The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 30, 1910, Image 2

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
i 1 Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmaath. Nebraska a
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
""The Journal willnoVbe Issued
next Monday. It being Decoration
Indkations are that the earth
frightened the comet's tail rather
more than that appendage fright
ened the earth.
Any man who wants to work can
find a job any old day. No use for
loafers in Plattsmouth, yet we have
to put up with a few of them.
Abolishing the letter "C" from the
alphabet will be all right with the
Karnlval Krewe, but it probaly never
will receive the sanction of Kongress
and Kannon.
A suit to oust the beef trust from
New Jersey was brought this week
In Trenton. And when a trust Is bo
bad that it Isn't tolerated In New
Jersey It must be very bad, Indeed.
The plan for a tariff board to In
vestigate the difference In cost be
tween production at home and
abroad has been defeated. Those
who make the tariff schedules want
the public to know as little about
the tariff as possible.
In his speech on the tariff, Champ
Clark declared that if President Taft
had vetoed the Payne-Aldrlch-Smoot
tariff bllll, he could have written his
name among the country's greatest
bencfactore. "Dut he let the golden
opportunity go by unimproved," add
ed the minority leader, "and it will
never return to him as long as the'
grass grows and water runs."
We overheard a citizen last even
ing, as we was returning home, talk
ing to another man whom we did
not know. If we felt like he was
talking about Plattsmouth we would
pick up our traps and move out. And
the fellow owns property here, too.
We t'lt like stopping aud giving him
a piece of our mind. Such citizens
are a detriment to any community.
If you can't speak a good word for
the town ln which you live, keep
your mouth closed to strangers, at
, :o:
I1. O. Lobeck, one of the best men
God ever put breath in, is a candi
date for the Democratic nomination
for congress in the Second district.
The district is composed of the coun
ties of Douglas, Washington And
Sarpy counties. Mr. Lobeck la the
present comptroller of the city of
Omaha, and Is most highly respect
cd and loved by all who know him.
He is the most feasible candidate
for the position, and if nominated,
will sweep the dlutrlct like a whirl
wind. The Democrats of the Se
cond district will make the biggest
sjnlstako of their Uvea If they fall to
iglve C. O. Lobeck the nomination
Frederick M. Keruy, the young
Interior department stenographer
who was dismissed because he ad
mitted that Osrar Lawlcr, an ap
pointee of Bnlllngcr, had practically
dictated President Tatt's letter ex
oncrating Dnlllnger, was the solo
support of a mother, wife and babo
lie had worked hard and conscient
iously for five years to reach the
position ho occupied when dismis
sed. Kerby was positive he would
be discharged If he told bis story,
lie thought the matter over careful
ly for several weeks. "I concluded
that any alleglunce I owed Mr. Ilal
llnger," said Kerby, "was cancelled
absolutely when, by his sllenco, he
became a party to an attempt to
smother the truth." lly making his
exposure Kerby wa9 probably treach
erous to Balllnger and Dalllnger's
plans for turning over Alaska coal
lands to the Morgan-Guggenheim
syndicate. Dut it Is difficult to nee
how he was treacherous to the pub
lic In whose service he was employed.
Fecertary Whltten of t'ne Lincoln
Commercial club used to be a rail
road employe in Sioux City, and has
a lot of friends here yet. He went
from Sioux City to Muscatine to be
come secretary of the commercial
club of that thriving place, and sub
seBuently on an advance salary and
opportunity, he accepted the Lincoln
position. lie has done good work for
the capital city, but nothing so great
before as his capture of Senator Bur
kett's vote on the long and short haul
clause of the common bill pending.
Incidentally, this capture teaches a
character of work performed. It
shows that It makes a difference In
the character of work performed,
whether a man Is dependent on busi
ness or politics for his Income.
Senator Burkett was elected first to by the saving of expense and the
the lower house of congress and then diminution of crime, vastly benefit
to the senate as a representative of e(j the state as well as the criminal
the Nebraska people at Washington, and quasi-criminal classes which are
Secretary Whltten was elected as sec- being reformed to a remarkable ex
retary of the commercial club at Lin- tent. "Our criminal laws," says the
coin. Each of these two men had chief of police of Toledo, "aim to
been employed by the railroads and
Burkett had been assisted Into office They Bhould aim to benefit the crlml
by railroad Influence. nal. Prison life should be one
The moment Whltten became sec- not of suffering, but one of prepara-
retary of the commercial club he
went to work with all his might for
the Interests of his employers, the
business men of Lincoln. He found
out right away that Lincoln along
with a number of other Nebraska
towns was handicapped by the dls-
criminatory and unfair freight rates.
He went at once to the rate makers
and got some adjustments and some
refusals. He then went to the In-
terstate commerce commission.
The commission told him they
nor1prl n lnw nrnlilhlflnir n .rrpntpr
change for a short haul than for a
long haul. He then appealed to Son-
ator Burkett. That was over a year
ago. He called the attention of the
senator to the freight conditions in
Nebraska, and asked him to work
for a long and short haul clause in
the railroad law. Burkett wrote back
an evasive letter. He talked all
around the question, but not right at
it. Secretary Whltten explained the
matter again to the senator, and
attain ureed him to move for a lonu
and shorty haul clause in the law. The
senator came back with another eva
sive reply. He flourished a lot of
glittering generalities, declaring him-
self always ready to consider any
question ln the Interests of his con-
wanted. Whltten did not want the
matter considered, he wanted action.
Burkett had been ln Washington for
.. a .,,
iuu ui inciro jtoio, auu uunug ail
these years he had had time to con
I I It.- I .. I II.. I L 1. I . 1
u. iu ...ju.i..:t asauon uome
city and state through discriminating
and extortionate freight charges.
When at last the senator was re-
ported by tho newspapers to be lining
up witn Aiuricn in bis vote on the
railroad bill the secretary of the
commercial club made a final appeal
that landed him as to the long and
short haul clause, "I want you to
ay yes or no," said Whltten in a final
letter that brought from the senator
a imiiiveiuiK statement to me etieci
that he had not fully understood
Just what was wanted, and that ho
had really been for the long and Bhort
haul clause all the time.
It was like landing a game fish
tliat did not want to bo landed, 'i lie
whole correspondence between the
secretary and tho Benator published
In the Lincoln newspapers lately,
puts the senator In a very awkward
light with the business men of Lin
coln, and It ought to be lesson enough
for the voters of tho whole state. It
Is too hard to make Burkett a rep
resentative of Nebraska. -Sioux City
Toledo's '"Golden Rule policy" la
worth the attention of good citizens
in all parts of the country and also
throughout the civilized and christian
world. The figures prove It. The
records of the police department of
the Ohio city show that the number
of arrests wa3 reduced from 30,418
In 1907 to 10,083 In 1903 and to
6018 in 1909.
The new principle is really an
old one; it dates back to the teach
ings of the Christ at the beginning
of our era nineteen centuries ago;
only Its application is new in the po
lice courts, where, all must admit
who know anything of these tribun
als before whose bar the miserable
and wretched are arraigned, practical
religion in much needed.
The Toledo Idea is to Inflict the
punishment for statutory law-break
ing offenses against city ordinan
ces, but to couple the punitory sen
tence with reformatory influences
ened by wholesome environment and
earnest efforts to arouse the dorm
ant better nature and awaken sleep
lng manhood.
The success of this system has
been phenomenal. It has diminished
the number of arrests according- to
the figures given, and in this way and
by the reform of old offenders has,
benefit society. In this they fall
tion of preparation for Jndepend
ence, courage, right-thinking, mental
discipline. These are the qualities
he will need if he is not to fall
again. The criminal laws should not
be for society, but for the reforma-
tion of the criminal."
Philanthropists would do well to
investigate the Toledo methods, and
the results are found to be as
represented to urge their adoption in
other places
Good road3 BeeniS to be the order
of the da ainonS the outlying towns
ln Cass count'- Nehawka was the
flrst ,own to "take the bull by the
horn8" for road Improvements, and
tne commercial club of that enter
pr,HlnS ,ittle clty have induced the
farmera to them and now they
have ood roads for miles leading
,nto that clt- Tho citizens of Mur
n have Jlned tne procession, and
lmProve the roads ln the direction
of Plattsmouth to a point where they
It . .
ou'- us 8el up ana nustle,
Majr Make Application
Prol. MorpV. fnrmnrlv onnorlnfon
dent of tne bnd lmjUtute ftt .
braska. and before that superintend
lent cf the Kearney City Schools; Is
,n the city today looking the field
over witn a view of putting In an ap
Ijmiv-uuuh io succeed rror. uamoie
as superintendent here. Prof. Morey
I has had a great deal of experience
and ,s 8a,d to be a very capable man.
"e met ma,ny people today durln
h'8 8top and made a ery favorable
I lmprC8Sloil
Mark Fur,
lng from Rock Bluffs, havlng'a fine
collection of shots ln his wag
f"" IIe'fou,nd a T market 'or
tnem at a fanev nrlrA nmnni thu
t0wn people, the little animals being
In great demand for growing pur
VIAYI Drugless, non-aicnoilc and
non-surgical treatment; It has spared
!he !'fe of man men and vomen. and
Uon. 400 pag(J book f
i in i'iichuht nnn nnrni man art Annn
rorkln JoteI. 3-lS-w
Herman Breeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered PromrHly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
Sermon by
RUSSELL, -Pastor
Pastor Russell is returning to Amer
ica iu good condition after having ad
dressed the public of Great Dritaln,
Ireland, Germany, v arsaw, Kussla;
Rome and Jerusalem in ail forty
times. His largest audiences were at
London, ubout 7,000. with Glasgow a
good second.
Mid-Ocean. May 29.-As I look abroad
nn.l rp wiitr water pvervu b,
without a speck of land ln sight, aud
ns i icuevfc iuui e uie ius.nnS over
t .i -
varying depths, some of which are as
great as Ave miles, I am reminded of
tho promise in the Lord's Word that
ultimately the whole earth, the world
of mankind, shall have such an abun-
dant knowledge of tho Creator aud the
T),.,in,Qi. f i mi. iii.,of,f.., i.
fore, chosea as my text the words,
-ine eartu suau De iuu or tno unowi-
edge of the Lord as tho waters cover
the sea." I remember also the very
simllar promise by the Lord through
tne rropnet (llabakUuk 11, 11), "For
tlio eartn shall be flllea witn tne knqwl-
edge of the glory of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea." I am reminded
also of the Prophet's declaration that
the time will come when "Every knee
shall bow, and every tongue shall con-
fess" (Isaiah xlv, 23). And again "That
l i. t i , ,,
at the name of Jesus every knee shall
bow, of things In heaven, and things
in eartn, una imngs unuer me eunu
And that every tongue shall confess
that Jesus Christ ls Lord, to the glory
of God the Father." And I am also
reminded that ln that day. "They shall
teach no more every man his neighbor,
and every man his brother, saying.
... i ,x. .i
me, irom iu .uuSl ui tuuui uulu luu
greatest of them, salth the Lord"
(Jeremiah xxxl. 34). The question
properly arises. To what extent shall
we consiuer tuese statement nieraiiy
true? What kiud of fulOllmeut should
we expect tnem to nave:
If we look out upon tne neatnen
world, however sympathetic we may
be in respect to foreigu missionary
work, doing all lu our power to make
known to the Ueattieu tne grace or
God. and the great Redeemer, we are
nevertheless compelled to admit that
there ls absolutely no nope or our ever
causing every knee to bow, and every
tongue to confess ennst in neatnen
lands, even as we have long ago given
up hope of accomplishing such work
In civilized lands. 'Ine worK is too
great for us, and the, errors of heathen-
dora are too deeply seated to be quick-
ly eradicated, uovernmeni statistics
show us that there are twice as many
heathen today as there were a century
ago. If. therefore, any or us naa been
omniui, th nVOrn nf th
iiiriil It la tlmo fnr 11 a trt npknnn- ndcrn
our error and to look to the Lord, real-
Ulng that iu him alone ls the world's
hope. Doubtless this is Just the les-
son that the Lord wishes us to learn.
He does not wish us to give up our ef-
t ti i n tii m c
hold of faith." for our own blessing U
associated with such acUvity on behalf
of others. But God does wish us to
ll- n.a ara nnnhU
.C,. - -
to cope with the situation. He wishes
us to realize that only through tue es
I U V -ft va J
. .. i
ou'c Zr7dn7lF tnrouSl Christ, and even obtain-
dear Son can the glorious blessings of . ki,i on mh
the Millennium ever be hoped for.
Alas! We must admit, and should feel
.1 .I. . i. . . i t . i .i . it .i
even ln civilized lands, the number of
footstep followers of the Lamb of God
f W iew- fc . . -
few, In comparison with he popula on
as a whole. We are not In this sevtting
ourselves as Judges of the hearts of
our fellow-creatures-remarkably few
mako any pretention to walking in the
"narrow way," which alone now leads
to nieevermsuug t.uuiu.ew u,,
I .f ..l..l . ll 41.
Tho Necessity For Knowledge.
Many dear Christian people, de-
glrous of thinking well of tho heaven-
ly Father, are so befogged with the
teachings of the past, that they try to
imagine that the way to eternal life is
not so narrow as tho Master said; they
try to imagine that somehow the
heathen will be saved In their Isno-
ranee, notwithstanding the Apostle
says, "How tdiall they believe ou him
of whom they have not heard" (Romans
x. 14). Aud again, his nssurauee that
"there is none other name under heav-
en given nniong men. whereby wo
must be saved" (Acti iv, 12i.
Tho error from the past which led to
this inconsistency ls the teaching that
all of the heathen nre going to eternal
torture, nnd that they never will nave
an opportunity of accepting Christ In
tho future. 'Jiiey renei against "
thought which has come down from
tho dark ages that God foreknew tno
Ignorance of the heathen nnd predes-
tlunted their eternal torture; that they
should not hear of the only name under
heaven or given amonir men wnereuy
they miglit lo "uviki una nx' ineiren
"As the Waters Cover the
Great Deep" (Isaiah xi, 9).
vlrouments so that they never heard.
The whole difficulty, we see, lies lu the
fact tl)at Go(r!j peol,le ln tLe last lmve
not studied his Word us they should
have done. Some of us subscribed to
one creed, and some to another, saying
t0 ourselves. Our creed is not sattsfac
lory uul 11 18 prouauiy as iree irom
error as oiuer creeus. we cousoiea
ourselves with the thought that all
v-uiiaicmiuui ua Lous.ueruoiy ueioS
ged, aud we no more than others.
Soma fif iiq nriilinhlv t-Hiiri tt cntUfv
"-- ' -w
ollP m,uU hv B.ivln flmf f,.:.
tures of our creeds which dishouored
God, and implied his lack of wisdom.
or worse, his willingness but lack of
Justice, or lack of power that these
things were mysteries which must be
believed, although they could not be
reconciled with human reason and
I T f nnfOIIOMrv nil fonl ' ta r ln r n ntnxA
exercising extraordinary faith in these
matters, but in renlitv we were mere-
ly ignorant of God's Word, and cred
ulous of the wisdom of our creed-mak-
ers of the past.
Trut Light Now Shining.
Cut now, thank God, "The night la
far spent, and the day Is at hand'
(Romans xlii, 12). "Now Is our salva
tion nearer than when we believed"
(Romans xlii, 11). The evidence that
we are ,n ine morning or tne new ais-
muii piiM on every nana:
We are evidently in the per od which
I.. . m.
God.8 preparatjon.,. Go,i ls prei)arlng
t0 U9her n the long-promised period
0f blessing and refreshment, which he
has foretold through all the holy
prophets. The wonderful Inventions of
our day along the lines of chemistry,
steam and electricity are fulfilments
wonderful "Day of Christ."
failed of great blessings in not sooner
notlcln th,. fnct We -too(1 s ,t
wpr wlth onP hnok9 towflrd th Ens
looklnir fon the 8un t0 rlse ln the West:
we were ig t0 our own efforts t0
-onvort th world, rather than looking
to tne Lord from wuom alone must
eome the helD. "Hence the clow ln the
East had assumed considerable propor-
tions before we noticed lt-nnd many
0f our brethren nre still looking to the
West, and angrily refuse to turn nnd
follow the dawn of the New Dispensa
tion. which now mny be so clearly
seen by tho eye of faith,
j et U3 noto we1 tuo Apostle Peter's
word8j assuring us that the vision he
hna on tue Mount of Transfiguration
made a deep impression npon him. He
tella U3 nevertheless, that "We have
as0 a m(ne sure .q 0f prophecy
whereunto ye do well that ye take
Deed. as unt0 a light that shlneth in a
gark place, until the day dawn, and
the day star arise ln your hearts"-the
'Darouiia" (presence) of ChrUt, the
"Morning Star."
Knowledge Necetsity,
u- uuullul luc
ncnpiurw ioat m wi Ul i"
Yr suau ue wonaw.ue uu
dMP-'hat cvery cretfltue
bwuht : to an accurate knowledge of
"n. un? Kl
4-6), wherefor is the necessity for this?
" T' 7,' 1
" " ITa
'ohn thnt ne People perceived that
1 lUl'J WCIW lUUiaul, IUU
menr. If tbelr Ignorance and lack of
lng Apostleshlp, why should so much
stress be laid upon knowledge? Does
God really care for knowledge? Has
. . . . . . nniaA oni1
that bfl carcs naught fof tne ,gnorant?
Do we not rend to the contrary that,
Q God hutn fool.
fah th,n of the worlJ tQ confound the
Corlnthlnil9 , 20 27) ..ata
. . ,,., . .,,,
... , ,,thV, ,,... n r.
1 I ti ll 111 1111 u I
(James 11, 5.)
! 1 VI Y ilUU, I1U tlll11V&. IfAkLA
.luilm , , .nrM i foolish.
1 ness. nnd with this world, the wisdom
tt God Is foolishness. Knowledge may
therefore be viewed from' two stand'
points. So far as worldly knowledge
commending any man or woman to
God. or making any man or woman
Ui0re fit for divine favor, we believe
the contrary to be true. Unwillingly
we nre forced to the conclusion that
the great colleges of tho world are tho
most destructive agencies' ln the earth
0s respects the Divine revelation, tho
Bible, and the true knowledge of God
whlcb ls essential to salvation nnd
eternal life. We therefore sharply dls
criminate betweeu earthly knowledge
I and heavenly knowledge, and between
the wisdom of men and the wisdom of
0ur iord jesu9 E(lve tue koy to
tuls qosti()n of tho Importance of
knowledao ln relatlonshlo to our at
tninmeut 0f eternal life. He said, in
nrnvinir ta tho Puttier. "And this la
Ufo ctornal, that they 'might know
fhpft ,llB tni0 0o.i nnd .Jo8U8
Cnrlst wnom tuou hnst 8cnt" (John
XT1 3) 0nly gch ns attan t0 tnls
j knowled8e moj imve Herual life. Con
seipicntly we see at a glance thai re
luaruahiy few of our inf have t'.HM
far attained to the degiw of knowl
tnle which G'ni would be pleased tt
recognise. At tirst llus uiiht swiu
peculiar to us; we uiL'ht say to our
selves or to others. Why does not God
give it out freely to all? The reply of
the Scriptures ls that God Is giving
his knowledge freely now to a certain
class, and that by aud by he will give
it to all the families of the earth. This
essential knowledge is promised to
the faithful iu the world. He that seek
eth flndeth. and to him that knocketh
It shall be opened. "The secret of the
Lord is with them that reverence him.
and he will show them his Covenant."
"Blessed are your eyes, for they see.
aud your ears, for they hear." Such
as thus abide in covenant relationship
with the Lord Jesus are Indeed taught
of God in the School of Christ, and
may truly grow la grace and knowl
edge. A distinction should be observed in
knowing about God, and knowing God
himself. It Is not sullicleut that we
should recognize God as the Almighty
Creator, for devils also believe that.
On the other hand, to be intimately
acquainted with God means that we
must come Into Intimate fellowship
with him, aud this means that we
must come unto the Father through
the Son, by faith. By thus coming to
our heavenly Father by an acquaint
ance with his Word, and through an
appreciation of his glorious work, past.
present, and future, 'we get a view of
the lengths, and breadths, and heights
nd depths of "love divine, all love ex
celling." In proportion ns we behold
the outline of the Divine character,
we perceive our own deficiencies and
try the more to rid ourselves of them,
and at least manifest to the Lord that
our hearts are in harmony with the
principles of righteousness.
The Sun of Righteousness.
Very appropriately, the Scriptures
speak of the present 'as a night-time.
They tell us that now "Darkness cov
ers the (civilized) earth, and gross
darkness the people (Heathendom)."
They assure us that now God's people
need the lamp of Divine revelation to
guide their footsteps until the day
dawns. They assure us, however, that
the morning will be ushered In by the
great Sun of Righteousness the Christ,
the Messiah. Prophet, Mediator, King
of Glory.
Now is the Church excluded from
this work of shining upon and enlight
ening the world and scattering its
darkness. The Master gave us to un
derstand that the Church with himself
will constitute the Sun of Righteous
ness, which will then arise with heal
ing ln its beams. Thus In the parable
of the Wheat nnd Tares, he pictures
the entire work of this Gospel Age and
its consummation, which he styles
The harvest the end of the age."
nis word respecting the separation of
the wheat from the tares ls that the
wheat shall be gathered into his barn
hanged from the earthly to the
heavenly nature, and he adds. "Then
shall the righteous shine as the sun in
the Kingdom of their Father." "He
that hath an ear to hear, let him hear."
The figure of the rising sun scatter
ing the darkness, ignorance and super
stition of the world harmonizes with
the other picture, which represents the
Kingdom of God superseding the king
dom of Satan, and those deluded by
Satan, styled ln the Scriptures, tho
kingdoms of this world.
Be Glad and Rejoice.
We may well sympathize with our
forefathers, to whom It was not grant
ed to see as clearly as we may now
see the glorious fullness of the Divine
purpose to eventually enlighten the
whole earth, by causing the knowledge
of the glory of God to fill the whole
earth as the waters cover the great'
deep. To ns, therefore, ls especially
applicable the prophetic words, "Be ye
glad and rejoice for ever in that which
I create. For behold, I create new
heavens and a new earth, and the for
mer shall not be remembered, nor come
Into mind" (Isaiah Ixv, 18, 17). Thus
does the Lord picture the new dispen
sation in graphic language. The new
heavens symbolically represent the
Church ln its new and glorified condi
tion, exercising superior control over
the affairs of mankind. Likewise, the
new earth symbolically represents the
new state or condition of society the
new social order of things which will
be introduced as a part of the New
Dispensation. Imperfection is now
written upon everything with which
men are associated, partly because of
our fallen condition through heredity,
aud partly, as the Scriptures declare,
through Satan, tho god of this world or
age. who now works lu the hearts of the
children of disobedience promptlug to
sin nnd selfishness, pride and ambi
tion, and in every Bense of the word
tendlug to alienate the hearts of nen
from tho ways of righteousness. More
over, the Adversary ls largely responsi
ble for the gross errors of misconcep
tion of the Divine character, which
during the centuries past have been
creeping Into the minds of those who
were feeling after God, If haply tliey
might find him. All who are cf tho
right spirit, truth seekers, and truth
lovers, will bo glad to abandon the er
rors on this subject, which so long
have hindered u proper nppieclatlon of
tho glorious character of our heaven
ly Father. By teaching us through false
doctrines to dread the heavenly Father,
the Adversary has Implanted In our
minds a fear whl- h constitutes a lar
rler. The Lord speaks of this saying.
"Their fear of tne is taught by the pre
cepts of men" (Isaiah xxlx. i:i. Let
us then use more diligently than ever
before the wonderful Bible which Di
vine Providence has placed within th
reach of ull of God's people, that w
may know him. whom to know aright
will meun to u life eternal.