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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1910)
SETTLEMEI1T HE IT STILL THEY GOME! II "3 - lis? C02 , oe, , ; - - i ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT ANcgcfaWcRrparafionCrAs similaiingiheFoodandtoula t ing Ute S toaudis anH3ffl3s i IVomotcsDitionflitfiM ncss and Rratontains neitta- Opiura.Morph.irie norHacralJ NOT NARCOTIC. Plnjiia SrcJ jUxJana Hi Carton S& Cmlktl Siqcr Umtoynm ftmr. Ancrfect Remedy for Consflpa tion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtwca TO Worrasforouiswusjewrisu ncss aniLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signal of Eft: (.V W NEW YORK. iCV. Guaranteed under the Exact Copy of Wrapper. DEMOCRATS 10 ORGANIZE THE COMING STATE Nebraska Democratic Club to Be Effective Successors of the Slro.ig Bryan Volunteers. Following the magnificent success cf the Bryan Volunteers two years ego In bringing victory to the Demo-H cratic party In Nebraska, the advis ability of a permanent organization to succeed it has been met by the formation of the Nebraska Democrat ic club, permanent organization of which was begun at the big Demo cratic dinner at Columbus in June, and completed at the time of the Grand Island convention on Tuesday last On that ocrusion, owing to the fact that a copy of the constitution was not present, the meeting elected six vice presidents, one for each con gressional district, with the under standing that they, with the presi dent, constituted the executive com mittee, instead of electing but one vice president and six executive com mitteemen. However, the same pur pose is served. ' The officers of the club until the next annual meeting in February are Judge John Ratterman of Columbus, president; J. F. Walsh of Humboldt, First district, vice president; C. W. McCune of Omaha, Second district, vice president; George Kelly of Har tington, Third district, vice presi dent; N. J. Ludi of Wahoo, Fourth district, vice president; Dr. F. C. Bab cock of Hastings, Fifth district, vice president; George C. Gillan of Lex ington, Sixth district, vice president; and Walter Phillips, treasurer. Realizing .that a large part of the organization work must be entrust ed to the secretary, the meeting left to the president and the treasurer the selection of a man with time and ability to take that position. It will be noted by the constitution and by-laws that any elector of the state of Nebraska, who pledges him self to support the principles and can didates of the Democratic party, may Bold Burglary. Last night while Byron Golding, proprietor of the variety store, was slumbering peacefully In his couch, some criminal with no fear of the law burglarized his store before' his eyes. The crime was first noted early this morning. When Mr. Goldlng's mother came down she noticed that the window In the rear of the store was up and had a stick of wood holding it in position. She imme diately called her son and gave the alarm. Mr. Golding came upon the scene, and sized up the situation very rapidly. He found on examination of the window that a light had been broken In and the buglar had reach ed in, pulled the stop back and rals 'rd the window sash andentered tfie room. The money drawer had born riffled, and a 32-callbre revolver tak- en. lne drawer waa puiii-u um. loft on the counter, an old purse wf s taken. Twenty-six cents which was In the drawer was overlooked by the criminal. Mr. Golding docs not miss r.nvthlng but the revolver and a six For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought to Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years P TMI CINTAU BOMPtNT, N YOBH OlTT become a member for the year upon his application, accompanied by $5. Ten thousand members are wanted, and then more, and all who wish to get into the big game may do so, for the present, by mailing their appli cation and $5 membership fees each, to Judge John Ratterman, Columbus, Neb., or to any of the other offi cers. The constitution and by-laws pro vide that the president, vice presi dents and treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of members of the club upon the organization of the same and the officers then elected shall hold rntil the first regular meeting of the club at which time the president, vice presidents and treas urer shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present, and shall hold their office for the term of one year, and until their succes sors are elected and qualified. The president, vice presidents and treas urer shall appoint some suitable per son to act as secretary. The execu tive committe of six members shall be elected by the members of the club from each congressional dis trict. The president shall appoint such committees as may' be found desirable. The annual meeting of the club will take place in February of each year. The time and place of the meeting shall be fixed by the presi dent, vice presidents and treasurer. A special meeting of the club may be held at the call of the president. A special meeting shall be held upon a written request of one-fourth of the members of the club. The by-laws may be amended at any annual meeting by a majority of the vote of those present, said amend ment to be made In writing and sub mitted to the president at least ten days before said meeting. dollar gold ring. Though articles of clothing may have been taken, such would not be missed where taken from the pile where so many goods were together. There is a strong bus pldons of the guilty party as some Rood clues were left behind by the night prowler. Bet urns From Hospital. Mr. Koubek who had his eye oper ated on at the Clarkson hospital short time ago, returned to his home today. His daughter, Miss Frances, went to Omaha this morning to ac company her father home. Mr. Kou bek feels considerably Improved, and, although his eye troubles him much, ho hopes that the operation may bring permanent relief soon, and at least the sight of his other eye will lm preserved. The operation consist ed in the removal of the eyeball which had become Inflamed and very pnin fi-1. If you wnnt hei or nave anythlnr o civ "''"-rtlso In the Journal H YiV GAMPAGN Company to Pay Over to the. Widow and Heirs of the Late j William Renner $6,000 Yesterday there was filed in the district court the most Important suit which has been commenced in that court for some time. The title of the case is William T. Richardson, administrator of the estate of the late William Renner, against the C. B. & Q. Ry., and claims the sum of $25, 000 damage for the loss of the life of William Renner. A settlement of the suit was af fected today and the administrator permitted judgment to be rendered for the sum of $6,000, which the parties interested consented to rather than go through years of litigation. Those Interested in the settlement were the administrator for the widow and C. H. Merger, guardian for the two little boys who were left or phans by the sad accident. The accident which at the time cast gloom over the city, occurred on the morning of May 3rd, when the deceased, who was a Burlington en gineer, dismounted from his engine in the Pacific Junction yards and went under it to repair or replace a brake beam, which he had noticed out of order only a moment before. While under the engine a loaded car was kicked in on the track at the rear of his train and the impact was so great that the train and engine were forced forward several feet, running the wheels of the ponderous machine and its tons of weight over the leg of the unfortunate man. As stated in the Journal at the time, Mr. Renner was hurreid to Plattsmouth and while yet In an unconclous condition was taken to the hospital at Omaha where all that surgical skill could do was done to save the life of the injured engineer, and although he rallied from the first shock, he did not long survive and passed away at 11 o'clock the same evening. The deceased left the wife and two orphan boys well provided for. There is $1,500 Insurance, divided equally with the widow and heirs; $1,800 in the Burlington Relief, of which all goes to the widow, besides the $6, 000 paid by the Burlington company, divided equally between the two lit tle boys and the widow. C. H. Herger bas been appointed guardian for the two children, while Mr. W. T. Richardson was appointed by the county court as administra tor of the estate. Matthew Gering was employed by the administrator to bring action against the company and before departing for Europe, Mr. Gering had prepared all necessary pa pers to be filed in the case and, al though he has not yet returned, the suit was commenced in his absence and has reached a satisfactory end' Ing. The course of the admlnistra tor and guardian is no doubt a wise one. as much time and nervous en ergy will be saved. Loses Valuable Horse. M. L. Frederich, county coinmlS' sloner. was seen on the street this morning smoking a pipe Instead of the customary cigar and when interro gated as to this sudden streak of rigid economy, Mr. Frederich stated that he, yesterday, sustained the loss of his favorite driving horse which had been a source of comfort to him for the past twenty-four yearsy That tne loss would nave 10 do mane goou some- way anu tne nrst ming ne thought of was to cut the expensive clears and take to the pipe. He prized the animal very highly and some years ago spent money on the horse's teeth, having the dentist tlx them so the horse could take his feed with comfort.' The loss will be quite keenly felt by Commissioner Frederich and his friends feel sorry for him. In District Court. On the criminal Bide of the court this morning a hearing was called for the case of the state against Wanna- maker, which arose on a peace war rant from Louisville. The defend ant was in court and admitted that he had made the threat, and entered Into a bond of $200 to keep the peace Judge Travis consented to this ar rangement and took the recognizance In open court. On the civil side of the court this morning the references in the case of Peterson vs. Bauer made their re nort. whfrii was to the effect that no partition of the land described in the petition could bo made. The ef feet of the report will be to sell the real estato which belonged to the estate of the late John Bauer which Is situated east and north of Wabash a few miles. The referees originally appointed to appraise the land were I). O. Dwyer, Dr. J. S. Livingston and Judge J. W. Johnson. Owing to 111 health. Judge" Johnson was re Moved and James M Robertson wn appointed in his stead. People keep coming for these pretty well but you'll find a much them this week than you will next. you've ever seen. It's no wonder people who buy tell their friends about them. Just SO that's all. en's Poros Underwear 34c! We put on sale today a case of Poros Underwear, in plain white at the exceptional price of 34c or 68c a suit. These are new first class goods, full fashioned. Drawers have double seat. They're going to be picked up quick. You can see them in our west window. Just a few of those splendid Plattsmouth made shirts left at 59c. Also men's soft shirts, collars attached, three for $1.00. Call for the adverti ed shirt. Men's sox 3 and 4c a foot. Men's underwear 19c. Straw hats 5 and 10c. Men's wool pants $1.9S. Men's overalls 49c. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION iOOIH HAVE GREAT WEALTH Exeotive Council Counts Funds in OmahaJBank Vaults Members of the executive council of the Woodmen of the World felt highly wealthy all day Friday. he council visited the vaults of the First National bank to count up and check over securities kept on deposit there, says the Omana Bee. The Woodmen have $11,000,000 worth of bonds in the vaulets of the First National, 20 per cent of which is in government bonds and the rest in state, county and municipal se-1 curlties of the same sort. I The executive council will remain in session until Monday, but is not likely to take any action with respect to the new building. Negotiations with the Milton Rogers company are still going on, but no particular pros pect of an agreement has been reach ed with respect to cancellation of the lease. It is unlikely that any building contract will be let for some months, but some company may be given a contract to wreck the building now occupied by the Union Outfitting com pany before October 1, when the Un ion company vacates. Between now and January 1 pos session of the whole corner may be secured by the Woodmen, and in that event the contract for the whole building will be let as a whole. If not, then the plan announced some time ago will be adhered to and a building put up on the east part of the Woodmen purchase. Agreements which the Woodmen have made call for work of construc tion to begin January 1 and work of demolition by October 1. So the fraternal organization has yet con siderable time to dicker with the leas ees of the west part of their real es tate purchase. Change ill LI m wood Bunk. A deal was closed last Saturday whereby Edwin Jeary, president of the First National bank of this city, disposed of his interests in the bank to W. S. Waters. W. S. Waters was duly elected president of the bank, while Floyd L. Wooleott as vice pres ident and Edward J. Jeary as cashier will remain with the bank. The Leader-Echo Is assured that the same conservative policy that has charac terized this bank in the past will be maintained in the future and no ef forts will be spared to servo the pub lic In the most efficient way possi ble, consistent with conservative banking. Mr. Waters was formerly connected with the American Ex change bank as It's cashier for elev en years, and consequently needs no extended introduction. It Is the In tention of Mr. Waters to movo his family to Elmwood Just as soon as he can arrange for a suitable home and he Is looking around now with that end in view. Mr. Jeary being relieved from the responsibilities of the bank, will de voto bis attention to his private In terests. ,In the absence of tho retired president we will feel tho loss of a very energetic and capable man, and one who has done much to enhance ti e moral and Intellectual standing of the community. The Leader-Echo congratulates the new management S9 SUITS I They're the greatest suit bargains of the bank and bespeak for it the hearty support of the public. Leader-Echo. I Mad l ino lish Supper. Win Streignt came In from Cedar Creek last evening with an air of fullness about him but able to tell a good fish story. The fishing at the pond was not as good yesterday as on some occasions yet the Rock Bass bit in sufficient numbers so that 45 of their number went into the frying pan last evening prior to the sumptu ous repast served to the party going up from Plattsmouth yesterday morning. Ten covers were laid and among those surrounding the picnic table spread on the grass were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strelght and daugh ter, Mr. and Gade, Mr. Glenn, Pollock Parmele and others. Forty of the finny tribe were devoured by the lucky fishermen and women, and to say they enjoyed the supper Is putting It mildly. The luck of the different members of the party varied much. Mrs. H. A. Schneider with hor hook baited with frog landed a large black bass, which proved to bo the best of the days catch. Mr. Applegate wai unfortunate in breaking his rod and bass. From the way the rod snapped off It was thought that the fish taking Mr. Applegate's hook was of unusual size. The weather was ideal and the trip was greatly enjoyed by all of the party. In County Court. The William AlLIn guardianship matter took n new whirl day before yesterday when Hon. W. B. Banning sent in his resignation as guardian. There Is eighty acres of land and the rents and profits of the same which under the will of William Albln's father, has been entailed for the use of William. There has been much grief to the numerous men who have acted as guardian from time to time for the past fifteen years. Work the eighty as economically as they may, it will not furnish sufficient funds to clothe and board the ward. Judge Beeson has not yet accepted the res Ignition of Mr. Banning, but as soon as some brave man can be found who will take the duties and give the required bond, no doubt the matter will be done as Mr. Banning wishes. Adjust Loss. Mr. O. E. Morse of Lincoln, special agent for the Burlington was In the city over night, departing for his home this morning. Mr. Morse had been to Louisville where a slight ac cident had occurred In the yards and the corner of a car loaded with shell ed corn had been knocked off and something like 200 bushels of grain Bplllcd on the right of way. Some of the Bettlers had come In from their claims, backed their wagons up to the pile of corn and proceeded to load It out. When they were made to un derstand that the owner still wanted the corn they came down with the price. The matter was explained by saying that they had no idea any one wanted the grain after It had been on tho damp ground a few hours. W. II. Kruger of Greenwood, was a Plattsmouth visitor today looking after business matters. While In the county peat, Mr. Kruger made the Journal offlco n pleasant rail, and left the price of a year's subscription to tho Journal. Mr. Kruger Is ono of our now readers and Is a pleasant gentleman to moot. Call again Mr. Kruger. They're holding out better assortment of n 11 YJ (iim Kopp Injured. r Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock Gus Kopp who works In the boiler shops, met with quite a pain ful arcldent which will lay him off duty for a few days. He was at hi work on the flues of a boiler driv ing ono out with a heavy sledge, when the sledge slopped off of the pin, rebounded to the rfm abo've alid came back on Mr. Kopp's head with such force as to knock him down and daze him to some extent. He short ly recovered and arose to renew his attack on the flue, when his partner told him he was bleeding and ex amined his head found a gash of several Inches had resulted from the blow of the steel sledge. Mr. Kopp then hurried to the surgeon and had the wound dressed, and was Instruc ted to keep quiet for Borne days. Mr. Kopp does not take to his retirement very kindly, as he says the work is piling up in his department, there being no less than eight, engines In the shops now waiting for repairs. Depart for the l'ast. Ed. T. Bates and Ed. H. Adams, who spent a couple of days in this city visiting with the former's broth er and nephews and families, depart ed last evening for the cast where they will make a display of their samples of oar taken from a mine, near Wallace, Idaho, in which these gentlemen are both interested. They will remain in the east till about the middle of September, when they will return to Plattsmouth, en route to their homes, and remain a few days. We believe the boys have a good thing In the mine proposition and will try and interest parties to the extent of buying stock. In the meantime, those who desire to Bee some of the samples taken from theso mines can call at tho Journal office and do so. Returns From Vacation. Mrs. J. W. Gamble and son Joo re turned last evening from a mouths' outing at the lakes. Mj, Gamble re mained for a longer stay. This af ternoon Mrs. Gamble depnrted for Omaha where she will visit a weok with her daughter, after which she expects to spend a month in the west ern pari of th state and Colorado. Mrs. Gamble says the fishing at the akes was fine, but that the mos quitoes punctured the flsherwoman too frequently, which was the only unpleasant feature to her outing. Other members of the party did not feel the discomfort from these little pests. Ball Team Flunked. The Townsend Gun Club Base Ball team failed to keep their date wltu the Plattsmouth team and In conse quence there was no game this af ternoon. Secretary Frank Gobleman of the homo team went from Ne braska City this morning to Omaha and talked with the manager of the Townsend team at 9:30 this morning and was then Informed that the team would come down on the first train this afternoon. But when Mr. Goble man reached the station there was no ball team in Bight, nor did it show up at all. The boys are Bomewhat disturbed at this sort of treatment as it was expected to have a game with the same team tomorrow. Frank Green, after a week's visit with old friends in this city, return ed to his duties at Lincoln, that of reporter on tho Dally Journal. Frank has hosts of friends In Plattsmouth who always assure him a pleasant time when he makes his appearanco at his old home.