The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1910, Image 5

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    DO 3 SOU
OF E. 6.
Entrance b Forced Through Rear Window and the Cashier'
Drawer Robbed of Twenty Dollars
From Monday's Da!?;"
Some time during last night-bur
glars effected an entrance to the
store of E. G. Dovey & Son and made
away with some twenty odd dollars in
money which had been left over night
in the drawer at the cashier's desk.
The burglary was not discovered un
til this morning when the clerks came
down to open up the store for the
There means of telling the
time the crime was committed nor Is
there any clue to the perpetrators of
the deed. The store closed last even
ing as usual at seven o'clock and the
cash for the day 'had been balanced
and a small amount in change left in
the cashier's drawer. This desk Is
located at the extreme end of the
store, being situated in a position to
command both the dry goods and
grocery side of the store and within
a few feet of the rear of the south
wall. At this point in the wall are
two windows, large and commodious
to have plenty plenty of light for the
desk. The desk is used jointly by the
cashier and book-keeper and faces
" the two store rooms. It is surround
ed by a wooden fence with a gate at
the rear of the dessk.
The burglars effected 'an entrance
by forcing open the wooden shutters
which cover the back windows and
which lock on the inside. These
shutters were closed when the store
was closed for the night and locked
on the inside by the ordinary hook
catch. These had been pried out, a
a portion of the frame work removed
to facilitate the work of the burg
lars. A pry was then placed under
the window and it was forced up,
affording plenty of room for, the en
trance of the criminals. After se
curing their entrance the burglars
proceeded directly to the cash draw
er in the cashier's desk which they
forced open with a chisel. The chisel
was inserted back of the drawer and
Jt was forced outward until the con
tents were available for the thieves.
When they left they forgot the chisel
which was left on the desk. It may
afford some clue to the perpetrators
of the crime. The window was left
open behind them, but no one seems
to have noticed it during the night,
as no report of the burglary was
made by the night watchman or night
When the clerks arrived to open
the store this morning they found
that the usually dark part of the
house at the rear where the windows
are closed with shutters, was par
tially lighted and this led to the in
vestigation revealing the open win
dow. Mr. Dovey was at once called
up and he hurried down to the store
where the examination revealed that
nothing had been taken save the
money In the cashier's drawer
Committee Meets Great Success
and Big Show Sure Go.
The big Fourth of July celebration
U a sure go. The committee took
several additional hours this morning
to made a canvass of the business
men whom they had not yet seen with
the result that about $125 more was
added to the result of yesterday's
This short session ana me lotai was run
cannot be definitely figured up until up to around $350 with a whole lot
tonight when a balance can be struck ot prospective contributions in sight,
and the amount figured out. Miss Tnis maea a Very encouragiug show-
Ida Weldman is the cashier, and of lng an(j tne boys now figure on hav-
course, is quite uuauie u say ing ample funds to put on a ceieDra-
actly the amount in the drawer when tlon wnich wm be worthy of the
the store was closed. Mr. Dovey Iianie. The committee expects to
states that the custom o fthe store is cjose jf8 canvass tomorrow morning
to leave usually some $20 in the auj be ready for the committee meet
drawer each night except Saturday jng tomorrow night with a report of
night, when the total amount is us- a handsome sum for expenses. There
ually taken out and placed in the jn a disposition in every quarter to
safe. boom the big celebration now that
Mr. Dovey Is of the opinion that the Red Men have taken hold of it
the work was done by local talent, and to build up one which be a hum-,
owing to the apparently accurate mer.
knowledge displayed as to, where the In connection with the good wor
money was kept and the knowledge of Messrs. Egenberger and Koubek,
nf the rieht time to make the attack, the soliciting committee, it can be
-W M
'I . t
when you buy clothes. No other clothes are so
sure to give satisfaction no other clothes are so
dependable. Whave sold good clothes and
nothing else for 30 years. We don't know how
to sell the cheap kind. We can show you the
most perfect models of fine clothing that ever
came into the town. Our Quality line brim full of
style-S20 to $35. Contains exclusive patterns-only
one suit of a pattern which gives you all the in
dividuality of the custom tailor suit at about half
his price. If you are real particular about your
clothes, better see these. Glad to show you any
While he has no definite idea as to
who could have done the job, he be
lieves that there is a chance yet for
detecting the robber.
From indications about the scene
it would appear that whoever has
been guilty of the job has had consid
erable experience about the store,
and it has been suggested that some
ex-employe possibly knows something
about the crime. Investigation along
this line may be made by the officers
and there is a possibility of locating
the criminal through this means.
This burglary is the first to take
place in the business part of the city
for sometime past, and It bears the
Imprint of being the work of some
parties who recently burglarized the
residences of Oliver C. Dovey and
Miss Louise Gorder. " The work does
not seem that of yeggmen, as they
would not have had the accurate
knowledge of locality which is dis
played in this case. There is con
siderable criticism of the officers for
said for them that they have found
the task a comparatHely easy one
and have met with hardly a rebuff.
The great big celebration of two
years ago paved the way for this one
and it is hoped to keep it up to that
The general committee meets to
morrow night when definite plans
will be sketched out. Estimates as
to cost of different things will be had
and organization perfected. A com
mittee on concessions will doubtless
be appointed at this meeting and
steps taken to line up this important
detail of the affair. In connection
with the concession matter there is
an unanimous desire on the part of
the members of the order and the
committee to secure clean, moral and
respectable concessions. No gambling
concessions will be allowed if the
committee knows It and there will
be no "skin games" running with
their knowledge or cousent. An in
vitatlon will be extended to visitors
Fifty Third Grand Lodge Largely
Attended at Omaha.
Five hundred delegates attended
the opening meeting of the fifty
third annual convention of the An
cient, Free and Accepted Masons at
the .Masonic Temple at 9:30 o'clock
Tuesday morning. This Is the larg
est attendance ever present at the
opening meeting. The past master
degree was v conferred upon eighty
three officers Monday night at 9
o'clock. A report from the present
grand officers was given this morn
ing, and the election of officers for
thu pnmlnc vonr uill ha halri Thiirn.
. ,,, j, ft x.. , j , 10 come 10 iue cuy uuu speuu me uajr .
failing to d scoyer the crime during , . w. , . day afternoon.
1 n hnnlthv r 1 rvo n onri m nrol man-
C. E.
Mtfescofltt's onto
the night and the general opinion
prevails that the crime took place
about midnight with some five or six
hours in which to have it discovered.
No report had been received by Chief
Rainey of the affair until about 8:30
this morning when the Journal re
porter told him of it. A little more
strict supervision of the alleys Is ne
cessary in the immediate future to
prevent the recurrence of more af
fairs of this kind. In the meantime
all the authorities should devote their
efforts to trying to locate the per
petrators of this deed and bring them
to book for the offense.
Read as Tou Run. . ,
An humorous article in Saturday's
Journal relating to the misadven
tures of the person editing (?) the
News has caused that Individual to
slop ever and indulge in about half
a column of filth, vulgarity and bill
ingsgate worthy a fishwife, ha bar
ing been some peeved over the mat
ter. The facta In the case are that
he did break down the machine which
that paper is going to attempt to
give away. He broke the gear of
the machine and if that is not an
important part of it, what is? The
machine is of good make and In the
hands of a competent person would
not likely have brokeen down, but no
machine on earth can be handled by
every person without knowledge of
how to handle It, without being
broken. The machine has been tem
porary repaired bat if the broken
. parts are not replaced, the winner ot
the machine will have to do so at his
or her own expense. Thus much for
the facts. In the News article con
siderable stress is laid on the fact
"that the Journal owes money and
this is true. The proprietor hopes
to get out of debt some day and he
is trying his best. So much cannot
be said of others. The proprietor
of the Journal has his light bill paid
and does not have to be eternally
dunned for it nor for machinery
which the light company put In his
plant. The coal bill of the Journal is
paid and has been promptly, and no
merchant has been compelled to ad
vertise in his paper in order to col
lect his bill. The Journal has mod
ern machinery in its plant and owes
something on that but it is paying
that off and does not Intend to repu
diate Its contracts and "set the thing
out In the street."
The publisher of the Journal works
sixteen to eighteen hours a day on
it and has no time for Joy rides nor
has he a sucker on the string to put
up money for him. In some cases If
it was not for the sucker In the case
the bills and overdrafts of some pa
pers never would be paid.
And, lastly, the Journal is not wor
ried over the effusions of gutter
snipes and fly-by-nights who may
venture Into the community and re-1 atnletic stunts will take the lead
in a healthy, clean and moral man
ner and they will bo protected so far
as possible by the members of the
order and the committee.
The invitation which is extended
to the public will Include special In
vitations to. the Red Men of adjoin
ing lodges wherever situated and
Weeping Water and Ashland where
new lodges are to be Instituted will
be especially invited to send delega
tions and help the Red Men put on
an American celebration worth the
A much better outline of the pro
posed celebration can be given by
Thursday for .then the committee will
have some definite lineup on what
the attractions will be. It is safe to
say that all the attractions selected
will be of the very best and clean,
main here nntil the public gets
fill and chases them out.
its is the Intention to hold a grand
wrestling match with . local talent
evenly matched If possible, there be
ing several excellent wrestlers In this
vicinity who will furnish a fine ex
hibition of strength and skill There
will be base ball games with strong
Short Locals
Welcome Vlttltor. '
George Stroble of Nebraska City,
traveling salesman for . the Otoe
Brewing company, spent last evening Cub8 to compete with the local team
in the city making arrangements for an(j a treat for the fans can be as
introducing that product into the city, sured. - In addition to these there
Adolph Giese Is handling the bottled will . -bo other athletic sports and
product of the Nebraska City brew- manT novel and unique attractions
ery at present. Mr. Stroble is well which will be worth going miles to
known here, having been a frequent 8ee.
visitor in the city In years past when piattsmouth Is awake and la going
he was playing ball with the team Bome Tgbt now and all who come
of that city. He Is personally a very here for the Fourth will find that It
popular gentleman and has a number i succeeding all along the line. This
of good friends here who were very celebration will be no half way affair
glad to meet him once mora. For but will be a real live hustling ex
several years past he has been mak- hlbltlon. And It will be one where
ing his home at Talmage, Otoe coun- any man can bring his wife and fam
ty, but is now living in Nebraska iy and find something for each and
City once more. Mr. Stroble former- everyone of them to ace and vorv
ly took an active part in politics but sight will be high class and clean and
has lately esdhewed that line of work worthy of the Red Men and Platts-
u'ei"'"K more promaoie ana mouth. Remember the Fourth of
not so strenuous.
July will be celebrated In Piatts
mouth better than ever before, so
make your arrangements to attend.
Improves Lawn's Looks.
Thomas Svoboda, custodian at the
court nouse, today completed the Job it cured me, or "It saved the
of mowing the court house lawn and life of my child," are the expressions
trimming up the walks leading to the you hear every day about Chamber
building. The pob is a good one and Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
improves the loks of the law 100 remedy. This is true the world over
per cent. The commissioners recent- where this valuable remedy has been
ly purchased some additional hose Introduced. No other medicine In
for watering the lawn and the result use for diarrhoea or bowels com
Is that there Is a fine growth of grass plaints has received such general ap
all over it. There is no reason why proval. The secret of the success of
the lawn cannot be kept In shape Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
throughout the summer as there is Diarrhoea remedy Is that It cures.
sufficient hose now on hand to reach Sold by all dealers
to all parts of the grounds.
The Nebraska veterans of Free
Masons held their banquet at the
temple Tuesday afternoon, with
covers laid for seventy-flvo. Judge
M. R. Hopewell, president, presided
at the dinner. Toasts were respond
ed to informally by Judge S. P.
Davidson, J. II. Ehrhardt, Rev. T. J.
Machay and others. The meeting
Tuesday afternoon opend at 2 o'clock
with the regular business of the or
der. .
The convention will adjourn on '
Thursday afternon.
There are now 244 Masonic lod
ges In Nebraska and delegates from
nearly every one are represented In
Omaha today. The entire Nebraska
membership has reached 17,886,
which shows an Increase during the
year of 767. . . , ,
Following are the present grand
lodge officers, Ancient, Free and Ac
cepted Masons: M. W., Michael Dow
ling, grand master, Omaha; R. W.
Harry A. Cheney, deputy grand mast
er, Creighton; R. W., Henry Gibbons,
grand senior warden, Kearney; R.
W., James R. Cain, grand Junior
warden, Stella; M. W., John D. Dins-
more, grand treasurer, Sutton; K.
W., Francis E. White, grand secre
tary, Omaha; V. W., Rev. George A.
Beecher, grand chaplain, Omaha;
W Ambrose C. Epperson, grand ora
tor, Clay Center; M. W., Robert E
French, grand custodian, Kearney;
W Alpa M. Morgan, grand marshal,
Broken Bow; W.; Thomas Davis,
grand senior deacon, Beaver City;
W., Samuel S. Whiting, grand Junior
deacon, Lincoln; Bro., Ruban Forbes,
acting grand tyler, Omaha.
A meeting of the grand lodge was
held In the Masonic hall last night,
There was a large attendance of the
grand officers and other members of
the order who heard with interest
the addresses of W. Ambrose and C
Epperson, Clay Center, grand orator
on the progress of Masonry In the
state. Omaha Bee.
Oscar Zaar, the well known young
J. C. Nlday, a prominent citizen man of South Bend Is among those
of Union, Is among those in the city having business matters In the city
today looking after business matters, to look after today, coming down
coming up from his home this morn-prom his home this morning on the
ing. Schuyler train.
Kettles Ileineinann Ktttate.
In county court this afternoon
Judge Beeson held the final hearing
In the Conrad Helnemann estate, ex
amlnlng the accounts of Henry Helne
mann, administrator, and allowing
the same. A decree distributing the
property of the deceased and releas
lng the administrator and his bonds
men from all liability on his official
bond was entered. A. L. Tldd ap
pea red as counsel for the admlnlstra
George S. Ray and wife of Mur
ray are among those In the city today
having driven up from their hom
this morning. Mr. Ray has some
business matters at the court house
to look after.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Miss Anna Fry who has been visit
ing for several days in Lincoln, re
turned home last night.
Geo. Kaffenherger, the well known
stockman of the precinct, is spending
the day in the city attending to busi
ness matters.
John A. Hennlngs, one of Cedar
Creek's good citizens, is in the city
today attending to business, driving
In this morning.
Commissioner L. J. Swltzer of
Weeping Water came In last night to
be present today at the regular meet
ing of the county board.
Frank Grauf and wife from near
Murray are spending the day in the
city on business, tirlving up this
morning from their home.
County Commissioner C. R. Jordan,
chairman of the board, came in last
evening from Alvo to attend the
meeting of the board today.
Henry Sanders, the well known Ce
dar Creek citizen, is spending the
day in the city looking after business
with the county commissioners.
J. M. Melsinger Is among the good
citizens from Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct spending today in the city, driv
ing In this morning from his home.
Mrs. Jacob Vallery Is spending to-
;day la Omaha making a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. F. F). White, hav-
ng gone to that city on the morning
J. M. Hoover, one of Louisville's
prominent citizens, Is spending thej
day in the city, having come down
from his home this morning on busi
ness matters.
Sam Long, the railroad contractor
of South Bend, is a visitor today In
the city, coming down this morning
on the Schuyler train to look after
business matters.
Will Becker came in this morn
Ing from his home west of the city
and was a passenger on the morning
Burlington train for Omaha where he
will spend the day.
J. P. Rouse, one of the prominent
farmers of Greenwood precinct, Is
spending the day In the city, coming
In last evening from his home at Alvo
to look after business matters here,
Uncle Ben Bcckman and Louie
Relnhackel came in this morning
from Mr. Beckman's home near Mur
ray. Mr. Beckman Is the efficient
road overseer for Rock Bluffs pre
clnct and bad business with the com
mlssloners which brought him to the
city while Louie wanted to run up
home for a day.
Captain Isaac Wiles and wife were
passengers on the morning train for
Omaha where they will spend today
Captain Wiles goes to the metropolis
to be In attendance upon the grand
lodge of Masons and to attend the
banquet this evening while Mrs. Wiles
will spend several days with her son
Frank and family.
A petition was filed today in coun
ty court by Mrs. Robert Kendall, ask
Ing for the appointment of her fath
er, Benjamin P. Davis as admlnlstra
tor of the estate of the late Mr. Ken
dal. Mrs. Kendall was present and
personally attended to filing the pe
tlolon. At present the estate Is be
lng administered by a special admin
Istrator, Mr. A. E. Taylor and he will
bo discharged Immediately upon the
formal appointment of a regular ad
mlnlstrator, his appointment havln
been made to look after some press
lng business engagements of the de
ceased. No marriage licenses were
Issued out of the office of the coun
ty Judge today.
llyefa Resting Easy.
Dr. George 11. Gllmore of Murray,
mention of whose visit to the city la
made in another place, is attending
Walter Dyers, mention of whose in
juries was made in last evening's
Journal. He states that the young
man Is very severely hurt and will
be confined to his home for some
time at the very least. The injuries
were as stated in the Journal a Ions
cut across the scalp which seemed
to have been made by a sharp edged
tool, something like a razor while
the breast is a mass of bruises and
the stomach is injured. The collar
bone Is also broken and he Is la
very bad shape generally. He was
resting as well last evening as could
be' expected and DV. Gllmore be
lleves he will recover without doubt.
However, the process will likely be
slow. Nothing new has developed
here regarding the case and no com
plaint has been lodged with the of
ficers concerning it. Considerable
depends upon developments In regard
to Dyers' condition as to the ultimate
outcome ot the matter.
Future Home In California.
William Standelmann and wife
and Miss Lou Spade who have beea
making a visit of several days with
Mark White and wife at Rock Bluffs,
came up last evening and arter
spending the night in the city, de
parted this morning for Sioux City,
la., where they will visit for several
days. Mr. and Mrs. Stadelmann ex
pect to leave In a short time for Los
Angeles, Cal., where he has accept
ed a position with the Independent
telephone interests of the Pacltte
coast The many friends of Mr. and
Mrsfl Stadelmann Is this city regret
very much to have them leave tola
section but they, carry with thee
their best wishes for future success
and prosperity. Mr. Stadelmann U
finished telephone man and un
derstands the Ins and outs of the
business perfectly and without doubt
will make a name for himself ra hla
chosen field.
A MAM-Ot. "
The members of the base ball team
are looking forward to receiving a
present of an English bull dog a-.
a mascot, one having been promised
Manager Brantner by an Omaha gen
tleman who wants the club to have
a mascot which will be some mascot.
They expected the animal to arrive
on Monday's train but It has not yet
shown up. ' It Is liable, however, to
be here at any time and the boys are
consumed with curiostly to see just
what It will look like. They also
have hopes It means good luck tj
them and If It does not good-by Mr.
VInHIhk Dr. (tilniorc.
Dr. George H. Gllmore and son
Walker of Murray, drove Into the
city from their home yesterday after
noon, the doctor coming up to meet
Mr. Charles R. Wilson, a prominent
business man of Omaha who Is mak
ing him a brief business visit. Mr.
Wilson came down on train No. 2 of
the Burlington and was a passenger
with Dr, Gllmore for his home at
Murray. Dr. WilBon while In the city
paid the Journal office a pleasant
and much appreciated call and he Is
cordially Invited to come again at
any time when in the city.
C. G. Wingate and wife, P. C.
Wlngate and wife, and Rev. M. F.
Brower and wife, all of Hamburg,
la., came in this morning to attend
the Trtvley-JackB wedding. Rev.
Brower performed the ceremony
which united the young people.