The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 26, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Farmers' Elevator Co.
If any of tlu reader, of the Journal knnw of a social even or an item of inter in thU vicinity and will wrimm to this office it U appear uvkr this heading
ye tcant all items of intenst.-J!.dU(jr journal, j . (. - - -
At this bank an important factor in
developing the full working value of
your dollars. Also a friendly assis
tant or help in conserving them. : : :
Why not Open An Account
With Us Today?
FOR SALE A few tons of timo
thy bay.. H. L. Oldham.
Win. Oliver and Chas Creamer,
from west of town, were business
visitors in Plattsmouth Monday, and
while there Mr. Oliver called at the
Journal oflce and renewed his'seb-
seriptlon for the Old Reliable.
A nice little girl made her appear
ance at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lewis Sunday, May 22, 1910.
Of course, she will reside with her
parents until some fellow comes
along and snatches her up for a wife,
or until death takes her from them.
Glen V. Boedeker, our worthy
I cashier Is the possessor of a brand
new Vellle, forty horse power, with
I all the latest equipments. It is a
fine car and has the speed of the
winds and will eat up any hill that
gets in its way. lie came in from
t Omaha with it in one hour and thirty
minutes. The Claxon electric whistle
can he heard two miles. (Men should
feel proud of this new possession.
urray State B
--.-. w urnniriA
MlT.ltAY TO Till; FP.OXT.
Murra.y Sta.te B&nk
Of Murray, Nebraska,
Charter No. 573
Inroniorntpd In the Stale of Xlrasl&. at the
Clone ot business jiay u, i;uv.
I.oans and discounts ...$j0,llT4 91
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... IW
Hank nif house, furniture anu fixtures ihj
Current exiwuvs and taxes paid 01
lniefroin national, mate anu private
hanks H.Otiit V!
Currenrr 2.k"4 00
(ioldcoln 3oUi
Silver, nickels and cenU 31 i c;-10,:s tV.)
Total OT.mii'J
rio.lliil stock nald In ?10.ino 00
Sninliis fund 3.) 00
Cnilivlded unilits 5i
Individual (Icimsll.s suhject to
ch.rk "A
Itaninml cerl iticnte of iletM)slt L'.47 50
Time certillcau's of dc-iwslt. . . 4.NU ;wS2.374 04
Total S07.M4 D!
(-luintr oft'axH. fss 1. W. O. lloodfker,
cashier of Die alKve named hank, do herehy
swear that the almvt sliilenieut Is a correct
and true conv of the report, made to the State
hanklnif iMiard. W.(l. Hokih.kkk, Cashier.
,. M MAS. C. 1 AHMKIX, Pirector,
liesl . f ... .. r Vrrvulv llliiw-liir
Sulwcrils'd and sworn to hefott1 tne this Itilh
day of May, I mo. 1. .1. I'itman,
skai, isoiary runue.
Grain, Wagons, Buggies
and Farm Implements!
We handle the Schutler, Cooper and "Old Hickory"
Wagons,' Press Drills, Binders and Mowers, Plymouth Binder
Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire.
Farmers, we can furnish you with any vehicle or farm-
it? g implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the
same article elsewhere. Come and see us, at the elevator,
and cet prices that will astonish you. e can save you
money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves.
The Business Men uml Fanners Near
are l' and Doiim A Commer
cial CI lib Orpuiied.
The business men of Murray and
A Pleasant Afternoon.
Mesdames A. L. Baker and William
Fporer entertained the Ladies Aid
society of the Christian church at
farmers near the town have organ- the bome of the formep Wednesday
ized the Murray Commercial CluD. f . .fc . entirely unneces
I . . I . L A 1 . 1 1.1 l I '
mo oujeci or me orga.iuuuuu is tn -mfll.u lhnr lt wa8 ari M.
. .. ..... j
Dettcrment oi me town anu commuu- ceedlng,y enjoyable occasion.
Mrs. R. K. Nickels Is much im
Mrs. Lee Farrla Is on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. Ni,x, a slHter of Llg Brown, Is
quite sick.
Mrs. Berger, west of town, Is num
bered with the sick.
All who desire corn shelling done
call upon Brendel and Seybolt.
Harry Todd shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha Tuesday.
Zack Shrader from Mt. Pleasant
precinct shipped 2 car of cattle Tues
day. Grandma Fleming Is reported quite
ill, but nothing very serious at present.
Zack Shrader shipped two cars of
cattle to the South Omaha market
George Nlckles has been under the lally good roads.
weather for the past few days.
Plans and Siecifications.
Postmaster Schneider today re-
It L-I..-.I .U- A
ty in every particular, and espec- Lould not p08sible be otherwise with L neW postofflce build,ng In this
MIbs Margie Walker Is spending Dr. Gilmore, Secretary and Glen Boe
h wucit in Omaha with friends. deker treasurer. Committees for
Mr. James Brown accompanied organlzetion, membership and by
Miss Celede Berger to Omaha Friday, laws were appointed
two such elegant entertainers in k 0a t hia
I - till AUU IUQ OA 11 lO b u vy - - v
Wrm. Brown was elected chairman, . M nflkpr nnd Mrs . . . . mjj.
. c ... siM r.. charge 88 Mr8, Baker . ana ftlrs- Kor Inspection by prospective bidders.
Sporer. At the proper hour a two Th Dlana provde for the completioi
course lunch was served. Those who nf thft hulldlne bv Aueust 1. 1911.
were present to enjoy the event were: and provide that an extenslon of time
Mesdames V. B. VirKln. J. V. y,aA K thi mntrantnr nrnvlrl.
Prof. Asche left Wednesday after- Mr. W. B. Banning, of Union, was d , g whU B F Brendei j. . . M1. 01,,tahla orrnT!Fomt.nta
m ! ,ik A tiMA f I nfoonnt and era va a Inn trthv ffllu All I ... . M I
non lor rmusiuuum ..u VuCu.0 .... -.v - . w Bergeri 1 M uavl8( H. v. Long, and cornp,le3 with certain require
Omana. -"B ,uuu John Thomason, Charles Creamer, monta -rho vUniinn hnwnvpr. will
Don't fail to attend the Ice cream course given it was very evident that k whU H. GraVes. Earl Jen- k ;h. nm w 1 i qi i
social at Loughrldge's hall Saturday Mr. Banning was up on the road k,n8 F M young Cha8 Spangieri There la al3Q a provi8lon in them for
evening. question, legally, practically and oth- Q Churchill. Torrence Fleming. tin Aav fnr onrh Aa,
Charles Spangler Is erecting a new erwlse. Here Is a point that he F k j ff Brendei narmond tua niAa nvor ofnr Anit 1.
garage for his auto. Albert Young is brought out very strongly, and that Beck Galen Rhoden Mary virgin, 1911 except that the provision for an
doing the work. is the citizens must work In harmony . h y Tom Adam8i j. n. Tra. M'.nn ha Pnmn0f, wlth niria ae.
Mrs. Mark White from East Rock for good roads. There are $25,000 , , natchett. J. W. Brendei, Liin th. T,in nd Rnprlflea-
Bluffs spent Tuesday with Mr. and road and bridge fund for this county. L,we ,Ilatt gIdneyi Iowa; Mary bg Washington,
... ...ii. I ... 1 n niWk tmrf1 nn rT trilu I - t
Mrs. Aivin wnue. I b Allison. Mira McDonald. A. G. Long, n r with th B.mprvlKlnp arrhltpcht
Mr. Hlatt. son-in-law of Mr. Alvin amount? No, was the unanimous MIllBeB Be8sie Brendei, Gertrude t'm 9sth 110. This clears the
White, is spending several days here vote of those assembled. The system Long EUa NlckeiS( Leora 1 Farrls, fleld for contractors to figure on and
visiting witn irienus ana remnves. . u..., 6Uu .wauo Leona Davi3. lt . Mnpotpd tnat a number of bids
Attend the ice cream social to be been given by the farmer who works . Bhmmd mr th work. There
Christian church at LoughridgeB nan noai auer eacn rain, iius uas ueeii .... .. , ,. ...
nrnvpn nnt nnlv ff thp rlvpr nrec nets inciimiiiuiy mceiuis ui me v-n.-
-n.... ni.iknm Una hrwkti n In villi?' n
t .h ,!... i, has almost given by the young ladles of the the road along his farm; using the
rprnvnrpd entirely.
Saturday evening,
Col. Seybolt has a new Bulek auto but back In the county.
zens of Murray Wednesday night, and
Mr. and Mrs. Itex. Young attend
ed the class play at Plattsmouth on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. .1. A. Walker and daughter,
Mrs. G. 11. Gilmore, drove to Platts
mouth Wednesday.
Art Hughey. the hustling commer- -. ;..."-' ...,, tr ... 0f the county. Another meeting will
. . . . . tuoo opfinni nnnmn iiv n th. in wii. n u i 111 nua id iuiLiicuiaKiLucuiaucviuu-
traveler from NeorasKa uuy, was .. - . . .. Saturday evening. May 28th.
snent the day wun irienas. uer vmu a souu menu ensmo i uu ... . . .
. . . i Ani t no rarmAM n-nsi oia o a miinn in.
Mr Harve Manners, formerly of the moBt effective work. The best ""u " " ' "
1,1th fnr tho rnnd hpln wntv- teresieu m iiaviug gouu lunua us uio
and It is a datsey. too. The Col. mr. Wallace rnupoi, wno graaea - -
. ... i.o,. m -npp.l nvpr the six miles of road from Weening Wat- l,,e oi .uu,
. iupIv -.p , er out. eave a eood talk on the road The people of Murray are waking up
Dr. Newell, the dentist, made his making from a practical standpoint. l" l" "l "-
usual Tuesday trip to Murray. He He held that for putting the road up " v.
In Murray Wednesday.
A large number of Murray people
l.kl nl.nA !,., nnnl tml.llnir fnrth In I U'
rre Planning for the four feet. Unless the farmer who dtUens In town, If not more so, and
Ins: exercises of the Plattsmouth high weeping aier as Beui . .. . . ... . .
the structure can be started by Sep
tember 1, 1910, at the latest and
that it can be pushed to a speedy
conclusion. This means some lively
work during the fall and that the
city will have another fine building
ready for occupancy by the forepart
of the spring or summer.
Mrs. Bert PhllpoL and daughter,
of Weeping Water, vlBlted Tuesday
'and Wednesday with Mrs. W. C.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs
nnirir Automobile company, was In markets his grain over these roads lucy B"ou,u "lieuu luo
hpin Von tham un nil pffni-u rt' tnnd Saturday evening
Murray r iiuni. ..vk v. .....u .. -
Uncle Ivan White has been spend- roads will fall.
Ing the greater part of the week in Another point brought out in the The Color of the Lips.
Plattsmouth Improving his property talks was me ract tnai it cost me Tne naturai color of the. Hps Is
there. He goes up in the morning farmer more to haul his grain to mar- lnk and uP8 8hould be smooth. If
i .......
Lloyd's limb Is in a far better condl- "d returns at night. ket than theost of Bhlpplng over the the color change8 and the lips get
tion than It has been for the past W- J- PhPot accompanied by Mb railroads to the terminal market. pale crack and pee!i lt ,8 a 8iKn of
wlf nnd aon VV. Howard, left Tues- This Is evident when once considered. .,,-
V P A TV I " ' . u i v t v it ,7 vwiiu i it v it v k-v i(
1 .i t n ,1 rimAi I Thn rlrotr la (ha Itav tn vnnrl rnaHa I.. . . . . . . t
Mrs Henry Spangler and daugh- ua' "UI111 iUI upvci .a - -w tnai is some irregularity in me acuon
tor Miss Elizabeth visited last week counties, Nebraska, where he Is inter- The split-log drag Is considered the of the digefltlve organs. In such
I . 11. At 1- n I hAIlt AA I . .. . ... . .
i.h hr un nhrlP SnanEler nd l"o rBn,;u " luu- cases Triner's American Elixir or irn-
- , Vah.rn.-lf.
f.o uf n 11,-nwn wu a nnRBpn
ger to Omaha Saturday evening to Bee Berger la assisting htnu We fhod roaHds;, Murraf 8tands b"tween brings the whole body to the natural
attend a house party at the home of feel no hestltancy In recommending tKnem ana, tn.e cunty vBea1, t fl,UK"a activity. Make your stomach able to
Mrs, Hall. these gentlemen to those who want " i - ; , ' accept enough nutrItlous 100(1 and
this kind ot work done. T "l w"f "l l" '"""" strengthen the rest of the digestive
.... n w ... hp Jbrethern, and will give them a good organa and youp blood be per.
If the Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys
are weak, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In
five or tea days only, the result will
surprise you. A few cents will cover
the cost. And here Is why help
comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop does
not drug the Stomach, nor stimu
late the Heart or Kidneys. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
the weak and falling nerves. Each
organ has its own controlling nerve.
When these nerves fail, the depend
ing organs must of necessity falt
er. This plain, yet vital truth, clear
ly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is so universally successful. Its sue
cess is leading druggists everywhere
to give it universal preferance. A
test will surely tell. Sold by all
Entertained at Paikennlng Home
The Frauverlen of the German
l.itheran church of Eight Mile
G.oe met Wednesday afternoon at
the beautiful home of Mrs. Chris
Parkenning. Mrs. Parkennlng's
birthday occurred on the same day,
consequently the occasion was made
that of a birthday party also.
After the regular business ses
sion the remainder of the afternoon
was spent in music and social con
versation. At an appropriate hour a
three course luncheon was served,
to which all did ample justice. At
a late hour the guests all departed
for their homes, wishing Mrs. Park
enning many more, happy birthdays.
Those who attended were Mes
dames F. J. Hennlngs, II. Horn, L.
Frledrlch and son, A. Hlld, P. A.
Hlld and son, J. Hlld and son, L.
Puis and children, W. Becker, J.
Terryberry and son, J. Tritsch, J. P.
Trltsch, W. H. Wehrbein, J. Wehr-
bein and son, E. Rummel, W. Rum
mel, J. Gorder and children, W.
Shutz, N. Halmes, P. Halmes, A. G.
Nolting, J. P. Mei8inger, C. F. Val
lery, G. A. Kaffenberger, G. P. Mels-
Inger, J. Lohnes; Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Haffke and daughter; Misses Mary
Propst, Eva Theirolf, Josephine Val
lery, Emma and Margaret Tritsch,
Mabel and Louise Rummel, Louise
Lohnes, Tillie Halmes, Lizzie Nolt
Miss Isabella Young went to South
Omaha Wednesday evening to spend
r few days with her friend, Miss-
Vcrna Tracey.
We regret to learn that our old
friend. C. Bengen Is again on the sick ftha ou tbe 5 ovi,,, Burlington train.
list. 1 1 Is many friends hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mr. Fred Engelkemeler came down
from Plattsmouth Wednesday and
went from hero to his farm In Mt.
Pleasant precinct.
nort is to the effect that she Is tm-
Mlsses Isabella "ioting, l'auiino Old- proving and is out ot danger.
ham nnd Margie alker attended
I1 II 11 l-.llmrvrp nnd MPr nimn-l .. . . .....,...
..-. v.. ... ... smoom ana Droaa nignway to riaus- fectlv pure and lchi The clrcU!atlon
er,. Mrs. J. a. wainer, une u mouth nreclnct. From here it stands ..., ...,. .,A ,
t.l.. ...I. ',! .l v in, mnnt Atlafl . ' . .. . .. . . " ".uiiic n.-6itti anu c.c.jr 4.oi i.
;ai1?' " 7 3 rP" our Wb0 on uie nortn 10 ao ot the body will receive good nour
n...v, tnoir auiv. t ji r
, - - w IN 11 III 111. Ill IIIHI'UMI'H 1)1 LI1KMLUII1U.CI1.
The club adjourned to meet Sat- th intestines, the nerves and the
uruay nignt at JenKins nan. Kvcry blood Trlnefa American Elixir
farmer of East and West Rock Bluffs
are requested to be present
us for free medical advice In any
Misses Minnie Young and Mary r . ,, ,,'i.iniisn
Mrs. John Murdock was taken to
the Presbyterian hospital at Omaha
Friday by Dr. Gilmore, where she
was operated on for appendicitis early
Saturday morning. Te latest re-
"Cupld at Vassal'" at the Tat-mele
Thursday evening.
Misses Tessle Stokes, Lela Val
lery, Arthur Coponhaver and Tom
Tllson attended the class play at the
Pnrmele Thursday night.
Mr. Win, Smith received a card
from Mrs. Smith who Is traveling In
the east with her father, A. M.
Holmes In which she states they were
to leave Washington, D. C, Wed
nesday morning for New York city.
They are In good health, seeing the
Mr. Henry Shoemaker accompanied country and eilj0yti,r themselvs im-
by his daughter, Mrs. Henry Thlele nipnB0.iy,
.1 n.... t 4 1 i- ., ..i 1 i. Aii r.f,.
nm ... w i-w.wo m-nunau u.. t.u... mrnf wns WPn represented in
.mm.u, i-.,, ... t vi-. 0nmllft ,nst Monday. Those who vls-
Grnndma Wiley has been ailing Upd the n,Ptropoll8 were: Dr. B. F
for tho past week, nothing Berlous htrendel wife and daughter , Miss Pes
however. Uncle Billy is somewhat im-Lle. Mnc Churchill, wife and (laugh-
proved, wmcn uis ninny irienus win ter. n. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman,
be pleased to learn. K,r. and Mrs. Will Phllpot, Mrs. J
1 -
Mra. John Cook and children of w. Berger, Mrs. A. L. Baker and
Norfolk, came In Tuesday evening for daughter Opha; Dr. G, II. GUmoro,
a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Chas. Boedeker, W. G. Boedeker, Al
Cook. Mrs. Cook lived , In Murray bert Young, Harry Gregg, Verna
several years, and has many friends Todd. Jack Chalfant and sister, Mrs
and neighbors in the village who are Crouch of Wyoming, who la here vis
giving bcr a cordial greeting. I King relatives.
Regulates the bowels, promotes
easy natural movement, cures con
stipation Doan's Regulets. Ask
your druggist for them. 25c a box
Fair Warning.
The three boys who had the sport
ot tearing up the players bench at
the ball park and otherwise putting
that institution to the bad were to
have been arraigned today before
County Attorney Ramsey for Investi
gation, but that gentleman was call
ed to Louisville on another matter
and the affair will go over until he
returns. The chief of police states
that there is not much probability
ot a prosecution of these boys but a
reoccurrence of the trouble would
likely lead to someone being haled
before the court to explain such con
duct. For the protection and welfare
of the ball grounds it is hoped that
no more demonstrations ot this kind
will take place, and that the park
will not have to be watched to pre
vent unwarranted and needless depredations.
nittpr Wlnp Is a rpnipdv vnu ran dp- I
iicnrl nnnn At 1 rn u-RtnrpH Wrlto
- "-" - a i t BBMHBB a. . a .IP,-., m
uu tuu nttu A
Moore, who have had charge of the Ashhind Ave,( CMcago, 111.
leuar urecK scnoois, nave reiurneu
home to spend their vacation. These
uHmnl1p vminir In.Hna hova "fllhwl lloUSC and Foilf LtS I'of Sille.
the bill bo efficiently that they have houso and four iot8- one block nort
been re-employed for next year. They 0f tbe iurray state rank, large
are among the most proficient teach- barn 50x30, clsterm, well and wind
ers In Cass county. mni also a eood cyclone cave, all
iso wen anu iniintiiuy nave mese kinds of fruit. The house has a
young ladles performed their duties good summer kitchen, also numerous
as teachers, that they have been em- other outbuildings. This pioperty
ployed for the next year. . cnn bo bought at a bargain it taken
soon. J. L. Young, Murray, Neb
August Krecklow, from near Man
ley, was in tho city Monday looking
after Borne business matters, and of
course toog advantage of tho oppor
tunity to call at the Journal office
and renew hla subscription to the
semi-weekly. " Mr. Krecklow Is not a
very frequent caller at the county
seat, as he resides such a distance
from Plattsmouth. When he does
come he Is a mighty welcome visitor
at the Journal office.
Dr. Newell, Dentist.
Murray every Tuesday from 8 a.
in., to 5 p. m. All kinds of first-class
dental work. Satisfaction guaran
Horses Wanted.
A few more head of horses to pas
turc. O. L. Creamer.
Rock Creek Ranch or phone 6L.
. '.
Y If you do call on rhe and I will furnish the best
J Uk IX iy lJV pLlV,. VUU1V 111114 OVV. ki t. W A. 4l4T-
Y Also, the finest setts of double and single harness in
V Cass county. Repairing a specialty. Patronize
Y home first, last and all the time. I have the goods
Y and you have the money; I need the money you need
Y the goods; so let's make a trade.
W. ;eK