The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 23, 1910, Image 8

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Two Interesting Stories.
Two large congregations were pres
ent yesterday at the First Presbyter
himn we?. o. 4T.
ax oiaiiNANi'i: cun.vnx! and DE
FINING I'AVI.N'li liIS'lllll'T No 4,
ST A 1 K OF Xr.l.lIASKA. AX1 Af
To Enlarge Weakly.
Commncing next . Monday, Jur.e
27, the Iiattsniotith Journal will en-
Ian church, despite the heat which har(:e its semi-weekly edition to 10
prevailed. They enjoyed two very pageg weekly, Increasing the size of I'.kit VwirN'!. "ViTkutvYof
excellent sermons, tne one in me ev- the Monday issue by lour pages ar.u
enlng delivered by Rev. Dr. Stook- making the paper eight pages on
ley of Bellevue college who paid bis Monday and eight pages on Thursday,
lirst visit to this city on this occa- xn8 8 done on account of the pres
eion. Dr. Stookey delivered what was 8Ure on news columns and to afford
considered by the congregation one of m0re room for country correspond
the very ablest addresses heard for enre. The aim of the Journal Is to
some time in the city. He is a fin- furnish the people of ("ass county
Isbed speaker and his address was wtn the best newspaper ever print
very pleasing to all who listened to e(j n the county and to give them
it. It is hoped to fcure him for an- the full worth of their money. The
other address in the near future and journal has been very fortunate In
In that event, be can return assured the past in Its patronage and it has
of a very warm and appreciative au- tried to earn a continuance of the
dience. favor granted it. By giving the peo-
Bellevne college which Dr. Stook- pe the largest and best paper in the
ey presides over, is a very well and county it believes it will merit It.
favorably known institution In this To the readers of the Semi-Weekly
locality and has been the source oft Journal is also desires to announce
a great part of the college training that it will commence the publication
for the youth of this city and vicinity. 0f that wonderful story of the air
It has made a splendid record and "Virginia of the Air Planes," by Her
yanks very high among the education- bert Quick. This story Is guaranteed
al Institutions of the state. Much of to hold the interest of the reader
the good work which has been done from start to finish. It will com
In it has been the direct result of mence on next Monday, June 27th,
I)r. Stookey's personal efforts and issue and all subscribers are advised
he has made a great many friends to keep their eye on it. With these
throughout this portion of the coun- two Improvements the riattsmouth
try by his untiring endeavors. Mb Semi-Weekly Journal will challenge
visit yesterday was In the nature of competition as a newspaper and it
a surprise to the congregation and the believes It can command the patron-
pastor and this made It so much the age which has been its lot in the
Sec. 1. That l aving District No. 4.
of the city of riut'Miiiuuth, state (if
Nebraska, be and the fame Is hereby
formed and created, unl shall lnrlmle
the pull til half ml4l of block thirty
six Utii, and the nirili half (n'i of
Mock forty-three H.. and extending
on l'eai-1 street, from the went aide of
Sixth street to the west side of Sev
enth street, of auid city of i'lattsmouth,
Sec. i. That that portion of Pearl
street, with said 1'avinx District No. 4,
Ik hereby authorized to he macadamized
wlih crushed rock laid tntrty (30) feet
wide In the center of raid street, and
ten (lu Inches thick, with surface of
raid street to he on the (trade prescribed
at the time of lowering Main street In
said city.
Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts or
ordinances In conflict herewith be and
the name are hereby repealed.
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take ef
fect and be In force from and after
its passas-e, approval and publication
according to law.
l'n used and approved this 17th day
of June. A. D., 1910.
John P. Sattler.
Attest: Mayor.
, W. H. Klster,
City Clerk.
more welcome.
OHIIIN tM'K Ml. 47ft
tiiiiiiin. iu ml. .... ....Mil,.. . . 11 1. a
. ,1 v i I I I ll 1 1 I j ' ( 1 III rr iuui llln 'l nil inn
Colorado Land Colng Some. owners of abuttimr lots on Fourth and
Col. John Franklin Swezey, agent P'irtli streets between Main and Vine
" DlriKla nnH tlirfi.rrtlll-t in tf H i tIA
for the Union Pacific Land company, I owners of abutting lots on Vine streets,
.i .ii. i . I net ween I'oiirm Hnti nevenui sireum,
cnine uuwu in s ii orn nic irom um- .i . ...... .. m.... ...i,
hereafter all liOX rent must be paid afia jQ noj(j Interview With nros- ''''raska have petitioned the mayor and
nfnrn ttiA first rinv of thn nuarter on , . , . ... city council of said city to pave, curb
oeiore ine nrsi cmy oi wie quarur uii p((,t , j purchasers from t i sLnd .rotter said streets, including th
Wnicn It IS Ulie Or Itie UOXCS positive- vi,,nuv tin nnl.l tho Innrnal nno Intersections or Fourth and Vine
. , i . i .,. j uunity. ne paiu me Journal one or Htrot. of Fifth and vine streets, of
ly must be declared vacant and rent- nlg mnay pi(.aHnnt calls and as us- Seventh and vine streets, and the street
ed to the first comer. This is not a ,,, ,,)Uf,otl,,, ot ,,,, ,K """.,:.r,.!"?s J:f..,!!e. e.a.r.La"d
move on the part of the postmaster mnnv i.niltipa minrndA ian,i tk.i 'W1' -K twenty-nine (29), ail in
IravInK IMstrlct No. 3, in said city, ami
have In said petition selected the kind
The colonel is a fluent and entertain
Take Xollce.
Postmaster H. A. Schneider desires
to call the particular attention to pa
trons of the postoffice to the fact that
himself but Is an edict of the law
and It has to be obeyed. The new
law does not permit of the postmast
er carrying people for box rent un-
of material for such tiavlna: purposes.
to-wlt: "Suitable Paving ltrick, with
Ine talker and when hA rnta Innoo Concrete Foundation," and
ing talker ana wnen ne cuts loose wmkkeas. At a special election, held
unon the manv attributes which Ail- on Mnv .'trd. A. D.. 1910. In the city
less It is paid cash in hand and that, h. in ,,, inin,.j . of Plattsmonth, state of Nebraska, a
. . nere to lanu in ( olorado there Is a maioritv of the votes cast at said eiec-
tOO, before the nrst day Ot the Q"ar- l0un(lipaa snhllmltv tn hl tt(ml, tlm authorized the mayor and council
ter. Therefore those who receive no. 8Ub11" ,y , h,S Wor( 8 of . said city , to Issuo paylnK bonds of
wmcn indicates mat tne mountain said city in tne sum or tnree tnousann
tice that their box rent is due for Li- on,i .,.in. vn. 0f,i i,i five hundred doiiurs ($aroo.oo), for the
air and oone has afected his parts ,,rpose of payinx the cost of pavinK
quu.if. ,u......f...:,B JU,y 0f gpeech. He hopes to take a Colony the streets tlie street Intersections and
will rln u.'f.ll tn atlend in It nnil nnv . . street and alley intersections of the
wiii ao wtu to attend to it ana pay of g00(l peope from th,8 part of the wiHt Hn() wp(it 'a,.eys thr0UKh ,,lo,.k8
ue ore u, uate, o ner ,e u.ey world out Into Colorado within a few " r
may find the box rented to some one day8 8n(l , hem t ent,re "wnKKKAS.'m.ier direct,;,,, of tho
else There Is no reason whv thn .... .... mayor and council of said city, estl-
eme. t nere is no rtason wny me en(1 of the worl(1 ,f thpy want ,t niH(eH nf the coKt of pHVlnKi curl(lllc
rent Cannot be paid as easily at this Qori.-oiw i, ,.ii i..i Hnd KUtterlnK the streets, the street
... , Seriously, the colonel reports busi- intersections and street and alley Inter.
time as any other and It is merely in
ness fine and encouraging and that "Hon,
Pavlnx District No. 3, In
compliance Of the law on the matter . .. . . .... . said city, have been made, filed with
. .oiorauo lanu is a pari or tne great and accepted by the mayor and coun-
iobi luiu step is miten iiow. iarge .....f,., .Mnv.n.,n tt.hih vQ(1 ell of said city, therefore,
nlftcards have hei-n nrlnted rulllnir 1 MOMnent Which has rexolll- UK IT ,,KDAINKl HY THE MAYOR
placards have been printed calling lion) d t, u d AN1 (.(itNCii- of the city of
attention of the public to the change
and these will be posted at the office
Sec. 1. That the followlnir named
Calvin Taylor Of Union spent the streets, Including street intersections
morning In the city, being called here in Pavinir District No. 3. of the city of
on business. Mr. Taylor Is one of the l'lll X
graduates this Vear from the slate paved, curbed and Kiittered. to-wit:
...... . Fourth and Fifth streets, from the
university at Lincoln ana a Very north line of Main street to the south
bright and able youn man H line of Vine street and Vine street to the
61 ,U a"'V 'UU"I "IMH. 116 i- ... pfllir, .irai.1 In the west
pnsHed the examination With high line of Seventh street Including Inter-
l , ... . . , sections of Fourth and Vine street or
hi'iiuio ciuu uiuo tun iu hiiuw water
the Immense benefits which an uni
versity education endows one with.
Structure Could Not Hold Any
Desperate Criminals.
Public opinion as canvassed since
.the breaking of jail by Blunt and
Morris is more pronounced than ever
in favor of a new structure and that
at once. Everyone feels that a step
of the utmost Importance confronts
the county now and that the time is
ripe to build a jail which wil hold
something at least and out of which
15 years old boys can't make their
way. That a good, substantial struc
ture should be erected upon the
county's vacant plat of ground north
of the court houBe is the unanimous
opinion of everyone who has learned
of the escape and the quicker It Is
done the better for the public wel
fare. The capture of Blunt at Nebraska
City, spoken of yesterday was made
by Sheriff Quinton and Constable
Barton of Union who had been with
him In the hunt. Blunt was taken
from one end of a flat car loaded
with water pipe. There was a con
siderable space upon each end of
the car and In the middle between
the pipes. Constable Barton was at
one end of the car and Sheriff Quln
ton at the other. The sheriff dis
covered Blunt with a companion on
bis end of the car and took him into
custody while Mr. Barton unearthed
three other fellows on the other end
of the car. They all seemed ordin
ary hoboes save Blunt whom they
were looking for and whom they took
Into custody. He was brought back
here by the sheriff yesterday morn
ing as told in the Journal. The car
from which he was taken was In a
freight train headed south and he
evidently figured on getting out of
the country by that direction.
Morris was taken at the home of
his mother by Deputy Manspeaker
and Constable Barton who drove out
there after the storm early Sunday
morning. lie had headed straight
for home after getting out of the
jail here and wanted to get some
money from his mother for the pur
pose of making his escape. She had
drawn some money from the bank in
Union the day before and seemed to
have had some knowledge of the pro
jected escape. Blunt was with Mor
ris when they arrived there but he
pushed on, leaving the boy at home.
It is plainly evident had the boys
been hardened criminals they might
C" Why it
To use
The Cheap
and Big
Can Kind
la tLii can yoi ct
nor mbfUnce but
ot Bore baking
powder. It h (real
a quantity only
sot ia economy
not a utisfadioa.
You limply cannot ge u rood re
sults from the cheap and big ean
kind the baking cannot be as evenly
raised It cannot be aa delicious It
cannot be as pure and wholesome
because the quality ! not there.
And It caunot be any more economi
cal. Culumet It medium In price
the itandard 1-lb. size can costs ISc
Less of It Is required and tbe baking
Is certain to be better. Try one can
It not satisfactory your money will
be returned.
Unmet Racarrwi Highart Award
World's Pura Food Expowboa.
FREE large handsome recipe book.
Send 4c and slip found in pound can.
Short Locals
Jamos Jancek, a workman at the
Burlington freight car repair depart
ment this morning sustained a scalp
wound while at his work. He was
working under a truck when his part
ner knocked a bolt out of the truck.
The bolt flew out and struck Jancek
on tho head, cutting a gash about
xnree incnes in lengm. ii iook sev- riMiim r, mitk'K
eral stitches to close the wound but I Slate of Nebraxka,)
he returned to his work. mn Comitv. I
Frank Rauen who has been off his 'J" 'iIavij lUJ.Y!'10
work for several davs. suffering from To all iiei-min interex'teii:
mnaho.1 flnppn. rot.irn.wl tilu unrU ...V "r? '",r:V.v .n"tlr', thn . P""
" - " i uon mm neen rued in nun court pmy-
thls morning, being assigned another !"K t,,IHt lpt,'r" of a'lminlntrntlon be
juu wueie no would not nave 10 use H'cenneu: Unit a liearlnr will lie tin
Fifth nnil Vine street, of Seventh
nnrl Vine KtreetM. anil of tlie Htreet and
alley Internei'tlons of the runt and went
alley, tliroiiKh Mock twenty-elnht
CXI Hml twenty-nine (J9), In nam 1'av
Ink lit"trlct No. 3, In hhIiI city.
Sec. 2. Hint Hultnlile navlnst hricK,
with concrete foundation, shall bo uncd
In phvIiik kiiIiI Htreets, the Htreet in
ti'ifcctliinH ami the trect ami alley In
tersections, and nil cuiIiIiik wliall be of
Sec. 3. That all rinvinir, cmlilng and
Kilt tcrlnir nhitll conforin in all icsicctH
to the plan, aperlfleatlona and reiiilre
nierits of the nmvor and council of ald
Sec. i. That a conTract lie and the
mine 1 hereby authorized to be mnde
.,,, i,i ....uii,,,, ,.' .,,. .." .. "I HUH ciiicieil uuu ior 1 11 1 II i II i n an inn
.mini mm n ,u.o ui leuai. June, A. P., 1910. at 10 o'clock a. m In
Albert llelnhackel Is one of those ",y fff'"' 'n rinttHinouth, NebrnHka, on
,r be for which hour all objection!)
who was unable to stand the heat at thereto mum be filed.
the shops today and who took a sick ! 'Vrd"H,iayyof "juno?". i f.tei" oSt
wean Allen J. HcPBon.
IlimiNey r.ninxcy, County JudKe.
Carl Uanecek Is among those lay
ing off this afternoon, a sufferer from
the severe heat.
State of iSebiunka,)
t hp t ounty, )
terlal and labor necrsxary and for the
roiiHtruct Ion and completion of all of
Kiild imvlnir, cm hi mk and KUtterlnK.
Sec. 6. That before enterlnir Into any
contract, provided for In thin ordinance
the mayor Hlmll Invite lilda tnereror, dv
niitiliahed notice In ome newspaper,
fur not leu than four weeks, which
bid ahall be opened, examined and
acted upon by the mayor and council
at any regular or special meeting, the
mayor and council reaervInK the rlKht
to reject any or all bids; provided, bow-
ever, that no contract shall be entered
Into, unlex the contractor shall exe-
JurJge Beeson Sends Boy Burglar
to Kearney Reformatory
From Tuesday's Dally. '
Judge beeson lum morning held
the hearing on the application for
the commitment of Earl Morris, the
15-year-old boy who robbed the store
of L. It. Upton at Union last March
of a few articles of hardware, to the
state reformatory at Kearney. There
were a great many witnesses present
who were Interested In the matter
and considerable testimony was ad
duced on the hearing. The boy did
not deny the charge which was made
against him but his mother made a
strong effort to have him paroled In
her care. Judge Beeson heard the
testimony and the evidence In the
case and decided that It would be
for the best Interests of the lad to
have him committed to the reform
school. The testimony tended to dis
close a rather pathetic condition of
affairs so far as the lad was concern
ed, he 6eemlng to have been neglect
ed from his early days by the moth
er who had not brought him up in
Uhe way he should have been. The
generpl opinion of all who were' in
formed on the conditions surrounding
the matter was that the boy was
really less to blame In the case than
have made all kinds of trouble for. the mother. ThereNwas no disposl-
the officers and It Is this knowledge j tion to do him any wrong or Injury
that has caused people to hope that but the family history seemed to
i , . . , . .
indicate mat a term in tne state
a good safe place for this class of
men Is soon erected.
Public safety requires that the
present dilapidated structure be done
away with and that a jail ot suffi
cient strength to keep criminals In
be built. Those who were In the city
today from Union were pronounced In
favor of the new Jail as they realize
from this last case how dangerous
it Is to attempt to keep a really des
perate character In the present struc
ture. The county commissioners
should submit a proposition to the
people on the matter and find what
public sentiment Is. If the majority
desire to try and get along with the
present structure then no harm Is
done while if a majority believes
the public interest requires a new
structure a new structure should be
IN TIIR MATTER OF" THR FSTATB ''u,e alu' deliver to salrt city a bond
OV WILLIAM 1". 11A1I.EY, Kr UK- w"" uretles to be approved by the
CKAS1CI). mayor and council, In the penal sum
Notice Is hereby given thnt the credl- or smeen tnousnmi oonars, conditioned
Fine Dance.
A very fine dance was Riven last
Saturdnv night at thn fnthniie snini
Voii . i i . tor of said deceased will meet the ror t'" faithful performance of such
nan, mere neing a nice crowd ores- administrator nt unlit AHtnla httfnrA I contract, by such contractor, or In lieu
nt and a very enjoyable time had mn' t,0unty of C'ass county, Ne. thereof shall deliver to the mayor and
,t . ciuojuuie (i n, naa. 1)1(lHkai t te c01lnty court , city council n certified check equal In
despite the hot weather. The attend- riattsmouth. In said countv on the "mount of IIROOO.OO, to be held by the
ance w not n , day of June, A. I)., 1910. and on """i: f.or ''!"? u5:
....fiv o vi mi mi i me 27ih flay of December 1910 at 9 J muniui pn innnmicr m
account of attractions In Various o'clock a. m., each day, for the pur. ?"''! ronirB,('1,i "nd Provided further,
...... v ,,v,ua in lauuuj t ....,, ,, that each hid so mndn shall lm nr.
parts Of the City but In spite Of this amlnatlon. adjustment and allowance" '"""rTnn cer,f'el check In the
t was satisfactory and all who attend- MnVKft Jrt"
?u nan a very i ne t me and enjoyed ""inim. and one year and x month , """- ," 1 "V".
. . riijujui f ndmlnistrator to eu uM dlnanre be and the same are hereby re
themselves huae V. Thn Incatlnn n V."1 V.R,.,?rJ rV ? Dealed
.v. u. . . . iin " ua' Vl I sec 7. That thl ordinance shall
ih .utu mat wnat breeze vunei my hand and seal of said ,n,!"'.,7Pt unA 1,0 ln ,orr? f,,,,m nr,,a
meie was reacneu u ana made It very county court, at riattsmouth. Nebras- r,' , , ,," ' K
nlnnut ,.. a, this 23rd day of May, 1910. ' "i1"" . i' r"' .l.!".,1?.-.
pleasant for those who were enjoying allk i
the light fantastic. The music was A n count, Judge.
excellent, helnir furnluhail lu l, I A I t it I tt a -
excellent, neing furnished by the Ca- Attorneys,
thollc Sokol orchestra composed of
the very best musicians In the city:
It wnB a Into hour when tho "Sweet
Home" waltz was played and the dan
cers tripped home ln tho moonlight.
I'assed and approved tills 17th day of
June, A. !., 1910.
John y Satller.
Attest: Mayor.
H. Klster,
City Clerk
I'linU l'ur rialnlifr.
forcible entry and detainer
i.i:ii, Mun i:.
i'i:visi:i:s and nun-uksiuknts
To the unknown heirs and devisee
of Lewis Johnson, deceased; the un
known heirs ami devisees of Murtraret
Johnson, deceased; tho unknown heirs
ami devisees of Set I Johnson, di-cpiisi'il
the unknown heir and devisees of John
Lion Fondles a Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled
the hand that a child thrust into his
cage. Danger to a child is some
times great when least regarded. Of
ten it comes through Colds, Croup,
and Whooping Cough. They slay
thousands that Dr. King's New DIs
covery could have saved. "A few dos
es cured our baby of a very bad
case of Croup," writes Mrs. George
H. Davis, of Pint Rnclt V. f "Wo
always give it to him when he takes I
cold. Its a wonderful medicine for
babies." Best for Coughs, Colds,
LaGrlppe, Asthma, Hemorrhages,
Weak Lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial bot
tle free. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
TIicnIiIiik Machine For Sale
Owing to the fact thnt my work Is
tn such shape that I will be unable to
run my thresher this season, I have of Devoro vs. Hough from Green- ,ll"',"'" M," vv- Pencil, first mime
win wl u-l,ii. ..... .ii,-,. . iiiiKiniwn, wire or . n. i.cacii ilri.
wood WIlKli wnn Oil trial Friday be- William Johnson, first num. unknown
decided to offer the same for sale,
devisees or .inhnl . . .... ... .
Johnson, deceased; and to Solomon nn1 nl a l'1 K' lnnl 13 rlI,t- I Ills out
lit consists of a lfl h. p. Gnar-Scott
engine, one J. I. Case 32-52 sepnr
fore Justice Archer was decided by self feeder and wind stacker.
41.... ..!.., ... '."''V -I, in HI 1. I. Ill- I
mm ouiciui in favor of tho plaintiff "enrv; tlreensberry It Henry
ofi- i, i. ii , . . .. . A l.azcnhv; Ambrose I.acnbv. and Mrs
nfUir lm lm,! ii.,i... i . . ' i.azciuiy; Amliroso I.iicnby, and Mrs.
after lie Had listened to all the CVl- Ambrose i.acnbv. first nam.i ni, known.
llonee In the case. He could not find ib.'r'.VdanV"1'10''0 I'M';p",'y non-resident
where the defendants had paid nnv v"' wiu'tnUe notlej timt on the i:th
conlclornt Ion f- ... .. - "'.''. rAprll. 1910. Hcuiko M. Porter.
l" iviiiui tit me i puiintirr, rued his petition in the dis-
nlrfo water tanks. This outfit will be
sold at a bargain if taken soon.
Frank Vallery
S. M. 1'ioylea, a very prominent fit t
r.on of Alvo, wns a visitor today in
tho city, having matters to look after
at the court house. Mr. lloyles Is
property ln Oliestlou m n fr. t,l.l i, ti'lct cooit of fuss connly. .Nebraska
..".i. , ,,. 1,1 which yon with others were mimed
for another yenr and did not consider "H defendant.
mifh a contract na .vluit.,.. i "bject and prayer of said petl-
Bitin a loniratt as existing. Messrs. Hon I to unite title in md ni..i..tirr t,.
Itamsey & ItaniRey appeared for the ;r,;rK!:,.,rtyt.,;V..'t0)(Sr of" rJtV '"f H of tho mwt n"ontIl cltl.ens
iManiiiii uiio j i. is., unrr represent- rinttstnouth, m ens countv, Nehmajva, of uls neighborhood, being Interested
a. i ,i. - ... I ft nil I o e vrl n ili, I lin tli.f.itiitn ,i I h i-iii,, ir I
vn uiu ueieuunnis. ii..,..t ,.. '' In fho lmnltlnc IiitslncBU to fhnt
.n.r.: r."'L..i7n.,,1..K: I'lRW Ho ia quite well known hero
( . eseott is a business visitor PJtO. . and has a great mnnv cood friends
today in Omaha, going to that city rtv Ttnrkctt. wnnn Trown. ami' ':, ho wrro glnd to meet him during
tnis morning on the llurlington train.1 h.n1"iy;'lA'01,- his stay in the city.
reform school would be best for him.
It appears that the boy has an elder
brother who Is now serving a term
In the federal prison at Leavenworth
for robbing a postoffice somewhere
out in the state. He was apprehend
ed by the federal authorities and re
ceived a severe sentence, Talking
with many of those who came up
from Union a number of statements
were made which reflected strongly
upon the mother as being directly re
sponsible for the downfall of the two
boys and they condemned her treat
ment of them severely.
The boy will be taken to Kearney
by Sheriff Quinton within a few days
and will remain until he becomes of
W. Foster, the Union citizen,
spent last evening and this morning
in the city, coming up to attend to
some business matters and returning
to his home on the morning M. P.
train. While in the city Mr. Foster
paid the Journal a pleasant and very
much appreciated call as Is his cus
torn and found everyone glad to see
him as always.
Dr. I. C. Munger of Elmwood spent
last evening ln the city, being among
those registered at the Hotel Riley
for the night.
From Monday's Dally.
Frank II. Smith of the Journal,
spent Sunday in Union w here he visit
ed with his mother, Mrs. Claude
C. E. Campbell and wife of Mur
ray were Saturday visitors in the
city, coming in and remaining over
night. ,
George S. Smith and family of Rock
Bluffs were Saturday visitors in the
city, coming up from their home
about noon.
Mont Robb, the Mynard grain man,
spent a few hours in the city Satur
day evening greeting old friends and
looking after business.
A. E. Taylor, one of Union's well
known citizens, spent Saturday in the
city attending to business In county
court, returning to his home during
the afternoon.
Philip H. Melslnger and daughter
were visitors during Saturday after
noon in the city with friends, coming
in from their home in Eight Mile
Grove precinct during the earlier part
of the day.
C. II. Vallery and wife and Mrs.
Rummell were visitors last week in
Lincoln where the latter lady is to
be treated at a sanatarlum for a com
plaint. Mr. Vallery returned home
Saturday evening, leaving the ladies
Adam Schaffer, one of Ihe best
known and most popular residents of
the country southwest of the city, was
in Saturday looking after business
matters. Mr. Schaffer paid the Jour
nal a very pleasant and much appre
ciated call and had an enjoyable time
with the proprietor. He is invited
to call at any time when in the city.
While here he renewed his allegiance
to the Journal which will enter his
hom.e another year at least.
Chris Mockenhaupt and son Walter
of the neighborhood of Louisville,
came down this morning on the
Schuyler tialn to spend the day in
the city with relatives and friends
and to look after some business mat
ters. While in the city the gentlemen
paid the Journal a very pleasant and
much appreciated call. Mr. Mocken
haupt is one of the Journal's friends
whom it is always a delight to wel
come. They returned home this af
ternoon on the Schuyler train.
llepoi ted Killed by Auto.
A report is current on the streets
this afternoon that William Krug,
head of the Fred Krug Brewing com
pany, of Omaha, was struck by an
automobile upon the streets of that
city and killed. Particulars could
not be obtained in time for this ev
ening's Issue but the understanding
is that he was struck by an automo
bile running at high speed upon one
lof the principal streets.
To Oi'pinlc Military Company.
There Is a movement on toot in the
city to organize a conrpany of the
state guard. All who are interested
In tho matter and desire to Join the
Nntlonal Guard of Nebraska are re
quested to call at tho barber shop of
A. J. Trillety and leavo their names
with Prof. Stonehncker. There are
a number of young men in the city
Interested ln tho movement and it is
believed enough will soon bo enroll
ed to permit the formntlon of a com
pany hero. Don't be bnckwnrd but
step to tho front and give your name
to Mr. Stonehocker who is promoting
tho movement.
Don C. lthoden came up this morn
ing from his home at Murray and
was a passenger for Glen wood, la.,
where ho had some business matters
to look after.
W a E&za
June Bulletin
TO THE EAST: Unusually low and attractive summer tourist rates ara in ef
fect every day to New York, Hoaton, Atlantic Coast and Canadian resorts,
Niagara Falls, Detroit and vicinity. Also for desirable Lake tours with 30
day limits, and GO day divcase tours of the East, including coastwise ocean
trip. These rates alTord the best chance in years to make that long desired
Eastern tour.
WESTERN TOURS: Very desirable tourist raves daily all summer to the Pa
cific Coast; for instance, $(J0.0O round trip, and on special dates only $.")0.00.
A complete scheme of tours through Yellowstone Park for any kind of an
outing journey; low excursion rates to Scenic Colorado, Big Horn Moun
tains, Black Hills and Thcrmopolis, Wyoming, one of the greatest hct
springs sanitariums in the world.
CALL OR WRITE, describing your trip; let me help you plan it, including a'.l
tho available privileges, etc.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Ajent,
L. W. WAKELEY, Plnttamouth, Nab.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.