The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1910, Image 2

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IJtSelect Delegate to Grand Island
Convention and Declares
Against County Option
From Saturday's Daily.
The Democratic county convention
this afternoon met with a compara
tively small number of country pre
cincts represented and elected D. O.
Dwyer as temporary chairman and
Charles Grimes as secretary. The
committee on credentials consisted
of Messrs. J. S. Livingston, E. T.
Corner and L. G. Toes". They reported
fourteen precincts represented with
136 delegates. The, report was adopt
ed. The temporary organization was
made, permanent.
The convention proceeded to elect
- sixteen delegates to the state con
vention by call of the precincts pres
ent. These were:
llarman I'ankonln, Louisville; ('.
B. Mctzger. Eight .Mile drove; L. II.
Oldham, Murray; J. It. Vallery, Hock
Bluffs; Ed. Notts, Eagle; W. R Ban
ning, Union; J. 1 Falter, I'lattH
mouth 1st ward; J. E. MeDanlel,
I'lattsmouth. 2nd ward; I'hll, Tbler
olf, I'lattsmouth 3rd ward; V. II.
. Elster, I'lattsmouth 4th ward; Win.
Gravett, I'lattsmouth 5th ward; W.
F. dllllsple, I'lattsmouth precinct;
W, H. Puis, Mt Pleasant; Wm. Lef
fler, Stove Creek, ohn Tlghe and
W. D. Wheeler were elected delegates
at large.
Th alternates chosen were: John
Group, Louisville; L, F. Langhorst,
Elm wood; (5. P. Melslnger, Cedar
Creek; lien Hecknian, Murray; Alf.
Nlcklcs, Hock Muffs; John Frolich,
Eagle; Wm. Mark, Union; I). O.
Dwyer, Wm. Starkjohn, P. J. Vallery,
George Tartsch, John Lutz, I'latts
mouth; G. W. Snyder, I'lattsmouth,
E. A. Mild, Alt. Pleasant; At. Arch
er, I'lattsmouth and G. S. Smith, Hock
On motion the foregoing list of
' delegates and alternates was elected
by the convention.
The following resolution presented
by Dr. J. S. Llvlngton was adopted
by a vote of 101 to 35, viz:
Resolved; That the delegates from
Cass county to the Democratic! state
convention ho and they are hereby
Instructed to vote as a unit against
"the adoption of a plank In the state
platform of the party In favor of
county option.
On this vote the negative votes
were cast by Stove Creek 8, East
Rock Illuffs 2, Tipton 13, Liberty 10,
I'lattsmouth, Third ward 1; and Alt
Pleasant 1. The votes In favor of
the resolution were Louisville 8,
Stove Creek 1, West Hock Illuffs
10, East Hock ltlutfs 4, I'lattsmouth,
1st ward 7; 2nd ward 13; 3rd ward
12; 4th ward 8; 5th ward 7; I'latts
mouth precinct 13, Alt. Pleasant C.
Great applause greeted the adop
tlon of the resolution. The delega
tion from Stove Creek precinct head
, ed by Wm. Leffler made a hard fight
to defeat the resolution, both Air
iAifHor and Cap Aldrlch making a
Ktrong talk against It. Jos. Altillln
challenged the corectness of the count
of that precinct when it was announ
ced as nine against the, resolution
' and had his vote recorded for them.
Wm. Leffler offered a resolution
endorsing the administration of Gov
ernor Shallenbergcr and this pre
vailed by an unanimous vote.
The members of the county cen
tral committee were selected and also
Judges and clerks of election for the
precincts represented after which Dr.
J. S. Livingston was again elected
unanimously as chairman of the coun
ty central committee. The conven
tion then adjourned.
Injured From Full of Tree.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last Thursday a young son of
Charles Alcllrldo living in the south
part of the city suffered severe In
Jury by a fall from a tree. The lit
tle fellow who Is about eight years
of age was climbing a large tree In
the yard and had reached a height
of fully twenty feet from the ground
when he Bllpped and fell. He lighted
upon his left arm which was broken,
the fracture being of two bones in
the upper arm. It was a bad break,
the bones being broken squarely off.
A surgeon was hastily summoned by
his mother who heard the little fel
low's cries and who hurried to carry
him Into the house. She discovered
the broken member hanging limp
and useless at his side and took Im
mediate action to havo It looked
after. The arm was set and the lit
tle one mado as easy as possible. It
Is believed he will recover without
any further trouble and that the arm
will knit as It should.
A suit upon a promissory note has
been filed In district court by NcnJ.
P, Davis as administrator of the es
tate of Robert C. Kendall, deceased,
aralnst W. C. Carraher. The amount
claimed Is $500 with Interest at 6
per cent from December 3,' 1 909.
Of all the.prices
that have been
made on men's
fine suits by the
big stores we have
never seen any
that beat this for
dependable suits.
It's almost too
good to be true.
People are surpris
ed when they see
the splendid values
we offer in these
men's suits at $!).
We will not carry
them over. Bet
ter talce 'em while
they're going".
There is nothing
in town or near by
towns to compare
with this offering:.
Men's high grade,
hand-tailored suits
that you have no
ticed on the best
dresse'd men in
town. These you
can now buy in the
odd suits we have
left at an even
$15. A great many
shrewd buyers
have jumped at
this chanee. A
genuine clearance;
that's the reason.
General Hartigan Says Militia
Company Must Have Backing
The movement to organize a com
pany of the state guard which has
been under way for some days In this
city Is at present In abeyance. Ad
jutant General Hartigan who was in
the city last evening met with a num
ber of the members of the proposed
company at the commercial club
rooms, In the Coates' block and ex
plained to them at some length the
nature of the work which the boys
proposed to embark In. There were
some thirty members of the proposed
company In attendance and General
Hartigan spoke of them at some
length. He advised the members
that they could not enter the guard
with the Idea that they were going
to join a social organization and that
the work which the guard had In
view was of a man'B nature and not
boy's play, lie pointed out the va
rious duties which, the guard had to
perform under the law and the dig
nity which attached to the soldier
as the guardian of the public peace
and tho protector of property. He
dwelt upon tno hardships Incident to
the service and tho work which was
required to make the "rookies" good
soldiers. The necessity for strict dis
cipline In the guard was also dwelt
upon and tho boys given to under
stand that work along these lines
was absolutely necessary and that
the officers who were in command
were absolute and the men under
them had to obey. Ho also spoke of
the things incident to the formation
of a company which were essential
to Its success. The co-operation of
the business men of the community
with the guard was one of the most
vital points about It and he regretted
that at this meeting there seemed
to be no members of the commercial
club or leading business men pres
ent and taking an active part In the
organization. General Hartlgnn's ad
dress was a timely one and he gave
tho boys to understand that he would
not organize a company unless It
came up to the standard he had set
and was supported by the sound In
terests of the community.
General Hartigan looked over
those of the members of the proposed
company present and found that
about twenty-five pre cent of them
came under the age limit and,, of
course, would have to be rejected.
He was of the opinion on the whole
that the company was a fine looking
body of young men and with tho ad
dition of others to take the place of
thoso rejected on account of age lim
it, It would be one of the finest bod
ies In the state. In conclusion Gen
eral Hartigan left It to those inter
ested In the company to obtain the
active Interest of the business men
of the community In the proposed
company and left with them the ne
This has always
been a big selling
item in our clear
ance sale. These
are remnants from
our regular line of
fine dress shirts.
They are. made
with neck bands;
some have cuffs at
tached and detach
ed. They are
worth at the old
price $1.25 and
$1.50. We have
cleaned up the or
iginal lot and have
just added odds
from our pleated
shirt line.
cessary blanks for taking the applica
tions of the men. From these appli
cations General Hartigan could de
termine the fitness of the applicants
for places In the ranks.
In a conversation with the Journal
man, General Hartigan stated that
he wanted It firmly Impressed upon
the community that 'no company
would be organized unless the solid,
substantial business Interests of the
city took an active part and backed
up the company with substantial aid.
General Hartigan wanted the busi
ness Interests to understand that the
state paid out considerable money
every year to maintain these com
panies, this being expended for rent
which would amount to several hun
dred dollars a year. In addition to
the members of the company receiv
ing In pay from the state from $1,200
to $1,500 per year, all of which comes
here as It is paid on the last day of
the state encampment. This Is the
solid substantial business end of the
state guard and General Hartigan
thlnkB is worthy of consideration. He
states that whatever companies have
been In existence and for some rea
son the company had to be disband
ed, the business men have Invariably
made a great kick as they have come
to appreciate Its benefits.
General Hartigan while here talk
ed with many old friends whom be
had known in early days In this city
and had several very pleasant visits.
Ho spoke with a good many on the
political situation and expressed the
belief that the Democratic state con
vention would turn down the county
option proposition which he was op
posed to very much. He spoke of
the Lancaster county Democratic con
vention which he witnessed and
states that many of the delegates to
that convention were opposed to th
county option question but that Air.
Bryan compelled them to fall into
line and support his plan. He told
a number of good stories apropos of
the situation and wound up by stat
ing that he did not believe anyone
could tell anything about the out
come this fall as tho parties were
split from one end to the other. He
departed this morning vfor Lincoln
and expects to return later when the
business men have taken up the state
guard question in earnest.
ltctuins Frc:u Trip.
From Saturday's Pally.
A. G. Johnson who has been mak
ing a trip to northern Minnesota, re
turned to his home In this city today.
Mr. Johnson during his trip visited
In Minneapolis and other cities, al
though his trip was undertaken to
look at some land in that locality.
He. was not very favorably Impressed
with It. The season has been a dry
one and he found there were no crops
there. The character of the soil which
Is of a white, clayey nature does not
look good to him and he prefers
Nebraska. He had a very nice trip,
Adam Fornoff, one of Cedar
Creek's excellent citizens Is In the
city today looking after business mat-
3 4 5 6
This is a new lot
not before adver
tised. We find we
have quite a num
ber left over from
our regular soft
shirt line with soft
collars and cuffs
attached. These
come in nice tans,
browjis, creams,
light and dark
blues, grays, black
and white figures.
They are just what
you need for hot
weather and the
price is extra low
onlv 59c.
6-a 98
It seems that we
could not offer you
a good pant at such
a low price, but
those who have
bought these at
$1.9S witness to
the fact that we
are doing it. These
are cassimere and
worsted in light,
dark and plain
black, from Dutch
ess, Swee Orr and
and other standard
makes. Another
fine line of fine
pants to close out
at $2.49.
Friday Froves to Be Hoodo to
the Shopmen.
Friday's chapter of accidents at the
shops was an unusually long one, a
number of the men being Injured in
a minor way.
John Chvela, an employe In the
steel car shop, was engaged In dik
ing rlvHs with an air hammer when
the rivet broke and a piece flew
back, striking him on the left eye
lid and cutting a long Jagged wound
which took several stitches to close.
Ue will be off his work owing to
having to have the eye bandaged and
temporarily doing away with the
sight of it.
Ralph Lorenzen, an apprentice In
the brass foundry, was engaged in
putting cores in the oven when he
accidentally struck his left hand
against a hot core plate, burning It.
He will be off with It for several
T. M. Scarborough, a helper in the
bollermaker's shop, was helping caulk
up a crown sheet when a piece of
steel punctured his left hand, mak
ing a painful wound and causing him
to take several days off.
W. F. Evers, a laborer In the lum
ber yards, was engaged in unloading
timbers from a rubble car when the
middle finger of his left hand was
caught between two timbers and
mashed. The Injury Is a painful one
but not at all dangerous.
Frank Janda, Jr.,- while going
from the boiler house to the round
house after work hours, accidentally
fell over a flood gate, striking his
knee on a horse which was In the
way. The result Is a sprained and
bruised knee and a rest from his
work for several days.
George W. Goodman this morning
while engaged at his work as gang
boss, was running a press drill In the
machine shop when tho crack of the
drill flew over and accidentally struck
him upon the left side of the head.
The blow caused an ugly wound,
making a gash of several inches In
length which required several stitches
to close. He was compelled to take
a few days off to recuperate.
Lester Dalton, a laborer at the
torehouse, yesterday suffered a badly
mashed finger when a knuckle which
he was piling on top of some others
slipped and caught the finger. He
will be off several days with the in
jured member.
Thomas A. Gradovllle, a bollermak
er's helper was heating rivets yes
terday when something from the
forge or something In that neighbor
hood struck him In the left
eye. He suffered quite a bit of pain
but the Injury Is not regarded as
O. H. Tower this morning sustain
ed an Injury to the little finger of his
right hand which will put him on the
This is a black
and white mix gar
ment splendid for
a man that has
dirty work these
hot days. Just
about the price of
a pair of box. We
have another
splendid garment
on sale in plain
balbriggan at 25c.
Just come in and
see it. At the pre
sent price of cot
ton you could not.
hope to buy these
less than 45c. All
sizes 34 to 4G.
a foot. This is the
biggest sock bar
gain ever offered
to Plat tsmouth
ians. We had two
cases of them.
Have only part of
the last one left.
A fine guage close
rib top black hose
at 8c a pair. You'll
not make any mis
take if you buy a
dozen pairs of
these atc. The
same dozen will
cost you $1.50 elsewhere.
relief for several days. He caught
the finger on a swing beam and a
bearing beam fell upon it, crushing
and cutting the member severely.
S. A. Van Winkle, a blacksmith's
helper, was knocking rivets out of
the yoke of a drawbar, holding the
punch while the blacksmith struck
it with the hammer, when the punch
broke and a piece flew, striking Van
Winkle In the breast. It inflicted a
severe cut and will keep him off his
work for several days.
.Jimmy IIc-Kiilits.
James Bajeck who recently return
ed from a three years service In the
I'hllliplnes where he was a musician
in one of the regiments stationed
there, recently re-enlisted at Ft.
Crook and this morning departed for
Fort McKenzie, near Sheridan, Wyo.,
where he has been assigned to a
place In the Eighteenth infantry
band. He will serve three more
years In the army and by that time
will have become a veteran in years
service. Jimmy has made a good sol
dier and his discharge shows ex
cellent conduct while in the army.
In addition, his musical training has
been greatly improved and he today
ranks as one of the best handmen in
the several army bands. His many
friends In this city extend him their
best wishes for a happy three years
course and a safe and speedy return
to this city.
Miss Helen Hunter lintcrtaiiis.
From Saturday's Dally.
The hospitable home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Hunter was the scene
of merriment yesterday afternoon
when their daughter, Miss Helen, en
tertained a few friends for Miss Mar
yaret Ortman of Omaha, who is visit
ing at the Hunter home. Plenty of
amusement was derived from the va
rious games which were played, in
terspersed with social conversation
and which occasioned considerable
frolic and laughter. A delicious
luncheon was served at a welcome
hour, which was very mucu appre
ciated along with the many other
delightful things the thoughtful host
ess had provided for the entertain
ment of her guests.
Those in attendance were Ellen
Yeyda, Vera and Mabel Brown, So
phia Hild and Marie Hunter; Helen
Hunter and guest, Margaret Ortman.
An I'niiNiml Sight.
The engineer on the midnight
south bound Kansas City passenger
train reported a rather unusual sight
last Friday night w hen his train was
about three miles north of the Junc
tion. A rather Indistinct figure in
white, with waving arms, appeared
on the track for an instant or more
at a considerable distance in front of
the engine. As the engineer appro
ached the spot he slowed down but
could Bee nothing further of the mys
terious apparatlon. Some people have
thought that It might have been Jas.
Harris, the Insane man who disap
peared from hlB home that night
Pacific Junction Department, Mills
County Tribune.
Here's a bargain
for mothers. Save
time, worry and
money. Bring the
boy in here and
we'll put a nice
wash suit on him
for 48c. We have
wash pants 23c.
Men's hemstitched
handkerchiefs 5c.
Men's soft work
shirts 39c. Straw
hats 5c. 4-in-hand
ties in all shades
of'Bengaline 22c.
Other big values
at small prices. .
Bruce Miles I'.esigns.
iue Journal notes with regret the
resignation of Bruce Miles, for some
time past city editor of the News
Herald. Mr. Miles today resigned and
leaves for Omaha where he will spend
several weeks after which he goes to
Fremont where he will put in a
month on a ranch near that place.
During the time Mr. Miles has been
on the news side of the News-Herald
he has made an immense Improve
ment In it and his departure will
leave a large gap In the force which
is going to be hard to fill. Personal
ly he Is a young man of engaging
manners and of marked ability. With
the gift of good writing and an ex
cellent command of English language
he has combined the faculty of being
able to do hard work and do it well
and the result has been much to the
credit of his paper and himself. Dur
ing the time he was connected with
the News-Uerald the relations be
tween the local men on the two pa
pers has been most harmonious and
the rivalry although keen, was never
acrimonious but always of the most
friendly nature. Mr. Miles Intends to
enter the university of Michigan this
fall and the Journal from its brief
knowledge of his many excellent
traits, believes he will make himself
a brilliant record while there. Wher
ever he may go, it is the wish of the
Journal that his lines fall in pleasant
places and that the greatest of good
fortune follow on his footsteps.
In county court this afternoon the
hearing of the case of the State vs.
Lawrence Stull, 'charged with as
sault with Intent to do great bodily
injury to his sister, Mrs. O. P. Mon
roe, was continued owing to the in
ability of the prosecuting witness to
be present.
John Kraeger, the well known
farmer from west of the city is in
today looking after business matters.
Pints 'Phoot 186. Bell 'Phone 68.