The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1910, Image 3

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    Short Locals
From Monday' Pally.
Will luMitute New Order.
J. J. Casslly for several years yard
master in the local Burlingtou yards
aud a well known and popular em-
Jacob R. Vallery was one of the
Murray delegation to the Democrat
ic convention Saturday.
Peter Campbell of Rook Eluffs,
was in the city today looking after
business matters, driving in this
morning. '
Alf. Nickles was among those who
were in the city Saturday in attend
ance upon the Democratic county
Will Hassler was a passenger this
morning for Old, where he is now
employed, aft?r several days visit in
city with his folks.
Mont Robb, the Mynard grain deal
er, was in the city Saturday after
noon watching the proceedings of the
Democrats and meeting old friends.
H. L. Oldham, Murray's staunch
Democrat, was among those in the
city Saturday as a delegate from his
precinct to the Democratic conven
tion. Colonel J. B. Seyboldt of Murray
was among those spending Saturday
in the city, driving up in his car
from his home to look after business
C. B. Schleicher and family of
Brady's Island are in the city making
a visit with Charles Miller and fam
ily. Mr. Schleicher was a passenger
for Omaha where he w ill spend today
looking after business.
A petition was filed in county court
today praying for the final settle
ment of the estate of the late Dr. E.
T. Rickard and the discharge of the
The condition of Mrs. J. G. Richey
is reported as slightly improved over
several days since but she is still se
riously ill. She Buffered a relapse
a few days since and has been criti
cally ill since.
Julius Asch and wife if Murray,
together with their guest, Mrs. Hage
dorn of Alabama, who has been vis
iting them for some time, were pas
sengers on the morning train for Om
aha where they will spend the day
Mrs. H. L. Stelnhauer and Mrs. E.
F Stelnhauer of Pacific Junction, who
were in the city making a visit with
John Haynie and family, returned to
their homes this morning. They were
accompanied by Miss Voila Haynie
who will spend the week with them.
R. 0. Schleicher who has been in
the city making a visit with relatives,
departed yesterday for his home at
Sheridan, Wyo. His daughter, Miss
Clara Schleicher departed this morn
ing for Moline, 111., where she will
visit relatives and friends some days
before returning home.
Mrs. Jacob Horn, better known as
Grandma Horn is not so well today
as for some time past, the extreme
heat having caused her a set back.
It is hoped that cooler weather will
arrive soon when she will probably
become better and soon recover.
Senator W. B. Banning, F. P. Shel
don and Ray Pollard from Union and
Nehawka, were in the city this after
noon looking after getting some coun
ty road grading done in their neigh
borhoods and Intervening Commis
sioner Frledrich in that respect.
Sam and Charles Patterson came
in last evening from Arapahoe, the
former making a brief over night
stop in the city with his brothers and
returning home this morning while
the latter will remain for several
days. Sam is looking fat and hearty
and the air of Arapahoe seems to
agree with him.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs
John Gocheuour, living south of the
city, died last Saturday and was laid
at rest yesterday. The little soul
came into the world on Friday but it
had hardly opened its eyes upon the
world until It was called back to its
Maker. Mr. and Mrs. Gochenour have
the most sincere sympathy of all in
thpir loss.
D. C. Oslin, wife and son departed
this afternoon for University Park
Ore., where Mr. Oslin has secured a
position with a railroad company
Mr. Oslin Is an old trackman with a
great deal of experience and before
he came to this city lie was employed
out in Washington and Oregon in
that line of work. He had made aim
self well known among railroad men
tere and had no trouble in securing
another place when he concluded to
return. His health while here was
rot pood nnd ho preferred the Ore
gon climate to this. He and his fam
ily made a number of pond friend
while here and their departure will
be hailed with the most sincere re
ploye of that corporation, spent today
In the city looking over the field with
a view to instituting a lodge of the
Woodman Circle, the woman's auxi
liary of the Woodmen of the World.
.!r. C'assidy. the first of the year,
stepped 'down and out of his position
at Lincoln w ith the Burlington owing
to illness, he biing a sufferer from
rheumatism ani ter.ous trouble, and
has since devoted his attention to
working up insurance business In
connection with the Woodmen Circle.
He looked the city over and came to
the conclusion that this was a good
place for a lodge consequently he In
tends to have a deputy come down
shortly and start the organization.
Jack is well known here and he met
nany old friends who were glad to see
him after his long absence and glad
to note that ho is looking so well.
He does not seem to have grown any
older and In fact, looks to be really
younger if anything. He expects to
return in a few days when further
steps will be taken to Institute th
The Stoik'8 Visit.
Everybody down town this after
noon noticed the wild and reckless
abandon w ith which Colonel Henry C.
McMaken drove about the streets and
everyone remarked upon the spirit of
youthfulness which had so suddenly
come upon him but few divined the
cause. He was taken to task by ye
reporter who wanted to know what
had happened so suddenly restore
the germ of youth to his old friend.
The colonel replied without batting
an eye that he had a right to act up
and the cause of it was the arrival at
the home of C. W. Baylor of a brand
new son. This opened the eyes of the
reporter and when he heard people
telling of the generous loads of coal
which the' had received this day the
cause was more apparent. Grandpa
McMaken feels mighty fine over the
advent of the young man and Papa
Baylor is not one bit behind grand-
A Zig Time This Week,, and
Many Excellent Racee on
Yesterday the Journal made a short
allusion to the Nebraska City races
which are to take place in that en
terprising city this week opening to
day. These races promise to be as
good as ever held in Nebraska and
the lover of good horse flesh will find
it to his iuterest to attend. The fact
that $6,100 in cash prizes are hung
up is sufficient to iudicate the char
acter of the racing which can be
looked for. In addition to the races
the management have arranged for a
treat for base ball lovers in the shape
of a game between Mink league teams
every day. Nebraska City today plays
Falls City and toniorow with the same
team. On Thursday and Friday Ne
braska City plays Clarinda and the
four games ought to be fast ones
as these three teams are playln
great ball now. There will be fine
music and plenty of it as an added at
traction for music lovers. Bus fare
from the city to the park Is but 15
cents and admission to the park is
fifty cents for adults and twenty-five
cents for children with an addition
twenty-five cents charge to grand
stand and quarter stretch. Autos,
teams and vehicles are admitted with
out extra charge.
Today's program Includes the 2:23
trot with sixteen entries, the three-year-old
trot with seven entries, the
2:12 pace with nine entries and and
a five-eighth mile running race, and
Mystery, the guidless wonder against
time. On Wednesday the program
Includes the 2:20 pace with twenty
entries, the 2:15 trot with ten en
tries, the 2:30 pace with twenty-five
entries, a one mile running race and
Major L, et guildless wonder against
time. Thursday's entries are the
2:15 pace with seventeen entries, the
Pflg)fitayfiCn RSI
n n
Would you like to wear a shirt made in your own town by your own people?
We are handling these splendid shirts made in the M. E. Smith factory. Better
shirts for the money never saw daylight. They are made of a sott light weight
material in handsome shades of blue, brown, cream, gray and helio
trope. You can see them in our west window. They are only one
of the many good things in our SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE,
and the sale price is only
There are still other opportunities for you to save money at this Clearance Sale.
The many pleased customers of the past week are its greatest recommendation.
If you have not investigated these bargains we advise you to come at once. We
have added the following new items: Men's genuine Porosknit union suits 98c;
men's fine dress suspenders 2l)c; men's work sox 6c a pair; boy's shirts 34c;
men's overalls 48c; a few men's suits 55.25. Thert prices are made to close them
out and are STRICTLY FOR CASH.
pa. Mrs. uayior ana tne Doy are gei
ting along fine and she thinks him j three-year-old pace with ten entries,
the best boy ever.
Goes Buck to Hospital.
R. J. South who was so badly In
ured some time since on the M. P.
by the wreck of a hand car upon
which he was riding, has suffered a
elapse after getting well along on
the road to recovery and had to be
again taken to a hospital In Omaha
last evening. He was very severely
hurt at the time of the accident when
he w as caught under the car and
dragged a good ways, a number of
bones being broken and he being
otherwise incapacitated for work.
During the time he was in the hospi
tal at Omaha he became much better
and little doubt was entertained of
his recovery. Yesterday his. condi
tion took a sudden turn for the worse
and it was thought best to hurry him
back to the hospital for further treat
ment. It is hoped by his numerous
friends here that the trip will be ben
eficial and that he can again come
home and this time as a well man.
the 2:22 trot with thirteen entries, a
three-quarter mile running race and
a great match race between the Mys
tery and Major L, guidless wonders.
The closing day, Friday; has the
2:30 trot with twenty-two entries, the
2:18 trot with nine entries, a half
mile running race and a three-quarter
mile running race. All told this
program ought to draw the crowds
and there should be something doing
all the time.
The City of Chicago.
Through the courtesy of the Bur
lington railroad, the Journal has re
ceived a copy of a work of consider
able Importance issued by the Civic
Industrial Committee of the Chicago
Association of commerce. The work
is entitled "Chicago." The work is a
collation of facts regarding the city
of Chicago and covers its location and
growth, climate and health, its facili
ties as a central market, Its transpor
tation facilities, its supply of raw ma
terial, its labor supply, Its wage earn
ers and their wages, its business con
ditions, its internal transportation,
Its location as a city of homes, its
moral and educational utilities, its
economical living and lastly, the plan
for a new city. The work is one of
great interest and well worth ex
amination. The Journal appreciates
the work and returns its thanks for
the same.
rather linlui Itc-dv.ns.
Father John Hahn, pastor of the
St. Mary's Catholic church yesterday
tendered his resignation and will
leave next month for Orleans. Neb.,
where he was in charge prior to his
coming here. He will be succeeded
by a priest from Ohio. Father Hahn
will preach his farewell sermon on
August 7th. During his stay In this
city he has made many warm friends
who will regret to see him take his
departure. He has labored hard for
the upbuilding of the church and how
well he has succeeded the church
speaks for Itself, being In a better
condition than for years. Nebraska
City News.
Father Hahn is well known in this
city and has many friends here who
will learn of his departure from Ne
braska City with the deepest regret.
Will be Operated Upon.
John P. Kuhney was a passenger
today for Omaha where he will be
present when an operation Is perform
ed upon his sister, Mrs. Reed Wldner
who has been living in that city. The
operation Is for the removal of a fi
broid tumor and Is a serious one.
Mrs. Wldhcr at one time lived in this
city and has a number of friends here
who will regret very much to hear of
her Illness but who trust the opera
tion la a success and tfctt she speed
ily re(o era frota the effeits of the
IU'prcsentiiiK Five Generations.
A photograph representing five
generations of one family was re
cently taken by V. V. Leonard and
he states It in the first of the kind
he has ever taken during the long
period of his work. The parties who
represent these generations are S. S.
Russell, living east of the river and
a well known citizen of Mills county,
Iowa; Mrs. C. W. Barker, his daugh
ter of Pacific Junction; Mrs. J. R.
Lee of this county, her daughter;
Mrs.Charles Ilrasky of this city and
her baby Charles, Jr. The photo
graph is an excellent one and will be
reproduced later through the columns
of the Journal together with a brief
sketch of this Interesting family.
To Visit Old Friends.
Fred Moldenhauer and wife of
Peoria, 111., came In this morning to
make an extended visit with the Mels
inger boys, who are brothers to Mrs.
Moldenhauer. These estimable peo
ple formerly lived in this city where
Mr. Moldenhauer was employed in
the Burlington shops and they are
quite well and favorably known. Mr.
Moldenhauer worked for the Burling
ton for some twelve years and during
that time proved himself a worthy
and reliable worker. Their many good
friends here will be glad to note their
return for a visit and will try and
entertain them in the best manner.
B. B. Danlher drove up this morn
ing from his home at Murray to look
after some business matters. Mr.
Danlher reports the roads being very
dry and dusty and that a good rain
Is badlv needed. Corn is not suf
fering yet but within a few days It
will commence to show the effects of
the weather unless rain comes.
Painting the Rectory.
The work of painting the Episcopal
rectory Is being started now and
within a short time It will have been
completed. This will be quite an
Improvement and Canon Burgess will
find his new home a very handsome
and attractive place when It Is finish
cd. Andrew Campbell has taken the
contract for the work as he intends
to enter the field as a contracting
painter. Mr. Campbell Is an excellent
workman and will give the best of
satisfaction to the public. His work
on the rectory can be depended upon
to establish him as one of the best
In the city.
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains
or wounds that demand Bucklcn's
Arnica Salve earth's greatest heal
er. Quick relief and prompt cure
results. For burns, bolls, sores of
all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and
lips, sore eyes or corns, Its supreme.
Purest pile cure. 2T.c at F. G. Frieke
& Co.
Poisall the Only One of the Men
Still at Large
Sheriff Qulnton last evening add
ed another one to those who have
been wanted for the trouble in an
uptown saloon last Saturday night
when he tooK John Jones Into cus
tody, Jones being taken at the grad
ing ramp of George Poisall near Ce
dar Creek. He made no resistance
but came back to the city peaceably
aud was installed in a call at the
county Jail for safe keeping; He Is
suffering from a bullet wound In the
leg which he received at the time
of the fracas.
When asked by Deputy Manspeak"i
why he was limping about, Join
replied that a horse had kicked him.
That was last night but this morning
he was anxious to have the deputy
summon a surgeon to- look after his
Injury. Mnns;:eaker told him he had
never had to hae a surgeon for a
horses's kick but his humor did not
appeal to Jones for a minute. It Is
learned that Jones had the bullet
removed from his leg by a surgeon In
Omaha shortly after leaving here on
Jones, Ilerold and Egan were all
arraigned this morning In county
court before Judge Beeson, C. II.
Taylor appearing for the state In the
absence of County Attorney Ramsey,
and the complaint read to them.
There are three counts in the com
plaint including one charging drunk
enness, one assault and another re
sisting and abusing an officer. The
boys all entered a plea of guilty to
the first count that of drunkenness
and plead not guilty to the other two
charges. Jones seemed in doubt as
to whether to plead guilty or not
but he finally made up his mind to
plead not guilty. He stated that be
didn't know whether he was guilty
or not as about all he remembered
was being knocked Into a corner and
getting the bullet wound In the leg.
Judge Beeson made the usual In
quiries as to whether the boys were
ready for trial and found they had
no attorney and that the cbbg could
not be taken up until at least to
morrow. He therefore remanded
them to Jail until tomorrow (Thurs
day) morning at 10 o'clock and fixed
the bond for the appearance of the
hoys at $300 cadi. They returned
to Jail in company with Deputy Man
speaker. The only one of the quartette not
now In the hands of the officers Is
Harry Poisall and the officers are
confident that he will be taken be
fore a very great while. A close
lookout is being kept for him and
his appearance will be the signal for
his being put under arrest.
It is apparent that the boys are
now commencing to realize the se
rious situation Into which they have
gotten themselves and that they stand
an excellent chance of being severely
punished for their foolishness. The
determination of tho officers to up
hold the law means that there will
be no let up In the prosecution and
(hat a severe penalty will be asked
Hearing Divorce Case.
In district court today Judge Travis
is hearing the divorce case of Nellie
Brittaln against Walter Brlttaln and
the case is being a hard fought one.
There is quite a bit of acrimony dis
played between the parties and the
case Is. warmly contested. The case
was brought by Mrs. Brittaln who
asked the custody of the two children
of the union, Oda Doris, aged 3 years
and Alta Pearl, aged 1 year. The
ground on which the divorce was
sought was non-suport, the petition
setting forth that the defendant was
an employe of the Burlington road
and earned sufficient money to take
care of the plaintiff and the children
but that he refused to to so. The
defendant through his counsel, Judge
Archer filed an answer in which he
made counter- allegations denying
that the plaintiff was a woman of
'taste habits but asserting that she
a tociated with bad company and per
.v.s of Ill-repute. The defendant
also alleged that the plaintiff had
been guilty of extreme cruelty to
the defendant In that she had struck
him at times and abused him and
that she was a person of vicious tem
per and vulgar habits. The defend
ant also asked the custody of the
minor children of the pair and al
leged the mother was not a fit per
son to have their care and custody.
The hearing of the case took up the
morning and a good part of tho af
ternoon, there being a great many
witnesses present for both sides. This
was the only matter which Judge
Travis passed upon today.
ommissioners Transact Routine
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 19, 1910.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment, pres
ent: C. R. Jordan and M. L. Fried
rich. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, when the foU
lowing business was transacted la
regular form:
On account of death of William
Ketch, D. C. West was this day ap
pointed road overseer in Road DIst.
No. 12, to fill vacancy.
Commissioners having gone to Ne
hawka and examined the work oa
grading seven miles of road in Avoca
precinct by Peter Jorgenson, found
the road not up to specifications and
therefore, upon motion their action
of July 5th In allowing the claim is
hereby rescinded and county clerk
hereby ordered to cancel the warrant
heretofore issued In said matter. ..
Action of board of commissioners
calling for bids for steam heating
plant for home at poor farm of May
17th; bids having been received and.
all were rejected, unopened on ac
count of commissioners changing
their minds and desiring a hot water
plant Installed rather than a steam
County clerk was therefore in
structed to call for sealed bids for
installing a hot water heating plant
for the home at county poor farm.
Bids to be filed with the county clerk
on or before noon on Monday, Aug
ust, 1, 1910. Specifications in tu
office of the county clerk. A certi
fied check of $300 to accompany bids
for heating plant. County clerk also
Instructed to call for bids for doing
the mason work on building for in
stalling beating plant; bid to be
made per thousand for laying brick
for the building and chimney and
fitting galvanized tube on top of
Will Remain a Candidate.
Herman Dettman ot Klmwood came
In last evening and was an over night
visitor In the city. It is understood
that Mr. Dettman will remain upon
the primary ballot as a candidate for
the Republican nomination for county
commissioner In the Third district,
despite the efforts of the party boss
es to force him off and that he in
tends to make a hard fight for the
nomination. Mr. Dettman Is a well
known Republican ot his section and
a man who has many friends and
doubtless he will receive a surprising
ly large vote at the primary elec
tion. He Is conceded to be a Btrong , chimney.
man but the faction of the Republl-' T. , , . fn. ron(,refft
cans who controlled the county con
vention would have none of him.
While here Mr. Dettman paid the
Journal office a very pleasant call
and in answer to a question, stated
he Intended to remain in the race
for commissioner until the votes are
counted. He believes that he has
enough good friends in the Republi
can party to stand by him and secure
his nomination and election regard
less of the wishes of the bosses. Mr.
Dettman Is a man with broad views
and If a Republican must be elected
he is the one for the place.
Teething children have more or
less diarrhoea, which can bo con
trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All
that is necessary Is to give the pres
cription dose after each operation of
the bowels more than natural and
then castor oil to cleanse the system.
It Is safo and sure. Sold by all
floor and steps.
Bid for acme plastering per yard:
Bids will also be received for car
penter work on building.
Plans and specifications on file la
the office of the county clerk.
All material for tho building to b
furnished by the county.
Bids to bo filed with the county
clerk by noon on Monday, August t.
Call to be published one week or
two Issues In the Seml-News-Herald.
Commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids.
Claim allowed on the road fund:
Win. Baker, road work, roud district
No. 10, $15.00.
Board adjourned to meet August
2, 1910. D. C. Morgan,
County Clerk.
Messrs. Iloffcr and Bosch of Pckin,
111., camo down this afternoon from
Omaha where they were In attend
ance upon the Sangerfest, to make a
short visit in the city with old tlifio
I wil make rugs and carpets until friends. They wil return o nthe ev
the middle of September. enlng.M. P. train to take part in the.
Mrs. C. Barr. 'singing which commences tonight.