The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1910, Image 4

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Mesdlar.123 John P. Sattkr and
John Lutz Celebrate Event.
Yesterday was the twenty-fourth
anniversary of the arrival In this cliy
of Mesdamea John P. Satil r and John
Lutz, two of the city'8 most popular
and estimable ladies and they held a
Joint celebration of the occasion In
the shape of a pleasant afternoon
party at the home of Mrs. Lutz. A
large number of their Rood friends
had been Invited to attend and help
celebrate the anniversary and the af
ternoon was made one of the most
pleasant In the recollection of any
of those who were fortunate enough
to be In attendance.
Cards and music formed the two
principal sources of amusement and
there was plenty of Interest and mer
riment In either to make the day de
lightful. At cards the honors went
to MIhs Taula Goos who proved the
expert In that line and carried away
the first prize. Mrs. Fr:d Rezncr
made the poorest Blowing and re
ceived aB her prize the, booby prize,
something which much amused the
guests. The musical program was an
exceptionally good one and there were
a number of pleasing vocal and in
strumental selections rendered by
Mhhos Clara Mumm, Ferris York and
others. All of the selections were
pleasing and helped to make the af
ternoon a delightful one.
A very elegant collation was serv
ed later In the evening and the
repast was such as would have de
lighted the heart of the dalnstlest
epicure. The guests returned to
thrlr homes after the luncheon, after
wishing their charming hostesses' th
return of many another anniversary
in this beautiful city of the seven
Those who attended included Mes
dames Bernard Wurl, Sr., John P.
Saltier, Peter Mumm, Fred Rezner,
Jacob Henrlch, Will Mason, August
Mumm, Anton Kanka, Peter Madson,
Henry Ofe, Charles W. llaffke, A
Croscary, Wm. Hinrlchsen, Geo. Hild,
Misses Clara Mumm, Paula Goos, Fer
Tls York and Olga Battler.
Tlio City Fleet Ion.
The political campaign in this city
has been the most nulet seen hero
In years. There is very little discus
slon and there seems little llklihood
of a full vote or anything nenr it be
ing polled. One thing which mny
produce complications Is the fact that
the Republican candidates for mem
bers of the board of education, Mcs
dames Agns Chapman and Laura
Thrasher, failed to file their declina
tions with tli o city clerk, although
they issued curds announcing their
withdrawal from the ticket, and In
eortsefii( nco tin lr names appear upon
the ballets as the Republican candi
dates for that position. While It is
not believed they have any show of
defeating Messrs. Soennlclisn and
Roberts, the nominees of Ue Demo
cratic party, still there is danger of
such an event If the vote fails to
com out. It behooves the friends
of the Democratic candidates to get
out and hustle and stir i.p tho voters.
In tho First ward the onmpalgn
seems quite apathetic, although John
Iverson, tho Republican candidate, is
making a campaign and claims that
he will win. Tho friends of D. 0.
Dwyer, who seeks re-election on the
strength of his excellent record for
the past year, has jiiHt commenced
to hustle nnd ho will probably win
with a hnndsome majority.
In the Second ward, the only real
active cnmpalgn seems on. L. V.
Lorenz, the Sixth street grocer and
butcher, who is fighting Councilman
Win. Weber for re-election, is mak
ing a vigorous campaign and claims
that he Is making steady gains and
that his election will surely take
place. On the other hand, Council
man Weber is equally confident and
is making a careful canvass of the
The fight In the Third seems to bo
between A. S. Will, the Democratic
candldnte, who has been detained in
Mexico on business and unable to per
sonally take part in the campaign,
and Councilman F. II. Steimker, who
Is' waging a fight for re-election. Mr.
Wills ninny friends nre very confi
dent of his election by a handsome
majority, while Mr. Steimker seems
equally assured of his return by a
good vote. Mr. Johnson, the Re
publican candidate, so far as can
be learned, is not making much of a
iimu hiiu apparently does not care
much how the Issue terminates.
in me fourtn warn apathy pre
vails to a great extent also. Council
man Neuman Is canvassing his ward
for re-election, being a candidate by
petition, and he claims his election
without a doubt. George Dodge, the
excellent Democratic candidate, Is not
making a very vigorous fight nnd
should lie lose It will be largely by
the apathy of the voters of the ward
Republican candi-I
("ate, Is not making much of an
fort toward el'.ctlrn ma Is not
lievtd to be very f'lrnldp.blo.
In the Fifth ward William C.ravett
13 unking a had fight io succeed
C'ouncilmnn Mendciihall and there is
every probability that he will win
wiih a good marin us he In personal
ly popular and has a big I)n;.:irraUe
majority o rely op. .John Toman,
the Republican cnnilitiat'-, Is n:t be
lieved to be very sircng cn l will not
likely poll more than t'ue non.ial Re
publican vote.
A general survey cf the fhld indi
cate the Democrats will likely wl:i
all along the unless apalhy pre
vails to too great an extent. The
friends of the Democratic candidates
are urged to wake up and got out th?
vi;i;riN; watdu.
August Gorder and family of Platts-
mouth, spent Sunday with his brother
Fred In the live town of Weeping
Will Jameson, the traveling man
out of Weeping Water, has come back
to blde-a-we. He will assist for a
season on the home place whore some
farm work demands attention.
An insurance policy for ? 1,000 was
carried by Willis llorton which Is to
bo divided equally between the four
Wilson children, John, Ed, .Maude
McGrady and Ada Canfield.
We are pleased to Inform our read
ers that a telephone has been install
ed in the depot. Call up number
52 and ask how late the 10 o'clock
train is. Ask them when the G:25
train Is due.
Fong John has sold out his laundry
business to Jim Look. It Is rumored
that Fong John will return to hia
family In China and Jim Look will
see it lie can save enough to make
the trip some day. Fong John Is tho
best Chinaman thnt ever came to
town unless we learn to like Look
H. D. Reed sold his home place of
thirty-five acres to I. D. Harmer, con
sideration $8,500. Mr. Reed reserves
twenty acres, mostly stone land and
rough. Possession, we hear, Is to
be given in June and at that time
Mr. and Mrs. Reed contemplate a
trip to the lakes and east on the
water to Vermont.
John Rourke was operated on In
St. Joseph's hospital last Monday, and
we are told was relieved of his appen
dlx. Hut It Is also questioned whether
the operation will prevent a recur
rente of the trouble that has been
causing him bo much grief. Mr.
nourke a many mends hope to see
him recover soon and be out again.
"llss Elizabeth Spanker returned
Monday from a short visit at Louis
Elmer Parks loaded his goods In f
car yesterday and shipped them to
Coleridge, near wlivro lie will farm
the coming year.
Willie liostetter, the boy who dis
appeared last week, was located last
Friday near Wavei ly, wh: re he was
working on a farm.
W. 11. Banning nnd L. It. Upton
went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend
n Shriner's banquet, and of courso
they had a good time.
J. W. Tillman finished loading his
household goods Tuesday evening nnd
departed on Wednesday for Ogallalla,
Neb., where he purchased a farm sev
eral days ago. His family follows In
a few days.
Mrs. Will A, Frans and son came
down from Omaha last Saturday to
make a short visit with her parents,
W. M. McCarroll and wife, and other
relatives and friends. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Frank Dolan and
Mrs. R. Delaney received n tele
gram Wednesday morning conveying
the sad news of the death of her
father, James Rarr at Cross Roads,
W. Va, She didn't go on account of
not being able to reach there In time
for the funeral.
After a month or two o! fnlllng
health Allls Kelberg died Monday of
this week at a hospital In Omaha,
where he was taken to undergo an
operation. He was brought home
Tuesday noon and the funeral was
held Wednesday from the Methodist
church. The obituary will bo Riven
next week.
M. J. Schnffer and wife of Pender
passed through hero on the Friday
veiling train on tholr way home
from Auburn, whore they will en
gage In business In a short time. Mr.
St buffer w ill be remembered as prin
cipal of the Union schools a number
oT years ago, and Mrs. Sc haffer, then
Miss Woods, wns our toncr-or fifteen
yenrs ago.
VIAVI rrtiR'8f, non-atrnotlo and
non-Btirgleal treatment; It haa FPared
tho llfo of many men nnd women, nnd
is chenper nnd safer thnn an opera
lion. 400 pnite book free. Room 3,
Perking hotel. 3-1 5-2 w
Wm. Fahlson, the
tk i: ok pi iii.k atiov
la Hit iriNint'i wijri m ihc . i'udi; tit
( HUM. Mnlf nf Nrhrimkn.
('barb' It. Schwab anJ Mary C Schwab,
Plaint ill's
Junes Kldwcll, hurot'iy A. Ramsey,
William ii. l.'amsey, l!i;;:;h 1!. Kamsey,
a relicts 1'. Kamspy, Charles it.
Kanisev, .lo!:n Ramsey, James Pam
srv, Milt' Mil rv i v ln; hcira of John
Piiium y, deceased, t-orallcn, ImvU &
''Mil n.u, v, a 1 1 1-hi cnmiMixci of William
II. HpniMeii, WiMiirtn 1. l)avis and A.
II. Argyle, llr.-it ti ml real name un
known, their s.icccsyors ami assign
ees; VV. 1". Davis. SirnuelChambers
William 11. Sprutli-n, William 1'. Dav
is, A. 11. Argyll!, llrst anil real namo
unknown, non-residents of tho Statu
of Nebraska: the unknown heirs ami
devisees of James Kidwell, deceased;
the unknown heirs nnd devisees of
William II. Spratlen, deceased; the un
known heirs und devisees of William
I'. Iiavis, deceased; the unknown heirs
ii nd devisees of W. 1. Davis deceased;
the unknown heirs and devisees of
A. 11. ArKyle, first and real name un
known, deceased; the unknown heirs
anil devisees of Samuel Chambers,
deceased: the unknown heirs and de
visees of Susanna Urock deceased,
Kaeh and all of the above named non
residents of the Statu of Nebraska, and
each and nil of the above named un
known heirs and devisees, defendants.
are hereby notified that on the 19th
day of March.A !., 1910; plaintiffs filed
their petition In the District Court of
the county of Cass, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of wMch Is to con-
llrm and quiet their tit le In them and
ai:alnst you. and each of you, In nnd to
the following described lands, situated
In the county of Cass, State of Nebras
ka, by reason of open, notorious, ex-
lusive, peaceable, continuous and ad
verse possession thereof by them and
their grantors, for more than twenty
live years, towlt; Tho noith half (nU)
of the southeast qunrter (se'4), and the
north hair (n'i)or the southeast quar
ter (se'4) of the southeast quarter
(se',i) of section thirty. one (31), town
ship eleven (11), north, run Re fourteen
(141, east of the sixth principal meri
dian, and to bar ynu and each of vou
from having or claiming anv right.
title or Interest In or to said described
real estate, or any part thereof, and
for equitable relief; and to confirm and
quiet their title In them and against
t lie unknown heirs and devisees of
Susanna Urock, deceased, to the fol
lowing described real estate, situated
In said county and said state, by reason
of a mortgage deed, executed and de
livered by plaintiffs to ono Susanna
Urock, now deceased, to secure the pay
ment to her of an annual sum during
her lifetime upon said real estate, to
wlt: Lots two (2), nine ), thirteen
131. and fourteen (14), all In tho north
east quarter (neV, ) of the northeast
quarter (nt'Vi), nnd the south half (s'.A)
of tho northeast qnarter (ne'i, and the
northwest quarter (nw'i) of the north
east quarter (neVi) all In the section
township and range hereinbefore de
scribed, said mortgage being unrelensed
of record, nnd Blso to bar you, the said
unknown be Irs and devisees of Susanna
Urock, deceased, from having or claim
ing any right, title or Interest In or to
said last described real estate, or any
part thereof, and for equitable relief.
you and each or you are required to
answer snid petition on or before the
2nd dny of May. A. I. 1910. In default
thereof, Judgment will be entered con
firming and quieting title to all the renl
estate, above described, In plaintiffs
Charles K. Schwab
Mary C. Schwab.
r.y their Attorneys
liamsev & Ramsey.
(First publication March 21, 1910.)
)ss. In County Court
( nuntv or l ass. )
ED. ' To all person Interested:
You are hereby notified that the
administrator of said estate has filed
his final report nnd petition for final
settlement of said estate, and that a
hearing will be hud upon the same be
fore me, tho county Judge of said coun
ty, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, April 9,
1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., of snJd day,
nnd nil objections. If any, must be tiled
before said hour of said day.
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court of said county, this 21st
day of March, l'JIO.
Allen .T. Tteeson,
Seal) County Judge.
Asm. i on l MiV. nis
ntlce f l leetliin.
Vou are hc'-eby notified thnt on t ho
second Tuesday of April, 1910, to-wlt,
April 1!U0, between tho hours of
eltfht o'clock n. m., and six o'clock p.
m Ashland Drat tin go district will bold
Its pniiunl election at the store room of
K. L. McKln'iey within Huld district
.Hunted . on lot Uvo CI), block thirty
three (.13), In that part of Ashland,
Siiii'ideis county, Nebraska, formerly
called Flora f'llv, for the purpose of
electing ono director of said district In
place of Charles Miller whose term ns
director will then expire.
Imted March 22. 1910.
Nelson Kriiffner, President.
A. H. Fuller. Secretary.
(Seal) Ashland Drainage District.
Ftate or Nr.iiitASKA. ,N Copntt Coi ut.
C oi'nt v or ( ass l
In the matter of t lio estate of J. Glen
Koynl, deceased.
Notice Is hereby glyen that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet tho ad
ministrator of said estate, before me,
county judge of Cass county, Nebraska,
at the county court room In l'lat
mcMitli, in raid county, on tho 12th day
of April, A. D., 1910, and on the 12th day
of October, A. D., 1910, at 10 o'clock a.
in., each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claim for examination,
adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the credi
tors of said deceased to present their
claims, nnd one year and six months for
tho administrator to settle said estate,
from tho JJUi day of April, A. I)., 1910,
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court, nt I'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 14 day of March, A. D., 1910.
Allen J. Ileeson,
County Judge.
William C. rtamsey,
I.IMl l, NOTIl II.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. In County court
County of Cnss. )
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified thnt there
has been filed In this court the petition
of Minnie It. Swan, the prayer of which
Is that the authenticated copy or the
Inst will and testament of said Esdras
('. Swan, deceased, be probated and al
lowed as the last will and testament of
said deceased, which will Is now on file
In this court.
You are further notified that there
will be a hearing upon said petition be
fore this court at the county court room
at I'lattsmouth In said county on the
th dav of April. 1910, at 10 o'clock a.
m., and that all objections. If any, must
he filed on or before said day and hour
of bearlnir.
witness my band and the senl of the
enuntv court of Cass county, this lSth
day of March, 1910
Allen J Iteeson,
(Seal) County Judge.
The (lass In nKrleulture of Hellcvue
collego will test free of charge not
to exceed a bushel of Boed-eorn for
any farmer who will fcond In his corn
for thnt purpose, -the corn to bo care
fully nnd noctirntely tested, each ear
separately, a definite report to be
made and every ear returned to the
owner. Corrspondeneo may be nd
dresst d to Prof. A. A. Tyler, Hellcvue,
have a
of the lonj
fortable roomy over
coats, made for Spring wear,
and rainpioofed by a special
pr6cess; a raincoat in which
every detail of style is right;
to wear in rain or shine.
If you want to see the fin
est lot of Spring clothes you
ever looked at, you'd better
come in before our stock of
raincoats and suits are
They're great sellers,
fabrics all wool.
to $38
Tip Home of Hart,
Large showing
of Hats
i.v.axi. ivotici:.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. In County Court
County of Cass. )
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that there
has been filed In this court the peti
tion of Albert A Welchel, alleging
therein that said John Welchel, depart
ed this life In Raid county, leaving a
lust will and testament.
The prayer of said petition Is that
said will be allowed and probated and
that administration of said estate be
granted to said John H. Welchel.
You are further notified that a hear
ing will be bad upon said petition be
fore this court In the county court
room In I'lattsmouth, In said county, on
the 12th day of April, 1910, at 9 o'clock
a. rn., and that all objections. If any,
must be filed on or before said day and
hour of hearing.
Dated this 21st day of Marrh,tl910.
fly the Court,
Allen J. fleeson,
(Seal) County Judge.
Oltll ( T. Kit. 47ft.
An ordinance calling a special elec
tion In the city of I'lattsmouth, county
of Cass, state of Nebraska, for tho
votlntr of bonds In the sum of $:if)00.00
for the paying of the intersections of
Fourth mid Vine streets, of Fifth .-..hI
Vine streets, of , Seventh and Vine
streets, and of the alley umd street in
ter. -eel inns of Fourth and Fifth streets,
said alleys, running cast :.tul uciit
through block twenty-eight C!s) und
twenty-nine (9). all In laid city of
I'lHttsnioiith and known as paving dis
trict number
I'e II. uniiiliied by the m.iyor nnd
council of the city of 1'hittMiioutli,
stiite of Nebraska.
Section 1. That a ki election t e
and the smnie is hereby called to bo
held In the cilv uf I'la ttsmnuth, coun
ty of Cass, slate of Nebraska, on Tues
day, the Hd day of May, A. 1).. l'.'H),
at the usual pulling places in said uty
First ward, at the county court
house; Second ward, at Turner ball;
Third ward, at A. O. V. W. hall; Fonilh
ward, at the council chamber; Fifth
wind, at the store building of A. !.
Hr.eli A Co., on Lincoln avenue. The
polls in said wurds will be open nt 9
o'clock a. in., and close at 7 o'clock p.
in., of said day.
Section 2. At said election the fol
lowing proposition will be voted up
on, to -wit:
Shall the city of I'lattsmouth In the
county' of Cnss, state of Nebraska, Is
sue Its bonds in the sum of $:iii00.00
In the denomination of tjno.OO, rich
payable to bearer ten (10) years after
late with Interest coupons thereto at
tached not to exceed five per cent,
payable annually, but redeemable, or
any part thereof, on request of said
city any time after one year from date
of Issue. Said bonds shall be dated
the day of their delivery and Interest
and principal payable with New York
Exeha nue.
Snld bonds shnll be Issued for the
purpose of paving the Intersections In
pnvlng district No. 3, or said city of
I'lattsmouth to-wlt: The Intersections
of Fourth and Vine streets, of Fifth
nnd Vine streets, of Seventh nnd Vine
streets, and of the nlley and street
Intersections of Fourth and Fifth
streets, said alleys running east and
west through blocks twenty-eight (2S) ,
and twenty-nine (29). i
And shnll the mayor and city conn-i
en. in auumon io an tuner nixes niaice.
a levy upon all the taxable property of
said cltv of i'lattsmouth to pay the
principal of nnd Interest on said bonds
as the same shall become due and
Section S. As soon as practicable af
ter the Issue of said bonds Is author
ized as herein provided, the mayor and
city council shall olTer said bonds for
sale to the highest tddded after giv
ing such notice of sale as they mav
deem proper and to the best Interests
of snld cltv, but snln mayor and city
council shall reserve the right to reject
any and all bids for said bonds, and
In no rase shall said bonds be sold for
les than par value.
Section 4. When said bonds are sold,
the proceeds thereof shall be paid to
the treasurer of said city of I'latts
mouth nnd placed to the credit of the
pHvlnir fund of paving district No. 3.
Section 5. The form of the ballot In
which the question shall be voted on
Is as follows:
"For I'avlng Honfts."
"Against I'avlng bonds"
Section il. There shall be Judges and
clerks of election appointed by the
msvor and cltv council for each snld
polling place In suit wards and Fiild
special election shall be held In the
same manner as a jrrneral city elec
tion. Section 7. Notice of said special
election shall be nuMlshed In the
PliiDsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal for
four consecutive weeks prior to said
dav of election .
Section H. Tills ordinance shall be
In force and take effect from and af
ter Its pnssaire, approval and publica
tion according to law
1'nssed and approved this iiith day
of March. A. P., 1910.
John P. Sattler.
Al'"t. W. P. r.Mcr,
I City Clerk,
v'!l::;;t till, 'Vvi'i ti:
Copyright Hitt Scbaffhcr & Mirs jfSi 'Vrf
Schafjner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
I S( OIW OK VI l! OF THE lltMi
At a stockholders meeting at the
P.ank of MurUock, Murdoek, Nebraska,
held on the 10th (lay of February,
1910, at which meeting all of the stock
of the bank was present. It was unan
imously voted to amend Article IV
which now reads: .-".'he amount of
capital stock of this corporation shall
be ten thousand (J10000) dollars di
vided In one hundred shares of one
hundred dollars each," all of which
shall be paid In befNe the commence
ment of business to "the amount of
capital stock of this corporation shall
be fifteen thousand (1!,000) dollars,
divided in one hundred and fifty
shares of one hum-red dnllnrs each,
all of which shall be paid In."
Witness our hands and seal this 10th
day of February, 1910.
F. Wolf, ' President.
H. P. Neltzel, Cashier.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
I hereby certify that the foregoing
in n true and correct copy of t lie
t ame.idmt nt to the original articles of
' Incorporation of the jJnnk of Murdoek,
' Murdoek. Nebraska.
11. il. Ncitzel, Cashier.
Subscribed ami sworn to before me
this Pith day of February, 1910.
Tlerman (last,
Justice of the Peace.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested end to the public, that the
undersigned Peter (loos has filed his
petition and application in the offico
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
ruoutli. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, us required by law, signed
l.y the required number of resident
free-holders of the sa.d city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectabio character und standing and
a resilient or lt:e .--tine oi ieui .man unu
proving that a license may be lssueu
to the said Peter (.inos for the sale
of malt, sprituous und vinous liquors
for t lie period of one year from the
date of the bearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve,
(12), In block thirty .J0, In the First
ward of the said city of I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska. PET EH (lOOS,
March 22, 1910. Applicant
0.1 Oil LICENSE.
Notice Is hereby given to an persons
Interested and to tho public, that the
undersigned Ed. Donat has filed bis
petition and application in the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cuss, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Ed. Donat for the sule
of malt, sprltuous, and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the east half
(e',4) of lot twelve (12), In block
twenty-nine (29), In the First ward of
the said city of Plattsmoutli, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned J. E. McDunlel has filed hia
net tlon and . application in me onice
of the city clerk, of the City of I'latts
mouth, County of Cass, ana ssiaie ot
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
tiy the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectabio character and standing and
a resident of the Slate of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said J. E. McPanlrl for the sale
of malt, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for, the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on lot six (6), In
block thirty-three, In the Fourth ward,
of the suid city uf Pluttsmouth, Ne
braska, i. li McDANIEL,
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
umler-.k'ni'd, Adolph tilese bits tiled Ills
petition and application In the offic
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
moutli, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man ot
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State ot Nebraska and
praying that ft license may bo Issued
to the snld Adolph (ilese for the snip
of malt, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the bearing of said application
In a building situated on the west halt
(w!) of lot six (S) In block thirty-four
(34) la the I'oui'th ward of tht ixld
. .l-r, .
v.?i -fit
Stetson Hats
Including; Stetson's
Gpring Shapes
city of I'lattsmouth,
March 22, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, J. L. Kussell, has filed his
petition and application in the office of
the city clerk, of the City of I'latU
mouth, county of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, slgneA
by the required number of resident
free-holders of said city, setting forth,
that the applicant la a man of respect
able character and standing and a resi
dent of the State of Nebraska, and
praying that a license may be Issued
to said J. L. ' Russell for the sale ot
malt, splrtuous and vinous liquora for
the period of one year from the date of
the bearing of said application In a
building situated on lote eleven and
twelve, (11 and 12) In block twentr
seven (27) in the First ward of the said
city of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
0,1 Oil LICENSE.
isoiice is nereoy given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that theJ
undersigned Ed. Egenberger has tiled hi
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of tiie City of Platt.n
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signet
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that tho applicant Is a man, of
respectable character und standing anil
a resident of the Stute of Nuuraska an.t
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Ed. Egenberger for the sale
of malt, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the eiust half
(e'i) of lot twelve (12) In block twenty-eight
(;8) in the First ward of the
said city of Pluttsmout It, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Card of Thanks.
We, the family of the late Mrs.
John Bock, desire to return our most
sincere thanks to our many kind
friends and neighbors for their many
expressions of sympathy and condol
ence upon the sudden taking from us
of our well beloved wife and mother,
and we especially desire to thank
them for the many handsome floral
offe'rings which they so kindly re
membered her by, and we desire to
express our appreciation of their deep
sympathy with us in our loss.
John Bock.
Julius Bock.
William Reich.
Mrs. Henry Wulf'.
Mrs. Wm. Peters.
Mrs. Wm. Hunter.
Mrs Geo. Hansen.
Mrs. Wm. Phllpot.
Mrs. Jacob Hlld.
Mrs. Edward Ganeemer.
County Court.
The sale of the real estate belong
ing to the estate of the late Miles
Russell Smith was held this morning;
at the south door of the court house,
there being several bidders preseat
and some stiff competition in the bid
ding. I.. R. Upton was the adminis
trator and conducted the sale.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, fleb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service, Reasonable Rale