The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 30, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Farmers' Elevator Co.
If any of the mniert of the Journal fcnoo of annul wtf or an item of interest in this vicinity and Kill mail tame to this office it mil appear umkr this heading
Wt cttu( ail itemt of intend. Editor Journal. '
At this bank an important factor in
developing the full working value of
your dollars. Also a friendly assis
tant or help in conserving them. : : :
Why not Open An Account
With Us Today?
Joyed. The officers elected were: I
fl- T.tU T)ran1a1 i cad t rf an Mica '
Lelia Vallery, vice president; Arthur
Hansen, secretary and treasurer.
Murray State Bank
Col. Jenkins autoed up to Platts
mouth Tuesday evening on business.
Quite a number are arranging to
attend the celebration In Plattamoutb
on the Fourth.
Miss Adda Porter of Lincoln, Clara
Copenhaver and Grace Porter were
visiting In Union several days this
Mrs. Dr. J. F. Drendel went to
Weeping Water Wednesday morning
to visit a few days with her par
ents. Miss MaRRlo Conner came Satur
day and la the guest of her cousin,
Mrs. D. C. Rhoden. Her home is In
The board of directors have ar
ranged to have the school house
painted Inside and out. Good for the
Lloyd Gapen, manager of the
Farmers elevator, and W. 1). Wheel
er, president of the same, were busi
ness visitors in Omaha Tuesday.
Dr. Gllmore and Glen Iioedeker
were Omaha visitors Saturday night,
going up on the early evening train
and returning on the midnight train.
Miss Eva Allison who has been vis
iting in Omaha, returned home Wed
nesday morning, her mother meet
ing her at the train with a convey
ance to the farm. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gruber of Ne
hawka, who have been visiting their
(daughter, Mrs. Nlckolas Klaurens and
family, returned to their home Wed
nesday morning.
Mrs. J. II. Farrls entertained Mr.
and Mrs. S. W. Copenhaver and Miss
Ada Porter of Lincoln at a six o'clock
dinner Sunday evening. A delightful
two-course luncheon was served.
Drs. B. F. Drendel and J. F. Bren
del were called to Mills county, near
Pacific Junction to see a very sick
patient Wednesday. They went via
Plattsmouth, crossing the river at
the ferry with their auto. They re
turned home about five o'clock.
The Ladles Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church are arrang
ing to have the church painted in
side and out. The new cook room
which they have Just added to the
building la about completed. The
ladles (God bless them!) always do
things when they take the notion.
The Kensington met with Mrs. T.
J. Brendol, northwest of town Thurs
day afternoon. The ladles enjoyed
a pleasant afternoon, and also enjoy
d the delightful refreshments fur
nlshed by the genial hostess.
Col. Seybolt and A. L. Baker went
to Omaha Monday night to bring the
Col's car (which had been renovated)
down, and they had a time on the
trip. They punctured a tire at Coun
il Bluffs, and were delayed for some
time in getting the same fixed, and
when they reached the Iowa sldo of
the ferry they found the approach
out of order, and had to wait there
until it was repaired. With all their
fcad luck they reached home in good
Shelling corn seems to be the or
der of the day among the farmers
around Murray, and. the elevators
have shipped out several cars this
week. Fifteen cars have been ship
lied this month.,.
Mrs. J. W. Holmes was a Nebras
ka City visitor Wednesday.
Geo. Cook, Murray, for fine bug
gies. J, W. Holmes was a business visitor
In Omaha Monday.
Dr. Gllmore was In Omaha again
Wednesday on business.
August Schletstemeler shipped a
car of cattle to South Omaha Tues
day. Glen Boedeker went to Omaha on
Monday evening to see the Gllddites
Miss Villa Gapen is attending sum
mer school at the state normal at
Peru, Neb.
Miss Ida Boedeker returned home
Monday evening from her visit to
Uolkow, Mo.
You want a new buggp? If you
want the best for the least money
call on George t'ook.
Mrs. Charles Countryman Is In a
precarious condition, and her recov
ery is considered very doubtful.
O. A. Davis attended the meeting
of the county Republican central com
mittee at Weeping Water Saturday.
The finest line of buggies In Cass
county at George Cook's. Call and
examine our buggies and see how
low we are selling them.
Will Smith Is confined to his home
with a large carbunkle on his neck,
which Is giving him considerable
trouble. However, no serious results
are anticipated. '
Earn Carroll of Plalnview, came
In Wednesday of last week to visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Carrol returning home Saturday. He
reports crops pretty fair In that sec
tion of Nebraska.
An enjoyable Event.
Miss Tessie Stokes and Art Copen
haven gave what is termed a Fourth
of July party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Farres on Saturday even
ing. It was quite a unique affair,
and besides other amusements, the
principal feature consisted of strips
of cloth literally covered with small
stars. These strips were furnished
to all present, ana the ones who
counted these the quickest were giv
en a prize, there being two. This
furnished considerable merriment.
Miss Mary Moore won the first prize,
and Verna Harris the second, or
booby prize. It was Indeed a pleasant
affair, as all present unite in attest
ing. Ice cream, cake and oranges
were served.
Those who were present were:
Misses Bessie Brendel, Ruth Thoma-
son, Mae Lewis, Ella Harris, Olga
Mlnford, Clara Copenhaver, Marie
Davis, Ester Ray, Mary Moore, Verna
Harris, Vera Yardley, Margaret
Moore, Ella Virgin, Agnes Lloyd,
Ester Lloyd, Adella Fitzpatrlck, Wll
la Moore, Addle Dill, Ethel Dill, Viv
ian Fitzpatrlck, Edith Lane, Louisa
Vergin, Leila Vallery, Tessie Stokes,
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mlnford. V. Har
ris, S. N. Copenhaver, Jake Mlnnear,
Frank Reed, Albert Lloyd, Garland
Tllson, Roy Gregg, Virgil Sudduth,
Alf. iBeverldge, Vance Todd, Tom
Tllson, Omar Yardley, Guy Stokes,
Harry Creamer, Arthur Hansen, Er
rett Thomason, Frank Dill, James
Earhart, Robert Burr, Arnold Fitz
patrlck, Charles Vallery, Arthur Cop
enhaver and Will Seybolt.
Mrs. Dr. Bert Latta of Wausa. this
state, came In Friday for a short vis
it with Uncle Sam Latta and wife,
the Dr.'s parents. She went from here
to Omaha, where she visited friends
before returning home.
Mrs. O. D. Davis spent Wednesday
with her sister, M,rs. Glen Perry. We
are glad to know that Mrs. Perry Is
almost her former Belf. She has had
a terrible Beige and at times her life
was almost dlspalred of.
8. 0. Pitman and Will Smith re
turned from Aberdeen, S. D., Thurs
day, last, where they went on a land
prospecting tour. The boys like the
country very well, and may Invest
some time in the near future.
Mrs. W. C. Brown departed Mon
day evening for Vlllsca, Iowa, where
she will spend the Fourth with home
folks. Billy will go over Saturday
and after the 4th, they will enjoy an
outing for a week, In company with
other friends.
Mrs. "Robert Sharder of near
Plalnview, Neb, who has been visit
lng at the home of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Henry Long, west of town
departed fo rher home Monday morn
lng,, accompanied by one of her chil
dren, leaving Chester here to spend
ttio summer with his grandparents.
The Helping Handy Sunday school
class of the Christian church went
out to John Thomnson's on Wednes
day evening of last week, where they
enjoyed a most pleasant time. There
were thirty present and after the
election of officers, they put in the
balance of the time In having a merry
time. Dainty refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess, and very much en
Dance Saturday, July 0.
The dancing club will give another
of their splendid dances at Jenkins'
hall Saturday night, July 9. Don't
forget the date and make your ar
rangements to attend. Music by Ja
cobs' orchestra of Omaha. An invi
tation is extended to everyone.
In Picnic Fashion.
The home of Mrs. Myra McDonald
was the scene of a most enjoyable
event last Friday. The Ladies' Aid
society of the Christian church were
the prime movers In the affair, and
the attended success denotes that
they knew what they were about.
Mrs. McDonald's home is situated a
little over one mile northwest of
town, and over one hundred were
present to enjoy the grandest feast
ever ' spread before them. Every
lady brought, a well-filled basket of
good things, and when It was spread
on the shady lawn which surrounds
the house, It demonstrated that the
ladles of Murray and vicinity have
lost none of their excellent qualities
as caterers to the hungry. Chicken,
boiled ham, salads, cake, pies, in
fact, everything that the heart could
wish was there In great abundance.
And when everyone was filled to
overflowing, enough was left to feed
a hundred more. It was a fine place
for such an event and It la unneces
sary to say that everyone went home
feeling that it was good to be there.
They did not depart, either, without
returning thanks to Mrs. McDonald
for furnishing such an elegant place
for their day's enjoyment.
Social FnterUlirtnent.
The following is the program of
the musical to be given by Mrs. Boe
deker and Miss Walker, assisted by
local talent at the home of Mrs. Boe
deker, Friday afternoon, July 1,
Duel Tarfare Rossini
Mrs. Boedeker, Miss Walker.
Violin Solo Fraumerl ..Schumann
Everett Becker.
Piano Solo Dedication. .Schumann
Miss Allison.
Vocal Solo "When Daisies Bloom"
Miss Young.
Piano Solo "The Two Larks"..
Miss Hlatt.
Reading "Back to Hookersvllle".
, D-, 0. H. Gllmore
Miss Oldham.
Piano Solo Sartalsie Espagroles.
Miss Allison.
Duet Tltania Rummel
Miss Hlatt, Mrs. Gllmore.
Visit Old Land Marks.
Luther Reynolds of Campbell, Neb.,
was visiting old friends and the
scenes of his childhood Friday. Mr.
Reynolds and M. G. Churchill were
rollicking lads together, and Mac ac
companied him over to Rock Bluffs,
where he went to look after the grave
of an uncle. They also visited many
other scenes, even the old school
house where they received their early
training. Things have changed in
and around Rock Bluffs, and Mr.
Reynolds says he would have passed
over the place by himself and never
known it. He is a son of Dr. Rey
nolds, one of the pioneer doctors of
Cass county, and well- known by
many of the older residents of this
vicinity. Mr. Reynolds is now run
ning a hotel at Campbell.
House and Four Lots for Sale.
House and four lots, one block
north of the Murray State bank, a
large barn 50x30, cistern, well and
wind mill, also a good cyclone cave,
all kinds of fruit. The house has a
good summer kitchen, also numerous
outbuildings. This property can be
bought at a bargain If taken soon.
J. L. Young, Murray, Neb.
For horses only. Good water and
shade trees. Plenty of room. Apply
C. Bengen, Mynard, Neb., phone line
3-A. 4t-30J
Returns From Their Trip.
Mr. A. M. Holmes and daughter,
Mrs. Will Smith returned from their
outing In the east Wednesday night.
Thetr appearance denotes that the
trip agreed with them and they re
port a pleasant time. They visited
many of the principal points on the
Atlantic coast, besides Indianapolis,
Chicago and several points In Mis
souri." They have been absent about
six weeks and were delighted to greet
their many friends at home after such
an enjoyable oullng.
Dr. Newell, Dentfst.
Murray every Tuesday from 8 a
m., to 5 p. m. All kinds of first-class
dental work. Satisfaction guaran
Steve Foreman went to Rarey Sun
Mrs. Ella Prouty went to Lincoln
L. B. Appleman went to Omaha
Henry Snoke came in from Cla-
tonla Tuesday.
W. E. Newklrk was in Lincoln on
business Tuesday.
Schuyler Wolfe was in Lincoln on
business last week.
Miss Grace Bailey spent Saturday
and Sunday at home.
Miss Marie Stroemer spent the
week end at home.
A. J. Foreman returned home from
Joliet, la., last Saturday.
Frang Uptegrove left Monday for
his new home In Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone went to
Elmwood Monday evening.
W. H. Suders and son-in-law visit
ed relatives in town Sunday.
E. M. Stone was In Omaha and
Council Bluffs on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of Uni
versity Place visited relatives In town
Mrs. Belle Bennett went to Lin
coin Friday evening, returning home
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Johnson and
Mrs. Robert Johnson spent Monday In
Mrs. George Foreman, Jr., visited
friends in Lincoln the latter part of
last week.
Miss Mayme De Vore went to Lin
coln Sunday evening where she has
Miss Violet Ough Is visiting her
father, having come down from Lin
coin Saturday.
Mrs. Ed. Bobbltt and daughter,
Hazel, of University Place, came in
Wednesday noon.
M. C. Keefer and daughters Pearl
and Louise and Herbert Prouty drove
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Rev. Embery preached In the M
E. church at the morning and even'
lng services Sunday.
W. O. Boyles and wife returned
to Lincoln Thursday after visiting
relatives several days.
Mrs. W. E. Newklrk and daugh
ters visited at Greenwood Friday
with Mrs. Delia Palling.
Mrs. Frank Uptegrove left Satur
day evening for Raymond to visit
her sister, Mrs. Hunter.
Wm. .Foreman caine down from
the state farm Sunday where he has
been helping make hay.
Mrs. Harry nppleman and daugh
ter Marie were visiting friends in
Lincoln Friday and Saturday.
Jlmmle Foreman and sister Bello
and Miss Elsie Stout went to Lincoln
Wednesday by way of Greenwood.
Two McKeen motor cars passed
through town last Saturday en route
to Oklahoma to be used on the Rock
Island railroad.
Grain, Wagons, Buggies
and Farm Implements !
We handle the Schutler, Cooper and "Old Hickory"
Wagons, Press Drills, Binders and Mowers, Plymouth Binder
Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire.
Farmers, we can furnish you with any vehicle or farm
irg implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the
same article elsewhere. Come and see us, at the elevator,
and get prices that will astonish you. We can save you
money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves.
nflnarrnr I
i, i 3 muuuguu
Miss Flossie Strain and brother
Elmer who have been visiting Mrs.
D. A. Vincent, returned home to Be
thany Saturday evening.
Carlton Gullion was called to Lin
coln Thursday evening to see his sis
ter, Miss Edna, who was overcome
by heat Thursday p. m.
The Misses Bessie and Sarah Sud-
era who have been visiting their sis
ter, Mrs. Dan Williams, returned to
their home at Clatonia Sunday.
Mrs. Nerva Knott moved to Waver-
ley Monday. Several of her friends
gave her a surprise Friday evening
in the form of a kitchen shower. Re
freshments were served and an en
joyable evening spent.
Advance Guard Arrives.
The advance guard of the Brown
shows reached this city this after
noon on train No. 92, coming from
Wymore where they have just fin
ished a ten days show for the fire
men of that place. By an irony of
fate the show had just closed when a
big fire broke out and the firemen
did their best to stem it but the wa
ter supply failed and the city suffer
ed a very severe loss. The company
which came in consisted of A. H.
Brown, owner of the shows, Advance
Man Harry Lewis and a large num
ber of performers. The goods and
material of the company will be there
during the day and tomorrow it will
be erected and the shows be open
for business by Saturday. This means
that the big day's opening will take
place as advertised and that all of
next week will be given up to a
great carnival in which all can participate.
Constipation causes headache, nau
sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita
tion. Drastic physics gripe, weaken,
sicken the bowels and don't cure.
Doan's Regulets act gently and cure
constipation. 25 cents. , Ask your
In the Cattle Business.
J. E. McDanlel has branched out
Into the cattle business. In connec
tion with Walter Gochenour he yes
terday concluded the purchase of and
received a carload of fine cattle
which will be fed for market upon
the Gochenour Island south of the
city. The cattle were driven out to
the island yesterday morning and
they are good ones. They were pur
chased at the South Omaha stock
yards through the medium of John
McBrlde, stock buyer for Ralston &
Fonda. The animals came up to the
expectation of both Mr. McDanlel and
backward in expressing their appre
backward in eypressing their appre
ciation of Mr. McBride's ability as a
cattle buyer. Mr. Gochenour recent
ly concluded fencing off a large part
of this island for a pasture and has
ample room to feed the animals in.
In addition the feed upon the island
is heavy and there is no doubt but
that in the driest seasons the animals
will find plenty to eat and fatten
"Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years. No appetite and what I did
eat distressed me terribly. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me." J. H.
Walker, Sunburg, Ohio.
German St. Paul's Church.
Sunday school 9:30 p. m. Divine
service 10:30 a. m. Jugendbund ser
vice at 3 p. m. The trustees of ther
church will meet next Sunday after
the service. The Ladies Aid society
meets next Thursday afternoon at
2:30 In the church.
Don't let the baby suffer from
eczema, sores or any itching of the
skin. Doan's Ointment gives Instant
relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe
( for children. All druggists sell it.
You can celebrate
your Independence
every day, so far as
clothes are concerned; inde
pendence of high cost of good
clothes; independence of the
doubt about quality, of un
certainty about style and
good tailoring.
Our Hart, Schaffner &
Marx clothes are a constitu
tional guaranty of all that's
best in good wearables; you
pay less than they're really
worh, and get more value
than in any other clothes.
All wool always.
The Home
of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats