The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1910, Image 2
IIE11 SUPREME AGAINST TELEPHOHE -Action Taken on Request of Attorney Generaal Thompson to Pre vent Purchase of Independents by Bell System. As forecast In last evening's Jour nal the war between the Independent Telephone association and the Hell Interests Is now In full swing and It promises to be a red-hot one with much litigation In prospect. The in dependents through F. II. Woods of Lincoln, have prevailed upon the at torney general to commence an In junction suit to restrain the Nebras ka Telephone company from pur chasing any further stock In Inde pendent or competing lines and bIho to restrain them from taking any further Bteps looking toward the con trol of the Plattsmouth Telephone company or to close up connection Ith its lines. As the Journal has said, the Platts mouth Telephone company Is a most valuable property for the Independ ents and it's possession by the Hell Interests would result In disastrously crippling the former. Hence their lively Interest in preventing the con Bumation of the deal. The restraining order also provides that the com panies and their officers are not to deliver over the properties to the Bell Interests. The restraining order Is Issued by the supreme court and is to be re turnable on September 12, at 10 a. m., before that court. The attorney general brings the suit o nthe motion of F. M. Hall, representing the legal end of the Independent interests. Mr. Hall and Allen W. Field, two very strong lawyers, appear In the case as counsel for the state. This promises to indefinitely tie up the proposed transfer of the prop erty of the Plattsmouth Telephone company and the Nebraska City com pany, the latter owned principally by It. A. Duff, and It means a bitter war for the possession of the prop erties. Those of the stockholders of the local company who have sold and transferred their stork and many of them have already done so, have es caped probably from some xeyatlous litigation. The Omaha Pee speaking of the case says: Lincoln, Neb., July 12 A tempor ary restraining order was Issued by the supreme court this afternoon to restrain the American Hell Telephone company and the Nebraska Telephone, company from buying any stock in an Independent telephone company ; I in Nebraska which Is a competitor of a fine not to exceed $3,000. W. W. the Nebraska company, or from niak- Morsman, the attorney for the Ne Ing any further contracts to connect j braska Telephone company, has ar wlth any competing telephone com- ranged for an Interview with the at pany, or from making any eonnec- torney general for Wednesday morn tion with the Plattsmouth Telephone ! ing. company, tho Nebraska City Tele phone company, or the Home com pany at Papllllon, recently purchas ed. The companies aru also restrain ed from In any way Interfering with the Inst three telephones, or taking over the offices. The officers of these companies are also restrained Jroni delivering over the property. The restraining order Is made re turnable September 12, at 10 a. m., before the supreme court. Attorney General W. H. Thomp son appears as plaintiff In the case, he having filed the suit upon repre sentation made to him by F. M. Hall, representing Frank H. Woods, presi dent of the National Association of Independent Telephone companies. Attorney for State, Mr. Thompson Informed the court that he had appointed F. M. Hall and Judge Allen W. Field to represent the state and these two attorneys filed a bond for $3,000 when tho case was filed. . The petition sets out that tho Am erican Bell Telephono company Is trying to get a monopoly of tho tele phone business of the country and Is' working through subsidiary com panjes, of which the Nebraska Tele phone "company Is one. Unfair means have been resorted to by the parent company, the petition says, to stifle competition, and at this time the Ne braska company la engaged In buying up a majority of tho stock of Inde pendent companies In order to de stroy them. This Is contrary to the law, the petition sets out, and for that reason an Injunction Is asked for, The purchase of the Independ ent companies In Cass, Otoe and Barpy counties la cited as a specific Instance of recent purchases. Until the organization of Independent com panies, the petition recites, the Bell people had a monopoly of fiie dusI nesB of tho company and that It re cently again to get a monopoly pur chased tho Western Union Telegraph company. Billion Dollar Company. The petition alleges that the Bell company controls a billion dollars worth of telephone and telegraph property and that H has a capital stock of $500,000,000. It alleges that $2,000,000 has been set apart for the use of the Nebraska com COURT HIS IER6ERS pany to buy up and de;oy compet ing Independent companies. 1o de stroy this competition it is alleged the company has given free service and cut rates, where competition ex isted, and that about a year ago it raised a large fund which It dis tributing among the magazines and newspapers for the purpose of de ceiving the public and closing the press against exposure of its many schemes. It Is alleged the Bell company con trols, the manufacturing of instru ments and It will not permit other than Its subsidiary companies to buy them, and retains a controlling In terest In these Instruments. The purchase of Independent stock has been done through an agent named Hall, so the petition alleges. War on Independents. The petition recites that there are at present In Nebraska some 400 In dependent telephone companies, own ed by 20,000 different persons, who have Invested ten millions of dollars in the business and have 116,000 phones connected. The Bell has an investment of 6,000,000 and has 47, 000 phones. It Is charged that the Nebraska Telephone company has pursued to wards Independent companies of this state the same practices outlined In the above as the policy or the parent company, but that In spite of this there are In the eastern two-thirus of the state, some 100 independent companies, serving 60,000 subscrib ers. These are bound together by a toll system, by contracts for Inter communication and by a traffic as sociation which clears all business. In this way competition has been built up that It Is claimed saves the people millions of dollars. Independent Men Talk. Attorney General Thompson was very enthusiastic over the suit, ac cording to the Independent inter ests, and immediately appointed the two attorneys as special deputy at torneys for tho state for the prose cution of this action. The suit is brought on tho section of the stat utes which provides against the re straint of trade. It makes combina tions a felony punishable with a six months term In the penitentiary or "The Nebraska Telephone company has hold of other so-calod Independ ent Interests all over the state, ac cording to Information which has been given to me," says Lysle I. Ab bott of Omaha, receiver for the Om aha Independent company. "There have been numerous purchases thnt have never come to light and they will be announced by the Boll Inter ests whenever they see fit. I be lieve that the Holdrcge company is entirely In their control and the Goth enburg company probably." Manager T. H. Pollock of the Plattsmouth Telephone company when Been at bis office today ex pressed boiiic surprise at the grant ing of tho restraining order and stated that it could not affect tho Plattsmouth company In the least, had not taken any action In tho matter, as a company. The sale of the stock had been made by the Individual stockholders of their own volition and not by the company op erating as a whole. As to turning tho property of the riattsmouth Telephone company over to the Ne braska company, ho stated no steps had been taken, nor, so far as he knew, would they be. Speaking of the physical connection of the Platts mouth company with tho Nebraska City company, he stated that this had taken place, some time ago and a restraining order at this late day would bo of no effect. Mr. Pollock stated furthermore that there was no contract In existence between the Plattsmouth company and the Lin coln or other Independent companies which the proposed merger would ef feet. About one year ago F. H. Woods had proposed an uniform system con tract between tho Independent com panics, one clnuse of which provided that tho Independent or Plattsmouth companies, would not sell except to another independent company. The Plattsmouth company declined to sign this contract as they did not care to be tied up In such a manner. Mr Woods had been In riattsmouth sev eral times and had figured on tak In over tho local company but he had been unable to consumate the deal and when tho offer was made by eastern capitalists It had been accepted. Mr. Pollork is of the opinion that I the sale w ill be much more appre- j dated by the public when it has been In effect and some practical work done under it. He believes It means a great Improvement in system and it will result In a great Increase in the lines convenient to the city for long distance messages. The trans fer does not in any manner affect the use of the Independent long dis tance lines and It merely enables the public to use two systems Instead of one. The long distance lines of the Bell system extend to every part of the country and these are now made available to the patrons of the Platts mouth Telephone company. Asked as to whether the sale meant an Increase In rates for phone serv ice, Mr. Pollock replied that he had no doubt the Introduction of a com mon battery service In the Platts mouth company's lines would cost a little more but It was a better serv ice and If the present system was maintained then he looked for the present rates to remain In force. He believed the merchants would hall the change as one telephone even at a small advance on what they were paying for one at present, would save them money, especially where they have two phones as many have. On the whole he talked optimistically of the deal and declared that he be lieved It means Improved service and more satisfactory to the people. At to the restraining order he did not express an opinion of Its affect as he had not seen a copy of It nor bad notice of it been served upon him. Those Pies oi noynood. How delicious were the pies of boy hood. No pies now never taste so good. What's changed?the pies? No! Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the vigorous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bow els of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame he food. What's needed? A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of di gestion Stomach, Liver; Kidneys, Bowels Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and apprecia tion of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor. r0c at F. G. Fricke' & Co. ' Such for Insurance. Lottie A. Morrison, wife of the late S. A. Morrison, has brought suit against the Woodmen of the World for $1,000. She claims her husband was Insured In the Woodmen for this amount but that the agents have re fused to make the payment. Mr. Morrison died from the effects of a self-Inflicted gun shot wound on February 3. Af the same time -he attempted to take the life of' his wife but inflicted only a slight wound from which sha soon recovered. Omaha Bee. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be con trolled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary Is to give the pres cription dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It Is safe and Bare. Sold by all dealers. Grant Long and family of Seattle, Wash., who have been In the city for several weeks making a visit with Silas Long and family departed this morning for their home. They ex pect to visit for a few days with rel ates In South Omaha while on their way home. Don't risk even one single penny! And 1 will tell jrou why I uj thin. It U heraus r rtrr racks? of Vr. Rliooo'i e5lctne u absolutely f'ie f it fails. No on noed mk even one nitigle penny. Jul think what thlt meant (o tho tuflorlnf Ickl i . No risk. ninttn'nti. nottilm whatever tin. lews hfUn fir- return hot 3o lull day, and without the rt?"ryiifliY, penny, you can um either ot my tiiiudNJiMHliti Ir. Snoop' toUimtlvaorMrkfliln rMiounutlc Remedy. inon wny lane any cranvo wnutrverr Why purchase anymedii-iitc whose maker dare not bark itjwt at I do by thu remarkable offert And betldd, I am no itpnrr to you. Vly "No MpruipafVpiuii hui mad Dr. Snoop's RettoAf vi '7,fli overydrnf lr In the land. ThITtJrWV(itHiall..,'Wa take nochanre whatever nere." Kor twenty year I'r.Shnop tmerilrlneihavt become thorouBhlvXiudaMUed all ovrr America. And I havijftNriMjteil hon iMjUHi nnni ana respons. Ihte druiittts l yr 7 iyV village ev-ry. whera to ivtrffuivl your. Thew elected dnnii-l anTWuW'T'iiit medicine with ma it K aim nie enure risa is irune aion, . - But write me Ant (or an enter. I have an agent In alrarmt vory pommun. Ity hut all drugsitu sra not author lied to (rant IheSUday Ut. , So drop mf a tine, plea and thus aave all 4iappoliiiniit and delay. lleildit, you are free to ennault me bf letter a you would your home Phyilrlan. I)o so freely and (ully If you ditlre. My advice and the book below are your and without cob Perhaps a word or two Irom me will clear up torn aerlou ailment I hav helped thmuandtunon thousand hy my private prescription or punonal advice plan. Reitde. the book wltl open up new and helpful idea to you. They tell ol my SO years perivnre at the V-yfn home and In lloapl. Ula. AH phaieTirVtkiieu and relief ar told ol here. They Ml Af fndV "Indite nor" no lararr thAjiV lllonVpWf aval fixe w th Heart IU uniiul. How the Stomach and Kidney each have their lunula or power nerte. 11 o three onran ure1i (alter when the eontnillnt or matter nervei I to fall. How Dr. Snoop B Kettoratlve i to the tall In nerve. and rebuild, and UarvL4J'l reatorea the lot Wine and powr calWur. J'hetp you-tl It I within the power of med to do so. My beei effort I mrely worth your uliple requei now, while It It frwh Tn'mind. fun tomorrow never come. Pr Whoop. Dot U. Kaclne, wuv Walak Book aaU t Sea Teat Fo. 1 Cm rypepla No. 4 For Women On the Heart No. i for Men ha I On th KWiK'jl No. t On Rbeunatiam If Sicli MAKES BRUTAL AT TACK Oil SISTER Lawrence Stull Beats, Chokes and Shamefully Injure Mn. O. P. Monroe. An assault unequalled by its un natural ferocity took place this noon at the second hand store of O. P. Monroe on north Sixth street, Mrs. O. P. Mo::rce being the victim. The assault seems from all reports to have been entirely unprovoked and to have been made with a venom which 13 deserving of the most sev ere punishment According to the story told by the victim whose face was battered into a pulp by the vic ious blows, her brother, Lawrence gtull came to this city this morning from his home northwest of the city and called at the store At this time Mr. Monroe was out in the city delivering some goods and his wife was alone in the store. Stull announced that he had come to take possession of a spade which he claim ed the Monroe's had stolen from him. Mrs. Monroe replied that they had not stolen it and that they had never taken any more from him that he had from them. This seemed to throw Stull into a violent passion and he commenced abusing his sister, ap plying foul names to her and wound up byl declaring "we might as well settle this now as any time." He then declared he would "knock your d eyes out" and sprang over the counter behind which the sister was standing. She attempted for a moment to ward off the storm of blows which he rained upon her but her efforts were unavailing and she was beat en down, a terrific blow in the right eye being the most powerful one de livered first and this was followed by others upon her face, the brutal brother finally seizing her by the throat and delivering a blow which knocked her unconscious and sent her Into a senseless mass of flesh In the corner of the store back of the coun ter while her brother stood over her and, It Is believed, kicked her insensi ble body with his boots. When his terrible wrath had been In a measure appeased, Stull turned and left the store,' getting Into his wagon which was standing in front and driving off. O. M. Streight was one of those who saw him leave the store while at least a dozen men stood In the neighborhood of the place where the assault occurred and offered nothing to prevent it. The woman lay upon the floor for some moments after Stull had left when consciousness returned and she staggered to her feet, reaching the telephone and sending in a call for a pTiysician. Fortunately the physician was in his office a few doois away and he hurried to the scene. In com pany with O. M. Streight, he carried the unfortunate woman Into her house at the corner of Sixth and Vine streets and gave her temporary re lief from her Injuries, the exact na ture of which. he could not determine then. It was evident that she had been terribly beaten as she was bleed ing from a dozen cuts and wounds about the face and from the mouth and, nose while she complained of pains down the back of her neck and of a terrible headache. During the time she wns being beaten by the Inhuman brother, the screams of the unfortunate woman had rent the air and alarmed many of the neighborhood but no men went to her rescue. Gradually as she was beaten down her cries died away and when she was being chocked by the brute a convluslve, gasping noise could be heard a block away on Main street according to ladles who were there. As soon as he had finished his work and gotten Into his wagon, Stull started for home, meeting Monroe as he returned to his store. Monroe did not know of the trouble which had taken place In his absence and was accosted by Stull who said he hnd something to say to him. As Stull kept on driving Monroe did not s'op but came to his store when he learn ed of what had taken place. A reporter for the Journal was on the scene within a snort time af ter the unfortunate woman had been carried Into her home and the sight which she presented as she lay upon the lounge with her swollen distort ed countenance, blackened and bruised by the awful blows and the convulsive fits of vomiting blood which she endured was something painfully shocking. Between these spells she told the story of the crime as above outlined Interrupting her story at times, to cry out about the terrible pains In her head and down her neck. County Attorney Ramsey this af ternoon filed a complaint before County Judge Reeson charging C Lawrence Stull with assault with In- tent to do great bodily Injury upon Mrs. Monroe. A warrant was Issued and Stull will be taken Into custody. Owing to the county attorney being Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I the best cf all medicines for the cure ol diseatec, disorder and weaknesses peculier to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a rvfiulaily gradu ated phytician an experienced cud &k:iltd rreciiilitt in the diicetti of wota. It i iafe medicine Li any condition ot the system. THE OXF REMEDY which contains no alcohol acd no injurious tidbit-forming drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulant. THE ONE REMEDY to ood that its maker are not afraid to print it erery ingredient on each outside bottle wrapper and attest to the truthfulncis cf the anio under oath. ' It i told by mccicine deoler everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it caa get it. Don't tuke c substitute of unknown composition for this medicine op snown composition. No counterfeit is a good as the genuine and the druggist who says something el:.e is "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such man is not to bo trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health may be your life itself. See that yon fet what yon ash for. called to Papllllon hy business the hearing will not take place before tomorrow. The nature of Mrs. Monroe's In juries this afternoon were pronoun ced by the attending physician to be principally bruises as he found no broken bones and. he Is Dt the opin ion that the blood which she spit and vomited came from the Injury to her head caused by Stull's blows. He Is of the opinion that she will recover without doubt and will suffer nothing worse than being very sore from the bruising efect of th eblows adminis tered. , The warrant for Stull's arrest was delivered to Deputy Sheriff Man- speaker who departed for Stull's farm this afternoon at 3 o'clock. According to Monroe, the husband of the woman assaulted, this morn ing Stull and he were talking togeth er, and Stull seemed entirely friendly although he had been drinking at the time. This was before the as sault and Monroe left the store with out susplcioning any trouble. When he met Stull as he came back to the store he did not imagine any trouble had taken place. Some who claim to know the facts assert Stull was enraged at the Mon roe's because they had bought or tried to buy some hay in Iowa in stead of patronizing him. It is said he was in town this morning and had been trying to sell hay when he heard of Monroe's action and It had lnscen sed him a great deal. This last re port comes from several sources and possibly accounts for his action. Monroe asserted this afternoon that he would prosecute Stull to the limit and the complaint filed would be pres sed to a final determination and Stull punished. Soreness of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, is quickly relieved by the free ap plication of' Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment Is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always af fords quick relief. Sold by all deal ers. John Ossenkop, the well known Louisville citizen, Is spending today in the city on business matters and visiting with friends, coming down this morning on the Schuyler train. The world's most successful medi cine for bowel complaints. i3 Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. N I We were somewhat disappointed in only getting twenty boxes of peaches today, but no more trouble after this, for we will have one hundred (100) crates to fill orders tomorrow and fifty more Saturday. Of courst most of these are already ordered, but there will be plenty left for everybody if you get your orders in in time. Box of Texas Alberta Peaches for canning. . . 90c Box of California Yellow Crawford Peaches. . .$1.00 Leave your order early and order liberal as we look for higher prices. PERFECTJOHFIDEHCE Plattsmouth People Have Good Reason For Complete Reliance Do you know how To find quick relief from backache; To correct distressing urinary Lis; To surely cure sick kidneys? Just one way your neighbora know Have used Doan's Kidney Pills; Have proved their worth in many tests. Here's Plattsmouth testimony: E. M. Buttery, Sixth & Walnut streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doan's Kidney Pihs proved to be a remedy of merit In my case. I oftea had pains in my hips, so severe that I could hardly work and there was also a lameness across my loins. I had, reasons to believe that these troubles were caused by disordered kidneys and' hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of, I made up my mind to try them. I procured a box at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store and they brought me prompt and effective re lief." (Statement given on June 19, 1906). On December 29, 1908, Mr. But tery said: "I still. have a good word to say for Doan's Kidney Pills. I willingly confirm the statement I gave for publication over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Wilson Discharged. The insanity commission consist ing of Clerk of the Court Robertson, Attorney D. O. Dwyer and Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray, this morning made an examination of James Wil son, the telephone lineman, who tried to commit suicide here several days ago. Wilson was In much better con dition than for many days and seem ed to be quite rational. The hear ing developed that he had been sub ject to attacks of insanity in the past and that after a rest these had left him all right. He was of the opinion that If he could get out to Colorado he would be all right and the board after considering the case decided to discharge him. He stated that he would go to Omaha this af ternoon and try and get a job with the telephone company In Colorado where he thought his health would return and he would be all right. FOR