The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1910, Image 1

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    KtV stats Il'siuri.-al Soc.
M&ttgffiotitb Journal.
NO 51
Olson Photograph Company 1
Sending Out Large Amount
of Work
From Thursday's Dally
Plattsniouth people generally do
not realize the amount of work which
Is being done by the Olson Photo
graph company nor have they any
conception of the high grade of work
which this company is turning out
nor the demand which has sprung up
over this and all adjacent states for
their product. The uniformly high
standard of the product of the com
pany together with its promptness in
turning out work has been largely
responsible for this.
Since the retirement of G. R. Ol
son from the company, the new pro
prietor L. D. Hiatt has been kept busy
all the time with orders and re-orders
and today the company is many
thousand behind in its orders and
will be kept going at full capacity to
get up with those now in. To meet
this demand four new Olson Photo
printing machines have been ordered
and will be installed within a few
days, Mr. Hiatt finding that they are
essential to the conduct of the busi
ness and to turn out work as prom
ised. '
A visit to their establishment on
the second floor of the Journal build
ing will be a revelation to the public.
Those who have never been to their
rooms will be astonished at the im
mense amount of equipment which
they have and the improved process
es which enable them to meet com
petition from any point in the world
and give the public a better article at
a lower price than tneir competitors.
Recently Mr. Hiatt concluded to en
ter the photograph button field and
he is now prepared to make buttons
of all sorts and degrees from the
ordinary campaign button for grat
uitous distribtuion to the very hlgh
' vht grade of souvenir buttort with
handsome color work. There is al
ready a great demand for these but
tons for campaign purposes and Mr.
Hiatt expects to be flooded with or
ders before the campaign Is near
over, When it is remembered that
he supplies work which cannot be
duplicated in Nebraska, nor in fact,
between Chicago and Denver, it can
be teen that he has a fertile field
At present two sizes of buttons are
being turned out. The larger button
is used mostly in the form of ad
vertising novelties or for souvenirs.
The color work on these buttons is
marvelous and shows up far better
than any competitor has yet pro
duced. Mr. Hiatt can compete with
the world on these for price and
when quality is considered he has all
competitors beaten a mile. The work
which is dond on these medallions
or buttons them especially
available for watch fol3 and the like
and a steady demand in this line is
growing up.
Mr. Hiatt is also prepared to make
a specialty In enlarging photographs
kodak films and the like and this
business is rapidly growing. He has
a room especially equipped for this
work and it 13 soon to be enlarged
and improved so that he can handle
more of it. Space forbids today a
detailed account of this process which
is most 'interesting. This part of
the work is especially valuable to
kodak users, putting as it does the
development and enlargement of
their films in their reach at small
' cost.
It takes chemicals to do all thl
work and Mr. Hiatt buys his stock in
lots from 100 to F.00 lbs at a time,
carrying it In stock for use. He prob
ably carries more of this stock than
any drug store In the city.
In the post card department of the
company there are racks where 8,000
cards can be dried at one time and
right now these are going out at the
rate of 5.00z at any drying. The
advantage of the rack which Is in
use is the uniformity of the work
as it dries upon them. The result Is
a very superior finish to the card and
the production of a photograph that
will be uniform in its nature.
The operating room of the com
pany contains also a machine which
is used for polishing the post cards
and which does its work well. It
looks something like a heavy wooden
box on rollers which passes over the
cards and which leaves them in shape
for the dry racks. It seems crude
but it does the work.
The printing room of the com
pany contains an Olson Photo ma
chine which is operated by three op
erators and with the four machines
yet to come, seven will be employed
I in this section alone. In addition j
one man will do hand printing, mak
ing eight on this work.
The development of the kodak
films is rapidly growing in import
ance and as illustrative of its im
portance, the fact that negatives come
all the way from Montana and North
Dakota for development and printing
is significant. Some very fine ones
have been received also.
Mr. Hiatt yesterday received two
splendid panoramic films from one of
his men on the road, representing
scenes in towns In Kansas. These are
taken by a swing-around camera
which is especially used for this work
and when developed they form the
folding panorama frequently seen on
picture stands.
All of the negatives which the Ol
son company take or develop are pre
served and filed. At the present time
there is some 15,000 of these in their
files which can be re-ordered by num
ber and which the company can dup
licate at a moment's notice.
The color work which is done for
the Olson company is the product of
Miss Mae Fattersoiir who can well be
proud of her expertness with the
brush. It has no rivals in the busi
ness for naturalness or beauty and
the Olson company is proud of this
particular line of its work.
The foregoing brief sketch of this
Important Plattsmouth Industry was
compiled in a short time and is quite
mperfect, yet it serves to show the
wonderful growth of this company
and t emphasize upon the public
that Plattsmouth furnishes the best
photo buttons and post cards in the
world. The Olson Photograph com
pany does the work and does it right.
Nebraska Telephone Company
Secures Phelps County Tele
phone Line.
(iocs to Malvern.
From Thursday's Pally
The Plattsmouth base ball team
departed this morning on No. 6 for
Malvern, where they will cross bats
with the Shenandoah Mink league
team today. The boys are in fine
condition and have an idea they will
make the Mink leaguers go a whole
lot to win. The game has been ar
ranged by the Melvern people.wbo
are holding automobile races today
in their town and they have tried to
make up a program which will be
worth seeing. The locals feel that
they can do their part and put up a
game which will be worth traveling
miles to pee. Several of their friends
accompanied them to cheer them on
to victory. The game is to be play
ed this morning and the races are
to take place this afternoon. The
Malvern management offers a purse
of $50 for the game. It had been
raining at Malvern this morning but
the management there thought the
game could be played anyway and
sent word to come on.
The team which went over includ
ed Manager Ed. P.rantner, and play
ers Fred McCauley, Emll Droege,
Clarence Real, William Fitzgerald,
Oscar Larson, Peter Ilerold, Pitcher
Bardwell, Will Mason, Ed. Kelly.
Injured by Tall.
Miss Celia Taylor, a young lady
employed at the millinery store of
Miss Myers, this morning had the
misfortune to accidentally strike the
toe of her shoe against the curbing
on the south side of the alley be
tween the postoffice and the Platts
mouth Telephone company's building
on north Sixth street, receiving a very
severe fall. Those who witnessed the
accident assert the fall was a very
violent one and that she struck the
pavement so hard that she slid very
nearly across the alley on the brick
pavement. One of her arms was very
badly skinned and bruised; her low
er limbs were also bruised and lac
erated by the contact with the pave
ment. Very fortunately her injuries
are not of a dangerous or perma
nent nature but they will make her
very sore for some time to come.
She did not require medical assist
ance although her escape was a close
Off For an Outiiitf.
Mrs. Dr. C. A. Marshall ana sons
Ralph and Junior and daughter, Mrs.
Everett Eaton and little daughter
Laura Elizabeth Eaton; Misses Ma
tilda and Christine Soennichsen and
brother Waldmar Soennichsen and
Henry McMaken, Jr., departed on the
10 o'clock train for Langdon, Mo.,
where they expect to spend several
weekg enjoying an outing and gen
eral camp life. Before their departure
they ordered the Dally Journal for
warded to them so they may be kept
informed as to happenings at home
and because they could not camp
without It.
C. H. Taylor of Union' was in the
city yesterday attending to business,
being registered at the Riley.
Developments in the fight between
the Bell telephone interests and those
of the Independent Telephone asso
ciation are about to take a new turn
according to the reports in the morn
ing papers. The possibility of crimi
nal proceedings being started are dis
cussed gravely by the papers who as
sert that the Lincoln attorneys for the
independent Interests are engaged in
preparing the necessary papers for
criminal proceedings against the Bell
telephone officials and those of the
independent companies who recently
sold their interests. It is said these
proceedings will be Instituted as Boon
as possible and that they accuse the
several officials of actlona punish
able as a felony under the Nebraska
statues. Presumably this clause is
that which makes punishable by a
penitentiary sentence a combination
in, restraint of trade.
According to a great many auth
orities, the criminal case would be
a hard one to make stick as it may
be difficult to show that this pro
posed combination is in restraint of
trade. The mere ownership of stock
in competing companies, it is alleged
does not operate to establish such a
combination as would constitute a re
straint of trade but some act must
be done which would prove the com
bination to be formed or to have the
ultimate effect of restraining trade
or business. That such proceedings
may be started is considered, how
ever, probable and they would re
sult in a long and bitter legal fight.
Attorney E. M. Morsman of Om
aha, general coiisel for the Nebraska
Telephone company, was in Lincoln
yesterday and called upon the attor
ney general where a long discussion
of the suit already filed and the suits
which may be filed, was Indulged in.
According to the State Journal, Mr.
Morsman contended that the injunc
tion suit brought by the Independent
Interests was of their own stating and
that only one side of the case was
presented to the attorney general.
He also contended that the suit was
a movement to prevent the Bell com
pany doing what it could legally do
under the law and that it hampered
the company in the transaction of its
legitimate business. This contention,
so far as hearing but one side of the
case was concerned, was admitted by
the attorney general who stated, how
ever, that the Independents had made
a sufficient showing to warrant him
in filing the suit to oust the Nebras
ka or Bell company from the state
under the ground of restralng trade
The attorney general stated that the
issues raised could be tried in Sep
tember and if the Bell interests
thought they were not getting a
square deal, they could make a show
ing and have the Injunction modi
fied. It Is said that another matter that
came up was whether the parties who
have been paid the money for their
Interests in the company involved
must pay it back. It is known that
the Plattsmouth Telephone company
stockholders have virtually all receiv
ed their money now and there Is a
very serious doubt as to whether it
can be collected back again. Ralph
Duff, the principal owner of the Ne
braska City company, is in the same
boat with the local capitalists and Is
reported to have been paid his money.
The issuance of the restralng or
der as noted in yesterday's Journal
does not seem to have had any ef
fect on the action of the Bell people
in buying up the independent inter
ests. Yesterday it was announced
they had acquired the Thelps Tele
phone company at Holdrege and In
stalled a manager. The considera
tion for this sale is said to have been
$50,000. It is reported that many
other independent companies will also
pass into the hands of the Bell people
In a slort time and this accumula
tion may afford some strong evidence
In favor of the Independents suits
against a monopoly.
Frank II. Woods of Lincoln, pres
ident of the Independent association
In this morning's World-Herald, has
a long and bitter Interview against
the Bell Interests and the Independ
ents who have sold their property
to them. He announces that the pro
ceedings which have been Instituted
win De pusnea to the limit. A por
tion of his Interview follows:
"The present action Is Instituted
under the Junkln anti-trust law. This
law was construed and sustained in
the case known as the elevator com
bine suit and also in the lumber com
bine proceedings. Every feature of
the law was construed and sustain
ed in those two cases, wtia the re
sult that both comoraes were dis
solved and perpetually enjoined.
"Now the agents of the American
Telephone and Telegraph company
admit that their action on which this
suit is based is In restraint of trade.
It is notorious that they acquired
those plants for no other purpose,
and the same tactics have been pur
sued in other states besides Nebras
ka. "Five attorney generals have thus
far commenced proceedings against
the parent trust, and this action in
Nebraska is taken because we believe
that its operations contrary to law
have gone far enough. When the
Bell was carrying on its illegal opera
tions on a small scale in this r'ate,
no illegal objection was made, al
though the company was repeatedly
warned that it was violating the
"The law provides property acquir
ed after the manner we have objected
to shall me forfeited to the state, and
any corporation violating its provis
ions is liable to have its charter and
franchise revoked and be barred from
carrying on business in the state.
"Furthermore, all books, contracts
and papers relating to the business
of , the company are subject to the
strictest scrutiny of the court, and it
is the intention to have the most
careful examination made along these
lines. In addition the law provides
that a fine of $5,000 or one year's
imprisonment, or both, In the discre
tion of the courts may be entered for
violations of this character.
Was Afflicted With Rheumatism
on the Coast.
from Thursday's Dally
Andrew P. Campbell, who left thl
city several years ago for the Pacific
Coast, returned this morning for a
visit of several days In the city with
old friends, or to remain permanent
ly as events shall dictate. Mr. Camp
bell has not been well for severa
ays past, having been a sufferer from
inflammatory rheumatism, and a sev
ere attack having taken hold of him
about a week ago and only easing
up within the past few days. He has
been stopping for several years past
in San Francisco where he was in the
employ of the Southern Pacific rail
road. He Is a great lover of that
place and states that he regretted to
leave there to return here but his
health has been very poor during the
summer months and he has found it
necessary to get out of that locality.
He describes San Francisco as a
thoroughly live city where there was
something doing all the time and
where one never lacked for matters
of Interest. Mrs. Campbell was with
him on the const for some time, but
did not like It out there and the
climate did not agree with her con
sequently she came back a short time
since to Lexington, Neb., where she
now is. Mr. Campbell was for many
years In the employ of the Burlington
In the shops here, and if an opening
exists there now, he would be glad
to go back as he and his wife have
concluded that Plattsmouth is a good
place to live after all, and while the
big cities have many attractions, their
disadvantages set them, and they
prefer to return here among their
old friends. His many friends will
be glad to welcome him back and
trust that he has returned for good.
Gives Bond in Sum of $500.00
for Appearance Saturday.
From Thurfilay'a Ially
C. Lawrence Stull charged with
having assaulted his sister, Mrs. O. P.
Monroe, with intent to do great bod
ily injury, was placed under arrest
about four o'clock yesterday after
noon at his1 farm northwest of this
city, by Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker,
and brought to this city. He was ex
pecting the sheriff, he told him, when
he came out, and was prepared to re
turn to the city. Sheriff Manspeaker
took him in his automobile and re
turned to the city with him, taking
him before County Judge Beeson
who Bet the preliminary hearing down
for next Saturday, June 16, at 10
o'clock a. m., fixing his bond for his
appearance at that time at $500,
which he gave and was released.
Stull has not made any statement as
to his side of the trouble, declining
to talk to Sheriff Manspeaker about
the difficulty.
Mrs. Monroe, Stull's victim, Is re
ported as resting easier, the fits of
vomiting which she had at Intervals
yesterday have ceased and it is be
lieved that she will recover from the
assault. She Is very badly bruised
and beaten up, and It will be some
time beforo she will be able to be
about with any degree of comfort.
She Is quite sore and suffers consid
erable pain, as is natural in such
cases, but it is not thought any com
plications of any nature will ensue
so as to render her recovery Improb
able. It is maintained that she will
prosecute her brother to the limit
of the law, although many have made
statements showing a general skep
tlclsm on the ptirt of the public as to
whether she could not be talked into
dropping the prosecution. The pre
vailing opinion is that Stull will try
and induce her to let the case drop
but this will . not be permitted if
County Attorney Ramsey Is permit
ted to have anything to say. He In
tends If It is possible to maintain
this prosecution and secure a con
viction as an example for the public
to consider.
A further visit from the physician
this afternoon developed that Mrs.
Monroe Is now suffering from some
trouble with the spine and neck and
absolute orders were issued that she
be kept quiet and that no one per
mitted to see her. This Is regarded
as necessary to insure her recovery.
She seems to have been injured by
blows or kicks about the neck and
spine. She was resting easier this
afternoon and with quietness and
freedom from worry It Is hoped Bhe
can contlne to Improve.
Will Orungle Tonight.
From Thursday's Dally
George I). Brophy of Omaha and
J. I). Pennington of Wymore are in
the city today to organize a branch
of the American Railway Employe
and Investor's association. The two
gentleman have assurances of quite
a membership to start with and the
organization starts tonight with ev
ery assurance of being a successful
one. It Is designed to unite the rail
way employes and the investing pub
lic In one body with the aim of giv
ing each of them fair and equal treat,
ment. The organization is national
fn character and has assisted largely
In promoting industrial peace and
stopping unwise legislation.
Pleased Wit It t he Home.
Mrs. S. E. Floener and little daugh
ter who have been In the city for
several days making a visit with her
grandson, Master William Kilo at the
Masonic home, departed this morn
lng for Albla, la., Mrs. Fleener lives
at Raton, N. M., and will visit at sev
eral points before returning home.
She was much pleased with the home
and It3 management and well satis
fled with the maner in which the
Inmates are cared for by Colonel W,
S. Askwlth, the superintendent.
Carman St. Paul's Church.
The Jugendbund will give an Ice
cream social on the evening of next
Wednesday, July 20, at the residence
of Mr. F. G. Frlcke.
J. II. Steger.
Lee AIIInoii Improved.
The condition of Lee Allison who
was hurt last Monday Is reported as
being some better and there are good
prospects for recovery. Owing to the
fine physique with which he Is en
dowed, Mr. Allison has been able to
make a fight against big odds and
he is firmly of the opinion that he
will win out. His Injuries consisted
of the lower two-thirds of the breast
bone being shattered and three ribs
torn entirely loose from the breast
bone. He has been spitting a good
deal of blood at times nnd this has
been regarded as the most danger
ous symptom but Dr. Brendel who la
attending him, thinks probably It is
not so bad as would appear. Mr.
Allison himself declares he will get
well and that he has survived worse
hurts than this. He Is unable to ac
count for the Injury and from the na
ture of the wounds, It is believed he
was kicked by one of the horses and
knocked down after which several
other blows completed the work. It
Is to be hoped that his expectations
of getting well turn out correct and
that he is soon able to be about again
as of yore. His nerve and determi
nation will have had much to do to
ward his recovery should this come
To Install New Boilers and Re
place Old Gas Lights.
From Thursday's Dally
The Nebraska Lighting company is
making some improvements in their
equipment here which will bo warm-
ly welcomed and approved by tho
general public. The principal im
provement Is in the gas lamp serv
ice. The company Is replacing the old
lamps as fast as they are woru out
with new and much more powerful
lamps. These lamps are rated at 70
candle power which is considerably
above the candle power required by
the city's contract. The old lights
have never been entirely satisfactory
and the company Is making a sincere
effort to satisfy the public. The now
lights are working In a number of
the lamps on Main street already and
Just as the old ones burn out tho new
ones will be Installed. Superintendent
Clabaugh hopes tho new lights will
prove satisfactory and Is quite sure
they will furnish enough light to stop
the complaints which come in. May
or Sattler Is deserving of a good deal
of credit for securing the Improved
service as he had taken up the mat
ter with the company and urged upon
them the necessity for Improvement.
He was much gratified to find that
the company was willing to meet tho
complaints In the right' spirit and
willing to concede a point rather
than wrangle over It. Manager Cla
baugh has made himself an excel
lent reputation In this community for .
his willingness to accommodate the
public and give them the best pos
sible service. Ills good work Is much
appreciated by everyone.
Another thing which the company
will Install very shortly Is a new and
larger and more powerful boiler.
This will give the company sufficient
power to Insure a strong current for
twenty-four hours a day, something
whltih many have wanted to see for
some time past. The company has
shown that they appreciate patron
age and want to be in a position to
supply the necessary and needed cur
rent and with this end In view they
Intend to develop the machinery to '
meet the exigencies of the occasion.
New and powerful machinery Is a
long step in tho right direction and a
new boiler which will insure suffi
cient pressure at all hours to main
tain the current Is a great aid In the
right way.
Colonel John Franklin Swezey, who
is becoming as well known In this
bailiwick as the oldest Inhabitant and
who hopes to one day be a perman
ent resident of the burg, departed
Nice Trip.
From Thurndny'H Pnlly
Hans Tains who has been taking
a ten day vacation trip to Denver,
McCook, Dead wood, U'ad and Edge
mont, returned to his home yester
day. Mr. Tarns had a rather nice
trip but Buffered a great deal from
Illness while on the road which de
tracted from the pleasure of the Jour
ney. From this city he went to Mc
Cook where he spent a day, then to
Denver where he has friends and
here he visited for several days af
ter which he went to Deadwood and
Lead for a few days and Elgemont,
where he visited with Fred Rezner
and family. They are getting along
very nicely in their new home and
he found them well satisfied with
the country, lt.was Mr. Tarn's first
vacation In twenty-four years and he
returned to work this morning feel
ing like a new man.
this morning for Omaha, having
suit case loaded with butter, eggs,
tacoQ and other staple products of
the farm and fireside which he claims
and proves are cheaper and of better
grade In Plattsmouth than In Omaha
Colonel Sweiey knows where to come
Monte Strelght came In this morn- to pick up bargains In eatables and
lng from Omaha to upend several how to cheapen the increased cost 01
hours in toe city wnn ms parents. jiving.
ThcNhlnir Machine For Sale
Owing to the fact that my work Is
In such shape that I will be unable to
run my thresher this season, I have
decided to offor the same for sale,
and at a price that la right. Thla out
fit consists of a 13 n. p. Oaar-Scott"
engine, one J. I. Case 32-G2 separ
ator,, self feeder and wind stacker,
alBO water tanks. This outfit will bo
sold at a bargain If taken soon.
I Frank Vallery