The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1910, Image 2

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
f i Published Seml-Weeklf at Plitlsmouth, HebraskicZZD.
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the I'ostoflke at IMatt.smouth, Nebraska, as second-class
When a fellow attempts to take the!
world by storm, he generally gets
hit by his own lightning.
The census enumerator will soon
W- making the rounds and then Ann
will have to tell how old she Is.
President Taft says he still hopes
to win the applause of his fellowmen.
If he had said fellowman, we pre
sunic he would have meant Aldrlch.
. :o:
Among the. many questions to be
asked by the census enumerators Is
(bis one: "Are you deaf and dumb?"
Of course the deaf and dumb man will
promptly answer "yes."
The Insurgents are real mean. One
of them sent the following message
to Colonel Roosevelt: "Send us an
other elephant for an emblem for
the Republican party; we've spoiled
the one you left us."
With no hogs to sell the price has
Rone up to ten cents. That means
prcperlty to the farmer who has to
pay fifty per cent more for his house
hold necessities than he did when hogs
were for flv to six cents. When the
hog crop again becomes normal watch
the price go down.
Senator Tlbbetts of Adams county
wai at the state house last week.
When asked If there were any Insur
gents In his district he Bald: "Lots
of them. Insurgents are Republi
cans who know they ought to be fight
ing squarely for Democratic princi
ples, hut after making a start In that
direction get 'cold feet,' fearing the
discipline of the Republican machine.
Democrats are original."
The woolen schedule of the Ald
i Ich-Payne tariff law has deprived the
people of an adequate supply of
clothing, blankets and other articles
of wool. It hns compelled the UBe of
Inferior substltutcs'lor wool and has
forced manufacturers to reduce the
weight of ail wool clothes, so those
goods fall to give proper protection
against dampness and cold to the
wearer. Textile World Record, Pro
lection. :o:
Mayor Miles of Hastings, has been
persistently boomed by admiring
friends as a Republican candidate for
governor acceptable (o what Is term
ed the "liberal element." This Is
tnkn as poaching upon the preserves
of Representative Dan Klllen of (Jage,
the Republican floor lender during
I he last session. Klllen hns been
industriously Interviewing himself
with a view of becoming a guberna
torial cnndldate with liberal tendencies.
The normal school board appoint
ed by Governor Shallenb'erger and
later declared unconstitutional by
the supreme court, Issued a number
of state certificates before the court
passed upon its legality. The secre
tary of the present board, Rev. Luth
er P. Ludden, has now notified Prin
cipal Crabtree of the Peru normal
that the certificates Issued by the
board ruled out of existence are not
legal and that he must not recognize
them. The holders of such certifi
cates have been notified to appear
before the proper authorities and take
a new examination. Before the era of
partisan court3 It was often held that
the acts of an official were legal pro
viding they were performed while he
was acting as such officer. In the
noyd-Thayer case Governor Boyd was
declared Illegally In office by the state
supreme court and Governor Thayer
re-Instated. Later the United States
supremo court ousted Thayer and re
installed Boyd. Yet there never was
any question about the legality of the
official actions of either while In pos
session of the office. It may be,
however, that the present normal
school board of which Rev, Luther P.
Ludden seems to be the majority, Is
not amendable to the usual rules of
to know just where he stands.
The Uncoln newspapers have met
every suggestion as to the removal of
the state capital to a more central
location with derision. It has been
a great joke with them. And It is
possible, of course, that there will
be no change, and that, in the course
of a few years, a new capitol build
ing will be erected at Lincoln. The
amusing feature, however, is the
quick cry for "help" that Is found
In the esteemed State Journal. No
sooner is the proposition given recog
nition as a live question by an avow
ed candidate for governor, than it
calls for assistance ror protection
of the joke! "Dal'-manlsm" it de
clares, "represents the people of the
metropolis who would like to have
Lincoln discredited because it Is the
headquarters of temperance senti
ment." And it quickly pleads: "His
attitude, therefore, will be a challenge
to the temperance people of the state
to come to the assistance of Lincoln,
not only In the matter of the capi
tol, but In ordinary business as well."
Sounds almost like an effort to drguB
Ize a temperance boycott over the
state against Omaha and in favor of
Lincoln! The Lincoln press is doing
fairly well to make the removal pro
position as popular as possible In the
eastern part of the state just where
a little help is going to be appreciated.
Grand Island Independent.
The Democrats of Cass county will
soon have an opportunity to attend a
banquet soon In Plattsmouth. It will
be either a banquet now, or, a little
later a barblcue.
Secretary WIlBon rules that only
real Rocky Ford cantaloupes can be
o labeled. No such ruling as this Is
Deeded to protect the Ben Davis ap
ples from lnfrlngment.
Recently Congressman McKInlay, a
Callformnla Republican, made a
speech In Topeka, Kas., In which he
denfended the Aldrlch-Payne tariff
abomination. T. A. McNeal, editor
of the Farmers' Mail and Breeze, also
a Republican, went after the Callfor
ulan In this fashion:
"It must also be acknowledged
that one of the most disastrous panics
the country ever knew occurred in
1873, under a high protective tariff
and that the panic of 1907 was really
no slouch of a panic, either, as It is
now generally acknowledged.
"lie dwelt on the fact that prices
of corn and wheat and hogs were low
! during the operation of the Wilson
bill, but possibly did not know that
the only time corn ever sold In Kan
sns for 10 cents a bushel and was
actually burned for fuel was In 1889,
under a high protective tariff.
"To be perfectly fair It should be
said that at least half of the year
that the WIlHon tariff was in opera
tlon were the years perhaps of the
rentest prosperity the country ever
saw prior to the civil war.''
i :o:
The usual spring "scare" about
damage to the winter wheat crop Is
now on. Reports of damage amount
ing to from 23 to CO per cent are
being scattered broadcast. Last year's
wheat crop was the banner crop of
Nebraska's history. So far this spring
the reports of damage are not nearly
no una as nt the snmc time a year
ago, according to the returns to the
male bureau of labor and industrial
statistics. The danger of a shortage
In the wheat crop Is not nearly so
great as the danger of corn lose
on account of the bad seed corn.
Congressman lllnshaw of th
Fourth district has announced that
he will not be a candidate for re
fleet loii. Some time ago It wa
charged that Mr. Uhibhaw had prom
Ised two years ago not to seek a re
election this year, the promise beln
made In order to Induce. Charles
Sloan of Geneva to pull out of the
rate, Sloan having developed sur-
prlidnS strength. A strong d 'iiial
was entered by some of Mr. llln
mIiiiw's friends. Now coiiicb Mr. I II it
hliaw's announcement, and linmodl
i 1 1 . ', y following It Is the aunouncC'iicnt
that Mr. Sloan will seek the nomlua-Imu.
Mayor Dahlman Is out with an
other statement that ho Is a candl-
ute for the Democratic nomination
for governor. Ho outlines the things
he stands for and has the distinction
of being the first candidate for a
tate office expressing approval of the
proposition to remove the capital to
some point nearer to the center of
he state, in Justice to the rapidly ln-
reaslng population cf central and
western Nebraska. He would retain
all of the present stnte Institutions
now located there in the present capi
tal city and would devote the present
state house building to the use of the
state university, lie favors greater
facilities for the teaching of ngrl
culture In the public schools and uni
versity, a more active good rod
movement, better support for the
state militia, the abrltratlon of dif
ferences between employers and em
ployes In Industrial disputes, and ad
vocates not a few modern and elect
ed, declares he will use nil of re
forms. On tlu liquor question he op
poses county option and, IT nominated
and elected declares, he will use all
of his Influence to defeat such a mens
ure, pledging himself to vete It, it
passed by the legislature. Mayor
Dahlntan's seven ht political oppon
ents In his own and other parlies are
forced to admit that he attempts no
Jefferson Day banquets will be held
In every state and territory on April
13th. Washington, D. C. and Indian
apolis are to have great big affairs
at which several of the party's noted
men will be present.
Barney Oldfleld went at the rate
of ninety-two miles an hour in his
motor car, breaking three records,
and the wonder Is that he did not
break several other things, Including
his neck.
On Otoe county farmer was fined
$750 for mixing oleomargarine with
his "fresh country butter." Serves
him right. The farmers are getting
about all the money there Is In cir
culation nowdays and he ought to be
willing to sell his butter just as it
comes from the churn.
After duly considering the matter,
Edgar Howard has definitely announ
ced that he will not be a candidate
for the Democratic congressional
nomination in the Third district
This means that Congressman Latta
will have no opposition for re-noml-
natlon and very little for re-election.
It Isn't too enrly for the health
committee of the city council to make
an Investigation of the alleys In the
rear of the business blocks and see
to' It that debris collected during the
winter bo removed. This will mean
less liability to fires starting. It Is
also In line with sanitation. Do It
A creamery manager who employed
a, tester discharged by Mains has'
found to his sorrow that his license
Is being held up pending the crooked
tester's discharge.
Ralph Clark, of Richardson county,
member of the legislature, says he
is' not a candidate for congress in
opposition to Hon. John A. Maguire.
He says Mr. Maguire has made a good
record, and should be re-elected. Mr.
Clark Is a very able young man, and
probably will be a candidate for con
gress some time In the future. When
ever that time comes count the Jour
nal for Ralph Clark.
The New York Independent in a
recent Issue devotes a column and a
half editorial to new evidence about
Noah'B flood. The Independent says:
We know perfectly well that there
never has been any such flood as
that which Genesis describes as hav
ing taken place at a little over 2000
B. C. It is a good Biblical story,
with a good, religious drift to it, and
it Is well worth being in our Bible,
but confirmation Is Impossible.''
The Democrats won the charter
elections throughout New York state
on March 15th, making a clean sweep.
In the fall elections twenty-two
cities, Including the two great cities
of New York and Buffalo, returned
Democratic mayors. With the vil
lages showing extensive Democratic
gains at the early elections the pros
pect of a Democratic governor for
th Empire state grows extremely
The state reading circle board,
which selects the books that are re
commended to the teachers of the
state for reading during the year,
met In Lincoln last week and selected
the books. The meeting was attended
by the representatives of three or
four big book concerns. It now de-
velopes that the book concerns agreed
to pay the xepenses of the members of
the reading board circle and for the
12,000 circulars necessary to notify
teachers of the selections made. The
book concerns will divide the cost
among themselves.
Victor Wilson, the member from
Polk county, had himself Interviewed
one day this week In Lincoln. While
he was one of the prime movers In
adopting the 8 o'clock dosing law, he
is not In favor of a county option
plank in the Democratic state plat
form. He thinks the matter of coun
ty option should be left to the legis
lative districts, and then acted upon
by the legislature. Victor is a queer
fellow, and his frequent visits to
the state capital leads one to believe
that he Is an aspirant for something
higher than simply a representative
In the legislature.
A cgclabfe Pit paraiion For As
slmilattnA ibeFood amfQcub
tin UicSiomacfis ariBuvdsi
Promotes Dcstionflicerfar
Opiimi.Morph.inje nor Mineral.
fiimf&ta SkJ"
' JtMteSdtt
AiiseSml llrmStrd'
(ImM Surpr.
hmitiirttu tkirr.
Apcrfecl Remedy for ConsHfa-
tlon , oour Moiuacn.uuu i im
Facsimile Signature of
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Ycu Have
Always Bought
Bears the
AW !
For Over
Thirty Years
thi eiNTuR wann, vona orrr.
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
A county option plank should not
bo placed In the Democratic state
platform, and we do not believe It
will be If the Democratic masses elect
the delegates. Let the candidates for
the legislature go before the peoplo
on that proposition. Now, watch the
Republican party ster dear of any
such proposition In their platform.
It has been difficult to determine
on Just what ground President Taft
will Justify his letter to the Repub
lican editors of Illinois, pleading for
an endorsement of the Payne-Ald-rlch
tariff bill. The meeting was en
tirely apart from any government
function; Its members a portion of
the press of one state. Indeed, the
administration must be sorely pres
sed. Food Commissioner Mains hns
made It clear to creamery managers
that any cream tester who hns been
found guilty of making false tests and
The profound Impression made up
on the country by the Democratic sue
cess In our congressional by-election
In Massachusetts cannot be due en
tlrely to tho event Itself, striking as
It undoubtedly is. The election of
Mr. Foss comes as the culmination of
a series of political developments
whose tendency has been steadily and
even overwhelmingly adverse to the
Republican party. Last winter many
political observers 'were freely con
ceding the next house to the Demo
crats on account of the country's
manifest dissatisfaction with the tar
iff revision, and as well the cleavage
In the Republican party produced by
dissension over the tariff bill, by. the
conservation feud in the administra
tion itself, and by the Insurgent war
fare in the house upon Speaker Can
non. Since them, things tiave hap
pened to confirm very strongly what
were merely tentative views.
The rank and file of a party are
close observers of what develops In
high places, and they are exceedingly
sensitive to political atmosphere. It
Is, of course, known to all men that
tho masses of the Republican voters
have been left stone cold by the turn
of events. Such developments as the
tariff fiasco, the Dalllngcr-Plnchot
controversy, and the wrecking of the
regular Republican organization of
the house by a coalition of Democrnts
mid Republicans have chilled the
party all tho more because the ad-
sucessses In any direction to turn to
account. The Republican situation,
meanwhile, in New York State has
become such a morass of party de
gradation, on account of the bribery
Investigation at Albany, that when
Republican leaders speak of . it in
public at all it Is to follow the ex
ample of President Taft and say sad
ly that the Republican party is In "a
bad way." Now that In a few scat
tered elections, congressional, legisla
tive and municipal, the Republicans
are seen to be dispirited, Inert and
even paralyzed as they were most
conspicuously In the congressional by
elections in Missouri and Massachu
setts the fact Is driven home that If
a general congressional election could
be promptly held, the dominant party
would be overwhelmed as It was Just
twenty years ago.
The outlook for November is the
gloomiest for the Republicans that
can be recalled in a generation. Even
in 1890, the prospect prior to the
election was not discouraging to the
Republican leaders. Under Speaker
Reed, the party in the house had been
solidly united and had made an extra
ordinary record for efficiency in tran
sacting legislative business. Mr. Reed
himself was apparently a very pop
ular figure as he toured the country
appealing for a vindication. The Mc
Klnley tariff had aroused as yet no
such protest in the Republican party
as the Payne-Aldrlch schedules have
in the past year. The tidal wave that
finally overwhelmed Reed and McKln
ley, and left the Harrison admimls
tratlon to buffet with a hostile con
gress during the rest of its life, came
as a surprise to the country, which
had anticipated a political deluge of
no such proportions.
Today, the forecasters are almost
Invariably extremists In their pes
simism concerning the fate of the Re
publican party, and it must be coa
ceded that the conditions seem to
Justify their views. Something must
happen very soon to alter the face of
things If a disaster of great propor
tions Is to be escaped by the "party
of government" in the autumn ap
peal to the people. Springfield
(Mass.) Republican.
Anton Peterson while at his work
at the Durlington shops, this morn
ing sustained a severely bruised left
hand from a hammer blow. He was
engaged in laying a floor and ia
striking a nail, the hammer glanced
and struck him upon the left hand.
The Injury Is not a serious one but
Is rather painful and caused the hand
to swell up considerably. The skin
was slightly lacerated and abralded
and the hand bruised. He will ba
able to continue at work at the shops
and no serious damage is expected
from the blow.
Nebraska's 1908 Champion
i-Hh.wi, but seems to want the people reports cannot work nt Hint business. ministration has had no spectacular
j , . . . .
' -
' A U i'
Cockerel in class B. V. R. at Trans-Mississippi and Nebraska Stnte
also Glenwood, Ia., December 190S. A combination of utility
ard fancy. Raised, owned and exhibited by Dr. J. H. Hall, Platts
mouth,' Nebraska. '
I have a tew Younii Cockerels left, and as the season in p;etting
well (h anted and to reduce stock will offer birds fit to improve most
oi ll'vks at half juice, or f !.) to fl.fiO per bird for a t-horl tiri.e only.