The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1910, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouih - Journal
CUD Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CZD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Poatofflce at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
The census reports are coming in
and teem to ghe very general and
uniform dissatisfaction.
If Uncle Joe wus generous and
thoughtful ho would lie down whllo
the Insurgents count ten.
The rubber-necks still swarm to
Omaha, and Bit In the broiling hot
Bun all afternoon to see the flying
Speaker Cannon has had llttlo to
pay as to the Kansas "situation,"
but there Is reason to believe he has
done some tall thinking.
: o :
"The people," according to ex-Secretary
Shaw, "cannot make a tariff."
Maybo not hut the people can un
make the congress that does.
W. K. Patrick, Mr. Bryan's candl
dale for governor, failed to receive '
on tttuWuKiiiPtit from lils own county
of Sarpy. Patrick seems to bo quite
ns unpopular at home as he Is abroad.
In tho matter of Walter Wellman's
plan to fly acrosB the Atlantic ocean,
It must bo conceded that when It
conies to gigantic feats Mr. Wellman
has an imagination second to none.
Tho applo crop Is said to be worth
$29,000,000. You can keep the fig
ures In mind by remembering that
they are just the same as the I. mulls
Standard Oil fine that was never
A special agent for Mr. Ilryan was
in town Monday to find out as to
whether there was any sentiment
here for his candidate for senator,
lie found no supporters for Mr. Met
calfe. :o:
"Pik-Io Joe" is frank at any ra.e.
He says: "I have been speaker for
eight years because my friends
thought I could he most useful In that
position." He doesn't say who hts
"friends" are, but It isn't necessary.
Charley Noyes, the Republican can
didate for senator in this county,
fays he will not, if elected, vote for
whom tho people Instruct for United
States senator. Ho evidently does
.not believe In the motto: "Iet the
people rule." Don't forget this when
lio comes around asking you to vote
for him.
Some Republicans are gloating
over the fact that no Democratic can
didates for representatives nor county
attorney havo filed. After tho pri
mary election It will ho seen that
theso vacancies have been filled, to
the utter astonishment of some fel
lows who would like to have seen It
When the Democrats wero demand
ing tho election of precinct assessors
by tho people tho Republican organs
charged that It would result in a con
stant fight between townships to get
the lowest assessed valuation so as
to avoid tho payment of tho state
tax. It Is Interesting to note that
under tho first year of the precinct
assessor law the personal property as
sessment has been Increased upwards
of $12,000,000. Tho precinct asses
sor law Is protlng satisfactory to all
Congressman Olllo M. James of
Kentucky, Is confident that the Dem
ocrats will have a majority in the
next house of representatives. And,
as a result, ho predicts a stirring up
of things that will cause the country
to sit up and tako notice. The house
will appoint nlno investigating com
mittees, he declares, ono for each
executive department. "I believe,"
lie says, "theso committees would un
earth outrageous abuses and rascality
In the various departments. Thirteen
years of Republican, administration
has resulted in graft and greed. I
believe the Democrats are able to run
the country on $500,000,000 a year
Instead of a billion dollars as requir
ed by the Republicans." More power
to you, 01 lie.
With scores of years of English op
pression of the Emerald Isle fresh In
memory, It was not to be expected
that Irishmen would approve Colonel
Roosevelt's Guild Hall speech In
which he advised England to adopt
a policy of similar cruelty toward
Egypt. President Matthew Cummings
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians,
in a Rpeech at the convention of the
order at Portland, Ore., the other
day denounced the Guild Hall utter
ances of the Sage of Sagamore Hill
as "unwise, unpopular, unpatriotic
and un-American." To which senti
ment many thousands who are not
Hibernians, but share the love of
Justice and freedom that is the herit
age of every son and daughter of the
Emerald Isle, will say "Amen!"
An injunction has been handed
down by the district court of Lan
caster forbidding Secretary of State
Junk In from certifying as candidates
to county clerks the names of those
who have filed as the candidates of
more than one political party. The
object Is to prevent the Democratic
candidates from also having the Teo-
plo's Independent party label after
their names, and vice versa. The
hearli'g Is set for July 27. Secretary
of State Junkln held at the begin
ning that the payment of one filing
fee as sufficient, and In this he was
upheld by an opinion written by At
torney General Thompson. Gilbert
M. Hitchcock paid tho $50 fee when
ho filed as a Democrat, and later ten
deled a fee of $50 when he filed as
the People's Independent candidate
The latter fee was returned to him
by Secretary Juuklu with a letter
stating that the payment of one fee
was sufficient. It Is a commentary
on Secretary Junkln's rank partisan
ship to know that he has changed
his opinion and now holds that it
requires two fees, and that since the
date for filing is past those who fail
ed to tender two fees are now estop
ped from standing as candidates of
tho two parties. It Is a chilly day
when Mr. Junkln does not go the lim
it in exhibiting his rank partisanship,
even at the expense of the best in
terests of the Btate.
lu a recent speech at Winfield,
Kas., Senator Rristow, one of the
Kansas Insurgents, made serious
charges against Senator Aldrlch, the
standpat Bcnato leader, the charges
being substantially as follows:
That under the Dlugley law, there
was a 30 per cent duty on manufac
tures of rubber, and crude rubber was
free; that the present tariff law pass
ed the house on either crude or man
ufactured rubber; that Mr. Aldrlch's
senate committee increased the duty
on manufactured rubber from 30 to
3. per cent; that during the session
or Immediately after adjournment,
he, in connection with the Guggen
helms and Ryan, organized a rubber
trust known ns tho Inter-Continental
Rubber company, with $40,000,000
capital Block; that Mr. Aldrlch's son
became vice president and general
manager of the company; that Im
mediately there were largo advances
In the price of rubber, and that dur
ing the first three months of the ex
istence of this trust it paid dividends
aggregating 18li Ver cent on the
preferred stock.
Senator Aldrlch was shown a copy
of Senator Prlstow's speech by a New
York newspaper and asked for a
statement in his defense. Senator
Aldrlch refused to make any com
ment on tho charges.
. Rut a "dignified ludlffercnce" is
not going to do. Unfortunately for
the honor of Senator Aldrlch, the
Drlstow charges Bcem to be substan
tlally borno out by the facts. There
ran be no denial of the Increase in
the duty ou manufactured rubber by
lh I'n vn. lI rlrh Mil Anil th ro- !
cords show Senator Aldrich and Lis
ouu, us nt'H lis r.t'uuiur uugseuueim
of Colorado, to be large stockhold- S
trs lu the Jiiter-Coritiiiental Rubber S
II . .. I f
company, the rubber trust. Jnime- S
diately after the Payne-Aldrkh bill 3
was signed by the president, the X
.. ! ..,11.. ... .1 , 1 ... 1 A V. I V
dhidends referred to by Senator fi
........ C)
iHibiuw were IU1U.
The Kansas statesman calls the
manipulation of the rubber schedule
' a legislative crime," and the words
are none too strong. Though the of
fense may not be legally indictable,
there is certainly moral turpitude in
the manipulation of legislation by a
United States Benator lor ins own
personal profit. We cannot Bee that
cial Interests.
However, congress cannot afford to
rest qulesclent under the charge of
one of Its own members that United
States senators manipulated the tar
iff bill for their own personal profit.
Senator Aldrlch's sense of honor may
be ro calloused by long and faithful
service to the special Interests that
he is content to let the charge re
main unanswered, but unless the ma
Jorlty of senate members are tarred
with the same "personal profit" stick
they must, in Justice to themselves,
demand an investigation of the Brls-
tow charges.
The fight is now on. and you must
be for or against county option.
There will be no side-stepping on
this question, now, notwithstanding
the Cass county Republican conven-
tlon tried the side-stepping act
Don't lose sight of the nefarious
iMdrlth tariff. That is Just what
Ilurkett would like for you to do. He
Is hoping that the county option
question will draw the attention of
the voters away from the tariff Issue.
The sixth annual Odd Fellows' pic
nic will take place in the beautiful
grove near Avoca on Thursday, Aug
ust 11. These picnics are usually
largely attended, because a general
good time is always assured. This
year they have arranged for a big-
cer and bette rcelebration than ever.
Uurkett was over in his old home
county of Mills, Iowa, soliciting as-
slstance from some of his old friends
In his life or death struggle for re-
election. It was not finances he was
after, because the tariff barons will
come to bis rescue on that score,
They owe him more than "a debt of
gratitude" for going back on the peo-
ple of Nebraska.
A few days ago W. R. Patrick, who
has filed for the Democratic candl-
date for governor told a prominent
. . . , ,
Democrat In Omaha that as between
DL.11 I. 1 I 1 1.1 1. m
ouanenuerser auu A.uricn ne preier-
red Aldrlch. This 13 evidenced by
tho fact that he filed for governor,
evldentlv with tho view of nulllm s
it is any less objectionable than high-
way robbery or sueak-thlevlng. But
legislation for personal benefits Is
the logical outcome of the Republl-
or legislation ior me spe- o
,, , . ...
many votes as possible from Shallen-L,
oerger so as to secure the nomlna -
tlon of Dahlman, thinking that Dahl-
man's nomination would result In an
Increased vote for Aldrlch at tho gen
eral election. The Injection of Pat-
' "oa "au luo
of solidifying tho Shallenberger sup-
port and bringing it into evidence In In September, 1S69. Father Mlch
a most surprising manner in the least U1 Hofmayr, O. S. B., was appointed
expected quarters.
The man who gave Its name to the
Republican party Is dead. Zephantah
...... , , , .
R. Knight was born In Pennsylvania,
removed to Michigan In 1830 and was
a member of the committee on reso-
lutions of the state convention held at
Jackson, Mich., July 6, 1854. In com
mlttee there was a long and acrimoni
ous debate on the name that should
bo given to the new party. Mr.
Knight suggested the name Republl
ran. It was quickly agreed to by the
committee and then reported to the
convention and adopted w ithout a dls-
senting voice. Mr. Knight was 89
v., i n..,
long cnoiiRQ xo see me onre greni
. i .i i
t 1
party wnicn ne namea
to an organization for the enrich
ment of special Interests at the ex
I pense of the masses.
Fl - ' -
W XT t -
Letter From Father M. S. Shine
in Regard to First Mass in
State of Nebraska.
The following letter appears In to-
(iay.8 state Journal which ls probably
of Interest to many In this city and
vicinity and for that reason is re-
.,,.! T.' Ir, ..,.11
known In tho state as a historian
of much aWmy flnd tfce loUer can b(j
depended upon as stating facts. The
letter follows:
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 23, 1910.
To the Editor of the State Journal:
In Mrs. O. J. Martin's interesting let
tpr In Sunday's Journal slip states
that fjm magg ,n Lln(i()n wag
celebrated some time after Novem-
ber 16, 1869.
The mass she refers to may have
been the first mass In the new addi
tion made by Father Hofmayer, O. S.
B to the original church that was
built by Father Emmanuel Hartlg,
O. S. D., in 1868.
The "first mass" celebrated In Lin-
oln was by Father Emmanuel Hartlg,
In 1867, at the house of John Daly,
situated southwest of the present
Mls80uri Pacific and Northwestern de
pot, at Ninth and S streets.
Father Emmanuel, as he was gen
eral'y called- received the three lots
donated by the state, and began the
erection of a frame church, placing it
under tne supervision of a "building
committee' of two, James Moran of
Salt creek, or Havelock, and Thomas
Malloy- of L,nroln' who a,so acte"i 83
treasurer. When the church was fin-
Ished, there was a lawsuit on account
of the contractor not paying the car-
penters and others.
During the trial, one of the oppos-
'nK counsel unsuccessfully tried to de-
stroy a receipt for a large amount of
money already paid on the contract,
by attempting to light his cigar with
jt. ne was caught in the act and was
reprimanded by the court. Lawyer
I'hllpott was the counsel for the
church committee.
.. , . . . ,
Father Emmanuel came to Lincoln
once a nionth from vebraska City.
and later he sent his assistants, Rev
Pirmlne Koumley, O. S. B., (from Au-
Kust- 1868 t0 February, 1869.) and
I -v vail T t n T
nev. ancnaei iiormayr, u. o. i.,
... 10 , (nCi1B(mh
h 869.)
Robert McDivitt of Havelock was
niarrled In the first church by Father
Pirmlne Koumley, on December 20,
1868, and he has related that on that
brought into the church to serve as
the first resident priest of Lincoln,
and one of his first works was to
build a thirty foot addition to the
original church.
ah tne aoove pnesis ere mem-
ber3 of the order or haint liencmci.
,, , .. ...
or Benedictines, as they are usually
caUp(, Father n0fmayr had charge
0f Lincoln until December 26, 1870,
when he was succeeded by Father
William Kelly. Yours respecfully.
(Rev.) Michael A. Shine.
Work 21 Hours Day
The busiest little thing ever made
are Dr. King's New Life Tills. Every
pill Is a Bugar-coated globule of
health, that changes weakness into
UtrcnRthi languor itno energy, brain
fag into metal power; curing Con
sttpatlon, Headache, Chills. Dyspep-
sla, Malaria. 25c at F. G. Frtcke ii
i I v v
Have you evpr ugpd cclemte,i
- ..Forest Rose" flour? Try It when
- you buy the next sack,
At all lead-
Threw hi te Erlcdstare
mi ii iimiii :
is one of those it
who is discriraii
price, who wants
clothing, shoes
the time we put
tn lu rrmtpnt wit
h. the rA cl
unsatisfactory emerv grinder, but now he can have the 8
service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device ft
ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm x
that is superior to our FARM SPECIAL GRINDER as &
a labor saver. It sharpens everything in one-twentieth S
the time it would take on
stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a
dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD
WORK of keeping tools sharp on it.
IT IS EASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special.
Your ten-year-old hoy will tell you it is fun to sharpen
everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRINDER.
Making P.eef With Alfalfa Meal.
The Otto Weiss Alfalfa Stock Food
company of Wichita conducted an In
teresting experiment in beef produc
tion by means of alfalfa meal last
winter. One hundred head of cattle
were selected and fed on alfalfa meal
In connection with corn. When mar
keted, they were said to be the best
and fattest steers that were ever put
upon the Wichita market. They sold
for $8.10 per 100 pounds. The details
of this experiment were given In
these columns at the time it was be
gun but the important fact that these
steers were fed wholly ou bleached
alfalfa was not mentioned. Accord
ing to the owners, the experiment has
demonstrated to them that bleached
nlfalfa contains as much of nutritive
value and is Just as palatable for live
Ftock as Is green alfalfa. This is only
true, however, when the bleaching
has been done by the alfalfa heating
from its own moisture. If alfalfa
s'jould be bleached from heavy dews
or rains, after it has been cut, it un
doubtedly loses in feeding value. It
has long been known that brown al
fal'.a was eaten as greedily by live
stock as that which is green, but this
experiment seems to show conclu
sively that where alfalfa has gone
through a bleaching process from Its
own heat, either in the hay mow or in
the stack, it has lost nothing of its
feeding value. Those who saw these
cattle were unanimous in their praise
ns to their quality and condition, and
it is stated that but for the high price
of alfalfa hay which existed at the
time of the experiment, a very hand
some profit would have been realized
on these steers. Kansas alfalfa Is be
ing shipped to eastern states and to
foreign countries In large quantities
for use in balancing rations for dairy
cows. As it is more economical and
more satisfactory to handle, these
shipments are always made in the
form of alfalfa meal instead of bulk
or baled hay. Kansas Farmer.
Death at AVeopinn Water.
Weeping Water, Neb., July 25.
Perry W. Rose, aged thirty-nine, died
at the home of his mother near here
on Saturday and was burled yester
day. The funeral services were held
from the home, and were conducted
by Rev. O. II. Moulton. Mr Rose had
been an almost helpless Invalid from
rheumatism for nearly eighteen years.
He Is survived by his mother, three
brothers, Harris J. Rose of the home,
B. J. Rose of Brunswick, Neb., A. M.
Rose of Arcidla, CaL.and two sisters,
Mrs. M. A. Van Avery of Inman. Neb.,
and Mrs. Alta Flowers of Terklns,
Okla. , '
Napoleon's Grit
was of the unconquerable, never say
die kind, the kind that you need
most when you have a bad cold, lung
disease or cough. Suppose troches,
cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors
have all failed, don't lose heart or
hope. Take Dr. King's New Discov
ery. Satisfaction Is guaranteed when
used for any throat or lung trouble.
It has saved thousands of hopeless
sufferers. It masters stubborn colds,
obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la
grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and
whooping cough and Is the most safe
and certain remedy for all bronchial
affections. 50c. $1. Trial bottle free
at F. O. Frlcke & Co.
FOR SALE My;m:er, 20 II.
P., model 10, Bulck runabout with
Rumble seat, used one year, first
class condition, top wind shield,
speedometer, 20th century tire pro
tectors; cost $1,210; big bargain nt
$650 cash.
T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth, NVh.
Solomon Long from cast of the
river came over this morning nnd
was a passenger for Omaha on the
morning train where ho will spend
today looking after some business
It's S!oi! Uisst I LuJfcer Grinder
Sate Time!
the grindstone. The grind S
The Coernment pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployeet up to $2,500 annually
Uncle Sam will hold examinations
throughout the country for Railway
Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
ment CIerk3 and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointment
will be made. Any man or womaj
over 18, in City or Country caa get
Instruction and free information b
writing at once to the Bureau of
Instruction, 79 J, Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
Work on Appraising.
The work of appraising the Bur
lington railroad by the engineering
corps of the State Railway commis
sion, is going steadily forward, a
number of the members of the corps
being in the city today on thl3 matter.
Among those on the work Is Engln
er Durber who came down this morn
ing from Lincoln. This work Is un
dertaken to ascertain the physical
valuation of the railroads of the state
and Is quite an important task. The
actual value of the railroads together
with franchise values will be taken
as a basis for the establishment of
freight rates which are to based upon
a legitimate return of the capital in
vested in the roads. The task is a
gigantic one and will take the engin
eering corps many weeks to complete.
All railroads In the state borders are
being appraised and each system or
individual road will be gone over
carefully and the amount of money in
vested in It accurately determined.
Considerable speculation exists in
railroad circles as to what the final
figures will Bhow for the roads and
It Is said they will be much higher
than commonly supposed by those in
terested in such matters.
Those Pies ot noyiiood.
How delicious were the pies of boy
hood. No pies now never taste so
good. What's changed?the pies? No!
Its you. You've lost the strong,
healthy stomach, the vigorous liver,
the active kidneys, the regular bow
els of boyhood. Your digestion i3
poor and you blame the food. What's
needed? A complete toning up by
Electric Bitters of all organs of di
gestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys,
Bowels Try them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and apprecia
tion of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. COc at F. O. Frlcke & Co.
Not Much Improved.
The condition of Grandma Horn
who has been very ill shows no signs
of Improvement and no hope Is en
tertained of her recovery. Owin?
to her advanced age the end can be
looked for at any time and she has no
change for a rally which will pull her
through. Her many friends In thU
city and vicinity will hear this news
with the most profound sorrow.
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or bugg'1 may
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, strains
or wounds that demand Bucklen's
Arnica Salve earth's greatest heal
er. Quick relief and prompt cure
results. For burns, bolls, sores of
nil kinds, eczema, chapped hands and
lips, sore eyes or corns. Its supreme.
Surest pile cure. 25c nt F. O. Frlcke
& Co.
For Sale.
A good $ 1 organ, nt your ow n
price. Easy payments, as low o
fifty rents per week. Inquire ot
W. M. Bognrd, Avoca, Neb.
Use "Forest Rose" Flour If you
want tho best results in making jrood
bread. Try a sack and you will buy no
other. For sale by all lending dealers.
's FARM Special!
:dispensab!e farm tools. To the farmer H
iatiug, and looks at quality instead of o
the BEST whether he buys machinery, S
or food stuff To such a one, LUTH- 8
-IAL will strongly appeal. Up to &
out this great labor saving tool he had S