The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1910, Image 3

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    Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Is the het rf all medicines for the cure of disease,
disorders and weaknessea peculiur to women. It is the
only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu
ated physician an experienced ond skil-.'d specialist in
the diseases of women. .
It u a aafe medicine ia any condition of the fstem. .
THE ONE REMEDY which contain no alcohol
and no injurious habit-forming drujs and which
creataa no craving for such atimulaut. fc -THE
ONE REMEDY o food that its makers
are not afraid to print its every ingredient on
3 ach outside bottle - wrapper and attest to'tho
truthfulness of tho same under oath.
It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer '"
et it. Don't take substitute of unknown composition for this medicine op
known composition. No counterfeit is as good a. the genuine and I the jdraMiat
who says something else is "just as good a. Dr. lcc't" . either mistaken
or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. uch man is not to be
trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession-your health
may be your life itself.' Set that yon grt what yo ask for.
W V 1
T. J. Sokol Hall Filled With the
Many Friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Kahoutek
A very happy' occasion was had
last evening when' the many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Jos." Kahoutek gath
ered at the T. J. Sokol hall on west
Pearl street last evening to bid fare
well. As told in the Journal, Mr.
Kahoutek and his estimable family
leaves for Denver, Col., where he
has accepted the position of fore
man of the Burlington blacksmith
shop. At the gathering last evening
there was a very large crowd, all
being anxious to show these very fine
people the high respect and esteem
In which they are held. The mem
bers of the M. V. A. band and or
chestra were on hand and during the
evening dispensed some very fine
music which was greatly enjoyed by
all. Mr. Kahoutek has been a inem-
Conditions Here are Better Than at Other Points on the Road and ber of the band since its formation a
lew years ago auu nas ueeu unw ui
its most popular members. He is
an able musician and his departure
will be keenly felt by all in the band.
During the evening dancing was
Indulged in, the music being furnish
ed by the members of the M. W. A.
band who, is well known, play about
as line dance music as any organiza
tion in this country. It was a very
late hour when the many guests had
their till of the entertainment and
the farewells said. Mr. Kahoutek
was overcome by the many expres
sions of good will and the hearty
wishes for a happy and prosperous
future which is good friends thrust
upon him. lie was called upon by
Miss .lamia, of Piattsniouth, Is
visiting with her sifter,. Mrs. Ed.
Hummel this week.
V. 1 Cillispie was a passenger to
Omaha Wednesday morning.
The Ladies Aid were entertained
by Mrs. William Murray Wednes
day afternoon.
Miss Mortens? Shepherdson, who
has, beeu visiting a few das wish
her sister, Mrs. t'.len Vallery, re
turned to her home at Weeping
Water, Monday.
Mrs. Emma Renner. of Fiatts
mouth. spent Sunday at W. T. Rich
ardson's. A. A. Vetenkamp had the mis
fortune to lose a valuable horse a
few- days ago.
Mr. Sam Banta, of Lincoln, was
visiting with friends In Mynard Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Propst and
little daughter, Dorothy, and Mr.
Reed, of Council Rluffs, spent Sunday
with the family of R. L. Propst.
John Speck, of Omaha, spent Sun
day w ith his perents.
the Men Are Contented.
The Journal learns that work Is
being done In this city by a com
mittee of strikers from Havelock, to
try and secure, if possible, a strike
t the boilermakers at this point.
It would be a most unfortunate and
regrettable matter to have such trou
ble rise here and something which is
apparently uncalled for under condU
small liklihood they will do so.
It Is true that engine work at tho
local shops has greatly increased and
there is every reason to believe it
will continue to do so but this work
Is being handled by an increased
force and does not make any n.atertal
difference with the men now employ
ed here. The trouble at Havelock Is
redounding to the advantage of . this
tions as they seem to be. A delega- city and the Burlington is commenc-
tion of strikers was in the city yes
terday endeavoring to get the local
boilermakers to walk out and join the
Havelock strikers but they met with
no success. A strike was called to
take place yesterday morning at 9
o'clock and the Havelock delegation
waited at the shop gate in the ex
pectation that the men would walk
out but they did not do so.
From conversations held with
the Burlington employes here, the
Journal feels warranted In saying
that they are well satisfied with mat
ters as they are. They are making
good money and have no complaint to
make of any kind. Superintendent of
Shops Baird Is ready at any and all
times to hear any grievance the men
have and . has made his position
known In the matter. He is working
for the upbuilding of the shops and
the employes and he Is ready and
willing to do anything to promote
the welfare and the interest of the
- men. The relations which have existed
between him and the men are such
that there Is small probability of a
strike here and It is to be hoped
nothing more will come of It.
The delegation which came down
from Havelock arrived on Monday
night and at once got into communi
cation with the local boilermakers.
They urged the men to leave their
jobs and represented to them that all
the employes of the boiler shops east
of the Missouri were out or that
nearly all of them were on strike,
i Word of their i argument reached
Superintendent Baird who immedi
ately' got busy and showed the men
the exact situationi ' He has proof
which he showed them that a con
trary condition existed east. , As a
matter of fact, his advices went to
show that very few men were out
in the shops east , of the river and
there was no danger of their going
out. He pointed out to the men the
mistake which they might make by
calling a strike here at this time
In consequence of his arguments, the
men did not go out as asked.
As a matter of fact, the local shop
has only three union boilermakers
working here. These are among the
best me.i the Company has and have
been thoroughly satisfied with con
ditions as they are here. They have
been opposed from the start to the
Havelock strike and have always in
sisted that they were being given fair
treatment and were able to earn
good wages here. To go out on a
strike under these conditions with
very small prospects of winning does
not look good to them and there is
ing to see that it does not pay any
corporation to ,"put all its eggs in
one basket.'' Plattsmouth has been
singularly , free from labor troubles
II.. n ntxnnAVt nnl wnti iisrwl1
nnd tho nnrllnetnn la finding that it l" B"
is a mighty good place to have vork n a few wel1 chosen words' 1Ie,wa8
(jone mucn auecieu uy me uiuuiieoiniiuiio
As a matter of public Interest, the ot rrienasn.p snown mm ana pro-
mailail in chrtnr Vila fooltnpa Iw thA
nrnunofta nf ft Rtr k llpra Rl-fl not
taken very favorably. Plattsmouth expression of his sincere tha nks.
He inanneu me many gooa melius
Aguinxt I'roliilitioii. .
The best weapon against prohibi
tion is In the hands of the people.
It la temperance not only In drink
ing, i but also in eating and in all
habits. Temperance is the fouuda-
tlon of w elfare and health. But It
happened to the greatest part of the
people that at some occasions the
rule of temperance was thrown aside
and that some Indisposition follow
ed. Such an indisposition should be
treated at once, In order to prevent
a serious sickness. In such cases we
recommend Tiiner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine. It quickly heals the
sore stomach and makes it able to
accept and digeBt any food without
difficulties. In weakness of the blood
this remedy is without a peer, as also
in diseases of the stomach, the in
testines and the nerves. It will puri
fy the blood and carry nutritious
food even to the smallest particles
of our body. At drug stores, 1333-
1339 Co. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
is now on the upgrade and is climb
ing right along. A strike would be
disastrous in the extreme and the
public is not inclined to have out
siders come into this city and raise
disturbances. If the men at Have
lock want to strike that Is for Have
lock to consider but as to Platts
mouth the public here does not favor
strikes and It certainly insists that
Havelock keep its strikers at home.
It is said that a large delegation
of Havelock strikers are to come
down here within a few days and
establish pickets about the Burling
ton, shops and inaugurate trouble
for the men at work here. It is a
duty which Plattsmouth owes itself
to see that any disturbance of the
public peace or any attempt at ter
rorizing the workmen in the shops
meets with a summary end. Dis
order is something which this city
has not had and something which
it does not need.' If the men at the
Burlington shops are , satisfied and
want "to keep at work there is no
good reason for people from other
towns coming in here aud trying to
get them out and it should be seen
to that the -visitors are given short
shrift, Plattsmouth wants every man
who possibly can at work in the
Burlington shops and it will insist
that trouble-makers stay away from
her. . , '
From the standpoint of the men
themselves, a strike would be ill
timed and poorly advised and would
result in a great deal of misery and
trouble with no adequate recompense.
These are plain words but it is that
kind of language which must be
used some times to impress a point.
The Journal has the greates sympathy
for the men at Havelock who "went
on strike but that does not blind it
to the fact that the Btrike was an
ill-timed one and quite inadvisable.
Plattsmouth doesn't need strikes in
Its business but what it does need is
more men at work, larger pay rolls
and general prosperity. It has it
now and It will keep It. The good
work which has been done for the
city: in the past year will be supple
mented by more In the future and no
strikes are advisable now.
We are showing five or six numbers of chil
dren's rompers plain colors and stripes. . These
are just the thing for children to wear to save wash
ing and give them a chance to play out in CH
the yard. Each....... , 3U
Aprons or rather dresses, for they are made
like plain dresses of nice heavy seersucker gingham,'
piped with white tape, very
durable and stand lots o
washing. Sizes two to Eft
V six years www
1 zgs a
' Get one of the Ladies'
Home Journal Style Book
the best pattern book Cp
ever issued. Only V
for their testimonial of regard and
especially thanked the members of
the M. W. A. band for their kind
attendance and evident good will. He
also thanked the members of the T.
J. Sokol and the many social mem
bers present for their hearty good
wishes and wound up by assuring all
that no matter where he went nor
what pleasant places he might visit,
Plattsmouth would always have a
tender Bpot In his heart and he would
always remember It and its good
people with the deepest feelings of
regard. ...
During the course of t he evening
refreshments of various kinds were
served and every possible step was
taken to make the affair one of the
best and most successful of Its kind
ever held In the city. ; , .
Mr. and Mrs. Kahoutek are among
the most estimable people in Platts
mouth. They have a very large circle
of friends here who will learn of
their change of location with the
deepest regret. That these excellent
people will make a great many good
friends in their, new home Is with
out question. The city of Platts
mouth loses some mighty fine people
in their going but penver is the
gainer and It certainly could not ask
to have better people located In Its
midst than these. ......
Owing to the very farge attend
ance, it is quite impossible to print
a list of the guests, the attendance
being practically the entire member
ship of the T. J. Sokol together with
the auxiliary members.
The splendl work of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets is dally
coming to light. No such grand rem
edy for liver and bowel troubles was
ever known before. Thousands bless
them for curing constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, jaundice and
Indigestion. Sold by all dealers.
(iennail St. Paiil's f'liurcli.
Pentecost-Pflngsten. . .
Sunday school 9:30 a. m.
Divine service 10:30.
The Lord's Supper will be cele
brated next Sunday after the morn
ing service. 1
' Chorus practice on Friday evening
at 8 p. m.
Two more of the precinct asses
sors today turned In their books to
ounty Assessor Soennlchsen. Messrs
James H. Foreman of Greenwood
precinct, living at Alvo; and C. P.
Richards of South Dend precinct, re
siding In the little city of the same
name, were the genetletnen who had
finished up their work and were sat
isfied to let the county assessor han
dle their books. , The two gentlemen
were down to the county seat from
their respective home and spent the
day here.
Pkttsmouth People Should Try
Read and Heed Them.
Sick kidneys give many signals of
The secretions are dark, contain
a sediment,
Passages are frequent, scanty,
painful.' '
Backache Is constant day and
Headaches and dizzy spells are
The weakened kidneys need quick
help. -
Don't delay! Use a special kidney
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys, backache and urinary disorders.
Plattsmouth evidence proves this
Mrs. 0. J. Cii'.son, Lincoln Ave
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "We have
used Doan s Kidney Pills In our
family for lame back and other kid
ney disorders and they have brought
the best of results. My advice to
anyone suffering from kidney coim
plaint Is to give this remedy a trial.'
For sale by all dealers. Trice 60
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
New York, solo agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Tho "Denver Special," the leading
6c cigar made in Plattsmouth. W1I
llm Budlg, manufacturer.
Cai-C of Thank.
I desire to express the sincere ap
preclation of myself and family for
the fine farewell party given us last
evening by the members of the T. J.
Sokol and its auxiliaries. I especial
ly desire to thank the members of
the M. W. At. band for their attend
ance and their evident regard for my
iamuy. fto matter wnere I may go
nor the work I follow 1 shall always
have a warm spot In my heart for
Plattsmouth and its good people and
shall always appreciate the fine treat
ment which I have had at their
hands. To any who may visit in Den
ver. 1 extend a cordial invitation to
call and see me and they will be as
sured of a hearty welcome.'
Jos. Kahoutek.
Jacob R. Vallery, the well known
farmer from near Murray, Is spend
ing the day in the city looking after
business matters, driving in this af
ternoon. '
Murio iiicm go Some,
The eighth grade base ball team
yesterday afternoon made the high
school team go some out at the Chi
cago avenue grounds and caino so
close to trimming the boys thai the
escape was uncomfortable. The high
school team pulled through by the
score of G to 4 which Is some close.
Had the eighth grade team been bles
sed with a little better luck they
would have won the game easily. As
it was the boys of the eighth grade
made a very fine showing and show
that they have the stuff in them for
real ball players. The batteries were:
High School, Whelan and Brlggs;
Klghth Crade, Long and Koons.
Don't Risk even a penny until health returns.
And I mean just exactly ttiat.
lam the one physician w ho says to the slrk, I
will, out of my own pocket, pay for your niedi
due If It faili to bring you help!"
And for 20 yean Pr. Shoop'i wedkine hate
Got Noam.
txvn usml and rfwommended in every rlty and
hamlet In America. They are positively nana
rd In every community and everywhere
Then why pay tho cash, and at yoar rtk, for
oliiiT unwarranted and uncitrtnln medicines?
Thousand! upon thousands have In the past
Micfesaliilly us'i nr. snoops uesiornuve
When the Sto-
John Schiappacasse Installs New
Soda Fountain and Other
Up-to-Date Fixtures.
Another Plattsmouth business man
has been seized with the lever to
have an up to date and modern place
of business and today is expending
some $600 or $700 In improvements.
The latest man to get a move on him
is John Schiappacasse, the soda foun
tain, ice cream, confectionery and
fruit man. Mr. Schiappacasse Is in
stalling today one of the finest soda
fountains ever seen in this part of
the state. The new fountain Is mod
ern In every respect and is one of
the handsomest finished ever seen
here. It comes from a Decatur, 111.,
housB and is a very large one. It
has a back piece finished in oak with
a very handsome French plate glass
mirror which alone is a fine ornament
to the store while the fountain it
self is a marble and very large and
attractive In appearance. the en
tire outfit has attracted a great deal
of attention from the public and
when it is in shape and ready for use
It Is going to make his store one of
the most delightful resorts in the
city. Mr. Schiappacasse Is preparing
to do a much larger business this
year than at any time in the past
and believes the Indications are far
better than for several years past
With his new soda fountain, and all
modern facilities for giving his cus
tomers the best of service with th
purest of cream and candles and an
up to the minute line of fruits, it is
believed his hopes will meet expecta
tlons. The Journal is proud to see
his evident prosperity and trusts that
he can make other and additional lm
provements until no city in the state
will have a better parlor than this.
The work of installing the foun
tain is being done by MessrsA1. Bax
ter Smith and O. M. KIntz who are
excellent men in their line and whose
work is an assurance of, superior
service. , . , , ., ,
If the Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys
are weak, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In
live or ten days only, the result will
surprise you. A few cents will cover
the cost. And here is why help
comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop does
not drug the Stomach, nor stlmu
lato the Heart or Kidneys. Dr.
Shoop'B Restorative goes directly to,
the weak and falling nerves. Each
organ has its own controlling nerve.
When these nerves fail, the depend
ing organs must of necessity falt
er. This plain, yet vital truth, clear
ly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is so universally successful. Its suc
cess Is leading druggists everywhere
to give It universal preferance. A
test will surely tell. Sold by all
Lr the Uoert
uervei full.
know how
Hhoop'l Ke-
viach nerves
or Kidney
auickly I)r
mora tire will
hrlng them hnck to health aiml n . But best of all .
they positively tuke no money riak whatever.
Tho lrnnw that when health fnlUto return Pr
-ihonp will himself gladly pay theclniiritiKt for
that wist. Anu loruini uitim iuu au uujr uuair
inent Is freely gratiUMi.
Hut write me first for an order.
Tills will save delay and disappointment.
Ml rtrwrirlsts sell fir. Phoop'i Ht-stomtive anil
Dr. Hhoop'a 0 Mieumatlc
llemcdv. but I U AMH are not
.,utliorl7t.(l to I IIIJIHve the) W
lay test. Ho 1 1 IS 1 1 (Iropmeallne
,,i..iA-fnr l haveapnolnt
nan l,on"Bt and reiponsiico nrwKiM. m wmwi
ivery cnmniuniiy. every m-re, mnui wi
help, no pay." medicines to the sit k.
Tell me also which hoolt you need.
The bonks, below will surely open up new and
i. , .!,,(,, I !, . tr sna iiKMe wno an
not well, llealde IB A a at jounro perfect
ly tree to consult Jr If mo Just as you
would your mJA U home physic
inn. Mr advice " Jf and the book
. w
Iwlow are yours and without cost.
Perhaps a word or two from me will clear nr
-nie serious ailment. I have helped thoiixnnih.
upon thousands by my private prmteriplion or
personal advice plan. My imsieuun is sureiy
nHh vonr tlmnln reotiest. Po write now whit
von have it fresh in Intnil, for tomorrow never
oouius. Dr. Hhoop. Ilox l. luicine, .
Wbltk look Skill I ToT '
So.lOnDyspepiila No. 4 For Women
No. 3 On the Heart No. S Fcr Men
So. S On the KMney No. On Rheumatism
Honored Ladle.
The Pythian Sisterhood in ses
sion for several days past at Fre
mont, honored a Cass county, lady
with elevation to a high office In the
grand lodge. Miss Deles Dernier of
Elmwood, was t elected as , grand
guard, a responsible position In the
order. Mrs. Ada Leyda, of, Falls
City, the wife of J. Elmer Leyda, ot
that city, and a sister-in-law of John
M. Leyda of this city, was also chosen
grand matron of finance. Both ot
these ladles are well known In this
city and have niade friends here who
will hear of their election to the
several positions with the greatest
delight and who are confident they
will make most excellent and capable
State of N'ebniHku,)
Cuhh County, '
In County Court.
IN Till'! MATTKIi OK Till". KsTATR
Notice Ix hereby Riven that the credU
tore of HHlcl deceased will meet the ad
ininiHtrutor of suhl estate, before me,
county judtte of Cuhh county, Nebras
ka, Ht tho county court room In 1'la.tta
mouth, in hu hi county, on the Kith day
of June, A. 1)., Kill, and on the 17th.
of lieeeniber, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
eucli day, for the nurpoHe of preMnntlnic
their clulinH for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six montliH are allowed for the credi
tor of hiiIiI deceased to present their
cltilniH, and one yenr und aix month
for the admlnixti'Htor to nettle Ha Id en
late, from the Kith day of June, A. V.,
WltneHH my hand and aeal iof Ball
coiintv court, at i'liittxmo'.itli, Nebraska,
tlilx 9th day of May, A. I., 1910.
. Allen J. Beenon. !
(Seal) County Judsro.
j VVIIllum C. Ttameey, Attorney.
1 This Remedy has given relief to many right here in Plattsmouth
and we can give you tho names of those who Bing its praise. People
you know. Any sufferer from rheumatism, stomach, liver and kidney
troubles will find grert results from Cooper's New Discovery.
We are the authorized agents in Plattsmouth for tho Celebrated
COOPER PREPARATIONS, introduced witn Buch remarkable suc
cess by Mr. Cooper in leading cities throughout the United States.
Cooper's New Discovery $1.00 per Bottle
A .treatment for Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
" fPnriii
r (7 Pr