T The - Plattsmouth - Journal i 1 Published Seml-Weeklj it Plattsmoutli, Kebraska C R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Have you seen the comet? Get up about four a. m., and if clear in the cast, you w ill be able to see it. :o: A New York paper suggests that the big corporations organize a party of their on. But why? Isn't one enough? :o: Mr. Roosevelt, we presume, is to go to the fight as the sporting editor of the Outlook. :o:- One day Governor Sheldon is a candidate for the nomination and the next his friends say he is not, and thus it goes. :o: W. F. Torter, former secretary of state, has filed for railway commis sioner on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Porter is a good man, with a record as clear as crystal. :o: With characteristic kindness, Mr. Carnegie has arranged to send a dip lodocus to each of the crowned heads of Europe who are unable to meet Mr. Roosevelt. - :o: It seems that Republican state candidates are rather slow In filing. PerhapB they feel there Is nothing sure in the election this year. Well they are about right. :o: Having walked across the country and back at the ripe old age of more than three score years and ten Pedes trian Weston is entitled to a rest and bo Is the rest of the country. :o: Governor Shallenbergcr is after Ludden's scalp, good and hard, and It is to bo hoped he will get the old hypocrite's head. . If there Is a man who needs a dressing down in good shape, that man is Ludden. :o: Machine organs denounce the In surgents for availing themselves of Democratic aid; but if Aldrich passes the W'lckersham railroad bill with the assistance of Democratic votes, why that's different, of course. :o: Deputy Attorney General Grant Martin has announced his candidacy for attorney general. Mr. Martin, who halls from Dodge county was a re cognized Democratic-Populist leader In that section a few years ago, but he Is now a full-fledged Republican, and for four years has held office un der a Republican chief. :o: After a test of "dry" conditions, Alabama has decided in favor of re- turning to "wet.' That Is the lnevlt-1 able concliiRiim in ha rli-au-n from the victory in the primary elections t)f Emctt O'Neal for governor by a majority of 20,000. Mr. O'Nell was Huccessful over 11. D. A. Mallory on the issue of opposition to state-wide prohibition, it is presumed that in .Alabama, as in many other states, it trust question. Plank f6r plank, ev has been found that prohibition does cry square-toed candid, up-and-down not prohibit, and the voters have reached the sensible conclusion that legalization of the liquor traffic, "with proper restrictions and regula- tlons, la preferable to open or clan- 'destine violations of a prohibitory law. No law can be successfully en- forced without public sentiment be hind it. :o: In ttursuancn of his Motormlnnilr.nl i .1 1 it a. io auu.ess meewngs m every lcg,s- latlvo district whose senators or rep , . " " tlve and referendum bill at the last Bi-HHiuii, mr. nryan bskcu ior me use of the Otoe county court house. It was refused In curt terms. Upon re ceiving the refusal Mr. Bryan de clared that he "felt like an actress whoso Jewels hud been stolen." In 1900 Mr. Bryan received an lntima tlon that It would be dangerous for him and C. J. Smyth to try and speak In Nebraska City, because the people were aroused over their at- tacks on the trusts and Nebraska City then had a branch of the starch trust and he did. Nebraska went Republican by a good majority that year, and a few days after election Will I lay ward sent Mr. Bryan an Im- pertiment postal card to the effect that "the shadow of the starch trust seems to streun 10 me western bounda of Nebraska." In that 1900 speech Mr. Bryan warned the people of Nebraska City that Republican victory meant the destruction of their starch industry. In 1908, Mr. Bryan, Tne most picturesque editorial again a candidate, spoke in Nebraska Wrlter In this country is Henry Wat City, but not "In the shadow of the terson, but he does not begin to have starch factory." There was no starch the influence Arthur Brisbane. The factory. The machinery has been removed and the tall chimney belched forth no clouds of smoke. The starch trust had closed the factory down and then dismantled It. When Mr. Bryan speaks In Nebraska City on the initiative and referendum he will not speak In the shadow of the starch factory, even If he falls to secure the use of the court house. :o: A QIKSTIOX OF LOYALTY. The New York Sun, which is Just as 'regular" in Its Republicanism as the Omaha Bee, is greatly distressed to see the way they are taking up "the Denver platform aa Republican creed," and writes an editorial leader about it. The Insurgents joined with the Democrats in congress, It points out, to write a physical valuation clause Into the railroad bill. The Denver platform declared for physical valua tion, but the Chicago platform did not. The insurgents likewise Joined the Democrats to place telephone and telegraph companies under the con trol of the commerce commission. The Denver platform declared for such action, but the Chicago plat form did not. Neither, complains the Sun, did the Chicago platform declare for an in come tax, or "a reform of the rights and duties of the speaker and rules of the house.' But the Denver plat form did, and the insurgents have Joined with the Democrats to sup port these heresies. And the Sun concludes that It Is plain that the Chicago platform "does not set forth the whole law of life for a loyal Republican." It depends on what you mean by "loyal." If "loyal'' means loyalty to the Chicago platform, then, of course, a loyal Republican Is one who stands on that Platform- and the Insurgents a J ' And that seems to be the plain ind bitter truth. The Inmirirpnts nave 8one Democratic on the tariff, on the Income tax. on railroad reg- ulatlon, on popular election of sena- tor8. on campaign fund publicity, on conservation, and they even have strong Democratic leanings on the Insurgents Is much more at home on the Democratic Denver platform than on the Republican Chicago platform. So are a considerable majority of the people. But the Sun still has left Taft and Aldrich and Smoot and Wlekersham and Balllnger and Knox and Root and Depew and Lodge and Burrows and Lorlmer and Cannon and Payne in ... j . . u t.ttueu anu lawney ana nor- pont Morgan and Andrew Carnegie I ll - Lnd John D. Rockefeller, together wllu UHi'"' 10 Iunils" nucleus or loyal Republicanism. What more could It asu. World-Herald i.Mri:itso.L JontXALisM. 1r- Woodrow Wilson, president of Princeton university, tells us that the - Influence of edltoiiul writers nowa- 1 days depends on their standing and Integrity. Theodore Roosevelt Is gen- dally believed to be intellectually aa well as morally honest; and Roose- velt Is an "editorial contributor" to the Outlook, a publication which does not begin to have as wide a follow Ing as the newspaper for which Arthur Brisbane writes. This is be-f cause Mr. Brisbane Is a more engag-i ing writer than Mr. Roosevelt. There are abler editorial writers' than either of these men. Only in the profession of Journalism itself are they known. Their influence is more lasting and more beneficial than Roosevelt's or Brisbane's. Their combined Influence shapes the policy of government to a vast extent, even if it does not accomplish its object in a manner so spectacular. George Ade humorously regrets the passing of the old-time editor who called an opponent not a male- factor or an insurgent or an un- desirable, but a pouroon, a neu- hound, a pusillanimous liar, an un- mitigated horse thief, a jackal, a marplot, a caitiff, a reptile, a viper, a cur ami a whelp." editorials In the Springfield Repub- ucan are widely quoted, but few peo- pe jinow wn0 writes them. One of the most brilliant newspaper para- Eranhers we know is J. C. Murphy. wh0 the last time we heard of him wa8 printing a little newspaper out jn Butte, Mont.; the next best one we ever knew of died in New York a few days ago Lee Falrchlld. Per sonal journalism does not count so much as it did when Greeley and Storey thrleved. The newspapers of the United States number among their staffs men who write with the fecundity of Dumas and the wisdom of Solomon without ever being known to more than a few hundred persons. It is simply astonishing how by tacit con sent these men band together, with more effective concert than an oath- bound conspiracy or a society of Jesus, to accomplish something for the public good. Many of these men may be, in their private lives, of doubtful morals but they cannot keep out of a tacit compact to com pel a wise and salutary action through the force of their opinion uttered in the impersonal printed word. ' It is the very impersonality of the effort that produces the most striking results. American government really does not come from our officials. 1 It comes from our newspapers. And it Is not because of any individual lead ership in Journalism that the news papers give the American people the fine service that they yield. There are very few names of editors and publishers known to the multlude. The Influence exerted by people who do not advertise themselves In vastly more than that of all the Watter sons, Brisbanes and Parkhursts put together. New York Press. :o: President Taft admits, he does not know much about the "administra ition" railroad bill, but he agrees that i it simply must be passed I 10 Perhaps, if it Is found, the battle- 8hlp Maine was blown up from he lnslde, Spain can be induced to take tne PnlllPPlnea back again This week's Washington story about Colonel Roosevelt's "attitude'' appears to have been based upon let ters which the reactionary leaders wish they had received, but haven't. :o: Do Democratic senators , imagine they can rush to the relief of Senator Aldrich on the Wlckersham bill, and then make a winning Issue of "Al- t drichism" next November and In 1912? :o: We must stand together, Bays Senator Aldrich to the other comrres- L,Iia, rpn,lnnr..a. which ...Mt. " llenJamlu FrankUn.8 h,storlc epl- gram: ..We must all hang together, or asBUronly we Bha all hang Bep. aratcly." -:o:- Immunity baths In connection with the senatorial election frauds in 1111 Lois mav save some of the eulltv Ir-e- tnlntnrs from m lson. hut thov will have an enlightening effect on the 1 - - ' public and will effectually discredit Lorlmer, the beneficiary of them. :o: T1, "'Hows who refuse to meet J,r- I,r'nn linlf vny on a proposition that '8 fBlculntci1 to unlte th Vomo - cra,s ot Nebraska on the proposition to take the liquor question out of politics, are the ones who will be! to blame if the party goes down In defeat next fall. :o: Vic Rosewater is in the heighth of his glory when he thinks the Demo crats of Nebraska are in a muss. Don't get too excited Vickey, the Democrats will be in shape by the time election day rolls round to give the Republicans the hardest tussle they ever experienced In the state. :o: Taft has changed his mind and does not want a central bank as much as he thought he did. We look for him now to discard both Cannonlsm and Aldrichism. He has evidently received "the handwriting on the wall." In other w ords he has heard from the masses of the common peo pie. :o: There are many things which the members of the legislature should take under consideration before re fusing to asquiesce In the suggestion of Mr. Bryan for a special session to take action upon the initiatory and referendum. If it will take the liquor question out of politics, for good ness sake let's have It. :o: It would not be hard for the writer to put his finger on ev ery senator who is opposed to a special session of the legisla ture. Everyone of whom wanted to accept the pension fund for the bene fit of the retired professors of the state university, and they are mad at Mr. Bryan because he opposed the move. 'Tls simply this, and noth ing more. :o: . The report that Roosevelt has writ ten letters to President Taft, Son-in- law Longworth and others, indorsing the Taft administration has been given wide publicity by the Repub' llcan press. Careful inquiry brings out the fact that all of the persons mentioned In the story emphatically deny having received such a letter. And Roosevelt denies having written anything which could have been so construed. :o: After twelve years the proposition to raise the battered hulk ot the bat tleship Maine passes the house and senate and now awaits only the sig nature of the president to become a law. It has been a disgrace to the country that the work was not un dertaken long ago. It Is not probable that the raising of the wreck will add anything to the public knowledge or lack of knowledge of the cause of the explosion which sent the vessel to the bottom of Havana harbor and cost the lives of 260 American Bail ors. But tne bones ot tne sacrincea crew deserved a better sepulture than the mud and slime of the sea bottom, which they will now have in Arling ton cemetery at the national capitol. :o: American high tariff advocates never point to Italy as an example of the beneficent results of the pro tection system. Y'et Italy is a high tariff country and by all the proces ses of protectionist logic Its Inhabi tants ought to be contented and pros perous. Tne emigiauon siausiics, though, prove the contrary and one who has traveled in Italy knows that the great mass of the population Is in a condition ot degrading, grind ing poverty. A study of Italy under protection la commended to any American who Is still gullible enough to believe that high tariff and pros perity are synonoraous and who is too blind to see the evidence to the contrary In present conditions In his own country. :o: Representative Charles E. Little- eld, of Maine, now admits that the plank in the last Republican national platform regarding Injunctions was put there to placate the labor lead ers and with no Intention of its being carried out. He carries his frankness to an even greater extreme and says the plank Is "perfectly non-commit tal", and means nothing, being sim ply a dishonest trick to lure the un wary worklnman and delude him w ith the belief that the Republican party was his friend. Mr. Littlefield might carry his frankness a step further and admit that the tariff revision plank was another dishonest plank, never intended of fulfillment, and that the whole platform was a tissue of falsehood and false pretense. But perhaps he feels that such a confes- sion is unnecessary as the whole country now knows it. -:o:- Steps Down and Out. From Wednesday's Dally. P. A. Barrows departed this morn ing for Lincoln where he expects to take up a business proposition in the future. Mr. Barrows has been the editor of the News for a number of; months past and has done as well toward propagating Republican doc trine of the standpat brand as any man could have done. He has in variably been a courteous and oblig-j ing gentleman with the brothers of the craft and is a gentleman of kind ness and courtesy. The Journal wishes him well wherever he may lo cate and can assure the people of any locality where he may go, that they have a very excellent citizen among them. During his residence here he made a great many friends who will learn of his departure with the deep est regret.' Mr. Barrows is certain ly a good Republican of the most approved brand and It Is difficult to understand how Me. Pollard will make much Improvement on him as an editor. He will be succeeded by A. E. Qulnn, at present business man ager of the News, as editor and busi ness manager. In District Court. In the office of Clerk of the Court Robertson this morning a case was filed on appeal from the county com missioners. W. H. Jones, sheriff of Nemaha county, asked the commls sloners to award him $100 as re ward for the capture of Arthur Brann who stole the teams of Fred Cream er and Fred Lake near Elmwood. The only team recovered by the cap ture was that of Creamer and the commissioners held that Jones was only entitled to the one reward of $50 for his capture. He believes he should have two rewards, one In each case as the commissioners had or aerea me posting or separate re wards for the two cases and hence his appeal. There is small liklihood that he can recover more than the one reward but the legal question In volved warranted the commissioners in fighting the matter. The case will be heard next September when the first jury cases will be heard. Death at Auburn. From the Omaha Bee the Journal learns of the death at Auburn, Neb., of Miss Pearl Matnews, a sister of Miss Pattie Mathews, who formerly was a teacher in the public school in this city. Miss Mathews died In Aub urn yesterday morning, and Is to be burled this morning. The services will be conducted by Rev. G. A. Chap man, pastor of the Christian church, and Rev. James H. Salsbury, former ly of this city, but now of Auburn Miss Pattie Mathews who has been spending some time abroad sailed last Saturday from Rotterdam for her home. Besides Miss Pattie Mathews the deceased left surviving her one other sister and a brother. The many friends of Miss Mathews in this city will extend to her their most heart felt sympathy in her bereavement Stroke of Paralysis. From Tuesday's Dally. Morgan Waybrlght, who came In last evening from Los Angeles, Cal. reports that W. C. Snyder, well known in this locality and now liv ing at Edison, Neb., several days ago suffered a paralytic stroke from the effects of which he is seriously ill Mr. Snyder is related to George W. and A. J. Snyder, of this city, and is a most estimable gentleman. Mr, Waybrlght was much distressed over his friend's condition which he states is quite bad. The many other friends of Mr. Snyder in this city will hear of his condition with the deepest sympathy and trust that he will soon recover from the attack. Depart for Tlie:r Sew Home. Jos. Kahoutek and family expect to depart tomorrow for Denver, where they will make their future home. Mr. Kahoutek has accepted the position of foreman of the Bur lington blacksmith shop at that point and he will make a mighty good man. He is an excellent man in every re spect, a good workman and a man who has the happy faculty of mak ing friends wherever he goes. He has a great many good friends in this city who will miss htm when he leaves but who extend their best wishes for his future prosperity. Mrs. V. J. Philpot and Miss Irma Peters are making a visit in the city with Mrs. William Hunter and fam ily. Mrs. Philpot is a resident of Weeping Water and Miss Peters a resident of Murray. The ladles in company with Miss Clara Hunter are spending today In Omaha, having gone to that city this morning on I the Burlington train. John Lambert, formerly of this city but now located at Grand Island with the Union Pacific railroad, came In yesterday for a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends! It Is Borne years since Mr. Lambert was In the city and he was glad to get I back and meet his old friends again. Back From Texas, p. Hawksworth and wife are spend ing today in Omaha, haviug gone to that city on the morning train. Mr. and Mrs. Hawksworth yesterday had the pleasure of a visit from their son Frank, of Lincoln, who has recently returned from Texas. Mr. Hawks worth came back with the highest opinion of the Lone Star state, hav ing found it to be just what it was represented. He does not get so enthusiastic over the gulf coast coun try as over the northern part of the state, finding the damp atmosphere of the lower part of the state rather disagreeable but the northern part U dry and salubrious. One feature which he found urged on him by northern settlers was the relief from the hard, cold winters His general opinion of the state was that It wa3 a very fertile one and a land of great promise. ('aid of Thanks. The undersigned desire to extend their most sincere thanks to the many kind friends who so tenderly remembered us In our hour of sorrow when our beloved husband, father and son, William E. Renner, was called hence, and especially do we thank the members of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, the Burlington shopmen in this city, the members of the Degree of Honor, and the schoolmates of the little son Carl, and the great many unknown friends who all Bent their many flor al tributes to our beloved dead, and we assure them that we feel deeply their kind sympathy and their love. ' Mrs. Emma Renner. Carl Renner. Harold Renner. C. L. Herger and wife. An Old Friend Very 111. Word was received this morning by William Smith of the serious ill ness of his father, J. C. Smith near Nehawka, and he left at once for the bedside of the aged man. Mr. Smith Is 83 years of age and has been very agile for his age. His son was much disturbed over his Illness and is somewhat apprehensive of the out come. Mr. Smith is one of the lead ing citizens of his neighborhood and Is a man very well known through out this community. His many good friends trust that the illness will prove nothing serious and that he Boon will be himself again and able to be out and about. Limb Improving. From Tuesday's Dally. L H. Young of Nehawka was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will consult the specialist regarding his injured leg. Mr. Young. It will be recalled was operated on several months since for a broken leg and has been having a serious time with the member. He Is glad to state that he Is getting along very nicely now and believes that he ha3 every prospect of soon entirely re covering. He states that since his taking treatment with the specialist In Omaha the leg has given him lit tle trouble and that he is firmly of the belief that it will be all right again very soon. Andy Sends the Money. From Tuesday's Dally. County Clerk Morgan today re ceived a check from Andrew Thomsen for $800, the usual fee required for a license to sell liquor in the county. Mr. Thomsen was recently granted a license by the county commissioners to sell liquor at Cedar Creek and will continue to run his place there as In the past. Mr. Thomsen is one of the few men who has run a place there without much trouble and his record is such that there was no opposition to his having a license this year. He understands his business and la a good man. More Trouble. L. B. Brown, mayor of Kenosha, and his sister, Mrs. Gustina Nix, came up from their home south of the city this morning to spend the day in the city and do some trading. Mr. Brown paid the Journal man his customary visit and related some more of his troubles In handling that municipal ity Including trouble with ex-chief of police, A. J. McNatt whom Mr. Brown threatens with excommunication and relegation to Rock Bluffs for his re calcitrancy which ought to help a whole ,ot- ' iWCIEin Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never falls. Sold by Gerlng & Co., druggists Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, pet one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service Reasonable Rate