Ooo PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyn 1 abemade. Ooo Brooklyn. N. YM April S.-Pastor C. T. Itussell of Brooklyn Tabernacle preached here twice today to splendid -audiences. Oao of his discourses was entitled. "The Overthrow of Satau's Empire." The other, which we report, was on the uecesslty for the Millen nium from the text above quoted. Tastor Russell said: Respecting two matters there can te no question: (1) That the early Church thorough ly believed in a Millennial Kingdom, hoped for It, prayed for It "Thy Kingdom come; tby will be done od earth as It ia done In heaven." (2) It Is equally certain that today the doctrino of the Millennium Is ta booed as "out of date'Vout of har mony with the views of the Higher Critics and Evolutionists, who are filling practically all the chairs in our colleges and the majority of the pul pits of Christendom. What has led to this radical change on the part of the religious wise men of all denominations? Have they tak en a step in advance or are they de parting from the path from the teach ings of the inspired Word of God? That they have left the Word of God. that they make light of It, that they profess far more wisdom and ability (ban the writers of the Bible and a higher intellectual inspiration than they, is Indisputable. The question for us Is, Will Christians in consider able numbers follow these leaders away from God, away from all Divine revelation? Will we put our trust In literary princes who claim the right to Instruct the world, not by Divine appointment or authority, but by vir tue of their large amount of self esteem? The present day concept of the Church of Christ Is that Cod planted it amongst men as leaven In a batch of dough with the Intent that it should propagate Itself until the entire mass would be leavened. But the Bible apostolic concept of the Church's mes sage Is the very reverse of this that it is plauted lu the world, not with a view to converting the world, but ou the contrary to keep Itself separate from the world and to draw tojtself "As many as the Lord your God shall -call" of the pure lu heart to sacrifice '-earthly Interests for Divine Interests, unto death, and later, by the First Resurrection, to enter Into the heaven 1y glory of the Redeemer as his "Bride," his "Wife." his "Joint-Heir" in the Kingdom ylory and the Kingdom work. And the work of that Kingdom is set forth to be the "blessing of all the families of the earth." The two views are so radically oppo site that nonj should confuse them in their minds. If one Is right, the other is wroug. Jf one Is Scriptural, the other is ur scriptural. In the above Item Dr. Browu admits that the Scrip tural view entertained by the early Church contemplated the Church in -suffering find In a temporary or taber nacle condition In the present life and promised a share with Christ In hi reign In power and great glory, as Ood's Kingdom during the Millennium The safe, the proper, the right course is to go back and take up afresh the doctrine of the Millennium tho doc trine that the faithful of the Church row being tried and tested will consti tute the glorious Kingdom of God's Ioar Son after their change from arthly to spirit conditions in the "First Resurrection" (1 Corinthians it. 42-44). The Laymen's Movemtnt. 1 God bless the Christian Endeavor and Epwortb League and Students Missionary League and the I.aymeu'f Movement, all intent on "Storming the world for Jesus." We bear them wit ttess that they have a zeal for God which we greatly admire and woult' encourage. But their zeal Is "not uc cording to knowledge," and Is there fore considerably misdirected. To any one of logical mind, who will reason from statistics, the thought of convert lug the world by slnglug a few rous ing hymus or holding a few enthusi astic meetings for .the collection of money! money!! money!!! would bt childish. We do not despise childish ness. We have all had our share. But we all should say with the Apostle. "When I wns a child. 1 spake as a child and understood as a child: but when I became a man 1 put away childish things" (I Corinthians sill. 11). "Christian people have been fooling themselves long enough!" Yes, It Is as absolutely Irrational to think ol converting the world, as It Is U!sciip tural to believe that God ever gave us that Impossible commission. The Unit ed States census reports show tba. there are twice as many heathen to day ns there were a century ago. The word heathen carries to many a very wrong Impression. Many noble-hearted Christians have gone as mission aries to the heathen wholly unpre pared for what they met Intelligent reasoning ability, etc. They found that the heathen wet full of questions, logical questions, too, which they as Christians had never thought of. and whU;U they were wholly unprepared to V.1 1 COO" PULPIT... THE NECESSITY FOR THE MILLENNIUM. "Timet of rrfrohing Jull come frora t'.e presence ol the Lord; and he ihall Knd Jeuis Christ, which before vu preached unio you; whom the heaveru roiut retain until (he timea of restitution of all things, h;.ch Cod hath spoken by the mouth oi all hit holy prophet line the world began." Acts Li, 19-21. OOO answer. Comparatively few of tho missionaries are able to hold their owu lu argument with Intelligent people lu India, China, and Jupuu. There is no danger of their converting those peo ple. There is more danger of their losing their own faith lu the Bible, because of their misapprehension of some of its teachings-respecting the mission of the Church, the hope of tho Church and the hope of the world! Missionaries are thus handicapped! Full of commendable seal they leave our shores to tell the heathen that their forefathers have gone to eternal torment and that they are going there, too, unless they accept Christ It Is a rude awakening to be asked where hell Is? and why God should have condemned them and their fore fathers to such a horrible eternity? and how this could bo true and yet bo be a God of pity, compusslon. Love? The heathen ask, Why tho different denominations the different theories of the terms of salvation by Water, by Election, by Free Grace, by joining the Church, etc. The missionary, whol ly unable to answer the adult native, gathers children about him, starts n school and does all be Is tible perhaps, to justify his presence in a forelgu land helping the sick and doing many other acts of kindness which are very commendable, whether from a religious or humanitarian standpoint. Preach the Gospel to All Nations. Our Lords Instruction was that his people should preach the Gospel lu all the world for a if7iiwt not to convert all the world, but for a "iritncxx" to all the world. The mission of the Gospel is to select the Kingdom class, a "little flock." The first opportunity to be come members of this Royal Priest hood was offered to the Jews and, aft er the gathering of a remnant from them, and after their national rejec tion, the message was to go to the whole world Irrespective of national lines, boundaries or language any body, everybody having the "hearing ear," wns to be Instructed respecting Christ and the opportunity of becom ing his disciples by a full consecration of mind and body, time and talent, even unto death. These were to be promised the reward of a share lu the First Resurrection, to be members of the Royal Priesthood which, during the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah, will bless all the remaining families of mankind all the non-elect. We are not complaining about the failure to convert the heathen! We are not faulting the missionaries! We are taking the Bible stand that all of God's purposes are being accomplish ed; that God's Word Is accomplishing "that whereto It was sent" (Isaiah lv, 11); that it was not sent to convert the world, but to gather an "elect" sample or "first-fruits" from all na tlons (Revelation xiv, 4). Let clrllking Influences continue in heathendom, ns well as In Christendom. But let all Christians, missionaries and others, know assuredly that their labor is not In vain If they are seeking for the Lord's Jewels to the best of their abil ity. I am lu touch continually with laborers In India and Africa and well know that the pure Gospel of Christ is not greatly affecting their teeming millions. But the Gospel of the King dom Is seeking out, blessing, sancti fying, happlfylng, encouraging some, here and there; some, who have ears of faith to hear, eyes of faith to see, and obedient hearts to obey the "call" to suffer w ith Christ and by and by to reign with him for the effectual blessing of all the families of the earth, ' by uplifting the willing out of their present conditions of sin and degradation and death. The Millennium a Necessity. We have shown the value and nec essity for the doctrine of the Millen nium that all Chilians who would hold fast to their T.lbles ns a faith anchor and who would make progress In their study of the Word and be co-laborers with God in the gathering of "the elect" need to see that the elect only are now called to be heirs of the Kingdom for which we pray, "Thy Kingdom come." They need to see that that Kingdom Is God's provi sion for the future blessing of the tum tlevt. They need to see that the Bible does not teach, as many of them sup pose, that the saints are called of God to sit lu the heavenly balcony and look over at the non-elect lu eternal anguish, and hear their cries. Next let us note that the Millennium Itself Is an absolute uecesslty for the world, according to the statistics of the worldly-wise. Many college pro fessors and D. D.'s are Inclined to speak glibly of the Second Coming of Christ being far in the future "fifty thousand years yet," say some. But evidently these learned gentlemen have not used their educational advantages In connection with such statements. Any school boy can figure up what the population of tho earth would be one thousand years from now, taking the present population as per the census at sixteen hundred millions and the ratio of Increase an shown by the cen sus reports nt 8 per cent in ten years. Tho total would show 3,.'57.'.,12o.X)(),i)UO population for the year 2000 A. I). more than 2.000 for each person now living. What would humanity do If the earth were crov.dej to that extent? Where would the necessary food, fuel and clothlcj be found? Computing all the tillable portion tf the earth at twenty-live million square tulles or six teen billion acres would give but one acre for the support of two hundred nud teu people, or loss than five square yards each. At the close of a second uch period. C'0 A. I.. at the same rate, there would bo ten persons for each square foot of stauding-room. In other words they would stand fifteen deep ou each other's hends. What shall we think of the icisdom that tells us that the Millennium Is fifty thou sand years off? The answer Is found Id Isaiah's prophecy (xxls, 14). Are we asked how the Millennium If at once Introduced would avert the dif ficulties of the first statement, two hundred and ten people for each acre of the habitable earth? We re ply that the Scriptures clearly Inti mate that the rapid Increase of our race Is associated with man's fallen condition; as our Creator declared to mother Eve after her disobedience. "1 will greatly multiply thy sorrows and thy conception" (Genesis ill, 10. The Earth Shall Yield Her Increase. The Scriptures also Intlmnte that with the return of humanity towards perfection the average tncrcase will be less, and that eventually the human family will come to the condition where there will bo neither marriage nor giving in marriage, and where sex conditions will be lost in a uniform utandard of humanity embodying the qualities at present displayed In the two sexes. Further, God's promise for the Millennium is that uuder bis bless ing the earth will yield her increase and tho waste places be reclaimed, springs breaking forth In deserts. Furthermore, recognizing the Divine nower lu connection with tho matter wo, can readily see how- vast con tinents can bo raised in the Atlantic nud lu the Pacific Ocean. But aside from these miracles which properly enough could accotupnuy the Millen nial Kingdom of Christ, what can tho world who Ignore tho Bible expect? In other words what shall they expect who claim that the present order of things Is to continue, saying, "All things continue as they were from the begin ning of the world?" (II Peter ill, 4.) Some may Inquire, What about the resurrection of the millions who have died? We reply that the world has been only gradually working up to Its present dense population. The people living in the world for the past six thousand years, according to what we believe are trustworthy evidences, would number altogether about twenty thousand millions. But more than twice that number could be burled lu tho State of Texas lu separate graves and more than eight times that num ber could find standing room In Tex as, ns a school-buy with his pencil could readily demonstrate. But we iiL'ed not lock a thousand years abend. The world will find It self In great trouble very shortly un less the Millennium be ushered lu. Al ready there Is a shortage of timber What will be tho condition of things one hundred years from now? Al ready our capitalists are buying up the coal deposits on speculation, realizing that Its rapid consumption Is making it more valuable every year. Already geologists ate calculating the number of tons of coal not yet mined and tell ing us that with the present average of Increase in t lie consumption of coal the entire supply of the world will be exhausted lu r than tiro hundred years. What will be Uie price of coal ns the vanishing point Is neared? and how will mankind do without It. and without wood for fuel unless the Mil lennium come promptly with Its mirac ulous provisions? the taking of fuel from our atmosphere, and from water, by methods which will, no doubt, be simple, when mankind come to under stand them fully, but which at present nre so expensive as to bo of little serv ice. Other scientific men have been study ing the increase of lusaclty and telling us that progress In this direction Is terrific. Some have estimated that In less than two hundred yenrs the en tire world, at the present rate, will be Insane. How opportune It would be for the Millennial Kingdom of the great Llfe-Glver to be ushered In with Its uplifting Influences, mental, moral and physical! Last but not least the combination of wisdom and selfishness in our day, known as Unions and Trusts, Is so In fluential that prices la every commod ity are rising. Yet the trusts nre not quite ripe yet. Their managers have not fully learned their power. Grad ually the upper and the nether mill stones will apparently be drawn closer together, while necessity will force the masses through the hopper. How great would those "giants" become within another century or so. If the Millennium be not ushered In lu the Interim to "lift the poor nnd needy out of the dunghtir-uslng the scriptural figure of the work of the Kingdom! (Psalm cxlil. 7.) My friends, let us stick to th Bible nnd its Millennial theory. So doing we will be guided by the wisdom from on high nnd enabled to pray with the spirit nnd the understanding also. "Thy Kingdom come; they will be done on earth ns It Is done In heaven." and to labor intelligently as co-workers with God! Let us pre pare as pupils In the School of Christ for the great work whereunto God has called us by the Gospel Message. "Even so. Come, Lord Jesus; Come quickly!" "Thy Kingdom come, nnd thy will be don on earth, even as In heaven." 1 WILLIAM The Rendition of "The Wizard" First-class in Every Particular From Suturday's Dally. After watching for two months the efforts of the Grew players to please the theater-going public of Piatts niouth and vicinity, and noticing the fine patronage and enthusiasm which greets them at their coming each Friday night, it does the Journal good to know that their excellent work is so highly appreciated. With their change of plays each week it is naturally to be expected that some are better than others, but they have all been good. , Last night, as usual, a very fair audience greeted the pre sentatlon of "The Wizard," and we are prepared to say that it was sim ply grand, both In scenic effects and staging. Every character lu this play was well represented. Miss Pet tes as "Julie, the child of the des ert," was simply immense, and no one could have possibly played this part better. Mr. Enders, as "Jerry Spowls, a police clerk with sporting blood,' was also well taken, Mr. Enders does his part In all plays to the satisfaction of the audience. The character of "Tom. Melleville, lieu tenant in the British army." Mr. Mcharry, demonstrated that he was "right there" in his part, and was not lacking in any particular. Mr. Ford, was "Johnnlo on the Spot" In the role as a tribesman, and display ed to the satisfaction of all that he was "the right man in the right place.' The character of "Andrew Sanson, a notorious French crimi nal," was one of the difficult parts In the play, and to say that Mr. Ben nett acquitted hlmBelf nobly would but half express it. Mr. Bennett Is one of the most clever actors con nected with the company. We would like to give each member special mention, but suffice to say, they all played their parts well. With all tho plays produced here by the Win. Crew company, we say "the Wizard" la tho best one produced by the com In Plattsmouth. M. Grew has certainly been very fort , nate In getting together a com pany of people of which he has just cause to be proud of. They are all perfect ladies and gentlemen, and as a whole, their attractions are such as to meet the commendations of the patrons of the Parmele, and Mr. Grew feels very grateful for manner In which his company has been re ceived In this city. Next Friday night they will pre sent the splendl comedy, "The Ad ventures of Miss Brown," which will give both Mr. Grew and Miss Pettes unusual opportunities to display their peculiar talents, and it Is safe to Bay that all who attend will be delighted. They are all nice people and good Indians, as well as good actors, and we bespeak for them an overflowing house next Friday night. ' In Chicago. I remember being on a Chicago street car, says Ellis Parker Butler, In "Success Magazine," sitting beside a nice old lady in mourning, a year or so ago. She was nervous and Kept glancing at me, and then glanc ing away again. It made me uncom fortable. I thought she took me for a pickpocket or some other bad man. Finally she could contain herself no me,' she said, "but have you heard longer. She leaned over, "Excuse yet how the Cubs' game came out?" I hadn't and her face fell, but a mo ment she saw a possible opportunity for consolation. Well," she asked, "can you tell me who they are put ting in the box today?" How was that for a gray-haired grandma? In Chicago all talk baseball, from the cradle to the grave. Up to three o'clock in the afternoon no one talks about anything but the game of the day before. From three o'clock on the only subject is the game that is being played. The school child who can not add two apples plus three apples and make five apples with any certainty of correctness can figure out the standing of the Chicago nines with one hand and a pencil that will make a mark only when It Is held straight up and town. Mrs. S. S. Gooding and daughter Miss Stella Gooding, were passengers this afternoon on the fast mall for Morrlstown, S. D., Mrs, Gooding hav ing received a telegram announcing the death of her brother at that place. IHU OGIHT WIT. ' Notion In hfirehy Riven Hint Oerlnif A Co., have filed their petition a required by the statute of the State of Nebras ka with the city clerk of the City of 1'lnttKmouth, Nebraska, retitiestlnic a permit to noil malt, nplrtuoim and vln oim liquor for medical, mechnnlcat and chemical purposes for the coming; muni cipal year In the building situated on the west half wV4) of lot twelve (12) In block twenty-eltflit (2X), In the City of HuttMnouth, Nebraxkn. (1ICRINO & CO., March 22, 1910. Applicant. Boy's loftes THAT SATISFY both the parent and the boy, are here. Clothes that combine newest style with the best fabrics and work manship, clothes that will stand hard wear. The best 'values in the world from $2.25 to $7.50. In our Boy's department will be found everything the boy wears, our well known qualities at Plattsmouth's lowest prices. Clothe Your Boy Here and Save Money! C. E. Wescott's Sono! THE HOME OF Local News Notes From Suturday's Pally. John Lloyd of Murray Is in the city today being registered at the Hotel Perkins. Miss llattle Fight was a passenger for Grand Island this afternoon on the fast mall. Miss Margerle Walker was up from Murray last evening to see "The Wizard" at the Parmele. Miss Paulnio Oldham came up from Murray last evening to wit ness "The Wizard" at the Parmele. A. L. Todd, one of the progressive citizens from south of the city, was a passenger this morning for Omaha on business. Mrs. Bent Livingston and Miss Rachel Livingston were among those who spent the day In Omaha today, going up on the early train. Needed repairs are now being made on the platform at the Bur lington depot, the brick-work along the outer edge of the walk having become loose. Mrs. M. W. Hicks and son rtobert, who have been visiting in this city the guest of the McElwaln family, departed this morning for their home at Knoxville, Iowa. Lig Brown, mayor of Kenosha, Is a caller In the city today. He reports the good people of the vicinity doing fairly well, and that a little rain would do lots of good. Mrs. Alta Halter, formerly Miss Barthold of this city, was among the many who took the west bound train this afternoon, returning to her home in Denver, after a visit In this city, the guest of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barthold. II. D. Patterson, surveyor of Sarpy county, departed last evening for his home In Papllllon. He had some work in his county that had to be done, and will return to bis work here Tuesday, and then finish his survey of the avenues. Mrs. Frank Sochrlst of Fort Col lins, Colorado, came In yesterday for a visit with the family of her sis ter, Mrs. W. E. Kosencrans. Mrs. Sochrlst has been making an ex tended visit in the east, having Just left Buffalo before coming here. W. S. C. Becker who came down from Ashland this morning with the high school ball team of that city, gave the Journal a call. Mr. Becker is a son of the editor of the Ashland Gazette, and a practical newspaper man. We were pleased to make his acquaintance. J. E. Bachelor, wife and two sons, Alex and Andy, and their wives came over from Fremont county, Iowa, to attend the funeral of Miss Elizabeth Bates, a sister of Mrs. Bachelor, which occurred this afternoon from the home of J. Bachelor, three miles south of town. ft l eYC ) J SATISFACTION Charles Cook, one of the enter prising farmers from south of the city Is In today, looking after busi ness. Ed. Gansemer, one of the promin ent citizens of this county, is tu the city today looking after business matters. Chris Metzger, one of the most promlent citizens of Cedar Creek, was lu this city yesterday looking after business. , John Warga, one of the resident of this county from south of town, Is In the city today, having driven In this morning. George Horn, one of Cass coun ty's substantial citizens, is among those who are looking after business In the city today. Wm. Puis and wife from west of town are in the city on business to day, having driven in from their, country home this morning. v Peter and eGorge Melslnger, two of the best citizens from the west end of the county, are In the city today looking after business. ' C. J. Tllson of near Murray, waa In the city today ou business and while here called at the Journal headquarters and added his name to our Murray list. gLACK jjADGEfl , -t V 'i " v.- 6,j . r :l .,'' ? T.; .y. ', This celebrated Jack will make the season of 1910, at my farm, one mUe west of the A. S. Will farm, each day of the week. BLACK BADGER is a black Jack with white points, a sure breeder, and has some fine colts to Bhow his quality. HERMS:-12.00 to insure a live colt All due care will be taken to prevent accidents, but should nv nrpnp nmnw will not be responsible. When parties dispose of mares or move from the lo- vaui,jr, service iee Becomes aue ana pay able immediately. F. GANSEMER II s