The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1910, Image 7

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    Newt Item. Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Seml-Weekly Journa
Miss Stella Opp is attending sum
mer school at Peru.
J. M. Palmer was here from Ne
hawka Sunday.
F. L. Dunkak is entertaining Kan
sas City friends.
Dick Steffens was over from Ne
hawka AVednesday.
A. Zinimerer was over from Ne
braska City laBt week.
A dandy line of souvlner spoons
at Copes' drug store.
D. D. Adams and family were here
from Nehawka Sunday.
H. O- Wellensiek was a Nebraska
City visitor Wednesday.
Miss Alpha Andrews is attending
Bchool at University Place.
Orlando Teff t was a Weeping' NVa
ter visitor Wednesday.
V. W. Straub was a Lincoln visi
tor the first of the week.
Louis Carsten was at Syracuse Sat
urday attending the ball game.
Henry Straub and wife attended
the ball game at Syracuse Saturday.
Charles Jenkins and family have
moved to the W. , LSmoots residence.
Mrs. George Braezele Is entertain
ing relatives from Missouri this
W. H. Wright was attending to
business at Nebraska City Wednes
day. Charles Busch of Omaha, brother
of our-lumber dealer, J. H. Busch,
was here the first of the week.
Mrs. M. G. Keedy enjoyed a visit
from her father and mother of Elm
wood several days this week.
The Nebraska City boosters were
here Wednesday. They were a jolly
set and were all boosting for Ne
braska City.
Mrs. Edward Morley and son were
visiting Nehawka relatives this week'.
J. C. Zlmmerer was a busines Vis
itor at Omaha Wednesday.
The Odd Fellows observed memor
ial day Sunday. They marched to
the cemetery and decorated the
graves of the deceased members.
Miss Florence Wilkinson of Ard
more, South Dakota, arrived last
week for a1 few days visit with her
friends. She left this week for Peru
where she will attend summer
school..:' . -
llase Ball Pope.
The Greens were defeated at Syra
cuse Saturday by a score of 8 to 1.
Avoca won at Berlin Sunday by a
score of 10 to 8.
Simon Rehmeier, captain of the
Silver Spindles announces that he has
secured Melvln Kear as one of his
The Pinochles defeated the Husk-
ies Sunday by a score of 15 to 13.
The Greens played at Elmwood
" W. R. Graham umpired the game
at Syracuse Saturday to the satisfac
tion of all.
Sheriff Quinton Returns From
Avoca Today
Sheriff Quinton has returned from
Avoca where he has been spending
several days trying to secure some
evidence as to who was guilty of the
assault upon the aged Mrs. Schmidt.
He met with no success in his quest
as the aged lady can give no descrip
tion of the man save as heretofore
told in the Journal. The facts as
printed in the Journal touching the
assault are corroborated by the sher
iff who adds that the woman fainted
during the struggle with the man in
the dark room and for that reason
can give no description worth any
thing. The hair which she clutched
in her hand consisted of only five
strands and this is of small value as
a means of Identification.
SheriffQuinton states that the dogs
which were brought down from Lin
coln and which it was hoped could
throw some tangible evidence in the
path of the officers, proved a dismal
failure. They refused utterly to take
the trail and amounted to practical
ly nothing at all.
Feeling In the community where
the assault occurred is very strong
the sheriff reports and he admits that
be would have had a great deal of
difficulty in saving his prisoner had
he taken one. The people of Avoca
held a mass meeting Tuesday morn
ing and canvassed the situation at
which a prompt and vigorous punish
ment for the Bcoundrel who had com
mitted the crime was boldly talked.
However, as nothing developed in
conection with the Identity of the
party, nothing came of the talkvand
the feeling is dying down. The gen
eral- opinion in that locality is that
the crime was committed by some
one living In Avoca. The cleverness
with which the work was done and
the evident preparation made for it
leads the public to conclude that the
miscreant had carefully studied the
matter out. It is said that a man is
under suspicion as such cases have
happened before but there seems
nothing yet tangible upon which to
base an arrest.
Full Measure
It is not the rule to find
paints put up full meas
ure. Most of them are put
up in short measure the
cans are small and not full.
But every can and pail of
The Sherwih- Williams paint
is always
Full Measure
It means that you get
what you pay for full
measure every time.
Honest paint honest in
quality and quantity
pays best. You're always
sure to get it in
ORAL COPES the Druggist
rhone your news to Alvo Drug Co.
Phones Alvo 20a; Bell, blk 1535.
C. R. Jordan went to Plattsmouth
Henry Snoke returned to Clatonia
last week.
Sam Cashner returned from Om
aha last Friday.
YV. E. Casey was in South Omaha
on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Casey went to
Lincoln Tuesday evening.
E. M. Stone went to Greenwood
Wednesday morning.
Mr. Fowler of Ashland is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. R. F. Johnson.
Mrs. , S. Humphrey of Spencer,
Ohio, Is visiting with Mrs. D. A. Vin
sent. i
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner visited
Mrs. Cashner's brother, Etton Snoke
and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hulfish of Wa
bash visited Mr. Hulflsh's brother,
W. Wurl Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dave Sheesley.was called last Sat
urday to Pella, la., to see his moth
er who has had a paralytic stroke.
J. H. Stroemer was a business visi
tor in Omaha Tuesday and Wednes
day, returning home Wednesday ev
Mrs. Harry Parsell, sister Miss Ag
ness Tucker, and Mrs. Charles Snave
ly and her father, Henry Rulofz,
drove to Greenwood Tuesday morning
to take the B. & M. to Omaha. They
returned home on No. 17 Tuesday evening.
Etton Snoke and John Frollch
spent a few days in Texas last week.
Mr. Snoke thinks Nebraska Is away
ahead of Texas,
William Wurl who has been ailing
for several months is not improving
as much as his friends have hoped.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stroemer and
Fiend Enters House During Early Morning Hours and Proceeds
With His Dastardly Work. '
From Tuesday's Daily.
A terrible crime Beems to have
been committed some time last night
at the town of Avoca when unknown
miscreants entered the house of a
Mrs. Schmidt, an aged widow living
in that town and committed an as
sault on her. She was bouud and
gagged and then raped. The mis
creant or miscreants, the number be
ing unknown, entered through a win
dow of the house and Bclzed ber as
she was sleeping in the bed. After
the assault they left and did not dis
turb anything else. The crime took
place between twelve and one o'clpck
in the morning and the unfortunate
woman was some time in freeing her
self from the bonds which held her
and getting over to one of the neigh
bors where she spread the alarm.
A call was Bent to this city im
mediately for the sheriff and his de
puty and Sheriff Quinton and Deputy
Manspeaker left at once for the
scene of the crime In the automobile
of the latter. They arrived at the
home of the woman at an early hour
and found absolutely no trace of the
villain or villains.
The unfortunate woman is report
ed to have been very badly Injured
as she was unable to make any de
fense. She Is 65 years of age and
at her time of life the crime is al
most sure to have bad results.
Immediately after the officers ar
rived word was sent to Lincoln of
the crime and the officers at that
point stated they would send any
possible assistance. With this end
in view, an automobile was dispatch
ed from Avoca to Lincoln which Is
to pick up the' officers of that city,
together with several bloodhounds,
who will be put on the trail and if
possible an arrest will be speedily
made. The crime has aroused the
community and there Is every indica
tion of strong measures being taken
if the party committing it be appre
hended. The aged lady is quite unable to
give any description of her assailant
according to telephonic advices from
Avoca this afternoon and there is ab
solutely no means of figuring out
who is responsible for the affair.
It is the belief of the officers that
some one in the neighborhood is guil
ty of the crime and that whoever it
was still be tracked down and appre
hended. The local constable is lend
ing the sheriff and his deputy every
assistance and between them the
prospects seem good for some results.
For Sale.
My Model 10, 20 horse power
Bulck runabout with rumble seat,
fully equipped with top, windshield,
speedmeter, Atwater-Kent ignition,
all in fine condition and practically
as good as new. Car has been used
less than one year. Big bargain at
$650. T. H. Pollock,
2td-2tw Plattsmouth, Neb.
Oscar Zarr, one of South Bend's
best citizens, came down this morning
to look after business matters In the
city, paying the Journal a very
pleasant call during the morning. He
was a passenger for Omaha on train
No. 23 for a few hours before going,
Receives Promotion;
H. K. Davis and wife were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha
from which place Mr. Davis goes to
Green River, Wyo., where he takes
charge of the Bell Telephone office.
Mrs. Davis and family will remain
here until fall when they will Join
him In his new location. Mr. Davis'
change of base is in the shape of a
handsome promotion, Green River be
ing an important point in Bell tele
phone business and a live and bustl
ing town. During the comparatively
brief space of time Mr. Davis has
been connected with the Bell in
terests in this city, he has made him
self well liked and has proven a
capable and energetic manager. That
he will achieve new honors in his
new location is considered certainly
by the many friends he leaves be'
hind him here and he carries with
him their most sincere and best
In County Court
In county court today a petition children, Mrs. Belle Bennett and son
was filed asking for the appointment Earl, and Miss Marie Stroemer and
of L. R. Upton as administrator or brother Alfred, spent last Sunday.
the estate of Sarah Olive Dye, de- wltn jjr anj Mr8i George Foreman,
ceased. The petition is filed by Jacob Rr
a ml
C. Dye ,a brother of the deceased or j jr. stroemer was In Eagle on
Emerson, Neb., and it recites that de- business Saturday
ceased died at Union on June b, yr8i xervla Knott and son Irwin
leaving an estate worth $2,200.00. wcnt to waverly Saturday to visit
The heirs of the deceased are J. C. her sister, Mrs. Henry Bennett and
Dye, Emerson, Neb., brother; on-1 family. George Ellison drove over
gram Dye, Lebanon, Ind., brother; .Sunday, bringing his mother home
Jane Johnson, South Dakota, sister; Sunday evening.
I. C. Dye, Spencer, Neb., brother; Walter Hatton of Waverly was In
Ezekiel Dye, Lebanon, lnd., brother; tow.i Sunday evening
Wm. Dye, Lebanon, Ind., brother; Miss Orpha Mullen went to Prairie
Nettle Grimes, Lebanon, Ind., Bister Home Saturday evening to visit with
and the children of Letitia Reed, Bia-1 friends a few days
ter of Indiana. Charles L. Graves ,.Wra.. Foreman went. to Lincoln on
appears as attorney in the case. 0. n Sunday evening.
A final settlement was also had in jjrs. Henry Hardknoek went to
the estate of Lovenia Hunter, de- Flndlay, Ohio, with her daughter,
ceased. Waiver of notice was filed Mrs. Kate Fisher who has be?n visit
and a decree In distribution entered, jng ner mother for some time.
the administrator discharged and his Mr8, j, g. Parsell was called to
bondsmen released from liability. C. Yates, Illinois, last Friday to see her
E. Tefft appeared for the estate. mother who was not expected to live.
A suit has also been filed in coun- Chester Ough returned Friday
ty court entitled Byron Dill vs. N. f rom a week's visit with his brother,
W. Kaneff, the suit being for the victor Ough at Richfield
sum of $255 due on a promlsory Orvllle Prouty took his sister, Miss
note. D. O. Dwyer is attorney for Mae Prouty to Greenwood last Sat
the plaintiff. urday where she went to Yankton,
South Dakota, to attend Bummer
Received New Rand Suits. school.
Th Bulla for the P attsmoutn uaU6..iC., i.B.
Use "Forest Rose" flour if you
want the best results in making good
bread. Try a sack and you will buy
no other. For sale by all leading
Cornet band which were ordered Hilman and Mr. and Mrs. Will Comp-
some time ago have arrived and the lon 01 Weeping water, visited Mon-
boys will now be able to appear on aay " ne nome 01 Mp- ana wrs- Ue0
the streets duly uniformed. They neesiey,
are of khaki and make handsome
and attractive uniforms. There are
some twenty members of the band
and they wil make a very neat ap-
R. A. Stone went to Omaha on bus
iness Wednesday.
Miss Etta Miller and sister, Mrs
Keer of Lincoln came in Wednesday
pearance when they turn out. They u" JO "" " .
expect to soon show up on the street bam "ardknock
and are confident they will make Miss Lena Kutrz of Lexington and
such a showing as will attract the Miss Tressle Boyles of Overton are
attention of the public and help them visiting with Miss Flora Boyles this
to appreciate the good work the boys week.
are doing.
Have you ever used the celebrated
"Forest Rose" flour? Try It when
you buy the next sack. At all lead
ing dealers.
Ddbu M
Miss Mayme De Vore of Fort Mor
gan, col., came in Tuesday on No.
18 to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsell are on
the sick list.
Mrs. John Aaron was called to
Spanldlng, to see her daughter-ln-law,
Mrs. Chas. Aaron, who was In
poor health. She returned Wednes
'V. Ik It. . L I ...
that will Rive satisfaction under all conditions is the
ever reliable
Also, Perfection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves. Don't for
get that hot weather will soon be here, and to be sure
to have your stove when you are ready for it, let us take
your order now.
Accidents will happen, but the
best regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emer
gencies. It subdues the pain and
heals the hurts.
TliosMng Machine For Sale
Owing to the fact that my work Is
In such shape that I will be unable to
run my thresher this season, I have
decided to offer the same for sale,
and at a price that Is right. This out
fit consists of a 13 h. p. Gaar-Scott
engine, one J. I. Case 32-52 separ
ator, self feeder and wind stacker,
also water tanks. This outfit will be
sold at a bargain if taken soon.
Frank Vail cry
County Commissioner L. I). Swlt
zer of Weeping Water carne In Inst
evening and is attending the sessions
of the county board which sit this
week as a board of equalization.
He was registered at the Hotel RMey.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, cause chronic constipation
Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation. 25c
I Ask your druggist for them.
Large Number of Old Friends
Gather to Pay Last Tribute.
The funeral of the late Captain
Andrew Campbell McMaken took
place yesterday afternoon at 4:30 p.
m., from the home of his brother,
Colonel H. C. McMaken Iji the north
western part of the city. There was
a very large attendance of pioneers
and old citizens gathered at the house
to pay their last mark of respect for
the excellent man. The services were
under the control of the members of
McConihe Post, No. 45 G. A. 11.,
who turned out in very large num
bers to pay this aged veteran the
tribute which he deserved.
The services at the house were
conducted by Canon II. B. Burgess
of St. Luke's Episcopal church and
Rev. L. W. Gade of the First Presby
terian church and were solemn and
Impressive. Both ministers spoke
upon the splendid life of the de
ceased and the great lesson which his
upright and blameless life conveyed
to those left behind. His many serv
ices to his country and his devotion
to the welfare of the nation received
from them the consideration which
was merited. His loving attributes
as a husband and father and bis par
ental influence was also commented
upon at length and commended as a
splendid example for those who are
left behind.
A choir consisting of Mrs. Anna
Brltt, Mrs. J. II. Donnelly, Mr. Geo
Farley and Mr. C. W. Baylor ren
dered a number of selections, sing
ing the old familiar hymns which
the deceased had so loved during
his life time.
There was an abundance of flow
ers presented as mute memorials
from the many old comrades and
friends of the departed, the bier be
ing literally burled beneath the beau
tiful blossoms.
A very long cortege formed the
procession to Oak Hill where the re
mains were laid at rest, the pall bear
ers being Messrsr. Captain Isaac
WlleB, Thomas Fry, James Thomas,
Ezra Bates, J. W. Johnson and Ben
Decker, a number of whom had serv
ed with Captain McMaken during the
war and all of whom were members
of McConihe Post. The services at
the cemetery were thos prescribed
by the ritual of the Grand Army and
were under the immediate Bupervis
ion of Commander J. It. Thrasher of
the local post. The services were
particularly impressive and Bolemn
being taken part in by so many of
the members of the post as to make
them peculiarly noticeable. In add!
tlon to the attendance of the Grand
Army men, a committee of Knights
of Pythias consisting of Dr. K. W,
Cook, Colonel J. II. Thrasher and W
J. Strclght were present as repre
sentatlves of the order, of which de
ceased had been an active and faith
ful member for thirty years past.
Miss Faye E. Richards and Mr.
W.E. Otte Married Yes
terday at Lincoln.
At 8 o'clock Inst evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Richards,
1704 A street, took place the mar
riage of their daughter, Faye 12., to
William E. Otte of Chicago, the Rev.
C. M. Myers of Dorchester, Neb., an
old family friend, officiating. The
bride was gowned In' embroidered
white net over satin and carried
bride roses. She walked with her
young sister, Blanche Richards, who
wore embroidered bwIbs with pink
sash. The maid of honor, Miss Min
nie Otte of Chicago, sister of the
groom, and the bridesmaid. Miss
Elizabeth Dolan of Lincoln, both of
whom were dressed In white satin
and carried shell pink carnations,
preceded the bride and her sister.
The groom was accompanied by his
brother, Albert Otte of Louisville,
Ky. Little Adolph Dleffens of Chi
cago, a nephew of the groom, carried
the ring In a rose. Miss Marie Rich
ards, a cousin of the bride, played the
wedding march. Smllax, rosea and
ferns formed the decorations of the
parlor. The living room was dec
orated with wild flowers from the
playground at Wabash, Neb., where
the bride and groom played together
In childhood. The flowers for the
dining room, where a three course
buffet super was served, were red
clover. The 100 guests present In
cluded chiefly friends and relatives
from out of the city as the bride and
her family have lived in Lincoln for
only about one year. The gifts were
umerous and valuable, Including
the deed for a farm from the par
ents of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto will leave Mon
day for Chicago where they will re
side, Mr. Otte being a postal clerk
n the central postofflce of that city.
Mrs. Otte was formerly a student at
the Peru state normal and spent a
year at the Lincoln business college
before coming to the city to live.
State Journal.
Peter and Andrew Campbell, two
of Rock Bluffs precinct's excellent
citizens were In the city today tran
Bnctlng business, driving up from
their home this morning.
County Clerk Morgan today ap
pointed as appraisers to ascertain the
damages to property along the lino
of the proposed Rock Bluffs road as
Messrs. Joseph E. Wiles, Charles H.
Warner and CharleB Troop. It is the
duty of these gentlemen to view the
road and determine what amount of
damages should be awarded the sev
eral owners along its line. There
are a number of claims on file and
quite a Bum of money is asked for
the property through which the road
is to run.
V. P. Sheldon of Nehawka, Neb.,
was arrested at 9 p. m., yesterday on
the charge of driving hiBvkutomobllo
beyond the speed limit. He gave ball
of $25 to appear before Judge Rtsser
this morning. Before leaving the po
lice station he expressed the opinion
that he might fight the case. State
John Wunderllch, the well known
Nehawkalte, is spending the day in
the city attending to business at the
court houBe.