Kb. St(. Iiiitonc Soe. be IMattemoittb Journal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION V. IG IIT PAGES VOLUME XXIX FLATTSMOUTI1, NEBRASKA. MONDAY JULY 25, 1910 NO &3 flnEffl STATE JOURNAL IS Many Items Reproduced From First ssue of Great Interest to Old Settlers of This Locality. Today's Lincoln Journal Is a most Interesting number being the fortieth anniversary number. It contains a great deal of interesting Information of early days which is most entertain ing and instructive and which will be persued by old settlers with much in terest. A glance over the table of contents of the first number show the importance which Plattsmouth and Cass county had in the state in the year 1870. The management of the Journal is to be congratulated upon its showing and the prosperity which has followed in its wake ever since its foundation. Founded in 1867 as the "Nebraska Common wealth" it was change to the "Ne braska State Journal" on June 20, 1870, and has since gone under tnat ame. Among the many Interesting items reproduced is the following: "In thirty days the ferry will be plying across the Platte at Cedar Island conveying passengers from the B. & M. R. R. to the Omaha & Southern depot. The ferry is tem porary and a bridge will be built across the Platte by the two roads, obliterating the trouble and deceptive stream from the minds of travelers and 'politicians." One of the notices on the editorial page may be interesting to present day politicians: Republican State Convention. A Republican State Convention will be held In the city of Lincoln, on Wednesday, the 10th day of August, 1870, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination one candidate for congress, one candidate for Member of Congress, contingent, candidates for Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Prison In spector, and Attorney General, and for the transaction of such other business as may be properly come before the Convention. The Dele gates from each Judicial District will nominate a suitable person for Dis tric Attorney for their respective dis tricts. ATTENDS THE AD Robert W. Sherwood Delighted With the Meeting Robert W. Sherwood was one of the live wires of the city who at tended the ad men's convention in Omaha and who returned Wednes day. He had a magnificent time and states that the merchant who failed to take in that convention missed the treat of his life. He found that there was a wealth of information to be gleaned from the different ad dresses ' ' delivered by the strong speakers present and the advertis ing business was viewed from many different points. He received many ideas which he intends to put into practical operation, and on the whole, considers that the visit to the convention was something worth the while. He could not, of course, take in all the different entertainments afforded the visiting guests by the city of Omaha for they were very many In number and varied to suit the tastes of the public but he did enjoy a fine automobile ride over the forty odd miles of paved streets which the city boasts and saw the best part of the city. The convention he considers a great gathering, and one whose benefit to Omaha and this region cannot be over estimated. The visitors In the city seemed to thor oughly enjoy the hospitality of Om aha and were loud in their praise of the entertainment afforded them. He mentioned a number of the large cities which were represented there with monster delegations and they were delegations composed of the biggest business men of the United States. . Mrs. John S. Hall and daughter and Oscar Wilson formed a party who were passengers this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day. MENS OF MOST INTEREST! The counties are entitled to dele gates in the Convention as follows: Buffalo 1 Lancaster ....5 Burt 4 Lincoln . ; 1 Butler 1 Madison 1 Cedar 2 Merrick 1 Cuming ......2 Nemaha li Cass '. .9 Otoe 11 Colfax 1 Platte 3 Dakota 2 Pawnee 6 Dixon 2 Pierce 1 Dodge 5 Richardson ..10 Douglas 20 Sarpy 4 Gage 4 Stanton 1 Hall 3 Saline 1 Hamilton 1 Saunders 3 Jefferson 2 Seward 3 Johnson 4 Washington ... 6 Kearney 1 York 1 L'Eau .qui .... . Court M Total ..134 It is to be hoped every county will be fully represented, as it is all im portant that good men be selected for the various offices, and; that har mony prevail in' their selection. By order of the Committee. H. D. HATHAWAY, Ch'n. Plattsmouth, May 27, 1870. Secretary Kenard left for Platts mouth this morning. Vallerys, Ruffner & Minshall have charactered a car, and will send out the first car load of wheat from Lin coln. A good time for it, it will ar rive at Chicago upon a rising market. It. & M. Time Card WESTWARD Trains going west run in 1870. as follows: Train No.' 3. Leaves. Train No. 1. Plattsmouth 10.00 A. M. Omaha Juct. 10.35 " Louisville 11.10 " South Eend, 11.20 " Arives Ashland, 11.30 p. EASTWARD. Leaves. Train. No. 2 5.00 P. M. 5.35 " 6.10 " 6.30 " m., 7.00 " Train No. 4, , 7.00 A. M. 7.35 " 7.55 " 8.20 " 9.00 " Ashland, 2.15 P. M South Bend 2.50 " Louisville, 3.10 " Omaha Juct 3.45 " Arrives Platts. 4.15 " Crops in Xonh (Jood. From Friday's Dally. Adolph Stietweisser who has been in the city for the past week mak ing a visit with his brother Herman, departed this morning for Omaha, from which city he expects to return to his home in the western part of the state. Mr. Strietwelsser Is lo cated in the famous Loup velley, some forty miles northeast of North Platte and he has been doing splen didly since h.s removal to that place. He has a nice farm and has raised an abundance of crops during the years he has been in that section. This year there has been plenty of rain throughout that section and the prospects are as good as could be asked. The Loup valley In Mr. Strietwelsser s opinion will produce a record breaking crop of corn while small grain did exceedingly well. Mr. Strietwelsser and nis wife were call ed to this locality by the Illness of an aunt of Mrs. Strietwelsser living In Omaha, her condition being criti cal. Since their arrival, however, there has been a marked change for the better in the lady's condition and it is thought they may be able to return home. It Is several years since Mr. Strietwelsser visited this city and his many frinds here were very glad to meet him. He form erly was an employe of the Bur lington in this city and a most esti mable citizen. Visits Fi-om Brother. From Friday's Pally. Leslie Abbott, a brother of R. J. Abbott of the Plattsmouth Steam laundry, spent Saturday and Sunday with him, coming up from his home at Concordia, Kas. Mr. Abbott re cently disposed of his laundry busi ness at Concordia and is now mov ing to Oklahoma City where he In tends to open a dry goods store. Dur ing the time he was located In Con cordia, Mr. Abbott enjoyed a good business and had accumulated quite a sum of money In the work. He had an enjoyable time during his brief visit here and his brother was much pleased to have him pay him a call. He departed for his new home on Monday. Races at XetraM;si City, Neorasua City, Nth., July 20.- The second day of the big race meet ! here this afternoon was a grand suc cess and a large crowd was present to enjoy the races. The track was speedy and the horsemen seemed anxious to give their horses a mark ing. The weather was cool and a little cloudy. In the 2:20 pace race there were twelve entries with eight to go and Young Adella owned by Jet of Oklahoma won easily with Brother Will, owned by R. II. Brown of Sioux City, S. D., a close second. In this race and in the third heat the horses became mixed up close to the start and the sulky of P. D. Ely of Maquoketa, la., who was driv ing his own horse, had a wheel brok en and he and his horse were thrown before four other horses going at at 2:12 clip. C. L. Deryder of Pleasanton, Cal., passed 'over Jthe man and horse breaking the sulky and Ely escaped with a scalp wound and Deryder with a broken ankle. In the 2:15 trot Col. Axycone, owned by Mr. Wallace of Weden, la., broke the state record, making a mile In 2:124. Mr. Wallace drove five heats to decide. The heats were fast to start with but became slow er towards the close of the race. In the 2:30 pacing race there .wqre twenty-six entries. Only twelve of the horses started. Four of them were distanced in the first heat. Lucyone, a brown mare owned by H. H. Brown of Parsons, Kas., won in three straight heats with Billy Llnke, a brown gelding owned by P. H. AI brlng of Winfleld, Kas., a close sec ond. In the running race one mile dash, purse $100, Lady Beaugard won In 1:41 with Burlington a dose second. Tommorw la Nebraska City day and seventeen horses are entered in the 2:15 pace. Ten horses entered in the three-year-old pace, and thir teen horses entered In the 2:22 trot. Friday is another big day and the program Is as large with as many entries as for Thursday. Departs for Her Home. Mrs. Millie D. AVorth of Seattle, Wash., who has been In the city for the past three weeks making a visit with her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Thompson and her brother, J. E. Thompson and wife, departed this morning for her home. She was ac companied by her mother and broth er and wife and their son Glenn, as far as Omaha on her return trip. Mrs. Worth is a dramatic reader and artist of considerable note on the Pacific coast and, together with her daughter, is constantly in receipt of engagements which prevents her tak ing a more extended vacation. She expressed the deepest regret at hav ing to return so soon and her In ability to get to see her many good friends in this city. She formerly lived here for a number of years and is quite well known to many of the people of the city. Her visit to her mother was the first she has made in twenty years and the latter was much affected when the time came for her daughter to return to her far western home. The visit during the brief time It lasted was a most en joyable one for all. More Improvements. U. M. Schlaes of the Majestic thea ter departed this morning for Om aha where he goes to secure some fur niture and accoutrements for the theater. Mr. Schlaes intends to make the Majestic a real theater In fact, as well as In name and he contem plates making some extensive im provements which will carry out this idea. With this end In view he in tends to furnish the house through out with opera chairs and will make thre purchase of them today. He ex pects to put in not less than three hundred chairs at the start and to see If the public appreciates his en terprise. These will be a vast Im provement over the ordinary camp chair which Is In the house at pres ent, being mucn more comfortable and convenient. In addition, ho In tends to Install a fine electric piano which will be as good as money can buy. These are only a portion of the improvements which he contemplates but they are In line with the general policy which he has adopted and which he means to carry out if the public favors him with the patronage the house deserves. It Is believed that his enterprise will be duly ap preciated and that he will find a good crowd at each night's perform ance. Mrs. S. T. Dean departed on the afternoon train for LaPlatte where she will make a visit with her par fnt. fjpnrifo Wall and wit tnr a short time. THE SiPPOSED E 1HEIF Threatens to Prosecute Sheriff Quinton for His Detention. The young man whom Sheriff Quinton took into custody on sus picion of being a horse thief turns out to have been Impounded upon pretty good grounds. Ills name Is Dorrlngton and he comes from the country below Falls City where he 'vas living with his father. Sheriff Muinton yesterday after discovering t.1e suspicious circumstances sur rounding the boy and the horse he had with him, put in his time ask ing the boy questious and finally se cured from him a story as to where he lived and who his folks were. He then called up tne young man's fath er over the telephone and learned that Dorrlngton and his father had some little trouble between them and that the young man drew a revolver upon his father and compelled him to ct him ride off on the horse which had excited the sheriff's suspicions. The father In the talk with Sher iff Quinton expressed himself as be ing satisfied to let the son have the horse If he would take It and keep away from him. He didn't want him to come back under any conditions. The saddle 'which was on the horse, the sheriff found on Investigation, belonged to another man living down In that country and he is holding it for the owner to claim. The young man was highly indignant when the sheriff took him into custody and stated that he intended to prosecute him to a finish and that ? 10,000 in good, hard coin of the realm would look good to him as the meas ure of damages which he should have. This some puzzled the Bheriff who really did not believe he owed any such a sum for acting upon his suspicions and he suggested that the young man secure a lawyer and start seething forthwith. The sheriff to show his good-heartedness toward Dorrlngton kindly suggested the names of several attorneys who would fall all over themselves in this case but so far the suit has not been commenced. The young man, as one of the grounds for mulcting the sheriff, stated he was due In Lead, S. D., in a few days to enter some running races and that his profes sion as a jockey would suffer most severely if he was not there prompt ly on the dot. The sheriff was some hard-hearted and could not see his way clear to pay the damages occa sioned by the loss of the, star rider from the Lead course There will probably be no prose cution of Dorrlngton and he will be allowed to wend his way in peace after the saddle has been restored to the proper owner as his father does not care to raise merry hades with the man for displaying his fire arms and taking the horse by force. I'lsli Commissioner In Town. W. J. O Ilrten, state fish com missioner, was In the city yesterday for a few hours, coming down from the north. Mr. O'Brien Btates that the dry bolt in the state is confined to a small portion of the state and that it extends from about this city north as far as Fremont, being something In the shape of a crescent. Mr. O'Brien returned a few days since from a trip to northwestern Nebraska along the line of the Elk Horn road and he reports that the country throughout that region Is In good shape and that they have every promise of a great crop of grain of various kinds. Ho states that mat ters at the fishers are moving along smoothly and that there Is nothing out of the ordinary occurring there. Mr. O'Brien departed on train No. 22 for the north. Humeri liy Hot Water. Louis Jiran last Saturday received a severe burn which has caused him considerable trouble and which has necessitated his laying off from his work at the shops. While taking a kettle of hot water off the stove at his home, the kettle was accidental ly turned over and the hot water flowed In a Ktream over the right knee and foot of Mr. Jlran. The foot was severely burned and has given him quite a bit of trouble. The many friends of Mr. Jlran In the city trust that his Injuries are not serious and that he may Boon be able to be himself and back at his work with the Burlington. L. R. Upton, the Union hardware merchant, Is spending the morning In the city, driving up from bis home. PEOPLE HEW SH TELEPHONE COMPANY'S PETITION IN THIS CITY Only Three Persons Refuse to Petition Sent to Attorney General Thompson Manager T. H. Pollock of the Mattsmouth Telephone company has! forwarded to Attorney General W. T. Thompson the petition spoken of a' few days ago in the Journal, asking' that he have the restraining order granted the state against the Bell Telephone company and its officials and the Plattsmouth Telephone com pany and Its officials modified. The petition was very generally signed there being but three refusing to sign it out of the entire number to whom it was presented. This Is a remarkable showing and Indicates that the public appreciates the bene fit of the connection. The three who refused to sign the petition did so upon personal grounds largely and not because they had any objection to the petition itself. The petition was circulated among the country exchanges of the Plats mouth company where there was no competition with the Bell people and there it met with a more than heBrty reception. The people of the many Independent exchanges throughout the county were quick to appreciate the fact that the new departure meant a larger and better service for them and a greater ease In reach ing wholesale houses of the cities and they lined up squarely In Its favor. The result In the country was most gratifying to Mr. Pollock and shows that his policy and his business me thods are appreciated and that the people realize that they are securing a vast Improvement In the service especially as relates to toll business. The petition as set forth In the Journal several days since recites the fact of the granting of the restrain ing order and that connection be tween the Bell lines and the Platts mouth company had been made be fore the order was entered by the su preme court. It also sets forth that as matters stand without the Bell service the patrons of the Plafts niouli company are deprived of long distance service to Chicago, St. Louis, and other wholesale centers and that they are deprived of a serv ice to a large part of Nebraska lying out in the central and western part of the state. The service would all be subject to the command of the I'lnttsmouth Telephone companys pa trons, provided connection with the Bell company could be maintained and the attorney general Is asked to make this modification In the re straining order which was granted the state. The history of the litigation is well known to Cass county people. The first move made In the game was the announcement made exclu sively In the Journal that control of Spend Delightful livening. From Friday's Dally. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church held a' most enjoyable social meeting at the splen did home of Mr. anil Mrs. W. H Newell last evening. There were a largo number In attendance, especial ly the older people, which very much pleased those In charge. Tho ele gant porch of the Newell home was lighted with lanterns and made cozy with porch swings, easy chairs and the like and Japanese lanterns were strung about the lawn. For the oc casion Mrs. Newell hail thrown the pretty parlors of her home open and made every effort to insure the guests of a royal time. The en deavors and friends know that when they are Invited to the Newell home, they may bo sure of a most delight ful time and the entertainment of last evening proved that the hospi tality of the Newells la not on the decline. During the evening a very enter taining musical program was rend ered In which Instrumental solos were contributed by Blanche Saylcs and Roy Denson; an Instrumental duet by Misses Dorothy Brltt and Ruth Chapman; vocal solos by Misses Harriett Adams and Ferris York and a reading by Miss Josephine Hall. Each one on the program was at their best and with their numbers made a distinct impression and elicited many compliments. Each number was rendered In a most happy manner and showed careful preparation and training. A sunbonnet drill was given after the program. This was Sign Names to the Document- the Plattsmouth Telephone company had passed from local hands Into those of eastern capitalists. This at the time was construed as being a sale to interests friendly to the Bell company by the individual stockhold ers of the local company. At no time did the Plattsmouth Telephone company se.ll anything. Immediately and almost coincident with the an nouncement physical connection was. made between tne two properties and the new long distance service estab lished. Then came the rush of the Independent Telephone association officers to Attorney General Thomp son with a demand that an injunc tion be Becured to stop the consum mation of the deal. F. H. Woods of Lincoln was the prime mover in the litigation and he hns previously been In the field as a prospective purchas er of the Plattsmouth company him self. Owing to Inability to come to gether on prices the deal was not made but the Bell Interests stepped In and offered to take all the Platts mouth company's stock at par or to guarantee six per cent income on the stock of those who cared to hold it. Nearly, if not all, the stockhold ers sold and thus the control of the property passed into the hands of Woods' competitors. It Is the general belief among the telephone officials that Attorney General Thompson will respect the wishes of the patrons as expressed In the petition filed with him and allow the connection to be. made. That it will result In a general Im proved long distance service Is un questioned and that It will Improve the service between this city and other points will not be disputed. This does not affect many of the main points In Issue in the litigation and these mntters will unquestion ably have to bo fought out In the court and long and expensive litiga tion Is in sight. Malinger Pollock states that the same procedure as adopted here was taken at Nebraska City where Secre tary R. A. Duff of the Nebraska City Telephone conipnny circulated a po tion and It was signed as numerous ly as the one In this county. The people there as here seem to want an improved telephone service be tween cities and they understand that modification of the restraining order for the present does not In any man ner Injure any legitimate rights the patrons of the company have. In fact, most of the parties, especially business men, who signed this peti tion hope to see the entire matter settled and one telephone system in stalled which will save money in the long run for the people and end the expensive two phone system. very unique, something quite out of the ordinary and produced consider able: merriment. There were eight young ladles who participated In this and they wore sunhonnets and long sleeved aprons, which had been put on backwards, so that It .was very hard to tell Just what direction they were going or coming as they went through the drill. Miss Estelle Balrd presided at the piano during the drill. The refreshing diversions In the form of Ice cream and delicious cakes, which were served prior to the dose of this delightful entertain ment, materially aided In the social good time. The C. E.'s and friends are mery much Indebted to the New ells for the use of their charming home. (iei'iiuin-A.Mici Icuu ( )iganl.c. Omaha, Neb., July 21. German-American national alllanco to night adopted a resolution declaring Itself as opposed to county option on the ground that it Is a step In tho di rection of state wide prohibition. Fred Volpp of Scrlbner, a Democrat, prepared the resolution. Officers elected were: President, Val Peters, Omaha; vice president, Dr. Gehr hrad, Lincoln; secretary, John Boeck hoff, Omaha; financial secretary, John Mattes, Nebraska City; treas urer, Fred Volpp, Scrlbner. The next annlal meeting will be held at Scrlbner. The alliance la a Nebras ka organization and Is meeting here at the same time as the sangerfest.