The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 24, 1910, Image 8

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Not One of the Number Nomi
nated by the Citizen Con-
vention Have Filed.
Yesterday was the last day oi
which to file certificates of nomina
tion for the city offices for the April
lection. There were only two certi
ficates filed, those of the Democrats
and of the Republicans. The Citizens
organization failed to file their ticket,
the reason assigned being that th
people had lost interest In the move
ment and the promoters did not be
lieve they would be Justified In put
ting a ticket in the field. This leaves
the fight between the two old parties
as in the past.
According to this the candidates for
the school board will be H. M. Soen-
nichsen and J. M. Roberts, Democrats,
and Mrs. Agnes Chapman and Mrs.
Laura Thrasher, Republicans, al
though It is understood that both of
those ladies decline to make the race,
Mrs. Agnes Chapman this morning
authorized the- Journal to positively
announce for her that she would not
accent the nomination. The declina
tlon of Mrs. Thrasher will more than
likely be Issued during tho day which
will result In leaving the field clear
for the Democratic members of the
board seeking re-election.
In the First ward the candidates
for the council will bo Councilman
D. O. Dwyer, seeking re-election,
Democrat, and John Iverson, Repub
In the Second ward the candidates
arc Louis W, Lorenz, Democrat, nnd
Council William Weber, Republican,
who seeks re-election. . ,
In the Third ward the candidates
will be A. S. Will. D niocrat, C. A.
Johnson, Republican nnd Councilman
F. II. Stelmker who will run as a
candidate for re-election by petition.
In the Fourth ward the candidates
will be C.eorgo Dodge, Demo
crat, Wm. Fahlson, Republican, and
Councilman Frank Neu'tnun, who will
seek re-elrctlon e.a a candidate ly
In the Fifth ward the randldatts
will be William Gravett, Democrat,
and John Toman, Republican.
The greatest Interest attaches in
tho lights In the Second, Third,
and Fourth wards, the triangular con
tests In the Third and Fourth making
matters especially interesting there
Tho Democrats are confident they
will carry all three wards. L. W
Lorenz. candidate In the Second ward
express's the utmost confidence In
his ability to defeat Councilman Web
er and he Is making a strong and
vigorous fight with that end In view
Mr. Lorenz is ono of the clty'B live
and hustling business men and he
means to do all in his power for the
i Itv's advancement if elected. He has
started his campaign already and
states that he will carry the fight to
a finish.
In the Third Mr. Will, the Demo
eratle candidate, Is handicapped by
reason of being out of the city but he
will return In time to get into the
fight. He Is personally a very popular
man and In addition, Is considered
one of the city's ablest business men
with largo interests which require the
exercise of good Judgment in advanc
ing the city's interests nnd that of his
neighbors. Councilman Stelmker, It
is conceded, will make a vigorous
fight for re-election and ho Is a
formidable antagonist. Ho will give
1r. Will a close race. Mr. Johnson,
the Republican candidate, will be
third In the light. Ho is a good man,
but he will find himself overshadowed
by his two able competitors In this
George Dodge, Democratic candl
date In tho Fourth, is making an act
Ive and energetic fight and believes
his prospects good this time. Ho has
an excellent record nnd stands very
high In the community and besides,
he has an united Democratic support
for tho first time In somo years.
Councilman Neumaii Is also making a
stiff fight and is rousing up his
strength In tho ward which is not
small by any means. Mr. Fahlson
the Republican candidate will run
third in this ward and cannot hope
to defeat either of his two Btrong
In tho First nnd Fifth wards Conn
cilman Dwyer and William dravett
will win handily with good majori
ties, the former making gains over his
voto of ono year ago without doubt.
Since tho above was put In print
Mrs. Chapman has experienced a
change of sentiment nnd has sent
word to the Journal that sho will
take the matter of accepting tho Ro
publlcnn nomination for school board
under advisement. This would Indi
cate that she may accept and mako
tho race. No word has been received
from Mrs. Thrasher up to two o'clock
as to her Intentions in the matter but
she will probably shapo her course
V I- lMckett m Pilot.
Agent W. L. Pickett of the Bur
lington knows now what it is to be
chosen as a pilot for a foreigner wno
i,n.irtnd any Knulish. This
lauuub . . . - i
n.nrnin a Greek landed at the Rur-
llington station fresh from the south
of Eurpoe and utterly unraminar j
with the English tongue. In the good
ness of his heart Agent Pickett
thought he would show him the
whereabouts of the Burlington extra
gang which he evidently wanted to
Join, so he marched him off througn
the yards to where the Greeks are
staying. They happened to be all out
on the road at the time and he was
unable to make the fellow under
stand what he wanted hlra to do.
His object was to Induce him to stop
at the Greek's rest and stay his weary
soul but he failed to make it plain
and all day long he has been corn
field to stand, being shadowed by
his new ward. No matter where Wil
liam wandered the faithful Greek
came slipping along silently and
obediently in his footseps. When the
time came to eat Mr. Pickett tele-
nhoned his wife that she might look
for company to dinner altuougii ne
nourished tho fond hope that ho
might possibly lose his friend but the
hopes were dashed and when he got
ready to go home, his attempt to es
cape by crawling out of tho ticket
window was frustrated by the Greek
who met him at the door of the wait
ing room with a smile both childlike
and bland. It was in vain that Wil
liam sought to lose his shadow by
dodging about corners and doubling
on his trail always the faithful
Greek was there waiting for him and
at last, in despair, Mr. Pickett sur
rendered and marched him home to
where ho was permitted to eat at a
second table. This afternoon the
weary agent was transacting business
with tho Greek like the shade of
Omnipotence, roosting under his eyo
nnd watching his every motion with
a lynx-like gaze which was Irritating
in the extreme. Pickett hopes theyex
tra gang quits and gets bnck to town
before supper time, as ho don't rel
ish another menl under the austerer
gave of his friend.'
Nihil ARMY
Arthur Doty Arrested on Tele
gram and Proves the Young
Man Wanted.
Arthur Doty, mention of whose
takine Into custody by Sheriff Quin
ten yesterday, was made In last even
imr'a Journal, turns out to be a
deserter from the United States army
After the Journal had gone to press
yesterday afternoon the sheriff re
ceived a telegram from the military
authorities at Fort Russell, Wyo.,
stating that Doty was a deserter and
asking that tne sheriff take him into
custody and deliver him to the near
est military post which, in this case,
is Fort Crook. The capture of a de
serter carries with it a reward of $50
which Sheriff Qulnton will receive for
his apprehension of the deserter. Doty
is in Jail here and will be returned
over to the federal authorities at
Fort Crook by the sheriff within a
few days. There seems to be some
question in the minds of those who
have seen and talked with Dety as
to his sanity. Sheriff Qulnton is of
the opinion that the man is slightly
unbalanced although he does not
consider him a dangerous lunatic
This oplnolon Is Bhared by those
at the Perkins hotel where the young
man was rooming when captured. It
la believed that the United States
authorities will give him an examlna
tlon as to his sanity previous to pun
ishing his deserton. When he do
serted ho was stationed at Fort Rns
sell and the authorities at that post
linve conducted a search for him
lnr with the result as outlined
State of Nebraska, In district court for
the County or lass.
.1 t, ! Title.
Cieorge W. Harshman. plaintiff.
Jeremiah S. Carr, J. R. Carr. W. W.
Willlngham. John II. Maiun, trustee; VI' Ci'iint M:irth:l W. Carr.
Joseph Anton Gerlg,. Uenofeva Uerig
and Theresa lierig, neirs anu uensna
of Henry lierig, deceased; Surah A.
Willi.son, Snrali A. Wilson Marquis
and husband, L. E. Marquis. Ueorge
V liivnn Kehecca AHhlev. lleDeeca D.
Conner and husband Conner,
first and real name unknown; ueorge
t . lHxxon, Ueorge . viCKKoy, aiary
1 McCartney, A. E. McCartney,
Amnmln J. McCartney. William D.
Gregory and wife, Dellnda Gregory,
George W. Uetts and wire, itacnei j.
Kelts, non-residents oi me maie oi
Nebraska; H. Wolph, 1). W. Show and
Clendenen W. Mitchell, only surviving
heirs of H. C. Wolph and wife, Ksther
Wolph, aeceasea; Amelia a. naiue
man, formerly widow of Addison 1'.
Weston, deceased, and his only sur
vlLinir Imlr unri devisee.
Tin, iinltiinutn helr nnd devisees of
Jeremiah S. Carr and of his wife, Martha
t i'.,w lui.ouuuil tlm unknown heirs
and devisees of J. S. Cam deceased; the
unknown assignees, heirs anu aevisees
nt v w W'llllnirhHin. deceased, the un
known assignees, heirs and devisees
of John 11. Maxon, trustee, deceased
iha nnbnnwn heirs and devisees or niar-
tha W. Grant, deceased; me unknown
imlra nml fleulueeH lf SatH.ll A. Willi
M,.n H.x'uiiueil i lie unknown heirs and
devisees of Sarah A. Wilson Marquis
and of her husband, L. H. Marquis, de-
...,nu,.,l- tUa iintniiwn heirs of Georire P.
lilxon, 'deceased; the unknown heirs and
devisees or Rebecca Asmey, ueceaseu
f m iinUnnwn tlPirtl mill I1V1SCCN III lie
becca I). Conner and or lier nusnanu
Conner, real name unknown
River on the Room.
An unusual rise In the Missouri
piv,.r lu diking tiluce at present. Dur
ing the last three days the river hasift drunk at South Rend and terorrlz-
M His Old Tricks
Mrs. Ed. Fenton, wife of the s
tlon foreman at South Bend came
down this morning on the Schuyler
and Informed Sheriff Quint on that
John LIsh who wns fined $1".0 by
Judge Travis yesterday for selllns
liquor without a license, and who'
was later released on parole, was on
come up with startling rapidity and
this morning it covers a large part
of the lowland In front of the city,
presenting a wide expanse of water
from the Nebraska to the lowa
shores. The rise Is unusual In that
It Is so early In the year. Many old
rlvcrmen state that it Is very seldom
that tho river has been this high at
this time of the year as March Is too
early for the annual rise. The rise
this time Is In the Missouri river ns
the Platte is reported to be about
normal., It Is believed that the rise
Is caused by melting snow on th
ii nnor Missouri watershed. There Is
a good deal of n rift running and yes
terday morning there was some Ice
which evidently came from the far
north! It Is b lleved by rlvermen
that this rise will result In making
tho usual April nnd Juno rises smaller
than usual and probnbly avert flood
ing the lowa bottoms. A rumor pre
vailed here yesterday that a portion of
the Louisville wngon bridge had gone
out but no definite information to
this effect could bo found nnd there
seems no reason to believe It.
IVeU'Very Thankful.
Mrs. Fllnton of Denver, Col., a sis
ter of Charles Truman, Is In the city,
having come In to make arrangements
for taking the Truman children back
homo with her. A large number of
the liberal minded people of the city
had raised a fund to send tho children
to her home In that city and she do
sired the Journal to express her
thanks for tho timely aid. Sho also
asked that the thanks of herself and
her brother bo publicly expressed to
Mrs. Herman Fields for her unselfish
work In enrlng for the late Mrs. Tru
man during her long spell of illness.
Mrs. Fllnton was born In this city
and will be quite well remembered by
many here. She has been a resident
of Denver for some time. She Is
deeply grateful to the good people
here for their help during the suffer
ing of her slster-ln-lnw and their aid
for the children after death came.
lug the people. According to her,
LIsh came back to the town yester
day well organized nnd was engaged
in making people imagine that a
small edition of sheol was locnted In
their midst last night and today. As
ho as released on parole, It Is probable
Judge Travis will compel him to
square up his fine now or go to jail.
Roth Judge Travis and County Attor
ney Ramsey are out of tho city today
and action will be deferred until their
Tho condition of Mrs. Fenton from
what appeared of her In the office of
Clerk of the Court Robertson Is such
that there seems to be ground for
an examination by the insanity com
mission. She told the Journal man
that she intended to commit suicide as
soon as she got home as she was
afraid of LIsh and that both he and
her hutband abused her when they
were drunk and that her husband
was drunk last night. The woman's
condition is really pitiable and some
thing should bo done as she is liable
to do herself some severe Injury.
he is apparently a nervous wreck and
constantly referred to the fact that
she was alone In the world with no
children and that her death would
not hurt anyone. She declared that
tho officers were not trying to do any
thing to protect her nnd other similar
talk which indicated that her mind
was unbalanced.
The Wrong Hunter.
The Item in last evening's Journal
in reference to the three plain drunks
who were haled before Judgo Archer
yesterday stated that they Included
ono Robert Hunter. This should
havo road John Hunter and It was
not Robert, the son of J. R. Hunter
of this city. The young mnn desired
that the fullest possible publicity be
given tho fact that ho was not and
has not been in pollco court and the
Journal cheerfully complies with his
A Happy Event.
A pleasant little party was gath
ered at the homo of George Thomas
today, tho occasion being the triple
celebration of the birth anniversaries
of threo of the guests. They were
Grandma Mann, the mother of the
hostess, Mrs. Thomas, George W
Thomas, himself and his Bon Carl
Tho aged lady celebrated her sev
enty-fifth anniversary, Georgo cele
brated his thirty-fifth and Cnrl his
ninth birthday. In addition the young
lad had another celebration coming
in tho shape of his being the on
scholar in his class at school exempt
from taking the examination ns he
had tho required number of credits
to be exempted from this. There
wns a flno birthday dinner spread
and n general good tlmo had by nil
with Mrs. Chapman.
J, S. Irvin of Murray, was In tho
city Saturday and added his name to
the Journal's rapidly expanding list
of renders in that vicinity, lie wns
a welcome caller and will find the
latch-string on .he outsldo whenever
he chooses to mako us a call.
.I........ it,A thu unknown heirs find de
luces of Geoi Ke l . i)lson,ueceaeu; me
unknown heirs and devisee of Mary
I'. McCartney, deceased; lli unknown
i,,. i.j .....I iiuvlxeeM nf A. K. McCartney.
deceased; the unknown 4ielrs
..iur.uu at Anuinilii J. McCartney, de
ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees
of William 1). Gregory and or nis wue
lioi iireirnrv. deceased: me un
known heirs and devisees or weorge
ii? n,.itu mill wife, tinelie J. Hetts. (le
nn,'.ua.i tiia unknown heirs nnd devisees
respectively, . of josepn Anion .ierig,
Geiinfuva Ceng ana unersa uerig, ue
censed, neienuanis
vni in n mcIi nnd nil of the above
mimed non-residents of the State of
Nebraska nnd to eticli nnd an oi uie
above mimed unknown heirs and ue
vlsees. defendants.
t. or, ..i, ci wl nil of the nbove named
non-resiiienlH of the state or .MMirasna
and to each and all of the above'i
enknown heirs and devisees, oeienu
v.... n,,ii i.nrh nf vnii tire hereby notl
lie l'th d:iv- of February
i i, i.nci Inf Iff filed bis netition
in the district court for the County of
Cuss, Stnte of Nebraska, the object and
prayer or which is 10 connrm aim quiei'iui,. ni'iiinvt von iinil each of you
In' nnd to the following described lands
in the County of t, fetalis or .eiirus-
ka. to-wit:
Tin, went Imlf hv'll of the northwest
ii.iiii.r iiiui. 1 of section numbered
thirty-five (:!r,),the west half ( w ) of
the northeast quarter ( ne f.j i of sahf sec
tion numbered iniiiy-uve (.,;;, mu tm
half l w '.j. I of the. southeast quarter (se1 i )
f sii i section tiumncreo niini-nvi
i-.i thn enst half eV. of the north
ensl quart. r fne', ) of rectiou numbered
fhirtv-foui' ( ). the norineasi qu.uici
I,... p. i nf I lie southeast quarter (seU)
of said section numbered thirty-four
CM), lh east half (vj) or the west
half (wK. ) of the northeast quartet
in. .1:1 i,f cnlil ueetlnn numbered tllil'tv
four CI 1 1, and the east half of
the northwest quarter (mv'j) of the
I..... i-, mi ,-t i.t iii'. i of said sec
tion numbered thirty-four (.14), all of
said lands In township numbered ion
.mi ..,.ili ,f vuniro nnmtiernn iwe VI
(12), in the County of Cnss, .State of
v-limiuVii fur tiuit nhiintif bv himself
.....I .linn l;-iu l.ei.n In the unen. con
tinuous, exclusive, adverse possession "i
said described lanos ior more inun
iiai,iv.wviiii ("7 1 vears nrior to the
date of flllntr this petition, thereby ac-
quirinK absolute title to said nines ami
i. ...... 1. 1. I,., vfiiii- nil elnlniH of title there
to, and liens thereupon by long lapse
of time.
To especially have cancelled of record
a certain deed of trust given by i!e
r i..t lui-nmiuh .Q Pnrr In the name
of .1. S. Carr to defendant, John It.
m.. ...... i,.ii..i,.ii ii. tlm nnlil northwest
quarter (nwi)'of the northeast quarter
i 1 ' 1 t 1.1 unnllnn n 1 1 m hiirpil tbll'tv
i tie V J vi .iiiiii f.-v
five naid township nnd ranK", to se
cure the payment or ine sum oi io
hundred dollars ($:'00.0i) to defendant,
iv it' ivinii iiriinm until deed of trust
I...1 i 11,1,1k "A" nt nnire 2 f. .r . of the
deed records of said County of Cass.
To confirm and quiet tme in piainuii
, . i . ll...l... WT
nmi nirmnst deieuoani. .vi.u
ii..nn in ,11,1 tn tlm unnthwest One
fourth (sw'i ) of the northeast one-
f.l'. oi,1 tin, tvour linlf hvlyl
IDlll III 1IIC, 4 I !.' ,
nf the Routhenst one-fourth (se1.) of
....i.i .Him mimlioieil tlilrlv-nve Ci.'i)
said township and ranire, by reason of a
deed or conveyance or sum Hum
,1. .f.. .!., lurnmlnli S! I'llTT tO Said
Martha W. Crant or date nepiemner
in tw'.ti .,,.,1 wn.nfil.iil In KOOU li HI
p.'iVe 3X9, of the deed records of said
County of Cass, under which iieeu sum
Mnrthn. V. Grant claims an Interest In
.... I.t 1. ....I..
lli llilliin.
To confirm nnd quiet tme in piainim iu
m niiriwinur minrii'r i nt 111 inrr ouutir
east quarter (se'i) of said Rectlon num
1 1 .t.i...,--,i,t,. 11.11 nnld townsbln
oeii-u 11111 ij i"ui 1....,
and ranire ns nunlnst defendants,
i:..iirire w ttelts nnd w re. liacnei j
ii,,ii. CoiVi A Wllllr.nn. Stnrflb A. Wll
son Marquis and husband, U K. Mar-
1.. i... ......... .n ? tk itoil nf ronvev-
qilis, 'y irimini ' " '
ance of said lands Dy sam uhhk"
Hells nnd wife to snld Sarah A. Ullll
son of date of April 28, 1868, recorded In
MOOK IV BL --iM. ,4' r
... . .. .i - .nl.l pnnntv under which
I l"l "I IIH vi rani , -
deed snld Snrnh A. Wlllison claims an
Interest In said lnnds, nnd to confirm
.. 1 .. ,iiin in ninintirf to the lands
turn miiei lino ..1 -
last above nescrineu, nu hk"ii . ,
w1..u1. 1 1UI unn IllflllllM II Tl 1 1 I 1INIIIIII1I.
nainil t. 11 iMwii ...... ...... - - ----- -
I K. Mnrquls, bv reason of a deed or
. ., ..1,1 liiniln In one. Henrv
cuiiev) mien in o,i. ,
OiirlK. of date February 25, 1875, and
recorded in hook u hi v""
tho deed records of snld county, under
...1.1..1. j.i ti,a oal.l r. 10. Marnuls
Willi II m-eii .ii"
clnlms nn Interest In snld lands. Also
to conrirm nnd quiei in piauiini im.
. . .i. 1 1.. inat nhnva ilescrlned
11, 111M lllllim 1101. ....-.
ncnlnst defendnnts, Joseph Anton (er k,
C.....,..,o iiuriir nnd Theresa GerlK,
last abovif described by said KeNecca !
Ashley In the name 01 lieueccn i. i-uii-ner,
and said Conner, real name
unknown, her husband, to said .auuisou
1'. Weston of date November 5, li4, .
recorded in Hook (!" at pape 260, of
the deed records of said county, but
which deed by mistake and ommission
was not signed by said Conner,
real name unknown.
To confirm and quiet title In plain
tiff against defendants, Mary I. Mc
Cartney, A. K. McCartney and Amanda
J. McCartney to the west half (wVi
of the northwest one-fourth (nw) of
. . 1 .. w I tut-... Mu.
vain section iiuini'irru iiiiiij-iiiii i-.
anu 10 me easi nun ui m -
east one-fourth (neli) of said section
numoereu iniriy-iour tot;, iiij cam. nan
(eW) or tne west nan iw 01 me
.!..... .... ...,K InAL nf colli U,.
nui inrani ,,--.. ... ... . . ... - - - - -
tlon numbered thirty-four (34) and the
east half (eV4) of the nortnwesi one-
fourth (nw1) or tne souineasi une-.-....!.
1 u n 1 , r 9 o 1.1 bu,.i i nn nnmhered
.1,111 111 1 .-..-. . -. . . . . --
(34), all of snld lands In said township
and ranne, by reason 01 a aeea 01 con
.... .-o ,. ,,f ua ,1 Inmlix hv A. A1C
Ca'rtnev, Henry M McCartney and said
Mary P. McCartney and said A. K. Mc
I'.i.inuv in ii f .. 11 ,i n n f Amnnda J. Mc
Cartney, dated AukusI zu. isoo. ana re
corded In Hook "J" at page 340. of the
,1... 1 nmnrild nf unlit COlintV. In Which
deed said Mary 1. McCartney and said
A. K. McCartney railed 10 join in 1110
acknowledgement thereof.
To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff
asainst defendants, George V liixson.
t.eorge r . Dixon, William l. ureKoiy
and wife, Dellnda Gregory, and B.
. . ..... ... , ... y iir
Wolpli, 11. w. Miow ana cienueueu .
Mitchell, only survlvlni? heirs and de
visees or Henry C. woipn, oeceaseu,
to the east half (ei) and twenty acres
off of the east slda of the west half
(wV4) of the northeast quarter inei
of said section numbered thirty-four
(34), said townsnip anu range, oy rea
son of a deed of conveyance of said
lends by said George F. Dixon to II. C.
Wolph of date October ist", ami
recorded In Hook "D" at page 217, of
11. .1 .i..,i ii,.np,iu nf mi lil Ciiiinlv of Cass.
.1,1.1 i.i. rouuiin nf n .teed of conveyance
of said lands by said George F. Dixon
In the name or George v: uixson, 10 ue
fenilant, William I. Gregory of date
October 29, ISliO, and recorded in Hook
"D" at page of said deed records;
and bv reason of a deed of conveyance
of said lands by said William D. Gre-
o-m-ir ami w I f .1 llelinilll llrPLTOrV. TO Sdld
Adiilson P. Weston of date August 19,
ui:- 0,1.1 i.n,.in,iH in Hunk "F" at Dace
..-,'ltl, IV 11.. 1 . v - ' ... - - r '
21H of said deed records; anu uisu u.v
reason of a deed of conveyance of said
lands bv said II. C. Wolph and wife,
Ksllier Wolph, to said Addison P. Wes
ton, of date August 19, 18ti:i. and re
corded In Hook "F" at page 217, of said,lu tlio ileoerttiHtm ill sa'd
iii:i-u . .71. in ... -i, v..
several deeds of conveyance of said
and being uncertain and inueriniie.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
11th dav of April, A- !. 1910. In de
,'...,it ,ti...w.f liLluniunt will be entered
confirming and quieting title to all the
i..,u oViin'o ilnuerllieil in nlaintllT and
against each and all of you and lor
costs or suit.
George V. IUirshman,
lis- Itasit S. Ilamsev nnd William C
Kiunsey. Attorneys for 1'iainiiu
as to tne
Baking Powder
RtctWtJ HilbMt Av4
Ckiufo. 197.
In (he District Court nt the Comily of
t iih.k. Mule or enrnsKii.
Clmi-lt s I). Schwiili and .Mary C. .Schwab,
.hnnes Kidwell, Dorothy A. llamsey.
W illiam 15. P.atnsey, tlugli n. uanisey,
I.awicnce P. Ramsey, Charles I).
Ilamsoy, John Kainsey, .lames Kam-
Mile surviving neirs oi juuii
I1.1.H.-..V .li.i ensoil Sural en. Davis iv
( ' jiiij.ii'.iv, a linn composed of William
11. Spralien. William l . pavis anu j.
H. Argyle, llrst and real name un
known, their successors and assign
Dnvls, SamuelChambers
il'liam 1!. .Hpratlen, William 1. Dav
Do you want an
If you do, get one who hns
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates mado at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service, Reasonable Rates
ILUUllim uciriiunuin " .
OenofevR Cerlg, and Theresa Gerlg,
i... ....i j.iiim,a, nf TTenrv Cerlg. de-
lll'lin HUH MV I l..v . n " . -- - ' ---
ceased, bv reason or a cerium k-s-j
of four thousand dollars ($4000.00) be-
.i..a . - A I lnu, nnmeil (lefentl-
uuenineu iu nmu moi. , t,
ants of said Henry Geriff. deceased, said
legacy creating- an apparent m-u
im lnnds Inst above described.
-.1 f unnril f, eertflln llOWPT
of attorney given by defendant, George
F D xson, to (leienonni, vii-uic . . -!.
i- n.w.ii. ' at nnen 514.
ny, recoriieu in min . . ,
. ', ,, r.9 nnlil PlllintV Ot
or tne nam rmnui ti i-ii
Cass, covering the south half (s A) "t
the southwest one-rourin ini
northwest one-fourth nw) of sal.
section numbered thlrty-flve (jr, and
. t rxt tia nmitnonst
IMfl rnti iiun ' ' ' 1 t
(em of the northwest one-fourth
. .,.. I, nvt nnn-fonrth
nw."v. ' -11 "... v 'vu. or the
soulfiwrst one-fourth (sw 4 ) ef the
northeist one-rourin iinv, i tne.
east half (eU.) of tho northwest one
fourth (nw'i1) of the southeast one
fourth (ae'.i) f eald section numbered
thirty-four (34). said township and
To confirm nnd quiet title in i n n-,
tilt against defendants George K llx
on. Kcbecca Ashley. Pebecca I). Conner
'"""""V1 VV " 1' ' form:
XnM' only" heiVand devisee of
Add son P. W eStO l, oeceiii-.-ii. i"
east half (eH) of tho northwest mmr
ter (riwU) of the otJ,7-t(J'",;rt;rf
(se',4) nnd the went half w
the'Vnst half .V of the wes half
all in said section numbered thirty
four (34 said township and range bv
reason of a claim to said lanrt. hv Mid
Itehecca Ashley under a deed of con
vevnnce thereof by iald l'0.
Dixon to snld Hebecca Ashley of dntj
In Monk "D" at page 12. of the deed
reconf of "aid county: ami by rrnson
of a deed of conveyance of the lands
ii ii'imiii tieut nml real name
unknown, non-reshlents of the .State
of Nebraska: the unknown heirs and
devisees yi James Kliiweii, oeceaseu,
,t. ,,nir nmi'ii lielru nml devisees of
William II. Spratien, deceased; the un
known heirs anu uevisees oi iiiiihin
P. Davis, deceased; the unknown heirs
.,! .i.iiriunmi nf w 1 linvls deceased:
the unknown heirs and devisees of
A. II. Argyle, nrst and real name un
known, deceased; the unknown heirs
ii,i .lnt-iuimia nf Samuel Chambers.
deceased; the unknown heirs and de
visees of Susanna UiocK oeceaseu,
1......I. nn.i oil nt tliA nlinve named non-
,...i.intu nf tim stnti nf Nebraska, and
each and all of the above named un
known heirs and devisees, iietenuaius,
are hereby notified that on the lflth
.1.,.. ,.r i.-,.ii a ii mid iibi Int Iff s tiled
their petition' In the District Court of
ii.u mmntu ar inu rvenrnsKH.. I ie uu-
LII1T 1UIIIIIJ . , . , I
ject and prayer of which is to con-i
Mrm and quiet their line in mem aim
against you, and each of you, in and to
the following nescrineu uinus. suumcu
In the county of Cass, State of Nebras
ka, by reason of open, notorious, ex
clusive, peaceable, continuous ami nu
verse possession thereof by them and
their grantors, for more than twenty
live years, towlt: The north half (n4)
of the southeast qunrter (seU). and the
north half (n)of the southeast quar
ter (se'4) or the souineasi quin ter
(se'4) of section thirty-one (31), town
ship eleven (11), north,, range fourteen
(II), east of the sixth principal meri
dian, and to bar you nnd each of you
from having or claiming any imm,
title or Interest In or to snld described
real estate, or a,ny pnrt thereof, and
for equitable relief; and to confirm and
quiet their title In them and against
the unknown heirs ami devisees m
Susnnna Brock, deceased, to the fol-
in. iiniiKi' hn,i rem esinie. siiuaieu
In audi nniintv anil Hfl id state, bv reason
t n nmnl trn iru ilneil cYecllted anil de-
i,i o. ---
llvered by plalntins to one nusanna
Brock, now deceased, to secure the pay
ment to her of an annual sum during
her lifetime upon saiu real estaie, io
...ii. ii. t n i n nine CD. thirteen
13). and fourteen (14), all In the north
east quarter (neU) of the northeast
..Ar i no i . i anil t n hiiiiiii i bil nvt
rter (neU 1. and the
i. .t i-ini- inu'i. 1 nf the north-
lll'l ill mri-l ii... . i . ' - --
east qunrter (nev4) an in ine an-iiuu
township and range nereinueiui o uc
scrlbed. said mortgage being unreleased
of record, and also to bar you, the said
unknown heirs and devisees oi Susanna
Urock, deceased, from having or claim
ing any right, title or Interest in or to
snld last described real estate, or any
part thereof, and for equitable relief.
You and eacn oi you are rwiuimu m
answer said petition on or before the
2nd day of May, A. I). 1910. In default
thereof. Judgment will be entered con
firming and quieting line to an mo
estate, above described, In plaintiffs
herein. ... .
Charles hi. wnwau
Mary C. Schwab.
By their Attorneys
ltamsev & Ramsey.
(First publication March 21, 1910.)
Most Worthy Kiiterprise.
Last Saturday the Olson Prot
graph company turned out Us firm
product Jn the shape of a photograph
medallion in colors. The back of tae
medallion la a mirror. The work
which they have executed upon tfcU
first batch of the medallions is re
markably good. The scenes whieu
have been colored are taken from
some of the many pretty landscapes
in this part of the country and the
are very beautiful. Of the work it
self, it can be said that it is up t
the high standard which this enter
prising company has made success of.
As is known this firm produces photo
graphs which are superior to aaf
manufactured in the east, or in fact,
anywhere in the country and they
have gotten the work down to s
line a point that the medallion rj
fleets equally high grade work. Ta
company Intends to put this medal
lion on the market throughout tue
country and can compete successfully
with any firm in the world of high
clas3 work. The Olson Photograph
company it may be remarked hai
achieved a signal success during, the
time it has been located in tnis city.
It's business is large and the de-maud
for its specialities is great. Of their
post cards which are turned out by
the thousands daily, too much canntc
be said. The workmanship on thess
cards is pronounced by experts tfc
bewt out. Their medallions will
equally as good. The firm employ
a large number of young lady em
ployes and it disburses a large sui
in wages each week in this city. It
deserves every possible encourage
ment from tho city.
II. M. Blauma, one of Louisville's
good citizens, was In the city today
attending the funeral of his old friend
Conrad Schalter, and while here h
called upon the Journal and renewe
his subscripticn to the paper for an
other year.
Cuss County Teachers Meeting.
The general meeting of the teach
ers of Cass county will be held ac
Louisville, on Saturday, April 16.
Mary E. Foster,
l,K.(i A l, MTI('K.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. In County Court
county or iass. ;
To all persons interested:
You are nereoy nonueu mm imi
i.n.. tiAn riin,i in this eniirt the netiti'
lltlPI IIC1-I, 1M1.U ... ...... V 1
of Minnie It. swan, tne prayer ui mini
Is that tne auineniicaieu tui.i ui in-"
last will and testament of said Esdra
i-i Uu-n .i l.n.naunil hfl nrobated and al
lowed as tue last will and testament of
said deceased, wnicn win is now on mo
in this court.
vn,. oi-o further notified that there
will be a hearing upon' said petition be
fore this court nt tne county conn ru"M
at Plattsmouth In said county on th
9th day or April, lino, at id ociocr a.
m., and that all objections, If any, must
be filed on or before saiu day anu nouc
of bearing.
witness mv hand nnd the seal of tin
countv court of Cnss county, this ISth
day of March, 1910
Alien J iieesiin,
(Seal) County Judg.
Asiu.wn nitAivw-K distukt.
Notice of KlrWInn.
-Vmi ,i i-a harahv nntlfled Hint On thft
second Tuesday of April, 1910, to-wit.
Jkprll 12, 11U, Deiween me innun i
elgiit o'clock a. m., and six o'clock p.
m., Ashland Drainage district will hoU
Its annual election at the store room f
K. L. McKlnney within said district
situated on lot two (2), block thirty
three (33), In that part of Ashlan.
ntv. Nebraska, formerlv-
called Flora City, for the purpose of
electing one director of Bald district M
place of Charles Miner wnose lerm a
director will then expire.
Dated Marcn a, iiu.
Nelson Shaffner, Tresldent.
A. B. Fuller, Secretary.
(Seal) Ashland Drainage District.
Ptatk or NunnASKA. I IN Coi'ntt Court.
COt'NTTOKCASS .1 . . . ,
in the matter of the esiaie oi j. uun
lioyal, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given mat me credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate, before me,
,., nf Cuss countv. Nebraska.
at the county court room In Platts
mouth, In said county, on ine. j.m nay
of April. A, D., 1910. nnd on the 12th day
of October. A. D., 110, nt 10 o'clock a.
m. each dav, for the purpose of pre
senting their clnlms for examination,
adlustment nnd allowance.
1.. mh. nre mlnwed for the crcd
n ..i,i .linienueil to Tiresent their
claims, nnd one year and six months for
the ailmlnistraior to nemo rum cnmi.,
from the 12th any or April, j. v., mi",
VHness mv hand nnd seal of snld
countv court, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
lis H day or Marcn. a. u..
Allen J. Meeson,
County Judge.
WJlllnm ( Ramsey,
Itch! Itch Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Scratch! The more you scratch the
worse the Itch. Try Doan's Ointment.
It cures piles, eczema, any skin Itch
ing. All druggists sell it.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. In County Cour'
County of Cass. )
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that ther
lias been filed In this court the peti
tion of Albert A Welcbel, alleging
ll.rln that uulil ifllin Well'hpl llptinrt-
ed this life in said county, leaving
last will and testament.
The prayer or said petition is inac
said will be allowed and probated aa
li,it mtmlnlutratlnn nf aillll PMtnte
granted to said John H. Welchel.
You are further notiried tnat a near
Ing will be had upon said petition be-
rore mis couri in . me cuuniy i-uun
room in Plattsmouth, In snld county.
the 12th dav of April, 1911), nt o'eloslt
a. m., and that all objections, If any,
must be filed on or before said day au
hour of liirlng.
Dated this 21st day of March, 1910.
My the Court,
Allen .1. lleeson.
(Seal) County Judge.
State of Nebraska,)
)ss. In County Court
County of Cnss. )
ED. To all persons Interested:
You nre hereby notified thnt t
ndmlnlstrntor of snld estate has file
his flnnl report nnd petition for flaal
settlement of said estnte, and that a
hearing will be hnd upon the snme be
fore me, tho county Judge of said cou
tv, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April
1910, nt 10 o'clock a. m., of said dn.
and all objections, If any, must be BK.V
before snld hour of said day.
Witness my hand and seal of aii
county court of snld county, this 11 let
duy of March, 1910.
Allen J. Heeson.
(Seal) County Juda.
1 V.