The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1910, Image 2

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Our Stock of Underwear is
Women's' Gauze Cotton Vesta, ,
low neck, no sleeves, good qual
ity .
10, 15 and 25c
Women's Gauze Cotton Veate,
h'gh neck, long sleeves
25 and 35c,
M'en's fine Ecru Balbriggan
shirts and drawers, all sizes, at
50c Each
Porosknit Underwear, all sizes,
shirts and drawers, at
50c Each
Women's Union Suits, low neck,
sleeveless, umbrella knee
Men's Union Suits, all sizes,
25 and 50c
' ' xtra well made, at
81,00 Per Suit
llallcy's Comet. , .
The following concerning Hallcy'g
comet lias been rc civcd from 1'ro.
feasor Swezy, head of tho department
of .astronomy nt thi l'iiicrHlfy of
Nebraska: ' '
"The following table may -bo of
use in looking for J lallcy's "comet
which should" soon become bright
enough to be found without tho aid
of a telescope. In fact It has al
ready been mudo out with tho naked
eye on mornings when the sky was
especially clear, by Home observers
who knew Just where to look for It.
After observing It this morning with
the naked eye by looking along the
outside of the tube ofrthe telescope;
I thought I could make It out but was
not quite Htire; It was best seen about
6 a. m., or a little before, earlier
than that the comet Is too cIoho to
the horizon to be easily seen and
very soon after 5 tho dawn begins
to obscure faint objects In the east.
Its position at 5 a. m., was 2 degrees
north of east and 11 degrees above
the horizon. With the unaided eye
it could hardly be distinguished as
yet from a faiiit star, and a very lit
tle haze in the sky would totally ob
scure It. Hut from this on It will
increase In brightness rather rapidly.
21 . .3:51 a. in.. .. ':.",! a. m.
L2. .3:47 a. in.. .53X a. m!
23. .3:43 a. m.! .5:36 p. mi
24. .3:::!) a. m.. .5:34 a. in.
2... .3:35 a. in.. .5:33 a. in.
2 1!. .3:31 a. m.. .5:32 a. m.
27. .3:27 a. m.. .5:31 a. m.
25. .3:24 a. m.. .5:29 a. m.
2!. .3:21 a. m.. .5:28 a. m.
30. .3:18 a. m.. .5:26 a. ni.
1 .
1 . . 3
m. .
m. .
m. .
"Ity tho first week In May It should
bo easy to llnd the comet without the
aid of a table."
A Nice I'iUiuc
Messrs. 'iuihncy & Clark, the bar
bers, aro having an improvement
put Into their shop which deserves
more than passing mention. It is
an apparatus for heating water for
their work, consisting of a large me
tallic tank capable of holding enough
water to Insure a constant supply
for all purposes. This tank will be
heated by gas and the arrangement
for the heating is such that hot wa
ter is available for use within ten
minutes after the lire is lighted. The
tank is connected with a handsome
new ulckel and china wash Bland
giving both hot and cold water. The
latter fixture Is a pretty one and
adds much to the cleanly appearance
of the shop. The nickel fittings are
attractive and can bo kept nice and
bright with small trouble It Is a
big improvement over the old style
method of heating water which they
have had and their pntrons are sure
to appreciate it. The work Is being
done by the I'lattsmouth Water com
pany. Messrs. Kuhney & Clark are
up-to-the-minute barbers and intend
to seo that their patrons get the
best there Is to be bad in the shape
of improvements. They enjoy al
ready a fine patronage and are ex
cellent artists In their line deserving
it all.
Can Accomplish Much Without
Aid From Fire Department
"A narrow escape from serious loss
by fire took place several 'days ago
at the fine home of . V. Loctiard,
details of which had Just leaked
out. Quick action by Mr. Leonard
served to stop the fire before it had
ol.iiit.ed too much headway and the
lire department was not called out.
It has been the custom of Mr. Leon
ard for many years to follow a reg
ular routine of work In the morn
ing and it Is probable that this sys
tem resulted In saving his very hand
some lesidence. lie rose the other
morning and lighted the fire in the after which he went to the
barn and did the usual morning
chores about that place including
milking a co He returned to the
bonne with a fine bucket of milk,
ha ing some six or eight quarts of the
laeeal fluid. As he entered the door
1 e was shocked to see the kitchen
nicely blazing away presumably hav
ing caught from the kitchen stove,
l'e (lid not hesitate but dashed the
contents of the milk bucket on the
flames and followed this up with an
application of several buckets of wa
ter which ended the onward march
of the flame demon and saved his
property. Owing to the- discovery
of the lire In time, the damage was
merely nominal and tho family suf
fered principally from tho depriva
tion of fine, fresh rnlik for the morn
ing .meal -..,,.
In many (awes people would Lave
dropped everything and called for the
firo . department1 before malting an
effort to subdue tho fire but -Mr.
Leonard prompt action saved him
severe loss doubtless and Is highly
commendable. There huve been a
large number of alarms sent in the
past several months when no neces
sity existed for them as a little work
by the party turning In the' alarm;
would have put out the little blaze
existing. The city authorities have
warned tho public against sounding
the alarm without any foundation
and they are determined to break up
the practice If possible. Chief Kou
bek states that the department must
turn out when the alarm Is sounded
and he is in hopes citizens will show
more discrimination In using the
alarm in the future.
Condition of (i'1'amrpa Bailey.
The condition of Grandpa Eailey
is reported this morning to be slight
ly improved over the past few days.
Tt.e aged gentleman Is resting well
and seems to be some stronger. ' Des
pito his grat ape he Is making a
gallant fight and there seems to be
well founded hopes for his recovery
at no distant time. His wonderful
vitality has proven a most pleasant
siirrrlse. to his children and his phy
sician and the latter hopes that he
will hold out and continue to improve.
j&K: h'JJ fror Infants and Children.
1 AlflDe Kind You
S3? fefe:'
AVctjelublc PrcparaHonforAs
llnfjllic Sumachs aniBowcIsi
Promolcs DirfcsHonChrr rful
ncss and ltest.Conlalns neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral
lTufj JW"
, lbMttSJ!:-
lixm Strtl'
. (T'wnW SifT
Uumnmti thlcr.
Anerfecl Remedy forCoTCllpi
I Ion , Sour Slourach.Dlarrtoci
Worms .roiwulsions.rcvcnsh
ness and LossofSleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Always Bought
Ho ' Lx
M If IT .
mw mm
! r A i i p
a 3 In
For Over
Thirty Years
irri- -n iLi.f ii ii I nil ii iiiiiniiii l
Uvuri-iil'l m I 11" II II II I I
i n 'I I " I.. I II II II "I II III!
i niiimiiiii-1 1" nrii - m ii ii in nil nii-vi
uarantrrd unkTtl I oocU
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
. For Klglith Orudo 1'npils.
Today was the first day for ex
amination throughout the county for
the eighth grade, passing which ad
mits to high schools the successful
applicants. In this city the examina
tion is taking place at the office of
Miss Foster, county superintendent,
the following pupils being present:
Misses Grace fight. Doris Vallery,
(Henna Darker. Jllldred Snyder, Alice
Tschlrren, Nellie Cook and Emil
l'arkeniiliig, all of Mynard. The ex
amination will also continue. tomor
row (April 22) und on Thursday
and Friday, May 12 and 13. In ad
dition to liolding the examination
here examinations will he held on
the same dates as follows, the names
of the conductor following that of
the town: Weeping Water, I. N.
Clark; Elmwood, J. II. Slothower:
Greenwood, A. J. Wlckland; ' Avoca,
J. L. Zlnk; Uulon, (J. W. Cheney;
South Ilend, Blrdlne Smith; Manley,
Idly C. TIghe; Wabash. Etta James;
Louisville, Walter Plybon; Eagle, W.
U. Mann: Nehawka. R. R. Cniiin-
Murdock. Cora E. Smith; AIvo, J K.
WUcockson; Cedar Creek, Leiia
Young; Murray, Frank Curley.
Three Car Loads of Men Pass
Through Here Yesterday
Train No. 33, the stub from Paci
fic Junction to Oreapolis, yesterday
afternoon had three carloads of men
en route from the east to Havelock
where they will take the places of
the striking boilermakers. Appar
ently the company is having no dif
ficulty in securing men to take the
places made vacant by the men, al
though opinions differ as to the ef
ficiency of the men being put to
work. Talking with several of the
men who are out, they maintain that
the men who are taljing their places
are not. boilermakers at all but are
merely laborers whom the company
is using in an effort to make- it ap
pear the strike is a failure and that.
In the end the men v. ill win the fie.l t,
as tho new men will cripple r.p tho
rolling t-to'-k of the company when
they try to make repairs-on' it. On
the other band the railway officials
invdst the men are boilermakers and
that the east is; full of that kind of'
median b h. They declare that the
stiike is over now and that engines
are being kept up in good shnpe.
They also laugh at the reports which
prevail along 'the line of dead en
gines on the Billings line and de
clare the stories without foundation.
The men who are being brought in
from the east are kept in the shops
at Havelock, a dining car being put
at their service and other arrange
ments being made to make the men
feel at home. No trouble is report
ed anywhere along the line, as the
strikers are behaving nicely and are
peaceful and there seems no prospect
of any trouble anywhere. However,
the company is taking the necessary
steps to avoid any trouble by keeping
their new men to themselves and not
permitting them to go up town. The
end of the strike so far as the strik
ers la concerned, Beems far distant
as the men are still out and show no
signs of weakening. There are the
usual rumors of other mechanics go
ing out In a general move against the
piece work system but it is not be
lieved there is any foundation for
the report. Certainly in this city,
there is no disposition whatever to
strike and the men reem well ton
tented with conditions.
tinVrl vtrpn .
ONE LITTLE DOLLAR, so easily spent, if put in the
bank at 10 per ccit, compound interest would in 500 years
amount to 4 (juintiHion, 984 quadiillion," 196 trillion, 731
billion, 226 mi!. ion, 689 thousand, six hundred and twenty
nine dollars. ? 496.984,196,731,226,689,629. M.tney grows
if you will let it. -
We will p;iy you three per cent on the money you put in
our bank and compound. the Interest every twelve months.
T. f ft ft- '-''
6 L.-4 i,,'t o
In r. of
sudt'tu .sh'kn.''
of tie .-;e: t.
i :;: t .
r a r.'i.!ci:t
s t':-f fu'i-t ai.l
't imroi tan-1'
of a I
j. The
person rc!iainii c-ol
think of scuitLIn t t.Vr.t will lessen
the rain cr dis..oa-foit of tho pa
eitnet. Every Kcther knows, of
should know, wbr.t to do in such
cases before the doctor arrives. One
of the remedies that should be con
sidered in a caee 6? sudden sickness
is Triner's American Elixir of Lit
ter Wine, bca'.ise it will stimulate
t'"e circulation of the blood, bring
ing in this way all organs to work,
it is a very, good remedy in dU-tv-ti
tf-tLe stomach and the-intestines
and a natural tonic. , People,
pale and sickly, will find In tal3
remedy the be:?t help. Use it now,
if you wish to purify your blood in
a natural way. . At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 133-1333 So. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Suits made to order rrora $20. 10
to $35.00. Sochor, the tailor.
lioys and (ill N Club.
County Superintendent Foster has
received from the state superintend
ent notice that a special meeting will
be held in Cass county for the pur
pose of organizing a boys club in
agriculture and a girls club in do
mestic science. Miss Foster has Is
sued a special call for a meeting at
her office on next Tuesday, April 26,
at 1:30 p. m., at which time Mr. A.
K. NelBon, director of the University
short courses In agriculture and do
mestic sclenco will attend and out
line the work. The girls club will
be organized by Miss (lerturde Row
an of the state agricultural college,
All boya and girls under 21 years of
ago are cordially invited to attend
and are eligible to membership. It
is hoped that the attendance will be
very large.
Any lady reader of this paper will
receive, on request, a clever "No
Drip" Coffee strainer coupon privi
lege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
It Is silver-plated, very pretty, and
positively prevents all dripping of
tea or coffee. The Doctor sends it,
with his new free book on "Health
Coffee" simply to introduce this clev
er substitute for real coffee. Dr.
Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining in
pouiaruy because or; first, its ex
quisite taste and flavor; second, Its
absolute healthfulness; third; its
economy llb 25c; fourth, its con.
enience. No tedious 20 to 30 min
utes boiling. "Made In . a minute"
says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your
grocer's, for a pleasant surprise. F.
Rheumatic poisons are quickly and
surely driven out of the blood with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
liquid of tablet form. Dr. Shoop's
booklet on Rheumatism plainly and
Interestingly tells Just how this Is
done. Tell Borne sufferer of this
book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop
Racine, Wis., for the book and free
test samples. Send no money. Just
Join with Dr. Shoop and give some
sufferer a pleasant surprise. All deal
The First Issue.
Rev. C. A. Burdlck of Nehawka,
editor of the Religious Field Glass
came up today from bis home on
business connected with his publica
tion, being a caller at the Journal
printery where the monthly is pub
llshed. The initial number of this
handsome little magazine is a splen
did one and shows much work and
ability on the part of the able divine
who edits it. That it will leap into
Instant, popularity is unquestioned
and that it will advance to the front
rank of religious publications in Ne
braska and this part of the country
seems unquestioned. It is now ready
for distribution to the subscribers
who will find It well worth all it
costs. Rev. Hurdick contemolates
some changes and Improvements in
the periodical such as naturally fol
lows the launching of a new enter
prise so that its patrons can look
forward to a Bteadlly increasing
amount of interesting matter in it.
C. It. S. lluggj Pole Xoik Yoke.
The C. D. S. buggy pole and neck
yoke is the best there is Just out,
Insist on getting one. Manspeaker
sells the poles and the hardware
1L ?M
lift ?s.-f
ill 4p$
lit Wiff;
It III! i llwift jto.Bn iPi.Sil ft '
GIVING good values for your
rn ui'- v, such as we are giving, makes the cloth
ing b 'j sines; a sjurce of pleasure to us. Con
stantly making. friends or new customers and holding
the friendship of the older ones that's enough to
make any business a pleasure. -
When we sell you clothes at our "value giving' '
prices, we're not getting rich from the immediate pro
fits, but we're making sure of geiting your clothes
money in the future. Making you a solid friend (cus
tomer) of this store; that's our aim'ih selling you such
good clothes at such low prices.
Any day you feel like it we'll be glad to show you
some of the lively patterns from our large Spring
Suits $10 to $30
The Home of Hart, SchaJner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Union Suits
to $4.60
All Slses
stores sell the neck yokes