansas City, Mo., arrived In Murray Wednesday evening for a visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young and family. Mrs. Charles Kiser and three chil dren of Omaha are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Queen east of Murray. They expect to re main all week, returning home Sun day. Our good friend J. W. Berger Is making some Improvements at his Murray residence in the way of mak ing all preparations for the winter, and even some for next summer; he Is going to build an Ice house. Will Homes of Carbondale, Kan., who has been In this locality since last fall, returned to his home this morning. Mr. Homes is a brother of Mrs. 0. V. Virgin, who accompani ed him on the return trip for a visit with her parents. The small grain crop has sure been a hummer this season. From every section we hear of the big yields, but the best yet comes from Murray, and was threshed by George Shields, who lives on the Ora Davis farm west of Murray. He had thirty three acres in oats, and he threshed Just 1,689 bushels, or fifty-one bush els to the acre. Mrs. J. W. Berger and Leona Drown who have been visiting for the past few months at ' the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stelner. at Rawlins, Wyo., returned home Tues day evening. J. W. went to Omaha to meet them, and returned home on the midnight train. They report a most pleasant visit In the west, and Mrs. Steiner and her husband are prospering. Mr. W. W. Hamilton and children departed last Saturday for Manhat ten, Kes., for a visit with Mrs. Ham llton b parents. They expect to bo gono for several weeks. We are Informed this week that Mrs. James Alllsou Intends to dls pose of her personal property, rent her farm for the coming year, and go to Oklahoma for the winter, w here sho will make her home with her daughter, Miss Eva, who will take up her school work there for the coming term. We are Informed that Mrs. Allison will remain In Okla homa for the winter, and In the spring make a trip to Colorado where she will, visit with Mr. and Mr Charles Stone at Yampa. The little son of Mrs. Taylor, who is visiting at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Den 1111, and whose homo Is 1 Iowa, fell from a tree Monday even lug, the limb upon which he was playing being twenty feet high, and ho fell to the ground with but very slight Injuries. He was bruised u some but no bones were broken. The llttlo fellow is but seven years old and It was certainly a miraculous cs cape from serious Injury or even death. He la getting along nicety Annual Missionary Picnic. The annual picnic of the Mlsslen ary society of the Presbyterian hurch was held In Oldham's yard on last Friday afternoon, and It was Indeed a most pleasant gathering, there being about sixty present. This society made up of the ladles of the church have certainly been a wonder ful help in the advancement of the work In all departments, and last April the president, Mrs. Brown, de- lsed a way by which they could be still greater help, and raise the money with which to build a new kitchen to the church building. She gave each of the members 25 cents and told them to invest It In a way they might choose best, and return the 25 cents and the earnings to her at the time of the annual picnic, and on that dote the good ladles return ed the neat sum of $130, and some are yet to hear from. This Is pretty good from an original forty quarters or $10. Mrs. W. S. Smith made the larg eRt amount of any of the members which was $10, and she received the prlzo offered, which was a handsome creamer and sugar. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fer ris and Mrs. Fiiederlch, these ladles Inviting the society for a picnic. mm Sertoli Runaway. Henry, the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Decker was quite seriously Injured In a runaway Mon day, the accident taking place about five mllea southeast of Murray, near their home. The bolt in the circle of tho tongue, attached to a spring wagon came out and the ton gue dropped, which frightened the team and they became unmanogable tor the lad. The young man was thrown from the vehicle to the ground, lighting upon his head, caus ing concussion of the brain. Two of Murray's Most Excellent Young People and Guests Enjoy Pleasant Evening Monday evening, August 15, 1910, was an evening long to be remember ed by two of Murray's most excellent young people, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown. The occasion was given In honor of their fifth wedding anni versary and it was celebrated la a most pleasant and unique manner, Some of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown planned tne occasion, which was to be a surprise, but owing to the honored couple having planned for the evening out of the city, they were apprised of what wa3 going on about 6 o'clock; up to this hour the well laid plans worked charmingly The friends had planned for a mer ry trip over the town In an automo bile, and to make stops at a number f the residences for the partaking of an excellent three course luncheon, one course for each stop. In due time the auto landed at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, and they were Invited to enjoy a cool arive on tnis very warm summer evening, which was indeed most ln vltlng and of course promptly accept ed. The auto was made by the big factory that is expected to be launch ed In Murray In the near future, de signed and patented by W. G. Boe deker, J. W. Holmes and Dr. G. H Gilmore. It was a car of most strik ing proportions, built along the clas slcal lines under the supervision of these talented designers, of material reputation. The body was of the Kandaulet style with most of the landaulet removed, artistic decora tions taking Its plJce. A Holmes 8 cylinder air-cooled engine Is used In this -Boed-Holm-Mome type of land ulet, started on spark as most cylin ders are, especially when used to sparking. The twelve foot shaft drive attached to the rear axle was a unique thing in mechanical construc tion. The corborator on this car gives the proper mixture and Is so adjusted that it will adjust itself to atmospheric conditions. The proper mixture without too much water us ually strikes the taste of an expert "chauffeur," as the occasion was a blowout on four wheels. Tire trou ble was joyfully anticipated. The muffler was removed of the Presto Electro-Olio type, causing the polish ed gold and silver finish to glisten with respendent beauty. The car glided along like a summer dream like a gondolla In the streets of Ven Ice, with the mellow moonlight beam ing upon Its swan-like bow, to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes. Here the first stop was made and the first course of the excellent three course luncheon had been pre pared under the supervision of Mr and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker, Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Miss Margie Walker. From here the merry party again took up the most pleasant and un tiring drive that was for the pas sengers to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Oldham, where the second course was in readiness, and where the entertainers were: Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel, Mr. and Mrs. James Lough rldge, Isabella and Albert Young, Pauline and Fay Oldham and Mrs. Addle Stokes. The next and third scheduled stop was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith, end the party arrived ex actly on time. Here the entertain ers for the third course of the lunch con were Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gil- more, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith and Miss Ida Boedeker. Thusly ended one of the most pleasant evening's spent In Murray for many a day, all the merry en tertainers wishing their honored towns-people, Mr. and Mrs. Brown many more such happy occasions, and that they may live and reside In Mur ray to enjoy a similar occasion at the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. O w rt T U b tft .. a; rt u u tfl c 4 O u a cl u ri ja he O It XS li J U L o c o Xi u rt S C x cl Xi V) a o "3) u u 3 O a o is r -a 3 u u ta o c u, -a u O c E Ul J cl 3 O XI a Xi v 3 ri Q O ii n J en " IS j y e i y O.oro a aj E M 01 9J .S to 3 O c o u 3 u rt 3 u Z 5 "S-S-o 5 tfl Xi HI rt 3 rt o a rt o to E V, Xi a -C u Cl, J3 " Xi c rt u 2 bS2 b "to 3 O T3 3 - IT) a c rt c rt i Ul C u c cl O tfi tfl ,n -! O 5 .ti o 01 (!) U. u. o 3 if) he Ci, tfl M ' r n E o H 0 to u X ,-ri S IG & -if I- S ! to ' it L 5 8 Xi to Ul o z IU u o Returns From Cedar County. J. L. Young of near Murray who owns land in Cedar county, this state, returned from a two weeks visit to that county this mornln. Mr. Young is delighted with the country in northwest Nebraska, and will move his family to his farm there next spring. He purchased his land one year ago last March, paying $75 per acre for It and was offered a raise of $25 per acre while he was out there this time. His oats crop went better than 40 bushels per acre, and corn will average even better than that. Mr. Young says the agricul tural report for last year will show Cass county's yield per acre at 28 bushels while the same report will show 42 bushels average for Cedar county. Alfalfa does well there, the men having this crop have harvested two crops and are ready for the third cutting. Mr. Young saw the follow ing Cass county men: F. W. Klopp Ing, M. Fleming, Will Lewis, Gus Lowther, Jesse Lowther, J. H. Norrls and all of whom are doing well on their own farms and are enthusiastic In their praise of the country. Miss Mary Troop, who formerly conducted a notion store here is located in Cole ridge and conducts a confectionery store there, and Is doing well. When Mr. Young removes to Cedar county he expects to have the family neces sity, the Plattsmouth Journal, fol low him to keep him posted on Cass county events. Dance at Murray August 27. The Murray Dance club will give an other dance at Jenkins' hall In Mur ray Saturday evening, August 27. Jacob's orchestra of Omaha will fur nish splendid music so come out, and have a good time. These dances have become very popular and this one will be up to the usual standard. Henry Horn of Cedar Creek visited Plattsmouth today and looked after election returns. For Sale, 264 acre farm, 4 miles west of Plattsmouth one and half miles from grain elevator, well improved, and known as the Jacob Horn farm. For further particulars see William Hass ler, Plattsmouth, Neb. Notice. I will give no more dances at my place. Thanks to the public for your attendance. ) Fred Dawson. That good friend of the Journal, Uncle Ben Beckman, residing south of Plattsmouth, was In the city to day and called at the Journal of fice to subscribe for two copies of the paper, one to be sent to George Ludden at Royal, Neb., and the oth er one goes to A. J. Augustine, his son-in-law at South Omaha. Such readers as Mr. Backman are cer tainly appreciated by the newspaper man, and we only wish we had many more. Phil Becker of Eight Mile Grove precinct, came In this morning and brought the primary returns with him. -The vote was light In that pre cinct. Out of 200 votes in the pre cinct 28 were cast. Curd of Thanks. The undersigned take this method of returning thanks to those kind friends who assisted us during the tlluess and death of our dear husband and father. Mrs. J. H. Rico and family. Here From California. Miss Margaret Strong of Santa Rosa, California, Is visiting at the home of L. G. Todd and family near Union. Mr. Todd and Miss Strong accompanied by O. a. Shlpman, an old resident of this city, were up from Union In the auto of Mr Todd Tues day. Miss Strong Is well pleased with Nebraska on her first visit to tho state. HUP n iUSraisa Serviceable i mm FOR BOYS, MISSES AND CHILDREN IN Patent Lether, Kid and Box Calf, Lace and Button! The Best School Shoe We Know'of at the Price. From fi $ 1 .3S to 2.2S St