The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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NO 28
John D. Tutt One of Our Oldest and Most Highly Respected Citi
zens Leaves Tomorrow for Washington.
From Monday's Daily.
With the departure of John D.
Tutt Tor the west tomorrow morning;,
many of the incidents of his long and
very honorable residence in this city
nro recalled. Mr. Tutt was born in
Missouri, near St.. Joseph, nearly 7
years a,o and when a mere lad came
to Glen wood, la., and later to Platts
mouth, settling and taking a home
stead on' the quarter section now oc
cupied and where J. ft. Vallery makes
his home, twelve miles southwest of
this city. Mr. Tutt was'relating to
the wrile a few days since some of
the incidents of his early life and
while yet a boy, of his making a
trip with an ox train from near
Marysville, Mo., to a point in Page
county, la., near where Shambaugh
now stands, and of hitting a stump in
tho road, breaking his wagon, which
a school tearcher and the big boys
of the school assisted him In repair
ing, thus early creating a cordial
feeling for the educators of the land
with Mr. Tutt.
After having completed the home
stead entry, Mr. Tutt disposed of
the same and was for a number of
years connected with a wholesale
house in St. Joseph, Mo., both at that
city and later at Glenwood, after
wards coming to Plattsmouth and for
a number of years working for the
firm of Tootle & Hanna here while
they were engaged in 'business on
lower Main street, working for them
for some six years. Mr. Tutt was
county clerk of Cass county for two
terms or four years, which position
he filled with credit to himself and
tho ennernl lipst. Interests of the
county. In politics Mr. Tutt has al
ways been a Democrat and a man of
the most sterling worth, loved and
trusted by all who knew him. In
no position was he ever placed that
he did not do his share of the duties
creditably and correctly. After hav
ing served in the capacity of county
clerk, Mr. Tutt worked for the proc
ery firm of Bennett & Lewis for a
number of years and after having
been connected with them for about
five years, purchased the interest of
Eugene Lewis and formed the part
nership with Mr. Bennett, which was
At about this time Plattsmouth was
experiencing a boom and the addition
of South Tai k was incorporated in the
city. With many others, Mr. Tutt
invested in this suburb, in an
Ralph White Roslgns.
Ralph White, the popular manager
of the Bell Telephone company at I
this place tendered his resignation to
the company 8ome time Bince and is
awaiting the appointment of hia suc
cessor. During his stay in this city
Mr. White has made many warm
friends and has done much to im
prove the condition of the plant of
th company and made it many
friends. All will regret to see him
take his departure. As yet ho has
not concluded just what business he
will engage In, but it Is thought he
will not follow the telephone business
but rather go into some undertaking
for himself. Nebraska City News.
llfllL I MIL I Null
The Section Where Charles F.
Guthman Resides One of the
Richest in State.
John Rosicky, Well Known in
This City Passes Away.
From Monday's Fully.
John Rosicky, president of the Na
tional Pi luting company, and one of
cn- the pioneer P.ohcniian-Aniericans of
deavor to make a better town, but the west, died at his home in Om-
nfter that came times when the coun- nha Saturday niuht. On December
try in general was not very pros-hi, Mr. Rosicky was stricken with
nrl the investment was not nnralvsis. and had remained in a
attended with a great deal of profit, coniotose state most of the time up
Tho holdings were disposed of later, to his death. The deceased was 64
and Mr Bennett, his partner, becom- years of age. He had been a hard
ing in poor health, the business was worker since young manhood in liter-
closed, Mr Bennett departing for ary pursuits and was, even up to
California to live. Mr. Tutt has not the time he was stricken, editor or
engaged in business on his own ac- more than one publication, He was
count since, but has been engaged a man of vigorous frame and consti-
with others. tution in active life almost without
Mr Tutt will visit for some time cessation since he first came to Amer-
with his daughter in the west and lea irom nis nauve iauu.
probably at Pheonix, Ariz., with an- Mr. Rosicky was born in Humpoiec,
other daughter, Mrs. T. C. Gentry, Bohemia, in 1845. He came to Amer-
before his return. We have to say tea m ioi, going iu uiih
for Mr. Tutt that he is one of the Wis., where he engaged in farming,
best men we ever met and for every He continued in that vocation until
time vou meet him he had a cheerful 1865 when he went to Milwaukee,
word and a smile of encouragement. He remained in Milwaukee but six
May he have a pleasant trip is the months thence going to Chicago,
wish of the Journal. where he. opened a wholesale flour
and feed establishment. In 1870 he
opened a grocery in Chicago, dlscon
this city. Mr. Creamer has not ana- tlnulng the ft.ed business. The great
ted one jot of his admiration for Chicago flre burned him out and he
California and predicts a banner pft ther ln 1871 and went t0 call
year for that state, it having been forna Oregon and other western
blessed with what Is Known here as statoS- ne returned and settled In
a million dollar rain shortly before Crete Xeb., ln 1873, where he open
he left. He looks for great crops . pnprai s.ore. January 1. 1876
Louis Brau, Former Cass County
Boy Died March 28, 1910.
The old neighbors and friends in
the vicinity of where the young man
was reared in Cass county, will be
pained to learn of the death of Louie
Brau. The young man passed away
at the home of his parents at Pocas
set, Oklahoma, on March 28, 1910, at
the age of 23. years and 11 months.
The deceased was born end grew
to manhood in Cass county, having
moved to Oklahoma some five years
ago with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs
Lawrence Brau, who were well known
here. He was the junior member of
the firm of Cotner & Brau, general
merchants of Pocasset. He was one
of a family of five children, only one
sister of whom survives him Mrs
John Schwartzfischer, the other three
children having died in Infancy.
Louie had been in failing health
.'or some time, but was thought to
be better when he passed away sud-
denly of heart failure. He was unl
' versally loved by all who knew him,
and it can be truly said that he died
knowing that he did not have an
enemy. The greatest consolation that
the parents have 1b that they have
buried a noble, good and christian
son. One of the noblest traits of
his beautiful nature was the love
that ho manifested for his mother.
The funeral was one of the largest
fver held In Caddo county, Oklahoma.
The floral offerings were many and
beautiful, which bespoke the love and
esteem in which he was held. The
deceased was a member of the M. W.
A, of Pocasset. The parents and sis
ter have the sympathy of the entire
community In which the young man
was so well known in the hour of
their great bereavement. Messrs.
Charles and Ferdinand Hennings of
this county, who are brothers of Mrs
Brau, attended tho funeral of their
nephew. The Journal extends its
sympathy to the grlef-strlcken par
cats in tho loss of a noble son.
An Appreciated Call.
Charles Creamer who came back
to old Cass after some time In Call
fornla, made the Journal a pleasant
rail Saturday afternoon and had
the address of his paper changed
from San Jose, Cal., where he haH
been located, to Route 1, out of
of everything and predicts that ev
eryone in that section will be pros
perous and flourishing. However,
his business interests in this sec
tion required his attention and he
he came to Omaha and began his
newspaper career as business man
ager of the Pokrok Zapadu, which
he published up to 1900. The paper
was established in 1871 by K. Rose-
make his home on his Rock Creek
farm. Mr. Creamer says the Jour-
nnl was tho one semi-weekly visitor
whose coming was always hailed
with delight in his household.
came back on that account and will wator of tne riee. jt was a three-
column folio, published bi-monthly.
The paper bore the date of Omaha,
but was printed ln Iowa City, la., for
several years. In April, 1876, Mr
Rosicky became .editor of the paper.
In the meanwhile the pnper became a
weekly. In June, Mr. Rosicky pur
chased it-from Mr. Rosewater. In
1900 Mr. Rosicky sold the paper to
the Pokrok Publishing company of
which V. A. Buresh is president. Mr,
Rosicky was at the time of his death
editor of Osveta Amerecka and the
Hospodar. He was a hard worker
for the elevation of the Slavonic
races in America.
Mr. Rosicky leaves a wife two sons
and daughters. He was a member
of Palacky, C. I., Z. C. B. L., and of
the Omaha Tel Jed Sokal. The de
ceased had many friends in this city,
where he had visited frequently,
some of whom will attend the funeral
tomorrow In Omaha.
New Delivery Auto.
That Plattsmouth is nothing If not
up-to-date has been further shown
by the progressive and enterprising
hardware firm of John Bauer. The
latest addition to their business be
ing a brand new delivery automobile
that they have been contemplating
the purchase of for some time past
and that was delivered for service
yesterday. Yesterday afternoon Mr.
Bauer went to Omaha where he got
the machine and drove it to Louis
ville, where he was met by" John Hatt
in his machine and then the two of
them came in to riattsmouth over
the Louisville road. By installing
these modern vehicles, both of these
gentlemen have not only done a great
deal to facilitate the handling of their
own business but helped by their ex
ample to make the other merchants
in this city adopt progressive me
m-partH for Texas.
Matrimonial Market Brisk.
Miss Beeson did a flourishing busi
ness ln the marriage license depart
ment this morning, writing up three
of these interesting documents be-
for ten o'clock. In one case, that of
the license issued to Otto M. Ring
and Miss Mable J. Horton, both of
Elmwood, the contracting parties
From Monday's Dally.
Charles D. Grimes, tho Journal's were under age and as a consequence
efficient report, departed Sunday for the written consent of their parents
Fort Worth, Texas. For several days accompanied the request for a II
previous to his departure, Mr. Grim- cense. These young people are well
es had not fully made up his mind known throughout the county and
as to whether he would remain In their many friends will be pleased to
Texns nermnnentlv. or slmnlv take a hear of their happy marriage. The
few days vacation and then return, third license Issued by Miss Beeson
It will no doubt be graitfylng to his was to One E. Gilson and Miss Rosa
friends to learn that ho finally de- Hotter, both of this city. They are
elded to visit with his Texas friends both line young people and are well
for a week or ten days at the end and favorably known in this vicinity,
of which time he will bo back at his having lived here for a number of
usual place on tho Journal. This years. A rather peculiar condition
fact he assured the Journal people exists in the ense of this marriage,
just before his departure. In the as both the bride and groom are un
meantime his nephew, Livingston fortunate In that they are partially
Rlchey, will hold down the position or entirely deaf mutes
of reporter until he returns. We
hope Charley will have a pleasant K. M. Melsinger of this place was
trip, and that he will return without a passenger this afternoon on the
n blemish linon hia brow. I fast mnll for Omaha.
We are In receipt of a copy of the
Idaho Daily Statesman, published at
Boise, which has several interesting
articles pertaining to what is termed
the "Murphy Project.'' Charles V.
Guthman, formerly of Plattsmouth,
and born and reared" here, is located
at. the town of Murphy, Idaho, and
right in the midst of this district,
and has land under this sjstem. That
the readers of the Journal may desire
to learn something of this project,
we publish the following article
which may prove Interesting to some
who have the Idaho fever and desire
to locate there. There are thous
and.! going to that country every day
front the east, and Mr. Guthman is
so favoraLly impressed with the pro
ject that ho docs not hestitato to
encourage his friends to como and
make investment, where in a short
time they will double the value of
their purchase. James Agnews
Hughes, a student in botony and
agriculture, formerly In tho govern
ment employ In agricultural works,
has just finished an investigation of
the Murphy section in Owyhee county,
and in speaking of the same says:
I recently made a three days'
trip with Louis Blunk over the Mur
phy Land & Irrigation project, in
Owyhee county. The land watered
by this project consists of about 8000
acres. Last year was the first time
that water came through the canals,
and it surely has made the desert
"The land is a level bench land of
phenomenal fertility, and for miles
and miles is as smooth as a plain.
It is entirely free from rock and
hardpan, and the soil does not seem
to have any bottom at all. In sev
eral places we dug quite deep, and
as ; far as we would go there was
the rich mellow soil. Several sec
tions have but a fall of a few feet,
and irrigation is by no means the
task that it is elsewhere.
"Sinker creek furnishes water for
the project. This stream is fed by
the melting snow of the mountains,
and is a perpetual one. if the water
that goes to waste, by flowing Into
the Snake river could be retained
there would be enough to irrigate
20,000 acres. The canyon througn
which it flows has excellent places
for a series of dams, which would
make a chain of reservoirs. The
time will come when this will be
done, and the rest of the "Utopian
valley will be watered.
"Already one such dam has been
constructed, and it now holds back
a large body of water, which will be
later turned Into the canals.
"The climate conditions are Ideal
and fruit will nowhere do as well as
there. Mountain ranges protect it
from the late freezes and frosts
There seems to be a perfect drain
age of botli air and water.
"Spring is from two to three weeks
earlier than It Is anywhere else in
southern Idaho. Already the vege
tation seems far advanced. I noticed
wheat that was four and five inches
high, alfalfa is growing right along,
and the trees are putting out their
"At the upper end of the valley we
visited the Crocheron ranch, now
owned by Mr. Harder. It is one of
the best and most picturesque ln all
Idaho. With its beautiful home and
grounds it Is not unlike the "old
plantation" of the south. In the
front yard there were the pretty Jon
qullis, crocus and hyacinths in full
"Here I was so surprised to find
tropical nuts growing In a vigorous
way. Out In that orchard were but
ternut trees that were CO feet tall.
The condition of the limbs showed
that the trees have been bearing very
heavily. English walnuts, almonds
and hazelnuts were flourishing as if
they were In their southern home.
"When this land has been planted
Into fruit it will be worth more than
any other orchard land ln Idaho
think that In a few years tlmo no
orchardlst in that favored valley
could bo Induced to exchange his
land for any ln tho far-famed Palis
ade fruit section of Colorndo."
A Fine Time.
Last Saturday night Coates' hall
was the scene of high festivity and
celebration when the Jolly Six In
dians and their friends held one of
the balls for which they are so Justly
famous. There was as usual a large
and enthusiastic crowd in attendance
and many and various were the plaud
its and encomiums heaped upon the
M. W. A. orchestra, which was on
hand to furnish the accustomed un
paralleled brand of music for the
dancing. No stone was left unturned
by the management ln its endeavor
to make everyone present, have an
enjoyable time and to cause them
all to unite In tho demand for an-
oilier at an early date.
Runs Away Throwing Philip
Richn Out and Breaking Up
Fine New Buggy.
Mr. Thomas Svoboda and Miss
Anna Janda Married.
From Monday's Dully.
A beautiful and impressive mar
riage took place this morning when
Father Shine of the Catholic church
united the hearts and lives of two
of Plattsniouth'8 most popular young
people in the persons of Thomas Svo
boda and Miss Anna Janda, the cere
mony being performed at the church
of tho Holy Rosary and the usual
beautiful Catholic service being em
ployed. The wedding took place at
ten o'clock, only the near friends
and relatives being present.
This happy event, tho most Im
portant in the lives of these two
young people, marks tho culmination
of a life-long acquaintance between
them and is truly a union of the
very highest type. The bride is the
daughter of Anton Janda and Is a
young woman of tho most estimable
qualities in every respect, as she lias
the good fortune to possess tho love
and esteem of a host of friends and
acquaintances. Tho groom is also a
From Monday's Dally.
Philip Riehn of the clerical force
of E. O. Dovey & Son, had a thrilling
experience yesterday that resulted in native of this place, having been born
considerable grief fur himself as an( brought up in this city where he
well as some others. While lndulg- i nt present fulfilling his second
ing himself in a Joy-ride behind the term in tho service of tho county as
team of black colts belonging to janitor of tho court house. Mr. Svo-
Parmele & Wehrbeln, the team bo-1 tioda is a most splendid young man
came frightened at tho sight of eLnd one of whom the city Is well
passing automobile and ran away. i)r0ud, as a citizen and as a public
The cause of runaways has become Borvitor, and the Journal Joins the
habitual with this team anyway, this u,any friends of the happy couple lu
being the same team that recently wishing them all kinds of good for
spllled Sam Henderson In a similar tune and happiness. They expect to
manner. Yesterday afternoon Mr. mak0 their home In this city where
Riehn secured the horses from the they will be ready to receive their
Wehrbeln barn and went; out for a friends in a Bhort time.
drive. Everything went well until
they encountered an automobile on Tll0 jj,n Roddy Instate.
Lincoln avenue driven by Mr. Thorn- rne j0tm C. Roddy estate Is being
as, of the local garage. When they probated ln tho county court In ac-
saw the machine the team went up Lordance to a will he made In 1900.
in the air and depositing tho driver ng 80n Michael A. Roddy has been
by the roadside, proceeded to dls- amK)inted executor of the estate.
tribute the buggy and harness over Tne reaj (.Ht0te Is valued at some-
the landscape in a frivolous man- thing like $60.000, .' and ' personal
ner, completely wrecking the new ,)ropt.rty at something like $20,-
vehlcle and generally skinning up 000. jje ruts his son, J. B. Roddy
Mr. Riehn. down to a $10 bequest, but leaves
The team ran till it encountered considerable land to his wife, In
a hydrant that stood near the road trust for his children. He leaves nil
and the buggy striking the hydrant of his real and personal property to
was overturned. As It was a new his wife so Jong as she may live
buggy this will be quite a loss. Mr. and then he provides how It shall !
Parmele, In speaking of the accident divided, parceling out only the land,
said that ninny of the injuries and leaving the personal property to be
accidents resulting from runaways divided by his wife ns she may deem
were due to carelessness on the part best. Nebraska City News.
of the persons who drive automo
biles as a great many of them do 1 uncial of J. It. Peoples.
not stop as they should when they Funeral services wt re held Satur-
meet with a team that shows signs day for the late J. It. Peoples at the
of becoming frightened. All drlv- home, Rev. Austin of the Methodist
ers should bo very careful on this Episcopal church officiating, and yes
point and bring their machines to a terday morning the body of the de-
stop In time to avert an accident ceased accompanied by the relatives
whenever possible.
Another Runaway.
Another accident that Berves to
emphasize tho necessity for caution
on the part of those who drive auto
mobiles took place Friday when tho
fino young tenm of colts owned and
driven by W. A. Fight, near My
nard, became frightened at the pass
Ing of the automobile driven by Jacob
Bengcn and bolted, running away and
striking the fence near tho farm of
Ed. Rummell, north of Mynard. When
they started to run the pole of the
buggy dropped and , broke ln
two and tho broken pieces
striking" on tho ground served to
frighten still further the already
frenzied team with tho result that
when they struck the fence ono of
the fine standard bred colts suffered
a broken leg, an accident that Mr
Fight said ho would not have had
happen for five hundred dollars. The
frequency with which these runaways
O. If, Barkening departed for Chap-
pell, Neb., yesterday, where he will
reside In tho future. Before his de
parture, Mr. Parkenlng called at this
office and ordered tho paper sent out
to him twice a week.
was removed to Watson, Mo., for in
terment ln the High Creek cemetery
at that place, Those who accom
panied the remains to their last rest
Ing place were J. C. Baughman anfc
wife of Coshocton, Ohio; Fred Peo
ples and wife of Skldmore, Mo.; E.
B. Peoples and wife of Corning, Mo.,
and Jos. Peoples of Watson, Mo.
Those who acted ns pallbearers at
the funeral were Messrs. John Mar
row, I. B. Green, Charles Vrnman,
Will Strelght and 1). C. York.
A Pleasant Surprise.
The members jf the IT. N. C, and
some menus toon me nospiiaoi
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Justus Lillie
by storm last Friday evening and
gave Miss Villa (lapen a most agree
able surprise, which was In honor of
her blrthdny, which occurred on that
day. After the young lady had re
covered from the shock, she gave
her guests a royal time. Many of tu
"good old childhood games' were
tihivorl until everyone felt like they
have been taking place Is beginning I e young 1)(llghtful re
to cause considerable indignation
among the farmers, many of whom
have had young horses ruined by
these accidents and It begins to look
as" though it would be necessary to
take some measures to Insure them
against this danger. Mr. Fight made,
the Journal a call this morning and
while here said that tho Injured ani
mal was being treated and It is to be
hoped that with the best care It ,may
be saved
freshments were served at the usual
hour to which all did amply Justice.
Those present to rnjoy the fun
were Misses wwia Aioore, uisitt
Gnpen, Anna SnyuVr, Leona Asemls
sen, Battle Hoffman, Gertrude Mor
gan, Elsa and Mina Thlerolf.
Ilntci tulnment nntl llox Suppvr.
The pupils of the Cottonwood
school ln District 27, three and one-
half miles west of Mynard, will give
an entertainment nnd box supper at
J. F. Clugy Sundayed at home, af- the school house on Saturday eveu-
ter having been at Omaha for the Ing, April 9th to which all are in
past week where ho is working for vited. The ladles are urged to bring
the Missouri Paclllc and where he has well filled boxes and during tho even
a contract for grading and at which lug these will be Bold at auction, the
he expects to Remain during the proceeds of which will be used for
summer. iscnooi supplies.