The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 30, 1910, Image 1

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    Kb. Stit Historical Soc.
moutb journal.
NO 55
Several Members of the Party Invest in Land There and All Are
Enthusiastic Over Lone Star State.
County Treasurer Frank E. Schla
ter and ex-County Clerk W. E. Rosen
crans, returned last evening on No.
14 from a ten days trip to Texas and
Oklahoma. These gentlemen were ac
companied by County Commissioner
Jordan, whom they Interested In Tex
as lands. Messrs. Schlater and Ros
encrans had visited the same section
before but not at this season of the
year. Both gentlemen have Invest
ments In the southern Texas country
and are so well pleased with what
they bought there that they are will
ing to recommend the country to
their friends.
In an interview with Mr. Schlater,
the Journal representative was shown
cotton In the ball, and also the seed
as It comes out of the cotton at the
gin. There Is a cotton gin in almost
every town and village, and there the
planters market their crop. The first
crop Is coming In now and is begin
ning to be ginned.
The farming In that county, mostly
by proxy, having the cotton harvest
ed largely by Mexican help, where
the negroes are not available. The
cotton stalk contains many balls on
each, and It stands In the hill some
thing like corn here with probably
three or more stalks In each hill. Mr.
Schlater counted not less than fifty
two bowls on one hill. The cotton be
gins to open up Its ball commenc
ing at the ground and the balls are
picked off first by the laborers go
ing between the rows. By the time
the field Is gone over for the first
picking the pickers can begin again.
There are a great many cotton seed
Laid to Final Sleep in Beautiful
Oak Hill Cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Eliz
abeth Horn took place this afternoon
from St. Paul's church in this city
at 2:30 o'clock. The casket was fol
lowed to the cemetery by a large pro
cession of sympathizing friends and
neighbors of the bereaved family.
The deceased was born June 11,
1828, in Boelsten, Hessen Durmstadt,
Germany, her maiden name being
Margaret Elizabeth Lannert. She
emigrated to the United States when
twenty years of age and took up her
home at Lancaster, Pa., in 1848, and
in 1 849, she was joined in marriage
to Jacob Horn with whom she lived
happily until death took her husband
from her In 1884. Mrs. Horn came
with her husband to Nebraska In
1857, and here she has made her
home, rearing her children, all of
whom have long since married and
established homes of their own.
The funeral service was conducted
by Rev. Steger and was beautiful
and Impressive. The pastor taking
for his text, verse 15 of 29th Chroni
cles: "For we are strangers and so
journers as wera all our fathers; our
days are as a shadow, there Is none
; The music consisted of a hymn by
fho choir: "Suss und Ruhig 1st der
Whlummer," and a solo bv Miss
Emma Falter, entitled: "rw wnm !
Frleden." The Ladles Aid societv of
the church attended In n h,iv th,..
showing the high esteem in which the
deceased lady was held by the mem
bership of the church.
The deceased will be deeply mourn
ed by all who were fortunate enough
to know her. She was one of the
most consistent members of her
church and a liberal supporter and
contributed freely of her means for
the aid of the church.
Those from out of town, relatives
of the deceased, who attended the
funeral were: Mrs. William Hagen
dorm, Mrs. Chris Koehnke and Geo.
Horn of Hay Springs, Neb.; Mr. H.
L. Anderson of Alliance, Mr. and Mrs.
Loutenslager, of Orchard, Neb. The
pall bearers were as given In the
obituary statement in the Journal of
the statement In the Journal of the
27th Inst., being the six Melslngcr
brothers: MessrR. J. M., P. 1L, Con
rad, Jacob, George P., and H. J. Mels
inger The floral tributes were numerous
rnis located throughout both Texas
auu Oklahoma where the seed Is
worked Into different kinds of pro
ducts, such as oil, oil cake, meal,
using every part of the seed, even to
the hull which Is ground and used
in the manufacture of the oil cake.
The country .between Plattsmouth
and southern Texas, Kansas, Oklaho
ma, Arkansas, did not appear as pros
perous to the traveller as the Texas
country. The intervening territory
has suffered more from want of rain
than we have here, or the country
bordering the gulf. The climate down
there was a surprise to the northern
visitors, the breeze from the gulf was
what modified the great heat of far
ther'north. Although the land owned
and visited by Messrs. Schlater and
Rosencrans Is situated some score or
more of miles from the gulf, yet the
gulf breezes and their effect on the
atmosphere was very noticeable. Both
gentlemen were pleased more than
ever with the country and the crop
prospects there. Mr. Schlater Is a
good Judge of a cattle country, and
he saw herds of cattle there In Texas
which had done well and fattened on
the range. The country is adapted
to diversified farming and the more
enterprising farmers of the north
once get Interested and take hold
down there they can make It pay,
and not have to go through the long
hazardous winters of this climate.
Mr. Jordan was so well pleased
with what he saw, that he picked up
a nice piece of land and will no doubt
take more as he eccs the country de
velop. and beautiful, being silent memen
toes of the love and regard felt by
the donors toward these estimabe
character of the deceased. Inter
ment was made at Oak Hill ceme
tery. Entertains Sunday School Class.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. W. B. Elster very pleasantly
entertained the members of her Sun
day school class of the Presbyterian
church at her home yesterday after
noon which the members of the class
appreciated much and report a fine
Mrs. Elster had prepared several
guessing contests for the entertain
ment of her guests and these, Inter
spersed with social conversation and
music, furnished plenty of amuse
ment and developed a lot of merri
ment. The pleasures of the after
noon were further augmented when
the guests were Invited to the dining
room when a dainty luncheon was
served and to which the guests could
not help but do full Justice. The
members of the class present on this
occasion were: Vera and Mabel
Brown, Margaret Wohlfarth, Emma
Cummins, Ellen Ley da and Edith
Ballance of Lincoln.
Look Well to Your Cistern.
From Friday's Dally
During this continuous hot and
dry weather people cannot be too
careful with their cisterns; Several
days ago in the city or Et. Louis a
pint of water was takcm out of a cis
tern and analyzed by a chemist and
it was found to contain thousands of
germs. When rain begins to fall the
water should be turned out of the
cIs,ern until tne root haa been thor
,oishy washed of all accumulations of
dust and other harmful sediments
Let a rain barrel stand out until the
water In It runs low and It will be
full of wlgglers. It Is practically
the same with a cistern In dry and hot
weather. Remember, death lurks In
foul cisterns. Now Is the time to
give your cistern a thorough cleaning
because It will not be long until rain
will come.
Late Com Will be Poor. ,
A. P. Crlswisser of Mt. Pleasant
precinct transacted business In Platts
mouth last evening. Mr. Crlswlsser
was on his way to Omaha with Rtock,
or rather he had sent a load to the
yards the night before. He says the
corn will not Btand many days like
Wednesday and many fields which
had been planted on old ground were
badly damaged. Corn on new ground
or on meadow land looks fairly well
yet. Mr, Crlswlsser thinks
riant will not do much this year.
Which Should be Heeded by
Every Voter in the County.
Voters who may regard the primary
law as something to be looked lightly
upon and who view it as a law that
can be violated without punishment
would be surprised to find themselves
In jail for half a year or In the peni
tentiary for a term of years, or bo
compelled to pay a fine of $500.
These are some of the penalties that
can be imposed for violations of va
rious provisions of the primary law.
In fact any act declared an offense
under the general election laws con
cerning caucuses and elections shall
also in like case be an offense in all
Sections 3327k, Wheeler's statute,
for the year 1909, makes It unlaw
ful for any person to vote at a pri
mary under the name of any other
person or to vote without the right to
do so; to prevent others from voting,
fraudulently deposit in the ballot box
or take therefrom any official pri
mary ballot; to give or agree to give
any money or other valuable thing
to any person as a consideration for
his vote at a primary; to accept or
receive any money or other valuable
thing for one's vote; to agree to ac
cept any money or other valuable
thing in consideration of filing or
agreeing to file as a candidate or not
filing or agreeing not to please a can
didate; to agree to receive or accept
any money or other valuable thing
In consideration of withdrawal as a
candidate are offenses that are pun
ishable by Imprisonment In the coun
ty jail not less than one month nor
more than six months.
A Jail sentence of the same dura
tion may be Imposed upon anyone
who shall offer, or with knowledge of
the same, permit any person to of
fer for his benefit any bribe to a vo
ter or induce him to sign any election
or nomination paper, or to accept any
n.inU 1 II.- ...L.11. ....
Mini urine, wneiner sum urioe or
promise of gain be offered or accept
ed before or after such signing, or
any person who shall sign more nomi
nation petitions than there are posi
tions to fill in any kind of offices.
Any person who shall forge any
nomination papers shall be deemed
guilty of forgery and on conviction
punished accordingly. Any person
who being in possession of nomina
tion papers entitled to be filed, shall
wrongfully suppress or willfully fail
to cause to be filed at the proper
time and place, shall upon. convic
tion be punished by Imprisonment in
the county jail not to exceed six
months or by a fine not to exceed
$500.00 or both fine and Imprison
ment. Bobbed at Pacific Junction.
O. M. Streight who was in Pacific
Junction last night reports that a
white man was held up near that
place by a nigger and a white man
and robbed of about $600. He says
he was unable to get the full partic
ulars, but It would seem that all the
parties had been attending the races
at Red Oak, and no doubt the rob
bers had their man spotted. No clue
to the robbers had been ascertained
up to the time he left the Junction.
A white man and a nigger, two sus
picious looking characters, were at
the depot In this city early this morn
ing, but the police In this city had
not been apprized of the holdup, or
they might have been held here on
Accident nt Shops.
Joe Zltka met with an accident to
day which caused him quite a little
discomfort, and until the doctor had
examined It, he was fearful that one
bone of his leg was broken. Mr. Zitka
was working at his usual stunt In
the boiler shop, and while lifting a
heavy timber to be placed on a bench,
the timber slipped and struck Mr.
Zitka's leg, tearing quite a rent in
his overalls and underwear. The
force of the blow pained him so
much that he went Immediately to
the surgeon. On examination It was
found no bones broken. After hav
ing the Injury dressed, the Injured
man went back to work.
Nearly everybody will want a state
daiiy during the political mix-up now
going on and the Lincoln Journal
cuts Its price to January 1, 1911 to
$2 with Sunday or $1.50 without. You
know why the Journal Is the paper
to give the straight of what Is going
on and you'll got a lot for your money
If you rend In right away.
The Telephone (ilil.
' The telephone girl sits still In her
chair and listens to voices from ev
erywhere; she hears all the gossip,
she hears all the news, she knows
who Is happy and who has te blues,
she knowns our sorrows, she knows
our Joys, she knows every girl that
is chasing the boys, she knowns of
our troubles, she knows of our strife,
she knows every rubberer on the
lines, she knows every man that talks
mean to his wife, she knows every
time we are "out with the boys," she
hears all the excuses each fellow
empolys, she knows every woman
vvho has a dark past, she knowns ev
ery man who's Inclined to be "fast."
in fact, thew's a Becret neath every
saucy curl of that quite demure-looking
telephone girl. If the telephone
girl should tell us all that she knows
it would turn half our friends Into
bitterest foes; she would sow a small
wind that would soon be a, gale, en
gulf us In trouble and land us In
jail; she could let go a story (which
gaining In force) would cause half
our wives to sue for divorce; she
could get all the churches mixed up
in a fight and turn ail our days to
sorrowing nights; In fact, she could
keep the whole town in a stew If
she'd tell a tenth part of the things
she knew. Oh! brother, now doesn't
It make your head. whirl when you
thing what you owe to the telephone
girl? Brighton News.
A Disgrace to the City.
There Is one street In Plattsmouth
that from present appearances has
not had a lick of work done on it In
many years. That is Marble street
from Chicago avenue to Eleventh, and
strange to say, we have a member of
the city council living on the same.
No one drives on that street unless
compelled to do so, and some of the
deep gullies are really dangerous to
pass over. Why no attention has
hern paid to the dilipidated condition
of this street we are unable to fath
om. We have repeatedly spoken to
both members of the council in the
Jhlrd ward In regard to VA. i'.ter,
but as yet no attention has been
paid to our appeals. Two days work
by the street commissioner and hlH
force would make this street appear
Sample of Wheat.
Mr. James R. Hunter returned
from Hitchcock, in Beadle county,
South Dakota today, and left with
the Journal a fine sample of wheat,
which was taken from the field of
John F. Heineman. The wheat Is
good and Mr. Heineman had 200
acres of the same kind. Mr. Hunter
made a circuit of fifty miles and
found the crop In the vicinity com
ing up to the sample, and will aver
age from 25 to 30 bushels per acre.
There are quite a number of Cass
county men owning lands within the
district visited by Mr. Hunter who
will be pleased with his report of the
prosperous condition of that country.
The sample brought down by Mr.
Hunter can be seen by those Inter
ested by calling at the Journal of
fice. Money in Dairy Cuttle.
J. Hatt & Son have been doing a
great cream business this season.
Every Saturday this firm pays, to the
farmers for cream the neat sum of
$100. The firm Is prepared to test
each batch of cream which comes to
their store, and the cans are weighed
up as soon as they are brought In,
then weighed bark after the cream
Is emptied out and tested. The cream
brings a price according to the
amount of butter fat contained In It.
And this Is arrived at very satisfac
toriiy with the tester. A ten gallon
can full of the best cream will net
the farmer $11.50. The price of but
ter fat Is now 23 cents per pound,
having slumped a cent within the
last few days. At this rate the cows
kept on the farm are about as profit
able as any other animal owned by
the farmer.
Fred Bonne Injured.
Last Monday morning Fred Ronno
who was out at his son's place, Frank
Ronne, met with quite a serious ac
cident. He was going to drive over
to Frank Pankonin's and his two
grand-children, sons of Frank Ronne,
climbed In Jhe buggy. Before Mr.
Ronne could get seated, the horse
gave a Jump and ho was thrown out.
The muscles were torn from one hip,
he was bruised on the head which
struck a rock, also on the elbow and
legs. Both boys were thrown out as
the horse ran, and one was cut over
the left eyo and both bruised. Dr.
Welch attended them and Mr. Ronne
was brought to town later Weep
ing Water Republican.
lliPTno nnpniMTrn
Count Holds That Democratic
Filing for Two Tickets Are
A special from Lincoln under date
of July 28, says: Judge Lincoln Frost
today sustained the demurrer of the
state against the restraining order se
cured by Victor Rosewater, prohibit
ing Secretary of State Junkin from
certifying to county clerks the names
of fusion candidates for office who
have paid only one filing fee. The
supreme court cannot be convened
until September 1, two weeks after
the primary. Therefore the case will
not be appealed and Secretary of
State Junkin Is at liberty to Bend
out the names of canfildaies Just as
he would have done nad Rosewater
not resorted to his political trick.
When Informed of the dissolution
of the restralng order. Junkin said
this afternoon that he would certify
the names of all candidates Imme
diately to county clerks. With this
done and with the county clerks warn
ed that the names first sent them
did not probably complete the filings,
ballots In the various counties will
be prepared In plenty of time and the
Rosewater maneuver will have had no
practlcall, effect whatever.
Judge Frost delivered an oral opin
ion saying that he could not agree
with the state's attorney that Rose
water had no right to maintain the
suit. He said also that possibly by
construing the primary law as a
whole the allegation that every pe
tition required a filing fee might be
sustained. However, he addod that he
did not care to overturn which hnd
been in force for three years unless he
were thoroughly convinced that the
attorney general had been wrong.
Judge Frost indicated that ho was
a long way from Vlng sure of this.
Because of this and' because" of the
fact that a mistake had been made
by the secretary of state In follow
ing the opinion of the attorney gen
eral that only one filing fee was
required, the mistake could not be
corrected at this time. Ho refused to
grant the Rosewater contention. John
O. Yeiser, attorney for Rosewater,
admitted defeat and that he has no
Intention of doing anything further
by Faying, "I guess all that remains
for us is to beat them at the polls."
Movch Today.
M. Fangcr who is removing his
stock to Omaha, will get the last of
his goods off today. Matt Jirousek
who has been engaged for several
days packing the odds and ends of
the stock completed his task this
afternoon. Mr. Fanger wid open a
Btore on Slxteentn street, Omaha,
opposite the postoffice building. This
Is a busy part of the city and, no
doubt, the Plattsmouth merchant will
speedily build up a good trade. The
people of Plattsmouth have found Mr.
Fanger to bo a gentleman in every
respect and a pleasant man to deal
with, and we are loth to see so en
terprising a merchant leave us.
It Hus Happened.
Word reached the Journal this
morning that the Stork which had
been hovering over the homeHtead of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woolcott In Elm
wood for some time, deposited with
them a bouncing baby boy, whom they
call all their own. Our Informant
reports that when Floyd was apprized
of the fact that he hunted up the
biggest barrel In town and hollowed
"papa" down In to hear how It would
sound. He Is certainly the happiest
man In tho universe, and has worn
out two pairs of shoes dancing to the
tune of "Yankee Doodle." May the
llttlo son live long and prosper, Is
the prayer of the Journal.
Will Have Somn Corn.
Mr. H. Boughman who Is farming
he Dovey section west of Plattsmouth
a few miles, was in the city last even
ing on business. Mr. Boughman is
one of the farmers In his neighbor
hood who was hard hit by tho hall
but be thinks with a good rain very
shortly, much of his fields will come
out and make some corn. The small
grain crops were heavy but his oats
were considerably damaged by the
Tho M. W. A. orchestra goes to Ce
dar Creek for an evening's engage
ment tomorrow afternoon. This is
a popular musical aggregation of this
play outside the city.
George Towle says that his 22
acres of wheat averaged 28 bushels
per acre.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Johu
Bourke on Friday, July 22, 1910. a
Charles Thllpot says they threshed
about 1800 bushels of wheat. The
fall article was good testing 62 or
63 pounds, going 17 and 18 bushels
to the acre.
Will Sitzman has moved over.froni
Plattsmouth and Is located In the L.
Lacey house. His goods arrived on
Tuesday. Mr. Sitzman is employed
on the Republican.
E. Lee Holden went to Des Moines
last Friday to Join his wife and from
there they will go to novi Springs,
Wyo., where Mr. ifcivTon has been
elected principal of the schools.
A card received from Sioux Falls, '
S. D., stntcs that on Saturday, July
23, 1910, there was born to Jr. and
Mrs. Fred Evans, an 8-pounds glii.
Hurrah! It's better late than never.
On Wednesday evening, July 20,
the benutlful residence of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Miller in the east part of
the city was the scene of much Joy
and happiness when their daughter,
Miss Bertha was given in marriage to
Mr. Arthur Garfield Kennedy of
Spcarflsh, S. D.
The Hencger Bros., met with quite
a loss last week. They had finished
threshing for Andrew Olson and were
taking their machine to another
farm, when out by W. A. Colo's In
making a turn, the separator tipped
over, damaging It to the extent of
$300 to $400. They sent In for a
new separator.
Arrived Homo Today.
Miss Minnlo Guthman who has
made a tour of the east visiting New
York, Boston and the larger cities,
returned today. Miss Guthman left
Plattsmouth with the party that went
by special train to the Boston educa
tional meeting, departing from this
city about June 30th and has been
gone' almost a" month. Miss R. C.
Vorndran met Miss Guthman In Chi
cago and accompanied her to Platts
mouth this morning. Miss Guthman
had ft most enjoyable vncation, but
was glad to get home agnln.
Fine Corn.
Vimn Fildny'H Dully.
C. L.. Creamer, living west of Rock
Illuffs, brought to this office today a
sack of ronsting earH taken from one
of his fields and desired us to sample
same. The seed from which this
corn grew was bought by Mr. Cream
er from California last spring when
ho returned from that state. Tho
corn looks like it would bo very
toothsome and we believe It will be.
We desire to thank Mr. Creamer for
remembering us so kindly.
From Frldny'g Dally.
Will Speak on "Millions of Money."
The membership and congregation
of tho Presbyterian church are look
ing forward to next riunday morning's
sermon with much expectancy. Rev.
L. V. Cade will take for the subject
of his discourse at that time "Millions
of Money." The services at this
church, have been Increasing In in
terest and the congregation is grow
ing in number each week slnco Rev.
Gade took charge of tho church.
Enjoy Fleet He Fan.
The M. K. church people on last
Wedensday evening at their prayer
meeting enjoyed their usual service,
and, although the evening was unus
ually warm their room was cooled by
an electric, fan which was furnished
through the kidness of Jesse Perry.
Tho Wednesdny evening meetings are
Increasing In both Interest and num
ber, and the membership Is alive to
the spiritual value of the mid-week
Married in Omaha.
From Friday's Dally.
Mr. Cornelius Bengen and Miss
Ireno Bradway, both of this commun
ity, were Joined In marriage yester
day in the city of Omaha. Both the
bride and groom are well known
young people in Plattsmouth. Mr.
Bengen Is a prosperous young farm
er, residing near Murray, and tho
Journal extends congratulations, and
wishes the happy pair a long life and
Social a Grand Success.
The Ice cream social given by tho
Stonehocker Military band last even
ing was a grand success, both finan
cially and socially. Tho band gave
some dozen or fifteen selections' that
were well appreciated by tho crowd.
The boys netted about $30.00 from
the entertainment.