The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 21, 1910, Image 2

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visit during the summer to the sixty
days limit allowed by the railway
ticket, to that on the last leg of the
Journey, the party Lad diminished to
The party was composed largely
of superintendent, and teachers
whose habits of observation, self re
liance, and originality ma.le thern a
most enjoyable ompany of tourists,
who during the thiee weeks' trip
formed pleasant acquaintances and
friendships. On the return all agreed
that the knowledge and Inspiration
gained by direct contact with histor
ic, geographic and social conditions
would be sources of pleasant recollec
tions and form most valuable mater
lal for vitalizing their work in the
schoolroom. Superintendent IJlshop
says the state will prof't even more
than the individuals because of the
attendance of so many at the great
meetings of the national education
association and the first hand know
ledge gained In connection with the
trip. State Journal.
Those from this city and vicinity
who Indulged In the above trip In
luded Superintendent of Schools Misg
Foster. Miss Teresa llempel, Miss
Minnie' Guthman and Miss Margaret
Ilallahan. The young ladles had a
magnificent time during their trip
and returned full of enthusiasm over
the journey and the pleasures which
were their lot on their trip. They all
arrived home on Monday and TueR
Delightful Time Had by a Jolly
. Crowd at Riverside Park
Rivet-Bide Park, Ntb.
Editor Journal:
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Once more we have met In the
cool tihado on the banks of the migh
ty Missouri and spent a pleasant day.
Mrs. Addle Harris of near Murray,
Neb., having read an account of Riv
erside Park In your valuable paper,
concluded to get a few of her friends
Several Flattsmouth Ladies Are
Among the Guests
The party of Nebraska teachers
and their friends left Lincoln Tuesday
afternoon, June 28, four days before
the opeiiing of the N. K. A., In three
Fpeclal cars, two from Lincoln and
one from Nebraska City joining them
at Red Oak, la. Others joined the
party at Chicago, Detroit, Toronto
and Montreal. The party was under
the direction of State Superintendent
Hishop, assisted by Superintendents
R. C. King and edorge Marlin of Ne
braska City. The first stop was at
Detroit, where the party took a boat
trip to Ilelle Isle and were then fer
ried across the Detroit river to Wind
sor, Canada, where they boarded the
train for Toronto. From Toronto a
ilde trip was taken by boat across
Lake Ontario to Eiagara Falls. On
returning across the lake, the party
'saw Toronto," and left for Kingston
in the evening. At Kingston the par
ty took a river Hteamer down the St.
Lawrence through the Thousand Is
lands to Montreal, arriving there at
8 o'clock Friday evening. Two days
were spent In Montreal, with head
quarters at the La Corona hotel.
Leaving, change was mado at New
port, arriving at Iloston Sunday ev
ning. On arriving at Roston the par
ty numbered 101.
The N, E. A. authorities had spec
ial street cars awaiting the party,
which took thenj directly to head
quarters. Arrangements were made
for the accommodation of the Nebras
ka delegation at the Revere house on
Rowdow square. With few eyceptlons,
the national education association
meetings were arranged for the fore
noons, with general sessions In the
evenings, leaving the afternoons en
tirely free for sight-seeing In Iloston
and surrounding country. The 'Ne
braska party attended In a body the
opening session In the stadium at
Harvard university, Monday after
noon, July 4. Addresses were made together, and see If they could find
by President Taft, David Starr Jor-la cool spot. She has been taking
dan, president of Iceland Standford care of her Invalid mother, ulso cook
university, and Charles U. Aycock Ing over a hot stove lor a lot of har
of Raleigh, North Carllna, with spec- vest hands and corn plowers and she
iul chorus music of high character. thought she was entitled to one day
The party visited Concord, Lexlng- off. Her mother, Mrs. Slocum, has
ton, Mt. Auburn, Sleepy Hollow Improved In health so much lately
cemetery, Cambridge, Revere Reach, that she concluded to be one of the
the home of Emerson, Iongfellow, picnic party un.l came along. A cot
Lowell and Innumerable other places was placed In the shade where the
of historic Interest. The local com- soft wind came In off the water and
mlttees In charge of Bffalrs at Hos- painted her cheeks a more healthy
ton were well organized and rendy at color than they had worn for many a
fell times to give assistance and dlrec- dny. Mrs, Harris forgot all her cares
tlon to visitors. Numerous receptions and romped and played like a school
were planned and every effort taken girl. She was Initiated as a member
to make the stay of N. E. A. visitors of the "Rucks of the Timber" by
enjoynble. being "ducked" by the King Snipe.
About one-half of the party return- When she got bnck to the shore we
ed directly from Iloston by way of all gave her tho right hand of fellow
Montreal. Forty-eight members re- ship. Mr. John Amlck of Weeping
turned by the diverse route via Prov- Water was also "ducked" and be
idence, New York, Norfolk, Wash- came a full member. Mrs. Ruth
Ington, Pittsburg and Chicago. The Amlck of Plattsniouth also became a
party was most delightfully entertain- well just ask her about it and If
d for one-half day at Providence by Hhe does not think she is a full-fled
Pre sident and Mrs. Alger of the Prov- ged member we will hold her under a
idence, R. I., stale normal school, half hour next time she comes down.
State Superintendent Ranger, and A motor boat was kept running for
Proiessor and Mrs. Ilolcomb, former the benefit of those who did not care
Nebraskans now at the Providence to go In bathing and those who did
normal Bchool. From Providence the not enjoy themselves were not there
party took an Atlantic steamer for There Is ono unfortunate thing and
New York City, when those inclined that Is the park Is off the public road
had their first taste of sea sickness some distance. Our members are atl
in rounding Point Judith, the rough very Intelligent and know that a
sea and fog adding a variety to the cornfield does not do well In corn
trip, l'ftiiy with a bunch of cattle and If
Three davs were spent In New tin-re Is any one comes down that
York City with headquarters at the ,,ops ,lot knon tnat R fow wl pnt
Tviarllmrouch. A boat trln was taken 01" I'1 rcmemucr that the gates
h ii.Un t !ni.hknesi. an- ' "lle to be closed after passing
other boat trip to the (loddess of Lib
crty on to Coney Island. Leaving
New York City Tuesday afternoon
July 13, at 3 o'clock, the party had a
328 mllo ocean voyage, stopping at
Norfolk. Stops were mado at Old
Point Comfort and Fortress Monroe,
Virginia Reach and Capo Henry, with
a delightful trolley trip across Vlr
glula peninsula
Leaving Norfolk Wednesday even
Ing at C, up Chespeake bay and the
Potomac river, where three days were
spent In trips to Mt. Vermon, Alexan
drla, Arlington and Georgetown, and
visits to the public buildings and In
stttutlons of interest
Saturday evening at 1 0 : 5 T the par
M " " - If y
lid h ft i n VIM ?? y
r fl Jai-'Xi Jf&'.V -SAM J'ASV f:i S' 'W H
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Ticket Clearance
Every piece of Merchandise that has a Red Ta? on it means the price has been cut. We do this to make
room for our Fall goods. All Summer goods included in this sale.
jj En
Have a 1'ine Picnic.
Last Sunday, July 17, the fine
Ralney grove south of the city was
the tr-ene of a fine, large picnic par
ty. The picnic was given In honor
of a large number of good friends
and neighbors from the city and a
more delightful affair has seldom
been given In this locality. At noon
GrtH in Jail Ajjain.
Sheriff Qulnton while out at Cedar
Try Cai ruher Case.
Insanity commission
Creek yesterday took Bert Ellege in l
. ., , A. , .case of W. C. Carraher of Union,
charge and brought him to the city . . , .
.came up and he was given an examl-
where he put him in jail. Bert seems j imtion on the charge ol belng a dip.
to have struck the town loaded with j sonianiac. The entire commission
BDliits and things and also armed: or Dr. 15. r . urendel or Murray, At
with a big revolver which he was
a splendid picnic dinner was served threatening to git into action with
The tables were spread with the
best victuals that could be prepared
In Cass county and some fifty peo
pie were made happy by being In
vlted to eat until they could eat no
more. There was so much left over
that they concluded to stay and eat
supper and drive home In the cool
of the evening. We did not letfrn
the names of all that were present
but will give a list of those we knew:
Mr. John Amlck of Weeping Water,
Mrs. Ruth Amlck of Plattsniouth,
Mrs. Norman Slocum and family,
Mrs. Addle Harris and family, Sarah
Ranard and family, Theodore Amlck
and family, Walter Sans and fam
ily, S. It. Harrow and family, Oscar
and there was enough set upon the
Improvised tables to feed a regiment
and nearly all who were there did
their share toward making the vltuals
looks scarce. The meal was out of
doors and It was made about as en
joyable as any could be. In the ev
ening a fine supper was prepared and
this also received Its share of atten
tion. Taken all the way through,
the guests found that there was plen
ty of good eating for all and-Ahat
there could be no regrets on that
score. The time between the meals
was most pleansantly spent with va
rious games In which old and young
alike indulged and In which all who
took part found much pleasure.
Those who attended Included the
Messrs. and Mesdames Mike Lvitz, h.
C. Stevens, Mark lies, George Lind
say, Sam Parker, Mrs. John Seagrav-
e. Mrs. R. E, Monroe, Mrs Isaac
Gochenour, Mrs. James Lee. Grandpa
Russell, O. O. Gllson, Charles Cllne,
Karl and Mabel lies, Thomas. John
and Joe Seagraves, Willie Kennedy,
August Norton, Sandy Andrews, Al
bert and Guy Murray, Miss Helen
Svehla, Miss Clara Mumm, Miss Au
drey Lowther; Misses Lydin and Ver
nlce Hobson, Miss Millie Peln, Miss
I.lllle Carlson, Morton, Jessie and Jas.
tSevens, Kenneth and Carl Schultz,
Derward and Edwin Judson.
most any time. It was while he was
indulged in these antics that the sher
iff hoved in sight and he gathered
Bert in and deposited him where he
would be safe from harm to himself
or from harming anyone else. The
torney D. O. Dwyer of this city and
Clerk of the Court Robertson were
present. The evidence developed that
Carraher had been In the habit of
using liquor to excess and that he
had of late developed such erratic
and violent symptoms that he was
a menace to the public. Within the
sheriff also confiscated his cannon so past week he has been on two ram
as to make doubly sure that no se
rious trouble came up.
Ellege was arraigned this after
noon before Judge Beeson on a com
plaint filed by Sheriff Qulnton in
which he was charged with being
drunk and carrying concealed weap
ons. The gun which was taken from
him was Introduced anil It was a
mean looking ono. The testimony
developed that Elledge was too drunk
to have used the gun as he was near
ly limber when the sheriff gathered
him in. He plead guilty to both
counts and Judge Beeson fined him
$10 for being drunk and $25 for car
rying concealed weapons and remand
ed hi in to jail.
pages In which he has terrorized the
citizens of Union and has made such
threats that the peace of the com
munity was seriously threatened. The
commission made a long examination
of his case and came to the conclu
sion that the public welfare required
some steps taken to have him confin
ed. He was therefore sentenced to
ninety days probationary confine
ment in the asylum and a further sen
tence Is to be pronounced If the time
does not effect a cure.
The Goernment pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployeet up to $2,500 annually
Uncle Sam will hold examinations
throughout the country for Railway
Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
ment Clerks and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointments
will be made. Any man or woman
over 18, in City or Country can get
Instruction and free information by
writing at once to the Bureau of
Instruction, 79 J, Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
The condition of Mrs. O. P. Mon
roe Is reported as about the same as
for several days past with a con
tinued slight Improvement. She will
very likely be confined to her bed
for several days longer and will be
quite sore for sometime but her re
covery Is considered certain.
ty Urt for Pittsburg, going through 0npi,n all(, tunMy, Will Jean and
Harrlsburg. A quiet Sunday was fnmtiy, Lloyd Gapen and family, Fred
spent In Pittsburg, the (lay being rnttol.sou nn,i fiUnlly. Karl Amlck,
made more enjoyable by reason of the Charley Lambert, the swimming ten
lack of the greater volume of smoke (.,lori jHUn Thomas, captain of the
which envelops the city on other days molor i,,,, yA, Slocum, the human
than Sunday. Leaving Pittsburg on f()(,tor( j.;,!. lunard, the fun maker,
Sunday evening, the party reached 01uj R young man by the nnmo of
Chicago Monday morning, and spent AV.iuir Hansen with six young la
the day at tho lake front, visiting (lkl() Jlli)t tulnj; ot t i)oyR( Bix.
Hull house, Lincoln park, the art mu
seum and other places of interest.
Leavlna Chicago Monday evening,
Lincoln was reached Tuesday mom
A meeting of the finance commit
teo of the Degree of Honor Is being
held todav at the office of Miss
Ing at 10:10, the time announced in Theresa iiempio, grami rwnun
, nrialnal schedule for return. Those In attendance include Mrs. w
v..D - I ... ...... J .LI I
it Q,.h ntnnnlne point on the re- H. Cleaver, or .Neiign, grann cmei ui
nf mnrn members of honor, Su Mrs. Adella Harding or
the party dropped out to remain at Hebron, In addition to U. C. Morgan
A falling tiny nerve, no larger than
the finest silken thread takes from
the Heart its Impulse, Its power, its
regularity. The Stomach also has
Its hidden, or Inside nerve. It was
Dr. Shoop who first told us It was
wrong to drug a weak or falling
Stomach Heart or Kidneys. His
prescription Dr. ShoofTs Restora
tive Is directed straight for the
cause of these ailments these weak
and faltering lnsldo nerves. This,
no doubt, clearly explains why the
Restorative has of lato grown bo
rapidly in popularity. Druggists say
that those who test tho Restorative
even for a few days soon become fully
convinced of Its wonderful merit.
Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treat
ing the cause of sickness Is the only
sensible and successful way. Sold by
all dealers.
Any lady can get a silvered "No
Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money.
Simply ask for the "No-Drip" Coupon
privilege, giving your adnresa. Dr.
Shoop will also send free his new and
very Interesting little book describing
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Health
Cofree is such a close imitation of
real Coffee, lhat it requires an ex
pert to tell the difference. And
neither Is there a grain of real cof
fee In it Made from pure toasted
grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and
taste Is exceedingly gratifying. No
tedious boiling either. "Made In a
minute," says Dr. Shoop. Write to
day for the book and "No-Drip" Cou
pon. Sold by F. S. White.
Pleasantly Surprised.
Mayor Sattler and family this af
ternoon were most pleasantly sur
prised by a party of the family
friends from Peoria and Pekln, 111.,
who were In Omaha attending the
Sangerfest and who took advantage
of their proximity to run down to
this city. The party comprised Mr.
Henry Eberhardt and wife and A.
Schwelnboldt and wife of Peoria,
111, Mr. L. Dietrich of Pekln, 111.
They were a portion of the monster
delegation which Peoria and Its vicin
ity sent to the Sangerfest and they
expect to have a magnificent time
as they undoubtedly will.
Platform Dance.
There will be a platform dance
A book on Rheumatism, tiy Dr
Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some
plain truths, and In a plain and prac
tical way. Get this booklet, and a
free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy for some dls
heartened sufferer in your vicinity.
Make a grateful and appreciative
friend of some one who Is discour
aged because of the failures of others
Don't think that piles can't be cur
e,d. Thousands of obstinate cases
have been cured by Dean's Ointment.
r.O cents at any drug store.
given at He home of J. B. Dawson Mp Iplp mo to
two miles norm anu inreo mues ensi
of Weeping Water on Saturday even
ing, July 23. Harmon Bros, orches
tra and a fine time assured. The
public invited.
Pain can be easily and quickly stop
ped, rink Tain Tablets Dr. Shoop's
stop Headache, womanly pains, any
pains, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure.
Formula on the 25c box. Ask your
druggist or doctor about this formula
It's fine. Sold by all dealers.
Tell Some Sick One
It Is Free If It Fails.
Will you do an ao of ITumnnltyT
Will mu toll some sick friend of tills, my
remarkablu oiler?
Tell him or hnr, flint yon hv learned of a
medicine m certain that lu maki-r chuh ay to
the sick, It Is abboluiuly auJ uncouuitlouaiir
true 11 It falls."
And yoa, no doubt, alrmrly know of P.
Shoop I Kestorotlvo and Its popularity
For VO years It hna been (lie ntunaaiS rem.
erly for Stomach, Kidney and Heart ailment
Very where In America.
When the "Inside" or controlling nerves of
fhtnn vital orirans begin to fail. It is lr. Shoop I
Restorative that hns(inickl vltnlinil, and stri-ng-thened,
and brought these limes and ontaua
back to health attain.
I do not dose the. Ftomneh, nor stlmulat
theHartor Kidneys (or that Is all wrotiir.
I)r. Shoop'l Restorativo (toes dlnft to th
COVSt of these ailments tho tailing-, falt.Mng,
Inildn or controlling norvps. And herein lies th
keynote to niy bucccss.
When these nerves wn acnln made reM ant
strong, then tliut is the cerium end of all sucb
Tome It Is a grent mitlsfnrtlou thnt I am
thaonly physU'iun uhle to wiy to tlin mfturiuT
sick. "Take my Drescrititlon (or (nil UO days, and
test, and I'll certainly help jour suf
fering friend. All dealers
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com
plexion sallow? Liver needs waking
up. Doan's Regulets cure bilious
attacks. 23 cents at any drug store.
Use "Forest Rose" Flour if you
want the best results in making good
bread. Try a sack and you will buy no
other. For sale by all leading dealers.
If it (ails to help you. the entire expense i
mlue not yours."
2 lu-n wi;i should the shk take any
chance on any other inediriiie, whose
maker dare not bark it just as by
this remarkable offtrt
I also have a Rheumatic Remedy and hat
remedy la covered by tho auie. identical "Ho
huly, no pay" protective plan.
Besldei. you ar (n-o to consult m Inst
yon would your home physlelan. My adviee and
Ui book below are yours and without cost.
l'erhaps a word or two from me will clear
np some serious ailment. 1 havi'helpedthousanda
upon thousands by my private prescription or
personal advice plan. My best elloit Is surely
wot Ui your simple request.
Bo let me send you an order at once. Take
th message to some sick friend.
A postal will bring the opportunity.
I will haveanbom stand trustworthy drug
gist to whom you can couveuiuntly go lor the M
day test.
Hut tint, ask me for the order, tor alt flruf
gluts are not authorired to give tlie TO day test.
So writ me now and save all delays R
member that tomorrow never comes. Addroas
lr. f hoop, Hoi 12, Rarin. Wit.
Whlcl Imi Ikall I ! ToaT
Fo. 1 On Pyspopsla No. 4 For Wom
No. On the Heart No 5 Xor Men
I No. I On tU kluiiryi No. 6 On Rheumatism
points In the east for an cxtenueu oi mis cuy.