to be plattstitotttb SournaL SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. TUUIiSDAY JULY 21, 1910 NO b2 SATURDAY WAS DAY IF W AID MAXES A SHORT BLOODSHED 111 PLATTSMOUTH VISIT AT UNION Chief of Police Rainey Attacked by Gang While Attempting to Quiet Disturbance in Saloon. Last Saturday evening the Hotel Riley bar was the scene of a dis graceful riot and fight In which a gang tried to beat up Chief of Police Rainey and In a measure succeeded, although they did him no serious in Jury. The chief was called down in to the saloon by some vulgar talk and profanity which one of the mem bers of the crowd was indulging In and when he told the man to stop the talk, he was assailed with a tor rent of abuse and profanity. The up shot of the matter was a free-for-all fight in which a number of men Jump ed on the chief with the intent to beat him or possibly cripple him. The crowd which was doing the fighting consisted of Harry Polsall, John Jones, John (Pup) Egan, Peter Her old and several others. Herold's of fense consisted of Interference with Rainey in the discharge of his duties, as he grasped the chief about the arms and held him while the other men administered blow after blow to te chief. The latter finally dlsentag led one of his arms and reached for T Party of Fishermen Journey Out to Cedar Creek Yesterday. From Monday's Daily. It is a question which suffered the most, the grasshoppers or the fish yesterday. There was a party of gen tlemen from this city who sought to escape the heat of the day and enjoy life In the wilderness who played all this havoc with the finny tribe and the hopper family. They went out to Cedar Creek and spent the entire day in wooing the finny tribe and In lay ing under the cool shady trees en Joying the breeze' which was mighty refreshing at that place. The party took, something like 100 fish all told as they bit well. John Bauer, Sr., astonishing the natives by a haul of bass. He got two mighty fine speci mens of the fish, one of them being a big fellow who made a great fight and whose landing come near cost ing Mr. Dauer his pole. This fish was so strong and lively in fact, that Mr. Bauer had to call for help and he was landed with the aid of James Johns who was one of the party. Henry Jess also made a great record, al though in another field. He proved himself the champion grasshopper catcher of Nebraska and the other fisherman found that there was no shortage of bait as Henry ran the grasshoppers down with an agility which was more than surprising. The remainder of the crowd only had fair success but the whole outfit en Joyed the picnic lunch which was pro vided for the occasion. The party consisted of Messrs. John Bauer, Sr., Robert B. Hayes, James Johns, T. S. Clifford and Henry Jess and it surely had a fine time. They returned in the evening thoroughly tired but having had a mighty golid, cool trip. Handsomely Rnteitaincd. From Momlny's Dally. Fred Guenther yesterday afternoon entertained a number of his good friends at his home west of the city, putting in the time in such a manner that everyone who was there enjoy ed themselves thoroughly. Fred is some entertainer when it comes down to showing the boys how to live and he did himself proud yesterday as he had everything he wanted to eat on hand and, in addition he had plenty of refreshments of other sorts. The boys put in the day in the shade and it was mighty delightful out there in the country away from the city and the crowd. Those who enjoyed the outing were Fred B. and Albert Egenberger, Henry Tims, Frank Svo boda and Jacob Y Vallery and when night came and they returned to the city they were loud in their expres sions of appreciation for the good time which they had been shown. George S. Ray, one of Murray's energetic Democrats, was In the city Saturday attending the Democratic convention and visiting friends. his club which be drew. This he could not use, however, as the crowd closed in on him and disarmed him. eventually the chief was thrown to the floor and several blows were struck him in the face and about the head. Chief Rainey finally pulled his revolver and fired a shot which is not believed to have taken effect, al though Jones was reported to have been shot through the leg. The shooting had the effect of scaring out the crowd and they fled. The chief regained his feet and started in pur suit of two members of the crowd bin they out-distanced him and escaped. Later . in the evening he captured Egan and lodged him in Jail where he Is held pending the filing of the charge against him. Herold was in police court this morning where his share in the trouble was related to Judge Archer. The latter fined him $25 and costs and committed him to Jail until the fine and costs are paid. Rainey was not seriously hurt and was about town Saturday evening and yesterday and today. A Day at Paradise Park. From Monday's Dally. Paradise park, the beautiful coun try home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Streight, yesterday was the scene of a fine gathering when a party of pic nickers from this city and its vicinity reached there and put In the day. The party arrived at the grounds at about eleven o'clock a. m., and by the time the noon hour had arrived they had the luncheon spread and ready for the onslaugher, and it was some on slaught. The young folks had good, hearty appetites and they were pre pared when noon came to make the picnic lunch look like a cyclone had struck it. They fell upon the many delicacies which the baskets contain ed and soon the greater part of the luncheon had disappeared. The re mainder of the day was spent be neath the shade of the pretty trees of the park or in boating, fishing and wading in the creek. The young wo men 'had a fine time in wading about on i..e upper reaches of the creek and in the lake, and, at least one of them, has a mighty well developed case of cold as a result. But It was great sport and the party enjoyed It hugely. Supper was prepared in the evening and when this meal had been finished there was no doubt of ev erything eatable being destroyed. On the whole a mighty fine time was had and the entire party saw night come on with regret for they had been a happy crowd and had enjoyed a fine outing well worth the time it had taken. The party returned to the city shortly after sundown and today has been taken up in thinking over the good time and trying to get rid of the summer cold which the young ladies all got a share of. The party was composed of Misses Julius Rouka, Esther Nord, Frances Kanka, Hermle Kaioshek, Mary Svo boda, Anna Hllbert, Hazel Hartman; Messrs. Russell Stander, Joe Rouka, John Stander, John Rouka, Fredhof Nord, Oscar Nord, Frank Bukacek. Landed Some l ine Fish. A merry fishing party yesterday consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Garthleman who spent the entire day fishing and who enjoyed the shade and out doors to their heart's con tent. They were also mighty success ful as fisherman and landed a big lot of fine fish. They took along with them a fine lot of good things to rat and they certainly enjoyed them selves when it came lunch time. These good people can put In a day as well as the next ones and they know Just how to frame up parties so that ail can find some pleasure In the trip and yesterday they had a better time than ever before as they all agreed. They returned to their homes In the late evening and hope to he able to get out and have another time before many days have passed. William Cartridge and family of near Weeping Water came In Satur day afternoon to spend Sunday with Mrs Cartridge's uncle, John Lowther and family, south of town. While here Mr. Cartridge called and renew ed his allegiance to the Journal for another year. Outlook for Corn in That Section Very Poor Charles Grimes of the Journal spent Sunday with Claud Everett and wife near Union, going down on the midnight M. P. train Saturday. He drove over several ainerent roads to and from Union and saw a great deal of the country to the north and east of that pretty village. The country is very dry and rain Is commencing to be needed badly for coin, Many fields are commencing to spot and the dark green of several weeks ago is turning yellow Unless rain comes within a week or so the damage looks to be heavy. Corn Is very back ward In its growth although it has sprung up wonderfully in the past several weeks. From the car window corn along the road between Platts mouth and Union seems small and some yellow Is commencing to show, although there are many fields which look strong and healthy with the dark, rich green foliage. Low land corn is far better than corn on the upland and has the right color Jo It while It seems farther along than the other. The writer noticed several fields of corn in bottom land be longing to John Clarence east of Un ion, which was particularly fine. Most of the fields are clean and clear of weeds which helps a lot. The heavy snows of last winter and the rain which fell in January all soaked in to the ground which has done much toward holding the corn up during the dry spell. Wheat throughout that section Is fine. The heads are well filled and heavy and there is every prospect of a fine crop and heavy yield. Fall wheat is not up to the high standard or yield of spring wheat but even It Is much better than was thought some time ago while spring wheat is as good as It ever was. A great deal of Can dadian wheat and oats have been planted throughout that section and these grains seem to be showing up best of all. The oats crop Is spotted with good fields here and poor ones right along side them. The general Indications are for a good yield, how ever. On the whole, conditions are fairly satisfactory and with rain in the near future there is every indica tion of good yields all along the line There will be no bumper corn crop in this region, however, but there Is prospect for a fair to middling crop of this cereal. One thing which Impressed the writer very much was the immense Improvement In the town of Union. The fires which seared It and left their Imprint visible in the form of charred timbers and piles of debris have been made way to a large ex tent and handsome brick structures now house the firms which were un fortunate enough to have been burn ed out. Union has a hotel a real hotel and It's name is Wegota significant and trite. And it Is some hotel. For a hostelry In a small town it Is god as one will meet In many a day's journey. The rooms are clean and well kept and the table is a rival to many a more pretenious one. The meal which the writer took break fast was excellently prepared and served and the general arrangements around the hotel are to be commend ed. Next door to this establishment is the hardware and furniture store of L. R. Upton and Mr. Upton has a fine establishment for a place the size of Union and one which will com pare favorably with many large cities. The Woodman building Is substantial two story brick which would be a credit to this or any other city. Ban ning Bros., also recently erected a fine two story building which is filled with stocks of goods, the drug store of Alva Stltes being a neat and at tractive little store with an excellent soda fountain In connection. Taken all around Union Is a pleas ant little place with good people liv ing there and a mighty nice place to visit In. The writer met the affablo Charley Graves and his son Harry, the enterprising editor of the Ledger while there and had a pleasant chat of a few moments with them. William Holhshuh came In Satur day from an extended trip over the southern country visiting Oklahoma and Texas among other states. He reports things throughout the Bouth as very good In general with plenty of rain and good crops. Mr. Hohlahuh exsects to remain about here for sev eral days and will visit with old time friends In this vicinity. In Love Willi Piattsmouth. From Monday'a Dally. Colonel John Franklin Swezey. the land salesman extraordinary to the Union Pacific Land company, return ed to the city this morning from Om aha after spending the week end at home with his parents. Colonel J. F. wants to buy Plattsmouth prop erty and he has several good pieces of land in sight which Just suits his purpose. Incidentally, the colonel still maintains Colorado land is best for all purposes but his aged parents will hive Nebraska land. Colonel Swezey is a great admirer of Plattsmouth as a place to live in because he can do better here In the way of buying things to eat and wear. The colonel today ordered an over coat and a suit of clothese from a local clothing firm because he finds he can do better with them than he can In Omaha or elsewhere. The quality of the goods is what he takes into consideration and for the same amount of money he cannot com mence to buy so good goods else where as he can right In this man's town. This is a boost for Platts mouth merchants which they should apreciate. The clothes purchased by the colonel runs up close to the one hundred dollar mark which Is some help. Nebraska City Races. Tommorw Nebraska City opens its four days race meet and this prom ises to be the best thing seen in this section for a long time to come. The sport loving element of the people from this city are invited to attend and are assured that no pains will be spared to make their visit a good one. The meeting runs on July 19, 20, 21 and 22, and each day there will be a card of fine races. Over 150 horses are entered for this event and. they will be hotly contested. The horses have Just finished at Au burn and they did fine work there. They will do as well or better at Ne braswa City. $6,100 In purses is hung up and this Insures good horses and good races. There will be a guldeless pacing match each day that will be worth seeing as an exhibition of animal sagacity. The Nebraska Mink" League Base Ball team will play at home with good competitors and they are playing fast ball which Is an added attraction worth seeing. There will also be plenty of good music and everything else ctich will be worth hearing or seeinj. Nebras ka City Is a good town to go to and Plattsmouth ought to help it along. Fine Shetland Ponies. William Gilmour was In the city Saturday afternoon from his home n Rock Bluffs precinct, bringing with him several fine Shetland ponies which he was taking to pasture. Among them was one very fine dwarf Shetland which Mr. Gilmour recently brought home after some time In the pasture. This little animal Is coal blaqk and very small but it Is a per fect spetiman of the breed and one of the finest of all he has raised. He values it particularly high and is willing to have It examined by any horse expert. The animal attracted much attention while It was on the street and was universally admired. Mr. Gilmour also had a sorrel Shet land which was considerably larger and which Is also a fine animal. His animals are rapidly forging to the front as fine specimens of their kind and are well worthy looking over by anyone who wants this breed of ani mals for his home or farm. For the little folks there Is nothing better than a Shetland and Mr. Gilmour has them on band In all sizes. Services at Methodist Church. At the Methodist church yesterday there was a handsome attendance despite the heat and a most Interest ing service had. The services were baptismal In their nature and six chil dren entered the fold by Immersion. In addition twenty-nine members were added to the church rolls of whom fourteen entered by letter, two by transfer and thirteen by confession of faith. This is a remarkably good showing and speaks volumes for the work of Rev. Austin. The services were also marked by a great deal of good singing and music and on tho whole were highly enjoyable. Well Represented. Union and Liberty precinct was represented In the Democratic county convention by all their delegates and they were a mighty fine crowd of men too. The delegation Included Senator W. B. Banning, James Reynolds, C. C. Frans, Charles Reynolds, Ray Frans, George Saxton, M. Lynde, Joo Banning, John Hansell, I G. Todd and that Is a pretty representative delegation. STOLL DENIES ii I Claims Mrs. Monroe Fell and Injured Herself. Lawrence Stull who is charged by his sister, Mrs. O. P. Monroe with having assaulted her with intent to do her great bodily injury, was in the city Saturday and called upon the Journal to protest against what he claims to have been an unjust attack upon him In connection with this case. He states that the story as told In the Journal was Incorrect and denies that he assaulted his sis ter but that he acted in defense of himself against her. Mr. Stull relates that on the day the trouble took place he was at Monroe's store when Monroe was there and that everything seemed all right. There was a lot of good natured bantering going on between Monroe and himself and that Monroe told him, (Stull) that he ow ed Monroe four dollars for what he called a "senate" seat, although Mr. Stull states he did not know and does not now know what a "senate" seat is. He took Monroe to be In fun and when the latter said he vould cut It down to $3.50 an account of Stull delivering the chair to him self, he still did not grasp what was meant. There was considerable more conversation after which Monroe left and Mrs. Monroe and Stull were alone. As he tells it the conversation be tween them turned upon the same "senate" seat again and Mrs. Monroe waxed abusive and turned loose upon him a torrent of profanity and vul garity of the most pronounced sort. She accused Stull of driving up to the store one day and setting in the "senate" seat until things were closed up at noon when he loaded the seat Into his wagon and drove home. In plain language, she accused him of stealing the seat and this led to the trouble. Mrs. Monroe's language to him during this talk was ex tremely vile according to Stull, she accusing him of being the lowest possible kind of an animal. He states he took this abuse for some time and that he tried his best to make her stop that line of talk but with no success. Finally, after a par ticularly vile accusation had been made against him, he lost his temper and told her that if she didn't stop he would slap her. This seemed to set her crazy and she opend a show case and tried to get hold of a re volver which was In It. According to Stull, her Intention was to use the revolver on him. Ho stepped around the end of the counter and grasped her wrists and a struggle ensued dur ing which she continued to shout vit uperation and abuse at him. Final ly slapped her across the mouth and noso with the open hand which he claims is every blow ho dealt her. After he slapped her she screamed and he loosened his hold on her and let her go. She started to run around behind the counter and In doing so caught her foot In some iron rods which were lying on the floor and was hurled forward, striking her head and face against the corner of tho counter. He then left and ho Is posi tive, he did not use his fist and ho denies. Indignantly, that he kicked her. He maintains that the serious damage done her was when she fell over the rods and that he was not In the least responsible for tho condi tion she now Is In. Mr. Stull states that he Is firmly of the opinion that this trouble is made solely for forming a basis for a dam ago suit against him as he knows that Monroe has retained a lawyer for that purpose. Ho blames the entire trouble on old matters which have existed In the past. As an evidence of his good feeling toward Monroe and his wife, he asserts that when they wanted to go Into tho Be cond hand business they fame and asked him to go their Becurity for $500 at a bank In this city. He did this and when the time came for the note to bo paid the bank called upon him for payment. This he Insisted Monroe should do and ho took steps to collect the money by a threatened levy upon their property. From that time on ho asserts the trouble was brewing. Monroo and his wife had tho note to pay and did pay It as Stull claims he compeled them to. Mr. Stull denies further that ho never told his mother of tho trouble but states ho did not at first when he went homo out of consideration for her feelings. Later ho did tell her what happened and Just how It hap pened as stated above. i MONROE'S STORY As to settling the matter and stop ping prosecution, Mr. Stull denies any such intention and states he iutendi to fight the case through. He states further that he never had any feeling toward the Monroe's over their buy ing hay from other people or other markets and states that he could not sell hay at present if they wanted It. He also denies that there was any ground for many of the state ments made as to why the trouble came up and he especially denies in toto the story told of the spade trou ble. He states It is entirely unrea sonable to suppose he would fight over a spade. All his tools are branded In the steel and he could Identify them anywhere he found them. He was much Incensed over the story told by the Monroes' and de nounces it as a fabrication. He ask ed that the public be permitted to hear of his side of the story and this is cheerfully done so that both sides may be heard. Mr. Stull stated that he had been unfortunate In hav ing a lot of litigation In the courts here In times past but he never had been accused of stealing anything and he had always paid his debts. He hopes for a Bpeedy trial and is con fident ho will be acquitted when a Jury can hear the facts as told on the stand. l'lntlsniouth Youths Fnlcrtained. From Monday's Dally. J. M. Melsinger and w ife yesterday eirtcrtalned a company of Platts mouth young men who drove out to heir beautiful farm near Cedar Creek who spent a mighty pleasant time. The party consisted of Messrs. Frank and Joseph Libershal and Anton H. Koubek. There was the usual magni ficent Sunday dinner than which no better Is put up than Mrs. Melsinger Is capable of. Everything which an abundant nature could bestow was upon the table and the day was made a most pleasant ono. When the boys had finished they felt that the Mels iingers were really their worst friends for they had eaten altogether too much to be comfortable. One feature of the Jolly part was a grand exhibi tion stunt put on by each of tho numbers in shocking wheat. This wtu Just to show what they could do and they certainly made them some how Whether they will make real farm ers or not is up to Mr. Melsinger to tell as he was the Judge of tho show. It rns a nice pleasant day In the wheat field, too. The party re turned to the city in the late even ing, having thoroughly enjoyed tho day and especially gratified at thej splendid hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Melsinger, two of Cass county's finest people. : A liong Preserved Relic. Several days since Benton Klnkald ressurected an old trunk which he had brought with him from his old Kentucky home many years ago and he turned it over to his folks who wanted to use it for some domestic purpose. In cleaning It out they ran across an old invitation, which had been given to Mr. Klnkald's father back In Kentucky In 1 826. Tho docu ment Is still in a fine state of preser vation and the ink looks almost as fresh as when it was first laid on the paper. The Invitation reads as follows: "The company of Mr. Isaac Kinkado is solicited at a bail on Thursday evening, 28th Inst, at the home of Mrs. James Pain. Dec. 17, 1 820. Doct. Gaston, Doct. Carlisle, Win. Dawson, P. A. Cooney, managers." The Doct. Carlisle spoken of abovo was the father of former secretary of the treasury, John O. Carlisle. Tho document Is an interesting one nnd a relic worthy of preservation. Makes a lilt. Charles Grimes of the Journal is In receipt of a post card from G. R. Ol son, dated, Milwaukee, July 16, in which Giis says that, he has been hav ing a good time at the photographers' convention with all kinds of prospects of business. Tho Olson Photo Ma chine is the hit of the convention. His encouraging words will bo good news to the many people in this city who have been so confident of the Buecess of this Invention and they are glad to know that the printing machine Is going to make good. There has nev er been any doubt of the success of tho institution and there is no doubt but that the orders for the same will swamp tho factory as soon as tho merits of it are known. Dr. B. F. Brcndel and wife of Mur ray were In tho city this morning, the former looking after business matters and tho lady making a brief visit In the city. They returned this morning.