The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1910, Image 5
OH TRIES INITIATIVE M mm Cklahoira City, the Metropolis of the Si.aie, Trying to Take Seat of Government Away From Guthrie. Ih Texas April 11 Nebruska has i but is for lis dear friend and neigh-n,.;t-i-n,i i won r.r !,-.-; ti tifnt'bor, Guthrie it's name was added incorporate the initative and nJum into its state laws this with the iew of giving the people ai nance for direct legislation and an opportunity to vote upon most any old idea thet a handful of people might favor. Such being the case, -developments in Oklahoma have some little interest for them for Oklahoma incorporated the initiative and referendum into its constitution when it became one of the galaxy -of states and in a short time it will use this provision in an endeavor to relocate the state capitol that is provided a federal court doesn't is sue an injunction and suspend the operation of the constitution. Capitol removal is a burning is sue in Oklahoma, just as it is com mencing to attract attention in Ne braska. Under the enabling act un der which Oklahoma entered the un ion, the state capitol was located at Guthrie until the year 1913, after which time the people might locate it where they would, and Oklahoma City has been casting covetous eyes in that direction and smacking Its lips over the prospect of adding the capitol to its available assets, just the moment the limitation expires. It has really been quite unable to ' restrain itself and its chamber of ommeree or commercial club, which is a body who does things, has been working for capitol removal for some time. Recently Oklahoma had a special session of the legislature which had before it a number of those articles of politics denominated "fire-brands" by a deceased prominent Democrat of Plattsmouth, and it was believed capitol removal would be one of them but it was not. Apparently the mem bers of the legislature found the climate as hot as that of the well known summer resort beyond the Styx, without adding capitol remov al to the prescription for they ad journed without taking the matter up. But they were no sooner out of the way than Governor Haskell, who seems to revel in war and rumors of war, hurried to the secretary of state with a petition filed under the initiative and refrendum act, ask ing that an election be held to lo cate the state capitol and naming Guthrie, Shawnee and Oklahoma City as competitors. As suspected merry Hades broke loose at once Guthrie and Shawnee, whose inter ests are mutual, rose up in wrath and :added their collective voice in invec the upon Haskell and the petition- ers. Sotto Voce, It may be remarked Haskell Is so- used to invective by now that he gave it no consideration and goes sulklngly on his way Outhrie and Shawnee declare by all the Gods, that they will attack the proposed election in the courts and will secure a restraining order pro hlbiting the holding of the election and, If possible, they- will knock out the initiative and referendum sec tion of the state constitution. Shaw nee declares it Is not now and will not be a candidate for the capitol, E Starts to Run Throwing Occu pants of Wagon Out From Tuesday's Dally. Something like a runaway, but not quite as fast, started the resi dents of Main street near Third this morning at 9 o'clock. The horses at tached to the dray wagon belonging to the livery stable of Sam Smith took fright and bolted for half a block. Smith's son Ray Smith, was on the wagon In company with Ed. fionat, better dtnown as "Doodle sock," and both of them were pitch ed headlong to the street as the horse did a whirlpool dance with the half demolished wagon trailing on be hind. While the animals were performing several cases of beer droped from the body of the wagon and landed In the dirt with a crash. Some of the bottles were broken but the de luge of drink suds was not great -nough to arouse the Ire of a few lonely temperance people who stood nearby watching tne circus. On the I other -hand, several teetotal women rorgh.yleld quickly to this wonder seemed to enjoy It. I ful medicine. Try it. 60c and $1.00. Finally the horse getting tired of I Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by dragging the wagon in a circle, took TF. G. Frlcke & Co. III CAPITOL FIGHT I to the petition just to hurt the lat ! ter citv by the low-down Oklahoma refer-!rt.,?wl . t t h . Shawnee. and it Just won't stand for it. On the other hand Oklahoma City which is some town, by the way is filled w ith a great joy. its inhabi tants see visions of higher priced town lots, although these are now so high that only multi-millionaires can buy them and a great wave of pros perity following the culmination of their long fight for the seat of gov ernment. Also, they are trying to forget the mean things they have Bald in the past about Governor Has kell, who has elevated himself into the Roosevelt class by calling this election. The election, by the way, is called for June, 1911. What the outcome will be I have no means of knowing. Ordinarily a state constitution is regarded as a sacred document but the federal courts so far have evinced a curious disposition to substitute the views of the individual judge for the voice of the people of Oklahoma and have suspended the constitution on at least one occasion, so he would be indeed, a wise man who would presume to sax what they may do In this case. Hut the main object of this let ter is to call attention to the beauti ful possibilities' of the initiative and referendum as applied to Nebraska Under it we might get up a petition and propose to remove the state capi tol from Lincoln to Froken Bow, where it belongs and thus give that sturdy band of yeomanry whose headquarters are Lincoln and who are so Incensed at the failure of the last legislature to pass the Initiative and referendum, a taste of real medi cine! Or, we might get up a petition and hold a prohibition election in the state as that same gang is so anxious for. Or, again, we might get up a petition and repeal the Omaha char ter and dissolve that orge which, ac cording to returns from Lincoln threatens to swallow the state.. Or perhaps, we might hold an election to establish a state granary, where the thrifty but hardup corn raiser might hock his crop until the sign was right to sell. Or, we might pass a! law by which automobiles on the public way should not be allowed to approach closer than 500 yards of a mule team. Or, we might pass a law making women's hats of suffi cient dimensions lo enter the ordin ary door. Surely there are vast possibilities in the initiative and referendum and probably such a law would make Nebraska about as lively a state as the country could boast. That it has many good features Is undeniable but as a vehicle for exploting all the crazy and absurd whims of theoreti cal and impractical political econo mists in the world, it is a prize winner. If its adoption would give the people a chance to vote on capi tol location, doubtless many would favor it just as they advocate it, as a means for getting prohibition be fore the people. Carried to its logi cal conclusion, it should lead to the abolition of the legislature perhaps not an unmixed blessing. Charles I). Grimes. another bolt forward toward Third street. The two dismounted drivers had In (lie .meantime picked them selves up and started in pursuit. The horse, several feet ahead of them, was about to turu In Third street when the rear wheels of the wagon struck the curbing and turned tur tle. For a nilute the horses tried hard to drag the upset wagon from the neighborhood but found the load too big for them and so abandoned the task. When the wagon turned over the remaining beer boxes fell to the street but no more real damage was done. A half hour later the horse and wagon limped into the stable minus nothing more than a little spilled beer. Saved From the Grave. "I had about given up hope,-after nearly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M. L. Dix, of Clarksvllle, Tenn. "Often the pain in my client would be almost unbearable and I could not do any work, but Dr. King's New Discovery has made me feel like a new person. Its the best medicine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hemor- rhages, hoarseness and whooping To the Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Netizel of Mur doek, F. R. Guthnian of this city, Henry Fetzer of Louisville and Taul Goebry of Murdock, make up a party that will leave soon for Idaho and the northwest, going via Denver and rult Lake to visit the family of (.'has. Guthnian. Thee 'people will no doubt tnjcy a most splendid trip and visit many points of Interest. rhoy expect to make quite an tx- t( nded trip and i'aul Goehry, whose brother is interested in the Murphy Lumber company at thaUplaee, will remain at Murphy to work. THE SEVERE GOLD SPELL Difference in Opinion as to Its Effect Upon Fruit. Opinions on the extent of the freeze last Saturday and Sunday nights a great many people holding that the fruit crop is entire destroyed while many others do not think the damage not so bad, although they admit that considerable loss must result. W. D. Messersmlth, the well known fruit grower north of the city, is among those who believe that the fruit crop will be nearly a total loss except as to late apples and grapes. He had a magnificent pros pect for plums, peaches and the like but since the sun has come out the trees are shedding their leaves and he does not believe it possible to save more than a small percentage of the crop. This Is true of apples also, but not to so serious an ex tent. "Posey" regretted the dam age very much as it entails a heavy loss on him financially as well as meaning a shortage In the fruit crop for the public. Lee Fickler does not consider the loss so great as feared at first and Is of the opinion that a great deal of fruit will be found to have come through the storm uninjured. He Is quite sure that grapes will make an abundant crop. Like Mr. Messer smith, he noted many peculiarities of the freeze, some trees showing undisputable signs of the frost while others standing next to them were, uninjured. Louis Dose believes all fruit gone except grapes which he thinks will make a good crop this year. He is quite a fruit grower and his opin ion Is considered very good on such matters. Try St. I.ouls or Kunsas Ciiy. The Journal office this afternoon was in receipt of a call from Abe Becker, the popular farmer and cat tle raiser of Union, who was in the city with his wife for a day's busi ness. Mr. Becker called to renew Ms subscription to the Journal which Is a family companion in this estim able family. Mr. Becker contem plates taking some ve or six cars of cattle to the Kansas City or St. Louis market very shortly, having found by experience that he can get a much better price at those places than he receives In Omaha. He is o'ne of the largest and most success ful stockmen of his section or, In fact, of Cass county and Is uniform ly able to secure good prices for his products. Mr. Becker has one of the finest farms in Cass county and Is an untiring worker. He has re cently put in a saw mill on his prem ises and is engaged In sawing up logs which he fits together and uses for different purpose on the farm., . Bound for the Lone Slur State. This afternoon a party of three will leave with Bruce Rosencrans of the firm of W. E. Rosencrans & Son for the gulf coast country and Texas, expecting to be gone about two weeks during which time they will visit nearly all the principal cities of the Lone Star Btate and will travel over all the best country in that region. The purpose of the trip is of course to Inspect the land that the firm has for sale, with a view to making some investment. They will go to Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Galveston, Corpus Chrlstl and Brownsville, the last named being the scene of the famous Roosevelt controversy, and will seo the land that Rosencrans & Son have sold and still have for sale. This Includes some of the best fruit and vegetable lands in the world and there Is every probability that the trip will be productive of sev eral sales. Miss Lillian Thompson Is getting along very nicely now, having reach ed that stage where she can walk around the house and Bhe is showing every symptom of getting well quite soon. Her many friends will rejoice over her prospective recovery and will be glad to see her out soon. Win. Melslnger from west of this city came In this morning to see the doctor and purchase some fruit trees for the spring planting, and reports that he is some better of the cold that has been troubling hi in for some time past. OIILf 01 BEST I'UttMiiomli People (.'ivo Where Credit Is Due. Credit iVo'de of Platlsir.outh who soger with siik Kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy hat can be depend ed upon. The best Is Doan's Kid ney 'rills, a medicine for the kidneys only, made from pure roots ami herbs, and. the only one that is back ed by cures in PlaKs.uouth. Here's Flat ts mouth testimony: J. S. Hall, S. Sixth St., Platts niouth, Neb., says: "In 1806 1 strained my back and soon after that I began to suffer from kidney trouble. I had severe pains across the small of my back and on this account it was difficult for me to stoop or arise from a chair. I tried several remedies, but to no avail and finally when I had the good fortune to hear about Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro cured a box at Gering & Co.'s drug store. Within forty-eight hours af ter I took the first dose, I felt bet ter. Since then I have always kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house, finding that they bring the best of results. (Statement was given June 6, 1906.) On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall said: "I cheerfully verify my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I know that this remedy is a reliable one for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ageuts for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Cannot Locate Him. , Sheriff Hoagland has been request ed by Sheriff Qulnton of Cass county to assist In locating Oklahoma Van dervert, who is wanted on the charge of deserting his wife and four chil dren who are in destltue circum stances. Vandervert was formerly located at University Place and is a painter and paper hanger. When he removed to Cass county his goods and chatties were attached by Bome University Place firms, who alleged that he was Indebted to them and t'.iat he was about to abscond for i tlic purpose of defrauding his credi tor. Damage suits were instituted in district court by Vandervert against these firms and are now pending. State Journal. The above relates to a case which has not yet been noticed In the pub lic prints. The case has been dock eted by Justice Archer but the pa pers were suppressed for location of the defendant. Oklahoma Vander vert, the defandant In the case, Is charged with wife desertion, he hav Ing left his wlf,e on March 21, of this year, and departed for parts un known. The family resided at South Bend and consis's of a wife and four small children. The couple were married at Aurora, Neb., on October 17, 1897, and have been residents of South Bend for some time past. Vandervert Is a man about 33 years of age and as told In the above from the State Journal, Is a painter and paper hanger by trade. The officers have not so far been able to secure trace of him and it had been hoped to keep the filing of the complaint secret until his apprehension (but there Is a leak evidently In the Lan caster county sheriff's office. The case Is said to be a rather pitiable one and the man Bhould be severely punished if he can be apprehended Tool House Bullied. Sunday afternoon about 5:30 the alarm of fire was sounded and for awhile it looked like there was go ing to be another hot time In Un ion. Ernest Anderson who takes care of the switch lamps, was filling one of the lamps when It exploded and the whole building was soon on fire. The wind was blowing from the southwest, and it was thought for a short time that the elevator of W. B. Banning would be burned, hiiglnecr 11. Prouty ran IiIb engino up to the fire and water was forced from the engine, soon putting out the fire. This again brings up the proposition of whether water works are needed in this village. Union Ledger. I.cmil tlrc. To the unknown lit-lrs and dnvlHopg of Lewis JolniHon, Murgurut JohiiHon, St-lli Johnson anil John Cj. Joliiixoti, uml Solomon Uorbco Mrs. W. H. l.eiich, Mrn. Wllllnm Johnson, Krmlrlck l. Katon, William T. Kuton, Hlmuon F. Katon, (i. It. Jlt-nry, UrueiiHberry H. llunry, A. Lazenby, Ambrose Luzenby lind Mi'H. Ambrose l.nzetiliy: You will tnke notice tbnt on the 14th day of April, 1910, Ocoiku M. Port- rr, plalntirr, filed Ms petition In tho district court of Cuhh county, Nebraxka, In which you were named an defend ants. The object and prayer of mild petition Ih to nulct tltlo in mild plalnllfT In and to lot ten and cloven In block thlrty-elKht of the clly of I'latlsinoiith In ('us county, Neb., and to exclude the defenduntx from any liilcrcxl there in. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the Kith day of Miiy, 1!M0. fleorso M. Porter. Jiy liiirkctt, WIIhoii Ac Iliown and K. K. Snuvely, bin attorney, m iT 'A You tion to a cold raw week has made you feel the need of Klii'h n irir. merit. come in on one of splendid- illustrated here. We have them in short, medi u m or full length in gray mixtures or plain black silk lined. These coats will add much to your appearance and protect your health. Prices $15 up. Some more new QUALITY Suits JUST received. They're fine. THE HOME OF Filed Complaint. "Doctor" 11. M. Young, night po liceman, this morning filed a com plaint with Judge Archer, charging C. Lawrence Stull with having brok en large chunks out of the city or dinances by the use of Btrong, pro fane and vulgar language upon the public ways of the city. The war rant was delivered to Constable John Denson for Bervice for some reason quite unknown to the public. The affair as Mr. Young states it, took place last Monday evening when that gentleman was closing the postof fice for the night. Several parties who were standing about the build ing took the good officer's club and hid It. He inquired of them as to Its whereabouts and then asked Stull who had come in if he knew where it was. Stull replied that he did not and went out of the building. When he had reached the sidewalk, he proceeded to "loosen up a whoie lot'' as the poet terms it and made the air quite sulphureous with his remarks anent Dr. Young and his club. Bystanders who heard his language were much shocked thereat and state that It sounded like a transaction from the monkey tongue They called Dr. Young's at tention to the sklllfulness of Stull in mutilating the city ordinances after he had left and In the morning Chief Amlck upbraided the officer for fail ing to arrest Stull, also Insinuating that the Dr., was Inspired by a sense of fear of what might take place if he bo essayed. This peeved the good officer hence Ms action this a. in. , Mrs. Robt. C. Kendall and A. E Taylor, administrators of the estate of the late Robt. C. Kendall, are In the city consulting with the counsel for the estate Messrs. Clark & rtob ertson as to matters in connection therewith. illariery ' 'ZZ'Z. SS Told fa So know we called your atterv light dress overcoat for the days of Spring. The past Better . V and put the coats mis SATISFACTION He turns From the South. Charles D. Grimes, the Journal's news man, returned to the city last evening after a three weeks visit la Texas. Mr. Grimes found the en tire southwest in a prosperous and flourishing state with the prospects abundaul for excellent crops and general good fortune all over thai section. His letters which have ed- peared from time to time during; his trip, give an accurate (picture ,of conditions as they exist in that part of the country. The freeze which did bo much damage in this part of the. country did not extend that far Bouth and his observation being that the killing frost and freeze extended down into Kansas some seventy or possibly one hundred hundred miles from the state line. Below that region no damage was done and Oklahoma and Texas give every promise of having the greatest crops in their history of all kinds of fruits and grains. Corn Is well up, being knee high on the gulf coast and tap ering down as one comes north until near the Kansas-Oklahoma , Una w here the green plants k are Just showing above ground. Through. Kansas and southern Nebraska plow ing Is well under way and the only thing needed Is rain, the field look ing quite dry from the train. Up From Nehawka. F. P. Sheldon, the Nehawka mer chant drove his auto to this city this morning to look after some busi ness. He was accompanied by his wife and Messrs. Henry Behrns and Morris Pollard. The party spent the day In the city attending to business, and returned to their home this after noon, leaving about 2 o'clock. Vhile here Mr. Beherns paid the Journal a very enjoyable call of several min utes dureallon and was pleasantly received. He is a most estimable gentleman and ono of the finest citi zens of the county. Openings FREE! FREE! o) cr fcr w I will trim your hat FREE of charge if you buy your hat and trimmings ol me. I have an ele gant line of medium price and medium size hats. Call and see s S