The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1910, Image 8

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10 begiii mi-
Appraising laniuuM
Ti e api raisers of damaecs on the
piciustd road to Rock Bluffs have
made and filed their report with
County Clerk Morgan. The report
awards damages as follows: S. I.
Fitchorn $30, John Warga -125 and
an underground passage for cattle
Chicago Avenue Macadamizing to the inland. H. P. Sheldon -10. B. G.
Ai r--, Decker -10. Julia A. Pecker -60. Hans
Coming Along tine. K 7. w 1))xon R Col(,.
Work on the Chicago macadamiz- hng $5. W. L. Cable $20, P. S. Hall
$75. These amounts are away
low the claims filed. The apprais
ers are Messrs. C. II. Warner, ('. It.
Troop and J. E. Wiles, all prominent
farmers of the precinct and excellent
business men.
ni hip
F. G. Egenbeger Spent a Few
Days in Denver.
From Monday' Dally.
F. (5. Egenberger returned this
morning from his trip to Denver and
OHIIIV M M . 47.
i"!M; v.xvim; iisti;k"t n. 4.
Sec. 1. That I'BViriR I lwt rlt-t No. 4.
of the citv of rinnwinouth, state of
Nebraska, he and the same la hereby
furmed anl creuted, ami shall Include
the south half is1 of block thirty
six (as i. and tlie north half (n'i of
block forty-three MI), and extending
on I'earl street, frim the west aide of
Sixth street to the west side of Sev
enth street, of said city of I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska .
See. That that portion of Pearl
street, with said Paving l'istrict No. 4,
Is hereby authorized to le macadamized
with crushed rock laid tnlrty (30) feet
wide In the center of said street, and
ten HIM Inches thick, with surface of
said street to he on the grade prescribed
at the time of lowering M3I11 atreet In
Bald city. '
Sec. A. All ordinances and parts of
ordinance In conflict herewith be and
the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take ef
fect and lie In force from and after
It passage, approval and publication
according to law.
passed and approved thla 17th day
of June, A. L., 1910.
John I. Sattler.
Attest Mayor.
V. H. Klster,
City Clerk.
lng Is progressing nicely and the pros
pects are that the actual laying of the
stone will commence within a very
few days. The grading of the ave
nue is being pushed along fast and
very effort is being made to get the
street In condition for the actual
macadam. The street Is being graded
up In the center and a nice, gradual
slope being given to the sides so as
to drain the water both ways from
the street.
The creek which runs along the
east side of the avenue from the
Lead at the crossing of the Louisville
Toad Is being changed at Tenth street
and swung across to the west side of
the street at that point. There Is
three-foot concrete pipe being placed
across the street to carry the water
and the stream will run down the other Colorado points. He remained
west side of the avenue to a Junction behind after his companions, William
with the creek bed at Rock street, starkjohn and S. H. Shumaker re-
Thls does away with the bridges turned In order to make a visit with
across the creek at Tenth and at relatives In Denver, Mr. Egenberger
Rock and (Ninth streets and will shares the general opinion of the oth-
make the avenue straight and level era In regard to Colorado land and
throughout Its length without any h8 not an enthusiast over It. He
wnnden lirldces to Cross. The im- states that the land looks pretty owners of abutting lots on Fourth and
.. . . ,,, 1.- . . . ... x .l n Fifth streets, between Main and Vino
provemcnt wnion mis win mane wm enougn to iook ai uui 11 is 100 mm, Ktr(.eU three-fourths of all the
be a valuable one and worth all it there being no rain of consequence in owners of abut tin lots on v tie streets,
I between Fourth and Seventh streets,
will cost. the part of the state where the party nii of the citv of piuttsmnuth, state of
visited which Is in the eastern part ,C X .KVuri
nue Is much Improved by the pro- along the line of the Kock Island, and gutter said streets, including the
... . t. , 1 vi intersections of Fourth and Vine
iected work and it promises to he a Crops are very short, the corn being treets. of Fifth and Vine streets, of
very handsome driveway when it Is practically destroyed by the intense l,
completed. Those from out In the heat of the past several weeks. The west alleys, through blocks twenty-
. , , . , v.v.1 ... 1 . eight 2N and twenty-nine (29). all In
county who have been In the habit soil Is a very sandy one and heats i.uinlr niKtii. t No. a. in said citv. and
of driving to the city will be struck very easily. He also Is of the opin- have in , said itmon '' '
ion that water for Irrigating purposes to-wit: Suitable I'avmg jurick, with
, . . , 11 . 1 Concrete Foundation." and
Is too remote to be successfully used At a special election, held
and does not Incline to the belief that ? Mv 3rd. A. n.. 19 10, in the city
the land will ever attain any great majority of the votes cast at said elec
, u i j . i,l tlon authorized the mavor and council
value. He Is much impressed with of "ai.i "ity to issue paving bonds of
In Denver which he pronounces a very ;;id city In the sum of jhree ftthmiaana
IIVO IMlllUlfU UtfliniCl IflUMFV.VVI, V..W
okdivimk v. 7n
WHKKKAS, Three-fourths of nil the
with tho Improved conditions which
the new work will make and they will
find the avenue ono-of the best road
ways In the eastern part of the state,
and one of the roads over which they
can haul heavy loads with ease.
view of the large crowd which will be fine and lively city. It Is filled at purpose of paving the cost of paving
In the city on July Fourth the Im- this time of the year with parties of ;lt1eK,a,',,iri' V;?eytT;tVr-eeu.m"Sf "he
Tirnvomnnt will lm n vnnt heln and it (nnrluia ond vlulrnva nnil thla adds east and west alleys through blocks
' ....... . . twenty-eight (2K and twen
v.i.riit unit fwenrv-mne izui.
greatly to Its business. He had a n Hnid I'nving District No 3, and
very rtleasant visit with his relatives, JtrlT'
the Weckback's who formerly lived In mates of the cost of paving, curbing
. . . ... . , and guttering the streets, the street
this City and found them to be well, intersections and street anil alley Inter.
hearty and prosperous. Mr. Egen- Ji?v,,LVrlne?n1m:ie?fiii M
berger indigliantnly denies the State- and accepted by the mayor and coun-
ment of Mr. Starkjohn to the effect ,u.j IT ohdainkd hy thk mayor
near ended his days. As is custom- wh,h the bovs left behind them. He ...... I0;. :SLJn:,rZ V
Is hored to have It practically com
pleted by that time.
Nome AutoiiHiMliHt .
Pert Spies who manipulates the
keys on the Journal's large, modern
and up to the minute Linotype, this that he remnned behind solely to
noon got a thump on the bean which UBe up the reHt of the pork and b(.an8
ary In Journalistic circles, he was asserts that he never got even a fair ff,,;i,rjfit ifiH-lVi?"!! ,3,Tr"t'iien"i"V
about to enter his large touring car brealt on them, as the others ate lMausmouth. state of Nebraska, be and
MUs Cora Beach and Mr. War
ren J. Byer Wedded-
From Friday'! Daily.
A wedding with exceptionally beau
tiful appointments took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Beach,
1420 L 8'reet, last evening, when
their daughter, (ora, was united in
marriage to Warren J. Byer of this
city. Abouty seventy-five guests were
present to w itness the ceremony. The
two ushers," II. F. Gilmore and A.
Vaughtn, stretched white ribbon to
form a passage from the stairway In
the hall to the altar of palms and
flowers arranged bay window of the
living room, and while Wall's orches
tra played a wedding march, the bri
dal party took their places. The
Rev. J. W. Jones was followed by
the groom, with the best man, Chas.
Patrick of Aurora, Neb., who await
ed the remainder of the party at the
altar. The bridesmaid, Miss Helen
Wightman of York, Neb., was follow
ed by the maid of honor, the two
sisters of the bride, the Misses Marie
and V'innie Beach, and last came the
bride, who entered unattended. Soft
music was playd during the lmpres
she ring service. The bride and
groom knelt on a white satin pillow
as they repeated the nuptial vow.
Miss Beach wore a magnificent
trained princess robe of heavy white
satin with overdress of white chiffon
and trimmed with pearls. The bridal
veil fell to the end of the long train
Her shower bouquet was of bride
roses and lilies of the valley
The bridesmaid was gowned In pink
and white, while the maid of honor
wore handsome gowns of pink satin
messaline, elaborately trimmed with
hand embroidery, pearls and point
The guests were received on their
arrival by Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Beach
parents of the bride, and Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Byer, parents of the groom
Mrs. Beach wore a hand embroidered
princess gown of violet chiffon satin
trimmed in point valiere lace, with
gold beads. Mrs. Byers wore a black
satin dress, trimmed In jet and lace.
They were assisted by Mr. and Miv
O. J. Fee and Mr. and Mrs. Kalph
Johnson. '
The entire(home was converted in
to a bower of palms and vines, a pro
fusion of pink and white peonies
giving color to the scheme. The
porches were enclosed with canvas
of the
Air Lanes
. . . By . . .
Herbert Quick
Copyright. 1909. by the Bobbi
Merrill Company
(Continued from page 4).
romenadc '.me crowded
la evening clotiei and
waiters with trujs. It wus a gaj
sceue, and Carson fult the pull of ii
as they stepped ashore.
"Can I do un tliin.i mo' for you?"
he asked.
"No, uo; you must go now; Bui
thank you a thmsuud times." said
"Psyche." sr. Id he fervently, "I shall
never escape from the tolls you hart
lurd me iuto. Never!"
He carried her hands to his lips
kissed them passionately and leaped
into the boat. Virginia watched him
amazedly ns he darted away like a
frightened tarpon, not toward his cab
In in the dimes, but out through the
entrance of the bayou and off across
the bay toward Point Clear. Ont
more mystery to pondpr over.
(To be continued).
and ride to bis home for dinner when
.i l.nAl..r in l.o
them all up the first day. thanks to " B, ttered. to-wit:
the dingbat or something didn't work hIs exceiient cooking. This statement Fourth and Fifth streets, from the
v. i i i it. , ,1 north Ine of Main street to the south
and he concluded the machine need- h8 the only ono on wlllrn the thrt,e llne ,)f vine street and vino street to the
J i.MnHn nn " llo anrnnir 1 irhtlv .1 .11 ....1. east line of fourth street to me wesi
-' - n - . - . 1 fcciiui-iiit'ii u 1 mi (i, itc no nicy nic a mm up (f Seventh st
Lunlunark (iocs.
Ashland, Neb., June 23. Condem
nation proceedings were begun In
County Judge Slama's court at Wahoo
this week by A. B. Fuller and Nelson
Sheffer, representing, a3 directors,
the Ashland drainage district, to re
move the mill dam in Salt Creek be
longing to James H. Snell's flour mill.
Judge Slama appointed the following
commissioners to meet In Ashland on
July 8 and appraise the damages:
W. J. Lehr and J. J. Johnson of
Mead, John Schultz Sr., of Yutan, and
W. C. Klotz, mayor; J. C. Hamilton
and John Dolezal, all of Wahoo. The
mill and dam were constructed In
1890. The contention of the drain
age district is that it presence in
Salt creek Impedes the flow of water
in Salt creek ahd backs it up and
overflows the farms above In rainy
weather. Snell asks for $15,000
damages for the dam and $20,000
damages for dam and mill together.
The drainage district is willing t pay
him $10,000 for the dam. He will
close down the mill permanently
Boy Starts Scare.
A small boy named Green was the
cause of a great deal of commotion
among the good people in the south
part of the city last night. The young
man was playing with some compan
ions and one of them suddenly be
came obsessed with the idea that he
saw young Mr. Green go hurtling
through space to the bottom ct a
well near which the festivities were
being pulled off. Said boy who saw
things was some worked up and
spread an alarm which brought about
half of the city to the scene. He was
sure that Green was at that moment
at the bottom of the cooling depths
of the well and so strongly did the
urchin discuss the matter that peo
ple became alarmed and secured a
lantern by the rays of which they ex
amined the interior of the hole. The
lantern failed to reveal any traces of
the lad or to Indicate that he had
ever fallen overboard and the parties
sought to find Just what urchin start
ed the tale. Their search was a vain
one for each and every lad In the
neighborhood solemnly averred that
he wouldn't be guilty of shocking the
good people with an old wives tale
of that nature and they were duly
peeved that anyone should even In
sinuate they would do such a trou
ble. Young Mr. Green Is said to
have showed up at his home later in
the evening well, safe and hearty and
to bear no marks of having tried to
escape the ravages of the heat by Im
mersion In a well. Had the youth
who started the tale and gave the
boys parents so bad a half hour, been
located, well for him had he never
been born for he surely would have
received the bastinado until he howl
ed for mercy.
to the ground and seized the crank
In his fairy like hands, giving it a
prodigious swish when lo! and be
hold, the crank slipped and the young
man tried to bust the watertank of
the car with his head. The effort
was not a success but It revealed new
and unexpected portions of tho celes
tial atmosphere to the gent who saw
comets and shooting stars and rain
bows and sun dogs and dog stars and
bhat not. He rammed the portion
of his nut back of the ear against the
water tank producing this commotion
and also lacerating and contusing
said part of his anatomy. He secured
a copious quantity of court plaster,
using the pink or flesh colored sort
and plastered himself together, re
timing to work this afternoon in the
conventional automobile style with
bandages and plasters. He is not
dangerously injured and aside from
a violent headache it is not believed
any serious troubles will ensue.
on the land proposition.
Miss Mary Propst Is a visitor to
day In Omaha, going to that city this
reet Including Inter
sections of Fourth and Vine street of
Fifth and Vine street, of Seventh
and Vine streets, and of the street and
alley Intersections of the east and west
and vines and were brilliantly light
ed. The orchestra was hidden behind I wl,en tne dam 18 removed.
a bank of palms and played choice
music during the entire evening. Im
mediately preceding the ceremony,
Miss Aagenbaum of Geneva sung a
group of songs "I Love You Truly
alleys, through Mocks, twenty-eight .., "n(,0ved. 'Tis Mom." and lat
C!X and twenty-nine (2H), In said l'av
ritOIIVI'K MliK K,
State of Nebraska,)
fuss Oountv, )
To all persona interested:
You are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed In this court pray
ing that letters of administration be
Issued upon tho estnte of Ann M. Davis,
deceased: that a hearing will be had
upon sold petition on the 2Mh day of
June, A. D., HMO. at 10 o'clock ft. in., In
my office In I'lattstnouth, Nubraska. on
or before which hour all objections
therein must be filed.
Witness my hand and official seal
this Hid day of June. A. D., 1 10.
t sea 1 1 Allen J. Heeson,
Itnmsev Itnmsey, County Judge.
e , i
State of Nebraska,)
Pass Countv, )
CKASKD. Notice ! hereby given that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estate, before thereof shall deliver to the mayor and
me. county Judge of Cass countv. Ne. citv council a certified check enual In
braska, at (he county court room In I amount of $15000.00, to be held by the
I'lattsmouth, In said county on the mayor and council for said city, aub
2Mh dav of June. A. I).. 1S10. and on I lect to the faithful Performance oi
the 27th day of December. 1910, at 9 1 said contract; and provided further,
o clock a. in., each day, for the pur-1 that each bid so made shall be ac-
pose or presenting meir Claims for ex- I companien ny a ccriuiea cnecK in tin
animation, adlustment and allowance I sum of IjflO.OO.
Six months are allowed for the credl-1 Sec. . That all ordinances or parts
tors of said deceased to present their of ordinances In conflict with this or-
er in the evening, "Adoration" and
'Summer" from the "Cycle of Life."
In the dining room the scheme of
Itiir lllstrlct Nil. 3. In said CltV
Sec. 2. That suitable paving hrlck,
Willi concrete foundation, shall he used
In nn v I ii if said streets, the street in-
t..ii.,.t Ittnu and tbp street nnil allev In
tersections, and all curbing shall be of pink and white was further seen In
Concrete . bo innnlnlmull Tro W T Rnvor
See. :t. That all paving, corning ann -vo .
guttering shall con form In all respects an(j jjrgi E j, Wightman, both of
tn the nliin. specifications and require
ment of the mayor and council of said
r 1 1 v.
Sec. 4. That a contract be and the
snme Is hereby authorized to be made
and entered into for furnishing all ma
terial and labor necessary and for the
construction and completion of all of
said navltig. curbing and guttering.
Sec. 5. That before entering Into any
contract, provided for In I Ids ordinance.
the mayor shall invite bids therefor, by
published notice In some newspaper,
for not less than four weeks, which
bids shall be opened, examined and
acted uiion by the mayor and council
at anv reirular or special meeting, the
mayor and council reserving the right rnni u.m he at linmo after Sentem
lo reject any or all bids; provided, how- C0UPle ,u De al nome aller &ePlem
ever, that no contract shall be entered
Into, unless the contractor shall exe
cute and deliver to said city a bond
York, Neb., and cousins of the bride,
Invited the guests to this room, where
each guest after refreshments, was
handed a favor In the form of a dain
ty slipper. The large array of gifts
was unique in being displayed In the
new home prepared for the young
couple and Just completed by the
groom, a handsome colonial residence
at 1515 L street, where the young
her 1. Here the guests repaired to
inspect the gifts, chief of which was a
with sureties to be approved by the grand piano, the gift of the groom to
mayor and council, In the penal lum ' D D
of sixteen thousand dollars, conditioned
for the far.hful performance of such
contract, by such contractor, or In lieu
Agent for Bankers Life,
It. O. Watters has resigned his po
sition with the Burlington store de
partment and accepted the Cass coun
ty agency of the old line Bankers
Life Insurance company of Lincoln.
Mr Walters la a thfirnnirhl v ranaliln M!"""1"1 an1 on yeHr n B,x months nmance tie ana me same are nereoy re
iur. waiters is a tnorougniy capauie fnr the BdminiMrom,. t0 BPttle gBl(, pealed
btli day of June, A.
business man and a man well versed I e,,at Jrom the
... . . , . .ru., iwiu.
in tne me insurance ousiness. inm
the bride. A gift of spiced notice
was the bride's linen chest of rare
beauty and finish, In black walnut,
vhlch had also served as dowery chest
to the bride's grandmother.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Byer have lived
In Lincoln since childhood and have
a wide circle of friends and acquaint
ances. The bride Is well known as
having been one of Lincoln's most
successful teachers. The groom is a I
Found His Alfalfa.
Colonel J. B. Seybolt of Murray
drove up from his home this morning
in his touring car and was a pas
senger for Omaha over the Burling
ton. Colonel Seybolt has had quite
an experience with a purchase of al
falfa seed which he made some time
ago. He bought the seed through
Zack Shrader at Beaver City and had
it shipped him by freight. Time pass
ed and the seed never showed tip al
though he called at the local station
for it repeatedly. This morning he
happehed to tell Cashier Lyle of what
he was looking for and the latter re
membered that there was a sack of
seed at the freight house consigned
to a Mr. Cohott. The sack was from
Beaver City and had been unclaimed.
Investigation revealed It as Colonel
Seybolt's missing seed and he will
take It home with him tonight. He
was wondering what the man he
bought It of thought of him as he
had not remitted for It yet. However,
he will explain the circumstances to
Steals Conductor's Clothes.
The following from the State Jour
nal this morning relates to a piece
of petty thivery which took place in
Ashland several days since. Con
ductor Huddleston is well known in
this city and has run in and out of
here for some time past-
"Detective Smith of Lincoln, a Bur
lington secret service man, wa3 In
Ashland Monday rounding up hoboes
and found a colored man reposing
peacefully in the Jungles along Salt
creek, east of the station. On search
ing the sleeper the detective was
amaped to find the colored man was
evidently in the good graces of the
heartless corporation to an extent suf
ficient to provide him with an an
nual pass over Burlington lines. Ex
amination, however, proved that the
pass was the property of Conductor
George Huddleston and further ex
amination revealed the fact that the
colored man had also appropriated
the conductor's best summer suit and
baiters, after, It is charged, breaking
into the way car of freight train No.
30, which was switching In the local
yards. Detective Smith took the
prisoner to Lincoln.
"The negro is now ih Jail in Lin
coln. It Is said that he has confessed
that he took the freight conductor's
clothes at Ashland. He will be tak
en to Saunders county for trial."
Miss Opal and Mary Sreeman of
Clarinda, la., who have been visiting
at Union with the family of George
Saxon and with Mrs. Sreeman, pass'
ed through the city this morning on
their way home.
Lion Fondies a Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled
the hand that a child thrust into his
cage. Danger to a child is some
times great when least regarded. Of
ten it comes through Colds, Croup,
and Whooping Cough. They slay
thousands that Dr. King's New Dis
covery could have saved. "A few dos
es cured our baby of a very bad
case of Croup," writes Mrs. George
B. Davis, of Flat Rock, N. C, "We
always give It to him when he takes
cold. Its a wonderful medicine for
babies." Best for Coughs, Colds,
LaGrlppe, Asthma, Hemorrhages,
Weak Lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bot
tle free. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Glen Boedeker, the Murray bank
er and Dr. Alex Walker, came up
this morning in the former's large
touring car to spend several hours in
the city on business matters.
he will make himself a name with
the Bankers Is conceded by all who
know him. He has many friends In
the couuty who will be glad to meet
him and who will give him every en
couragement In his new line of en
deavor. Formerly connected with the
News of this city, Mr. Watters had
formed quite an acquaintance over
WMnesa my hand and seal of said
county court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebras
ka, thin Slird day of May. IdlO.
(Seal.) County Judge.
Ramsey Ramsey,
Sec 7. That this ordinance shall
take effect and be In force from and
after its passage, approval and pub- young business man.
Passed and approved this 17th day ot
June, A. D.. 1910.
John V Sattler,
Attest: Mayor.
W. n. Elster,
CUT Clerk
To the unknown heirs anil devisees
of Lewis Johnson, deceased; the un
known hell's and lievlum.a nf Unrirnrnl
Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs run my thresher this season, I have
The gifts of the bride to her attend
ant were handsome bands for the hair
of Imported rhlnestones.
Among the out of town guests were
the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
TheshliiK Machine For Sale Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boyer,
Owing to the fact that my work Is Ml8! Helen Wightman, Mrs. S.C. Che
ney of York, Neb.; Mrs. F. S. McKlb-
ben, Memphis, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs.
in such shape that I will be unable to
the county and this will aslo prove devisees of Scth Johnson, deceased; ,It,1(ipj to offer the samB foP Bai Lester Schlonecker, Omaha; Mr. and
. . the unknown heirs and devisees of John "euueu m uuer me same ior sale, .
a good help to him in securlug pat- g, Johnson, deceased; and to Solomon and at a price that Is right This out- Mr8, Rov Golfers, Pickering, Mo.;
ronage for his company. The Bank- uXo"vn"wifefW fit consists of a 13 h. p.C,aar-Scott Mra- Charles Patrick. Aurora, Neb.;
rs Life is one of the really strong J""7vnS engine, one J. I. Case 32-52 separ- Ir- and Mrs. Jas. Barber, Sterling,
and safely managed Insurance com- Katon; William T. Katoni'simon F. Fat- ator self feeder and wind stacker Neb-' Xlrs- William Balrd, Platts-
panles in the country. It has been A "'A " alan'water tank.. Thla n,,tt win , mouth.-State Journal.
established twenty-four years and last Ambrose Laxenhy, first name unknown
wire or ju
v.r lead all nld lino omnnnloi. In i.airiioy, non-resiueni
the amount ot new business written . win take notlen tiiat on the nth
, ,.. . . ,. ... .., 1l,y "f April, 1S10, (leorge M. Forter,
in this State, It Writing $2,524,032.00 Plaintiff, filed his petition In the dls.
wnrth nf hiislnoss It U enilnrm.d bv 1 r"'1 . court or t nsg county, Nebraska,
worm ot ousiiHBB. 11 is endorsed ny )n wnich you with others were named
sold at a bargain if taken soon.
Frank Vallery
W. K. Shepherdson came down last
evening from St. Joseph's hospital at
Omaha where he visited with his wife
Mrs. Fred Rezner departed this He Ib glad to be able to say that the
morning for Edgemont, S. D., where prospects now Is she will not have to
ttio liont and nt reticent ftllyotia nf thai as defendants
I Tin k t. Lint AMil VI n I I
state and a policy in it Is considered tlon is to quite title iti said plaintiff in she will Join her husband and where undergo another operation and that
equal to any in the big New York !"lo.l:,,l.J.0,!1J,Jv.,,!, ?A ilLu ... ... .u... ...... v.. she Is getting along very nicely. He
Companies. Mr. Watters expects to l'lnltsmouth. In Cass county, Nebraska,
give the matter his close personal at
tention and to see that all who pat
ronize his company are well satis
fied with the results of their Investment.
and to exclude the defendants from any
interest merein.
You are recnilrefl tJ answer said no.
imn on or nerore tne Zbtn uay or July,
Oenrge M. Torter.
Tty llnrkett. Wilson & Urown. and K. P.
I Suavely,
mi Attorneys.
hopes to be able to bring her back
to her home in this city In a short
Mrs. Rezner was sorry to leave Platts-
mouth and has many good f.iends time provided no unfavorable change
here who will hear of her departure takes place in her condition. ThiB
with the most Blncere regret as she news is very pleasing to her many
is a very popular lady. ( , I friends here
June lullettin
of Incursion Leafless
TO THE EAST: Unusually low and attractive summer tourist rates are in ef
fect every day to New York, Boston, Atlantic Coast and Canadian resorts,
Niagara Falls, Detroit and vicinity. Also for desirable Lake tours with 30
day limits, and GO day divease tours of the East, including coastwise ocean
trip. These rates afford the best chance in years to make that long desired
Eastern tour.
WESTERN TOURS: Very desirable tourist rates daily all summer to the Pa
cific Coast; for instance, $00.00 round trip, and on special dates only $r,0.00.
A complete scheme of tours through Yellowstone Park for any kind of an
outing journey; low excursion rates to Scenic Colorado, Big Horn Moun
tains, Black Hills and Thermopolis, Wyoming, one of the greatest hct
springs sanitariums in the world.
CALL OR WRITE, describing your trip; let me help you plan it, including a!!
the available privileges, etc.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent,
L. W. WAKELEY, Platttmouth, Neb.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
! O