The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
Farmers' Elevator Co.
If any of the reader, of the Journal know of a social ent oranikm ofinUrect in this vicinity and irtU mad ame to this offict it vdl appear unter this heading
F rant all items of Merest. EdUor Journal. I
At this bank an important factor in
developing the full working value of
your dollars. Also a friendly assis
tant or help in conserving them. : : :
Why not Open An Account
With Us Today?
Murray State Dank
John Farrls' baby is on the sick j
Mrs. Slgman near Union, Is quits
Mrs. Shepardson Is not as well at
this writing.
Dr. Newell made his usual trip to
Murray Tuesday.
W. J. Fhllpot and wife spent Mon
day afternoon with friends in Mur
ray. Dr. B. F. Brendel was called to
Pacific Junction Tuesday on profes
sional business.
The fine home of the Pltmans Is
nearing completion but not quite
ready for occupancy.
Mrs. Groff was taken suddenly
sick Tuesday evening but Is Bome
better at present.
Childrens' day exercises next Sun
day evening at the Christian chruch.
Everybody, invited.
Farmers in this vicinity are awrul
busy, consequently trade among the
merchants Is not brisk.
J. W. Holmes Is up and around,
but Is not altogether a well man,
still suffering from a severe cold.
"Scotty" a arranging gradually
for his voyage down the raging Mis
souri, which he expects t6 make ere
many moons.
Postmaster Baker was a brief visi
tor in the county seat Tuesday night,
going up on the evening train, re
turning at midnight.
Bert Batchell's little boy was se
verely cut last Monday while chop
)lng wood. Several stitches were
taken and the little fellow Is doing
M. 0 Churchill expects to be "at
home" In his new residence la a few
days. Mr. and' Mrs. Churchill will
be the possessors of a cozy little
Work has been commenced on the
new kitchen addition to the Presby
terlan church. Work on the new
structure was suspended Tuesday on
account of rain.
"The same thing now and for
ever," says Will Smith, our genial
merchant. Will Is batching now, and
has came to the conclusion that
pessimist Is a man with a bad dlges
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Countryman
living four miles southwest of Mur
ray, are rejoicing over the arrival
. of a young lady at their home Satur
day. She weighs eleven pounds, and
"both mother aid baby doing well.
A concrete walk is being put down
In front of the bank and postofflce
buildings, which will prove quite a
beneficial improvement. Concrete
steps will also be placed at both en
trances. W. W. Hamilton Is super
intending the job.
The district convention of Sunday
Mchools at Cedar Creek was well at
tended. Mr. Corvally Davis and Mr,
Oliver Dinwiddle were delegates from
the Presbyterian church and Messrs
Evertt Thomason, Arthur Hanson
nd Lee Knlss from the Christian
Wm. Scott, the genial M. P. agent
baa gotten his patten hide stretcher
Into the hands of a manufacturer in
St. Louis, and will Boon be able to
derive some revenue from that
tiource. It Is his own contrivance.
and something that Is greatly In de
mand by trappers, Is simple in con
etructlon. t May "Scotty" soon be
wearing diamonds and lots of them
Miss Tessle Stokes was an Omaha
visitor Saturday,
Mrs. A. L. Baker was a visitor In
Nebraska City Monday.
Mrs. W.. C. Brown was an Omaha
visitor Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Jessie Polln of Omaha is the
guest of Mrs. W. C. Brown this week. man.
Mrs. T. W. Fleming's mother from
Weeping Water, James Fleming, a
brother of Torrence, from Nebraska
City, and Charles Heebner, a brother-
in-law, were guests at the Fleming
home Sunday.
Mrs. Halligan and daughter of
North Platte arrived Tuesday morn
ing for a short visit with Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, remaining un
til Wednesday, and then continuing
her Journew to Nebraska City. Mrs.
Edmunds and Mrs. Halligan are old
friends fron girlhood days.
Murray will not celebrate this
year. They do not feel very friend
ly toward Plattsmouth, ' because of
the small number of people of that
city who came to Murray last year.
But they feel disposed to let bygones
be bygones, and retalliate by going
to Plattsmouth this year.
We are pleased to note that Geo
Cook, the harness man, is doing a
fair business, Murray cannot afford
to do without an establishment of
this character. It is handy for the
farmers of this vicinity and they
should realize the necessity of throw
lng all the trade possible to Mr.
Mrs. Rebecca Bcdwell, accorapan
led by her nelce, Mrs. J. L. Long,
went to Macedonia, Iowa, Monday,
where they will visit friends for a
week, previous to Mrs. Berwell's de
parture for her home In Bolcow
Mo. Miss Ida Boedeker will Join her
and accompany her to her home for
a visit.
B. A. Root, the druggist, has just
received a fine soda fountain and
when it Is placed and the weather
warms up, you can get Just that
which will be congenial to the inner
Bee Berger is making a fine
Grain, Wagons, Buggies
and i mplomonts !
Mrs. G. M. Minford and daughter
Opha, were shopping in Omaha Mon
Mrs. A. Corbet of Elmwood. is
here visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Harmond Beck.
Mesdames J. W. Holmes and G
W. Boedeker were business callers In
Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. A. L. Baker entertained at
dinner Sunday Doc Long and family
and Wm. Sporer and family.
Mrs. Nick Klaurens and daughter
Lena and Mrs. Charles Spangler
were Nebraska city visitors lues'
Oscar McDonald of Murdock drove
down In his Brush auto and spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Myra
Dr. B. F. Brendel and J. W
Holmes were brief visitors In Platts
mouth Monday afternoon, going up
the Dr's. Brendels auto.
The many friends of Mrs. Glen
counter for Mr. Root, over which
the delicious drinks is to be dis
pensed. A nice soda fountain is
what Murray has long needed.
Good Roads Meeting.
The road meeting Saturday night
was very successful. A large gath-
Perry will be pleased to learn that erlng of farmers and business men
she has greatly Improved, and Is in
fair way to ultimate recovery,
Mr. and Mrs. Justice Lilly came
down from Plattnmouth Tuesday
morning to visit their son Frank
and family east of town for a few
Mrs. Orace Melllnger and little son
Houno and Four Lots for Sale.
House and four lots, one block
north of the Murray State bank, a
large barn 50x30, cistern, well and
wind mill, also a good cyclone cave,
all kinds of fruit. The house has a
good summer kitchen, also numerous
outbuildings. This property can be
bought at a bargain if taken soon.
J. L. Young, Murray, Neb.
Phone your news to Alvo Drug Co.
Phones Alvo 20a; Bell, blk 1535.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrlck
and daughter Irene, went to Lincoln
Sunday evening. Miss Irene went on
to Spring Ranch to visit her aunt.
and Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrlck visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Barrett until
Charles Godby and Fern Sutton
went to Denver June 1st, and re
turned June 4th.
E. M. Stone and P. J. Llnch were
In Omaha and Council Bluffs on bus
iness Monday. They have the agency
for the Oakland Automobile com
pany. ,
James Rouse was in Plattsmouth
on business Tuesday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coat
man, June 2, a girl.
The bible class and other friend
gathered at the home of Revv Upte-
grove last Tuesday evening, surpris
ing him, the occasion being his 70th
R. W. Stewart was a passenger on
No. 18 for Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Marie Stroemer came home
Saturday from University Place to
visit a few days. She returned Wed
nesday to attend summer school.
Jno. Woods, Lee Snavely, Sam
Cashner and W. M. Coatman, went to
Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. Wesley Bird and Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Friend took supper with A
D. Bird and family last Thursday
The M. W. A. and Royal Neighbors
and the Knights of Pythias held joint
memorial services last Sunday.
Charles Rosenow and family en- Officers Stand By and See the
tertained his parents from near Elm- . proceed Without
nuuu ouuuaj. i .
Ed. Hurlbert and family and Dan Interference
Manners and family, visited with j0un Jones last night became in
Mrs. Nervla Knott last Sunday. vojved In a difficulty near the Hotel
Eiinmeu r nenu was in town last ... . u
. Riley with a young man named Har-
Mrs. Kate Miller has rented her who ,s employed by one or the
home to Mr. Clodfeldter who has telephone companies in the city with
rented T. W. Berry's pool hall.
We handle the Schutler, Cooper and "Old Hickory
Wagons, Press Drills, Binders and Mowers, Plymouth Binder
Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire.
Farmers, we can famish you with any vehicle or farm
ing implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the
same article elsewhere. Come and see us, at the elevator,
and get prices that will astonish you. We can save you
money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves.
All of which Is some pun-
Miss Eletha Rouse and her cousin,
Miss Alma Marshall, came in Satur
day afternon on the flyer from
Nelson, Neb., where Miss Aletha has
been visiting several weeks
the result that John landed upon
Harvey it force and vigor of a
manly fist. The exact origin of the
trouble is unknown but it is said
to have been regarding some young
women who had been looking at the
Harry Prouty is here from Kansas Pictures at the Majestic with Har
Dr. Newell, Dentist.
Murray every Tuesday from 8 a.
m., to 5 p. ra. All kinds of first-class
dental work. Satisfaction guaran
met at the Loughrige hall where a
general discussion of good roads
was entered Into. There is a unit
ed feeling for road Improvements.
There Is unquestionably a need of
better roads. Uncle Ben Beckman,
our road overseer, was present and
gave an outline of what he consld-
arrlved last Thursday evening from ered the best means of getting the
Old Mexico to spend the summer roads up in shape. Dr. Walker gave
with her mother, Mrs. Myra Mc- resume of the Nehawka Commer
Donald. I clal club organization and Its sup
Exercises for Children's day will Port of good roads. What will the
be conducted next Sunday at the! county commissioners do to aid the
Presbyterian church in the morning citizens of these two precincts? This
and at the Christian church In the Question was thoroughly discussed,
Will Smith went to Omaha Mon
day evening to attend the commence
ment exercises of the State Deaf and
Dumb schools, where he had a nelce
to graduate.
Mrs. J. H. Cook and family de
parted Tuesday morning for Nor
folk, Neb., after a visit with her par
enta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burton,
for two weeks.
Dr. T. V. Davis was down from
Lincoln again Monday to visit his
father, Mr. J. A. Davis, who seems
and a committee appointed to inter
view these officials, and make ar
rangements to have them present at
the next meeting, when the date ef
the next meeting has been deter
mined. Notice of which will appear
In the Journal.
An Easy Prey.
As soon as any organ of our body
becomes weak, it Is an easy prey of
various diseases, especially those
caused by micro-organisms. The
only way to prevent such a disease
or to chock its nroereas ia in fnrrn
to ue consiueraoiy oeuer man ne has the wcakened organ to accept and
morougniy aigest the necessary
Miss Lena Young departed Wed- amount of food. The body will then
nesday for Arvada, Montana, where become strong enough to uphold its
she will spend her summer vacation, health. The best remedy for creat
Her brother Albert accompanied her lng and keeping a healthy and vig
as far as Omaha. orous appetite and for perfect dlirps-
Colonel Jenkins returned Monday tlon is Triner's American Elixir of
evening from Crelghton, Neb., where I Bitter Wine. It is a palatable stlmu
he went with his mother a week ago mnti stomachic, tonic and invlgorat
to visit relatives. Mrs. Jenkins pro- ,nB- Even the most delicate stom
longed her stay for some time yet. ach, which rejects everything, will
JameB Hatchett and family drove accept this remedy and get strong
over to Weeping Water In their auto again. It is advisable to use it in
Sunday to visit Mrs. Hatchett's ftU stomach troubles, in flatulence,
brother, John Bronson and family, constipation, nervousness, attacks of
Jim says he made the trip without rheumatism, frequent headache, ane
a bobble. ' mla and in diseases of the blood. At
The Readlne class mot with Mr. g stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1339
Louchrldee Mondav aftprnnnn Ti.i. b0 Asniand ave., cnicago, III
meeting closed the year's work, and
the members of the clnas are well Have you ever used the celebrated
sltlsfled with the time spent. Mrs. "Forest Rose" flour? Try it when
Loughridge served refreshments at you buy the next sack. At all lead-
clone of the meeting. 1 nr dealers,
Prof. John Wllcockson left Sun
day on the flyer for Mont Vista, Colo.
The ninth grade of the Alvo school
consisting of the following: Marie
Appleman, Grace Newklrk, Mary Mil
ler, Lee Prouty and Clinton Maxey,
held their commencement exercises
Saturday evening, June 4, 1910, at
the M. E. church which were well
rendered. i
Miss Flora Boyles came home from
Iowa City, Iowa, where she has been
attending school, Saturday evening.
Dale Boyles came home Sunday
from Lincoln, bringing several uni
verstty friends with him to spend the
day, among whom were the Misses
Kathryn Windham, Ruth Haller,
Stella Shaw, Hazel Perrln, Helen
Klngsley and Messrs. Glen Whit
comb, Marvin Somervllle, Harold
Graham, Win Breese and Guy Hutch
laon. They all returned to Lincoln
Sunday evening, having enjoyed a
very delightful day.
Harry Linch of Omaha came in
Saturday evening to spend Sunday
with relatives. He left on No. 17
Sunday evening for Lincoln.
Carl Johnson went to Omaha Wed
nesday. Fred Ledlg went to Omaha on
business Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Vickers went Monday
evening to Meridan, Kan., for a short
Ed. Rltchey of Meridan, Kan.,
came in Saturday evening, remain-
lng until Monday with his aunt, Mrs.
Mary Vickers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stout left
last Saturday on No. 17 for an ex
tended visit at Kewanee, 111., with
Will Cook and family of Elrawood
visited at Mrs. Blna Kltzel's Sunday.
Mrs. C. R. Jordan and daughter,
Miss Emma Jordan, left last week
for an extended trip through the
west, spending some time on the
coast for the benefit of Mrs. Jor
dan's health.
Dale Boyles returned home from
school Wednesday. Mr. Fred Mc
Connell of Omaha accompanied him
for a few days visit.
Effects of a Rusty Nail.
Michael Hlld, the furniture man,
is going about with his right hand
tied up today, merely as a precau
tion against poisoning it. He ran a
rusty nail into it last Saturday, the
point of the nail, however, just
breaking the skin. He paid no at
tention to the matter and a day' or
so ago started to do some work
about his lawn. In doing this some
dirt or foreign substance penetrated
the wound and it commenced to
swell up from the infection. He
took time by the forelock and used
something on the injury to draw out
the inflamation with the result that
the hand is nearly well today. He
does not expect any further trouble
with it in the future.
vey. Jones also parted loose irom
some strong, vigorous profanity and
uproarouB language during the said
process of altering Harvey's features
all of which tended to perturb and
irritate the guests of Mine Host Dun
bar of the Riley. During the melee
Officer Trout and Watchman Young
are claimed to have been spectators
and to have declined to interfere
with the festive Jones and his pug
ilistic activities. Later they inform
ed Chief Ralney of what had taken
place and he went over to one of
the livery barns where Jones Is em
ployed, and where he had retired af
ter the battl and got him. Accord
ing to th chief he . Informed Jones
that there was one man on the force
who was not afraid of his pugilistic
tendencies and he so demonstrated
Jones spent the remainder of the
night In jail and this morning faced
his honor, Judge M, Archer.
Judge Archer inquired Into the clr
cumstances of the skirmish and Jones
frankly admitted that he was respon
slble for the blow which landed upon
Harvey, wehereup the court Judi
daily decided that such conduct was
malefactorlsm in Its most dread form
and deserves to be severely punish
ed. He therefore administered some
of his celebrated brand of justice
and mulcated Jones to the tune ot
five bones and four bones costs or a
total of nine bones or six suns in the
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 min
utes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's
Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is
on the 25-cent box. Ask your doc
tor or druggist about this formula!
Stops womanly pains, headache, pains
anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis., for free trial bottle to prove
value. All dealers.
Will Visit in Kansas.
Mrs. J. J. McNurlln and her grand
daughters Misses Myrtle Standish
and Mrs. A. J. Hansen, all of Mur
ray, came in last evening for a visit
of several days with Mrs. McNurlin's
son, John McNurlln and family of
this city. Mrs. McNurlln and Miss
Standish and Mrs. Hansell will de
part next week for Kansas where
Miss Standish returns to her home
and where Mrs. McNurlln and Mrs.
Hansell will visit with Miles Stand
ish and family.
A Man Wants to Dye.
only when a lazy liver and sluggish
bowels cause frightful despondency.
But Dr. Kink's New Life Pills expel
poisons from the system; bring hope
and courage; cure all Liver and
Kidney troubles; Impart health and
vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing.
25c at F. G. Friceke & Co.
Mrs. George Wagner from near
Cedar Creek is in the city today on
Dance at Jenkins Hall
Remember the dateSaturday night'
June 11, 1910. The best ever. Jacob's
orchestra of Omaha will be there to de
light the participants. Everybody
welcome and a good time guaranteed
W. E. Rosencrans Is looking after
business in Council Bluffs today, go
ing on train No. 23.
If you do call on me and I will furnish the best
at a very low price. Come and see what I have.
Also, the finest setts of double and single harness in
Cass county. Repairing a specialty. Patronize
home first, last and all the time. I have the goods
dnd you have the money; I need the money you need
the goods; so let's make a trade.
W. K