N Stlt , , i 71 ho j-oittrt SEMI-WKKKLY KDITIOX FOUR PACKS VOLUME XXIX riiATTSMOUTIl, NEJ5UASKA; MONDAY AP1SIL4. 11)10 NO 27 V V HE PRESSIHG NEED FI KM Repairs to the Present Delapidated Structure Would Be Useless as Building is Beyond Being Patched Up. The Journal's agitation for a new jail for Cass county together with the construction of a boiler house for the heating of the court house and the jail, certainly has taken a firm hold on the people of this end of the county and there are words cf commendation for the move heard on every hand. As an additional evi dence that the (matter should be takeri' up and carried to a successful conclusion, the additional fact is pointed out that the county is going to have to install new boilers at the court house in the near future and that the present boiler is quite inade quate and in such repair that a new one is necessary. Thomas Svoboda, engineer at the court liouse, is authority for the statement that the present boiler will have to be replaced not later than next fall at the outside as it is prac tically worn out. lie does not favor the idea of having one boiler do the work for the court house, even if no jail Is built and he advances a very plain and logical reason for his position. He is a firm believer in two boilers so that one can 'be used while the other is shut down for washing out or for repairs. By this method any danger of things freez ing up at the building as there could be steam at all times. The additional cost of two boilers will be more than made up by the more efficient service and the saving of wear and tear on the boilers. Mr. Svoboda is also a strong advocate of the seperate boil er room proposition. At present the , boiler Is located In the basement of the building, directly under the coun ty treasurer's office. It is a very poor place to work in and one which makes the task of firing the boiler much harder than it would be otherwise. The change to a boiler room located on the ground and out of a hole Is something which all foremen and engineers will appreciate. Mr. Svo boda believes that (there is ample room north of the jail for a boiler house which would have coal bins upon the alley so that coal could be thrown in them from wagons withisary amount of bonds for the same the smallest amount of exertion. The Jail could be situated on the west part of the vacant lot north of the court house. It has been learned from Sheriff Quintcn that there was an old cellar tinder the present Jail which was fill ed up some time ago with loose earth which has gradually settled letting the floor of the jail down. As this floor descended to the level of the sinking earth another floor was placed on top and whoa this one des cended still another floor was put In place, making three separate and dis tinct floors In the structure. The sheriff Is of the opinion that the earth which was thrown Into he cel lar has been responsible for much of the dampness which prevails in the jail and from which a number of prisoners have suffered or claim to have suffered illness. That rheuma tism could be easily contracted In the jail is quite well known. Another thing which Sheriff Qulnton calls at tention to i3 the condition of the steel cage in the present structure. Prof. Brooks in Town. From Friday's Dally. Prof. Brooks, superintendent of the Fairmont public schools, came in this morning for a visit of several days with friends. Prof. Brooks was formerly principal of the schools In this city and is an educator of more than ordinary ability. He states that he is greatly pleased with his new location and that Fairmont Is a fine place In which to live. The city is a live and enterprising one and has just completed and put into service a brand new and up-to-date high p'hool at a cost of $40,000. The!1'10 wlth hini nn(1 thy Tnnke mighty schools there have a manual training department and also a musical cur riculum besides a fine school library and a chemical labratory. There is an orchestra also maintained at the schools which gives some excellent music. Prof. Brooks has made a brilliant success of bis venture as head of the schools and has attained a fine reputation In his new loca tion. Ills many friends in this city and the vicinity will be more than 1 QUESTION OF NEW JAIL This cage on the outside looks good but this is owing to the fact that it had a coat of paint applied to it not long since. The interior cf the rage is really in bad shape being rusted and at places having large holes In it. It will have to be replaced any way in a short time with a cage which will be proof against escape even if the present jail is retained and this means a large expense for mainten ance. In view of all these facts which can be readily verified by any tax payers who will take the time to visit and look it over. If the tax payers of the connty will do this, there can be no doubt of the out come of the movement for a new jail. Regardless of exepense they will favor such a structure as its necessity will be so painfully mani fest that public pride alone would cause a favorable opinion to the project. Several other citizens wtio were seen on the subject today expressed themselves as more than satisfied with the prospects for a jail and its necessity. L. B. Egenberger was an enthu siastic advocate of a new jail. He declared it a shame that so large, populous a county as Cass should have such a sorry excuse for a Jail and he favored a new one. He also was In favor of voting bonds for one if such a scheme was necessary. He Is also enthusiastic over changing the location to the lot north of the court house and building a heating plant for the two buildings. A. L. Tidd interviewed on the sub ject of a new jail declared himself most emphatically for such a struct ure. It Is needed and 'badly needed and he is in favor of bonds for build ing the same. He stated that the matter had been allowed to rest too long already and that the sooner It was pushed through to completion the better for the county. T. H. Pollock Is another prominent man who favors the jail. He ndvo cat.es the building of a new and good lone and believes in voting the neces- t The old structure is otit of date , and practically worthless and he thinks the new one should be put up as soon as possible. Emmons Ptak, the cigar manufac turer, is strongly in favor of the new jail and says that the old one is a disgrace to so big and rich a county as Cass, lie says vote bonds if ne cessary. The editor of the Weeping Water Republican, George Olive, in a recent issue of his paper also states that Cass county needs a new jail and his pronouncement in its favor Is a strong and manly one. This opinion of Mr. Olive is shared by all who are like him and take the time to investigate conditions as they are at that struct ure. , Altogether, the outlook for a new jail and one well suited to the county was never brighter. The people who have seen the old shell which mas querades under that name will agree that a real jail Is sadly needed no matter from what part of the county they come. pleased at his success and trust that it may continue. After More People. From Saturday's Daily. Harry Smith, the land man, de parted this morning for Red Oak, la., where he intends to make an effort to secure a number of new settlers for this part of the world. Harry has the happy faculty of making every one he brings here like the country and they almost certainly buy a place before they return. He I1""0 urnps in the Dest type of peo valuable additions to, the community. lie will meet several parties In the Iowa town who contemplate moving nway and he wants to get them for this city. V. II. S. Buggy Pole & Xeik Yoke. The C. B. S. buggy pole and neck yoke is the best there Is Just out insist on getting one. .Manspeakcr sells tho poles and the hardware store? sell the neck yokes U i Plattsmouth Telephone Com pany to Furnish Them. From Friday's Dally. The Plattsmouth Telephone com pany today Installed the first of the mechanical clocks known as an auto matic telephone clock. This clock which is on exhibition in the offices of the company on north Sixth street is a device which automatically regis ters the time of day, the motive power being electricity. There will be no more missed trains with the houses which use the automotic clock. The system is a simple one and very inexpensive and there Is every prob ability that nine out of ten business houses will adopt the clock and have it installed in the several stores and factories as well as offices of the city. The scheme proposed includes a clock for each separate buslnss house which cares to subscribe to the pro ject. These clocks are all regulated by a master clock located in tho of fice of the telephone company. This clock which is a wonder in its way, and a modern improved Instrument, is run by electricity and Is kept ab solutely corect by the standard time which is telegraphed out every day at a certain hour. The master clock regulates every other clock on the circuit by means of an electric cur rent. There is what is known as a relay connected with the master clock and this relay in turn Is connected with each Individual clock. The relay ticks off the quarter minutes Just as they are ticked off by the master clock and when it does so the indi vidual clocks on the system re ceive the same current and advance in consequence with it. In addition to the ordinrry electric clock for keeping time for offices, stores and the like, what is also known as time clocks for factories which will record upon tickets the time when employes enter the works and when they leave will also be in stalled to subscribers for that service. The employe entering is presented with a ticket which he Inserts In the clock and It Is automatically stamped with the time when he is in. On leaving the ticket is again inserted in the clock and the time of leaving is again stamped affording a com plete record cf the time actually put in by each employe. Ustairs in the operating room of the telephone company one of these time clocks has been installed to keep a record of conversation held in the long distance service. By this device the attention of tho operator is not distracted from her work by watching the clock apd an automatic record of the time talked is kept. Prospective investors In the clocks are Invited to call upon Manager Pol lock of the telephone company and he will explain in detail the clock's workings. The device in manufac tured by the Monarch Telephone Man ufacturing company of Chicago, 111., and the master clock costs quite a neat sum of money. The ordinary clocks costs $73 each and with other attachments costs $123 each. None of the clocks will be sold but the company intends to rent them and keep them up and in good time for the small sum of 73 cents per month, less money than the wear and tear on the nerves is worth in looking after the clock and a big saving on men's souls by cutting out the usual profanity when a train is missed or an important engagement overlooked be cause of defective timepieces. The clocks will be Installed upon a cir cuit separate and distinct from the telephone circuit and In this manner everyone of them will register the correct time. There is every prob ability that all business houses of im portance will be subscribed to the new time system, especially those who de sire to keep In the fore-front of pro gress and up to the times. It is understood that a number of the doeks have been contracted for already and Manager Pollock is anx ious to have all those who want them send In their orders at once. Mrs. August Roessler was a pas senger this morning for Omaha ac companying her sister, Mrs. Boehmer of Grant, Neb., who has been making her a visit for several weeks past. Miss Boehmer Is on her way to her home and the two ladles will spend today making a final visit In the metropolis. More favorable. From Friday's Daily. The condition of Grandpa W. P. Bailey Is reported this morning as more favorable than yesterday, he having rested better last sight and seeming to be gaining In strength. His family are much encouraged and hope that tho gain which set In sev eral days since will continue until the aged citizen is able to be out and about once more and that by May l!Hh, when the comet appears, he will be able to be out and hold another view of the great wonder. His vitality is so great that there Is not much fear but that this will take place and that he will be good for many years to come. Pollard Family Guests of Los Angeles Friends at Picnic Long Beach, Cal., March 23, 1910. The Plattsmouth Journal. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Dear Journal: Mrs. Isaac Pollard and her daugh ter, Mrs. Dr. Wallace left this morn ing from this city for their home at Nehawka, Cass county. They have been spending the winter hero and their presence has been much ap preciated by all their old friends froru Cass county and Plattsmouth. I am enclosing a photograph which shows Mrs. Wallace taking a ride with me in an air ship. We descend ed from the maehine'about ten rods east of the auditorium where Mrs. Thomas was waiting for us In our Jackson auto. It was quite a coming down to think of riding in a common old Jackson tub after our flight in the heavens, but we got in all the same and like Mohammed when he reached the first heaven in the twinkling of an eye, so we soon reached the hotel where Mrs. Pollard was waiting for us, so our love for our auto tub Increased to that Diogenes had for his tub. The appreciation which our Platts mouth friends have for the Nehawka family was demonstrated last Monday by a hurried up picnic In honor of Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Wallace. The telephone to Los Angeles was brought into play inviting all our Plattsmouth friends in thnt city to be with us and fifty or sixty old friends gathered Tlie meeting was a happy one and greatly enjoyed. The tables must have been fifty feet long and filled to overflowing. After all seemed to have been satisfied with the eatables, Senator Marshall of Otoe who at one time had a shoe store in Plattsmouth, was the first speaker to be called on. He congratulated the people of Platts mouth that they found one congress man who would and also had the ability to do something for Platts mouth In securing the long sought for postoffice. There were a number of others called on who gave Congress man Pollard great praise for that and also for the master hand he showed in making the exhibit for the state at the St. Louis exposition. I under stand the names cf all who were at the picnic and also what was said will be typewritten and when I can get them I will send them to th Journal. Yours truly, S. L. Thomas. Better Look After It. There is a great deal of complaint being made about a mudliole at the mouth of the undergrade crossing of the Burlington at the foot of Main street. Automobilists are having an especially hard time in getting Into the city on account of this place and this morning a car bound through the city from Glen wood to the west stall ed In the mud and the driver had to get out and secure some planks be fore the machine could be hauled out of the mire. The city should see to It that a load of brickbats or something similar is thrown into the hole and that it is put In shape to niake It passable. The expense 1 slight and it will benfit tho town a great deal. Get busy. Councilman D. O. Hwyer this morn ing had a very elaborate and ornate sign put up on the front of his build ing on Main street calling attention to his offices which occupy the en tire second floor of the building. Tho sign Is of gold lettering with n hand some blue background, the work hav ing been done by Frank Gobelman. It Is a very handsome one and one well calculated to attract the atten tion 6f the public. ESTEEMED UWT REST The Funeral of Mrs. John Buck Largely Attended by Friends From Friday's Daily. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Buck was held yesterday afternoon from her late residence near Weeping Water, there being a very large at tendance of friends present from Weeping Water, Nehawka, and the neighboring points where the deceas ed had resided for so long a time and where she was so well known and esteemed. The funeral left the homo of the deceased at noon, carriages proceeding to the German church northeast of Weeping Water where the services were held. At the church Rev. Frederick Sprlegel delivered a funeral sermon In German, which was an eloquent and handsome tribute to a very worthy lady. Kev. Sprlegel spoke feelingly of the many high vir tues which the deceased lady pos sessed and of her Christian character and lofty devotion which so well char acterized her long life. Rev. Andrus of Weeping Water, also delivered an eloquent trlbuto to tho deceased, he speaking In English and voicing in that tongue the noble sentiments which Rev. Spriegel had so well ex pressed In the tongue of the father land. Music for the services was furnished by the choir of the Weep ing Water Methodist church, a num ber of the old famllar and well loved hymns which deceased had so liked In her lifetime being sung. There were also an Immense number of handsome floral tributes presented by the many friends of the deceased as a silent token of their love and es teem for the departed. Following the services at the church, the funeral cortege moved to Oak Hill cemetery west of this city, a large number of carriages making the long Journey to the last resting place and a number of carriages returning from the church to Weeping Water. At Oak Hill the remains were met by a very large number of sorrowing friends from this city who had driven there to be present at the Interment. The remains were lovingly laid to rest by old friends and neighbors of the departed, the pall bearers being J. R. C. Gregory, John Urlsb, Adam Schaefer, John 10. Krager, Henry Engelkeineier and August Engelke meler. i Among the largo number from this city who attended the obsequies were Messrs. H. M. Koennb hs' ti, Adolph Geise, Peter F. Goss, Mans Seivers, John Bauer, Sr., and E. L. Jahrig of Cambria, Wyo. Mr. Baled Stirred I p. The Journal severnl d,ays since received a communication from Wil liam Ili'lrd, superintendent of shops of the Burlington, in this city touch ing on on humorous article which ap peared In the Journal of March 23th, where the presence of so many Idle cars on the spurs across the river was commented upon. The article was based upon that ancient tale which prevailed in this state some twenty yenrs ago when cars were as sessed differently than they now nre and when it was freely charged that cars were run out of the state before April first to avoid assessment. The writer presumed upon the Intelligence of the people who read it to know that under the law as It now Is, this cannot be done with success as tho returns of rolling stock are made di rectly to the state board of equaliza tion and the local assessor does not longer handle it but it seems Mr. Baird misconstrued the article and is fearful that misapprehension may arise over the meaning of It. There was no Intention to prejudice the pub lic against the Burlington as he seems o think and the Journal denies that it has "knocked" that road. In fact, under the present management Mr. Bnird knows, this paper has consist ently worked for the Interests of that road when such interests did not contravene the law and were for the public good. Mr. Baird in his letter gives as the reason for storing the cars on the Iowa tracks that there Is not room for storing the bad order cars while waiting for repairs here and the yard master took them across the river to get them out of the way .until such time as the shop could receive them. Mr. Baird states that there ar a number of condemned cars also waiting demolition on those tracks, and that It Is a common I occurence to store surplus cars over there. He also states that the Bur lington Is not a "tax dodger" and the Journal Is more than proud to know that and glad to be able to set any misapprehension on that scorn at rest. SPEND OVER A MIL LION DOLLARS Heavy Expenditures Are to Be Made by Nebraska Tele phono Company. According to the following Inter view of an Omaha Bee reporter with G. E. McFarland, general manager, the Nebraska Telephone company will expend over a million dollars In im proving their system this season: "Our plans for the present year call for an expenditure of about $1,- 230,000 on the work of construction and reconstruction In Omaha and throughout the state," says G. E. Mc Farland, general manager of the Ne braska Telephone company. "We will do an unusual amount of work this year in carrying out our policy to keep up with the growth of the state and serve its business in terests to the best of our ability. Tho increase in improvements Is notable this year and necessitates more ma terial and large additions to the num. ber of employes. "About 2,000 miles of additional copper toll lines will bo built to use in connection with the existing toll circuit of the company in Omaha. "Nearly 1,600 miles of pole lines will be reconstructed. This Is an un usual amount of new work in this line and It will be distributed over tho entire system. "The copper clrcut will be extended as far west as Broken Bow. It Is now as far west as Itavena. The n'w copper toll circuit, extending to North Platte, -has Just been completed mill service Is now given North Platte and all Intervening points. "About thirty exchanges in the state will either be rebuilt entirely or reconstructed during the year. A nuw exchange will be added to the present Douglas building In Omaha and there will be a new central office In the rooms now occupied by the general offices, which will be In the Kennedy building, the top floor of which is already occupied by us. "Officials of the company have Just, returned from the Ilia. K Hills coun try in South Dakota. It Is expected to do a considerable amount of work in and adjacent to the Blaek Hills. The plans are to contcct the exchange in the Blaek Hills with the rest of our system, but the xuet route lias not yet been determined upon. "The Nebraska Telephone company has about 20,000 toll lines In Ne braska and the wire mileage of every kind, including exchanges and toll lines, is 10.1,033 fer Nebraska and tho Black Hill country. , "Important plans are being i -r-fected between the Nebraska Tele-- phone company and the Western Un ion Telegraph company so that a telegraph service will be available at nearly all, If hot all, Nebraska towns for night as well as day service. It Is planned to arrange the lines so that, t-degraph messages may be telephon ed from a town where there Is no night telephone office to the nenre.it center where the Western Union com pany maintains a night office. We wish to have it so that our service will be available at all times for pub lic needs and this will be a great convenience for emergency service for people in the smaller towns." A Live Club. Some days since the business men of Nehawka organized a commercial club, and from the following special, It can readily be seen that It Is right up and doing already: "The Nehawka Commercial club has taken hold of the good roads movement. It has hired a traction engine, and with a big road grader has put every street lu town in fine shape, besides putting in better crossings. Having finished the town It Is working, anil Intending to work, nil tho principal roads lead Ing to town. Theodore Anilck together with a friend made the trip via automobile to South Omaha yesterday afternoon, (Tossing the river at this point nnd going up the Iowa nld1. Mr. Amlck Intends to buy a horse and concluded to make the run to South Omaha for that purpose expecting to remain there "er night and return thin morning. 0