The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1910, Image 7

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    The Avoca epartmeinift
News Item. Gathered Each Wk by a Special Reporter for Thl. Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
S. Corn remedy removes the
A. D
corn. - ,
A. D.'S. Peroxide for sore ta.niils
and foce.
Charles Snyder left Saturday for
Asa Johnson made a trip to Lor-
ton Sunday.
Fred Ruhge, Jr., was a visitor near
Berlin Sunday.
Jack Betts Is painting Chris Chris
tinson's residence.
Orlando Tefft was at Potter sev
eral days this week.
Charles Jenkins was visiting his
parents at Manley Monday.
John IL. Busch, our lumber deal
er, was at Berlin Wednesday.
MIrb Mable Cutter Is one of the
graduates at Bethany this year.
John Bogard and father have been
in western Nebraska this week.
A district meeting of the Rebe
kahs will be held In Avoca on June
Straub Bros., have purchased a
. . . t - a rr it
new mncK touring car 01 i. n.
Mrs. Theron Malcolm spent sev
eral weeks with Cook relatives and
Nicholas Trook, mother and sis
ter were, visiting Union relatives on
Harry Marquardt and William
Maiieman were at Lincoln and Om
aha Sunday.
Clyde Graham who has been at
tending the state university has re
turned home.
Mrs. eGorge Braezele and daugh
ter Mary, were visiting Iowa rela
tives this week.
H. G. Wellensiek was visiting home
folks Tuesday and attending the wed
ding of a sister.
Fred McGrady and wife enter
tained relatives from Weeping Wa
ter over Sunday.
Miss Eda Marquardt who has been
teaching at Cody, Wyoming, arrived
home last week
Miss Emma Marquardt who has
been teaching at Gothenbery, return
ed home last ween.
ludd to ltest.
The funeral of Marcus Rehemier,
who was drowned In Elm lake,
Wright county, Iowa, was held last
Sunday at Weeping Water and was
largely attended. Rev- Kokjer of
Avoca conducted the funeral serv
ices. The young man had beenlQ
this county about four years, com
ing here In the fall of 1906. Marcus
Rehemier was born in Denmark, on
the 9th day of January, 1889, and
leaves in this county three brothers
and one Bister, one brother arriving
from Denmark in time for the fun
eral. His parents, one sister and a
brother are still living in Denmark.
.The bereaved ones have the sympa
thy of the entire community.
N Card of Thanks.
Tho those who so kindly assisted
us In the burial of our brother we
wish to extend to them our heart
felt thanks.
Simon Rehmeier.
Fred Rehmeier.
Andrew Rehmeier.
Mary Rehmeier.
Ralph Graham and B. C. Mar
quardt attended lodge at Weeping
Water Monday evening.
Frank Garrow and wife left Tues
day for Omaha after spending sev
eral days visiting in Avoca.
Mrs. M. D. Marquardt and daugh
ters, Edna and Selma, were Omaha
visitors the first of the week.
Mrs. E. F. Ethrldge or Cook was
here the first of the week visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Theron Malcolm
Miss Marguerite Jensen who has
been attending school at Peru, Is
visiting at the Graham home this
Harmon Bros, orchestra furnished
music for the dance at Manley on
Friday evening and at Lorton Satur
day evening.
W. I. Smoots and family left the
first of the week for Berlin where
they will conduct a hotel. Here's
Wishing them success.
The Reds and Blues gave a social
at the town hall Tuesday evening A
large crowd was In attendance, and
a nice sum was realized, the pro
ceeds which go to help build a ce
ment side walk on the church property.
Base Ball Dope.
Avoca plays at Syracuse Saturday.
True Harmon is on the shelf with
a sore arm.
Avoca will play Eagle at Elmwood
July 4th.
A large crowd was in attendance
The Greens played good ball Fri
day but could not win.
Manager Braezele has not give up
all hope yet.
Manager Cillln was visiting his
parents at Lorton this week.
A large number of the fair sex
attended the game last Friday.
The manager of the Silver Spind
les announces that his team will soon
be ready to take on the Pinochles
or Huskies.
Avoca Is arranging for a game on
the home grounds next week.
Gruber twirled a good enough
game to win Friday out tne ooys
were not there with the club.
The Pinochles defeated the Husk
ies 13 to 2 Sunday.
The Greens play at Elmwood next
Thursday. ' ' ' '
Full Measure
It is not the rule to find
paints put up full meas
ure. Most of them are put
up in short measure the
cans are small and not full.
Bui every can and pail of
the Sherwin-Williams paint
is always
Full Measure
It means that you get
what you pay for full
measure every time.
Honest paint honest in
qualify and quantity
pays best. Vou're alzcays
sure to get it in
'r" CARDS.
Women's irfwdl
that we have on the Bargain Table at about half price. This is worth
looking up if you can wear from 24 to 4.
Qyeen QosiDd xtfwd
$2.50, Q3.00 and 03.50!
ORA E. COPES, the Druggist
Should He Ktoppod.
Considerable complaint has been
made recently of the habit of a num
ber of young men and boys congre
gating upon some of the principal
street corners, principally the Hotel
Riley corner, and Indulging in loud
and boisterous conversation, as well
as showering the walk with tobacco
onitnm in the imminent danger of
dp w l on
Klimvootl (J; Avoca 1.
Avoca and Elmwood crossed bats
here last Friday. The game was a
good one aside from the second In
ning. Both teams put up a good art
icle of ball. Although we lost, no
one is disaBtified with the game.
Elmwood only scored once after
the third Inning a3 the score Indi
cates. Avoca secured their only
score In the third Inning. Fahne
stock hit, stole second and third, a
hit by Copes brought him in. Gruber
pitched a steady game for the locals.
The score by Innings:
Elmwood ..13100010 06
Avoca 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 01
Batteries Clements and Kuehn;
Gruber and Gruber. Umpire Graham.
ltd urn From Colorado.
Will Robertson returned this
morning from Fort Morgan, CoT,
where he was best man at the wed
ding of Mr. Earl E. White and Miss
Wilhelmina Henderson, two very
prominent people of that city. Mr.
every lady who happens to be pass-1 White, the groom, Is a son of Arthur
Ing by. A flagrant case of this kind White of Fort Morgan and a grand
happened last evening and the lady son of F. S. White of this city and
in question had a narrow escape from formerly was a college mate of Mr.
having her dress ruined. The prac- Robertson. He Is a young man of a
tlce is a very vile one and without great deal of ability and worth and
any palliation whatever. The police personally a very popular gentle
should take immediate and vigorous man. The bride Is a very refined
steps to see that the practice Is
brought to a halt, and that some
prosecutions be had If the men and
bys In question do not have more
regard for the public weal. The
habit used to be common In the city
but a raid by the police put a tem
porary quietus on It till recently. U
has started up anew now and Bhould
be given attention once more.
and handsome young lady of Fort
Morgan with a great many good
friends there. The wedaiag was a
very elaborate affair and quite large
ly attended, a number of guests be
ing present from this city Including
Miss Claire Dovey, Miss Verna Leon
ard and Mrs. John A. Donelan and
daughter, Miss Margaret.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's Reg
ulets. They operate easily, tone the
stomach, cure constipation.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
sold on a guarantee that If you are
not satisfied after using two-thirds
of a bottle according to directions,
your money will be refunded. It la
up to you to try. Sold by all dealers.
Fred L. Nutzman, a prominent citi
zen of Nehawka, spent last night In
the city, coming up on business mat
ters, and this morning he was a pas
senger for Omaha where he will vis
It for the day.
Lame shoulder is almost Invariably
caused by rheumatism of the muscles
and yield quickly to the free appli
cation of Chamberlain's Liniment
This liniment Is not only prompt and
effectual, but in no way disagreeable
to use. Sold by all dealers.
Special Notices
Many of you have no doubt receiv
ed our bills announcing that we are
going to change our business from a
credit to a cash system. This may
seem a rash act when we have so
many good customers. But then we
have some that are very doubtful.
Any business firms have these that
are doing a credit business, and to pro
tect our goood customers we have de
cided to make thechrnge and give them
the discount that it costs to do a credit
business. We would like for yot to call
on us at your earliest convenience so
that we can explain our system to you
more fully.
At Your Service,
In sickness, If a certain hidden
nerve goes wrong, men tne organ
that this nerve controls will also sure
ly fall. It may be a Stomach nerve,
cr it may have given strength and
support to the Heart or Kidneys. It
was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to
this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restor
ative goes directly to those falling
Inside nerves. The remarkable suc
cess of this prescription demonstrates
the wisdom of treating the actual
cause of these failing organs. A sim
ple five or ten days test will, surely
tell. Try it once and see! Sold by
all dealers.
Pleasantly Kiitertaiiieri.
Mrs. J W. Johnson very pleasantly
entertained the members of the
Ladies Aid society of the Presbyte
rian church at her charming home on
Tuesday afternoon.
When invited to the Johnson home
the ladies always expect a royal time
and their eqpectations were fully
realized In the entertainment of
Tnesday afternoon. The usual di
versions, Buch as the regular business
session, needlework, social chat, and
the like furnished plenty of amuse
ment, and made the afternoon one
which will long be remembered by
those who were fortunate enough to
be present. Some music, both vocal
and Instrumental, were also pleasing
features. The dainty luncheon ser
ved by the hostess, assisted by her
daughter, Miss Ruth, was not the
least appreciated of the many de
lightful things provided by the
thoughtful hostess for the entertain
ment of her guests.
M. G. McQuinn and wife of Un
ion came up last evening from their
home and were visitors over night In
the city, returning to their home
this morning on the M. P. train.
riKiiMTi", M)i i i:.
State of Xchriixku,')
Ct"t Oountv, )
in nil jiithimir iiitiTi'Hic.i:
1 oil nro hcrchv notified (lint n not I.
Hon Iihh hcen filed In thlx court prnv-
mjh i 'tn i ii'iicrH or auminiHi nitlori hp
IfKtiPd upon the Ktiito of Ann M. Imvlx,
decenxed; Hint a hearing will tin luuj
upon mild iietltlon on t lir UStli ility of
Juno, A. P., 1in, nt 10' o'clock a. ni., In I
my unlet) in i iniiHinoiiiii, jNriirnxkH, on
or lieforp which hour all obji'otloim
WltnoHx my linnd nnd offlclnl kciiI
uu am uny or Juno, a. !., 1910.
-"nil Mien .1. iK-CNon.
ltiinmpy Ttnmxoy, County Jii.Ikp.
- PLATTSI?JyTIHI, Mill., -
Beginning Saturday, June 11!
Auction Every Afternoon' and Event
at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. I am positively going to leave Plattsmouth,
This stock consists of Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings, Clothin
all kinds. You can. afford to come for many miles to attend this auction.
lis is a Bonafied Mo
Come Every Afternoon m Evening
Do not miss an auction. Remember the date and place. Beginning Sat-
urday, June 11th, at 2 p. m. every afternoon and evening.
plattsmouth, Department Store
F. D. VAN PELT, tho Auctioneer of Omaha, will conduct the Sale.
We will open our new store at 14th and Douglas St., Omaha, Neb., on or
about July 1st, and this stock must be disposed of at a sacrifice in order to save
expense of packing and freight.