The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1910, Image 5

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rriht. 1009. by the
CARMICHAEL at once Bought
the chancellor's cabinet. To
his surprise the room was al
ready tenanted. Grumbach
and a police officer!
"What's the trouble?" Carmlchael
"Your excellency knows as much as
I do," said the officer.
Occasionally Grumbach wiped his
forehead. Then the chancellor came
In. lie bowed cordially and drew
chairs about his desk. lie placed
Grumbach In the full glare of the
"Ilerr Grumbach," Bald the chancel
lor In a mild tone, "I should like to see
your papers."
Grumbach laid them on the desk Im
perturbably. The chancellor struck
the bell. His valet answered Immedi
ately. "Send Brcunner, the head gardener,
at once."
The chancellor shot a piercing glance
at Grumbach.
Brcunner entered. lie was thin and
partly bald.
"Brcunner, her highness will nwd
many flowers tomorrow. See to It that
they are cut In the morning."
"It shall be done, excellency."
The chancellor turned to the pass
ports. "There is only one question, Ilerr
Grumbach. It says here that you were
a native of Bavaria before going to
A I,.- TT 1 .111 . . . 1 .....
AllllTli'U. uuw iuuk ugu u'u i'im:
"A good many years, your excellen
cy." "You have, of course, retained your
Bavarian passport?"
Grumbach brought forth a bulky
"Here It Is, your excellency."
The chancellor went over It care
fully. "Ilerr Captain, do you know this
"We fought side by Bide In the
American war. I saw no Irregularity
In his papers."
"Then he is no stranger to you?"
. "I do not say that. We were, how
ever. In the same cavalry, only In dif
feu at I roops; GTuIiTbacTi, you" nave
your honorable discharge with you?"
Grumbach went Into his wallet still
again. This document the chancellor
read with an interest foreign to the
affair under his hand. Presently he
laughed softly.
"I am sorry, Ilerr Grumbach. All
this unnecessary trouble simply be
cause of the word Bavaria. How long
will you be making your visit?"
"Only a few days. Then I shall pro
ceed to Bavaria."
"Your excellency has no further or
ders?" said the head gardener patient
ly. "Good heaven, Brcunner, I hnd for
gotten all about you! There Is nothing
more. Ilerr Captain, you will return
with me to the ballroom?"
"If your excellency will excuse me,
no. I am tired. I shall return to the
hotel with Ilerr Grumbach."
Carmlchael and Grumbach crossed
the l'latz leisurely.
"How did you come by that Bava
rian passport?" asked Carmlchael ab
ruptly. "It Is a forgery, my friend, but his
excellency will never find that out."
"You have me all at sea. Why did
lie bring In the bead gardener and
leave him standing there nil , that
"Ho had a sound purpose, but it fell.
The bend gardener did not recognize
"Do you know him?"
"Yes. He is my elder brother."
The ambassador from .Tiig"iidho!t.
Baron von Stelnbock, was not popular
in Drcibcrg, at least not among Un
people who still held to the grand
duke's Idea that (he kingdom had leMi
behind the abduction of the Erin-ess
Iliidegarde. Xovr a ho! h'ad-d Drei
berger passed hi house witinur a de
sire to loot It, to sf-::le the p!!;ed feive
ami batter In tho dorrs n:nl windows.
The king of .Iiiycndhoil was to .mir
ry her siviio bilnie-is. The ?'.ie;:!als
in and about the embassy felt th new
importance of 1 1 1 ' ! I" positbns. ;'.; then
Imagine the indignation m' the major
domo when. i::'.:. to:ic! ,-,t C.n: one
evening to tin currbi!." ::vU thre or
four days nfl.T "v po;t"tro,is news
had Issued from lb" nhm he found
only a ragged and j-rlmy carter win.
demanded p'-ri'.pioril.v to be admit
ted and taken to his excellency at
"Go away!" The majovdonio spun
onjils hee!s-rmi" -iptuons'y.
"I Will s!;ln J oil at!V" Vowed the
cirtcr. striding the Iron with the butt
of his whip, "if you do not open these
gates immediately. Open!"
"If you do not stop hammering on
those bars I shall send for the police."
The carter thrust a hand through the
grill. There was a ring on one of his
"Imbecile, set your eye on t tint and
admit mo without more ado!"
Bobbs-Merrill Company
The majordomo as thunderstruck.
He threw back the bolts, and the
carter pushed tils way la. That ring
on the carter's finger!
'Take me to the baron."
Vastly subdued, the majordomo pre
ceded the carter Into the office of the
embassy and went in Hearcli of the
baron, who was lu bis study.
"Your excellency, there Is a man In
the office who desires to see you quick
ly. A carter!"
The ambassador Jumped to his feet.
"One moment, your excellency. lie
wore a ring on bis finger, and I could
not refuse him."
The majordomo
whispered two
words. The am
bassador rushed
from the study.
It was dark in
the embassy of
fice. Quickly the
nmbnssador light
ed some candles.
Gas would be too
bright for such a
"Well, your ex
cellency?" said a
voice from the
leather lounge.
"Who are you?"
For this was not
"who are you?"
the voice the baron expected to hear.
"My name at present does not mat
ter. The news I bring Is far more Im
portant. His majesty emphatically de
clines any alliance with the bouse of
"Damuatlon!" swore the ambassa
"The exact word used by the prince.
Now then, what's to be done?"
"This means war."
"War! It looks as If you and I,
baron, shall not accompany the king
of Prussia Into Alsace-Lorraine."
"This Is horrible!"
"But what possessed the prince to
bluuder like this?"
"The prince really is not to blame.
Our king, baron, Is a young colt. A
few mouths ago he gave his royal un
cle carte blanche to seek a wife for
him. Polities demanded an alliance
between Jugendheit and Ehrenstelu.
There have been too many years of
useless antagonism. Ou the head nt
this bolt from heaven comes the d e-laratit-n
of his majesty that he will
marry any other princess ou the conti
nent." "They will pull this place down."
"Let them. VVe have 10,(100 more
troops than Ehrensteln."
"You young men are a pack of
"Softly, baron."
"Where is the king?"
The enrter smiled. "He Is hunting,
they Bay, with the crown prince of
"But you, why have you come dress
ed like this?"
"That Is a little secret."
"But what's to be done?"
"Tell lies. They will suspend the
catastrophe till we are ready to meet
it. The marriage Is not to take place
till spring. That will give us plenty of
time. After the coronation his majes
ty may be brought to reason. This
marriage must not fall through now.
'i'uo k'ai'i2ri.":e w"! Tint TCIo oe
coiuo the liMigliiitr.'.-.loek of Europe.
The prince's r.dvl is for you to go
about your nfi'alrs as usual. Only one
man must lie taken Into your confi
dence, and that man N Ilerbeck. If
any one can strahhleu out his end of
the tangle It Is he."
"Whoiv I the prince?"
"Wherever he Is he is working for
the best Interests of the state."
"There Is the Bavarian princess," re
marked the auiba.ssador musingly.
"Ha! A good thought ! But the king
Is romantic. She is older than be nnd
"You are not telling me everything,"
"I know it. I nm telling you all that
Is at present necessary."
"You make me the unhapplest man
in tho kingdom! I have worked bo
hard nnd long toward tills end. When
did the king decline this alliance?"
"Evidently the moment he heard It.
I have his letter. Listen:
"My Illustrious nnd Industrious I'nrlo I
recrot exceedingly that at this late day I
should cause you political embarrassment,
but when I pave my consent to the es
pousal of any of tho vnrtous princesses
at liberty surely It wns understood that
K.hrensteln was not to ha considered. I
refuse to marry the diuKhtcr of tho man
who privately strove to cover my father
with contumely, who dared Impute, to him
crime that was any mnn'i but my fa
ther's. I realize thnt certain policies called
for this stroke on your part, but It cannot
be. My denr uncle, vou have dUK a fine
pit, and I hope you will find a eafo way
out of It. 1 refuso to moiry tho I'rlncen
IilldcKardc. This Is final. It can be ar
ranged without any discredit to the duke
or to yourself. Let It be said that her
serono highness has thrown me over. I
shan't ko to war about It.
"Observe 'My Illustrious and iiulus-
trlons uncle! " laughed the carter
without mirth. "Our king, you will
see, lias n graceful style." He gained
his feet, lie was young, pleasant, of
face, but u thorough soldier.
"Yoji PIP UiMitjt -on Baden
Bteln!" cried the ambassador. "I rec
ognise you now."
"Thanks, your excellency!"
"You are in the royal Household, the
regent's Invisible arm. I have heard a
pood deal about you. I knew your fa
ther well."
"A"i;i. t 'emirs. Now, t!i regent has
heard certain rumors regarding an
American n-imed Carmbmaol, a consul,
lie Is often seen with her highness.
Rather in extraordinary privilege."
"Best your mind there, lieutenant.
Tills Cnrmiehael Is harmless. He can
be eliminated at any time."
"This is reassuring. You will see the
chancellor tonight and show him this
"I will."
"One word more, and then I'm off.
If a butcher or a baker or even a
mountaineer pulls the bell cord and
shows this ring admit him without
fall. He will have vital news."
For half au hour tue ambassador re
mained staring at the candlesticks, lie
wanted no dinner. He rang for h's
hat and coat, and twenty minutes later
he was in the chancellor's cabinet.
"You seein out of health, baron,"
was the chancellor's greeting.
"I am Indeed that, count. I received
a letter today from the prince regent.
It was sent to him by his majesty,
who is hunting In Bavaria. Bead it.
count, but I pray to you to do noth
ing hastily."
The chancellor did not open the let
ter; he merely balanced It. Ills ac
customed pallor assumed a grayish
"So his majesty declines?" he said
"You have already heard?" cried tho
ama.ed ambassador.
"Nothing. I surmise. The hour,
your appearance, the letter to what
else could they point? I was afraid
all along. Ah. If his majesty could
but Bee her! Is she not worthy of a
"Ilerbeck, nothing would please me
better than to see this marriage con
"I believe you. We two peoples
should be friendly. It has taken me
months to bring this mntter round.
The duke rebelled; her highness Boom
ed the hand of Frederick. Still, if you
saw all tho evidence lu the case you
would not blame the duke for his at
titude." "But those documents are rank for
"So they may be, but that has not
been proved. What remedy do you
suggest?" nsked the chancellor.
"I suggest that the duke must not
"Agreed. Go on."
"You will put the matter before her
"That will be difficult." 1
"Let her repudiate the negotiations.
Let her say that she has changed her
mind. Ills majesty Is quite willing
that the humiliation bo his."
"That Is generous. But suppose she
has set her heart on the crown of Ju
gendheit. What then?"
"In that event the affair Is no longer
In our hands, but In God's."
"Is there no way of changing the
king's mind?"
"Bead the letter, count," said the
ambassador. .
Ilerbeck read the letter.' It was the
work of a rather Irresponsible boy.
"May I take this to her highness?"
asked the chancellor. "I promise Its
contents will not go beyond her eye."
"I will take tho risk."
Ilerbeck consulted his watch. It was
half after ft. Her highness did not
dine till 8.
"I shall go to her highness Imme
diately, baron. I shall return the let
ter by messenger, and he will tell you
the result of tho interview."
"God be with you," said the nnibas
sador, preparing to take his leave, "for
all women are contrary."
After the baron was gone tho chan
cellor paced the room, with linking
slop. TneTi nTTTTr.i i"r3-TTnf!!i CT ET3
ambition he waved n hand us if to ex-l-lulii
how futile are the Bchemes of
men. He proceeded to the apartments
of her highness. Would she toss aside
this crown or would she light for it?
He found her alone.
He saluted her hand respectfully. "I
have hero r. letter. I have given ray
word that Its contents shall not be re
pealed to the duke, your father. If I
let you read it will you agree to that?"
"And who has written this letter?"
noncomnilt tally.
"Ills majesty the king of .Tugend
heit," slowly.
"A letter from the king!" she cried,
curious. "Should It not be brought to
mo ou a golden salver?"
"It Is probable that I am bringing It
to you at the end "f n bayonet," sol
einiily. "If the du're learns 1' e -mi en's
the Inevitable i'"-;ilt will bo w;r."
"He diTllnes the honor of my hand
Is that not It-;" she finally said.
The chancellor assented.
"Ah!" with a note of pride In her
Toi.v and a flash lu In r eves. "And I?"
"Yon will te'.l the duke that you have
changed your mind," gravely.
"Ard If 1 refuse to chance my
"I am resigned to any and all
"War!" Her face was serious.. "And
what has the king to suggest?"
"lie proposes to accept the humilia
tion of lx'ln-i rejected by you."
"Why. this is a gallant king! Fouf!
There goes a crown of thistledown."
Then she laughed. There was nothing
but youth In the laughter youth and
gladness "Listen to me. I declare
to you that I am happier at this mo
ment than I have been In days. To
marry a man I hare never seen, whose
looks, character and habits are un
known why, I have lived in a kind of
horror. I am free!" And she uttered
the words as with the breath of spring.
The chancellor's shoulders drooped a
trifle more, and his hand closed down
over the letter.
"There will be no war," resumed her
highness. "I know my father. Our
wills may clash, but lu this instance
mine shall be the stronger."
"But this is not the end."
"You mean that there will be other
"Yes, there will be other kings. I am
sorry. What young girl has not her
dream of romance? But princesses
must not have romances. Yours, my
child, must be a political marriage. It
Is a harsh decree."
"My highness will or will not marry,
as she pleases. Am I a chattel that I
am to be offered
across this fron
tier or that?"
The chancellor
moved uneasily.
"You will, then,
tell the duke that
you have changed
your mind, that
you have recon
sidered?" he per
sisted. "This evening.
Now, godfather,
you may kiss her
serene highness
ou the forehead."
"Tills honor to
me?" Tho chan-
"I 6nAi.r. need the ,.t.r trembled.
whole room to "Even bo "
DANCE IX." ,Ip d,d' ot
touch her with his hands, but the kiss
he put on her forehead was a benedic
tion. "You mny go now," she said, "for I
shall need the whole room to dance In.
I am free, if only fur a little while!"
(Continued next Issue )
" Freak of Lightning.
During the recent thunder storm
the large barn of Henry Kell was
struck by lightning and damaged to
some extent. The barn being insur
ed in the Farmers Mutual Insurance
company, the loss was adjusted sat
isfactorily by Messrs. John Becker
and John Albert. The peculiar Tea
ture connected with the Incident was
the result of the bolt which struck
bad four horses In the barn at the
time which belonged to Mr. Kell. The
horses since have been as deaf as a
post. Mr. Kell first noticed the un
natural condition of his teams, when
hauling gravel a short time after
ward. The horses which had been
previously docil and start and stop
at the word of command, paid no at
tention when spoken to. The usual
chirps and peculiar signals used by
drivers to start their teams had no
such effect on the four. Mr. Kell
realized that his horses were deaf.
He can start them only by a tap and
stop them by pulling in on the reins.
The freak is something unusual and
a like incident haf) never come under
the observation of the writer.
Returned From Knox County.
Ben Beckman and his daughter,
Mrs. Anna Lindner and her threo chil
dren, William, John and Grace, re
turned today from a week's visit
with friends In Antelope, Knox and
Madison counties. While absent they
visited with George .Ludden, former
ly road overseer in Rock Bluffs com
munity, and with the Williams broth
ers nnd found all doing fine and
prosperous. George Ludden Is doing
exceedingly well and was delighted to
see former Cass county neighbors.
The William brothers, three of them,
are located near Norfolk, nnd are do
ing well, farming there. There was
two good rains fell there, one last
Sunday and another Monday and tho
corn crops In all of the counties men
tioned Is looking fine. Mr. Beckman
and his daughter enjoyed their visit
hugely and appreciated very much the
pleasant treatment and hearty greet
Ing given them by all of the former
Cass county folks. Mrs. Lindner re
marked that Bho had never had a
more enjoyable visit In her life.
Rex Young nnd wlfo of Murray
drove up last evening to look after
Bomo business matters, nnd while
hero gave the Journal a brief call
Ilex. Is one of the best routo carriers
In Cass county nnd his record Is ns
bright ns a new silver dollar.
Ed. Lohnes and wife of Eight Mile
Grove were shopping In IMattsmouth
this forenoon,
The Burning of a Barn in the
South Part of Town Causes
From Wednesday's Dally.
lesteruay afternoon about 4:15
the fire alarm was seut in and the
hoys were directed to go to the home
of L. E. Vroman in the Fifth ward.
The distance out was long and the
road hilly and considering the obsta
cles to overcome, the boys did ex
ceedingly well. The nearest hydrant
was almost two blocks away, and the
hose was soon unrealed and the wat
er playing on the blaze. The Bur
lington hose cart was on the ground,
also, but the hose would not connect
with the city hose, being of different
size, so that it could not be used at
The building burned was a small
barn belonging to Mr. Vroman, and
had it not been for the prompt work
of the fire company, assisted by some
of the neighbors the fire would have
spread to the nearby buildings. The
barn and straw stack which burned
was only a few feet from the dwelling
of Mr. Vroman, the owner, and Just
across the alley from the property
of Mrs. Hall. The wind was In the
northwest or there might have been
serious results before tho tiro com
pany arrived. The roof of the coal
shed of Mrs. Hall caught fire and
was blazing in a small way when
discovered by her daughter, who ex
tinguished the blaze with a piece of
wet carpet.
The fire Is supposed to have start
ed by a twelve year old boy of Mr.
Vroman's lighting a piece of celluloid
near the hay stack. It spread to the
barn adjacent In an Instant. Luckily,
the horse was not In the ham at the
time or it might have perished In the
flames. The fire burned bo rapidly
that by the time the department ar
rived and had the hose stretched
the stack and building were a heap
of smouldering ruins. The water was
turned on to extinguish the remaining
blaze and prevent the fire spreading
to other buildings.
At Teachers Institute.
From Wednesday's Daily.
At the Institute this morning Dr.
Wlnship gave a very Interesting lec
ture lasting forty-five minutes, tak
ins for his subject: "The Boy," the
lecture leading up to his subject to
night. Tonight at the Farmele he
wll lecture on "Rascals and Saints.
The Institute work Is Increasing In
Interest with each session, many of
the ladles of the city are taking ad
vantage of the domestic science hour
and hear Miss Rowan In her chosen
The teachers are enthusiastic over
the primary methods and water col
ors as given them by Miss Martin
This morning Miss Martin had the
class paint, the dandelion, which was
an Interesting study. Miss Martin Is
pleased with the Interest manifested
by the country teachers, as they are'BcaI(,( wound or pos 8taggerg BHep.
In advance of many of the teachers
In the city schools. Tho water colors
would be a good departure from old
methods If tho riattsmouth Bchools
would take them up. There Ib noth
ing that wllfinterest the young mind
as much as nature studies and the
child that is Interested will grow
mentally. Miss Martin gives her
teacher pupils three or four primary
colors and from them they fix their
own colorings.
Delight fully Entertained.
Mrs. F. C. Weber entertained a
number of her friends at cards last
evening in honor of her sister-in-law,
Miss Mollie Weber of Fon du Lac,
Wis., who has been her guest for
several weeks. A two course luncheon
was served, the hostess being assisted
in serving by Miss Mario Fitzgerald
and Miss Margaret Scotlen.
Miss Josio Grace of Omaha proved
herself to be the most proficient play
er, being awarded king prize, while
Miss Amelia Marten carried away
the honors of the consolation prize.
Among those present were: Misses
Joslo Grace of Omaha, Roso O'Don
nel of Union, Mollle Weber of Fon
du Lac, Wis., Amelia Marten, Minnlo
Guthmann, Thressa Ilempel, Lillian
Murphy, Florence Dovey, Rose Von
dran. Ilattle Fight, Marie Fitzgerald,
Margaret Scotten, Loretta Scotten,
Loretta Frances Weber, Mrs. W. It.
Clement, Mrs. Mabel Smith, Mrs. C.
E. Hartford, Mrs. W. T. Scotten.
Pelicans Visit I'latlsmoiith.
A flock of about two dozen peli
cans came down from the I'lntto river
this morning and circled over tho city
returning In a northwestemly direc
tion toward the river from whit li they
came. Two of tho birds, apparently
scouts of tho party, flew over the
court house nnd circled toward tho
west meeting the flock on high school
hill when nil went oft together. It
Is not thought thnt the institute In
fluenced the birds.
Injunction Suit Today.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Judge Travis was engaged today la
listening to the evidence and argu
ment in the case of J. S. Hall vs.
the County Commissioners and John
Bauer. The parties testified each In
his own behalf, in addition, F. H.
Bishop of the United States Supply
company of Omaha testified in the
The county commissioners were.
represented by C. H. Taylor, and
John Bauer by Clark & Robertson,
while D. O. Dwyer appeared for the
plaintiff. The evideuce was submit
ted in the forenoon, and the roart
took a recess until 2 o'clock at which,
time the attorneys was to begin ar
gument. The court made some ob-
ervations on what the evidence show
ed thus far, but wanted to hear what
the attorneys had to say by way oC
argument. The court seemed to
think that the only point In the cas
was whether the fact that the success
ful bidder bad filed his bid after tho
time advertised would render th
proceedings void or only voidable.
le would decide this point after hear-
ng what the decision of the courts
had been In such cases. At the tlm
of going to press the decision had not.
been rendered.
The Worth of Living.
?ome peoplo value their life high
ly whllo others seem to care very lit
tie for It. Some take good care ot
themselves, live modestly and avoid
danger as much as Is In their power.
Others live a high life, paying no at
tention to the laws of nature and vol
untarily shortening their life. Our
duty toward ourselves, our family
and our nation, Is, to keep our body
In health nnd vigor and to prolong
our life by proper living. The first
condition Is to prevent the digestive
organs from weakening. We must
have a good appetite and a perfect
digestion. As soon as we find that
our appetite Is not as good as usual,
we should at once use Trlner's Ameri
can Elixir of Bitter Wine, a natural
remedy made of selected herbs and
old wine. Herbs cure, wine strength
ens. Use It In diseases of the di
gestive organs. At drug stores. Jos.
Trlner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland ave.,
Chicago, III.
lias Typhoid Fever.
James Mauzy received a telegram
last evening telling of tho sickness
of his little sister, Marian, who Is
with her mother visiting at Stanton,
West Virginia. The little girl has
an attack of typhoid fever, from
which she has been suffering for a
week. The telegram eald that th
little sufferer remained the same,
growing no worse than she has been,
for a week, but the critical stage of
the dlseaso has not yet been reached,
and until that Is past the relatives
here will he anxious about her. Mrs.
Mauzy and her daughter have been
absent about a month. It Is not
known where she contracted the dis
ease, but It is probable she did 80
en route to Stanton.
' Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant com
pound like Hucklen'g Arnica Salv
will Instantly relieve a bad burn, cut.
tics. But great cures prove Its a
wonderful healer of the worst sorea,
ulcera, bolls, felons, eczema, skin er;
uptlons, as also chapped hands, corns
and sprains. Try It. 2,r.c at F. Q.
Frlcke & Co.
Buck From Minneapolis.
Mr. J. E. Tuey, the Sixth street
merchant, returned from Minneapolis
and Concord, Minn., this morning.
Mr. Tuey had been absent for a week
looking after business there. The
crops In that locality were generally
very good, wheat of the spring va
riety going from 18 to 32 bushels
per acre, while tho fall variety went
as high as (!0 bushels to the acre.
Tho hny crop would yield about half
Its annual amount. Corn In that lo
cality Is not grown much; what he
saw looked very good. The corn
crop from Ft. Dodge, la., to Omaha,
being the territory In his daylight
rldo was of good color but was very
Dies at Oinaba.
Billlo Mayol, well known to many
Hnttsniouth people, died yesterday at
Omaha, and the funeral occurred to
day. Tho deceased was an employee,
of the Burlington shops here for sev
eral years. At tho time of his death,
ho was tending bar at Omaha. A
week or bo ago ho was In riatts
mouth visiting friends for a day or
two. He wns about forty years of
age, and was born In England. An
ton Nil,ka went to Omaha this morn
ing hoping that ho mny find a letter
among his effects telling the address
of relatives In England, The de
ceased had no relatives living In this
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is a
very valunblo medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
cures painful breathing nnd a dan
porously sounding cough which In
dicates congested lungs. Sold by alt