The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1910, Image 3

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Nebraska's 1908 Champion
Cockerel in class B. P. R. at Trans-Mississippi and Nebraska State
1909; also Glenwood, la., December 1903. A combination of utility
ar.d fancy. Raised, owned and exhibited by Dr. J. H. Hall, Platts
mouth, Nebraska. k -mm.
I have a few Young Cockerels left, and as the season is getting
well idvanced and to reduce stock will offer birds fit to improve most
or" flocks at half price, or $1.00 to $1.50 per bird for a short time only.
After Cliildren.
The Journal some time ago noted
the fact that Prof. O. P. Stewart,
principal of the schools at Sterling,
Neb., had created some sensation on
a Rock Island train which was pass
ing through Murdock, by attempting
to kidnap his three children from
his wife's sister at that place. The
tSewart's were separated and the
mother had the custody of the chil
dren. Now Stewart is once more af
ter the children, having commenced
an action of habeas corpus before the
Hstrict court at Tecumseh, against
Jacob Goehry, Sr., his father-in-law
and Mrs. Elsie tSewart, his wife, to
obtain possession of the children. The
Children are Fay, aged 7 years, Vir
ginia, aged 5 years and John T., aged
" years. The writ was made re
turnable into district court at Pawnee
city this morning. rn accordance
with its provisions the sheriff of Paw
nee county served it upon the de
fendants and the matter will probably
l)e bitterly fought out.
Ilarred Ont.
The County of Cass has come to
the rescue of County Judge Deeson
and his handsome and popular as
sistants and today John Weyrich is
engaged in erecting, a barrier to keep
eut the male admirers of the young
ladles. This fence will extend from
the judge's desk to the door Jamb of
the entrance to the private office
where the young ladies work and It
1b to form an obstacle to the admir
ing swains who are prone to congre
gate therein and cause the ladies to
Resist from their work and hold sweet
converse. The day of the "sweet
nothing doing" can be considered as
past now and the laid has been clamp,
ed on. Lawyers and reporters are the
only ones who can run the blockade
hereafter for they are a race oif super
ior persons anyway and entitled to
all the rights, privileges and emolu
ments appretalning to the higher
walks of life.
Glad to Meet Him. '
J. M. Gates of Fort Crook, Neb.,
is in the city today looking after
me business matters. Mr. Gatea is
a representative In the legislature
om Sarpy county, having been a
great friend and companion of Repre
sentative M. A. Bates of this city, the
Journal editor. The two gentlemen
held an interesting meeting this
naorning and exchanged many de
lightful reminlscenses of their term
in me legislature. Air. Gates was
the author of the bill to re-establish
saloons at Fort Crook, which Gover-
or Shafienberger vetoed, and he still
believes the measure to have been a
proper one. He is a man who does
ot drink himself yet he states that
the open saloon at Fort Crook Is far
preferable to the "blind pig," which
has been operating there and which Is
insuperable from a soldiers post. Mr.
Gates returned to his home this af
ternoon on the M. P. train.
We advertise to send our 5 ton
xteel frame Pitless Scale on approval
Misunderstanding a letter from a per
son In Plattstnouth who only wanted
price we will soon have a scale at
Plattamouth which will be sold at
reduction to save storage or reshlp-
ing. The first reasonable offer will
be taken. Address
Jones of Blnghamton,
K St. Blnghamton, N. Y
Bert Pollock was afpnsBenger this
morning ror ine north where he will
attend to business.
Frank Pankonin marketed four
hogs this week that averaged 240
pounds, raised last June and sold at
ten cent per pound for $96.
A big gang of Greeks were busy
Sunday unloading coal in the two
large Missouri Pacific sheds. Hun
dreds of tons were stored away.
The Texas land entertainers at the
Hans Johnson hall Interested a num
ber of our citizens and some may
conclude to Invest.
Mrs. Charles Tighe and son Frank
of Bancroft, came In last week and
she was out attending her brother
John Bourke, leaving for their home
H. D. Reed transacted a deal last
week in which Charies B. Bankhurst
of Beaver Crossing bought Wm. Hold
en's farm of 140 acres, paying $133
per acre. ' 1
John Bourke was taken very sick
last wetk with hemmorhage of the
bowels, and for a time his condition
was very critical. It was thought an
operation would be necessary but the
chances for him to survive the shock
was so small that it was concluded
best to wait for a change. A nurse
was seeund and at present he Is Im
We failed to mention last week the
marriage of Roy Fitzpatrick and Miss
Pearl Allen. The ceremcny took place
in Lincoln and the groom has a posi
tion there. Thse children had to
have the consent of their parents in
order to secure a license but the Re
publican extends congratulations and
hopes they will be a long time happy.
Applies to all Towns.
The best way to build up a town is
to stand by every man In the place
who does right. Whenever a man Is
doing well do not tear him downk
All residents should be partners, not,
opponents. In all livllhoods the more
business your rival does the more
you will do. Every business man who
treats his customers honestly, court
eously and fairly will get his share,
and the more business that can be
secured by united efforts the better
it will be for all. When a town ceases
to grow it begins to die, and the more
the people try to kill each other's
business in their own town the more
readily will utter ruin come to all.
Stand together for the advancement
of every citizen. If a man shows abil
ity to prosper don't pull him back
through jealousy or weight him down
through cold indifference. Nark a
(Kas.) News.
New Wagon.
Ed. Egenberger, agent for the
Krug celebrated Luxus beer, has Just
received a fine, new wagon from that
company for his city delivery. It is
a dandy and just suited for the pur
pose for which it is intended. The
wagon is a handsomely finished one
in the standard Luxus colors and, In
addition, It is a well made wagon and
a great improvement over the old one.
Frederick B. Egenberger who drives
the new outfit Is well pleased with
it and cuts quite a swath when com
ing up Main street with his fiery, un
tamed steeds hitched to it.
Fence Pimta For Sale.
I have about GOO Bur Oak fence
post, split, which I will sell at rea
sonable prices. Walter Sans,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
3-14-lm-w Route 1.
Get tome of that wide embroidery
flouncing at Penterman Brcs.
Mrs. Turk Aulden returned Tues
day evening from a visit at Fair
bury and M. B. Williams and family.
Andy Christensen left Tuesday for
McCook, Neb., where he will work on
the road, holding down the same job
that he had last season.
Mrs. Meyers and little daughter of
Weeping Water visited at the home
of the former's brother, Mr. Olsen
Messrs. Ralph and Harry Green
were at Lincoln Monday where they
made a selection of an elegant new
soda fountain.
Dell Tyson came In Wednesday
morning from the western 'part of
the state, having been called back
on account of sickness.
Mrs. Bert Bennett has recently un
dergone a critical operation in one
of the Lincoln hospitals. The opera
tion was successful and the last
word received was that she Is getting
along nicely.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T.
Tyson Is suffering severely from loss
of blood resulting from having a
tooth extracted. The little boy Is
at the M. H. Tyson home where he
and the other children with their
mother are waiting while Mr. Tyson
is getting their new home near Max,
Neb., in readiness for occupancy.
E. T. Comer, M. II. Tyson and
Willie Langhorst returned Tuesday
from a few days duck hunt at Edgar,
Neb., bring home all they could carry.
The ducks were distributed among the
friends of the hunters and it is need
less to say they found a welcome
place in each household. Meat is aw
ful high; this kind some times too
high to distinguish.
Attorney D. O. Wwyer was down
from Plattsmouth on Monday attend
ing to business in Judge Newell's
William Clineburg of Tecumseh,
came Tuesday evening to spend a
few days visiting at the home of
Mrs. Mary Allison northeast of this
Mrs. Hattie Barnum arrived last
Sunday from California where she
spent several weeks, being called to
her home on account of the death of
Mrs. Eliza Barnum.
Wesley Chilcott and daughter Der
mla, arrived Tuesday evening from
Frontier county to make a visit with
.'relatives and numerous friends in this
vicinity, where Wesley spent bis boy.
hood days.
Willie, a 14 year old' son of John
Hostetter and wife residing north
east of this village, disappeared on
Monday and his parents are anxious
to learn of his whereabouts. He
started to school Monday and up till
noon yesterday he had not been seen
nor heard from.
Mrs. Harry Graves, wife of the
Ledger editor, was taken to Omaha
last Sunday evening and on Monday
morning operated upon at the St. Jos
eph hospital by Dr. Allison. The
operation was very successful and the
patient is getting along remarkably
well and It is thought that she will
be able to return home in about ten
The sale of the personal property
of the Robert Kendall estate was
held' Wednesday, and bidding was
quite lively and prices good. The
total amount of this sale was $10,486,
and one feature of it was the fact that
most of the purchasers paid spot cosh,
less than $1,000 being given in notes.
The size of this sale made It neces
sary to "double head" on auctioneers
and clerks. Auctioneer Wilkinson be
ing assisted by L. J. Hall, and Clerk
Pierson was assisted by C. L. Graves.
The hungry people were furnished
lunch by G. P. Barton.
Edwin Crites la Town.
Edwin D. Crltes Esq., county attot.
ney of Dawes county, Nebraska, came
in from Chadron, Nebraska, yeatert
day, and was an over night visitor
with his cousin County Attorney
W. C. Ramsey. Both young gentle
men left this morning for Omaha
where our Billy argues today before
Judge Troup, the motion for a new
trial In the Louisville " bridge case.
Mr. Crites is a son of Judge and Mrs.
A. W. Crites of Chadron, who form-
erely lived In Plattsmouth where their
son Edwin was born. Both Edwin and
Billy were elected at the same elec
tion. They are about the same age
and so far, both have made enviable
records as prosecuting attorneys of
their respective counties.
P. E. Ruffner and wife and Mrs.
Dr. Dodge of Omaha, came up to
this city last evening from Nehawka
where they have been making a visit
with E. A. Klrkpatrlck and family
for several weeks. They had a very
delightful time while In that enter
prising little city and were loath to
return to their home here. Mrs.
Dodge this morning returned to her
home at Omaha after spending the
night In this city with her parents.
If All
Men do not wear, stylish
clothes this Easter it won't 1
be our fault.
We have provided
are here fresh from the hands
the most skilled tailors in
America. In all our busi
ness career we have never
seen such beautiful suits as
those we are now showing.
Handsome gray effects in
stripes, plaids and mix
tures. Elegant browns,
blues, tans and olive shades
in soft finish and hard fin
ish goods.
The $60.00 tailor couldn't possibly
make you a better suit in point of tail
oring and graceful lines than one of our
Exclusive pattern Quality clothes from
$20 to $35. They are simply fine. We
are enthusiastic about them. ' You
couldn't help but be when you try them
on. The picking is good now. Come
in this week.
C. E.
The Home of Satisfaction
Short Locals
From Friday's Dally.
Henry Born and family are among
those in the city today, coming in for
the services of Good Friday.
John Kaffenberger Is among those
In the city today, driving In from his
home west of the city with his fam
ily for the Good Friday services.
Fred Kehne, one of the enterpris
ing farmers from west of the city is
in the city today looking after busi
ness matters and visiting with his
Geo. P. Meislnger, the well known
and popular citizen of Cedar Creek
came down this morning on the
Schuyler train and is spending the
day in the city with relatives.
Mr, Puis, Sr., came in this morning
from his home near Murray to look
after- some business matters and to
visit friends.
Adam Fornoff of Cedar Creek is
among those spending the day in the
city with friends, coming down from
his home this morning on the ochuy
ler train.
George and Philip Thlerolf "of Ce
dar Creek are among the good peo
ple from the country spending today
in the city looking after business mat
ters, coming in this morning.
W, A. Cleghorn, executor of the
estate of Frederick Brunko, deceased,
was In the city today and filed a peti
tion for final settlement of his af
fairs as executor and his discharge
from the office.
John A., and Ferdinand J. Hen-
nlngs, two of the good citizens o
the neighborhood of Cedar Creek, are
In the city today looking after some
business matters, driving in this to
spend the day this morning.
Miss Angle McCarrol was a passen.
ger to Union this morning where she
will spend Sunday with her parents.
She was accompanied by Mrs. L. O.
Larson, who will spend a few days
with her daughters, Mrs. R. E. Foster
and Miss Esther Larson.
Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp and little
son Willie, were passengers for Om
aha today to consult a specialist in
regard to the eyes of the young man.
They have been troubling him consld
erable and It was thought best to
see what could be done for them now
before it is too late.
From Saturday's Dally.
George Kaffenberger and family
were In the city yesterday afternoon
doing some trading.
E. J. Wilson or Wabash wan a
visitor last night in the city, having
been registered at the Hotel Riley.
Jacob R. Vallery came in this
morning from his home near Mur
ray to attend to, business matters.
Wjlllam Trltseh and Ignaz Swenk
of Cedar Creek spent yesterday af
ternoon in the city, driving in from
their home for the afternoon.
M. G. McQuinn, one of Union's
best and most representative citizens
came up last evening from his home
to look after some business matters.
Uncle Ben Beckman came up this
morning from his home near Murray
and is looking after business mat
ters in the city.
Uncle Peter Keil drove In this
morning from his home near Cullom
to transact some business and to meet
with his many friends here.
C. Bengen, the well known stock
man and farmer from Mynard, Is in
the city today, having come in to
look after business matters.
Nick Halmes, the aged and popular
citizen from west of the city, Is spend
ing today in the city, driving In with
his estimable better half this morn
ing. Adam Kaffenberger, one of the
solid and substantial citizens of the
county, spent yesterday in the city,
having tome In to look after busi
A. F. Wellman of Waco, Neb., was
among those from out in the state
having business In the city last even
ing, being registered at the Hot!
G. W. Beverldge, one of the good
citizens from the Mynard neighbor
hood, came up yesterday to spend
the day in the city on business mat.
ters. '
Jas. W. Holmes, the Murray mer
chant, was a visitor last night In the
city attending to business matters,
coming up from his home on the
evening M. P. train.
( Mrs. I. N. Applegate of Union
passed through the city this morning
en route from her home to Vllllsca,
la., where she will mako a visit with
relatives for several days.
Mrs. Dunbar and little son of
Avoca, Neb., who have been making
a visit at Burlington, la., with rela-
ties, came in this morning for, a visit
here with Sheriff Qulnton and family,
the lady being a sister of the sheriff.
John Stones and wife came In yes
terday afternoon for a visit In the
city and were callers at the Journal
office where they renewed their sub
scription to the pappr for another
O. P. Horn, the well known citizen
from near Louisville is In the city
today visiting with friends and look
ing after some business matters. Mr.
Horn is accompanied by his son
Henry, both driving In from their
They" . J
: d
Copyright 1910
The House of Kuppenheimer
Frank Marlor is in the city this
afternoon from his home at Mynard,
attending to business. ' ""
11. R. Neltzel and family of Mar
dock came down yesterday and will
spend Easter in this city, the guests
of Mrs. Neitzel's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Guthman.
Herman F. Gansemer, one of the;
well known young farmers of this
section, was in the city today on bus
iness and while here he paid the
Journal a very pleasant and much ap
preciated call.
Charles Warner and family came
in yesterday from their home In the
precinct to do some trading, return
ing in their. large automobile In the
evening. Mr. Warner states that h
took advantage of Good Friday and
planted eighteen bushels of potatoes
during the morning which indicates
he wilt raise some potato crop.
Mrs. N. Blntner Is spending today
in Omaha with her husband at the
hospital. Mr. Bintner who has been
a sufferer from enlargement of th
heart, has been feeling quite well tor
several days but yesterday be took
worse. This la not regarded as a.
serious backset and Is attributed t
the weather which has been unusually
warm for this time of the year.
Uncle Ben Marler who very recent
ly celebrated his 90th birthday, to
in the city today coming In from his.
home at Mynard. Uncle Ben eor
rorborates Grandpa Bailey regarding
Halley's cornet as given In another
place and states that while his re
collection of the wonder is rather
faint, he believes that in 1835 th
comet was in the northern heavens.
He remembers very distinctly the
stir which it made among the people.
J. Q. Lansing, a prominent stock
raiser and farmer from near South
Bend is spending today in the city
looking after business matters. Mr.
Lansing was mwh concerned over
the dpnth of the late Mrs. Flnton and
states that the people of that section
of the country were very much ex
ercised over the conditions surround
ing her taking off. He returned to
his home this afternoon on the Schuy
ler train.
Mayor L. B. Brown of Kenosha,
together with his nephew, George
Haygood of Onawa, la., came up this
morning, the latter gentleman depart
ing this afternoon for his home af
ter having spent several days visit
ing with his uncle. Mr. Brown Is
still able to report peace and quiet
ude prevailing in his bailiwick and
everything lovely. He paid the Jour,
nal his usual pleasant call and was
warmly received. He was greatly
pleased with his nephew's visit
and regretted exceedingly that he had
to return to his home.