The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1910, Image 4

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Millinery Opening!
ir mi
. J
6, , -Mr S Cfr
I will trim your hat FREE of
charge if you buy your hat and
trimmings of me. I have an ele
gant line of medium price and
medium size hats. Call and see
the n m
North Sixth Street Resident
Will Keep Thoroughfare in
Good Shape
The people on North Sixth street
are getting ready to make their
street the Orient in the city and they
are going at it in the true spirit
-which makes for a larger and much
better looking Piattsmouth. They
have raised a fund among themselves
and intend to have the street kept
up in fine shape. For this purpose
they have contracted with Bam Smith
to drag the street at regular Inter
vals whenever the condition of the
ground will permit it, and they feel
confident that they soon will have a
street which will be a source of pride
to the city. The new street when
they get it in shape as they intend
to have It, will be an excellent me
dium for automobiles and they have
great hopes that It will become the
automobile roadway of the city. They
are firm believers In the efficacy of
the split-log drag and believe that
within a very short time the drag
will more than repay them for what
they spend upon it. Sam Smith who
has taken the contract to keep the
street In repair and in good shape,
has had a great deal of experience at
such work and he intends to give the
people along that street something
to speak about. The experiment will
be watched with Interest and there
is no doubt but that the people on
many other streets will Boon see the
benefits to be derived and will emu
late the example set them. Keep
your eye on North Sixth street.
Delightful Itirtlulay Party.
From Saturday's Dally. .
A very delightful birthday party
was given Mrs. Wm. Hlnrlchsen yes
terday at her home on North Fourth
street, a large number of the close
friends of the lady gathering there
and spending the afternoon most
pleasantly with her. The guests num
bered some twenty-five and they had
an afternoon which all will long re
member. The day was passed in so
cial conversation and games and each
guest could not but enjoy all the
pleasures of the occasion. A very
delightful luncheon was served later
In the day and it was such a one as
only Mrs. llinrichsen can prepare
That the guests did the luncheon full
justice goes without saying. After
the luncheon the farewells were said
and the guests departed extending
their hopes for many another anni
versary for their popular hostess. One
pleasant feature of the gathering was
the presence of John llinrichsen and
wife of Calhoun, the father and moth
er of Mr. Hlnrlchsen who came down
to attend the birthday anniversary.
They departed this morning for their
Hack at Work.
Frank Brlnkman who had his foot
caught several weeks ago while
switching in the yards, and had the
same badly crushed, Is now back at
his old place on the footboard. Frank
suffered quite a bit with the foot and
he Is feeling mighty good to be able
to once more use it without fear of
injury. He had a mighty narrow
escape from losing the foot alto
gather and he congratulates himself
that the Injury was no worse.
Arthur Sullivan, the popular young
farmer from south of the city, is in
the city this afternoon attending to
Done Herself Proud.
Some time ago the Journal made
mention of the success of Miss Etha
Crablll of this city who entered a
competition for photographers held
by the Burr Mcintosh Monthly of
New York. Miss Crablll at that time
received "honorable mention" for her
work and this was esteemed a great
honor. This month's copy of the
magazine contains a copy of the phot
ograph which is entitled "Rose
Leaves" and which picture has been
given the third prize In the competi
tion. The picture is a work of art
and the critics are quite right in
awarding the prize to Miss Crablll
who has done herself proud. The
little child of whom the photograph
s taken is little golden-haired Georgia
Thomas, the pretty little lad of Mr.
and Mrs. George Thomas of this city
and he forms a lovely subject for Miss
Crablll's talent. Miss Crablll's many
friends Join in congratulation to her
upon the signal success which she has
While Discussing Johnson - Jef
fries Fight Some One Hits
Whether Johnson whips Jeffries or
Jeffries whips Johnson may be a
mooted question in these parts but
there will be no further discussion
of the matter by "Big Bill" Allen,
negro and embroyo pugilist. "Big
Bill" got his last night when he en
tered upon a discussion of the merits
of the coming battle between the
white man and the black in an up
town saloon. Bill opined that John
son "suah am going to beat up that
white man a whole lot" and his opin
ion proved displeasing to several
white men present who entered into
an argument about the matter.
One word led to another and pret
ty soon it seems, from what is said
of the matter to come down to a
question as to whether any white
man could whip any negro. At this
point of the argument some one
ust whom the police cannot say
handed Bill a crack on the top piece
with either a beer bottle or a pop
bottle and he went down and out
bleeding pretty much in large gobs.
Bill who is a great big, burly negro,
would look to be able to stop most
any of the white men in this sec
tion but they sure took no chances
and he hit the floor with a loud
crash. Chief D. L. Amlck heard of
the row and was some peeved over
this Infraction of the peace and quiet
ude which usually prevails in the
city, descending upon the saloon with
a rush and a roar and haling Rye
McFarland Into custody on the bus
picion of being the man who crack
ed William on the nut. Rye went
peacably enough and then the chief
started on a search for evidence to
hold him on. He failed In this task
for everyone who saw the fray Buf
fered from lost memory and could
not say who did do the deed to Bill.
Rye was then released.
Later in the evening Bill started
out on a rampage looking for the
man who had cracked him and wan
dered into another saloon in his
search. Herein and hereabout test!
mony verlea as to what started the
trouble. Some say that Bill remark
ed that he "am lookin for that white
OU will be certain of being well dressed if you
buy your clothes in thU store; certainty of styie, certainty of all-wool
quality, of fit and of general all round satisfaction are some of the things
rstrs?c?"ri,'l we deal in, besides our special
I I I I - -ES - N I 1
III - 1 im -s- 1 1 iii
.... -m.r ife?
III -!. '. - WV-i' X- : U? - fT T T
fine clothes.
We want you to feel entire
lTs-4 th.ngs to wear. We intend
that our store and our name
v l,yf'vf ill' shrill h n crnarnntpp tn vnn nf
satisfaction that whatever
teltP flMMM yo bay here shall be right.
We want you to see the new
Spring styles now; get in
early and pick out the best
things. "We've got a lot of
fine stuff besides clothes to
show you too.
The Home of
Hart, Shaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
CoBvrlrhl Hart Srhifnff Sr. Mm
Great Line of Furnishings Especially for Our Easter Trade!
Henry rfelffer of Philadelphia, Pa.,
who Is In the city making a visit with
the Gerings, departed this morning
for Omaha where he will spend the
day Interviewing some of his travel
ing men. Mty Pfelffer Is the head of
the largest chemical company in the
world and has a host of traveling
salesmen In the country.
III the DlNtrlrt Court of the County of
('. Mtnte of .rnranka
Charlea K. Schwab and Mary C. Schwab,
James Kid well, Dorothy A. Ramsey,
William B. lianiHey, Hugh B. llamsey,
Lawrence V. Kanmey, Charles D.
Kamxey, John Ramsey, James Ram
soy, sole surviving heir of John
Ramsey, deceased, Spratlen, Davis &
Company, a firm composed of William
II. Spratlen. William I'. Davis ana A,
H. ArKjIe, first and real name un
known, their successors and assign
ees; W. I'. Davis, SamuelCliambers
W illiam 11. Spratlen. W llliam P. Dav
is, A. H. Argyle, first and real name
unknown, non-residents of the State
of Nebraska: the unknown heirs and
devisees of James Kidwell. deceased;
the unknown heirs and devisees of
William H. Spratlen, deceased; the un
known heirs and devisees of William
P. Davis, deceased; the unknown heirs
and devisees of W. P. Davis deceased;
the unknown heirs and devisees of
A. II. Artcyle, first and real name un
known, deceased; the unknown heirs
and devlxnes of Samuel Chambers,
deceased: the unknown heirs and de
vlsees of Susanna JJrock deceased,
Knrh and all of the above named non
man What hit me," using an oath to residents of the Statu of Nebraska, and
nmnknatan VI. nntin. . , . .I,,, rcii ana an oi me bdovb name a un
emphaslze his opinion of that White known hers and devisees, defendants,
man. Others say he merely went re hereby notified that on the 19th
. . . ... day of March, A D.,1910, plaintiffs filed
into tne saloon ana wanted a drink, their petition In the District Court of
Anvwav thn facta remalna that anmn. the county or Cass, Nebraska, tne Ou
Anyway me racis remains tnai some- Jert . d Drttyer of whCh is to con
one took another prack at him and firm and oulet their title in them and
...... against you, ana eacn oi you, in ana xu
iicuMjr uuui uuu to me iiuppy uunuug the following described lands, situated
erounds Hn was some hpat nn whpn ln u,e county of Cass, State or Nebraa
gruuuus. lie was some DPBl up Vtnen k . reason of onen. notorious, ex
the party got through with him and elusive, peaceable, continuous and ad-
l. j, ,. , , . . verse possession mereor oy tnem ana
he dldn t linger longer in the business their nrantors, for more than twenty-
nart of the town hut JiIpiI hlmsplf to lve years, towlt: The north half (n4
' of the southeast quarter (se4 , and the
nis aomicie to aress nis wounas anal north hair (ntt)or the southeast quar-
onltot- .,nnn .f,.n j J ter . (se Vi ) of the. southeast quarter
mvu .v uu uu (ne'i) of section thirty-one (31), town
usual happenings of a busy life. It 8hlp eleven (" north, range fourteen
was 8ald that John Lloyd Who Is some dlan', and to bar you and each of you
Li i from hav na or c a mlna any ngnt
ov-.uycr uiuiaeu, jiuv tne nuisning tltle or lntereBt ,n or t0 8ttld described
touches to Tl U a nue I Rtlp rnrppr hut real estate, or any part thereof, and
, , . . . , ' . for equitable relief; and to confirm and
no one could be found Who could quiet their title In them and against
hopop in thla mil thn ....i.i.,. the unknown heirs and devisees of
swear to tnis and the spectators ...-. Brock. deceased, to the foi-
Seemed to have vague and misty lowing described real estate, situated
u . . . .,. . , ln said county and said state, by reason
ideas BS to What really did take 0f a mortgage deed, executed and de-
nlncp Ra that na it mnv mil haa Hvered by plaintiffs to one Susanna
piace. ue mat as it may, iu Has Brock no dSt.eaged t to ecure the pay
no misty ideas as to being hit and pent to her of an annual sum during
wi . ,1. . i ner lifetime upon saia real esiaie, xo
uin Brarauio auur tue iracas was Wt: Lots two (2), nine (9), thirteen
Homo Indlrntlnn that ha nortnlnlv hart I 13). and fourteen (14), all In the north
uiuiiKfyuu wua tne ouzz saw. tie quarter (ne). and the south hair (sui
ahnwprf ii n fnr hlo ro,lo tK . of the northeast qnarter (ne34 ). and the
-.. r ... .cu.u. j northwest quarter (nw) or the north
porter at one of the saloons this "a,,t nuarter (ne) an m tne section
..... , , . I township and range hereinbefore di-
morning but the proprietor met him scribed, said mortgage being unreleased
at the doOr and iravo him th u-asrim ot record, and also to bar you.the said
at me aoor ana gave nyn me wages unUnown heirs and devisees of Susanna
due and requested him to make him- Brock, deceased, from having or clalm-
... , , . . . , ing any right, title or interest in or to
Self scarce. It iS Bald he left this M lust descrlhed real estate, or anv
morning for Omaha, getting out on Pt'1'-;'. dJ" trt,S0
the M. P. train. answer said petition, on or before the
nrt dav nf Mav. A. It. 1910. In default
1HU8, the great' Jeffries-Johnson thereof. Judgment will be entered con
fight may end differently but the Ltater above described, in plaintiffs
score at present favors a complete "erein
and sweeping victory for the white
In the matter of the estate of J. Glen
Royal, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate, before me,
county judge of Cass county, Nebraska,
at the county court room ln Piatts
mouth, ln said county, on the 12th day
of April, A. V., 1910, and on the 12th day
of October, A. I., 1910, at 10 o'clock a,
m., each day, for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the credi
tors of said deceased to present their
claims, and one year and six months for
the administrator to settle said estate,
from the 12th day of April, A. D.. 1910,
Witness my hand and seal of aaid
county court, at Piattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 14 day of March, A. D., 1910.
Allen J. Beeson,
County Judge.
William C. Ramsey,
State of Nebraska.)
)ss. In County Court
County of Cass. )
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified tnat mere
has been filed ln this court the petition
of Minnie R. Swan, the prayer of which
is that the authenticated copy or tne
last will and testament of said Esdras
C. Swan, deceased, be probated and al
lowed as the last will and testament of
said deceased, which will is now on file
In this court.
You are further notified that there
will be a hearing upon said petition be
fore this court at the county court room
at Piattsmouth In said county on the
9th dav of April, 1910, at 10 o'clock a.
m., and that all objections, ir any, must
be filed on or before said day and hour
of hearing.
witness my hand and the Real or tne
county court of Cass county, this 18th
day of March, 1910
Alien J tieeson,
(Seal) County Judge.
Ojjvjucu aviusccu kju, rure lurpcnune ana motors. we can
supply you with necessary Brushes, Varnishes, Enamels, 'll
nwiaiua, aim 1U ixi, UIIYILIUI III lue 1U1IH line. 1
uur iew vvau t'aper mock is complete, and have the
latest fashionable patterns in stock. .Come in and see them.
Keep your buildings well painted. Taint always increass
the value of your property. We carry a complete assortment
of Patton's Pure Paint, Pure White Lead, Pure Raw and
Boiled Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine and Colors. We can
)CZ )t ,. JCZI
Charles E. Schwab
Mary C. Schwab.
Ry their Attorney
Ramsey & Ramsey.
(First publication March 21, 1910.)
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident'
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that th applicant is a man or
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska anU
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said J. E. McDanlel for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
ior me period or one year rrom tho
date of the hearing of said application
in a Duuaing situated on lot six (), in
block thirty-three. In the Fourth ward.
of the said city of Piattsmouth, Ne-
DrasKa. J. E. McDANlEL.
March 22, 1910. n Applicant.
Notice la hereby given to all person.
terested and to the public, that the-
undersigned Adolph Geise has filed hl-j
Interested and to the public,
petition and application in the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Piatts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a reaMent of the Slate of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Adolph Geise for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous llquo-
for the period of one year from t
date of the hearing of said application
ln a building situated on the west hait
(wli) of lot six (6) In block thirty-four
(34) In the Fourth ward of the said
city of Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. in County court
County of Cnss. )
To all persons Interested: 1
You are -hereby notified that there
has been filed in this court the peti
tion of Albert A Welchel. alleging
therein that said John Welchel, depart
ed this life in said county, leaving a
last win and testament.
The prayer of said petition Is that
said will be allowed and probated and
that administration of said estate be
granted to said John H. Welchel.
You are further notified that a hear
ing will be had upon said petition be
fore this court ln the county court
room in Piattsmouth, ln said county, on
the 12th day of April, 1910, at 9 o'clock
a. m., and that all objections, If any,
must be filed on or before said day and
hour of hearing.
Dated this 21st day of March, 1910.
By the Court,
Allen J. Beeson,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given to all person
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Peter Goos has filed his
petition and application in the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platta
mouth. County of- Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Peter Goos for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a Dunning situated on lot twelve.
(12). ln block thirty (30). in the Flrwt
ward of the said city of Piattsmouth.
Nebraska. ' PETER GOOS,
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Iluys Fine Stallion.
James Sage, not to be outdone by state of NeVraska.)
the other enterprising horsemen in )' ln County Court
... , ... ... , ... County of Cass. )
this locality, this morning unloaded in the matter op the estate
a mlirhtv fine Titian afnlllnn Th T MARY J GUTHMANN, DECEAS-
" o-- .v i i-1 i
animal was Durchased bv Mr. Sna-fi To all persons interested:
several days ago from a firm at Os- administrator of said estate has filed
ceola, la., and was shipped to this his final report and petition for final
' ' yl 1 settlement of said estate, and that a
city, arriving this morning. It is hearing will be had upon the same be-
,ii.,. , . . , .. A . fore me, the county judge of said coun-
a magnificent animal and attracted ty, at Piattsmouth. Nebraska, April 9.
much attention when it was taken up 191,0 i, .' m' of .aLd 2?yj
... . . v and all objections. If any, must be filed
to his large Stables. It is a rich before said hour of said day.
anrrol In enW nnft la .nn,ki. Witness my hand and seal of said
sorrel in color and is superbly formed county court of said county, this 2ist
and spectators and horsemen agree- luy or March, i9io.
Ing that it is one of the handsomest s.i)
animals ever seen on the streets. This
Is another fine animal added to the
Allen J. Beeson,
County Judge.
Notice of Klrrtlon.
fr ATT ii'Limi t'l. 11. ivnnnw.
large number already in this city You are hereby notified that on the
and will bo a material help toward jjT.'lS.' twAePe,n"'tne1(,ho!l0r;Wotf
Improving the strain of the animals in eight o'clock a. m., and six o'clock p.
., m o i Ashland Drainage district will hold
tills county. Mr. Sago always ln- its annual election at the store room of
tends to keep ln the forefront of P'i; !t McKinney within said district
"""" v I a 1 1 11 ii t oil nn lot u- 121. hliirk tlilrtv-
the horse business and his purchase three (33), In that part of ARhiand,
,1,1,, ,.. , , ... Saunders county, Nebraska, formerly
of this animal Is a promlso of whal ran,.,i Kiora city, for the purpose of
he can do in that direction.
P. H. Melsinger and daughter drove
In this morning from their home
In Eight Milo Grove precinct, to
spend the day in the city and do Borne
electing one director of said district la
place of Charles Miller whose term us
director will then expire.
Dated March 22. 1910.
Nelson Shaffner, President,
A. H. Fuller, Secretary.
(Seal) Ashland Drainage District.
Suits cieanen ana pressed from
60c to $1.00. Sochor, the tailor.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned. J. L. Russell, has filed his
petition and application In the office of
the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, county of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required Dy law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of said city, setting forth
that the applicant Is a man of respect
able character and standing and a resi
dent of the State of Nebraska, and
praying that a license may be issued
to said J. U Russell for the sale of
malt, spirtunus and vinous liquors for
the period of one year from the date of
the hearing of said application in a
building situated on lote eleven and
twelve, (11 and 12) ln block twenty
seven (27) In the First ward of the said
city of Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Ed. Egenberger has died his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the city or Piatts
mouth, County of Cnss, and State of
Nebraska, as required by Inw, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable diameter and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
nravlng thnt a license mav be issued
to the said Ed. Egenberger for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one yenr from the
date or tlie hearing or sslil application
In a building situated on the east half
(evil of lot twelve (12) in block twen
ty-elght (28) In the First ward of the
said city of Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the nubile, that the
undersigned J. E. McDanlel has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the City or Piatts
Notice Is hereby given to an uersoiM
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Ed. Donat has filed hi
petition and application in the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Piatts
mouth, County of Cass, and State ot
Nebraska, as required by law, slgne.1
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying, that a license may be Issued
to the said Ed. Donat for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from th
date of the hearing ot said application
in a building situated on the east ha,f
(eH) of lot twelve (12), ln block
twenty-nine (29), in the First ward at
the said city of Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1910. Applicant.
Grandpa Ilalley 111.
Grandpa V. P. Bailey is reported
this afternoon as being slightly under
the weather suffering considerable
pain ln his head and being generally
Indisposed. While the attending phy.
slclan does not believe that he is at
all in a serious condition, his ad
vanced age renders such a condtion
possible. His son Charles H. Bailey
who had expected to start for Chi
cago this afternoon has concluded to
postpone his trip until the aged man
is felling better.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience. Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Banki
Inl ))!,)) ItjiiinV) Rates