V IMOX. (Ledger). J. B. Roddy and James P. Rainey went to Auburn Tuesday to atteud the horse races. Will A. Frans of Omaha caa.e down last Friday to atteud to some business matters and visit his many friends. Perry Dukes and family departed Monday morning for Lincoln, where they may conclude to make their home. Lute Crawford arrived home on the Saturday forenoon train from Cjole ridge, where he sjent several days with his parents. ' W. A. EdniUten departed on the early train Monday morning for Rosa lie, Neb., where he will make a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. J. V. Pittman and daughter Birdie, departed last Saturday even ing for Plainview, Neb., where they will make a visit with' Ed. Pittman and family. The Pittman lots where the old McCleave hotel used to stand, were sold a few days ago to Dr. R. L. Newell, and in the near future we will probably be able to make further mention of some Improvements on that corner. Will L. Taylor made a business trip to Nebraska City Monday but as it was a usual occurence, nothing was thought of It until Tuesday ev , enlng, whert he came riding home In a fine Ford automobile, and now he is getting so he can handle the ma chine. Mrs. Hallie Delaney has been se risouly ill for the past week and for some time it was thought there was very slight chance for her recovery. At present she Is quite weak but ap pears to be gaining a little. So se rious is her condition that telegrams were sent to her mother and sister, Mrs. II. M. Townsley and Mrs. Emery Bauer, of Strathmore, Canada, and they arrived yesterday noon. BILL TEAM RE- LOllSVlLLr.. V (Courier). Miss Hattie Brokow Is here from North Dakota, spending the summer with her cousin, Mrs. S. C. Keckler Ote Ward and C. E. Metzger ship ped a car load of mixed stock to the South Omaha market Tuesday even ing. Mrs. W. C. Dorsey is still confined to her bed after several week's Ill ness. She is being cared for by Mrs. A. E. Chadwlck of Brownville. The friends of Miss Emma Gake- meier gave her a very pleasant sur prise on the evening of July 8, the occasion being her bitrhday anniver sary. Mrs. Andrew Stohlman returned Wednesday from Seward where she went last Friday to attend the mar riage of her sister, Miss Anna Winter to Mr. Alfred Cogleln of that place Sunday. Miss Winter was well known in Louisville where she has visited a number of times. Mrs. Hattie Morrison, widow of the late S. A. Morrison, has brought suit against the Woodmen of the World for $1,000. She claims her husband was insured for this amount, but that the agents have refused to make the payments. Mr. Morrison died Febru ary 3, from a self-inflicted gun-shot wound. Mrs. E. Stander was given a most delightful surprise last Friday after noon, the occasion oelng the annl versary of her birthday. A peculiar feature of the gathering was that every lady present was a grandmoth er. It was a complete surprise to Grandmother Stander planned by her (laughters. A luncheon wa3 served and a most pleasant time was had. Some Satisfaction. E. Bignell has In his office a sam Tie of clover taken from his old bed of the Platte river and sent him by Secretary Hanson of the Fremont Commercial club. The clover when taken from the field was two feet high. Three years ago, when Mr Bignell was promoting the channel (hanging and drainage district sch erne at Fremont, that the property o the Burlington railroad might be pro tected, that overflow might be avoid od and farm land reclaimed, he told the people that if his plans were followed in three years clover would be growing where the Platte rive then flowed. He was hooted, his ef' forts ridiculed and he was made th object of much vigorous denunciation on the part of some people. Never thelcss he found supporters who Ktay od hy him and the channel was chan ged, straightened, narrowed an deepened, and today the danger from high water near Fremont has been ninlmlzed and clover Is growing 1 the old bed of the Platte. Mr. Bignell gets some satisfaction out of the ful fillment of his phophecy, but mor out of the fact that the work done then has borne rich fruit In prevent ing damage and avoiding overflows State Journal. IS point for the game. If promises to be a lively contest from start to finish. Gen. Vogel of South Bend, a prom lent Republican of his precinct, was In the city last evening en route home from the convention. It Is paid Mr. Yoftel would have liked to have been a candidate for the legis lature but decided the color of the convention was not suited to his n.ildacy and drew out. Defeated Tabor Yesterday at Malvern in Hard Fought Game. Those who saw yesterday's ball ame at Mah'n, la., returned full f admiration for the Plattsmouth earn wnieh won lis game atter a heart-breaking finish and after it had thrown it away in the first three In nings. Incidentally, there is not a man among the returning spectators but has to say that Plattsmouth won against ten men as the umpire did about as rotten work as It was pos sible for a man to do. His name was Leatherhead, or some such a name, and It seemed suitable to the occa sion as bis decisions were either knowingly wrong or he was utterly unfitted for his place. Despite his ile work, the Plattsmouth boys af ter they got going crawled steadily up on the Tabor team whom they were playing and In the ninth inning put over the winning run with two men out. Instead of playing the Shenandoah Mink league team which had been advertised the Plattsmouth team found they were scheduled to cross bats with the Tabor team, a strong team and one with a number of dirty ball players on It. One Instance of this was when Kelly was seized about the waist by their third baseman who tried to hold him off the bag, using rough tactics to prevent his scoring. Kelly fought himself loose and reached the bag and eventually scored, this being the first run of the game. The opening of the game looked decidely ominous for Plattsmouth. Bardwell was hit hard in the first three innings and errors by the team behind him were costly, enabling the Tabor team to pile up 6 runs In the first three innings while Plattsmouth could got none. Part of the errors of Plattsmouth were charageable to the wretched field on which they played, it being full of holes and bumps and the infield having tufts of grass on it which made fielding de cidedly difficult. But after the third Inning Bard well braced up and pitched an air tight game while his field support improved lmmeansurably and the Ta bor team never did get a run again. And Plattsmouth commenced to score when the others quit and continued to pound out one run after another until at the ninth It needed one run to tie and another to win. These two were forthcoming by strong and heady play and the game came to an end by the score of 7 to 6. Tabor's pitcher tossed a good game and held the strong hlt'ers of the Plattsmouth team dow n In good shape keeping their hits fairly well scat tered but the hits they did secure came when needed and did the Job. Tabor wants another try at the lo cal team and the boys are willing. If Tabor comes to Plattsmouth they can come. assured of a square deal and that If they have the best team they can have the game. They will play nine men here and no more and they will find a decent lIamond on which to play. Ore noticeable feature of the game was that the spectators at the commencement of the game were strong "rooters" for Tabor while at the close of the game they were all for Plattsmouth and roasted the Ta bor team unmercifully! The cause of this was the dirty ball which the Ta bors Indulged In together with the rotten umpiring which disgusted the fair minded people In the crowd. The attendance was large and the team appreciated the fact that their braceup and good playing met with approval. Those from this city at tending the game returned to this city on a local to the Junction and a caboose to this city. The batting for riattsmouth was strengthened noticeably toward the close of the game and Larson distin guished himself with a three base hit while Fitzgerald and Droege each gathered a two base hit to their credit. Had the game gone another inning Plattsmouth would have knocked the Tabor pitcher out of the box without doubt as they were go ing strong at the close and their two winning runs came as a result of clever playing coupled with good hit ting. Th bnvs are renorted to have made arrangements for a Sunday game In this city with the Nebraska City Minks in the near future and it will be a contest worth going miles to see. The MInk3 will have to iook to their laurels although they have recently taken a brace and are now playing the best ball in the league right now. They will find Platts mouth a hard nut to crack though when they come together this time and Plattsmouth Intends to make the Minks know that there has been some ball game. A dato with the .Lincoln Stars on the Lincoln grounds has also been arranged and If possible an excur sion from this city will run to that Install ttft'itois. The members of Mystic Encamp ment, No. 31 I. O. 0. F., last evening had a big time at their meeting, the occasion being the Installation of of ficers for the ensuing year. The in stallation was followed by an elabor ate banquet which all the members greatly enjoyed. The new officers are: Chief Patriarch John P. fattier. Senior Warden A. Matous. Junior Warden P. C. Petersen. 8 1 imp mo nr ur II SALUEJlArilRDH Services Held at the Home of Mrs. C. H. Parmele. The funeral of the lite Mrs. Sally Agnew Daiuron took place this morning at ten o'clock from the res idence of her grandmother, Mrs. Cal vin H. Parmele and it was very largely attended by the many good friends of the deceased and her fam ily. The remains accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Nellie P. Agnew and her sister, Miss Margery Agnew, arrived In the city this morning at 5:35 o'clock and were taken at once to Mrs. Parmele's home The services were of the most sim ple character consisting of a prayer by Rev. L. W. Gade of the First Presbyterian church and the funeral sermon by Canon H. B. Burgesa of St. Luke's Episcopal church and the reading of a hymn by Rev. Gade. The funeral service followed that of the Episcopal church and was quite im presslve in its simplicity.' The Ber mon of Canon Burgess was a noble tribute to the sweet soul which had passed from earth and It contained many words of comfort and cheer for those who were left behind. It was brief but a beautiful tribute to the great worth of the deceased who pure and spotless life furnished an inspir ing theme for the discourse. There were a great many floral tributes of respect and esteem from the many people here wio had know n Mrs. Damron from her childhood un til the angel of death carried her away and who had long since learn ed to love her as their own. A large number of carriages form ed the cortege from the home to Oak Hill where the remains of the belov ed woman were laid at repose beside those fo her father, sister and broth er who. had gone before. The pall bearers who performed the last sad duty of earth were from among those who had been friends of the deceased during infancy and early life. 8 HARDWARE! Are Will Pleased, George D. Brophy and J. D. Penn ington who have been In the city or ganizlng a branch of the Railroad Employes and Investor's association departed this morning for the north well pleased with the result of thel labors. They had a nice meeting las evening and organized with the neu cli;s of a strong local organisation The object of the association as stated In the Journal yesterday is the mu tual Interest of the wage earners and the investors in railroad securities and to promote industrial peace and prevent unfair legislation. It is na tional in its scope and has hundred of thousands of members scattered over the country. It is non-partisan In politics and alms to alone promote the welfare of Its members. I'dii'lington Crop Report. The Burlington traffic depart ment's crop report, issued yesterday by J. J. Cox, division freight agent for the Lincoln division, shows con ditions more pelaslng than they wer some weeks ago. The following is summary of conditions: "The wheat harvest Is about com pleted over most of the grain belt and we have received a few figures on the outcome, but will make a report on this subject later. Very little threshing has been done as yet. "The oats on the O'Neill line hav shown some improvement since recent rains, but are still very short on th ground over the middle and western part of this line. Over the jest o the territory farmers will commeiu cutting oats tins weeK. in both sections cutting has been done, bu a very small per cent. "Corn has made wonderful growth the past two weeks and In no terr tory is In Immediate danger on ac count of dry weather. Corn Is the cleanest that It has been In years an can go a long time before Buffer Ing." State Journal. County Attorney Ramsey yeste day dismissed the case of the State vs. Albert Collins. Collins was charg ed with one Lizzie Oaks with havln purloined Borne $35 of Lizzie's money from her rooms In the building east of the Perkins hotel. On lnvestlga tlon no proof was found that Collins had anything to do with the dlsap pearanco of the money and he was ordered relenrd after being under arrest last evening. sococooccocoaa Ml V .''V Uuse i Lurbsr Grinder I MOT i r ; Thraw Away !&8 Grindstatu It'j Slew! Sm Time! Luther's FARM Special is one of those indispensable farm tools. To the farmer who is discriminating, and looks at quality instead of price, who wants the BUST whether he buys machinery, clothing, shoes or food stuff. To such a one, LUTH F.R'S FARM SPECIAL will strongly appeal. Up to the time we put out this great labor saving tool he had to be content with the old, slow-cutting grindstone or unsatisfactory emerv grinder, but now he can have the service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm that is superior to our FARM SPF.CIAL GRIXDF.R as a labor saver. It sharpens everything in one-twentieth the time it would take on the grindstone. The grind stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD WORK of keeping tools sharp on it. IT IS KASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special. Your ten-year-old hoy will tell vou it is fun to sharpen everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRIXDKR. JOMN BAUER HEATING! PLUMBING 3ING! ED GE15 HIS INSTRUMENTS County Commissioner Fredrich Gives Order for Purchase From Saturday' lally. The war which nas been raging between County Surveyor Patterson and the county commissioners bids fair to come to an end now as the commissioners this morning ordered him the instruments he has been lighting for. Some time ago they purchased on trial a set of second hand Instruments from Orlando Tefft at Avoca, but the Instruments did not suit the surveyor w ho had them tested by a competent man at Omaha w ho pronounced them to be badly In need of repair. Under these condi tions It was found that the cost of be Instruments and the repairs would be more than the cost of the new set and the commissioners capitulated and today ordered for his use: One No. 76 Surveyors Transit and tripod. . One No. D05 New York Levellns rod. Three No. 534 Flag staffs, 6, 8 and 10 feet long. The origin of the dispute between Ihe surveyor and the commissioners was when he demanded that the county furnish instruments to run his office with. This the commis sioners refused to do and he final. T went Into . district court where he asked a writ of mandamus to com pel the commissioners to furnish the required Instruments. The case wns fought and tried before Judge Travis who Issued a writ requiring the pur chase but giving the commissioners time to rent or buy instruments be fore the writ went into effect. This the commissioners failed to do and the writ became effective. Then fol owed the purchase of the Instruments from Tefft and on rejection the above order was made for new Instruments from the Gurley people hi New York. The Gurley Instruments are generally roonirTifvml na iha tilihpr Rtamlnnl Surveyor Patterson Is happy now as he has the scalp of the commissioners or as the poet says he "got their goat." Foil ml leud in Field. From Frlilay'i Pally. Yesterday afternoon Win. Ketch, a farmer living about one mile south of Nehawka, was found dead In his hayfleld where he had been at work. Presumably the man had died of heart disease as he was found upon a haystack which he was working on. There was nothing to Indicate foul play or other than natural death and no Inquest was considered neces sary. He leaves a wife and three children. He was quite well known lu his neighborhood and a highly re spected citizen. The discovery of his death came while the Republican convention was In session at Union and a number of the delegates and spectators hurried to the field where the remains were found. Joseph Mullln, Charles tlalley, Cap. Aldrlch and Win. Leffler were a part of the Stove Creek delegation to the Democratic county convention, com Ing In this morning. Narrow Fschih. The friends of John W.' Stelnhart of Nebraska City, In this city can ex tend him their congratulations on a, narrow escape from death which took place yesterday. The-accident which happened at Sutton, Neb., was occa sioned by Steinhart's automobile be ing struck ou a crossing by a freight train which had just left the Sutton yards and which was moving at a low rate of speed. The freight struck the rear wheels of the auto and hurled it to one side wrecking the car and in juring the occupants. The aeeldeut Is said to have been occasioned by the caiiessness of the chauffeur who thought he had plenty of time to get across the crossing lu front of the. approaching train. Fortunately none of the party was badly hurt but their escape from at least serious Injury Is little short of a miracle. The Injured were: John W. Stelnhart, bruised about the face. Mrs. John W. Stelnhart, bruised about face and right knee. Mrs. If. T. Van Wyck Denner, th most seriously injured of the party. Fracture of the left arm above th elbow; cheek bone gashed. Miss Louise Coe, slightly cut about the forehead. Walter Armstrong, chauffeur, bruised about the thigh, being caught under the overturned machine. The train which hit the auto stop ped and the party was taken to th office of a physician where their In juries were cared for. Later they returned to their home by train. Judge Travis will hold district court here on Saturday, July 23, 1910 having adjourned until that date. pecial CLEARANCE Sale! Copjrljhl Hart SrbarTaer Be Mart Maybe you haven't been a customer of this store; maybe you've never known the great advantages to be had in buying and wearing Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes; maybe you've thought them high priced, too costly for you. Now whether you have or not, here's a chance to learn .something about clothes values that you better not pass by. If you haven't known these clothes by ex perience you get a line on something extra good; the knowledge will be worth something to )Ou; and we're willing to give you part of the price on these Summer suits to induce you to get this informa tion and experience. Special "oust 'em outM prices $10, $14 and $18! (see our windows.) Any day we'll be glad to show you. The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats 4-. . , LZ. a