The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1910, Image 6
Murray Department Misses' Pointed PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READ ECS. Ifunyoftlie rentiers oftht Journal know of atrial vtnt or an item of inUrett in this eternity uk! will mail taint to this offivi it trUl appear this kiaiinj Wt xcant all items of interest Editor Journal. r DC YOU WILL FIND A CHECK ACCOUNT At this bank an important factor in developing the full working value of your dollars. Also a friendly assis tant or help in conserving them. : : : Why not Open An Account With Us Today? Murray State B MURRAY, NEBRASKA ( DC ank -23 eJl Geo. Cook, Murray, for fine bug gies. Mrs. Countryman continues about tlio nam!. Mlsa Tcssie Stokes spent Sunday with Olga Mlnford. Frank Dugay Is upending tlie week with relatives In Union. Margaret Connor Is upending the vct:!i as tlie guest of Miss Leola Val idly. Mrs. Corbet, mother of Mrs. Har mon Beck, Is visiting In and around Murray. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Brown entcr fained a number of friends at dinner Tuesday. Mrs. James Holmes entertained a number of friends at supper Mon day evening. Mlnb Hannah Hanson was the lest of Miss Tussle Stokes over Sat urday night. You want a new buggp? If you want the best or the leant money call on George Cook. Don't fall to attend the "Comic Treat" at the Christian church Sat urday night, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Ilert Phllpot and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hrown Sun day. Guy Stokes went to riattsmouth Sunday evening to consult Dr. Liv ingston In regard to the appendicitis from which ho has been Buffering. Rex Youn; and wife returned from their South Dakota trip last Thursday and report a flue visit and trip. He did not take his mall route until Monday. Mrs. V. D. Wheeler, Mrs. T. W. Vallery and Marjorlo and Mrs. S. O. Colo and daughter and son, went to Alvo Sunday in Mr. Cole's auto, where they enjoyed dinner with Mrs. Ulna Kltzell. Mrs. Grace Melllnger and little ion who have been visiting friends In Iowa, returned here Tuesday, where they will remain with her mother, MrH. Mlra McDonald, until she returns to her home In Old Mex ico. Dr. Newell being detained at riattsmouth Tuesday on account of court business, ho failed to make his visual visit. His detention was un avoidable and consequently no fault of his. He will bo at his office next Tuesday at tho usual hour. Grandma Loughrldge run a nail In one of her feet Tuesday and went almost through the foot: At first It appeared quito serious and the old lady was laid up, but at tho present time she Is getting along as well as eould be exported undpr the circum stances. Mrs. Oscar Capcn entertained the Missionary society of the Presbyter Ian church and the Aid society o Mynard Friday afternoon. Over six 1y were present, and to say that they enjoyed a fine afternoon but half expresses It. It was the enjoyable treat of tho season. 11111 n.. IiL . . Mimn ana nam ritman re turned from their South Dakota trip Sunday night. They were met a Omaha by their w ives, who seen them safely home. They bought no land but saw some that they wanted bu the price was too stlf! for their pock rt-hooks. It sold a few weeks before they got there for $.'00 per acre and was situated within three miles of ' Aberdeen. Mrs. John Dermitt Is quite sick, but not dangerously so. Charles Phllpot shipped two cars of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. Attend the "Comic Treat" at the Christian church all aftcrnon and evening. Drs. Brendel are having a cAnent entrance to their barn laid. W W Hamilton has the contract. Mac Churchill has had cement waiks placed In front of his new resi dence. Mac always keeps up with the procession. Uncle Hilly W iley is reported as being much better at the present writing, and It is hoped that he will cntlfVly recover. The finest ine of buggies In Cass county at George Cook's. Call and examine our buggies and see how low we are selling them. E. H. Davis came down from Lin coln Tuesday to enjoy a visit with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. i'avls, and uncles and aunts. A little daughter came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sut ton, Saturday, July 10. Mother and (laughter getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Charles llerren were Plattsmouth visitors Monday, and while there they call on the Jour nal to renew their faith in the Jour nal. The Peters Comedy Co., closed a three night's engagement here Sat urday night, and on tlie last night the tent was crowded almost to over flowing. The auto trade in Murray has been at a low ebb for a few days. All efforts have failed to sell either Un cle Frank Young or J. W. Edmunds took Its name from which would denote Mr. that Murray, he was mon:li. Hue received a letter from ner i ues'iay, saying s;e was enjoy ing herself and Having a good time, highly esteemed by those who lived The neighbors are looking after Mr. here at that time. Everyone should Herger's welfare, and will see that come out to church next Sunday, and be gets enough to eat while Mrs. give our early day pastor a cordial Perger Is away. greeting. A Most Delightful Picnic. Miss Rose Mae Creamer and Mis3 Susie BIntner gave a most delight ful picnic In the beautiful grove near "Rock Creek Ranch," a few days since. A very nice dinner was serv ed to which all did justice. Games of various kinds was played, and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. In the evening all returned to their homes unanimously attesting that It was one of the best times they had ever enjoyed. We failed to learn the number present, but It was plenty to have a good time. A Comic Treat. If you don't attend the "Comic Treat" at the Christian church next Saturday afternoon and evening, ou will miss something good. The fol lowing bill of fare will show you that you will miss a "rare treat," at least: A Peach Product. Old Crone?, Boston's Pride, Frozen Water Product, Porus Mixture, Cooled Centers of Butters Chilly Sour Assistance. Loyal Bcicuns, Jr. Mrs. Gapen's Sunday school class met at the church Monday afternoon and organized under the name of "Loyal Bereans, Jr.," and elected the following officers: President, Virgle McDanlel; Vice President, Oliver Gapen; Secretary and Treasurer, N'aonia Adams. Lookout Commit tee Ruth Lindsey and Vera Hatch ett. Social Committee Eva LaRue and Virginia Copenhaver. Class Colors blue and white; flower, red carnation; Motto: "Remember Jes us Christ." Class song, "Be on Time," aim, every member present every Sunday with his own bible; a liberal ofefrlng, a meet every Monday af ternoon and study Bible geography. machine. Quite a quantity of new wheat Is being brought In. It Is of excellent uality and commands J2 tents per bushel. The yield Is from 17 to 22 bushels to the acre. The Ice cream social given at the Kenosha church Saturday ,eveniug was a big success. The cream was home-made and was accompanied by extra good cake. The ladies cleared 15.00, Jimmy Loughrldge had his arm quite painfully burned last Friday while setting a tire, the same fall ing against the arm. The burned member la more of an annoyance than It Is serious. Mrs. Isabella Young has been chosen one of the delegates from the Christian church to the state con vention at Bethany next week. They made no mistake In their selection. Miss Young Is a very popular young lady. Dr. B. F. and Mrs. Brendel were visitors In riattsmouth Wednesday morning. The doctor being a mem ber of the Insanity board, he went up on the caso of Will Carraher, of Union, who was sent to tho dipso maniac Institute at Lincoln for ninety days. George Wiley's team got scared at John Halt's meat auto Tuesday and dashed down the street at a two-forty gait, and did not stop till it reached home, three miles east of town. One of tho horses was pretty badly hurt, but It Is thought It will recover, and tho vehlclo and harness will need a few repairs. J. W. Berger wears a kind of forlorn look on lit countenance Mrs. Horgor has been gone now a A rieiifiant Gutlieilns. A pleasant day was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rice last Sunday. A number of friends had gathered to spend the day under the shade of the trees near the house, and this was mostly enjoyed on ac count of the exceedingly hot weath er. When dinner arrived the many good things prepared for the occa sion was spread in picnic style, and this was onther arrangement that ad ded pleasure to the event. Those who had the pleasure to be thus en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Rice were: D. A. Young and family, Mrs. Garnet Welllver, a sister of Mrs. Young, and former resident of this vicinity; Will Seybolt, Miss Bessie Brendel, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young. It is un necessary to say that when the de parting hour came it was with deep regret, for all had been so delight fully entertained that they proceded very slow In the direction of their homes. A I'leaant Time. Mrs. N. Klaurens entertained the Larklns club Thursday afternoon. The club reorganized and elected of ficers. During the afternoon a two course luncheon was served. Mrs. Klaurens was assisted by little Mar garet Spangler and Lena Klaurens. Those to enjoy the hospitality of the hostess were Mesdanies S. W. Copen haver, Torrence Fleming, Adda Stokes, B. F. Brendel, Charles Car roll, William Sporer, Alva Long, Charles Mutz, G. M. Minford, F. M. Young, William Brown, Pauline Old ham and Olga Minford. The after noon was most enjoyably spent. Fiiteitalns the Journal Man. The Journal reporter had the pleasure of being entertained at the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carroll at dinner Wednesday. Among others who were also entertained were: Mrs. Minnie I. Wood and son ana uaugnter or i.incoin, .nits Ruth Faught, also of Lincoln, Mrs. John Campbell, Miss Isabella Young and J. W. Berger. The table was provided with everything that a hun gry person could possibly desire, and the manner in which U was prepar ed demonstrated that Mrs. Carroll 13 one of the finest cooks in the land. We feel very thankful to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll for their kind hospi tality, for we can assure them that their entertainment was greatly appreciated. Omskiifs! All woman kind has gone wild over the fashion of "ye olden time." The maid and matron alike have been caught by the witch ery of its design. Here is a model, cut in sizes 16. 17, IS, 20, that is extremely pretty and comfortable. Ladies' Homa Journal Pattern No. 5405 The Miss searching for a natty garment for vacation dress-up occasions will find it. to use the words of one delighted Miss, "the design of the sea son. Vssa n A, Jhe Ladies' Home Journal Irattera No. 540S WURL i JJ 10 Allison Hotter. The many friends of Lee Allison in this city, will be pleased and grat ified to learn that he is continuing to Improve arid Is now able to be up and about the house. His Injuries are healing up marvelously fast and the greatest trouble now experienced Is to make him take care of him self. He is an active man and he frets a great deal a' naving to re main In the house- He wants to be out and doing something and this he persists in trying even in the face of the objections of his physician and his family. However, his progress has been so remarkable that It will be but a few days when he can again be called a well man. Mr. T. T. Johnson, cashier of the First National bank of Chlckosha, Okla., came In Wednesday evening for a brief visit with Dr. and Mrs. Gllmore. Mr. Johnson Is a cousin of Mrs. Gllmore and a most genial gentleman. Hog For Sale. A fine male hog for sale. Inquire of H. J. Thiele, five and one-half miles northwest of Nebraska. 3tw Dr. Newell, Dentrst. Murray every Tuesday from 8 a, ra.. to 5 p. m. All kinds of flrst-clabs dental work. Satisfaction guaran teed. Will Preach NVt Sunday. Rev. George R. Murray of Thom as, Washington county, Pa., will preach In the Presbyterian church of Murray next Sunday, July 24. Rev. Murray was tho first minister Installed In the first church built where the town of Murray is now located, several years before any oth er buildings were built except a school house. Tho church was known as tho Falrview United Fres byterlan church. Rev. Murray preached here about 11 years, when sickness and the death of his wife compelled him to ro to Thomas, Pa., where his only near relative (a sis ter) resided, and where he has been preaching ever since, over twenty years ago. He Is now on his annual vacation, and has consented to preach here Sunday, and also meet many of his old friends and neighbors who still reside in the town. The town DR. Herman Greeder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, riattsmouth. 1 1 II T The Income of BUmmI. The blood must have some In come In order to perform Its duty, which Is, to distribute nourishment all parts of our body. Without ncome tne cioou wouiu iiecumuiuy become exhausted. The Income con- Ists of nourishing food which will be converted, In our body, Into rich blood. If the digestive organs can not accept or completely digest enough nourishing food, the blood becomes poor arid the body weak. You should then at once use Ttin er's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which will stimulate the organs to activity and will give them strength to do their duty, rale or yellow ish complexion, skin eruptions, ner vousness, loss of appetite, coated tongue, tired feeling are signs of Impure or weak blood wiucn nas noi sufficient Income. Tiiner's Amerl can Ellklr of Bitter Wine Is In such cases, the only remedy you can rely on. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1 329 So. Ashland ave., Chi cago, ill. W. H. Hell, the well known farm er irom wesi oi me cuy, imra i this afternoon and was a passenger for Omaha on the afternoon train to attend to some business matters and take In the Sangcrfiwt. C. B. & Q. Team or White City Ramblers to Be Attraction Base ball matters are somewhat in a state of chaos here today and it Is not definitely known what club will play the riattsmouth team next Sun day. It is believed that a game will be arranged either with the C. B. & Q. team of Omaha on the White City Ramblers of that place. The Q. team has recently been greatly strengthened by the addition of most of the Hollys of Omaha, the latter team having disbanded. The two teams together make a powerful ag gregation as they have taken the best of both teams and formed one strong aggregation. The Q. team has played two games here and been beaten both times but for all that they are a fast bunch and with the new players which they have secured they can hold their own with any of the teams in the metropolis. If they come they mean to play a fast game and win if such a thing Is possible. The White City Ramblers are a good team and have been winning right along from some of the strongest teams in the metropolis, the Bluffs and the sur rounding territory. They will make riattsmouth extend itself to win and If they appear the game will be a hotly contested one. Either of those teams will put up a game which will be worth attending and which will keep the audience on the Jump from the time the first ball Is tossed over until the last man is out. The locals are keeping in trim and will play the fastest ball they are capable of and should be able to trim the visitors but they will know there has been some game when they do. The report that Nebraska City would play here Sunday la erroneous. That team plays its Mink league schedule and has very few open dates and when they do have one they are glad of a rest. The report that riattsmouth would play Shenandoah, Clarinda and Nebraska City at Mal vern during the tournament Is Im probable as neither of the three other teams have so many days open and their championship games have first call. It is believed and report ed that Instead of the league teams, some of the strong amateur teams from that vicinity will play and they are as strong as the average Mink league team and play as fierce ball, riattsmouth is willing to mix It with the leaguers or with amateurs and, In fact, is not afraid of any team In this section of tho country right now. They are some ball players any they know it and Intend to make anything they buck up against understand it before they are through. Good crowds are all that is needed to keep the boys on their winning streak and with the growth in enthusiasm which Is going on there is an assurance of large crowds. Be one and help a good thing along. GLENWCOi). (Tribune j . C. A. Hunger cud family enter tained a company of Plattsinoutli young people on SuaCay at the Cosey restaurant. They dioe over in a carriage, and were chaperoned by Mrs. J. Maurer. Those present were Misses Mary Svehla, Louise Hesse, Jessie Ledgway, Metta Jenning3, Francis Thomas, Lena and Lotta Maurer. Miss Lucile Gass of Plattsmoutb. was a guest several days the past week at the C. F. Kraft home. Proffessor Ed. Schulhof of the In stitution is taking his summer vaca tion, and will spend several weeks at his home at riattsmouth. Albert and Carl Hunger, who are working on a farm near Plattsmoutb, were home Sunday, and they were accompanied by Verner Terry and Dan Klser in the latter's auto. A Delightful Time. W. J. Strelght, wife and daughter and Miss Nora Livingston who were out at Cedar Creek yesterday for an outing had a most delightful time and landed many fish. They caught according to Mr. Strelght a total of eighty-one fish, mostly sun fish and they had a rare time in catching bait which consisted mostly of grasshop pers. Mr. Strelght did not get much of a chance to fish as he was tha official bait catcher of the crowd. Ha made a far superior record in this line to any of the common grasshop per catchers of this locality. The party returned In the evening and were a tired but decidedly happy bunch. Those Ties oi Hoynood. How delicious w ere the pies of boy hood. No pies now never taste so good. What's changed ?thevples? No! Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bow els of boyhood. Your digestion la poor and you blame the food. What's needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of di gestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and apprecia tion of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. GOc at F. G. Frlcke & Co. Farmers' mechanics, railroaders, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Tclectlc Oil. Takes the sting out of cut3, burns or bruises at once. Pain can not stay where it Is used. Inquire now-Ozark fruit lands, ranches, farms and summtr homes. Best and cheapest in the world. Free literature. K. K. Worley, 7M N. Y. Life Bid?., Omrhi. J. II. Tarns and M. L. Frlcdiirh were passengers on the morning train for Omaha where they will attend a meeting of the Sons of Herman to day, they being two of the delegates thereto. Henry Kaufman, the other delegate, could not get away to attend. Man Umo License. A marriage license was issued this morning out of the county jud't of fice to 0?:io'.' f.. Hatfield, ngci 21, and Miss Hazel M. Walden, a'e 1 17, of Greenwood. The consent of the. prospective brides parents was at tached to the request for the license. The young folks are residents of the neighborhood of Greenwood and are well known ami popular In their neighborhood. They hove a great many friends who will extend their most sincere congratulations on their venture upon the sea of matrimony, Editor A. E. Qulnn of the News Herald in company with Thomas B. Bates of the Journal force, took a spin to Omaha yesterday afternoon In the News-Herald's runabout. Tim gentlemen returned on the mldnlgt t train, leaving the auto In an Omaha garage for overhauling and repairs.