The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department
If any of lU milcr, of the Journal hmo of a vrialerent or a item of intend in this vicinity and rrill mad ie to tin, office it mil api)Mr nnlcr tins funding
eKontidliknusofintcnsl. Editor JoHmal
At this bank an important factor in
developing' the full working value of
your dollars. Also "a friendly assis-
tant or help in conserving them. . : : 1
.Why not OpenAn Account ;
; j ; , With Us Today?
urray State Bsnk
Miss Etta Nickles was a business I
sitor la Murray weunesuay. ,
The measles are still raging among
the children in town, and there are
several cases reported in the country
A little lady came Sunday to glad
den the home of Mr. and Mrs. tf. J.
Wiles, living near Mynard. Mother
and daughter doing veil.
Dr. Cilmore was In Omaha Wed
nesday on business, going to Platts-
raouth in his auto and taking the
Burlington train from there. He re
turned the same evening..
George Cook, the harness man,
sold three new buggies this week, and
has a lot more of the same kind on
hand. If you .want a new buggy he
will pell you one as cheap and dur
able as can be bought anywhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox, of Omaha, Mrs.
Fred Denscn and Mva. Harry Daf-:
, thold, of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Carroll and Miss Loretta Cap-;
roll spent the day Wednesday at mo
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Camp--
hell In Murray.
' ' ' ! '
Albert Young's brother.'
rot ?czzzzz:
' :Mfs.Biaite6n Kline Is'stlll on the
sickllBt, jj;t, jjjj
'FOR SAtA5A' few toils of timo
thy hay. 11. L. Oldham.
Mrs.iDeri, Philpot was the guest of
Mrs..W. ;C. Brown Friday..
Don't fail ta visit tlje market at
Pitman & Davis' store Saturday.
Miss tSout, of Nehawka, was the
guest of Margie Walker over Sun
day. ,
W. C. Drown, Mel t Philpot and Al
bert Young spent Thursday In Oni
aha. V. A. Kennedy's two boys are down
with the measles, but are improving
now. . , . i
Tom Patterson and Cecil Thomas
were Murray visitors Wednesday af
ternoon, coming down on business,:
Dr. Loughridge, of Milford,1 was
here Saturday and Sunday visiting
his mother, brother James arid fam
ily. Tulk about your shipping points.
In 21 hours twelve cars of cattle and
hogs were shipped from Murray this
Will Wiles, living , three Hi'llos
northeast of Murray la another new
autonioblllst, having purchased a
Hupp car.
Dr. (i. II. Cilmore was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday, going to Platts
mouth in his auto and there taking
the Burlington Into the metropolis.
Harry Todd's 40-horse power Jaek
non car was delivered to him last
week. Harry can now boast of hav
ing one of the finest cars'ln the land.
K. L. Knlss finished taking the
census of this precinct Tuesday. Rock
Tlluffs Is the largest precinct In Cass
county, and It took twenty-two days
to complete the work.
"Scotty," the M. P. agent Is falling
more In lovo with his telephone ev
ery day, and especially about train
time or a half an hour before, he
thinks It Is Just the proper caper.
Dr. J. F. Drendel and wife went
to Lincoln Tuesday night, the doc
tor going up to attend a three day's
Besslon of the State Medical society,
nnd Mrs, Drendel to visit with
There was a lively stock business
In Murray Tuesday. Ten cars of hogs
and cattlo wcro shipped out by stock
men went of town. Evidently Mur
ray Is the best grain and stock-ship
ping point In Cass county.
Mrs. George H. Gllmore entertain
ed at a five o'clock tea on Friday In
honor of Miss Margaret Connor.
Those present were: Misses Mar
garet Connor, Ida Doedeker, Gertrude
Long, Miss St not of Nehawka; Paul
ine and Fny Oldham and Margie
Misses Turner, Maude Rusterholtz
Trcssa Stokes and Thomas Tllson
nnd Arthur Copenhaver wero enter
talned at dinner Sunday at tho home
of Miss Leila Vallery. A most en
joynblo visit was had, and all speak
In the highest terms of Miss Leila aa
a 'hostess.
Harry Ilaxter was taken to Omaha
Saturday by D. 1). F. Drendel, where
ho was operated upon for append!
cltis. Harry has been ailing fo
somo time, and his many friends will
bo pleased to learn that ho Is lm
proving nicely and that tho chance
are that he will bo at home soon,
Dr. Drendel was an Omaha visitor
Monday. ' ' '' "'
Mrs Hazel Mrasek has 1)een ser
iously 111 for the past week.
Mrs. Lem Thackor, living south
east of Union, Is qilte sick, .
Chas. ' Reeves is numbered with
the sick for the past few days, ;
"'Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter, the Market last Saturda. This
Margie, spent Wednesday1 In Platts-
Ed. Slocum has purchased W. G.
rtoedeker's large touring car, and Ed
will go some now, you bet.
,Mrs. L. H. Oldham and her daugh
ter, Pauline, and Mrs, Will Brown,
were Omaha visitors Monday.
' Mac Churchill's new residence Is
rapidly Hearing completion. Mac
will have a neat little hom when
completed. .
The Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church will meet with
has disappeared, and his whereabout
is unknown. Albert was making ifi-
quiries about him of the Journal re
porter 'while in Murray, Wednesday!
Cut Albert didn't seem to be uneasy
about him.
Mrs. Jaraetf i LodghlidgC"; was an
Omaha visitor Monday, f She went
that far with her father and mother
who were enrouteta St. ;Louis. She
returned in the evening' yid Flatts-
niouth, and conveyed home by Don
C. Ithoden, the liveryman, who met
her there. ": ! '.'' i .
The ladies, of the Missionary so
ciety of the Presbyterian church,
realized S 1 2.50 from their sales at
ket is held every Saturday at the
store of Pitman & Davis. Go and
buy yourself something and patronize
the ladies.
Some Fruit Yet.
Charles W.' Haffke, living south of
the shops, was down town this after-
non and stated to a Journal reporter
that he Is apprehensive of another
frost tonight owing to the continued
cold weather of the day. Mr. Haffke
states that his potatoes of which he
has somewhere in the neighborhood
of an acre planted, nave been frost
bitter twice this spring and he thinks
another case would end them. Mr.
Haffke has quite a large tract of
ground at the place where he lives
and has a good deal of fruit plant
ed. He does not have much hopes
to save a great deal of it, although
he will get some late cherries, possl
bly some plums and some apples
He got a pleasant surprise on the
apple proposition after the freeze
he had, believed that, the Den Davis
or. Gcnitan would give the heaviest
yield of any this fall, but he finds
that : Grimes' , Golden is showing up
the better; and the. indications are
that these trees will make a; larger
crop than (auy of the others. ; Mr
Haffke has considerable small, fruit
In the berry line and thinks that he
will get considerable In the shape of
raspberries, although . there will, be
no strawberries. , Ho is very anxious
to. have the weather warm up again
and stay warm and declares that this
Is absolutely necessary if any crops
at all are to mature in this section,
Del urns From Western Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes re
turned from their western trip last
Thursday morning, and are feeling
much benefitted from their outing.
While absent they visited Denver,
Colorado SpringB and various other
points of Interest in Colorado, 'and
on the return trip stopped off at
several places in Kansas. They were
Mis. Glen Perry, three miles north of h'shly gratified to reach home but
"No-Drip",. i3 the most clever little
silvered Coffee Strainer ever invent
ed. Get one free from Dr. Shoop
Racine, Wis., by the Coupon Plan
The , Coupon and Dr. Snoop's new
hook on Health Coffee sent-to any
lady requesting them. You can trick
any one by secretly serving Dr,
Snoop's Health Cotlee at meal time
Your visitor or your husband will
declare he Is drinking real coffee
and yet there is not a grain of real
coffee In Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee.
Pure grains, malt, and nuts give
Health Coffee its exquistie taste and
flavor. No 20 to SO minutes tedious
boiling. "Made In a minute." Try
it from your grocer and get a pleas
ant surprise. 1 'lb package 23c.
F. S. White.
Grain, Wagons, Buggies
and Farm Implements!
We handle the Schutler, Cooper and . "Old Hickory.'
Wagons, Press Drills, Binders and Mowers Plymouth Binder
Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire. ;
Farmers, we can furnish you with any vehicle or farm
ing implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the
same article elsewhere. Come and see us, at the elevator,
and get prices that will astonish, you. we. can save you
money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves.
-t , t ; i'. ; , (i . .... . I C . . . , i ;
"Si Manager,
Murray, Fiiduy afternoon.
, .lames Loughrldge visited Platts-
mouth this (Thursday) morning to
look after the erection of a monu
inent over the grave of his father in
Oak Mill cemetery. , , , ' ,
G. Av. lioedeker and Ed. Slocum
were Omaha visitors Wednesday af
ternoon, going to Plattamouth by
auto, and thence on the nurllngton.
They returned the same evening.
The ladles of the K, N. K. will
meet at the Kenosha christian church
nt 1 :30 p. m., Thursday,' May 19,
Everybody cordially Invited to be
present and help plan for the year,
, Will Visit In the Eust.
Mr. A. M. Holmes and daughter,
early Monday morning train for an
early Thursday morning train for an
extended trip in the east, going via
Omaha, direct to Chicago. Thence to
the capital of this great nation,
Our new lino of dress and work where they will visit some little time
gloves Just arrived. Thirty-five dif- They will visit a number of other
ferent kinds, from CO cents to $5.00 Important points of interest in , the
per pair. We handle the very boat est, and on the return trip will stop
1.00 glove on the market. , , off at Indianapolis for a short visit.
Holmes & Smith. Thence to Bethany Illinois, Chll-
I..1LI . ... -
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Drown depart- ucoin,e, MO- 8na lllnce home. They
ed Monday for St. Louis to attend
the National Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church, of which
Mrs. Drown Is a delegate. They will
pralBe the beauty of the scenery and
fine towns they visited, and do not
regret the time and money spent in
making the trip. Sim Is looking
much better and feels that way, and
says It is worth any man's or wo
man's time, and twice over to make
it. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes' friends
were glad to welcome them home.
expect to be gone several weeks.
' Credo All Smiles. '
' A little stranger of the male nerl
aiso visit mends in that city for two suasion made his appearance at the
weeks. home of Mr. and m
t i w- - t v . v. iMioi vivuo i iai i i n p
Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Mrs., Nick 00 Sundfly' May.S, lplO, and ft Is
Frledrlch attended the anniversary unnecessary to say tho little fellow
celebration or Albert Schafer, at his
home seven miles west of Murrav.
May 9th. Mrs. Schafer Is a sister of
Mrs. Pitman, and they report a most
enjoyable time. ...
Mrs. Rebecca Dedwell of Dalcow,
Mo., came In Tuesday to spend a few
weeks with relatives and friends in
thiB vicinity. Mrs. Dedwell formerly
resided in Cass county a number of
years ago, and is a slHter of Mr. J. A,
Davis, and mother of Mrs. Chas.
Doedeker,' deceased.
Grandpa Smith, who has been quite
seriously ill for several days, and at
times his recovery was almost dls
palrod of, but at tho present wrlttlng
seems to be much bettea He is
8.1 years of age, and this extreme
old nge seems to bo quite a draw
back to his early recovery.
The Jnpnneso ta given by Mes-
dames Drown, Doedeker, Rhoden and
Miss Walker was qulto a success de
spite the rainy day. The dining room
was beautifully decorated with Jap
anese fans, parsols, etc. The din
lng table was set with JapancBo ware.
Tho Indies realized a neat little sum
for the missionary treasurer.
was Joyfully taken In and cared for.
Of course. In the estimation of the
happy dad, he is the only, boy in the
universe. The mother and little one
are doing nicely, and Crede's smile
refuses to wear off Just yet.
. Very 111 at Atchison, Kansas.
Colonel H. C. McMaken this morn
ing received word from Atchison,
Kas., that his brother Andrew, well
known here, was In a very critical
condition and that physicians had
abandoned hope for him. Mr, Mc
Maken had been ill with heart trou
ble whlvh developed into pneumonia
several days ago and last night he
was rapidly sinking. Owing to his
age which Is 78 years, he is unable
to rally from the effects of the at
tack and the end is momentarily e
pected. The many friends of Colonel
McMaken and his family will unlt
in the most sincere grief over the
report and it is to be hoped that It
is exaggerated and he may even yet
take a turn for the better. Colonel
McMaken will probably make a trip
down to see his brother this evening,
although he had not fully determined
upon that this morning.'
Attorney William Deles Dernier
Talks of Trip.
William Deles Dernier, the prom
inent Elmwood attorney, came to
the city today as told in another
place and proceeded to come storm
ing Into the Journal office full of
war and desolation. He was some
worked up over a little personal that
appeared in the Journal about two
week3 ago, shortly after his return
from Ness and Brown counties, Kan
sas. When he saw ye reporter he
assured him that he didn't .like the
wind which blew In Kansas and the
item was innocently printed Just as
l given. The fact is and he so wants
the public to understand, he struck
Kansas on one of the days when
the wind was blowing there Just as
it did here on the same day and he
had a disagreeable experience just as
our home folks did. He says that
so far as not liking the soil and the
prospects of the sunflower state is
concerned he certainly does like both.
He is especially of the idea that Ness
and Brown counties are mighty good
locations and that there Is every rea
son to believe a great deal of money
can be made by Judicious Investments
in these counties. He describes the
land as a rich, rolling prairie, fertile
as any land lying out of doors. At
one place he asked a man acquainted
with the country the distance to a
range of hills In the distance and
was told thirty-five miles which sub
sequent Investigation confirmed. Ev
ery foot of this land from where he
stood to where the hills loomed aloft
was carpeted with a dark, rich green
field of wheat. The yield which this
land promises to make this season
is something which is extraordinary.
Mr. DelcsDernier noted a handsome
feature of the landscape while there
consisting of stone fence posts. There
is a rocky formation in some of the
valleys of that land which can be
cut into fence posts and to which
wire is easily attached, making, an
almost Imperishable as well as very
handsome fence. Mr. DelesDernler
contemplates, returning to Kansas in
a few weeks when he expects to buy
some of this' land. j He found after
getting back ,here that' the same' wind
which made ' things uncomfortable'
there had been blowing here and it
was! Just as bad ana that 'was the
only kick he had. lje expects to also
move on west to near Pueblo, Col.,
while in the country and look Into
some land projects there. He states
that he is glad to be able to confirm
the good words for Ness and Browu
counties which Messrs. Patterson,
Moore and Wiles said through . the
Journal Beveral days since and he
is glad to add his enthusiasm to
their regarding it. Mr. Deles Der
iers's trip to that region a few weeks
ago was made in company with
Judge Travis who is also interested
In some land there and who is this
year satisfied that his land will again
yield heavy returns on the invest
ment as it has a fine wheat crop in
process of raising. Western Kansas
is said this year to be In far better
shape than the eastern part of the
state and there is more money to be
made there than in what has always
been looked on as the best part of
the state.
Ship Much Stock.
Cattle business from the flourish
ing city of Murray is on the boom.
Yesterday there were eight cars of
animals loaded ' at that point for
South Omaha. ' Charles Chrlswisser
loaded three cars,' Z. W. Shrader
loaded two cars,' Mr. philpot loaded
two cars and Jake' Hild had one car
for the market.' The gentlemen hope
for good prices today 'as they all
have, excellent . animals. . Messrs.
Chrlswisser and Shrader came up to
this city last evening and spent the
night here, Journeying oil to Omaha
this morning for the opening of the
market. Murray is one of the best ! hi446!
w w
A book on Rheumatism, and a trial
treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheuma
tic Remedy liquid or tablets is be
ing sent free to sufferers by Dr.
Shoop of Racine, Wis. You that are
well, get this book for some discour
aged, disheartened sufferer! Do a
simple act of humanltyl Point out
this way to quick and certain relief?
Surprise some sufferer, by first get
ting from me the booklet and the
test. : He will appreciate your aid.
All dealers. ' i
Dance at Murray.
' Remember that on Saturday, May 11
the Murray Dancing club will give
their next social dance at Jenkins hal
in Murray. The music will be furnish
ed by Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha. A
good time is assured and sou aro in
vited. !;.'.' i
Edwin Jeary, banker and lawyer
of Elmwood and Lincoln, spent last
evening in the city attending to bus
iness matters, being registered at the
Hotel Riley. .- : ;.. ' ;
Child Hint. ,
Lust Friday one of John Porter's
children was quite badly hurt. While
the little fellow was playing around
the barn, one of the doors blew
against him, knocking him dow n, cut
ting his face in several places. It
was a pretty hard Jolt for the little
fellow, nnd necessitated surgical at
tention, hut Ib doing nicely nt present.
lr. Newell, Dentist.
Murray every Tuesday from 8 a.
m., to 5 p. m. All kinds of llrst-chiss
dental work. Satisfaction guaranteed.
For Sale or Rent-
Blacksmith shop with an abundance
of tools, gasoline engine, etc. Good
opening for tho riRht man.
Jamks LoirciiiUDGE.
cattle shipping points on the Missouri
Pacific railroad in this state and
there are a large number of excellent
breeders in that locality. Business
in the cattle line has been very good
for a long time past and the growers
of live stock are well pleased with
results. Messrs. Chrlswisser and
Shrader aro among the largest cat
tlemen in that locality and have been
raising some of the finest animals to
be seen In these parts. They have
nearly always carried off the top of
tho market when their animals were
put up for sale and have been able
to show handsome returns on the
capital Invested.
House ami Four Lois For Sale.
House and four lota, one block north
of the Murray State Hank, large
barn, 50x30, clsterm, well and wind
mill, also a good cyclone cave, all
kinds of fruit. The houso has a
good summer kitchen, also numerous
other outbuildings. This pioperty
i ran bo bought at a bargain if taken
soon. J. L. Young, Murray, Neb.
t ;
Y If you do call on me and I will furnish the best
Y at a very low price. Come and see what I have.
Y Also, the finest setts of double and single harness in
Y Cass county. Repairing a specialty. Patronize
Y home first, last and all the time. I have the goods
Y and you have the money; I need the money you need
Y the goods; so let's make a trade.
b UU n Zs u xj