The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 30, 1910, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
. r Published Serai-Weekly it Plattsmouth, Nebnski i
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffiee at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
It is up to the people now In Ne
braska. It Is either county option,
or against county option.
Now come3 a conservative "trusted
bank employee" In New York who
6wiped only $600,000.
Senator Lorimer' resignation con
tinues to be delayed in transmission,
and possibly it has gone to the dead
letter office.
It may be suggested that a coast
defense gun that shooU backward as
well as forward Is almost as bad as
none at all.
The standpatters met the steam
roller to perfection In the Republican
convention at Lincoln. They were
there with both feet.
In Ohio the machine Republican!
organization seems to be afraid to
nominate Mr. Garfield for governor,
and equally afraid not to.
Metcalfe found out at Grand Island
that the Democrats of Nebraska are
almost united on Congressman Hit
chcock for the United States senate.
Little Vlek Rosewater got beauti
fully sat down upon at the Lincoln
convention. He fared worse really
that Bryan did at Grand Island.
According to ex-Senator Allen the
Populist party drew its last breath
at Grand Island. He publicly an
nounced that henceforth he will bo
a full-fledged Democrat.
As the state Republican convention
was composed of standpatters, out
and out, and endorsed Taft and,Ald
rlch from the word go, it would be
a grand Idea for the managers of the
campaign to send for Old Joe Can
non to help them out In all that
there platform declares for, nntlonal
y. " :o:
The Prohibitionists wero very cute
In getting control of what was term
ed the Populist state convention at
Grand Island. When their scheme
waB discovered all the old-time Popu
liHts withdrew and let them run
things to suit themselves, and went
over and Joined the Democrats. Pro
hibitionists are pursuing a desperate
course to carry out their plans. Put
they won't work with the people.
The Cass county delegates to the
Grand Inland convention are enthu
sed over the doings of the represen
tative Democrats of Nebraska. We
believe the convention did the proper
caper In refusing to endorse county
option, and believe the voters will
so decide at the general election.
Governor Shallonberger'g administra
tion was fully endorsed, and the pint
form adopted is one that rings with
the true sentiments of the peoplo.
The next speaker of the national
house of representatives will not be
Cunnun. Nor will he be Representa
tive Smith of Iowa, nor Payne of New
York, nor Dal.cll of Pennsylvania,
nor Tawney of Minnesota.
He may bo a Democrat, and It
would not be surprising If he should
be; but even If he Is a Republican,
lie wll not bo Cannon nor any of his
thief lieutenants who have been lead
ing the losing fight against the pro
gressives. It is not probable, of course, that
even If the next house should bo Re
publican, a. majority of tls Republi
can members will bo avowed pro
gressives. But the number of pro
gressives will bo Increased, and so
will be the number of Democrats.
The defiant regulars will get such
a drubbing between the midsummer
primaries and the fall elections that
the lesson will finally be pounded
home to the party leaders In general
that something Is going on some-
thing they have tried to kill with
bluff and sneer, with arrogance and
defiance, but have only stimulated
with greater energy by their flagrant
and fatuous servitude on behalf of
the special Interests.
Therefore, let no man who counts
himself a progressive Impair his use
fulness with perturbation over Can
non's defiant candidacy for re-election
to the speakership. Let him
rather rejoin. This avowed and early
candidacy helps to crystallize the
progressive movement. Cannon's
speeches have helped In the same di
rection. The picturesque veteran of
an obsolete system has exhibited him
self once too often. The people know
his day has passed.
No, the next speaker will not be
Cannon nor any other man of his
kind. He may not be one of the
leading progressives, but he will not
be one of the constructive exponents
of Cannoulsm. The square deal de
mands a new deal, and that new deal
will be given to the people by the
next congress In the election of a
speaker. Kansas City Star, Rep.
and if vi: lose:
The Star Is told by some of Sena
tor Burkett'a ardent followers that
this newspaper Is .making a battle
against the inevitable, for Senator
Burkett Is certain to be nominated
for re-election by the Republican par
ty. We are not so sure or that, but If
It proves true that the machine and
the postmasters own the party and
are able to secure the nomination for
Mr. Ilurkett yet will the Star bo satis
fied to go down to defeat since we
are certain that we are right, and
are expressing the mind of the great
majority of the party In the state.
If Mr. Burkett, notwithstanding
his senatorial record, Is nominated,
he can give thanks to the fortunate
circumstances that, as usual, have
come to bis aid, and to the postmast
ers of the state and the Republican
Truth Is mighty and will eventual
ly prevail. The attitude of the ma
Joiity In congress upon the great Is
sues of the tariff, the conservation
of national property and the other
Items uporf which the split has come
In the party w ill not long be endorsed
by the people. Unless the majority,
Including Mr. Burkett, change their
attitude the great Republican party
will go down to defeat at the polls.
- It Is not only for the right but for
the preservation of the Republican
party that this Insurgent movement
exists and that In a small way the
Star Is laboring.
Tens of thousands of voters will
leave the party If such men as now
control It continue In power.
If Mr. Burkett can be counted any
where or on any side he Is with these
mlsleaders. Lincoln Star, Rep.
In a spirit of sarcasm Will Hay
ward lias Included the following
clause In a circular letter he is send
ing out to the voters:
"In a lifo time spent among the
peoplo of the First district I have
never found It desirable to accept
tendered political appointments, eith
er state or national. In consoquence
of w hich I hnve no record of residence
In Washington as a government clerk
or otherwise, etc."
The clause Is an unfortunato one.
The records at Washington will show
that In 1000 Will llaywnrd drew pay
for eight or nine months as "secre
tary" to Senator M. L. Hayward, the
services alleged to have been per
formed In the year 1899.
The facts nre that Will Hayward
was never formally appointed to that
office, and never performed any serv
ices for which the pay was allowed.
Senator Hayward never went down to
Washington, aai never was sworn In)
as senator.
The record cf Pollard In the "put
it ba k" case is better than Will Hay
ward's. Pollard was actually elected
before he commenced to draw that
muih discussed salary. State Capi
tal. :o:
Speaker Cannon attempts to justify
the increase In the rubber tariff on
the ground that it has increased the
In the nine months ended March
30, although the volume of Imports In
rubber manufactures was smaller
than for the corresponding period
last preceding, the revenues were In
creased $19,199 because of the ad
vance in the tariff.
The Increase In the duty was 16'i
per cent over the old rate.
The Increase in the revenues was
6 per cent.
But the increase in the retail cost
of all rubber manufacturers has been
from 20 to 30 per cent.
The people have gained, in revenue
$19,199 in nine months.
The rubber trust, which was form
ed Immediately aftor Senator Aldiich
and Senator Guggenheim bad mani
pulated the advance in rubber duties,
paid dividends aggregating J8.2 kt
cent, or $l,K20,0OO, on Its preferred
stok alone, uithin 1-0 days after
the trust began operations.
Isn't the country paying pretty
dearly for that paltry $19,199 In
crease In the rubber revenu
And the rubber "job" !s only one
of hundreds of similar "Jobs" that
were put over on the people In mak
ing of "the best tariff law ever en
acted." And this Is the sort of thing they
call "protection!" Kansas City Star,
"All eyes are on Ohio," says a
Cleveland exchange. Well, that gang
of Ohio politicians will bear watching
Among Governor Harmon's advan
tages In Ohio, the Republican con
vention lias seen fit to praise the
Payne-Aldrlch tariff.
When the temperature climbs up to
103 In the shade, somehow the mani
fold Beauties and blessings of sun
shine seenl a bit exaggerated.
Governor Carroll of Iowa has been
Indicted by a grand Jury on the
charge of criminal libel. If proven
guilty the penalty is either a Jail
sentence of one year or a fine not
to exceed $1,000.
Now that an acreal navigator has
demonstrated the utter uselessncss of
the battleship, It Is In order to con
demn congress for spending millions
of the peoples' money In building
these monsters.
Secretary of State Junkin is very
much dissatisfied with the Republi
can platform, and is not mealy
mouthed In expressing himself eith
er. Junklns will find plenty of Re
publicans in the same boat with him
ere the Ides of Nevember roll round,
During the penuancy of the Payne
Aldrlch tariff bill In congress Senator
Burkett of this state, oted 119
times with Senator Aldrlch of Rhode
Island, to protect the interests of
the six New England states. He voted
to make clothing higher, but he nev
er voted once for the Interests of the
farmers and poorer classes.
Tuesday, August 1(5, is the date
of the primary election. Every voter
should go and vote. It is almost
as Important that you attend the prl
niary as It Is that you go to the gen
eral election. There will be no op
ponents on the Democratic ticket for
county offices, but there are oppon
ents for the nomination of governor
and state officials.
Slippery Elmer will have to do
some very queer side-stepping after
the primaries. He will have to an
swer a great ninny questions that he
don't dream will bo asked him during
the campaign. He supported many
measures In the Payne-Aldrlch tariff
that he knew was directly against the
welfare of the people of his own state
He must come to the front In de
fense of bis record.
Short Locals
From Friday's Dally.
Dave Hawksworth arrived last ev
ening to visit his parents in this city
for a short time.
Mesdame3 J. Hiber and Tony Jan
da were passengers to Omaha on
the morning train today.
Mr. Anderson of Alliance, arrived
this morning to attend the funeral of
his grandmother, Mrs. Horn.
A. B. Hass and wife of Oreapolis
were in the city last evening dealing
with Plattsmouth merchants.
Mrs. Gullck of Council Bluffs, ar
rived today and will be the guest of
her friend, Mrs. D. Amick for a short
Ralph White arrived this morning
from the west and w 111 visit his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. White for a
few days.
M. Fanger came down from Omaha
this morning and is looking after
shipping out the tail-enu of his de
partment store stock.
Henry and George Horn with their
families drove in from Cedar Creek
this morning and were in attendance
at Grandma Horn's funeral.
Rev. J. W. Merrill of Nebraska City
visited in the city today for a few
hours. Rev. Merrill is pastor of the
Baptist church In Nebraska City.
W. If. McDaniel of Murray called
at the Journal office this morning en
route to Omaha and the Yellowstone
park. Mr. McDaniel Is in the employ
of the M. P. and is off on a brief
Mrs. Blose who has been visiting
Miss Gertrude Beeson and other rel
atives In this city for for a few days
departed for Red Oak this morning
where she will visit with relatives
for a short time.
Frank Shopp has Just completed
an up to date poultry house for Cap
tain Isaac Wiles. The captain is keep
ing up w ith the procession and plac
ing modern improvements on his
farm as times goes on.
Mrs. E. P. Halemburg and Mrs.
William Fahleson and daughter, Miss
Hilda and sons of Herman and Axtel
made a party departing on the morn
ing train ' for Wausa, Neb., where
they will visit Emll Halemburg for
a week.
Mark Heflin of Maryville, Mo., Is
in the city the guest of his grand
daughter, Mrs. Richard Osburn. Mrs.
Osburn Is also entertaining her cou
sin, Miss Smttn of Maryville. Both
young ladles were passengers to the
metropolis this morning to spend the
Antone Kobeck returned from Om
aha last evening reporting his father
somewhat Improved, although there
has not been the progress toward
his recovery as was hoped for. The
hospital authorities thought Mr. Kou
bek could be brought home within a
few days.
Nicholas Frediich of near Murray
was a Plattsmouth visitor today, hav
ing come in from his home this morn
ing. The corn in his vicinity has
commenced to roll some with the ex
ceedingly hot weather. Mr. Fred
rich thinks that late corn will be
very short, but w ill make good feed If
rain comes soon.
O. M. Strelght returned from the
Red Oak races at an early hour this
morning and through the kldness of
the switch crew, he got In from Paci
fic Junction about 3 o'clock. The
races yesterday were the best that
Mr. Strelght has attended in many
Mrs. Sue E. Rogers and her littlo
grand daughter, Ermine Klrkpatrlck
of Dennlson, Texas, nlso, Mrs. Oella
Klrkpatrlck, of Nehawka, came up
Inst evening on the M. P., and visited
with Mrs. P. E. Ruffncr over night.
They went to Omaha and Council
Bluffs today to visit relatives.
Tbrow Awsf lie Grindstone
Sara Time! :
Luther's FARM Special
is one of those indispensable farm tools. To the farmer
who is discriminating, and looks at quality instead of
price, who wants the BEST whether he buys machinery,
clothing, shoes or food stuff. To such a one, LUTH
ER'S FARM SPECIAL will strongly appeal. Up to
the time we put out this great labor saving tool he had
to be content with the old, slow-cutting grindstone or
unsatisfactory emerv grinder, but now he can have the
service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device
ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm
that is superior to our FARM SPECIAL GRINDER as
a labor saver. . It sharpens everything in one-twentieth
the time it would take on the grindstone. The grind
stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a
dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD
WORK of keeping tools sharp on it.
IT IS EASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special.
Your ten-year-old hoy will tell you it is fun to sharpen
everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRINDER.
Ben Brooks was called to Omaha
this afternoon on business.
Ed. Barwick spent the day In Om
aha looking after business matters
James Darrow was a passenger to
Omaha this afternoon on business
Miss Carrie Sherwood departed this
afternoon for a visit with friends at
Valley, Neb.
J. H. Nelson and wife of LaPlatte
spent the day In Plattsmouth dealing
with the merchants.
Will Fitzgerald came in this morn
ing from Omaha and will visit the
home folks for a few days.
Ed. Lutz, Jr., returned this morn
ing from a few days visit with his
many friends at Havelock.
Mrs. William Warga and Miss Anna
Warga w ent to Omaha on the morn
ing train today.
R. R. Nichols of near Murray was a
Plattsmouth visitor today looking af
ter business matters.
F. B. Egenberger was a passenger
on the morning train for Omaha,
w here he was caled on business.
George Poisall returned from Om
aha this morning where he had been
looking after business matters.
Mrs. T. H. Sherwood and little
daughter were passengers on the af
ternoon train for the metropolis.
Frank Sabartka arrived from Glen
wood this morning and will visit
with friends in Plattsmouth for a
Dave Young, one of the substantial
farmers of Rock Bluffs precinct was
in the city last evening on business
Parties who came down from
Louisville this morning report that a
good rain fell in that vicinity last
Mrs. Edward Peoples and Infant
of Corning, la., arrived thi3 afternoon
to visit with N. K. Peoples and moth
er for a few days.
Mrs. Fritz Helnrlch pf Havelock
and little child, arrived this morning
and will be the guest of her par
ents for a few days.
Mrs. George Lamphere and three
children departed today for Mary
ville, Mo., where she will visit with
her sister, Mrs. Cook for a few days
to como.
John Kuhney who lias been suffer
ing for some days with an abcess on
his right leg. is much Improved in
condition today. John says the Den
ver mud did the business for him.
Mrs. Vina Simon of Omaha and
Mrs. Cecil Simon of Louisville, ar
rived today to visit a few days with
Mrs. Elklns Murphy and Mrs. Alfred,
the latter are daughters of Mrs. Celia
C. Stefflns of St. Joe, Mo., and
George Brinklow who have been vis
iting Plattsmouth friends for a short
time, departed for Omaha this after
noon Mr. Stefflns expects to return
to his home at St. Joe this after
noon. George Dovey was nn Omaha pas
senger ihls morning accompanying
Carl Ebinger, who left today for his
home at Plainvlew. Mr. Ebinger ex
presses himself as having enjoyed his
visit in Plattsmouth to the fullest ex
tent. Mrs. Sol Adamson departed last
evening for Hamburg, la., to visit
Mr. Adamson's mother who Is quite
sick. Heretofore when Mrs. Adamson
has visited the Iowa village It has
I stirred the elements so much that a
good rain has followed immediately.
Miss Matilda Soennlchsrn and
brother Waldaniar, accompanied by
June Marshall, returned from Lang
don, Mo., Inst evening, where they
have been spending a few days camp
ing out near the Missouri river. The
fishing has been good, and the rest
of the party remained a few days
longer to enjoy tho sport.
It's Slow!
Uuse i LoJbsr BrlnSar-
Chris Stoher transacted business
with Plattsmouth merchants today.
Henry Hirz of the precinct was
looking after business 'matters in
the city today.
William Schutz of west of the city
transacted business with Plattsmouth
merchants today.
Henry Perry of west of the city was
on the street today and looking after
business In town.
Harry Melsinger of west of town
was in today dealing with Platts
mouth merchants.
Philip Born and Louis Born of
near Cedar Creek were among the
county seat visitors today.
G. G. Melsinger of Eight Mile
Grove came to Plattsmouth today
to look after business affairs.
Adam Hild and wife were in the
city from their farm west of the
city, having driven in to attend the
funeral of'Mrs. Horn.
FOR SALE My 4-eyiyn:er, 20 H.
P., model 10, Buick runabout, with
Rumble seat, used one year, flrst
class condition, top wind shield,
speedometer, 20th century tire pro
tectors; cost $1,210; big bargain at
$650 cash.
T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb.
C. A. Gauer, one of the prominent
farmers from near Cedar Creek was
a caller at the Journal office for the
purpose of renewing his allegiance to"
the old reliable for another year. He
came down this afternoon with his
wo daughter, Misses Emma and Anna
and his brother John, In the latter's
Mrs. J. W. Johnson returned from
Omaha last evening where she had
been to visit her little grandchild
who was quite sick. The little suf
ferer was much Improved and is now
out of danger, and its parents feel
quite relieved at the change for the
Lig Brown, the hustling mayor of
Kenosha, came up this morning,
bringing with him Mrs. Mabel Grub
er, who Is en route for Denver, and
will depart this afternoon for Om
aha, where she will take the U. P.
for the west. While in the city Mr.
Brown reported at the Journal head
quarters. Our old friend John G. Lohnes,
came down from Louisville on the
Schuyler this morning to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Jacob Horn which oc
curred at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Mr. Lohnes while here gave the Jour
nal a call and renewed his allegiance
to the old reliable for another year.
He returned home this afternoon.
Wendell Hell and wife of Eight
Mile Grove were In the city today to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Horn. Mr.
and Mrs. Hell made the Journal a
pleasant call which Is appreciated
very much. Mr. and Mrs. Heil cam
In last Saturday in their new Reo
machine and took Mrs. Hell's sister,
Mrs. George Weldnian home with
them for a few days visit
A falling tiny nerve, no larger than
the finest silken thread takes from
the Heart Its Impulse, its power, It?
regularity. Tho Stomach also ha3
Its bidden, or lnsldo nerve. V. was
Dr. Slioo; who first told us It. was
wrong to tlruf, a weak or falling
Stomach Heart or Kidneys. HU
prescription Dr. Shoop's Restora
tive Is directed straight for the
cause of these aliments these wealc
and faltering Inside nr-rves. This,
no doubt, clearly explains why the
Restoiatlve has of late grown so
rapidly In popularity. Druggists say
that those who test the Restorative
even for a few days soon become fully
convinced of Its wonderful merit.
Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treat
ing the cause of sickness ia the only
sensible and successful way. Sold by
all dealers.
Good to the lat pufF "Acorns" made
by Ptak& Bajeck.