CI' foe. be iBlattsmowtb oitiettal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION FOUR PAGES VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY MAY 9, 1910 NO 35 5 EH. D. Speaks Most Eloquently of the Needs of the Country it Subject of Address Before the Otoe County Democratic Club March 22, 1910 When I fall Into the hands of one of these despots, called" Toastmast- ers," I feel like the old darkey down In Missouri who had lost seven wives. After he lost the seventh, his pastor called on him and asked him how he felt, to which he responded, "Well, Pastah Johnsing, I feel like I was in the hands of an all-wise and un scrupulous Providence.'' As I look into the faces of this splendid body of Democrats to pre sent anything of Interest on this oc casion, I feel my position is like that of my friend Olaf, a Swede. It seems two Swedes were to take the boat at the wharf, and one, Olaf, was de layed. The gong had sounded, the boat had moved away from the wharf twenty-five feet, the water was deep, and when Olaf reached the wharf he beheld with dismay the departing boat. His companion on the boat 6houted "Olaf, yump! yump! Ay tank you make it in tuyumps. But according to the program, 1 rame here to talk about "Conserva tion.'' But says one, "What has that to do with Democracy?" "What practical use can a democrat make cf conservation?" Not long ago, an eminent astrono mer on a beautiful stary night, de livered a profound lecture on the "Milky Way." The address was much enjoyed by his listeners, who, w hen he had finished, cheered him to the echo, when suddenly from the edge of the crowd came a shrill voice in the accent of the Teuton, "But vot vas der use of id?" Id has no bradical use. If I could only shove dose stars togedder so dey vould sphell Anheuser-Busch, I vould give ten thousand tollars." In theory, under the, feudal sys tem, the King owns the land, the mountains, the rivers, the sea and all that in, and of them live and be. The world was made for man, not man for the world. This government was created by the people, for the people, not for a day or a year, or a century, but for all time. The lands, the rivers, the seas, the mountains, the mines, the water, was created, rot alone for the people of this day and generation, but for all the gener ations to come. What la not neces sary for the use of this generation is to be preserved, and conserved, by this generation for a subsequent generation. In 133 years, the length of life to this day" of the American Republic, the population of the United States has increased, from about four mil lions to more than eighty millions. All of that vast territory north and west of the Ohio has been bought, in this time, under the dominion of civ ilized man. In another 133 years new land3 to be acquired by the in dividual citizen will have long since have been exhausted. Why this unnatural haste to de stroy the forests of our country for commercial reasons and purposes? Why this unnatural haste to put a premium upon the destruction of the trees of the forest by refusing the ad missolon of foreign lumber free? To keep out Canadian lumber by a tariff tax is to encourage the cutting of more lnmber from the already de nudded plains, hills and mountains of the United States. Why must the production of coal be encouraged in the United States by a tariff on foreign coal, when it is so well known that the supply within the United States Is limited, and that future generations will be without coal? Do we not believe that our country la to exist for at least a thousand years? Do we not believe that it will last for ten thous and years? Then why this inordi nate haste to destroy the resources of our country and to exhaust them as soon as possible? Almighty God has placed moun tains of coal in Alaska, away up in the frozen north, Bafely and wisely put away for the use of future gen erations of our people. Why then this Inordinate haste of the corpor ations to procure its possession? This property belongs to the people of the United States, down to the MflDL CONSERVATION IUIIL hundredth generation or ten thuos and for that matter. Democracy means the people. The people demand the conservation of our natural resources. The Demo cracy of America demands the con servation of our national resources. It is said that the Republican party Is the progressive party of the United States and that the Demo cratic party is the conservative party of the United States. Be it so. The Republican party has been altogether too progressive in allowing the cor porations in the last forty years to almost absolutely own and control our great national resources. The policy of the United States Government as administered by the liberal constructionists of the con stitution and the laws have gone into the business of building a canal en tirely outside of the United States, the estimated cost of which is now $375,000,000, but which will cost; no doubt J500.000.000. At the be ginning the estimate was $139,705, 200. This is built by the money be longing to the people of the United States. Bonds are to be issued, or have been issued by the United States, called Panama Canal Bonds, or some similar name. These bonds bear interest. The bond is an obligation of the United States to be paid by the Uni ted States some time in the future, an unwilling burden on future pen erations. This is a business venture on the part of the government. Ad miral Bob Evens, in a magazine arti cle, recently declared that the canal would not pay anything as an in vestment, but should be a free canal to all the world, (see Hampton's Magazine for February.) But this idea is Utopian. We must develop our own resources first, make homes for the people of the over-crowdsd cities, conserve the great resources of our own common country. The nations of the world do not dispute the Monroe Doctrine. No foreign nation is Interfering with the affairs of any of the South American States, or ever will. The canal was unnecessary from a gov ernmental point of view. Whatever Its feasability may be as a commer cial enterprise, certain it is, that the government is not instituted for the purpose of doing business, on its own account. $375,000,000 by the United States used at home In the conservation of the flood waters of the upper Mis souri river would mean the saving of millions of dollars from loss ev ery year by flood. It is safe to say directly and indirectly, $50,000,000 every year. This project is per fectly feasable, with an expenditure of $375,000,000 at hand. But by far the greatest benefit would result from the use of the water for the irrigation of the desert lands. From this would flow wealth extracted from the soil by the people, countless millions every year. There Is a vast territory of arid land so situated along the upper part of these streams that a vast inland lake could be cre ated, the evaporation from which would temper the atmosphere and modify the climate of Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas and Col orado. The expenditure of the mil lions upon millions for battle ships might well be invested for inland canals, and saving the lands of the lower Mississlppie valley from annual inundation. The United States pro poses soon to build a battle ship to cost $18,000,000, to exceed the size and armament any of the battleships of the world. Not an enemy in sight. Why? Uncle Sam, since he has med dled with the affairs of the Orient, has become nervous. He fears Borne unknown foe, since the Philllplnes have become American colonies. The advice of Washington to abstain from meddling with the affairs of the Old woria, is no longer heeded. Phil ander Knox, secretary of state, astonished every thinking American when he proposed to interfere with the railways of Manchuria. Much commercialism has made Uncle Sam mad. Ho is delerlous, and the Ship of State is fast drifting from the se cure stakes, set by the Fathers of the Republic. Conservative Democracy comes now to the people asking thorn to call a halt. The Democracy is not opposed to progress, but progress must be for home and for our pco pie. a reirospect d lav ohch in iha mind's eye a vast Empire given away by the representatives of the people, to beings Cod never created; the ar tificial person the corporation. It may live longer then Methusalah. It has no bouI and If it should ever die, it is not afraid of hell-lire. It he : no conscience, and, therefore, Its digestion is good. It digests the private fortunes, private property and pubic resources, all alike, with out even a digestive tablet to help. Maps of the State of Nebraska of twenty-five years ago showed each alternate section in red along the line of the Burlington and the Union Pacific railroads from the Missouri river to the west end of Nebraska. These strips were 20 miles wide. The same, grants were made by congress to other railroads. Thus, July 2, 1864 was the beginning of the giving away of the lands, which belonged to the people, to the corporations. ' It has always been condemned by the true Democracy. Democracy believes In conservation. This very day and this night in Congress various representatives of the people, in violation of their trust, are trying to uphold the hands of Guggenheim and the other corpor ation barons, who are trying to ab sorb the natural resources of Wash ington, Oregon and Alaska. Because a humble citizen of the United States, in the employ of the United States, had regard for his oath, which he took to Bupport the con stitution and the laws of the United States, cried out against these for agers, he was deposed from his office by an administration that was elected by the people, and should be for all the people all the time. Do you remember when Hezlklah entertained the visitors from Babylon and the visitors inquired and asked permission to see all of his treasures and he showed them everything that he had and then went away. (2 Kings, Chap. 20: 11.18). And do you remember that the next day the Prophet Isaiah came to him and said: "What did the men from Babylon say to you?" and Hezikiah said that they brought him presents and that they had heard of his great wealth, and they bad come to see It. And Isaiah said "Have they gone away?" Then Hezikiah said that they had returned. Then said the Prophet, "They will return and take every thing that you have to Babylon." And they did, return and took not only the wealth of the Jews but took the Jews In captivity to Babylon. Men from Babylon (Wall Street) come every year and take an inven tory of the crops of the west, and the value of the mines in the mountains and the resources of the country and then return to Babylon (Wall Street) and gamble upon the board of trade, using your resources as puppets to make the ticker go up and down. They borrow your money. They make a panic to destroy values, but they do not let you In for a seat on the board of trade, unless you have your millions. Uncle Joe Cannon stands for the legislation which makes such things possible. I am reminded or a colored man, Erastus. He had spoken to the pas tor of one of the wealthy and aristo cratic churches of the city in which he lived, and told him that he want ed to join the church. The pastor realized what a commotion it would cause to take Erastus, a negro, into the fashionable church, and told Erastus to pray pver it and take the question to the Lord in prayer. Sev eral days passed by and the pastor met Erastus again and asked him about the matter, and asked him if he had been praying over this im portant question. Erastus replied that he had prayed long and fervent ly. Then he said the Lord had re vealed himself to him and had said "Erastus you don't need to worry about getting into that church. I have been trying for the past twenty years and I haven't got in yet.'' The corporations do not admit the people Into their society. The office where the directors meet Is a church that even the Lord is not permitted to enter. But I am glad to say that Demo cracy, conservative Democracy, and the common people, which constitutes Democracy, are lending their voices and their help to uphold the hands of the faithful servant, and today, pub lic opinion demands the dismissal of that unfaithful servant, Ballinger, from the cabinet of the United States. But I might dwell for hours on this subjft and not exhaust it. There are matters of great Import ( loser at home. I speak of the conservation of our Individual resources, and the resources of this state. For the purposes of Jurisdiction, the states of the union are foreign to each other, and as corporations are the mere creatures of leglsla 1 1 .. i . i i nun, ii ioiows mat a state may exclude a foreign corporation from its limits, or it may allow it to come into the Btate and do business on the terms dictated by the state. Having said this much I will now point you to an example where the people of Nebraska are making "bricks with out straw." How? They are serving Pharoah, as certainly as did the Jews of old. I am not now speaking of inter-state commerce, for railroads now do business Interstate as well as Intra-state as well may some other foreign corporations. A law requiring every foreign building and loan association to pay an annual tax of two per cent on its gross receipts, Is not an Interfer ance" with commerce between the states. The state can charge two per cent or a hundred per cent. It can let the association in for nothing or it can keep it out. But to one ex ample, which makes the proposition plain. Insurance is not Interstate commerce. An Insurance company, a corporation having its domicle in another state, is a foreign corpora tion. Hence the state may prescribe the conditions upon which Insurance companies, created under the laws of other states, may do business within this state. The legislature may keep foreign insurance companies out of the state entirely, or they may ad mit them under any condition it may please to Impose. See. State vs. Fler Ing, Neb., supreme court, 1903. In 1907 and 1908, there were over two hundred foreign insurance com panies including fire, life, casualty, fraternal and accident companies doing business in this Btate. These foreign insurance companies have taken from the state millions upon millions in premiums, mostly to the states east of us. Sixty per cent of it, perhaps, coming back in the pay ment of losses, but all the time leav ing large balances on deposit in the banks of other states. Millions might be kept in this state to be used by our people in leg itimate enterprises, which now goes away from us. The legislature of the state of Nebraska has the power to say to every foreign insurance com pany coming into the state, "You may keep on deposit in the state of Nebraska every dollar of the premi um collected, less, the expenses of getting the business." The same is true of fire insurance companies. There were doing in Nebraska during the years 1907 and 1908, over ninety foreign fire insurance companies. The most of this money could be kept in Nebraska. If a foreign in surance company does not want to do business in so fertile a field as Nebraska, under the conditions of keeping their money on deposit here, which they have taken from our peo ple. They can retire from the field, and leave the field to our own enter prising citizens. Then great irriga tion and other enterprises, which go for the betterment of our condition, need not go beyond the Mlssoul river to borrow the money. Then you will see our cities grow; our farm lands advance; the towns and villages grow Into manufacturing centers. tBut I have mentioned only a part of the outgo. The banks should keep their money deposited or invested in the state of Nebraska, this Is the place for every dollar of It, right here at home. The lesson of the panic of 1907 ought to be enough of a warn ing. If we can conserve our re sources the next panic which comes will fall upon Nebraska as harmless as a blanket of snow. Adam Smith says, in his work on "Pollticel Economy." that labor and the soil is the source of all wealth. This Is an agricultural state. The source of all our wealth Is labor and the soil. Corn, wheat, oats, barley, cattle, horses, hogs, chickens, etc., constitute our wealth, the result of labor and the product of our soil. And yet, we allow the business men of the east to take our wealth away from us and to keep It. The so-called progressive party, which believes in non-conservation of resources, speaks of the phenominal growth of the country, of the phe nominal growth of the railroads, of the phenominal development of Ne braska, of the great B. & M. railroad and the Union Pacific, each of which were granted lands of the people, an empire in extent. They speak of the phenominal destruction of the forest but not in bo many words. They boast of the great lumbering Inter ests, the captains of whlrh are either In the United States Senate, or furnished the money to send their servants to the United States Senate. They speak of the phenominal reve nues raised by the United States by Indirect taxation. They speak of the great good that the tariff has done by raising up manufacturing factor ies in barren old New England, from one to three thousand miles from the consumer, whereby the west is com- llf'lled to u R A Ita mininna in hnv frnm ...., (these Captains of Industry who are in partnership with the government I in rrh iha ttnanmw ' In using the word "phenominal," I am reminded of a colored preacher who used the word "phenomena" In his sermon recently. At the close of the service his congregation asked him to explain its meaning, and he Informed them he would do so on the following Sunday. At the be ginning of the servke, true to his promise, the colored preacher said, "Well, brederln, as to phenomena, I will explain dat to you. You see the thistle growing in de field; dat am not phenomena. You see de cow eatln' grans; dat am not phenomena; you see de bird in de tree; dat am not phenomena. But if you see de cow slttin' on de thistle and singin' like a bird, dat am phenomena." The great west is like the cow sit ting on the thistle, singing like a bird, to the delight and the profit of those farmers of the people living down on the barren and rocky coast of Massa chusetts, Connecticut and Maine, and who have palaces in the barren waste of Vermont and New Hampshire, maintained by the contributions of the farmers, bankers and business men of the west, by reason of the power which the government gives to the manufacturer to charge more for the product than it Is worth on the markets of the world. When the people are aroused to the fact that they are being discrim inated against by the government, and it Is proposed to reduce tho tar iff on shoes and clothing, etc., there comes from the east the suggestive sound of a good old Calvanlstlc hymn; 'Hark from the tomb a doleful sound Mine ear attend the cry, We're marching downward to the tomb, Where we must shortly He." Let us conserve the resources of the state of Nebraska. It is Demo cratic doctrine to conserve the re sources of our country. It Is the doctrine of the Constitution of the United States. It is the doctrine of the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. It is the doc trine of our Bill of Rights and it Is good Democratic doctrine. America is a world power. Rome in her day was a world power. The Roman citizen, no matter In what country he was, could exclaim "Sum Roman us Civis." This was his protection. Today in every foreign land the American citizen can exclaim "Sum Amerlcanus Civis," and it Is his pro tection. Let every Nebraska say, "I am a Nebraskan, I am a citizen of Ncbras ka, and 1 believe in the Democratic doctrine of Conservation and Pre servation of the rights and property of every Nebraskan as well as the resources of Nebraska." Rolit. T. Dalib Dead. From Friday! Pally. Word has neen received In this city from LeMars, la., of tho death at that point of Robert T. Dabb, a son of T. S. C. Dabb and wife of this city, and a boy born and raised in this city. Mr. Dabb will be well re membered by many of the citizens of this city where he lived during his early manhood and he will be al ways recalled as one of nature's no blemen. He was a man who every one knew to personally admire and one In whom all the finer qualities which go to make the man, were strong. The most profound sympathy exists for the aged father, mother and sisters of this fine man, together with the wife and family who are left to mourn him. He had been 111 for some time and the end was not entirely unexpected. Ills father and mother had but recently returned from his bedside where they had been called by his precarious condition. Mr. Dabb during his lifetime was an ardent member of the B. P. O. E., and belonged to the LeMars lodge where the grand exalted ruler, J. U. Sammi8 belongs. I'lcct Officers. From Friday's Dnlly. A special meeting of Mount ZIon Commandery No. 5, Knights Tem plar, was held Inst evening for the Installation of officers. The follow ing officers were installed for the en suing yean Edwin W. Cook Eminent Com mander. J. M. Robertson Generallisslmo. O. W. Thomas Captain General. Frank L. Cummins Senior Warden. W. A. Robertson Junior Warden. Alfred W. White Treasurer. John C. Petersen Recorder. Heman B. Burgess Prelate. Fred T. Ramgo Standard Bearer. Louis B. Egenberger Sword Bearer. Carl G. Frlcke Warder. Chester H. Smith Sentinel. Favorably Impressed. Bruce Rosencrans and Claude Shu- maker who have been spending sev eral weeks in the sunny south, came home yesterday and are once more greeting their many friends. The young men had a fine trip and viewed a great many of the large cities of Texas besides visiting a goodly por tion of the Lone Star state. They are well pleased with that region and consider It a great country with a future for the Investor down there. They found spring well advanced and, In fact, it seemed more like summer to them than spring. Corn is high In some cases up to the waist but generally through the southern part of the state about knee high. It tapers down to about a foot above ground at the north border. They visited the land which Rosencrans & Sons are agents for at Falfurrlas, Texas, on the coast of the gulf and Mr, Shumaker was much Impressed with it. He declares that it is cer tainly a coming country and that one locating there now will find himself within a few years In a land of plenty. The gentlemen visited a large number of the large cities of the state and were much impressed with the business and activities which were in evidence everywhere. Hous ton, they found to be a live, pushing city with business going on every where in great volume. The sea-go ing business passing through this city they found to be very largo. Mr. Shumaker states that Houston from the depot at which they enter ed did not look good to him, as it seemed dirty and sqaulld but when he got up town where the city and Its business was done he changed his mind. San Antonia Is another city on which the boys have much praise to waste. It Is one of the hand somest places they saw during their trip and they are Santone enthu siasts. Corpus Christl is described as a very pretty place and one which they liked quite well. Dallas was visited for a short time but they did not have so favorable an opinion or that city as the others. Fort Worth they passed through but did not see enough of it to form any definite opinion. Altogether they regard Texas as all the land has been claim ed to be a great state and one In which vast fortunes await the claim ant. Reversed by Supreme Court. The supreme court yesterday re versed the case of the State vs. Char les J. Baker convicted In this county of bigamy and sentenced by Judge Travis to three years In the peniten tiary at Lincoln. The case will be remembered as stubbornly contested In which the first wife of Baker came from Ohio to prosecute him. County Attorney Ramsey tried the case for the Btate and A. N. Sullivan represented Baker. At the trial Baker tried to show that he had been Informed by a daughter of the mar riage, that his wife had gotten a di vorce from him in Ohio which would have left him freo to wed again. This Judge Travis, on objection by the county attorney ruled out. The su preme court holds that this was er ror and that he should have been al lowed to testify to this fact. Baker was married In this city about a year and a half at;o to Lillian Vroman, widow of the late Charles Vroman. The case Is reversed and sent back for trial and will be again tried at the fall term of court providing the prosecuting witness again appears, which Is considered doubtful Will Open Shop. Albert Schuldice who has been employed for a number of years past as a tinner at the Burlington shops and who lately has been working for Kroehler Bros., in that line of busi ness, has determined upon opening a tlnshop for himself and la engaged together with his son William, today in cleaning up the room formerly oc cupied by H. E. Wilson as a paint shop. The building is what Is known as the Egenberger building on Main street between Third and Fourth streets and la a large store room. Mr. Schuldice expects to start up his business next Monday, having laid In a stock of machinery and materials for the work several days since. With his experience he should do very well and he asks the public for a share of their patronage. He war rants his work to be first class and assures the public that he will give all calls prompt attention and Bee that they are complied with. A transcript of the "hearing or Silas C. Brenckenrldge charged with disposing of mortgaged property, was filed today in district court. Breck enridge has not been able to fur nish ball as yet and is Btll confined to the jail.