The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 18, 1910, Image 3

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    . - .
Throw Awa, the Grindstone It's Slow! Uusj I Lntber Grinder s I
stork was the original heir-
Sues Time!
Luther's FARM Special
is one of those indispensable farm tools. To the farmer v
who is discriminating, and looks at quality instead of b
price, who wants the BEST whether he buys machinery S
A stiff neck is better than a back
bone like a rubber hose.
Claim They "Knocked-Down."
A special from Sioux City, la., un
der date of August 16, says:
"The Burlington Railway company
has discharged five conductors, Tom
Astle, Fred Crosby, Frank Logan, Ed.
Young, Ed. Ledruth and R. A. Dyson,
station agent here, for what Is claim
ed to be the Irregular sale of tickets
on the O'Neill, Lincoln and Ashland
extensions of the line.
"The alleged Irregular sale of the
tickets came to light after six months
of careful work by railroad spotters
and members of the Pinkerton detec
tive agency. According to the alle
gations of these man, an agreement
was entered into some time ago,
whereby tickets were not to be punch
ed on the trains but returned to the
ticket office, where they would be
resold. Every man, woman or child
who has entered the trains has been
counted for two months, and the total
number of passengers each night has
been tallied with the number of pun
ched tickets turned in. The balance
has been far from favorable to the
company it is declared. One spotter
is said to have been sold the same
ticket to Lincoln on three different
"Dyson Is said to have offered to
make a complete confession to the
Omaha officials of the road."
Ham Struck by Lightning.
The severe electrical storm which
swept over the vicinity of Weeping
Water last night was the worst for a
long time. The barn of Peter Miller,
a prominent farmer living a few miles
cast of Weeping Water, was struck
by lightning and burned to the
ground. The details of the loss
could not be learned, but It is sup
posed that the barn and contents
were insured.
Struck a Rich Mine.
S. W. Bends of Coal City, Ala.,
says he struck a perfect mine of
health in Dr. King's New Life Pills
for they cured him of Liver and Kid
ney trouble after 12 years of suffer
ing. They are the best pills on earth
for Constipation, Malaria, Headache,
Dyspepsia, Deblity. 25c. at F. G.
Fricke & Co.
In a Hurry-
Emergency situations demonstrate the value of the
Bell telephone. ( When you want to get something done
in a hurry you want service that is instantaneous and
reliable, and that is Bell service. Distance does not
matter, either, when you have a Bell telephone, fori ts
extensions are universal. .-
It is the centralization of, the years of experience, and
the able management back of the Bell System that causes its ser
vice to be the best in the world, for behind every associated coin-,
pany stands the strength of one policy, one system and universal
By the way, have you a Bell Telephone?
clothiuf? , shoes or food stuff. To such a one, LUTH
ER'S FARM SPECIAL will strongly appeal. Up to
the time we put out this great labor saving tool he had
to be content with the old, slow-cutting grindstone or
' unsatisfactory emery grinder, but now he", can have the
service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device
ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm
that is superior to our FARM SPECIAL GRINDER as
a labor saver. It sharpens everything in one-twentieth
the time it would take on the grindstone. The grind
stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a
dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD
WORK of keeping tools sharp on it.
IT IS EASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special.
Your ten-year-old hoy will tell you it is fun to sharpen
everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRINDER.
Kid Keller Champion.
In a six round bout last evening
at the Majestic between Champion
Dutch Seliska and Kid Keller, for
the feather weight championship of
Cass county Kid Keller came out vic
tor. Dutch went Into the fight a fav
orite and was a game fighter from
the start, and had not Kid Keller
taken advantage .of an unguarded
moment and landed on Dutch's pro-
bosis In the first round and bronght
forth a crimson flow of blood, it is
thought Dutch would have been able
to have defended the, championship
and still been "it." After the con
testants had gotten into the sparring
the "Kid" had everything his own
way, putting the "champ" down and
out in the sixth round.
Entertained at Ruffner Home.
The members of the Ladies Aid
society of the Presbyterian church
were delightfully entertained at the
pleasant home of Mrs. P. E. Ruffner
yesterday with Mesdames J. N. Wise
and Ruffner as hostesses. The after-
non was pleansantly spent in conversa
tion and various other diversions and
at the proper time a delicious lunch
eon was served which the ladles
greatly enjoyed.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
mey ao me worn wueuevei juu ,c .
quire their aid. These tablets change ,
weakness Into Btrengtn, nsuessness
Into energy, gloominess into joyous
ness. Their action is so gentle one
don't realize they have taken a pur
gative. Sold by all dealers.
Harold Streight Promoted.
Harold Streight who has been em
ployed In the Burlington's storehouse
clerical department, this morning de
parted for Chicago where Saturday
he begins his run as express messen
ger between Chicago and Omaha, go
ing to Omaha on No. 9, and dead
heading back to Chicago on No. 2.
The position is a desirable one, and
places Mr. Streight in line for ad
vancement In this line of work.
If you want help or nave anything
o sell, advertise in the Journal 'a
Nebraska Telephone Go.
Every Bell Telephone is a Lond Dis
tance Station.
A Delightful Surprise Party.
A most delightful surprise party
was given in honor of Miss Helen
Haller of Kansas City, Mo., by her
aunt, Mrs. Mary Evans, at the charm
ing home of Mr. William Honer, two
miles west of Manley, Monday even
ing, August 15th. The many games
which were played occasioned con
siderable merriment for the young
people and made the evening oue
which will long be remembered by
those who participated in this enjoy
able social affair. Refreshments and
Ice cream were served at 11:30 and
it was a late hour when the guests
departed for their home, having spent
a very pleasant evening.
Those in attendance were Misses
Bertha Miller, Mabel Lorenson, Anna
Rauth, Nellie Kelly, Bessie Heeney,
Agne3 Tlghe, Agnes O'Brien, Eliza
beth Glaubitz, Elizabeth O'Brien,
Ethel Rockwell, Susie Mockenhaupt,
Laura Kelley, Frances Stander, Anna
Stander, Thressa Rauth, Anna Kelley,
Bertha Stander, Lena Stander, Messrs
Mallas Breckenrldge, Charles Mur
phy, James Murphy, Paul Tighe,
Charles Bouseh, Aaron Rauth, Ray
Bolden, Vena Rockwell, Edward Hee
ney, William Kelly, Charles Glaubitz,
Fred Lorenson, Guy Bolden, Frank
Glaubitz, Joseph O'Brien, Floyd
Rockwell, Herman Rauth, Valentine
Mockenhaupt, Leander Schaeffer,
William Rau, William Honer, James
Murnhv Charloi
Schaeffer, Leo
T(ghe Humphrey
Murphy, Hugh
and Walter O'Brien, James and John
Heeney, Henry Peterson, J. Stander,
Joseph Heeney, Grover Lorenson,
Mrs. Rose Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Mockenhaupt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. !
Postmasters in Politics.
The Press is pleased to note that
complaints have been filed against
Nebraska postmasters for too much
Indulgence In the political game.
This Is a proper move. But what
good will come of it? The postmast
ers are appointed by the very men
they are trying to help In politics.
Complaints, If they follow the usual
course, will be referred to the bene
ficiary of the political work and noth
ing will come of it.
One of the moves of Theodore
Roosevelt was to stop the dangerous
and prenlclous habits of some of Un
cle Sam's servants In playing the po
litical game. Roosevelt was con
demned at first by machine politi
clansbut finally even they saw the
wisdom of his orders.
Postmasters are appointed to serve
the entire community, at least that
is a popular supposition although,
like many other governmental func
tions, it is getting to bo a popular
myth. Nebraska City Daily Press,
Departs for Hi'iincHsey.
A. S. Will and son T. J., departed
ror Hennessey, Okla., on the morn
Ing train today where they will look
auer repairs on me Duuuings on
their farms, and see that their grain
Is properly housed. Mr. Will says
that in the vicinity of Hennessey the
crops have been good this year, rains
falling at needed intervals during
the crop season. Wheat and other
small grains were excellent, and the
corn crop will be fair. Not heavy
but much better than Cass county.
KK''tt'd Home.
T. E. Parmelo and wife, R. A. Duff
and Miss Julia Atwood, who went by
auto from Louisville to Denver via
Kearney and North Platee, were ex
pected home yesterday. On the out
going trip last Friday, Mrs. Dunbar
was notified by card that the party
had encountered heavy rains at Kear
ney. But the sandy nature of the
soil Is thought not to have Impeded
their progress with mud to any ex
The chute to the hereafter is soap
ed with good Intentions.
When the road forks take the oth
er one. It s not so crowded.
Life is like a sleigh ride without
horse on the Fourth of July.
The daughter of a fireman takes
Just as long to dress as any one else.
There are some who wouldn't be
modest even if there were money In
Many a boy begins his political
career by learning how to fool his
Marriage being a lottery, in these
days, of the divorce, many share the
one prize.
When a two-bit pup eats our 1
steak, the Incongruity of things is
Sometimes when the
angel of
is a sign
peace begins to hover it
there's a hen on.
Lots of men who wouldu't sell their
Integrity are willing to lease It for a
term of years.
It has come to pass that it requires
more courage for a man to split rails
than to rob a bank.
As a general thing, the kind of
girl who cries over a novel hates to
bend over a dlshpan.
The trouble is, a fool has to get
money before being parted from It,
which wastes time.
When a girl's face Is her fortune
she ought never to marry a man
whose cheek is his main asset.
The silver lining of our cloud in
these days Is that the pirate who
sells us meat has to buy ice.
About the easiest thing in this
world for a man to decide is that
they are unworthy who solicit his
The closest a child comes to trans-1
lormation into an angel is wnen it
asks Its pa questions while he's shav
The modern boy needs a machine to
thresh his wild oats preferably one
of forty-horsepower and a five-seated
An Ohio judge Is said to have ren
dered a decision to the effect that
it is legal for a woman to go through
her husband's pockets. It is quite
often fruitless.
Probably there Is nothing that ter
rifies a young housekeeper more than
not knowing whether the cook will
stay longer than the company or the
company longer than the cook.
Don Lynn, one of the prominent
Republicans of Liberty precinct, was
in the city today, bringing in the pri
mary returns from his prerlnct.
Unless Health First Returns.
IT.T9 li whit should ami can be done I
Now tou would not willingly Dar fur food
that was worthless would jrouT
Then why pay lormenicineuniii inaimeui
line Brut prove! to you lu actual worth?
Positively know-In wlmt Or. Hhoop't Re
iterative can do (or tho dirk, I my to all lon I
pay unlest health tlrt returns". Ann I nacKiny
Kotoratlve with a signed and waled HO day 'No
help. No pay" contract.
'positively plwlce to the nick everywhere
that"J5r. N hoop's Uvslorativt is absolute
ly free if it fails". Lot other do tho saine
or el pass their prescriptions oy.
II you need morn itrcngth, mom vitality,
morn rigor or nioro vim, me my Kcstnratlve a
lew davs and note the Immediate Improvement.
When the Htomach. Heart, or Kidney i go
wrong, then tent I)r. Hhoop'i Restorative. I do not
done the Stomach nor stimulate the Heart or Kid
n'ys. (or that la wrong. Yearsego I castaway that
mistaken idea in medicine. The books below will
bout tell you now I am succeeding.
Those book also tell ol a tiny ninnen m.
trie nerve." no larsr. r than a silken thread. They
tell how that nerve, until It lull, actually glvet
to the Heart lu power, IU tone, ltl uever-audlnj
action or Impulse. . . . . .
These book will open op new and helpful
Meat to thoia w ho are not well. They 11 how
IheMtnmach.and Kldneyseach havethelr Inside
Br power nervei. They tell how Uie ricsiorauvs
was esneriallv made, to reach and revitalize thest
weak or lulling Inside nerves. All of these facU
(ell why I am able to lug. "It It free II It (alii
Thli U why I uy "take no change on a
medicine whose viakrr dare not bark it
juat as I do by this remarkable offer",
Bo write ma today for the order.
I have appointed hownt and responsible
flmggists in nearly every commumiy vo latue uy
medicinei to theiiek.
But write me first for the order.
All dnigglsu sell Ir. Hhoop'i Restorative.
hnt til .r nut kii thnriied to five the HU day test.
Ho drop me a line please and thua aave
Jltappolntmentanddolayi. Tell tut alto which
boo you need.
A postal will do.
li.i,iu f,n r fnui in nonsuit me at rot
wonld your noma physician. My advice aud the
book below are yourn and without cost.
Perhaps a word or two from me will deal
op some serious ailment. 1 have helped thousand!
upon thousand! by my private prescription or
fturannal ailvlra nlan. Mr best eflort ll tllfelf
worth your ilmpfe request. Ho write now while
you have It fresh In mind, for tomorrow navel
comet, vr. rlhoop, Hox u, Itacina, mi.
Wblik Itok tUll I Il
No. 1 On Prspepsla No. 4 Tor Womea
Kn fin Ilia llmrt No. A Vor Men
No. t On Uie Kldneyt No. On Hhmattm.
Files Reply in the State Supreme
by Attorney General
The Nebraska Telephone , company
filed replies in supreme court yester
day to list of question propounded by
Attorney General Thompson after he
had Instituted suit In that court to
drive the Nebraska company from the
state on charges of having violated
the anti-trust laws of the state. The
questions of the attorney general
touched upon all phases of the busi
ness of the company. Some of the
replies are very exhaustive and oth
ers very curt.
The Nebraska Telephone company
Is capitalized at $7,500,000. Of this
the American Telephone and Tele
graph company, the giant parent com
pany, holds 34,305 shares. The reply
states that all of these shares were
paid for in cash except 3,076 Vi which
were turned over for the use of the
Dell patents In this state and 864 4
which were turned over in lieu of
cash dividends. These stock divi
dends were paid in the early '90's
when the Bell company was using all
its earnings for extensions.
It is also stated by the officials of
the Nebraska company that the
American Telegraph and Telephone
company has acquired about 5,000
shares of the Nebraska stock lately by
trading 3 shares of A. T. and T. stock
for 4 shares of Nebraska Dell Btock.
The reply filed by the com
pany also asserts that It employs no
publicity agent and that it has ap
propriated no money for publicity
Regarding Us relations with the
American Telegraph and Telephone
company, the Nebraska Dell officials
None of the Bidders Complied
With the Requirements of
the Board.
Judge Travis has settled the dls
pute between the county commlsslon-
ers and John S. Hall In regard to
who should have the contract for
building the heating plant for home
at the poor farm. It will be remem
bered that the contract was let to
John Dauer and that Mr. Hall.
through his attorney, D. O. Dwyer,
served an Injunction on the county
commissioners and the matter held
up pending the decision of Judge
Travis, to whom the case was ap
pealed. The following is the decision
of the district judge In the matter,
just as it comes from journal entry
of that court:
'Now, on this 17th day of August,
A. D. 1910, this cause came on for
an order by the court upon the ap
plication ot plaintiff for an Injunc
tion the cause having being hereto
fore argued and submitted to the
court on motion for temporary In
junction. "The court finds from the evi
dence that the board of county com
missioners advertised for bids for
heating plant for building on "poor
farm," of Cass county, Nebraska, that
due notice was given of the require
ments and conditions required of
bidders for Installing the said plant.
That none of the bidders on snld
work complied with the requirement
of said board, two bidders failing to
put up certified checks as required
with the bid and one bidder filing his
bid one day too late."
As a conclusion of law the court
finds that under the statuto no legal
duty rests upon the county board to
Invite bids for Biich work, or to
award contracts thenfor to lowest
and best bidders or any bidder,
A court of equity Is without power
to In any way control the discretion
of the county commissioners In
awarding the contract for said heat
ing plant.
Temporary injunction denied.
Harvey I). Travis,
Judge of the District Court
Life on Panama Canal.
has had one frightful drawback
malaria trouble that has brought
suffering and death to thousands,
The germs cause chills, fever and
ague, biliousness, Jaundice, lassitude
weakness and eeneral debility. Dut
Electric Bitters never fail to destroy
them and cure malaria troubles
"Three bottles completely cured me
of a very severe attack of malaria,'
writes W. A. Fretwell, of Lucama
N. C, "and I've had good health ever
ainrn." Cure Stomach. Liver and
Kidney Troubles, and prevent Ty
nhnlil. BOc. Guaranteed by F. O
Fricke & Co.
Court to Long List Propounded
Willliam T. Thompson.
assert that money is borrowed from
the parent company just as it would
be from a bank; that these loans
have run as high as 1500.000 and
that negotiable paper turned over to
the parent company Is handled by it
just as a bank would handle similar
The suit of the attorney general
rose primarily from the purchase ot
small telephone companies In this
state by the Nebraska company. Ia
reply to a question the respondent
names the companies in which it has
acquired controlling Interests during
the present year, but asserts In each,
case that the company purchased did
not operate In competition with the)
Nebraska company. Within the last
eight months controlling Interests
have been obtained In telephone com-,
panles at the following places: Platts
mouth, Nebraska City, Papllllon, Ra
venna, Broken Dow, Alliance and Mo
Cook, as well as in the Douglas coun
ty, Butler county and Phelps county
Telephone companies.
The respondent asserts that the
Dell company Is ready to make a phy
sical connection with any other line
for the extension of service and that
It is ready even to exchange service
with the Lincoln Independent sys
tem, but that the latter has bound
Itself not to exchange service for a
period of twenty-five years.
A copy of all contracts existing
between the Nebraska company and
the giant foster company Is also In
cluded in the reply, the typewritten
copies of contracts covering 100 pages
or more. .. .. ,
Lewis Crabtree who has been lost
to his friends returned home Mon
day from visiting friends In the vicin
ity of Weeping Water, Neb.
Ed. C. Rummell was looking after
business matters In Plattsmouth Mon
day. C. F. Vallery was visiting with th
grain merchants Wednesday after
noon talking over the corn proposi
tion. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Snyder
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ca
pon and two daughter, Elsie and
Mattie and son Oscar at dinner Sun
day. Eddie Venner of Omaha is a guest
at the A. A. Wetenkamp home thl
Robert Propst and wife and son
Will, returned Tuesday from a visit
at Ralston. They made the trip la
their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Omaha.
are spending the week with Nelson
Murray and family.
Adam elslnger has just returned)
from a trip to Trego county, Kansas.
The Nest Hour of Life
Is when you do some great deed or
discover some wonderful fact. This
hour came to J. R. Pitt of Rocky Mt.
N. C, when he was suffering inten
sely ,as he says, "from the worst cold
I ever had, I then proved to my great
satisfaction, what a wonderful Cold
and Cough cure Dr. King's New Dis
covery Is. For, after taking one bot
tle, I was entirely cured. You can't
say anything too good of a medkio
like that." Its the surest and best
remedy for diseased lungs, Hemor
rhages, LaGrlppe, Asthma, Hay Fev
er, D0c, 1. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Picnic at the Itilduo.
Monday evening a party of Platts
mouth young people enjoyed a de
lightful picnic supper, prepared and
cooked over the campflre at the Bur
lington bridge. A part of the enter
tainment consisted in fishing and
boating on tho river. Thoso taking
part In the outing were: Miss Francla
Weldman, Miss Ellen Windham, Miss
Luclle Gass, Miss Cathcryn Windham,
Miss Louise Eblnger, of Tlalnview;
Mr. Nelson Jeans, Mr. Livingston
Rlchcy, Mr. Sam Windham, Mr.
Wayne Dickson and Mr. Fred Mann.
Nicholas Halmes, the Weeping Wa
ter miller, transacted business In
Plattsmouth today, having come over
this morning. The rain in that vicin
ity was very much like a flood, said
Mr. Halmes In speaking ot last night's
Married ly the Judge.
A marriage license was Issued thin
morning by Judge Becson, permitting
Mr. J. C Savey and Miss Fay L. Bald
win, both of Woodbine, la., to marry.
Judge Beeson performed tho cere
mony uniting the young people for
llfo. The groom's mother, Mrs. Nut
ter .accompanied the young peopl
and witnessed the ceremony.