The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 10, 1910, Image 1

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Nb. Etltt Klt'.j.i.iil Sac.
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The Good Roads Question and the
Attention of the
From Friday's Daily. i
Last evening at eight o'clock ac
cording to schedule, the riattsmouth
Commercial club held its regular
meeting since March 27. The meet
ing having been called to order by
President Falter and the minutes of
the last meeting were read. Treas
urer Patterson's report was rendered
showing a balance of of funds on
hand to the amount of $194.53, this
being Inclusive of the April collec
tions, and the report was approved
by the club as presented. The at
tention of the membership commit
tee, composed of Messrs. John llatt
and George Falter, was called to the
fact that some of the members were
somewhat in arrears and the commit
tee was Instructed to attend to the
Mr. Tidd who is in charge of the
publicity department of the club, pre
sented several bills for amounts ex
pended In securing advertising, one
being a bill for the report of the In
ternational Press Clipping bureau,
whose services Mr. Tidd has secured
to keep the club Informed on the
subject of "Infant industries" desir
ing locations. Mr. Tidd announced
that he had several of these manu
facturing projects in view, any one
of which might locate here, if proper
inducements were offered them. In
connection with this matter it Was
suggested that Plattsmouth would
make a good point from which to dis
tribute automobiles and perhaps for
their manufacture.
The report of the committee ap
pointed by the president of the club
to investigate the alfalfa meal prop
osition was presented by Chairman
Schneider, the report embracing prac
tically the information contained in
the Journal's article of last evening.
The majority of the members present
favoring an Investigation of the cost
of maintainance of the mill and Pres
ident Falter appointed a committee
of four to consult with owners of
similar mills as to the cost and other
problems of operation.
The secretary Informed the meet
ing that the petition for a road from
Rock Bluffs to the Burlington right-of-way
had been flled'with the com
missioners and would probably be
acted upon at the discretion of that
body. To the other petition asking
that the road be run through the farm
owned by James Thomas, a remon
strance has been filed containing
about BOO names and the probability
is that this proposition will be drop
' pcd. President Falter announced
that he had appointed a committee
composed of Messrs. Newell, Richey
and Becker to investigate and report
on the cost of a road to furnish an
outlet from this city by way of the
Burlington subway. Discussion of the
location of this proposed road re
sulted in the final decision that the
best plan would be to raise a grade
of about four feet on the river bot
tom this grade being thought suffi
cient to prevent the danger from
Prepare to Entertain Visiting
Members April 21st.
From Friday's Daily.
The regular meeting of the Order
of Red Men was held last evening
and work was done in the adoption
degree, Fred Denson taking the adop
tion degree, and In the chief's degree,
the candidate for the latter being
Jesse Kirk. After the regular busi
ness' arrangements were made for
the regular meeting of the Missouri
Trlbo No. 69, on the sleep of the
21st Sun, of Plant Moon, at the 8th
run and 30th breath, or In other
words nt 8:30 In the evening of the
2 1st of April.
The order is planning to have at
this time a general conclave of the
tribes of the state, when representa
tives of about 28 chapters in this
state will be present In this city, and
the local tribe will entertain the
Great Sachem, Grand Chief or Re
cords, Great Keeper of Wampum,
Alfalfa Mill Proposition Receive
Club Members.
overflow from the Big Muddy, it
is to be hoped that action may be
had on this road proposition at once,
as the farmers from Iowa who desire
to come to this city to trade are al
most entirely cut off from us by
the present condition. A little money
invested now in making this road a
permanent one will do a great deal to
ward placing our trade' with the Iowa
side on a firm basis, and should be
attended to at once.
More discussion of the road ques
tion followed and It was decided that
the action of the city council was
too slow on the matter of putting
the main avenues In passable con
dition and upon the urgent demand
that the club itself do something to
allerlate the existing condition, the
president of the club was authorized
to secure teams and spend the time
and money that his Judgment recom
mended in putting the thoroughfares
in condition so that the farmers can
get to town.
A letter was read by the secre
tary from the city engineer of Om
aha calling the attention of the mem
bers to the Good Roads convention
to be held in that city this afternoon
and evening, and inviting all those
who are Interested to attend. This
proposition the club discussed at
length, most of those present being
strongly In favor of having as many
citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity
go to Omaha and hear the discussion
of this important question by the ex
perts that the Omaha people have
secured for the occasion. In response
to this sentiment about a dozen of
the local business men volunteered
to go and no doubt there will also
be a number of the farmers of this
vicinity who will attend. This will
be an excellent opportunity for the
people to learn practical good road
Concerning the matter or a ban
quet to be held as proposed for the
Cass County Editors association by
the commercial club, it wa3 decided
to give a banquet similar to the one
given before, at which the visiting
editors are to be the guests, the
date decided upon being April 19th,
one week from next Tuesday. It is
desired and expected that all the
newspaper men of this county be
present at this time and partake of
the hospitality of the city.
In the matter of the proposed ex
pedition of the club to the B & M
shops, It was decided that the mem
bers of the club and as many others
as possible should go to visit the
shops In a body on next Monday af
ternoon, so that the citizens of this
place who are not familiar with one
of the city's greatest resources may
become so. Mr. Baird master me
chanic, has very kindly volunteered
to devote himself to the visitors on
that day, so that they may be assured
of an opportunity to acquire some
There being no other business at
this time the meeting adjourned.
Great Senior Sagamore, Great Junior
Sagamore and Great Prophet, all of
the Great Council of reservations of
Nebraska. It is also intended at
this time to have several distin
guished speakers present, one of
whom will probably be Mayor Jim
Dahlman of Omaha, himself a' prom
inent Red Man.
Xpw Instruments.
The boys of one of the local bands
were greatly pleased yesterday by the
arrival in this city of the Instruments
recently purchased by them for that
organization. These instrumenls In
cluded seven fine, new horns, costing
about $ 1 55, all of the very best grade
and make, being the -output of the
firm of J. W. Pepper of Philadelphia.
No doubt this new acquisition will
help the boys a great deal In their
endeavor to establish a band that
will be a credit to the city.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Young of
Nehawka were in this city this morn
ing and took the early train for
Omaha where Mr. Young goes for
treatment for a brolien leg which ho
received five months ago. Mr. Young
is now making his second trip to the
hospital for this Injury.
Fuller Particulars in Reference
to the Cause of the Strike.
From Friday's Dully.
From the Lincoln Journal we learn
that the number of boilermakers and
boilermakers' helpers that quit work
at Havclock yesterday morning is
103. They charge that they had
been unable to get concessions on de
mand made of the Burlington rail
road at Chicago. The men want pUve
work abolished and an Increase in the
guaranteed pay per day for boiler
makers of from 38 to 42 cents. The
demands made contain many other
schedule changes affecting the wages
paid to helpers, the minimum now
of which is 18 cents per hour.
Eight or nine members of the Have-
lock union, employed in the new
shops of the Burlington in the west
bottoms also quit work. It Is stated
at irailroad headquarters that the
men employed in other shops of the
company west of the river are still
at work, the piece work system being
in use by boielrmakers at no other
places west of the river on the Bur
lington than Havelock and Lincoln.
It was Bald that other departments
In the Havelock shops might not be
affected by the strike for some time
and that work was in progress as
usual in other departments. The
usual spring reduction of forces and
hours took place recently, about forty
men having been let out and the
hours reduced from nine to eight
hours per day. The reduction of bus
iness volume handled has made this
necessary, it was stated.
One of the shop rules relating to
reduction of forces is that when such
is necessary the men laid off shall be
the youngest in the service, prefer
ence being accorded married mc
with families.
Of the strikers at Havelock it
said that twenty-one of the number
were boilermakers and the remainder
For the strikers, District President
Jonas says:
"A committee of the boilermakers
have been trying for some time to
secure a conference with the Bur
lington officials at Chicago, but they
have refused to arbitrate. In fact,
we have never had the opportunity
to present our grievances to the head
men of the system."
The Burlington has shops at Platts
mouth, Wymore, Alliance, Sterling,
McCook and Sheridan on the lines
west. East of the river it is said the
piece work system is more general. It
is claimed by railroad officials that
the piece work system is favored by
the better workmen as by It they are
able to make more money.
The boilermakers are said to have
prepared a new schedule, lengthy
and dealing with many matters not
now in the present schedule.
Machinists and blacksmiths have
not taken the action of the boiler
makers at Havelock who walked out
at 9 a. m., yesterday, although it was
rumored that they may do so. Soon
after the walkout a meeting was held
in the Havelock auditorium and a
committee was appointed to draw up
a specific statement of the demands.
They have not been made public.
Quiet Since the Flection.
Estimates sent out by the mer
chants' and manufacturers' associa
tion, an organization representing the
brewers at Omaha, claim that they
have gained materially by the con
test la 200 towns In Nebraska. They
estimate that in the results in 21
towns they have gained almost 20,
000 population under the wet regime.
The only authentic organization that
could make estimates for the drys In
the anti-saloon league, with head
quarters in Lincoln. This organiza
tion is supposed to keep tab on the
results in the towns in the state
and to send aid when needed. Sup
erintendent M. S. Poulson said yes
terday, however, that his headquar
ters were receiving no telegrams on
the results, and that he was making
no deductions as to whether wet or
dry wns making gains In the state.
State Journal.
Mrs. A. L. Kennedy drove to this
city from the vicinity of Murray this
morning to meet her daughter, Miss
Agnes Kennedy, who arrived in this
city over the Burlington from Louis
ville at 1 0 o'clock. They wll return
to Murray this afternoon where Miss
Kennedy will spend the day with her
A ricitsnnt Event.
Last evening the home of Peter
Mumm was the scene of great hilar
ity and enjoyment, the occasion being
a surprise party for Mrs. August
Mumm of dlllete. Wyoming, who is
In this city as the guest of relatives
and friends. The entertainment was
In the nature of a postal card shower,
many beautiful cards, mostly in
leather form being in evidence. About
forty-six guests were present and the
evening was most enjoyably spent In
playing cards and music.
Late in the evening dainty refresh
ments were served and at a late hour
the party broke up with the unani
mouse decision that everyone had
a splendid time.
Two Young Men Arrested for
Making the Assault.
Wild excitement prevailed this af
ternoon about 2:30 o'clock when the
sound of blows and cries for help
aroused the peaceful citizens who
were transacting business on Main
street. Following the sound of the
disturbance, the old sleuth-like re
porter of the Journal quickly located
the scene of trouble Just east of Wes
cott's store on 5th street, and hurry
ing over there found two of the
frivolous youths of the community,
namely George and Oscar "Matthews,
gaily and festively abusing and butch
ering an old man, one Henry Jacoby,
the latter being too far gone to make
a pretense of defending himself. The
sound of the conflict quickly attract
ed the entire population ot the city,
or at least so it seemed, and It was
only a minute before El Toro Ben
Ralney appeared on the scene and
proceeded to play havoc with the
amusement of the young men, smit
ing them hip and thigh and reducing
them to a state 'of lnocuous desuet
ude. -At first the victims of the law's
minion, laboring under the obses
sion that all policemen are fools, at
tempted to resist, but were Bpeedlly
convlced of the futility of such no
tions by the descent of the entire
population of this law-abiding com
munity on their Juvenile and unsus
pecting necks. After considerable
difficulty they were lodged In the
city bastile there to meditate on the
way of the transgressor and to seek
some means of checking tlio blood
that the police had to make flow so
copiously. Jacoby, the victim of the
assault, was a sight to look at but it
is thought that his injuries are not
serious. He will probably file a com
plaint against his assailants in po
lice court tomorrow morning.
Don't Shell Corn Now.
Great quantities of corn shipped to
this market have turned "hot" be
fore being unloaded or when In tran
sit to other markets. C. Vincent of
the Ileal-Vlncent Grain company, who
Is one of the best judges of corn in
the west, says that shelling of corn
in Nebraska and Iowa should be dis
continued during the next sixty days.
"The unusual amount of moisture
In the corn this year, coupled with
the unusually warm weather,'' said
Mr. Vincent, "Is throwing all shelled
corn Into the dangerous germinating
period several weeks earlier than
expected. The drying plants at every
terminal point, including Omaha, nr
being worked overtime and have hun
dreds of thousands of bushels of
moist and damaged and damaging
corn awaiting Its turn and getting
In worso condition with every day it
has to wait.
"The only safe place for corn dur
ing the next sixty days Is In the crib.
It simply will not keep in a bin with
out constant shifting and airing, and
the farmer who shells his corn now,
or In the near future, Is Inviting loss
and all sorts of grief. Every opera
tor of a corn shelter in Nebraska and
Iowa should be fined $200 for every
day he operates his shelter during
the next sixty days unless there Is
some other way of stopping hlm."-World-Ilerald.
Iteutli of Ml km Kuti'N.
Miss Elizabeth Bates died at tho
homo of her sister, Mrs. J. Bachelor,
three miles south of Plattsmouth, on
Thursday afternoon. She wns an
elderly maiden lady, but wo did not
learn her aliment. The funeral oc
curred at 2 o'clock this afternoon
(rom tho homo of tho Bachelors,
and Interment was made at the Rock
Bluffs cemetery, where her father and
mother aro burled. Particulars of
her denth will appear In Monday's
Issue of tho Journal.
Lamp Installed by the Nebraska
Main Streets a
More than a score of persons con
gregated at Main and Sixth streets
last night to witness the grand illumi
nation made by the new regenerative
flaming arc light, installed by the
Nebraska Lighting company yester
day afternoon. The lamp is the
latest product of electric lighting In
vention, and is a decided improve
ment over the old style arc lights.
Not only are these new lamps new
in Plattsmouth, but in almost every
city in the United States. It is only
the big metropolitan cities that have
them In big numbers.
The light at Sixth and Main street
was brought here for the two fold
purposo of illuminating a hitherto
dark corner, and of showing the mer
chants what can be done at a com
paratively small outlay. The Ne
braska Lighting company will not
Install any more of these lamps un
less the merchants of tho city desire
them, in which event the latter will
bo asked to contribute toward their
There are eighty merchants on
Main street that would alike be bene
fitted by three of theso new lamps.
Three are all that would be necessary
and these can be hung thirty-five feet
from the ground for an outlay of
$5.50 a year by those whose places
of business would be illuminated by
them from dusk until midnight each
night in the year.
The original type of flaming arc
light carried a 5,000 candle power
flame but this has been reduced to
between 2,000 and 3,000 candle
The flames burns in an enclosed
chamber which gives life to the car
bon for seventy hours. The life of
the carbons in the old style lamps
was never more than fourteen hours.
The carbons for the new lights are
slightly different and cost a trifle
more. The cost of the sample lamp
at Main and Sixth streets was $100
without carbons, and maintenance.
It burns 550 watts per minute and is
calculated to give light 2,000 hours
a year. Carbons will have to be re
newed every seventy-two hours, and
this will cost approximately $20 a
For Some Mot Ball Playing in
Plattsmouth This Season.
The local base ball situation is
beginning to warm up and in a short
time the people of this city will have
tho pleasure of hearing tho crack of
the bat as tho would-be Ty. Cobb
smears the ball, and the cheers of the
fans will echo from the bleachers as
somo diamond favorite makes a sen
sational slide to second. With a
game today between tho local high
school t(tnm and the team from Ash
land, and a tentative game between
the Red Sox of this city and Don
Despaln's Antelopes, it looks as If
the local fans would soon come out
of his shell In earnest.
In addition to tho Lincoln game,
the date of which is still in doubt on
account of difficulty In making train
connections, Manager Brantner has
the assurance of games with the
teams from Glcnwood, Louisville and
several of tho sourrounding towns,
all of which have teams that can put
up an interesting game. The mater
ial that the manager has under con
trol in this city has been out every
night this week for a work-out and
as soon as a practice game can be
arranged for, the boys will bo given
a chance to show what they can do,
and a captain will bo selected to
develop the team work. This matter
of team work ia a department of the
game wherein tho local team has al
ways been weak, tho tendency In tho
pnst having been that of all amateur
teams, to piny Individual, rather
than team ball, and tho manager
hopes this year with the assistance
that tho early season will glvo him,
to develop a team that will excel in
every department of the game and
plnco Plattsmouth on tho baso ball
map again. If tho team this year la
Lighting Company at Sixth. and
Great Success.
year. Maintenance of the lamp will
necessitate a further outlay of about
$14 a year.
The initial lighting of the new
lamp last night created a scene In
mlnature to that enacted on the
streets of New York when Thomas
Edison first turned on the current
that Illuminated the big metropolis ou
the Hudson with electric lights. The
study of electricity had been delved'
Into but slightly then, and the great
inventor had not taken the precau
tion to insulate his wires. As a
consequence, they were as full of
danger as of electricity. The crowd
that congragated, naturally felt cur
ious enough to handle the long cop
per coils that hung down in the
middle of the street and the result
of turning on the current was sev
eral dozen men and women rolling
through the throes of convulsions in
the middle of the Btreet. Some of
these died of their injuries but the
noted inventor was never prosecuted.
The crowd at Sixth and Main
streets last night appeared to know
more about electricity than to at
tempt any such fool-hardy experi
ment. Of course, had they done any
such thing it would not have proved
dangerous as the wires were all very
heavily Insulated. For more than,
two hours the crowd around the lamp
Increased and at 9 o'clock almost
everybody on Main street talked
about it..
There seems to be no question in
the minds of those who have their
places of business on Main street that
three such lamps would greatly im
prove the city. It Is generally aa
mltted that more than three would
be in the way and would be of no
use whatever. The one now in use
here hangs too low but as others are
added, they will be strung from poles
thirty-five feet high. This will cause
the illumination to be thrown a much
greater distance. The cost of theso
lamps and the number of merchants
here to contribute toward their pur
chase and maintenance is so favor
able that It Is probable that more
lights will be Installed beforo tho
summer la fairly on the way.
a success, there la a good prospect
that next year we can get In one of
the minor leagues of this vicinity,
arid thereby give the local fans a
chance to see real base ball without
going to Omaha and spending all
their money away from home. At
the present time the old men on the
team are showing up fine, and as
Manager Brantner has several young
sters on hla squad, and among them
material for several good batteries,
it only remalus for the fans to put
us in right.
The first ball game of the season
will take place this afternoon at the
Chicago avenue grounds, at 2:30, it
wil be between the Plattsmouth high
school and Ashland high school, and
the admission will be 25 cents, 15
cents for high school students.
Take Your Choice.
Senator Tanner of the South Om
aha Democrat, got cute this way the
other day: "A woman who wears a
petticoat with ravellngs hanging hero
and there and who runs her shoes
out at the heels will never make a
neat housekeeper. This la a pointer
for men who are sneaking around
looking for a wife." To tho above the
very cnpnble woman who edits tho
Norfolk Press came back in this
truthful wise: "-A man who wears
out the spnt of his trousers doing
heavy sitting around, whose fingers
ure stained with nicotine, who loves
work well enough to sit In It all day,
whose main recommendation is hla
father's money will never be able to
provide a house for his wife to keep
and the fool that marries him will in
herit the petticoat and Bhoes or earn
them by taking In scrublng. This la
a skull and cross bones warning to
tho maiden sighing for her heart's
Coon F. Vallery came in this morn
ing from Stanford, where he has been
visiting for tho past few days, and
whore he met several old Casa county
people. Among whom wns Fred Horn
who sent by Mr. Vallery $1.50 to re
new his faith In the Journal.