The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 23, 1910, Image 4

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    fffl llffl HE-MINTS
Regarding the Stolen
Found Yesterday.
package Hess Worm Powder 50c
4 OK
Tt.l -28
FOR Q1 .00
This offer holda good up to Jane let
There were few new developments
In the discovery of the merchandise
yesterday by Samp. Karnes and Elder
ti.. Tk. nu-noruhln nf the COOds
t&s not yet been located and Chief Sack Hess Stock Food
Rainey who has been working on the
case for some time, seems to be of
the belief that they probably came
from Omaha. It is thought some clue
to the ownership will be found short
ly when it will be easier to fix upon
the probability as to who stole them.
So far no claimants have appeared
lor them.
Samp Karnes last evening came to
the city and learning he was wanted
In connection with the matter went
to Bee County Attorney Ramsey and
told him his story of the finding of
the goods. According to Karnes he
and Blunt were walking along the
Missouri Pacific tracks north to La
riatte when they passed a ravine or
Burlington's Hew Main Line
Trough Central Wyoming
the richest developed country in the west,
drouth, wind storms or hail storms.
Farmers here have no fear of
IF. 6. fit 8 GO,
BoLnkofCass County J
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
liM-orioratedtnthe state of Nebraska, at the
clot ot oumneas " ""
Loan and discounts.... ....I3M.0W 14
Overdraft. secured and unsecured.. M
Honds. stork, securities. Judgment.
claims, etc ;
Hanklnir house furniture and fix-
KeiltaVeotlierthani.anklnirhouse 4.' bj
Current expenses and taxes paid 1 w
Cash Items. i"""JL
Due from nafl. state and private
banks and bankers.
Checks and Items of exchange 4JT j1-
Currency m
(.old coin tin
Mlver.ntckles and cents 'ao 'J
Touj 1434.00 OS
EuTdulV of leaning the streets by the LW t, tht are spring up like magic and where raw material in plenty
KE SiSioSiMiM of the nose ana sun ieae tu ian be handled at pront.
lH-mand certificates of deposit...... 7 w pavement In a good condition. Tne Tha new ne w,u rBaeh Thermopolit about July 1st, connecting the out-
1 ime cemnrairaui --
r.i.lnrV rkiecks outstanding- 7.4JB W
. u.ia ami urivllB b&llks
..,,1 l..n'1aru 6.738 W
HlHi.vhl. 21.000 00
Work WU1 Begin in Earnest On
Chicago Avenue Early
Next Week.
tup nir. hodn RAfain
A force of men have been engaged
i ahw th, mnd and dirt is now so well Btarted on its great wealth producing era that it not only appeals
I .... , ... L . 1 J k
to farmers looking lor new tanas upon wnicn 10 esiaonsn new nuraw uiucr mum
favorable condition, but appeals as well to the investor, who wants to turn his
money quickly, and to the
Business Man, Professional Man,
from the Main street pavement, tak
ing advantage of the wet weather
to do the work effectively. Council
man Will devoted several hours this
morning to a practical demonstration
of what could be accomplished in the
Mine Operator and Manufacturer
In rolke Court.
udge" Archer had one case of plain
drunk before him this morning when
rather draw to the east of the tracks j0hn Roach who hailed from Creston,
and Borne distance north of the first ia and who came to this city seeking
overhead crossing on the Platte bot- work was haled before him on that
torn road. Here Blunt pointed out charge. John was found by Chief
to Karnes the goods lying in the Rainey In a state of Intoxication on
hollow and partly concealed so that I the street yesterday and when taken
they were hard to see. The two did to the donjon keep, he straightway
not go after the goods but went on && , him down to sleep and this
to La Platte where Karnes Bays, they morning told the court Just the what
Intended to secure work with the Und the whyfore of his troubles. He
bridge gang working there. After had taken one too many In order to
they had gone on, Blunt suggested prime himself for seeking work, be
they go back and get the goods but ing well aware that that was the
Karnes says he declined to take any standard of condition In which a man
part in this and only agreed with should be who would seek labor in
Blifht not to say anything about it the community. This failed to satis
If he, Blunt, took them. ''Blunt thenjfy the court and Judge Archer there
returned and the story of his finding upon pleastered a coat of the cele
them and hiding them under the brated Archer brand of Justice on him
wagon bridge Is as told In the paper to the tune of one slmoelon and costs,
yesterday. amounting to more than John had
Karnes made every effort possible with him, In consequence of whlc
o convince the authorities that he did he was taken to Jail to rest up for
not have a thing to do with the
handling of the goods and only hap
pened to bo there when they were
found by Blunt. Just what Blunt hat
to say on this Is not known as he has
not yet put in an appearance.
The Bherlff at Glen wood this morn
ing telephoned Chief Rainey that
Total Hum 05
Stat or Nebraska, (,
County or Cash (M 1. T. M. Patterson
cashier of the above named hank, do hereby
swear that the alwve statement Is a correct and
true copy of the report made to the State Hank
Inir Hoard. T. M. Patterson.
Ch as. C. P armsi I rector.
Attest. v (i E,iENnKU()ieH, Mrectxjr.
PubscrllieQ and sworn to neiore me inis-uiu
ay of May, 1UI0. "".Tut,.
result of his work was clearly ap- ldo wor(j w,th on0 of tn, greatet health resorts In America.
parent as he succeeaea in getting
the w ork done in good time and with
out tearing up the pavement or wash
ing the sand out from between the
paving blocks. The result of the en
deavors of the councilman, Street'
Commissioner Rehal and the men un
der him the upper end of Main street
is clean and leaves a surface which
CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS First am? Third Tuesdays. Send right
away for our new booklet just off the press, and then go
with 'me on one of our personally conducted excursions.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent, (
Landseekera Information Bureau,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
can be crossed without any deteri-
Peal My commission expires Mar, inn ment tQ ft woman8 0r man'B clothes. I
This process can be carried out ev-
(Mills County Tribune.)
Ola Fields has moved his family
to Plattsmouth.
Jim O'Brien the painter, has gone
weBt with his family to grow up with
the country. They will locate near
Sterling, Colorado, on a farm .
Considerable overhauling is being
ery now and then and the result will
be clean streets at small expense.
The contract between the city and
the Plattsmouth Water company pro
vides for the city using water for
either sprinkling purposes or for
washing the streets but not both and
this the company construed this
morning as not permitting the city
Henry Johnssn, an Aged Inmate
Passed Away This Morning.
done at the depot lunch counter, to wash the streets without paying!
Several new lines will be sold. The
new manager is taking hold with a
vim. Ills name Is Bentley Nunn.
xtra for the water. Councilman will
visited the manager of the company
and after considerable argument sue-
Took a Prominent Pail.
Mrs. George 13. Dovey is in receipt
of a letter from her daughters, Misses
Alice and Ethel from New York,
which states they were both placed in
The Junction Is bound to feel the ceeded in getting him to consent to
benefit in some way of the big ex- the use of the water in this particular
penditure of thirty million dollars case. The company waived its right
which the "Q" will make this year, to pay for water for this time and
Possibly It means a new depot, an ad- gave the city the water free of cost:
ditlon to the round house and other Work on Chicago avenue will be re
Improvements, sumed next week, weather permit
John Gamblin, employed in the ing, Councilman Will having received
yards, Is laid up with a badly mashed formal notification from the Ne
foot and broken instep. He was as- braska Telephone company that men
slating in unloading ballast when his would be put at work on Monday
foot was caught by the plow which
scrapes the ballast from the car. It
was a painful bruise.
H. II. McCarthy recalls the time
moving the poles of the company
along Chicago avenue to permit the
grading to be commenced. This will
be good news but even it will prob
both Blunt and Karnes were there chart?e of the B0(la fountaln
when the earth passed through a ably result in throwing the work be-
but later the chief called him on the
telephone and found that he was un
certain and the two men he had in
mind were two who looked like the
men wanted. Just where Blunt and
Karnes are is not known but the of
ficers are making all possible efforts
to locate them and hope when Blunt
Actor's Fund fair held in New York
a few days since. Tne fountain is a
part of the drug store scene in "The
Fortune Hunter," the play in which
Miss Ethel Dovey has been taking
part, and it is one of the big scenes
of the play. The two young ladles
scored a great hit at the fountain
comet's tail 49 years ago. This was
In August, 1861, but it was not till
afterwards that the scientists discov-
hind considerable. The season Is
now coming on when the farmers
teams will be called to the fields and
ered the fact. "Mac" recalls that when this takes place it is going to
there was such a brilliant aurora dis
play at dead of night that he could
read a newspaper, and it was the
finest he ever saw.
Engineer Cam of Lincoln, now
running In the passenger pool be-
leave Mr. Will decldely short on
teams. He has the promise ol a
number of teams from the country
ito do the grading work and his own
teams will be put on the work but
If the corn plowing starts up now, It
Is found to be able to eet something their receipts largely aided in
"i .... i.. rnnn iff in inn n h hkp h it h r i imii u u liim iu n uiun jua oiaiva u ls uu " i ii
from him which will be Hatlsfactory "ng tne , ota. o tne a r, of
given by the Fund. The distinction of having the only steam- notbe available for several weeks.
to them and afford some clue to the
probable source the goods came from.
The story told by Karnes does not
look good to the officers who are
skeptical about his being bo entirely
Innocent as he claims to be. The
fact that the goods were so conceal
ed in the ditch as to render them
hardly visible Is something which de
tracts very much from the truthful
ness of the story. Blunt, according
to Karnes seemed to know Just about
where to look to locate the stuff when
he called Karnes' attention to it. This
Is one thing which makes the officers
so anxious to locate Blunt. There is
nothing particular against him save
the discrepancies in his story and
Karnes and these he mny be able to
which was by far the moBt success-
ful over
Actors' Fund la one of the leading boat whistle on this stretch of the
charitable Institutions of the state "Q" ad- 1,6 rled the thing up
nA k. .,.n,iiu,wi wnmiora in tho himself. He has been on a freight
aiiia una - v m iuw v -a v v i
nnv r.f i.hllnnt hrnnlc. work anions; the run unt11 lately.
stage people. The Misses Dovey
write a very glowing letter of the
fair and its brilliant success.
He was on No. 3
Wednesday. Hereafter, when you
hear that particular whistle you will
know who pulls the throttle.
Delegate to National Kntiunpmenf.
Col. II. C. McMaken returned last
night from Falrbury, where he had
been in attendance upon the conven
tion of the G. A. It. Col. . McMaken
received a high honor at the hanus
of the convention, being chosen as'
one of the delegates to the national
encampment to bo held this year at
Atlantic City, N. J. This Is an honor
which falls to few men and' the Col.
Is Justly proud of it. In addition to
himself the delegates are Edward
Updike, O. A. Sweet, J. B. Strode,
Ira Grlswold, II. V. Hoagland, W. C,
Cathart, B. F. Smith and C. II. Ilorth
The meeting was the finest the order
ever had in this state and the Col.,
Is loud In praise of the people of
Falrbury and tho grand entertain
ment they put up. There was a mag
niflcent chorus of children of 1,000
in number who certainly astonished
the delegates. There were many other
Old Man llalley's Trouble.
Old man Halley appears to have
slipped one over on the boys here on
earth the other night. It appears
now he tucked his tall to one side
when he passed the earth and that
we never did touch him.. The as
tronomers all over the world are usr
prised and from the tone of the In
terviews In the pnpers this morning
they don't know much more of the
cause of the trouble than us mortals.
We can Just Imagine old Halley
laughing when he hung the tall of
his comet out yeBterdny morning in
the east while all the world looked
for it in the west. The explanation
of the whole thing Is that the tall
curved off to one side as the earth
approached it with the result the
earth missed it entirely. Whether
the earth will touch it or not Is con
sldered problematical now but the
chances favor missing altogether
Conducting Examination.
Miss Foster is engaged today In
conducting the examination of ap
plicants for teachers' certificates in
this county today. Another exami
nation is being held in Weeping Wat
er today, also. There are a large
number of applications for certifi
cates and these' are engaged In tak
ing the examination. Among the out
of town applicants aro Miss Ethel
llaynlo of Pacific Junction, la., Miss
Fern Kline of Cedar Creek, Miss Eva
Porter of Mynard, Misses Ednah and
Mayola Propst of Mynard. There are
also a great many applicants from
this city.
Mr. Will is hopeful that planting will
not make too great inroad on the
nelp he needs and that he can soon
get the road in shape for the rock.
Manager Davis of the telephone
company has made every effort to get
the company stirred into action and
Is well pleased with the result. A
few days more delay would have
probably resulted in further compli
cations and troubles between the city
and the company as the city authori
ties are getting exasperated over the
apparent Indifference which was be
ing paid to their request and had
about decided to topple the poles
over Into the creek. As it is the
squabble Is averted and the work will
now proceed.
DIED Johnson, Henry, at the Ma
sonic home, Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, on Saturday, May 21, 1910, ol
uremia, aged 81 years, 7 months
and 6 days. Funeral at Wahoo,
. Neb., on Sunday, May 22, 1910,
under auspices of the Masonic
After an illness extending over
several months Henry Johnson at one
time one of the most prominent men
in Saunders county and in eastern
Nebraska, passed to his reward. For
some time past his life had been de
spaired of owing to heart troubles
and other complications, uremia be
ing the direct cause of his demise.
Deceased was well known In this city
where he had had many business
dealings during his life time and was
highly esteemed and respected. He
was always in his life time a thor
oughly upright and most estimable
man and all who knew him honor and
respect his memory.
Deceased was born In Wayne
county, Ind., on October 15, 1828,
and at the time of his death was ap
roaching the age of eighty-two years.
At an early age he came to Nebras
ka and for many years was In the
livery business and also in the horse
business. He accumulated a fortune
in this business which afterwards he
lost in unfortunate business specula
tions. From Ashland, deceased moved
to Wahoo where he became a mem
ber of lodge No. 53, A. F. & A. M.,
and was one of its most prominent
and influential members. While at
Wahoo Mr. Johnson entered Into the
fast horse business and for many,
years he raced horses over the Unit
ed ,S tetaswog &and. .oc.mau.Reta
ed States owning some of the beet
and speediest animals to be had. He
also was honored by the citizens of
Saunders county with election to the
office of sheriff and in this position
he gave great satisfatclon, filling the
6fflce In an excellent manner. Mr.
Johnsons wife died a number of
years ago and he is not survived by
any family.
The remains of this excellent man
will be interred at Wahoo, his old
home tomorrow, Sunday, May 22, the
body being taken to that city this
afternoon on the Schuyler train.
Messrs. J. N. Davis and II. K. Marcey
of Wahoo came down this morning
and will accompany the remains to
that place. Mr. Johnson was ad.
mitted to the Masonic home in thl3
city on May 5, 1909, where he has
since spent his days1.
Poisoned Hand.
Ed. Kruger, the driver of Soen
nichsen's delivery wagon, has beea
taking a layorf of several days suf
fering from a poisoned hand. The
young man scratched his hand on a
piece of brass about a week ago but
paid little attention to the matter
until It became infected and commen
ced to swell up. It was necesBary
'to have the hand and arm lanced
several times by a surgeon before the
effects of the poison could be count
eracted but it is believed now that
the serious trouble Is over and that
all which will be required now is time
in which to permit the hand to heal
up. It will be several days, however,
before he is able to go to work again.
or thr
Murra.y Stcvte Bsxnk
Of Murray, Nebraska,
Charter No. 578
Incorporated In the State of Nebraska, at the
clone of business May 11, IIIIO.
t.onns nml discount!) .'.P"4 HI
fine feature. A Hut nf tho nfrixnr. Overdrafi.s. secured and unsecured. .. wr 1
..... . jihhUiik bouse, furniture and fixtures 2.7lk 00
Current pxim'iiscn and taxes paid ,M 01
Due from national, Mate and nrlvnto
bunks x.nmi !;
Currency 2MM W
(loldcoln X 0"
silver, nickels and cenlJt...,. 1115 07 lO.Tw 00
J. A. Lloyd of Cedar Creek came
in last evening and registered for
the night at the Perkins hotel.
or Til 8
Plattsmouth State Bank
of rlattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 7W1
Incorporated In the state of Nebraska, at the
close, of business, May II, 1010.
chosen appears in the telegraph
columns of the Journal today.
Farewell Picnic.
J lie unistian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church Is engaged this
afternoon In giving a farewell picnic
to Miss Allison Johnston, one of the
prominent teachers in the public
schools of the city. The gathering
is being held at the standplpo park,
a charming plnce for such nffalrs
MIsb Johnston departs shortly for her
summer vacation.
A, A. Schoenian, one of Louisville's
good citizens, Is In the city today
locking after business.
Total f'.T.Mi w
Capital stock paid In $10,000 00
Surplus runil !1.noo 00
I'mllvlricil prolltH lA.i) &
Individual UeposllH Itubject to
'heck 4rvO;:i "4
Demand certificates of deposit i.K7
Time ccrttllcntc!i of delimit. .. 4,MU ;Ht--M.n7 04
Total J07.H44 50
Stat ok Nkiimabka. I ....
I 'oil nl t or l aw. I I, W. U. noodeker,
cashier ot the alsive named bank, do hereby
Hweartbat the nlxive Ktalemenl Is a mints
and true copy of tin ii'imrl made to the State
bauklntr imanl. W. u. hokdkkkk, t ashler.
Aiist- It'll. l'AHMlti.l!. IMrector,
. ' ( I'iikii I j. Nuthman. Ihrcctor.
Sulncrllied and sworn to before tne Oils lfltli
(lay or May, lino. IV ,1. 1'itman.
Iwr.Ai.l Notary Public.
Graduating Exercises.
The graduating exercises of the
Plattsmouth city schools will be held
at the Tarmele on Friday evening,
May 27. An exceptionally large class
will receive diplomas this year, the
class numbering thirty-two students
In addition to the program rendered
by the class an address will be de
llvered by Dr. W. M. Davidson of
Omaha, one of the leading educators
of the middle west. At the National
Association of Superintendents and
principals recently held at Indianap
olis it was Bald by many that the
address of Dr. Davidson was the best
of the week. He has promised an ad
dress prepared especially for the oc
casion and those who hear him on
that occasion will have a rare treat
An admission fee of twenty-five cents
will be charged to defray expenses
Seats will go on sale Monday at the
Riley and those applying first will
be Elven their choice of seats. You
cannot afford to miss this event. Re
member the date,
Special Naturalization Examiner
Anthony of Denver, Col., today held a
hearing at the office of Clerk of the
Court Robertson and passed upon
two applications for second papers
1oans and discount 1.S17 Oi
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. ftl 24
BunkliiKhouse.furnlliire and fixture 1.47U
Keal estate other than bankliiK
bouse ll.WHl 37
Current expenses and taxes paid t;4 27
Cash Items iO 17
Due from nat'l state and private banks
and liankers s.4
Checks and Items ot exchange tlrJ )
Currency 3.:i;h! 00
Hold coin 1.7.o 00
Silver, nickels and cents 7 10
Total fliWA) 17
Capital stock paid In fAOOO 00
Surplus fund ftOO w
I nillvliled profit 1.47V a
liidlvlduul deisislts subject to ehivk IU34S ful, . .,..,.
it Itlcaies of deposit 1.4s ir J. lie Bfi imu papi'io v. trio "
I 1 Jsp f wm.t I
1 K'Jr lr?vSfK'
Demand cert
Time certificates of M.'JiHl M
Hills payable f-000 00
Total .. .. tlSMS 17
i?TAT or Nkhiiahka, I
CoitNTT ort'Ass I T..1. M. lioberts,
cashier of the alsive named hank, do hereby
swear that the alsive statement Is a correct
and trueiHipy of the report made to the Stale
llankltiK Hoard, J. M. KoltKKTS.
A.t.-i . 1 W. II- Nrwki.i., Director.
AlK si. , llt,.KrKi director.
Huhscrilied and sworn to lieforcntr this tilt It
dav of May 1010. Jamks Koiikhtson,
(S. 'all Clerk of the District Court.
August Alevan of Louisville and the
second papers of Max Herman re
fused as his brother, one of his wit
nesses did not have second papers for
himself and was not a competent wit
ness. AndyeybeiOrolnlvsarCullora is
spending the day in the city looking
after business matters.
Copytljbt Hart SctarTiier It Marx Ujtl$fefSj,'f'.j
THE plain truth about our Hart,
JL Schaffner & Marx clothes is all we need to
teil you doesn't need to be stretched any.
All wool fabrics, perfectly tailored, right fit
ting, correct in style; satisfaction in clothes.
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Just received ftfez lUlcfi
a 4 ii iiiiii cm i
01 New
Manhattan Shirts