s TO OEM I Union Citizens Become Alarmed and Call on sheriff Quinton From Tuixlay'n Pally, William C. C'arra'iier, a druggist of Union whose eccentric habits have been noted at times in the past, last night filled himself up with bad red eye and dope and started out to make a general cleaning of the town. He waxed some strong and was full of war and prowness and made bold to state that he would put the male citizens of the vllage decidedly on the hum. He was not very choice In stat ing his position toward the town in general and the several Inhabitants In particular and, in fact, made himself fo desperate that the people became alarmed and sent a hurry call to Sheriff Qulnton to come down and tame William's desperate spirit or ' spirits," as the case might be. This call reached here about 10 o'clock in the night season. and the sheriff at once departed with the Intent then and there and thereby to subdue Car raher. When he arrived there he found William In possession of the town but he had no trouble In taking the fiery gentleman Into custody. He searched Carraher but found no arms on his person and nothing with which he could carry out his sanguinary threats. This morning a complaint was filed with Clerk of the Court Robertson, charging Carraher with being a dip somaniac and he will have a hearing tomorrow morning before the Insanity commission on the charges. The com mission consists of Clerk of the Court hobertson, Attorney I). 0. Dwyer of this city and Dr. II. F. Brendel of Murray. Carraher has been acting very er ratic for some time past and the In habitants of Union have been having all kinds of trouble with him. Only last Wednesday Sheriff Qulnton had to take him Into custody and take him before Justice Newell on a charge of Intoxication under the statute, when he received a fine of $10 and costs and at that tinio the sheriff warned him to desist from trying to drink It all up as he was la danger of a more serious penalty. Carraher seems to have paid no attention to the warnings with the result that he was taken In InHt evening. It Is said he has been drinking heavily for some time past and In ad dition, has been using drugs with the result that ho Is now partially de ranged and that he Is In such a con dition as to render him unsafe to be at large. The danger Is that he Is liable to kill his most Intlmnte friend as he Is dearly demented through the use of the drugs and ilquor. Many of the grievances which he seems to harbor are purely Imaginary and they have taken such a hold upon him that he may do himself or the public se rious Injury unless restrained. Soreness of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, is quickly relieved by the free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable, for muscular rheumatism, and always af fords quick relief- Fold by all deal ers. Sufei'N From Accident. Yesterday Colonel Henry C. Me Maken suffered an accident which came near resulting In a broken limb. He was mounting some stairs at the home In the northern part of the city when one of the stairs gavo way and ho U'fin lirftcliiltntfwl vlnbtntlv in tn 1 ground, a distance of some six feet.!f .ha',n a kn,.fe Tl b,.frf he Bt Very fortunntely no bones were hrok en In the full and he was able to be up and about In a few moments al though he was badly Jarred up. The colonel came near catching his light leg under him and snapping the mem ber in two but fortunately this did not occur and the only Injuries that the member sustained was a bad bruise. He was quite sore today as a result of tho fall but he still kept at his work. When the stomach falls to perform Its functions, the bowels become de ranged, the liver and tho kidneys con gested causing numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must be re stored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's tSomach and Liver Tablets can ho depended upon to do It. Easy to take and most effective. Fold by all dealers. I'.xceeiU all Records, Mrs. Henry C. Miller departed this morning for Jamesport, Mo., where she will spend several days visiting with friends and looking after their farm and other business matters. The tenant upon the farm there recently wrote Mr. Miller that he would have to have additional granary room for the crops which promise to exceed all records In that locality and It Is to make arrangements for this that Mrs. Vlllcr makes the trip. Visit Falls it jr. Henry C. Miller spent Sunday and Momiay in Falls City and Hiawatha, Kas., where he visited with relatives. Mr. Miller returned to the city last evening on the M. P. train. He re ports that crops throughout that sec tion of the country are in fine shape 'a that there is an abundance of small grain. Ob's and wheat are hr.th In L-noil shun and ehe everv J evidence of making a preat yield J on 1 The corn Is also looking very good 1 although rain Is needed there as well , , , , . , I as In this Section. He is satisfied i that corn is In letter shape there than here and It seems more advan ced. The color of the corn is a rich, dark green and It Is pretty well along everything considered. Mr. Miller be lieves there Is a fine prospect for the coming year provided that rain comes within a comparatively short time. Coming north the corn seems to have suffered more and there are fields In this section which look spot ted from the cars. He was much pleased with loth Falls City and Hia watha and states that the former is enjoying quite a boom. The M. P. Is erecting a great many shops there Including a twenty-four stall round house and some office buildings be sides a large machine shop. Consider able building Is going on besides this and the town seems rich and pros perous. Hiawatha Is a very pretty town and seems lively and prosper ous and he was much taken with It as a place to live. While visiting there he was treated (?) to some "Joy riding" on the part of his rela tives and verily believes he traveled not less than a hundred miles an hour at times, although said rela tive Is said to be a careful driver of a machine. He lost a few more hairs on the trip but he enjoyed himself Just the same. Injured at the Simp. The grist of accidents at the Bur lington shops for the past several days Includes one which happened to O. H. Tower, a car repairer. Mr. Tower was engaged In handling a swing beam when It turned on him. He grabbed it and it caught his finger between the beam and a truck badly cutting and mash'ng the same. The Injured member Is the little finger on the right hand. Tho accident will lay him off for several days on the relief. Theodore Kattatz, a bollermaker's helper while engaged In knocking stay bolts out at his work with a chis el and hammer suffered an Injury to his left wrist. The bolt broke and a flying chip struck him on the wrist making a mean and disagreeable wound. Job for He will probably be off his several days. Hot Wave to Illume For It. Another fight took place In the Ho tel Riley bar between a young man here In town who seems to have been In the right find a man from Union. This was also the outgrowth of an old grudge and settled an affair of some standing between them. The Un ion man was knocked flat on the paved floor of the saloon and con siderable blood spilled. An explana tion of the affair satisfied the police, inai inere wna 1,0 o in arresting the local man and no complaint was filed against him. Altogether Satur day night was one full of war and destruction and the hot wave will have to take Ihe blame for It. Will File Complaint. It Is learned this afternoon that a state case will be Instituted against John Kgnn, Harry l'olsall and John Jones on the ground of resisting an officer and that this action will be taken as soon as the county attorney returns. It Is also learned that simi lar action will bo taken against Win, Mcndenhall whom Hamburg amies tacked him and of the knife being open in Mendenhall's pocket when the assault happened. This case will also likely be filed when the county attorney returns. Off for a Visit. George Melslnger and wife from near Cedar Creek departed this morn ing on No. 6 for Peoria and Pekin, 111., where they will spend three or four weeks making a visit with reln- lvc8 and friends. They expect to have a good time during their stay In the east and doubtless will hnve as they are going among a mighty fine lot of people. Mr. and Mrs. Melslnger take this trip as a llttlo vacation from the farm work and to meet the old friends and relntlves whom they have known for so many years. Clerk of the Court Robertson this morning received from Louisville the transcript In the caso of the State vs. Fred Wannemaker who Is now In Jail because of Inaiilllty to secure bonds. Wannemaker was bound over under a peace bond from Louisville, he hav ing been found to have threatened one of the good people of that ton. Marshal Seybort brought him down to this city some days since and put him In Jail In default of the bond. W. II. Tula of Maple Grove, came In Saturday to attend the Democrat lc convention and look after business matters. HII HXVtl M. 47H. AN OlirilNANCK CHEATING ASP IK KINIMi I'AVING USTIUCT No. 4, (y THE CITY or I'l.ATTSMOL'TH, STATK OF NKKKASKA. AND AU THORIZING THK MACADAMIZING OK I'KAKL. STKKKT THKKfclN. UK IT OKKAINKU BY TUB MA YOU ANI Col NCI I. OK TI1K CITY OK l'LATTs?MoCTH. NKBIIASKA. See. 1. Tlwt I avIriK llxtrict No. 4. (if the city of I'iat'sinoutli, Mate of Nebraska, be and the lame Is hereby formed uml created, and Hliall Include the wmith half Is",) of block thlrtv- Ix Ciiii, ami the north half (nij) of block f.rty-tln-e H.,1. and extending 1'earl street, from the west Hide of th Htreet o the west side of Sev enth Mreet, of said city of I'laltsmouth, 1''1,1'' If . 2. That tut portion of rearl utreet. with Kalil raving lilxtrlrt No. 4. hereby authorized to be macadamized with cruehed ro k laid tntrty (30) feet wide in the center of phIiI atreet, ami ten (10) Inches thick, with nut face of aid utreet to be on the grade Drencrl!ed at the time of lowering Main atreet In cald city. Sec. 3. All ordinance and parts or ordinance In conflict herewith be and the time are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. Thl ordinance Hliall take ef fect and be in force from and after Hh riaKsage. approval and publication according to law. raxel and approved ttns litn uay of June, A. !., 1910. John I. Sattler. Attent: Mayor. V. II. Flster, City Clerk. OIIDIVtM K X). 470 AN ORTHNANCR ACTHORIZINO THE I'AVING, Crl'.HINU AND GUTTER ING OK KOHHTH AND FIFTH STKKKTH HKTWFRN MAIN AND FIFTH AND ACTHOHIZING TUB I'AVING, (TRUING AND Ol'TTF.I! JNG OF V1NK KTIiKKT FROM THR KAST LINK OF FOURTH HTRKF.T TO THK WRST T.INK OF SKVKNTH STRKKT, INCM'DING RAVING OK INTKItSK.CTIONS OF FOURTH AND VINK STRKKTS, OF FIFTH AND VINK STRKKTS, OK SKVKNTH AND VINK STRKTS, AND THK STRKKT AND AI.l.KY I NTK F!S K TIONH OK THK KAST AND WKST ALLEY'S THROUGH BLOCK TWKNTY-K1GHT C'K) AND TH KNTY-NINK (29), ALL IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 3. OK THK CITY OK I'LATTS.MOUTH, STATK OK NEBRASKA. WHEREAS, Three-fourths of nil the owners of abutting lots on Fourth and Fifth streets, between Main and V lne streets, and three-fourths of all tho owners of abutting lots on Vine streets, between Fourth and Seventh streets. all of the city of l'lnttsmouth. state of Nebraska have petitioned the mayor and city council of said city to pave, curt) and gutter suld streets, Including the Intersections of Fourth and Vine streets, of Fifth and Vine streets, of Seventh and Vine streets, and the street and alley Intersections of the east and west alleys, through blocks twenty eight (2" and twenty-nine (29), all In raving District No. 3, In said city, and have in said petition selected the kind of mnterlnl for such paving purposes, to-wlt: "SiiltaMe raving Brick, with Concrete Foundation," and WHEREAS, At a sperl.i.' election, h"ld on Mav 3rd. A. D., 1910, In the city of I'liittsmouth, state of Nebraska, a majority of the votes cast at said elec tion authorized the mayor and council of said city to Issue paving bonds of said cltv In the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars $3r00.001, for the purpose of paying the cost of pnvlng the streets, tho street Intersections and street and alley intersections of the east and west allevs through blocks twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29), In said raving District No s, anil WII ERE AH, Under direction of the mayor r.nd council of said city, estl mates of the cost of paving, curbing anil guttering the streets, the street Intersections and street and alley Inter. sections. In I'avlng District No. 3, In said city, hnve been made, filed with, and accepted by the mayor and coun cil of said city, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED RY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THK CITY OK li.ATTSMOUTH, STATE OK NE BRASKA. Sec. 1. That the following nnmed streets, Including street Intersections and street and alley Intersections, all In Paving District No. 3, of the city of I'latlHtnout h, state of Nebraska, be and Ihe siime are hereby authorized to be paved, curbed and guttered, to-wlt: Fourth and Fifth streets, from the north line of Main street to the south lne of Vine street and Vine street to the east line of Fourth street to the west line of Seventh street Including Inter sections of Fourth and Vine street of Fifth and Vine street, of Seventh ami Vine streets, and or the street and alley Intersections of the east and west alleys, through blocks twenty-eight 2S and twenty-nine C29, In said I'av lng District No. 3, In said city. Sec. 2. That suitable paving brick, with concrete foundation, shall he used In paving said streets, the street in tersections and the street and alley In tersections, and all curbing shall be of concrete See. 3. That nil pavtng, curbing and guttering shall conform In nil respects to the plan, specif lint Ions and require ments of the mnyor and council of aald city. Sec. 4. That R contract be nnd the snme Is hereby authorized to be made and entered Into fur furnishing all mn terlnl nnd labor necessary and for the construction and completion of all of said pnvlng. curbing and guttering. sec. h. That before, entering Into any contract, provided for In this ordinance, the mnyor shall invite bids therefor, by published notice In some newspaper, for not less than four weeks, which bids shall be opened, examined and ncted upon by the mavor and council at any regular or special meeting, the tnavor nnd council reserving the right in reject any or all Mils: provided, how ever, tlmt no contract shall be entered Into, unless the contractor shall exe cute ii ml deliver to said cltv a bond with sureties to be approved by the mnyor nnd council. In the penaf sum of sixteen thousand dollnrs, conditioned ror tno rni.nnil perrormnnee of such contract, by such contractor, or In lieu thereof shall deliver to the mavor and city council a certified check eonal In amount of $15000.00, to be held by tho niHyir unci council ror snld cltv, sub Ject to the faithful performance ot sum contract; and provided further that each bid so made shall bn nc. companled by a certified check In the sum or loi'ii.iui Sec. s. That nil ordinances or parts of ordinances In conflict with this or- mnnnce ne ana the snme nre hereby ,e peuled sec 7. Thnt this ordinance shall take effect nnd be In force from and Huer us pnssnge, approval and pub lication according to lnw. Passed nnd approved this 17th day or John P Saltier. AV.?"V.-,,... Mayor, 1 . !. r.l!IIT, City Clerk AoTiri: to iti:inT(ius. State of Ncbrnska,') )SM. PlIM Conntv. IN THU MATTKIl OF THR TSTATE OF ANN M. IiAVlS, PKCRASHP. Notice it) lioreby given that the creoi tors of Kalil dccennpd will meet the ad ministratrix of said estate, before me, county JudRe of Cans county, Nebras ka, at the county court room In Plattn mouth, in said county, on the 30th day of July, A. l, 1910, and on the lt day of Fehrunry, 1911 at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their clalnui for examination, adjust ment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the credi tors Of said deceased to present their claims, and one year for the udmlnls tratrlx to settle said estate, from the 30th day of July, A. P., 1910. Witness my band and seal of said county court, at IMattsmouth, Nebras ka, this 28th day of June, A. R, 1910. '"'D Allen J. Heeson, liatnsey A Ramsey, County Judge. Attorneys, XOTICE TO COXTRACTOHS. Sealed proposals will be received by the city clerk of tho city of 1'UtU mouth, Nebraska, until eight () o clock p. m., of Monday, the Mil day of Aug ust, 1910, for furnishing material and constructing curbs and pavements for the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, In accordance with the plans and specifi cations on file In the office of the city clerk of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and In the office of the engineers, Omaha, Ne braska. Approximate estimate quan tities: PId. (A) District 6.S77 1. yds. (lij Intersection Mini . yds. I'urblug (A) TMstrlct lin. ft. (B Intersection 43 lin. ft. I'liiMiru-atlou. Curbing. Class A Six (6) Inches thick, twen ty i Jo ) Inches deep; Ju.ii per lin. ft. Class li Six IS) Inches tnick, twen-tv-four (.4) inches deep; Jv.t0 per lin. fit. Paving. Class A Vitrified brick block as specified. Rase, concrete, depth four (4) inches, sand on concrete one and one-half (l'j) Inches. Sand filled joints. $2.10 per s. yd. Class ii Vitrified brick block as specified. Base, concrete, depth, five 1 5 1 inches, sand on concrete one and one-half Inches (1) Incites. Sand filled Joints. $2.25 per si. yd. Each bid to be accompanied hy a cer tified check for five hundred dollars ($000.00). Any one desiring a set of plans and specifications for personal use may ob tain the same by application to the en gineers and a payment of five t$5.00) dollars per set. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. J. P. Sattler. W. B. Elster, Mayor. City Clerk. The Consolidated Engineering com pany, engineers. No. 640 Bee build ing, Omaha, Nebraska. LEGAL MI'liCE. NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES AND NON-RESIDENTS DEFENDANTS. To the unknown helrsjand devisees of Lewis Johnson, deceased; the un known heirs and deviHees of Marearet Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Seth Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of John Q. Johnson, deceased; and to Solomon Itorbee, Mrs. W. B. Leach, first name unknown, wife of W. B. Leach; Mr.. William Johnson, first name unknown, wife of William Johnson; Frederick L. Eaton; William T. Eaton: Simon F. Eat on; G. R. Henry; Greensherry R Henry; A Lazenby; Ambrose Lazenhy, and Mrs. Ambrose Lazenby, first name unknown, wife of Ambrose LaZenby, non-resident defendants: You will take notlm that on the 12th day of April, 1910, George M, Porter, plaintiff, filed his petition In the dis trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, In which you with others were named as defendants. The object and prnver of said peti tion Is to quite title In said plaintiff In nnd to lote ten (10) find eleven (11) In block thirty-eight (38) of the city of Plnttsmouth, In Cnss conntv, Nebraska, and to exclude the defendants from any Interest therein. You are renuired to answer said pe tlnn on or before the 25th day of July, George M. Porter. Bv Tlurkctt, Wilson A Brown, and E. F. Sna vely. Ills Attorneys. I.KG AI, XOTICK. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the matter of the gunrdlanshlp j ot ionovnn a. u ailing, a minor. Notice is hereby given that In pursu ance of an order of the Honorable Har vey D. Travis, Judge of the district court of Cnss county, Nebraska, made on the 20th dny of June, 1910, for the snle of real estate herein after des cribed, there will he sold at the south door of tho court house In the city of Plattsmouth, In snld county nnd state on the 2Mb day of July, 1910, at 11 o'clock a. m at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wlt: The undivided one-third (1-3) Inter est In fee simple title In and to lots 12, 13, 16, and 17, In West Greenwood, diss county, Nebraska. Dated this 25th day of June. 1910. George W. Walling. As guardian of Donovan A. Walling, a minor. ( uiididates Filed. The filing of candidates for county office dosed Saturday and the Demo crats are left In the peculiar position of having only three candidates on the primary ticket for election. These are Fenator W. II. Banning who seeks re-election, and Representative Col onel M. A. Dates, who will again run for float representative of Cass and Otoe counties, and Commissioner C. It. Jordan, seeks re-election to a se cond term as county commissioner. The Republicans have a full ticket filed Including as follows: Sena tor Charles E. Noyes, Representatives E. II. Wescott and D. Wolph, Float Representative F. L. Xutzman of Otoe county, Commissioner Fred Muen chaw and Herman Dettman, County Attorney C. H. Taylor. There are a number of candidates filed for the smaller offices including George P. Barton, Democrat, for constable, Lib erty precinct; Ben Deckman, Demo crat, road overseer, Rock Bluffs pre cinct; J. C. Nlday, Republican, road overseer, Liberty precinct; R. L. New ell, Republican, Justice, Liberty pre cinct; I'eter Clarence, Republican, Liberty precinct. Another Finlit. From Monday's Dally. Another fight took place corner of Main and Fourth at the streets when William Mendenhall attacked and knocked down O. W. Hamburg, kicking him after he fell. This trou ble grow out of some grudge between tho men dating from the shops where they formerly were partners on the work and it had been brewing all day. The men met several times but were separated and the fight finally came when Mendenhall approached Ham burg who had a loaded box In his arms and struck him from behind. The force of the blow knocking him down and Mendenhall Is claimed to have kicked him several times before Chief of Police Ralney reached the scene and took Mendenhall to police court. Hamburg's face was cut and bleeding from the blows. In police court Mendenhall was allowed to go until this morning when he was to appear. He did not show up at 9 o'clock the time set for his hearing. Hamburg was allowed to go Adam Kaffenberger, a well known farmer from west of the city was passenger this morning for Omaha, returning this afternoon on the 1:12 train. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always la viae for over CO years, and 372 sonal F'vvvCv5 Atlrtw All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle Avlth and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For THt CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT E2 Will IteslKn. From Monday's Dally. The Journal learns with profound regret that County Attorney William C. Ramsey In a few days will tender his resignation to the county com missioners and step down from his office. Mr. Ramsey decided several days since not to be a candidate for re-election and has since concluded the arrangements by which he enters Into a profitable partnership with a firm of prominent Omaha attorneys. This Is of course, a highly profitable step for the young man but it will be learned with sincere regret through out the county as he has occupied the highest possible position in the esteem of the public. During the two years Mr. Ramsey has been In office he has made a most flattering record and he has demonstrated that he Is a young man with a very prom ising career before him. He has fought through the hardest cases It has been given a county attorney In this county for many years and he has made a splendid record for faith ful attention to duty and a fidelity to the public welfare unparalleled in local annals for many years. He will probably enter upon his new field In a very short time and everyone unites In prophesying him a brilliant future. It Is probable the county commission ers will elect as his successor C. 11. Taylor, the Republican candidate and a close personal friend of Mr. Ram sey. Tlicshing Machine For Sale Owing to the fact that my work Is In such shape that I will be unable to run my thresher this season, I have decided to offer the same for sale, and at a price that Is right. This out fit consists of a 13 h. p. Gaar-Scott engine, one J. I. Case S2-52 separ ator, self feeder and wind stacker, also water tanks. This outfit will be sold at a bargain if taken soon. Frank Vallery NOTICE Prices for tnreshing this season will be three and five cents owing to the Increased cost of labor and repairs. Robt. Propst, Mynard, Neb. ! WATCH THE FARM DEVELOPMENT IN WYOMING! THE RICHEST DEVELOPED STATE IN THE WEST GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers' excursions to THE BIG HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and see what the farmers are doing on these new lands where the Burlington Railroad is building new lines; where new towns offer splendid business op ening in all lines of trade and profession. ' EXAMINE THESE LANDS PERSONALLY with me. I will help you to pick out the best. I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this purpose. OUR HOMESEEKERS' TICKET allows you 25 days with stop overs every where in home8eekers' territory; ample time to examine thelands and spend a few days fishing in the mountain streams if you like. See the irrigated lands where the ditches are built by the Government and also by private companies, and the Mondell 320-acre FREE homesteads all on ene trip. liiuiiini for Fletcher's OK Bought, and which has been ha9 borne the signature of has been made under his ner- (supervision since its Infancy. Ti f Ana TAPitlirA van n flit v. . ' Signature of Over 30 Years MURRAY tTflrtT. NCW VORK CITY. Fif!)t Xear Union. The neighborhood Just north and east of Union Is some stirred up over a fight which took place Friday be tween "Badge" Houston and Henry Becker, a son of Abe Becker, the hog buyer. The two men had been at outs for several years following the throwing of some Cayenne peper In to the eyes of Houston by Becker. Houston came near losing his sight at the time and his eyes were a long time getting well. It was throught that the trouble was over, however, as nothing had been heard from Hous ton but Friday while the men were working together threshing Houston proceeded to square up matters and gave Becker a tremendous beating, sending him home with a face pound ed up in good shape and bleeding from many cuts and bruises. The county attorney was notified of the case and made an Investigation and efforts were made to locate Houston but without avail. He left his home and has not been seen since. The chief of police was notified to look out for him but he does not seem to have come this way. The neigh borhood is stirred up over the matter and opinion seems much divided on the merits of the case. Pasture. For horses only. Good water and shade trees. Plenty of room. Apply C. Eengen, Mynard, Neb., phone line 3-A. 4t-30J Do you want an 0 AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service Reasonable Rate PROGRESS OF Special prepared Wyoming literature just eff the press. Write for It today. D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, Landseekert' Information Bnreau, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha. Neb. V