The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 30, 1910, Image 8

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County Assessors Report 9,286
Cars In State.
Dawet, Deuel and Gosper Return Four
Times Many Machines as Last
Year, Perkina, Greeley and Thurston
Five Times at Many York County
Shows Increase From 72 to 204.
Lincoln, July 25. The number of
automobiles returned by county as
sessors to the Btute board of equaliza
tion will be double tho number re
turned in 15(a. la that year there
were returned 3,611, hile with bIx
counties not yet reported, there has
been returned a total of 6,481. April 1
when the assessment wag mmle there
were reentered In the office ot
to e secretary of Btate a total of 9,286
machines and the year before a total
of 4,877. Thin number, however, does
not represent the total number of ma
chines in the state, as numbers have
been cancelled in cases where the
license has not been renewed, and nat
urally many machines have become
useless or worn out during the last
three, years. The total assessed valu
ation of the automobiles h returned
by the assessors last year was $384,
379, or un average assessed value of
Keya I'ulia county's assessor did not
give the number of machines in his
report nor the average value, but re
turned the total assessed value at $360.
Many of the counties have returned
twice as many machines this year
than last. Dawes county returned
four times as many this year and so
did Deuel and Gosper. Perkins, Gree
ley and Thurston returned five times
es many this year as laBt year, while
Rock returned six times as many
and Sherman nine times as many more
than last year. York county howg
an Increase from seventy two to 204.
Two Are Seriously Injured and Others
Take to Cornfields.
Osceola, Neb., July 26. A shooting
affair occurred hero between tour Ital
ians, employees of the Union Pacific
railroad. The men were getting ready
for dinner when a quarrel arose be
tween four of tlie bIx men, as a result
of which two of the llullans grabbed
shotguns nud began shooting at the
others, with the result that Frank De
vi to Is wounded In the right side, his
Injury being pronounced very serious
by the doctors.
Tho other man wounded Is Tony
Mearzulbo, who received a charge of
shot In his leg, the flesh being torn
from the bone badly between the knee
and ankle. Immediately alter the
shooting the men escaped and they are
now hiding In the cornfields In this
Mike Deslto Is one of the escnped
men and the other Is Uosa Vesterto
Big Derrick Collapses at Beatrice,
Laborer Has Foot Crushed.
Beatrice, Neb., July 25. Tho large
derrick used in constructing the new
addition to the government building
collapsed while 1,000 pounds of rock
were being hoisted and several work )
men came near being killed. E. II.
Toomey, superintendent of construc
tion, escaped by Jumping fifteen feet
to the basement below and sustained
severe bruises. David Hoover, a work
man, had his foot crushed. The derrick,
which was built to carry threo tons,
was completely wrecked.
Peru Boy Nearly Suffocated.
Peru, Neb., July 25. Tho twelve-year-old
Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Morrow
of MlnersviUe, got Into tho bin of
wheat as It was being loaded from
the elevator Into tho cms nnl was
soon drawn under tho wheat. Ills
mother, in an attempt to Rave him,
also got Into the wheat bin and only
the grasping of n rod crossing tho bin
saved her from following tho boy. Ho
was finally released from his perilous
position only by cutting a hole in the
- side of the elevator and allowing tho
wheat t run out on the ground. It
Is thought the boy will recover.
Bank Stockholders Guarantee Deposits
Lyons. Neb., July 25. Something
new In tho way of bank guarantee
was projected here by tho Farmers'
bank of Lyons. An agreement was en
tered Into among the stockholders
whereby they walvo the protection of
all laws favoring corporations and
place behind their guarantee nil their
private property.
Omaha Plans to Greet Roosevelt.
Omaha, July 23. Tentative plan
have been made for the reception of
Coloned Theodore Roosevelt when ho
Visits Omaha, Sept. 2, and these plans
have been submitted to Colonel Roose
velt by John L. Kennedy, secretary of
the committee.
Alliance Will Buy Light plant.
Alliance, Neb., July 25. At a special
meeting of tho city council It was final
ly decided' to buy tho electric light
riant fiom the present owners. Tho
city I: .is maio n formal offer of $14,
Tener Out of Congress Race.
ITarrislurj:. Pa., July 28. Congress
man John X. Tener, who was renomi
nated for congress from the Tw nty
fourth Pennsylvania district and later
was nominated by the Republicans for
governor, sent to the state ("epartment
his formal withdrawal as a congres
sional candidal".
Burke for presie'ent In 1912.
Fargo, N. D, July 2S. Governor
John Burke of North Pakota was in
dorsed as the Democratic nominee for
the presidency in 1912 at a meeting
of Democrats of the state beld here.
Man; Cities Suiter Tempera
tures ot Over 100 Degrees.
Three Prostrations Are Reported at St.
Joseph Thermometer Mounts to 104
at Omaha, Breaking Heat Record
for Nine Years Mercury Soars to
105 at Lincoln.
Chicago, July 28. Nine of tho
eighty-two cities throughout the Unit
ed States from which returns were re
ceived at the local weather bureau re
ported temperatures of 100 degrees or
over. Thirty-six of the eignty-iwo re
ported temperatures of 90 degrees or
Such an ar'ay of "maximums," Indi
cating a heat spell covering the entire
country, it was Bald, has not been seen
in the last ten years. Objections to
its being called a "heat wave" were
made on the grounds that a wave
moves, while the present torrldity
Beems to have settled like a great
blanket over the country, with Wich
ita, Kan., and its record of 106 as a
center, with the 90 degree lines reach
ing to the Atlantic coast at the south
and as far north as Canada In the cen
tral west. The Pacific coast, shut oft
by the Rocky mountains, appeared
alone in its escape from the severity
of the sun.
The thermometer climbed above tho
100 mark over most of Kansas. In
Wichita It is the fifth successive day
tho thermometer has passed the 100
mark. There was one heat prostra
tion In Wichita and three In St. Jo
seph, Mo. In Omaha the mercury
stood nt 104, breaking all records for
nine years. The thermometer regis
tered 103 tit Lincoln.
Sunshine Last Week Made Growing
Weather, Bulletin Says.
Washington, July 28. Sunshine lo
tho great corn and winter wheat grow.
Ing stntes during tie last week was
beneficial to the development of grow
ing vegetation and for harvest pur
poses, according to the national week
ly weather bulletin issued by the de
partment oi agriculture.
Rain in many portions of the spring
wheat regl( i temporarily relieved tho
drought, bin much more rain is need
ed. The bulletin also says: "In the
great corn and winter wheat growing
states the lack of rain is becoming
serious, especially in southern Kansas
and the adjoining portions of Oklu
homn, and rain is needed also over
much of Iowa and in portions of Ohio
and Indiana, but over the remaining
corn growing states there Is generally
sufficient moisture in the soil. In the
spring wheat region the soil is Btlll dry
to an unusual depth and much more
rain Is needed to put It in normal con
Derails Sx Freight Cars Near
South Bend.
South r.end, Ind., July 28. Mob at
tacks' on a freight train, ending with
tho ditching of the entire train of six
cars, nnd an unsuccessful effort to
kidnap tho nonunion members of n
passenger crew were the chief hap
penings in tho Btrlko on the Grand
Trunk railroad. Angry crowds nutn-
berln? from 500 to 2.000 persons
gathered' at tho Grand Trunk station
throughout the day ami the police had
to be on the alert every minute to pre
vent outbreaks of mob violence.
Artillery Corps Breaks All Existing
Records In Practice at Sandy Hook.
New York, July 28. All previous
records for service practice with 3-
Inch guns were broken nt Sandy Hook
by tho gunners of the 135th company,
coiiHt artillery corps, commanded by
Captain Carroll Power, stationed at
Fort Totten. This coin puny held the
record for lust year's practice, and
bettered It, milking eleven hits In
eleven seconds, attaining a figure of
merit of 150. This wns nearly twice
that of lust year.
Shooting Follows Car Strike.
Columbus, ()., July 28. Although
there were threo shooting affrays con
nected with tho rioting In connection
with the street car strike, the police
have tho situation in hand. Scores of
rioters were arrested. Three motor
men shot Into crowds which annoyed
them nnd one man on the street re
ceived a wound In the leg. Mayor
M.mhnll hns not asked for troops.
Former Inspector Outlines Mil
lion DoL'ar Conspiracy.
Railroad's Employees "Fixed," Its Ma
terials Stolen, Witness Claims, and
Double Prices Charged for Work
Done Roofs for Coal Cars and
Doors for Flat Cars. '
Chicago, July 29. Details of the
methods by which the Illinois Central
railroad was defrauded out of over
$1,000,000 In padded bills for tar re
pairs by a conspiracy between its of
ficers and employees with officers of
the Independent tar companies were
related in a deposition given before
Master In Chancery Mason. Tho
statement was made by Harold A.
Sims, a formtr car inspector for the
railroad. He said he was induced by
a higher salary and Important per
quisites as his share of the "graft"
and the persuasions of his superior
officers in the Illinois Central to be
come superintendent of the Memphis
Car company.
After a year of "easy money" he be
came dissatisfied with his share and
later made a full confession to the
Illinois Central attorneys.
Bribery of the railroad's Inspectors
and charging the road for materials
stolen from Its own cars and store
houses were only the slmp'er aspects
of the vast system of fraud', accord
ing to the witness. ' He laid this to
the former Illinois Central conductor,
Henry C. Ostermann. It was Oster-
mann's sudden rise to affluence and his
spectacular methods of displaying his
money, such as lighting cigars with
$50 bills and tipping waitresses with
handsful of silver, that first called at
tention of President Harahan to the
waste In his car department.
No mention of the late Ira G. Rawn
nor any of the "men higher up" was
made by the witness.
Charges Made at Hearing.
Among the startling statements re
lated by the witnesses were: i
Car repair bills were padded almost
at will, according to the guess of the
car company officials.
The railroad's own material was
used without stint to make the actual
repairs which formed tne basis of tho
charges. ,
Materials taken from the Illinois
Central tars were used almost exclu
sively to build the extensive plant of
the car company.
When the car company lacked ma
terial to perform certain parts of tho
repairs required, the almost aban
doned, but well equipped, shops owned
by the railroad Itself were called upon
to do the work, and the Items were
included In tho hill Just as If the
Memphis company had done It Itself.
Illinois Central cars were rolled on
to a spur track entering the plant,
rilled of supplies and materials to be
used In repairing cars already re
ceived on which the price would be
llberully boosted, and then In turn
made whole at the railroad's expense.
Inspectors of the railroad were
' bribed nnd went through the form of
checking up the work done In such a
manner bb not to cut down the profits
of the men who had bribed them.
They paid no attention while the al
reody excessive bills were still fur
ther boosted by the insertion of items
which could not possibly be added to
the cars In question, such as roofs for
cool cars und doors for flat cars.
A uniform charge for from ten to
fourteen gallons of paint was Included
in the bill for each car, whereas many
of (he tars only required two or three
"We Just tore up the cars as we
saw fit and the Inspectors let us do
what we thought proper," declared
the witness.
Officer of "Cheesebox," Growing Old,
Presents Department With Relic.
Washington, July 119. The log book
ff the Monitor, covering the period of
Its engagement with the Mcrrlmuc in
Hampton Roads on March 9, 18C2, was
given to the navy department to be
preserved among Its historic records.
The restoration of the log to the tie
pnrtment was due to Captain Louis
Stodder of the United States revenue
cutter service, now living in Brook
lyn, nnd an oiricer on the Monitor dur
ing Its entire Bervlce.
For yenra he has treasured the log
among his most valuable possessions,
but ns he has reached old age he de
sired to see It placed where Its preser
vation might be assured. He forward
ed It to the library of tho navy de
partment. Three Children Die In Barn Fire.
Oconto, Wis., July 29. Two daugh
ters, aged four nnd two, of Michael
Cnsper, and tho two year-old sen of
John Burg were burned to death when
Burg's bnrn, In which the children
were playing, was destroyed by fire.
Ban on Yorkshire Cattle,
Waahlngtcn, July 29. Owing to the
discovery of ti c lovt r.m mouth dis
ease ni'ioug r.ittle In " -1 r 1 1 ro, F.n
gland, thr !trortatl m ef rp.t?V from
that country 'i"o tV I'r.itii Sirtvs
has been Milted.
UK? I bt 19 TO UhlVc A0T0
Attorney General of New York Inter
prets Law Passed by Legislature.
Albany, N. Y, July 28. No person
under eighteen years of age will be
permitted to operate an automobile In
this state after Aug. 1 unless accom
panied by a licensed chauffeur or the
owner of the machine.
Secretary of State Koenlg has re
reived numerous Inquiries as to wheth
er a person under eighteen who is the
owner can operate a motor vehicle un
der the Callan law upon the public
highways of the state.
Attorney General O'Malley, in an
opinion, holds that the legislative In
tent is plain that a person should be
at least eighteen years of age before
he has Judgment, experience and dis
cretion sufficient to quality hlra to
drive a car.
Sensational Testimony Given Before
Federal Grand Jury.
Chicago, July 28. Aaron Buchs
baum and Arthur Block, New York
butchers, testifying before the federal
grand Jury investigating packing
concerns, declared Chicago packers
had cut prices and undersold the New
York Butchers' Dressed Beef associa
tion at a loss of $2,000,000 in order to
obtain control of a New York concern.
Dew in Hailing Distancs ot Ves
sel Supposed to Carry Crlppen.
Montreal, July 28. Inspector Dow
was at noon possibly within hailing
distance of Dr. Hawley H. Crlppen of
London and the doctor's typist, Ethel
Clara Leneve, if the latter are aboard
the westbound steamer Montrose.
This Is the calculation made here
by officials of the Canadian Pacific
and White Star Steamship companies.
It was stated that the Montrose of
the former line and the Iaurentic ot
the latter were at that hcur abreast
of each other on the Atlantic at 27 de
gree3 west. On the Montrose are two
passengers, suspected of being Dr.
Crlppen, wanted in London in connec
tion with the disappearance of his
wife, Belle Elmore, and Miss Leneve.
The Laurentic bears Inspector Dow,
sent out from Scotland Yard to investi
gate the identity of the passengers,
who are reported to have registered
at the Antwerp booking office as John
Robinson and John Robinson, Jr. Offi
cials of both steamship companies
are positive that no attempt will H
made at sea to transfer Inspector Dow
to the Montrose. They state that
there will be no action until one or
the other of the , vessels reaches
Father Toint, Quebec, where a pilot
Is taken aboard to guide the vessels
through the St. Lawrence.
Browne Trial Begins Monday.
Chicago, July 28. Circuit Judge
Kersten, sitting In the criminal court,
ordered a special venire of 100 drawn
for Aug. 3, for the second trial of Lee
O'Neil Browne,' minority leader, In
dicted on charges of bribery and In
which the election of United States
Senator Lorimer is involved. The
trial will open Monday, Aug. 1.
Berlin Denies Mutiny Report.
Berlin, July 28. It was officially de
nied that a mutiny, growing out of
dissatisfaction with the mess, had oc
curred on the German armored cruiser
Blucher during the cruise to Norway,
as was reported In a dispatch from
Kiel to the Vorwaerts.
Auto Turns Turtle; One Dead.
New York, July 28. In an automo
bile accident at Westhampton, L. I.,
Desmond Dunne, Jr., son of Desmond
Dunne, former commissioner of publio
works in Brooklyn, was instantly
killed. His automobile turned turtle.
National League.
At New York: R.II.E.
New York 000 00 600 06 10 2
Philadelphia ...0 2000000 02 12 2
Wlltse Myers; Foxen Dooln.
At Cincinnati: R.II.E.
Cincinnati 2 00 1 0 0 00 14 9 8
Pittsburg 10010330 08 12 2 !
Gasper-McI-enn; Cnninitz Gibson.
At St. Louis: R.II.E.
St. Louis 000 008 00 08 14 1
Chicago 12100 10106 17 1
Lush-Bresnahnn; Brown Kllng.
American League.
At Philadelphia: R.II.E.
Philadelphia ... .2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 6 4
Washington ... .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 05 9 3
Dypert Thomas; Gray-Bcckendorf.
At HoHton First game: R.II.E.
Boston 1 03 0 1 0 0 0 5 7 0
New York 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 11 1
Clcotte Carrigan; Hughes-Mitchell.
Second game: R.II.E.
Boston 0 1 0 1 0 1 000 003 8 3
New York...0 1 00 000 2 00 3 6 10 4
Smith Kleinow; Ford Mitchell.
Western League.
At Denver: R.II.E.
Lincoln 0 000O000 00 2 3
Denver 0 0020000 2 6 0
Knapp Kruger; Olmstead-Weaver.
At St. Joseph: R.II.E,
Sioux City 0 1 3 11 2001-9 15 2
St. Joseph 00000300 36 10 8
Alderman-Miller; Swlft-Frnmnps.
AtTopekn: R.II.E.
Des Moines. ..".0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 06 11 I
ropeka 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 n S 11
Mitchell Clemmons; Jackson Boles,
Sealed proposals will be received by
the city cltrk of Die city of J'latti
mouth, NehraMka, until eight (8) o'clock
p. m., of Monday, the Hii day of Aug
ust, 1910, fur furnishing material and
constructing curbs and pavement for
the city of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, in
accordance with the plana and specifi
cations on file in the office of the city
clerk of Hlattxmouth, Nebraska, and in
the office ef the engineers, Omaha, Ne
braska. Approximate estimate quan
tities: rating.
(A) District 5577 s. yds.
(B) Intersection 1 4 tt q. yds.
(A) District :'J1 lin. ft.
tbj Intersection 42 lin. ft.
Class A Six (6) Inches thick, twen
ty :'0 Inches deep; $0.65 per lin. ft.
Class U Six (t inches thick, twenty-four
CM) Indies deep; $0.60 per lin.
I'm lug.
Class A Vitrified brick block as
specified. Base, concrete, depth four
(4) Inches, sand on concrete one and
one-half 1 Inches. Sand filled
Joints. 2.10 per mi. yd.
Class It Vitrified brick block as
specified. Base, concrete, depth, five
(a) inches, sand on concrete one and
one-half Inches ( lty ) inches. Sand
filled Joints. IJ.25 per s. yd.
Kuch bid to be accompanied by a cer
tified check for five hundred dollars
Any one desiring a set of plans and
specifications for personal use may ob
tain the same by application to the en
gineers and a payment of five ($5.00)
dollars per set.
The city reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
T , J. P. Sattler.
. R. Klster, .Mayor.
City Clerk.
The Consolidated Engineering com
pany, engineers. No. tHO Bee build
ing, Omaha, Nebraska.
To the unknown heirs and devisees
of Lewis Johnson. iWenMei) tho un. 1
known heirs and devisees of Margaret
Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs
and devisees of Seth Johnson, deceased;
the unknown heirs and devisees of John
Q. Johnson, dereased; and to Solomon
Borhee, Mrs. V. B. Leach, first name
unknown, wife of W. B. Leach; Mrt.
Wllllum Johnson, first name unknown,
wife of William Johnson; Frederick L.
Eaton; William T. Eaton; Simon P. Eat
on; U. It. Henry; Greensberry R Henry;
A Lazenby; Ambrose Lazenby, and Mrs.
Ambrose Lazenby, first name unknown,
wife of Ambrose Lazenby, non-resident
You will take notlr ttiat on the 12th
day of April, 1910, (JeorKe M. Porter,
plaintiff, filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska,
In vhlch you with others were named
as defendants.
The object and prayer of said peti
tion Is to quite title In said plaintiff In
and to lote ten (10) And eleven (11) in
block thlrty-elffht (38) of the city of
Plnttsmouth, In Cass county, Nebraska,
and to exclude the defendants from any
Interest therein.
You are required to answer said pe
tlnn on or before the 25th day of July,
fleorpe M. Torter.
Bv Burkett, Wilson & Brown, and E. F.
Ills Attorneys.
In the mutter of the guardianship
of Donovan A. Walling, a minor.
Notice Is hereby Riven that In pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable Har
vey I). Travis, Judge of the district
court of Cass countv, Nebraska, made
on the 20th day of June, 1910, for the
sale of real estate herein after des
cribed, there will be sold at the south
door of the court house In the city of
I'lattsmouth, In said county and state
on the 28th day of July, 1910, at 11
o'clock a. m., nt public sale to the
lilKhest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate, to-wlt:
The undivided one-third (1-3) lnter-
i est In fee simple title In nnd to lots
12. 1.1, It), and 17, In West Greenwood,
diss countv, Nebraska.
Dated tills 2uth day of June. 1910.
4 George W. Wall In or,
As guardian of Donovan A. Walling,
a minor.
State of Nebraska,)
Cnss Countv.
Notice la hereby given that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministratrix of snid estate, before me,
county Judge of Cass county, Nebras
ka, at the county court room In Flatts-
mouth, In said county, on the 30th day
of July, A. D., 1910, and on the 1st day
of February, 1911 at 9 o'clock a. m.,
eaeh day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the credi
tor of said deceased to present their
claims, nnd one year for the adminis
tratrix to settle said estate, from the
30th day of July, A. D., 1910.
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this 28th day of June, A. D., 1910.
(Seal) Allen J. Heeson,
Hnnisey & Hnmsey, County Judge.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Streight and
Rev. L. W. Gade autoed out to Cedar
Creek this morning, leaving about 5
a. m., while the day was yet cool. It
is safe to guess that Will may bring
home a fine string of fish, as he
won't have the nerve to "cuss" any
In the presence of h!3 wife and the
GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers' excursions to
THE BIG HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and
see what the farmers are doing on these new lands where the Burlington
Railroad is building new lines; where new towns oiTer splendid business op
ening in all lines of trade and profession.
EXAMINE THESE LANDS PERSONALLY with me. I will help you to pick
out the best. I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this purpose.
OUR HOMESEEKERS' TICKET allows you 25 days with stop overs every
where in homeseekers' territory; ample time to examine the lands and spend
a few days fishing in the mountain streams if you like. See the irrigated
lands where the ditches are built by the Government and also by private
companies, and the Mondell C20-acre FREE homesteads all on ene trip.
Herman Groodcr,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Arswered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
Live Stock and General Farm Sale
Five years successful selling renders
me thoroughly competent ot handling
your sale. Referfence from those I
have sold.'for. Graduate from Missouri
Auction School. Gee me at PerkinB
The Goernment pay Railway Mail '
Clerk. $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployee up to $2,500 annually
Uncle Sam will hold examinations
throughout the country for Railway
Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
ment Clerks and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointments
will he made. Any man or woman
oyer 18, In City or Country can get
Instruction and free information by
writing at once to the Bureau of
Instruction, 79 J, Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
Notice to Fanners.
Ve are now in the market for all
the chickens, ducks, geese or any
farm poultry that you might have.
We also have the akency for the
Bloomer Creamery at Council Bluffs
and will buy all the cream you hring
in. Pay you cash and test it the
same day you bring it in. Try and
sell your cream one month and see If
it is isn't easier and more money in
it than to make butter.
Also, our auto delivery is out in
the country every day. Call us up
and get your meat or groceries for
threshing. Always call us the day
before you want the goods so we will
get the order before we start as we
start early In the moving. Tele
phone No. 4.
Yours For Business,
Hatt & Son.
For Sale.
A good $125.00 organ, at your own
price. Easy payments, as low as
fifty cents per week. Inquire of
W. M. Bogard. Avoca, Neb.
Farm for Sale.
SO acres of well improved land,
one mile from Avoca. If Interested,
call or write George D. Maseman,
Avoca, Neb.
G. A. Meisinger of west of the city
was looking after business matters in
Plattsmouth today.
Do you want an .
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this rflice or the
. Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rate
Special prepared Wyo.nlnj literature just eft the press.
Write for it today.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Landseekers' Information Bnreau.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.