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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1910)
Murray Department Farmers' Elevator Co. TRErARED IN THE INTERESTS OF TIIE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. OF MURRAY, NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN Jf any of Uu readers of the Journal know of asocial went or an item of uttered in this vicinity and tcill viad sam to this office it mil appear uwkr this foaling We icant all items of interest. Editor Journal DC DC YOU WILL FIND i 1 A CHECK ACCOUNT At this bank an important factor in developing the full working value of your dollars. Also a friendly assis- tant or help in conserving them. : : : Why not Open An Account With Us Today? Murray State Bank MURRAY, NEBRASKA DC DC IDCrO Mrs. John Lloyd is quite sick but nothing serious. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Drown were Omaha visitors Friday. Mrs. Charles Countryman who has been very ill, is much better at this writing. Mrs. Glen Perry Is still Improving very nicely, and will soon be her self again. Albert Young and Colonel Seybolt were Omaha and Council Illuffs visi tors Friday. Mrs. James Allison and daughter, Miss Eva, were guests of Mrs. VV. C. Brown Wednesday. . Don't forget the play at Jenkins' hall Saturday night. It will pay you to attend and enjoy It. Miss Mary Jamison, sister of Mrs. Dr. J. W. Brendel is a guest this week at the Brendel home. Mrs. Jacob Lohnes of Eight Mile Grove has been awful sick for some time, hut Is now Improving. Mrs. Anna Buster of Bethany, was down to spend Sunday with her brother, M. G. Churchill and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill have moved Into their new and cozy little home. They are right at home, too. Mrs. Nellie Wehrbein of Platts mouth, Is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. 'rcanier. Colonel Seybolt was in Omaha Sunday, going up to drive down one of his autos, which he has been hav ing overhauled. Mrs. Maggie Carrett, who has been visiting her daughter, Harmond Beck and family, returned to her home In Klmwood Monday, Harry Todd, Mesdames James Brown, James Loughrldge and Adda tokes were whirled up to Platts niouth Tuesday, afternoon In Harry's auto. Miss Anna Kennon and Mrs. Jose phine Dashler of Omaha, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes Sunday. They came down to attend the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchlus of Weeping Water were over from Weeping Wa ter to spend Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Torence Flemmlng and family. Miss Kriula Long departed for Shenandoah, Iowa, Tuesday morning where she will spend several weeks vlBltlng Miss Holen Wilcox, and oth ?r relatives and friends. A little boy of Bert Sarhcll was quite badly cut on one of his feet with an ax one day lust week, and it took five stitches to dose the wound. He Is getting along as well as could be expected. Sam Latta and wife of California, and Mrs. Mlnnlo Lodd and sister of Lincoln, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen this week. They are Hiirely enjoying the hospl Jallty of Mr. and Mrs. Gapen. Harmond Beck and family went to is'ehawka Sunday in his auto to visit Trlrnds and were caught out In shower. They had to leave the ma chine and resort to the common old fashioned carryall to get home. Mrs. Hose Ilennlngs came down from Plnttsmouth Sunday morning nd spent several days visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. O. Pitman. Mr ind Mrs. Albert Shaffer of west of town, were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. ritnian Sunday. Elsworth Munson, who had been visiting his brother-in-law, David Faltz, west of town, came in Sunday evening to catch the train for Om aha, his home, and arrived just In time to be too late, and was com pelled to remain over night. Uncle Billy Wiley Is about the same. Attend the play at Jenkins' hall Saturday night. John Lewis' baby has been quite sick but Is better now. George Fitzpatrlck lost a horse last week by some unknown sick ness. , Miss Margie Walker departed on Tuesday for Omaha where she will spend a few days visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. P. Bates. Dr. Wm. Brown was an Omaha visitor Tuesday evening, where he went on business. Dr. Brown Is very successful veterinarian, and has been kept quite busy the past sea son. S. 0. Pitman went to Omaha Tues day morning to Plattsmouth via Bur lingtnn, to Plattsmout Ihn the evening where he was met by his sister, Mrs. 0. A. Davis who had driven up to meet him. Mrs. Slocumb's little grand-daugh ter, Edith, ran a pitchfork Into one of her feet and the same became ef fected, and is giving the little girt considerable trouble. Nothing dan gerous, however. ."The Iron Hand,' at Jenkins' hall Saturday night. This will be rend ered by the home talent young people of Murdock, and should be greeted by a full house. Remember Mundock people gave the Murray home talent play, a fine patronage, and Murray should recoperate the favor. . The following stock shipments were made from this station Tues day: Ad Boedeker, 1 car of cattle; Adam Shafer, 2 cars of cattle, and J. B. C. Gregory, 1 car of hogs. The Btock was accompanied by the own ers to South Omaha. Nick Fredrlch and Ed. Boedeker also went along with the boys to Bee the sights. Mrs. K. ShephardBon was taken to the St. Joseph hospital at Omaha last Thursday where she was operat ed upon for Internal abscess of the dbomen. The operation was a very serious one, a quart of pus boing removed. At last accounts she was getting along nicely. L. F. IjinghorBt, Attorney Wm. DelesDernler and Cashier Aldrlch, of the American Exchange bank, were In town Monday advertising the Elm wood Fourth of July celebration. They were making a tour of the county In an auto with plenty of ad vertising matter for this purpose. Mrs. Chas. Muts entertained the Larkln's Club at her home Tuesday. A most pleasant time was had by all, and af the usual hour a delicious two course luncheon was served. A largo number of the fiields of the hostess were In attendance. Those present In addition to the regular members of the club were Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Mrs. I M. Davis, Mrs. H. C. Creamer, Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mrs. Earl Colo, Mrsy Valter Fans, Mrs. Will Wehrbein. of Plnttsmouth, Mrs. Jake Brendel, Mrs. YV. E. Dull, Mr. aoo Dull. Miss Mary Jameson, of Weeping Water, Miss Bessie Brendel, Miss Grace Porter, Miss Ada Porter, of Lincoln, and Miss Clura Copen- haver. Steve Copenhaver was looking after some business maters in toe comity seat this morning. H. C. Long was a county seat vis itor Thursday morlng, goin up on the early morlng train. Miss Etta Nickels Is spending a few days In Plattsmouth this week, vis iting with friends. Miss Ida Boedeker departed Tues day morning for Pacific Junction, Iowa, where she will meet her grand mother, Mrs. Bedwell, and accompany her home at Bolcow, Mo., where she will spend the greater part of the summer with her grandmother. Her brother Glen accompanied her to Plattsmouth in his auto in time to catch the early morning train on the Burlington. Bennle, son of Carter Albin, came home Saturday to remain a week. It will be remembered that several weeks ago the young man was very badly burned, and his recovery was a serious question. He was taken to the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, where by the best of treatment he has continued to Improve and it is thought now he will fully recover He will return to the hospital for a while yet. Miss Eva Allison is at home spend ing her vacation with her mother, Mrs. James Allison. Miss Allison has been teaching for several years In the Lpubllc schools at Guthrie, Oklahoma. She does not like the removal of the capital from Guthrie, although she regards Oklahoma City a much larger and greater city. Miss Allison does not know yet as to whether she will teach again in Guthrie, but she can if she desires. There was a large attendance at the dance Saturday night, and those In attendance are a unit In declar lng It one of the finest dances ever given in Murray: Union, Nehawka, Avoca and Plattsmouth were well represented. The largest crowd from any one town coming from Platts mouth. These dances are becoming very popular throughout the county, and It Is because they are so well managed and orderly. D. J. Pitman has not yet moved Into his new home, but it is nearly completed and ready for occupancy. By the way, we took a casual glance at the fine residence one day this week, and must say that the work manship In every branch Is masterly The carpenter work was under the direct supervision of W. W. Hamll ton than whom no better carpenter ever drew the breath of life, and this fine home of Mr. Pitman Is living monument to his capabilities as a contractor and builder. Billy always does his work to perfection Miss Agnes Faught of Wood River Neb., arrived Saturday evening and remained until Monday visiting rela tlves and friends. Her father, T. W, Faught and family formerly resided here where he was engaged In the lumber business with James Root The Faught family have removed from Wood River to Cozad. Neb. where Mr. Faught will continue In the real estate business. Children' Day. Appropriate exercises were held at both the churches In Murray last Sunday. In the morning at the Presbyterian church an immense crowd was in attendance and many could not gain admittance. The program was very Interesting an was highly appreciated. The ladies having the training of the children In charge, certanly knew their bust ness, and deservo great credit for the Interest taken in the event. At the Christian church in the evening there was another immense crowd to greet the little folks there, and many were turned away. The exercises were under the supervision of Mrs. Dr. J. F. Brendel and from the manner in which the program was carried out, demonstrated Mrs. Brendel's ability to a dot. The lit tle folks done remarkably well, and received the plaudits of those In at tendance. Chlldren8' day was well observed In Murray and the exercises at both church were up to date and highly gratifying to all who witnessed them MYXAUD. Miss' Clara Janda of Plattsmouth is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Rummel this week. The social given by the Ladies Aid society at the home of W. T. Richardson Thursday evening clear ed the sum of $15.00. Gillispie & Snyder shipped a fine . . - car of stock to the faoutn urnana market Monday. Mark Wiles and wife and daugh ter Ellen, 'of Weeping Water, are spending the week with relatives in this vicinity. J. H. Adams made a trip to the county seat Monday. Miss Eva Porter visited Sunday with friends in Rock Bluffs. Rev. Right of Nebraska City con ducted services at Eight Mile Grove Sunday evening. Miss Mabel Rummel who has been spending several days at Ed. Rum mel's returned to her home Sunday. R. L. Propst and wife and daugh ter, Miss Vera", and Will Richardson, drove to Plattsmouth Tuesday In Mr, Propst's new touring car. Rev. Harrol and wife and Miss Vera Propst and Robin Richardson and Will and Elmer Wetenkamp de parted today (Wednesday) for Au burn, Neb., where they will attend the Sunday school convention and they expect to return Friday. u. . bnyuer ana iarally were entertained Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Vilas of Al bany, New York, are visiting at W Porter's. Mrs. Vilas is a sister to Mrs. Porter. Mr. Hollaboy, the piano tuner of Nebraska City, Is doing some work in Mynard this week. Mrs. Emma Renner of Plattsmouth is spending today with W. T. Richard son and family. M. L. Ruby who ha3 been visiting friends and relatives near town, de parted for his home at McCook, Neb., today (Wednesday). Grain, Wagons, Buggies and Farm mplemonts! .We handle the Schutler, Cooper and "Old Hickory" Wagons, Press Drills, Binders and Mowers, Plymouth Binder Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire. Farmers, we can furnish you with any vehicle or farm ing implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the same article elsewhere. ' Come and see us, at the eievator, and get prices that will astonish you. We can save you money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves. THE DEST MACHINE OIL! LLOYD GAPEN, MURRAY, NEB. Mflnaffer I i muiiuuu j ASKS FOR RE Sllllli ORDER MAPLK GltOVK. One of George Fitzpatrich's fine horses died last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wulf of Avoca spent Thursday at the home of Ed. Gansemer. Mr. Mike HUd of Iowa Is spending this week at the home of his brother Adam Hild and family. Schafer Bros, shipped two carloads of fat cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hild and Mike Hild, were Nebraska City visitors Monday, they making the trip with Louie's auto- mobile. Quite a number of friends spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansemer. Mr. and Mrs. Harmond Beck spent Saturday In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickford, Mrs. Charles Herren and Roy Bickford, spent Sunday at the home of William Renner. J. R. C. Gregory shipped hogs to South Omaha Tuesday. John A. Davis Is improving at this writing. "The IRON HAND" Mouse and Vhnr Lots for Sale. House and four lots, one block north of the Murray State bank, a large barn 60x30, cistern, well and wind mill, also a good cyclone cave, all kinds of fruit. The house has a good summer kitchen, also numerous outbuildings. This property can be bought at a bargain If taken soon J. L. Young, Murray, Neb. Dr. Newell, Dent fat. Murray every Tuesday from 8 a. m., to 5 p. m. All kinds of first-class dental work. Satisfaction guaran teed. Stockholders Do Not Want Mer- gerjof Companies A number of Plattsmouth people will be considerably Interested in a suit started yesterday in Omaha by which a restraining order is asked against E. M. Fairfield, president; Sherman Saunders and A. D. Marriott- vice presidents; A. B. Hunt, Franz Nelson and Charles H. Clancy, directors, of the Commonwealth In surance company, to restrain them from disposing of the assets and merging the company with the Royal Indemnity company, an accident In surance company. The petition Is filed by Van B. Lady, a director of the company. There Is said to have been $30,000 worth of stock In the Commonwealth company sold in this city, one man alone taking $9,000 worth it is said. Hence the lo cal Interest in the matter. The Commonwealth is a new com pany being about one year old. It was organized by Messrs. Lady, Fair field, Hunt and Saunders and the en tire stock output of $370,000 taken. According to Lady the company has been thriving since Its Institution but It is proposed by the other officers to expand the company and take up accident Insurance. This Lady is bitterly opposed to and he wants them stopped before they make the transfer without his consent. . Considerable of the capital which is Invested In the Commonwealth company Is held by small investors here, the amounts in many cases be ing limited to a few hundred dollars and representing the savings of many years. It is not believed the company Is insolvent but the litigation Is very unfortunate and makes the investors In this city somewhat shaky about their money. It is probable some steps will be taken by the local in vestors to get together and protect their Interests in the company and the litigation which is threatened. A Drama in Four Acts will be given by Murdock Talent at MURRAY, - NEBRASKA, : ON NEXT : Saturday Evening, cf (o) (O) The Main Requirement. In any disorder which we wish to corect, the main requirement Is to look for the cause of it. Once the cause is removed, order will soon be established. A good physician al ways tries to find the cause of the sickness before he can scientifically and successfully treat it. If you will in case of any sickness, look for its root, you will very often locate it in the stomach. It will refuse to work and with it the whole bodv. If von succeed to banish the disorder from "M$m$m; me Biomacn, an organs of the body DO YOU NEED A Cast of Characters: Oliver Montf ord, who knows neither fear nor pity. Henry Guthmann Harman Van Dorn, a wealthy young: artist Lacey McDonald Jack Minton, Montford's ward (after . ward known as Percival Plantaga- net) Harold Tool Old Ikey, "der most honestest man" Max Goehry Hawkins, a servant... .Harry Gillespie Bella, Jack's sister, aftdrward Mrs. Dorn Leata McDonald Lizzie, Jack's wife Etta Sorick Mrs. Dibble, positively a postive widow E. Viola Everett Hannah, a servant Etta Sorick Bill of the Play: Act 1 At Montford's. The accma- tion. Stop her, she stole the money. Act 2-At Van Dorn's. The depar ture. "Go, and never let me see your face again." Act3-Old Ikey's den. Thejduel. 'I'll fasten this murder on your guilty soul. "I Act 4 At Van Dorn's. Reunited. "Free forever from the power of hU iron hand." Specialties Introduced Between Acts! Admission 2So. Reserved Seats 35c Children ISe Six Engines Loaned. The Burlington has loaned six of its new engines to the C. & S. com pany, which Is owned by the Burling ton. In place of storing seventeen engines at Havelock, therefore, the Burlington-will only siore eleven un til the fall rush. Motive power de-. partment experts say the deterlorla tlon of an engine in use is not much greater than that of one standing stored at the shops. State Journal. will again work In harmony and the body will enjoy perfect health. The only remedy you can always depend on In such cases Is Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It will heal the Inflamed stomach, will Increase iU secretions, will strengthen Its muscles. It will assist In the for mation of pure, rich blood, the main requirement of a healthy body. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner. 1333-1239 So. Ashland ave., Chicago, I1L Cv G. Melslnger, one or the ex- celent citizens from west of the city, was in this morning looking after business and while here called at the Journal office and renewed his subscription to the paper for another year. He was made quite welcome and It Is to be hoped he will be a journal reader for many years to come. O. T. Davis of Murray spent last evening In the city looking after bus iness, being a guest at the Perkins hotel. m. t t t Y If you do call on me and I will furnish the best Y at a very low price. Come and see what I have. Y Also, the finest setts of double and single harnessjn Y Cass county. Repairing a specialty. Patronize Y home first, last and all the time. I have the goods Y and you have the money; I need the money you need Y the goods; so Jet's make a trade. t MURRAY, HtuKAaftA W. K 9 V t f ? f ? $ ? Y ? Y ? r